Well      06/17/2019

How to effectively dry the cellar from moisture and condensation? Humidity in the basement: causes, consequences and methods of elimination There is very strong humidity in the basement

Cellar owners often complain about the humidity in them. Usually this problem is associated with violations committed during construction. How to reduce humidity in the cellar is a question that worries many Russians who store their vegetables in cellars and basements.

IN basements and cellars often experience excessive humidity. If you don’t start taking measures to eliminate it in time, fungus will appear, and then mold.

For obvious reasons, moisture and dampness are unacceptable in cellars and basements. In a room with humid air, mold and mildew appear. It is impossible to store vegetables in such a basement, and if the damp room is in ground floor, this may negatively affect the integrity of the entire structure.

One of the reasons for humidity and dampness is moisture penetrating into the room through the walls and subsequently accumulating on the floor. During its evaporation, air humidity increases many times over.

If the cellar or basement is located in a private house, the cause of dampness may be insufficient insulation of the building. At low temperatures, water penetrates into the basement through the joints in the walls of the house.

Groundwater may also be the cause of the increase. This is possible if the floor waterproofing is unsatisfactory.

Moisture removal methods

You can reduce the humidity in the basement different ways. But first, check the condition of the basement waterproofing. If it does not cope with the task, then it needs to be remade. This is often not a very cheap option.

Most inexpensive way, at which moisture in the cellar can be removed is as follows:

  • purchase plastic film, you can use the old one, the main thing is that it is intact. You will also need shovel, trowel and clay. If the floor of your cellar is clay, then use it;
  • remove a 5 cm layer of clay floor, level and compact the resulting surface. Carefully lay two layers of polyethylene on top of it. Pour a layer of clay on it and tamp it down thoroughly. This must be done carefully so that the film layer does not move. The clay will begin to dry out and the air in the cellar will become drier. Instead of a clay floor, you can make it out of concrete.

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Additional Causes of Humidity

  1. Moisture often appears in cellars during the snow melting season and after precipitation. Place a layer of sand at the bottom of the cellar and 10 cm of fine gravel on top. The dampness should disappear. If this does not happen within a year, then make the gravel layer thicker by another 10 cm. The groundwater will drop to a lower level, and from there it will no longer be able to rise to the level of the basement or cellar floor.
  2. The humidity in the basement is significantly affected by condensation that appears on the walls. You can combat it using special waterproofing plaster. Plaster the basement walls with it - and they will begin to breathe. The condensation will disappear along with the dampness. Ready-made waterproofing mixtures are sold in stores. You can cook it yourself. Add a waterproofing additive to dry plaster.
  3. Use a special solution to remove fungus and mold from the walls and apply plaster to the wall.
  4. Moisture in cellars appears where they have thin and cold floors. Make a double floor, in the middle of which lay a layer of roofing felt. Air humidity will decrease.
  5. You can combat moisture in the basement with the help of potassium chloride, which quickly absorbs excess moisture. Pour the powder of this substance into jars and place it in the corners of the cellar. This method works well if you have a small cellar.

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What to do if nothing helps

If all these simple ways cannot reduce the humidity in the cellar, then additional waterproofing must be created.

  1. You start with waterproofing the floor. Cover it with several layers of bitumen. Heat it with a hair dryer and lay two layers of roofing material on top. Instead, you can lay waterproofing; it is not subject to rot and is resistant to mold.
  2. At the second stage of waterproofing, build additional half-brick walls. Install a waterproofing layer between them. On top of the cellar you make concrete screed at 10 cm.

Has moisture started to appear on the floors and walls in the basement? What needs to be done to make it dry and suitable for storing vegetables?

  1. The first thing you need to do is to regularly ventilate the basement by opening it every day. Check ventilation.
  2. If moisture appears on the walls and floor in the basement in the spring, they need to be repaired. Make a screed on the floor using waterproof cement. Carefully inspect the walls, if there are cracks on them, repair them, and then plaster the walls.
  3. If possible, dig out the outside of the basement walls. Seal any cracks found cement mortar. Cover the walls with a layer of bitumen or roofing felt, this will enhance the waterproofing of the basement. You can make a clay castle around its perimeter. Place clay in the trench around the basement in 20 cm layers, tamping thoroughly. Such a lock will completely block the flow of groundwater and rainwater to the basement walls.
  4. Additionally, along the outer perimeter of the basement, in a trench dug to the depth of the foundation, you can lay drainage pipes, through which water will be drained to drain hole or septic tank.

Is groundwater flooding the basement floor? Dig a pit below the basement floor level. Make a gravel cushion in it and place a container on it with holes drilled in the side walls.

The container should be wrapped in a cloth that allows water to pass through well; it will prevent the holes in the container from silting up. Place a pump with a float in it. Water fills the container, the float rises and turns on the pump. The water is pumped out, the float is lowered, and the pump is turned off. This device will allow you to effectively deal with water and humidity in the basement.

Many homeowners have underground storage facilities for various items and agricultural products, which quickly deteriorate in a humid environment. However, if there is a very damp basement below, what should you do in this case?

First of all, the reasons for this phenomenon must be determined, because further actions will depend on them.

First, I would like to consider simple recommendations that help get rid of this negative effect with low humidity. In other cases, you will have to carry out a series complex work on the quality organization of basic systems.

  • One of the simplest ways is to install containers filled with powder white moss . This adsorbent will absorb moisture from the room air.
  • If dampness has led to the appearance of mold in many places, then it is better to treat with hydrochloric acid, but this will require emptying the internal space of food. During the work, a weak solution is used to wash the walls.
  • Also, damp walls in the basement can be drained using ceramic bricks heated to high temperature. As the material cools, it will begin to absorb excess moisture.

You can also get rid of dampness using slaked lime by placing a wooden or metal container with a small amount of the substance in the corner.
Gradually the air will dry out.

Technological methods

These include the design of systems, the creation of which requires certain knowledge and skills, but with the proper approach, the work can be done with your own hands. Knowing the Basics installation work, you can competently organize the above structures in the basement.

Waterproofing device

Forming a moisture barrier on the outside of an underground room is important point, since in the presence of closely located groundwater It will not be possible to eliminate dampness in other ways.

There are quite a lot of materials for creating waterproofing, but in this case we will talk about bitumen mastic, which is classified as a coating analogue.

  1. Initially, special fillets are made at the intersections of the planes, thanks to which no mates will arise between surfaces located at angles.
  2. Using a fine-grained cement-based composition, various depressions are rubbed in, otherwise small bubbles may remain after applying the mastic.
  3. Next, the remaining construction debris, dust and dirt are removed from the lower base. If the concrete is excessively wet, it is dried, and then damage to the waterproofing layer will be avoided.
  4. For high-quality adhesion to the surface, the lower part is primed. The process uses specific grades of bitumen with solvents that can evaporate quickly (for example, kerosene or gasoline).
  5. After the preliminary primer layer has dried, mastic is applied directly to the surface. The work is carried out using a brush, spatula or a regular roller.
  6. In the areas adjacent to the walls, reinforcement is made with fiberglass materials, which are placed in the starting layer of processing. This is necessary to protect against cracks and other defects.

Application bitumen mastic carried out in 2-4 layers, but it all depends on the operating conditions of the basement and external factors(groundwater occurrence, precipitation, etc.).

Creating ventilation

So, if there is severe dampness in the basement, what else should you do? Now we need to properly organize another system, without which humidity may remain even when the air flows must move correctly.

Moreover, since coercive system requires additional energy resources and costs.

  1. The diameter of the pipes is pre-selected after carrying out simple mathematical calculations. One meter of area requires an opening of approximately 26 square centimeters.
  2. Then an exhaust pipe is installed, the upper part of which is brought to the roof. Most often it is located with a fireplace and stove smoke duct, since in this case air draft improves.
  3. The supply air duct is installed in the opposite corner of the room, and it must be at a distance of at least 50 cm from the floor. It also extends onto the roof, but rises to a lower height.
  4. On last stage testing is carried out, for which an ordinary match is lit. If there is normal air supply, it will burn evenly. If there is a trembling flame, then you will have to shorten the supply channel and adjust the height of the hood.

Forced air exchange structure for comparison.

Dampness in the cellar is a huge problem for most summer residents and country residents. As a rule, humidity increases due to poorly made thermal or waterproofing, as well as due to large quantity vegetables and fruits stored indoors. In some cases, condensation forms due to the lack of a ventilation system. Whatever the reason, a wet cellar is in no way suitable for storing food in it, which will quickly deteriorate if constantly exposed to moisture. That is why moisture needs to be removed and completely get rid of such a phenomenon as condensation. Today we will talk about how to dry the cellar and properly prepare it for planting the harvest.

Carrying out preparatory work

The humidity in the cellar is usually at a fairly high level, so condensation forms on the walls and ceiling. Preparatory work include complete liberation premises from vegetables stored there since last year (they are no longer suitable for consumption, so it is best to remove them from storage).

In addition, it is recommended to temporarily get rid of wooden elements of the room (racks, pallets, various bins, boxes, shelves, etc.). All wooden structures you need to take it outside and then wash it hot water And soap solution. Before further use they must be completely dried.

Before dehumidifying the air in the storage room, all supplies and products should be removed from there.

A fairly common and effective method of disinfecting wooden storage elements is applying a layer of whitewash with the addition of regular copper sulfate. As a rule, ordinary lime is used as whitewash, which can be found for sale in any store. Air humidity and condensation in this case will not affect the wood.

Moreover, to protect wooden elements from mold and mildew, it is necessary to apply antiseptic impregnation to them. You can use any composition sold in the store.

The walls and ceiling of the storage facility can also then be whitewashed and dried. Otherwise due to increased dampness indoors it will not be possible to preserve the crop in proper form. In the fall, when it rains continuously, it will not be possible to properly dry the cellar, so all work must be carried out in the summer.

How does the storage dry out?

In order to get rid of excess moisture in the cellar, it's not enough to just open everything ventilation holes and a manhole cover. In the cellar, the air will systematically cool down, and the moisture from it will condense, so it will not be possible to dry the underground room with ordinary ventilation. Air humidity and condensation will not go away even after several days of keeping the storage facility with the hatch open. To dry the cellar before the seasonal crop planting, more radical methods should be used.

There are several most common ways to dry a room. Air humidity and condensation are big problem, but with forced drying it’s easy enough to get rid of them.

So, you can remove excess dampness, humidity and condensation in the following ways:

  • Drying the cellar or vegetable storage using iron stove.
  • Drying the basement using a broiler.
  • Using the most ordinary candles, which will improve natural air draft.
  • Use of special dehumidifiers.

It should be noted that heating the storage facility using an iron stove is an extremely labor-intensive and troublesome task, so it is recommended to abandon this method immediately. And not everyone has the opportunity to install such a stove in storage. It is better to use the remaining three methods, since it is important to dry the cellar quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

Quick drying using a broiler

You can remove excess air humidity and condensation from the cellar using the simplest fryer. This device is not large sizes(portable) is available in almost any country farm. In any case, you can ask your neighbors.

The fryer quickly heats the air in the room.

Before drying the cellar using a roasting pan, it is necessary to partially get rid of excess dampness by natural drying for several days. In this case, the fryer will only “finish off” the remaining dampness, humidity and condensation.

If you haven’t found a suitable device for drying or a roasting pan, then you can make it yourself from the simplest old bucket.

The drying process itself is as follows:

  • Before starting drying, open all the openings that go into the cellar (manhole, ventilation pipes).
  • Next, we lower our brazier (bucket) to the bottom of the storage. You can do this yourself or use a rope and hook.
  • Light a fire in the brazier. It needs to be maintained for some time until the damp air completely leaves the room.
  • According to the laws of physics, warm and dry air from the bottom of the cellar will begin to gradually rise, displacing damp air into open holes. After some time, the cellar will dry completely.

The principle of drying a basement using a roasting pan from an ordinary bucket.

Before drying the cellar using this method, it is necessary to consider some nuances:

  1. To light the fryer, it is recommended to use sawdust and wood chips. Once the fire is hot, you can add larger wood to the roasting pan. It is important that the ignition of the brazier occurs before you lower it to the bottom of the cellar.
  2. The heat from the fire will quickly warm up the room, removing the damp air outside. In turn, dry air will quickly spread throughout the cellar. It is necessary that the entire room is saturated with smoke. This will get rid of any biological activity in the storage, which also negatively affects the storage of vegetables and fruits. The effect of warming the air in this case will last for a long time.

However, condensation in the cellar does not always disappear immediately after drying, so you need to wait a little and, if necessary, repeat the action, and also check the quality of the ventilation system.

Drying the cellar with a candle

If you don't want to bother with a Dutch oven, there is an easier way to keep your cellar dry and free of moisture. For this you will need a very ordinary candle.

The candle must be placed under the exhaust pipe.

A lit candle placed under the exhaust duct will increase air draft and also help get rid of dampness. Drying the cellar with a candle will take much longer than with a brazier, but if you have nowhere to rush, then you can use this method without any problems.

When using the candle drying method, it is necessary to increase the length of the ventilation pipe (supply pipe if two pipes are used). This should definitely be done. Next, a lit candle is installed directly under the inlet of the exhaust pipe. It is best to place the candle in a small container (for example, a jar).

To give a certain impulse, which will become the beginning of air thrust, it is necessary to exhaust pipe set fire to a sheet of paper. Further, the draft will be supported by the candle flame.

It was already noted above that this is a slow drying method and can be used if you have enough time. All work on drying the cellar is best done a few days before harvesting, so that the room has time to warm up, dry out and get rid of all biological activity. Using a lit candle, you can dry the cellar in 3-4 days. During this time you will have to change several spark plugs.

If the cellar is large, then it will not be possible to get rid of dampness and humidity with a candle.

Air dryers

Since it is difficult to dry a large cellar using improvised means, special dehumidifiers are used to effectively get rid of moisture. These devices allow you to efficiently dry the room, and then maintain the humidity level at a normal level. It is advisable to periodically dry the air in the cellar.

Appearance and operation diagram of the air dryer.

Dehumidifiers are especially relevant for the commercial operation of basements and vegetable stores. Modern dehumidifiers are sold in large construction stores, as well as in specialized departments, so there will be no problems with their purchase. About how to dry a cellar using a dehumidifier, it is best to ask a sales consultant who can recommend a model suitable for your room.

The principle of drying stagnant and damp air in a basement is that moisture always condenses on cold surfaces. The air passing through a conventional dehumidifier is cooled, and the moisture settles in a special receiver, after which it drips into the pan. Dehumidifiers work on the principle of cooling the air rather than heating it (unlike a broiler or candle), so the device will cool the cellar to some extent. However, you can find devices on sale that will heat the air at the outlet to the original temperature.

Modern dehumidifiers operate on the basis of freon (as do refrigerators and air conditioners). Air will be drawn into the dehumidifier using a fan. If your home also has humid air, then a basement dehumidifier is quite suitable for use in other areas of the building.

Which method should you choose?

You can make the cellar absolutely dry and suitable for storing fruits and vegetables using any of the proposed methods. You should choose one method or another based on the total area of ​​your cellar. For example, there is no need to buy an expensive dehumidifier if your cellar area does not exceed 2 square meters. m. In this case, the problem of humidity can be easily solved with the help of a brazier or a candle.

You can put fruits and vegetables into the cellar immediately after all work on drying the room has been completed. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to dry the cellar additionally during operation. This approach will negatively affect the quality of stored vegetables.

To avoid the need to frequently dry the cellar, it is necessary to provide in advance for the presence of a high-quality ventilation system. For small cellars, a design consisting of two pipes (supply and exhaust), located at different heights, is quite suitable. They will ensure continuous air replacement. If the cellar has a large area, then a device is recommended forced ventilation. In addition, if it is the floor of a living space, you will need to make high-quality thermal insulation of the floor. It must not be allowed to cold air from the storage affected the microclimate in the house.

Dampness in the basement is an unpleasant phenomenon. What to do if it appears? Before you begin to combat the problem, you need to find out the cause of moisture in the house. Understanding the reason will help you choose effective methods and for a long time, and maybe forever, get rid of such a nuisance as wet surfaces in the room.

Why is dampness dangerous?

Why is it necessary to remove excess moisture from premises? The appearance of moisture in the basement can lead to unpleasant phenomena that are difficult to get rid of. Condensation falling on surfaces causes the following consequences:

  • the appearance of mold and mildew;
  • violation of the temperature and humidity conditions of the premises;
  • violation of operating conditions building structures, which leads to destruction in the foundation and other load-bearing elements;
  • the appearance in the premises of various microorganisms that are dangerous to humans and lead to serious diseases;
  • Wetting of walls and ceilings, disruption of room decoration.

Causes of the problem

Mold in the basement appears as a result of dampness

There are several reasons why condensation may occur on the ceiling, floor and walls of the basement:

  1. Poor ventilation in the basement. This may be caused by errors during the design or construction stage. Sometimes it happens that those provided for by the standards ventilation ducts are cut by incorrectly laid floor slabs or clogged with construction waste. The lack of normal ventilation leads to the fact that during cold weather, condensation forms in the basement, which is warm compared to the outside air, and the windows sweat.
  2. Changes in groundwater levels. This problem is especially relevant in spring period when the snow begins to actively melt and the soil is oversaturated with moisture. The issue must be taken into account at the design stage and a drainage system and reliable waterproofing basement An increase in water in the ground leads to puddles appearing on the floor. Their depth depends on the extent of the problem.
  3. Why does this phenomenon occur? The answer to the question will be a violation of the foundation construction technology. If during construction no attention is paid to the vertical waterproofing of the basement walls, then during operation they will inside droplets of moisture will appear.

Scheme of improper ventilation organization

Groundwater in the basement - the cause of dampness in the basement

Capillary penetration of moisture from the soil is the cause of dampness in the basement

All these reasons why dampness appears in the basement are associated with neglect of technology at the construction stage of the building.

Ways to fight

To understand what to do with dampness, it is necessary to correctly determine the reason why surfaces become wet. Further actions aimed at getting rid of excess moisture depend on its source. The cause can be determined by the location of the moisture.

  • if droplets form on the ceiling and walls, the reason is insufficient ventilation;
  • the formation of liquid droplets only on the walls - lack of vertical waterproofing of the basement walls;
  • if there are puddles on the floor, the reason is groundwater flooding.

Further steps are taken depending on the source of the problem.

Insufficient ventilation

If condensation has formed due to insufficient air exchange in the room, it can be removed by organizing additional ventilation. The same situation is relevant for the occurrence of dampness in the attic. This room also heats up, but is in direct contact with the outside environment.

Scheme natural ventilation cellars

Contact warm air with cold surfaces is the main and only reason why condensation forms. With sufficient air exchange in the basement or attic of the house, heated from interior spaces the air cools. No condensation forms.

Ventilation in the basement of a private house or in the attic can be done in two ways:

  • natural;
  • forced.

Natural includes vents and ventilation ducts. According to the standards, the total area of ​​the vents must be at least one four hundredth of the area of ​​the room. Forced means the use of special equipment, the installation of which will require serious financial costs. The method is relevant only for large rooms.

To remove condensation from the ceiling and walls in the basement or attic, you must perform the following measures:

Scheme of forced ventilation in the cellar
  1. Thermal insulation utility networks . The basement has water and sewer pipes, the temperature of the liquid in which is higher than in the room. This leads to condensation forming on their surface. To get rid of heat losses, you need to provide reliable thermal insulation protection for pipes that sweat precisely because of heat leaks into the cold space. Thermal insulation measures can be carried out using special materials. Manufacturers mineral wool, polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam produce special products that are convenient to put on pipes. Effective materials can eliminate heat leaks and get rid of the reason why pipes sweat.
  2. To eliminate dampness in the attic or basement of a house and the appearance of moisture drops on the ceiling or walls, ventilation ducts or pipes are installed. After the construction of the house is completed, it is not possible to place ventilation ducts in the walls, so they are attached to vertical structures. To get rid of dampness on the ceiling and other surfaces, there are two pipes in the room - supply and exhaust. They need to be done in different corners of the room, located at different heights from the floor.

After the reason why condensation appears in the attic or basement has been eliminated, the room is drained.

Insufficient waterproofing

If the basement walls of a house (without a ceiling) sweat, the reason is capillary moisture. You can get rid of it in one of the following ways:

  1. Pasting waterproofing materials. They are presented on the construction market mainly with roofing felt, linocrom and waterproofing. They are made on the basis of bitumen-impregnated canvas. The gluing process is quite a labor-intensive undertaking. It is better to entrust such work to professionals.
  2. You can protect the basement walls of your home from moisture using bitumen mastic. In addition to it, polymer compounds and synthetic resins are used. The advantage of the method is the ability to do the work yourself. The downside is the insufficient degree of protection. Usually used together with adhesive materials.
  3. Penetrating compounds. In order to get rid of capillary moisture, you can use compounds that penetrate concrete and increase its moisture resistance. The action is achieved by narrowing the pores in the structure. This method can be called highly effective, since not only the room is protected, but also part of the supporting structure. The composition is able to penetrate to a great thickness and prevent water damage to the foundation for many years.
  4. Screens. This method is suitable for high groundwater pressure. The screens are made of clay castle, geotextile or bentonite.

Basement waterproofing scheme with roofing felt

Scheme coating waterproofing basement

Waterproofing a basement using penetrating compounds

Waterproofing a Basement Using a Clay Castle

Work with any material is carried out in the following sequence:

  • removing decoration from walls and cleaning them;
  • surface treatment with an antiseptic;
  • primer;
  • waterproofing walls and floors;
  • finishing;
  • installation of a blind area around the perimeter of the building if it is missing or damaged.
  • draining the basement space.

Increasing groundwater levels

Wet walls due to high level water in the soil is the most serious problem for the home of those presented. If condensation does not require external measures, then in this case it is necessary to dig out the foundations. It is recommended to do waterproofing in the following order:

  • digging out the foundation;
  • drainage arrangement around the perimeter of the building;
  • if necessary, strengthening the foundation;
  • performance external waterproofing(use the same materials as in the previous case);
  • performing internal waterproofing;
  • backfilling;
  • installation of a blind area around the perimeter of the building;
  • dehumidification of the room.

Scheme of the construction of a basement waterproofing structure with high groundwater pressure

The method will require significant financial and labor costs, but will protect the foundations and basement from groundwater. The material is selected depending on the water pressure. Several methods can be used together, for example, penetrating compounds together with adhesive waterproofing.

Any living space requires maintaining an optimal level of humidity. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to controlling the level of humidity in basements and garage cellars. For this purpose they are equipped good ventilation and waterproofing. But what to do if water does appear in the cellar? In this case, garage owners need to immediately take measures to dry out the cellar. How to do this correctly, and what methods there are for drying cellars from moisture - read our article.

Why does moisture accumulate in the cellar?

The main reason for high humidity in the garage cellar is poor waterproofing or its complete absence. Due to mistakes made during the construction of a garage with a cellar, moisture gradually begins to accumulate in the room, and condensation appears on the walls. As a result of high humidity, an unsightly plaque (fungus) appears on the walls. This phenomenon is unacceptable for cellars in which food is stored, so it is important to carry out high-quality drying of the room in a timely manner.

Methods for drying a cellar in a garage

The constant accumulation of moisture in the cellar negatively affects the condition of the entire structure. There are several methods you can use to dry out the cellar in your garage. The most effective of these are candles and a brazier (metal oven, photo 1).

Important! Before you start drying out the cellar, you need to carry out a good inspection of it, remove the shelves, take out the interfering equipment and supplies upstairs. When all the debris has been removed from it, the room is dried with outside air to remove excess moisture, and then a method is chosen to normalize the humidity level.

There are two most well-known ways to deal with excess moisture in a garage basement.

Attention! If there is a lot of water in the basement, then before drying it must be pumped out with a pump or scooped out manually. It is important to determine what is the source of water in the cellar. Poor insulation may be to blame. But it may also be that the room was built next to a spring. In this case, you need to divert the water to the side using a pump and provide good waterproofing in the cellar.

Installing waterproofing in a damp basement

In order for drying the basement in the garage to be effective, it is necessary to take care of the arrangement of external and internal insulation. You can create it yourself, without involving specialists. You can purchase materials for external and internal drainage at a hardware store.

Arrangement external drainage(diagram 3) in the cellar involves the creation of a system for removing excess moisture outside the room. It is best to equip the exterior during the construction stage of the garage, but you can waterproof the already finished room if the humidity level increases significantly. The principle of creating external waterproofing is as follows:

  • A trench is dug along the outer perimeter of the building (it should be 50 cm lower than the floor level in the cellar);
  • Along the entire length of the dug trench, drainage is installed in the form of plastic pipes (for them, wells with a depth of up to the first layer of sand must be prepared in advance). The upper part of the drains must be covered with a metal mesh (this will prevent contamination of the entire system);
  • Geotextile is laid at the bottom of the trench waterproofing material(it should also go onto the walls);
  • The finished drainage channel is filled with crushed stone to a height of 40 cm. The layer of crushed stone should be greater than the floor line in the cellar;
  • The embankment is well compacted.

Scheme 3

Internal drainage(Diagram 4) will dry the cellar much faster. To equip it, you need the following materials: geotextile waterproofing, crushed stone and gravel, drainage pipes, drainage pump, PVC container, sand. Pipes are laid around the perimeter of the room to collect excess water. The diameter of these pipes may vary, but it is best to choose designs with a diameter of 110 mm. Arrangement of the internal drainage system in the basement of the garage it is better to do it during the construction phase. Otherwise, you will have to dismantle the floor in order to lay everything structural elements systems.

Internal drainage in garage cellar laid in accordance with the following scheme:

  • Dig a trench about 50 cm deep around the entire perimeter of the room;
  • The bottom is compacted well, then a geoseptic is laid on it (this material perfectly absorbs moisture, thereby performing the function of waterproofing);
  • A layer of fine-grained material (gravel, crushed stone) 20 cm thick is placed in the trench;
  • Pipes are laid on top of the embankment, maintaining an inclination angle of 3 mm;
  • A layer of gravel is again poured over the laid pipes, but of a medium fraction. The material is well compacted and a layer of geotextile is placed on it;
  • The final action in this case will be backfilling the trench with sand and soil (removed during digging) and thoroughly compacting it.

Scheme 4

There is another method for effectively drying the cellar in the basement - injection protection(Scheme 5). This method is one of the most expensive, but at the same time it is most effective. When using this method, waterproofing in the cellar is installed using injections. Naturally, to perform such work you will need specialized equipment. The injection drying method is recommended for garages built from concrete, brick and foam blocks. The injection drying technology looks like this:

  • All around the perimeter damp basement holes with a diameter of 1.5 to 4 mm are drilled. A distance of 20-80 cm must be maintained between adjacent holes. In each case, the parameter will be different and depend on the level of humidity, wall thickness and soil characteristics;
  • Special elements are inserted into the prepared holes, through which the liquid waterproofing or polymers;
  • The advantages of such waterproofing are obvious. There is no need to dismantle wall cladding or break building structures. In addition, work on arranging waterproofing in this way can be carried out in any weather, at any time of the year.