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Pruning an apple tree in the fall: terms, rules and schemes. Annual pruning of apple trees in the garden: rules and schemes

Pruning an apple tree is needed to get tasty and healthy fruits. In addition, regular carrying out of this procedure helps to form the correct crown of the tree. Unfortunately, not all summer residents know how the branches of this fruit crop should be located.

The ideal crown of an apple tree is when all the long branches are located below. The higher the branches are, the shorter they should be. You will learn how to properly prune an apple tree from this article. In addition, we will consider what time of the year is best for pruning, as well as all the subtleties and nuances of the work being done.

Apple pruning goals

Basically, the apple tree is pruned in order to thin out the crown and increase the yield of the tree. A properly trimmed crown primarily provides the tree with better light and ventilation. In addition, taking care of correct location branches, every gardener greatly simplifies his life when it comes time to harvest.

Pruning of old apple trees is carried out in order to rejuvenate the plant. With age, the old branches of the tree cease to bear fruit. To return fruitfulness to a tree, it is necessary to cut off old, stiff branches in order to replace them with young and fruitful shoots.

Thus, when pruning a plant, it is necessary to clearly understand the purpose for which you are carrying out the procedure. It is on this that the scheme of work and the timing of their implementation will depend.

Features of spring pruning of apple trees

Spring pruning of apple trees is usually carried out before the buds begin to swell. Given that the apple tree is a frost-resistant horticultural crop, some summer residents practice removing branches even in winter.

Pruning an apple tree in the spring begins with the removal of all dried and frozen branches. If this is not done, the plant will waste energy on restoring useless branches. As practice shows, frostbitten branches will no longer bear fruit.

The remaining branches are pruned depending on the height of the tree. The higher the apple tree, the more eyes should remain on the branches. To be more clear, on tall apple trees, after pruning, at least eight buds should remain. For dwarf varieties, it is enough to leave no more than three eyes.

The ideal crown is laid in three tiers. It is not practical to do more, as this will make harvesting very difficult. Here's what the crown formation scheme should look like in spring:

  • the first tier consists of three skeletal branches;
  • the second - 4 main taps;
  • the third - two frame branches.

After the tree lives on your personal plot five years, shorten the main trunk. This type of crown is called longline, it is considered the most optimal for an apple tree.

Features of summer pruning of an apple tree

Summer pruning of apple trees is not very popular among gardeners. But it is better not to neglect it. In summer, the tree is shortened mainly for sanitary and preventive purposes. By pruning, you help the tree to bear fruit better and, at the same time, protect it from pests.

In the summer period, the crown of the tree is corrected. When garden plot covered with foliage, it becomes clearly visible which branches create crown shading. They can be completely removed or shortened to the required length.

In addition, in the warm season, all plants begin to form young shoots. In order for the growth not to gain strength and growth, it must be pinched. This will slow down the growth of offshoots by about two weeks.

Along with pinching, breaking out unnecessary branches is also practiced. The advantage of the summer pruning scheme is that almost all work can be done without the help of garden tools.

You will have to use a pruner and a saw if competitive tops are found. Usually they grow vertically upwards, thickening the crown and not bringing any practical benefit to the tree.

If the young growth is not removed in the summer, then in about two years it will be necessary to cut off the already fully formed branches. This, in turn, stimulates the growth of new shoots. In other words, too much effort will be spent on thinning the crown. It is much easier to limit the number of sprouts at the initial stage of their formation.

Features of autumn pruning of apple trees

Pruning of an apple tree in autumn is carried out after the foliage falls from the tree. The purpose of this event is to prepare the plant for hibernation by removing old or exhausted branches.

For beginners, it is worth mentioning that all work must be completed before the first frost. Otherwise, the slices may frostbite and fester.

Carrying out scheme autumn pruning, looks something like this:

  1. First of all, large branches that have been damaged are removed. The most common injury is when the branch cracks from the weight of the fruit. Most likely, the cracked branch will freeze in winter, so it is best to remove it.
  2. Before the onset of winter, it is recommended to thin out the crown. On the side where there are many branches, all weak branches are removed, only strong and straight ones remain.
  3. All branches growing at the wrong angle should also be removed completely. Such branches usually break easily under gusts of wind and the weight of precipitation.
  4. All cuts made must be treated with special septic tanks.
  5. Removed branches must be burned.

Features of pruning an apple tree depending on the age of the tree

Inexperienced summer residents do not see big difference between pruning old and young apple trees. Meanwhile, the difference in the work carried out is simply huge. It is worth talking in more detail about how to properly prune, taking into account the age of the plant.

Pruning a young apple tree

Pruning of young apple trees is carried out in order to form a crown. Saplings are recommended to be cut in the spring, before the start of the growing season. The easiest way to prune a young tree is to remove all the growth except for the four skeletal branches. They will serve as the basis for the crown of the tree. The distance between the frame bends should be about 40 centimeters.

In the second year after planting, the pruning scheme looks like this: leave about five of the strongest branches and cut them to about 30 centimeters, it is recommended to remove all other branches. The main stem is also shortened.

Experienced gardeners advise after such pruning to leave the tree alone for 2-3 years. Otherwise, you risk delaying the fruiting period of the tree. But despite this, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the seedling and remove broken shoots in a timely manner.

Pruning an old apple tree

Pruning old apple trees is called anti-aging. It is carried out with the aim of replacing old branches with young fruitful shoots.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out late autumn or in winter. All old branches that do not bear fruit are removed. Do not be afraid to cut even the frame branches. In old apple trees, it is recommended to shorten the upper part of the trunk. This allows you to open the crown and bring the old tree back to life.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that deletion from the old tree a large number branches, can lead it to an oppressed state and even to the death of the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to break the planned work into several stages and carry them out over several years.

Note to the gardener

  1. The optimal height of the apple tree should not exceed five meters. If the tree gains a greater height, then the saturation of the branches with nutrients decreases.
  2. Some varieties of apple trees tend to form fruits only on peripheral branches. This leads to the fact that the branches of the tree cannot withstand the weight and are injured. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly shorten the fruitful branches.
  3. If the tree does not bear fruit for a long time, then formative pruning should be stopped. You can give the branches the desired direction of growth with the help of rope stretch marks.

Remember how you treat your garden is how it will thank you. Carrying out complex measures for the care of horticultural crops, you can count on not only a plentiful, but also a tasty harvest.

Almost every gardener has apple trees in his garden.

There are a huge number of varieties of this horticultural crop, apple trees grow almost everywhere, on any soil and bear fruit well.

But to achieve high productivity, apple trees need to pay a lot of attention and provide proper care.

This article will help clarify the question of when to prune apple trees in the fall.

This includes not only watering, spraying and introducing the necessary nutrients into the soil. An important condition for abundant fruiting is also timely removal of extra branches, in other words, pruning.

Apple trees, deprived of the correct formation of the crown, thicken, leaves, trunk and roots are deprived of access to sunlight, air ventilation, and this, in turn, affects the quality and quantity of fruits.

Also, old plants are pruned for the purpose of rejuvenation., after all, over the years, old branches cease to bear fruit. As a result of pruning, such branches are replaced by young ones.

Compliance with the features of the procedure for pruning an apple tree will guarantee the creation of a beautiful crown and an excellent harvest.

Can apple trees be pruned in autumn?

It is permissible to prune apple trees in autumn, spring and even summer. aim spring pruning is the removal of branches frozen over the winter and the formation of a crown to increase productivity.

Moreover, this procedure must be carried out before the start of sap flow and before the appearance of buds on the tree. In summer remove the top of the crown for thinning and access sunlight for fruits. in winter apple trees are pruned only in warm southern regions.

Advice! The most appropriate is , that is, at the end holiday season. After all, over the summer you can see both weak and dying branches, and those that obscure the crown and must be removed.

During autumn pruning, old, rotten, dried, branches broken from fruits are removed from apple trees. Branches that are not capable of development take a lot of strength from the tree and it becomes less productive.

Pruning in the fall is also subject to young tree branches growing vertically upwards, the so-called "tops".

They are sterile, neither flowers nor fruits are formed on them. Such branches only thicken the crown and weaken the tree. Thus, removing extra branches in autumn will increase stability. fruit trees to severe frosts and they will winter well.

When are apple trees pruned in autumn?

In order not to make mistakes during autumn pruning it is important to choose the right time. The most favorable period is the time when the leaves fall from the apple tree and the growth of the shoots stops.

Should be more positive temperature air, but before the first frost should be at least another two weeks.

To correctly answer the question of when to prune apple trees in the fall - in what month, you need to take into account several factors. Much here depends on the climatic conditions of the area.

For middle lane Russia This is mid-October-early November. The tree is already entering a dormant period, but it can still cope with pruning wounds.

Important so that pruning takes place on a dry, sunny day. It is undesirable that wood processing takes place during rain or immediately after it.

A few days after pruning, the apple tree should be inspected and watered abundantly.

Attention! It is necessary to finish pruning before the first frosts, since frozen sections are difficult to heal, they can begin to rot, and the tree will not have time to recover before the cold weather. Winter pruning can lead to the death of the apple tree.

Pruning schemes

The scheme for pruning apple trees is not very complicated. You just need to know a few rules to get the maximum effect.

Depending on the age of the apple tree, there are the following autumn pruning schemes:

  • Weak pruning carried out for young trees, while cutting off a quarter of the branches that have grown over the summer period.
  • Medium pruning carried out for apple trees at the age of 5-7 years, a third of the grown branches are cut.
  • Strong pruning carried out for old trees, half of the branches that have grown during the year are removed in order to thin out the crown.

Pruning scheme option #1 for trees 1-4 years old.

Option cropping scheme No. 2.

Branches for pruning are marked in red in the figure.

Useful video

This video will tell you when it is better to prune fruit trees - in spring or autumn?

Also look at the video for brief tips on autumn pruning of apple trees:

And in this video, watch tips and secrets for the autumn rejuvenation of the apple tree:


Autumn pruning is one of the mandatory activities in the care of apple trees.

Thanks to it, fruit trees rejuvenate, get rid of pests, improve appearance crowns.

As a result of correct and timely autumn pruning, any gardener will be able to get a full-fledged harvest of large and tasty apples.

In contact with

One of the most important activities in the care of the garden is the pruning of fruit trees. Without annual thinning of the crown, the fruits become smaller and reborn. The scheme for pruning apple trees and other fruit-bearing trees in spring and autumn is somewhat different, it will be easier to choose the right one after familiarizing yourself with each. The video presented in the article will allow you to study the process in more detail.

Crown formation is the key to a successful harvest

Like vegetable crops, fruit trees need shaping. A properly formed crown allows for better penetration of sunlight and air to the trunk, roots and fruits. In addition, pruning an apple tree, a skilled gardener provides himself with access to each branch at the moment when it comes time to harvest.

The choice of the scheme used in the formation and pruning of the crown of an apple tree depends on the goals pursued by the gardener. Much also depends on the age of the tree, the degree of thickening of its crown. Most pruning schemes are aimed at:

Pruning first of all heals the tree

  • convenience of harvesting;
  • strengthening young shoots and growing them in the right direction;
  • ensuring ventilation and penetration of sunlight to the roots and fruits of the tree;
  • removal of dry and damaged branches;
  • preparing the tree for the onset of cold weather.

A neglected tree (with a dense crown) does not produce very large fruits. In addition, their total weight at harvest is significantly lower than that of a well-groomed and hand-shaped tree. When pruning extra branches, the nutrients received by the apple tree are redistributed. After the formation of their bulk, the plant directs the cultivation and ripening of fruits.

Important! Most often, apple trees are formed in autumn or spring, rarely in summer, in winter - only in case of urgent need.

The age of the tree and its importance when pruning

The formation of the crown of an adult tree directly depends on the correctness of the pruning of a young apple tree. This is what will affect the future productivity of the garden. Depending on the pruning of certain branches, you can get different shape crowns:

  • medium standard;
  • spindle-shaped;
  • combined;
  • sparsely tiered.

Pruning allows you to give the crown of the tree the desired shape

The easiest to form is the last type of crown. To do this, leave 5 skeletal shoots at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other, and remove the rest. The medium-standard type of crown is also easy to form. It is enough to remove all branches located at a height of 80-110 cm from the soil level. All other shoots are left to develop on their own.

The most suitable period for the formation young apple tree- early spring. Pruning is done before the onset of the growing season (before the buds appear).

Scheme: pruning a young apple tree

When pruning a ripe two-year-old seedling it is necessary to leave 4-5 of the strongest shoots extending from the trunk at an angle close to a straight line. The growth point is also pinned at a level exceeding all other branches by 4-5 buds.

After the formation of a two-year-old seedling, it is recommended not to prune the tree for 2-3 years. Otherwise, fruiting may begin much later. But damaged and dried branches should still be removed. It is also necessary to monitor the shape of the crown, maintaining its rounded shape and shortening overgrown branches.

Scheme: pruning a two-year-old seedling

Mature and neglected trees it is best to prune in the fall. Work should begin with the removal of damaged and dry branches. Shoots that are directed inside the crown and intersecting branches prevent the formation of young fruit-bearing shoots, they also need to be cut ruthlessly. Do not be afraid to remove large branches: barren, they only load the crown and absorb nutrients in vain.

If the skeletal branches do not grow properly and make it difficult to harvest, they must also be removed. Old apple trees need crown opening. To do this, it is necessary to cut the upper part of the central branch at a height of at least 3 m above the ground.

The benefits of autumn pruning apple trees

As you know, autumn and spring are the most auspicious times year to prepare the garden. Autumn pruning is carried out for sanitary purposes. It consists in removing dry and damaged branches, as well as shoots from clear signs diseases.

Autumn pruning will allow the tree to give bigger harvest next year

Weakened or infected tree branches can only be identified when the fruit ripens and harvests. Such shoots are subject to autumn removal. Also, "tops" - young twigs of an apple tree growing vertically upwards - need late pruning. These are barren branches: neither flowers nor fruits are formed on them. Such shoots contribute to the thickening of the crown and the general weakening of the apple tree.

Advice! Experienced gardeners advise not to remove all the tops. With a shortage of fruit-bearing branches, they are bent down by hanging a load on the edge of the shoot. After a while, a full-fledged fruit branch will form from the “top”, on which, over time, side shoots and flower stalks.

How to do late autumn pruning

Before starting work, prepare garden tools. Special attention it is necessary to give treatment to the wounds inflicted on the tree. The best way to help the tree cope with the restoration of the damaged area is ordinary oil paint. The use of another type of coloring materials can cause irreparable damage to the apple tree. In some cases, even the death of the plant.

Required tool:

Important! All tools used when pruning a tree must be well sharpened. This will avoid "lacerated wounds" and irregularities in the cuts. The more accurate the cut, the faster and easier it is for the tree to heal.

It is necessary to start work only after the apple tree sheds foliage. At this time, the tree enters the stage of winter dormancy, but is still able to heal wounds from pruning. At the first frost, work should be stopped immediately. Frozen sections are extremely difficult to tighten. They turn into rotting wounds, it will be very difficult for the tree to recover from such a procedure. That is why winter pruning is not recommended.

Try to make even cuts so that the tree recovers faster.

The late pruning scheme is simple, but it cannot be called quite simple either. In order to autumn work passed successfully, you must adhere to the basic requirements:

  1. First of all, broken, damaged and dry branches are to be removed. Also shoots, with signs of any disease.
  2. It is imperative to thin out the crown in places of its thickening. Leave only strong and even shoots.
  3. After completing the work, the damaged areas must be carefully treated with garden pitch or oil paint.
  4. Cut branches should be collected and burned to avoid contamination of the garden. possible pests or fungal diseases that hit weak and damaged shoots.

Scheme: autumn pruning of an adult apple tree

Rules for spring pruning of apple trees

The beginning of the spring formation of young apple trees should coincide with the establishment of warm weather. During the period when frosts recede and trees awaken from winter dormancy, the activity of the flow of juices in them and the absorption of nutrients are highest. It is at this time that it will be easiest for the apple tree to cope with the damage caused by the gardener during pruning.

The rules are simple, but essential to keep apple trees active and fruitful:

When pruning, it is very important to consider the type of growth of the apple tree:

  • dwarf and undersized varieties should be cut into 2-3 eyes;
  • medium-sized trees - 4-5 eyes;
  • tall - 7 or more eyes.

Timely pruning and crown formation garden tree will not only allow you to harvest a full-fledged crop without much difficulty, but will also provide you with large and juicy fruits. If you are in doubt about deleting a particular branch, watch informative videos, they will help you cope with the difficulties that arise in the process of working.

Formation of the crown of an apple tree: video

Apple pruning: photo

To remove large fruits from an apple tree, it is necessary to regularly prune trees. Yes, and the implementation of such a procedure helps to correctly form the top. But at the same time, not all gardeners, even with experience, know how apple trees are pruned in the fall and why this particular period is best suited for such manipulation.

So, when is it better to prune an apple tree, how such a procedure is performed and what it gives, and we will consider in detail below.

    What is pruning for?

    When is the best time to do this

    Trimming pattern


What is pruning for?

If you are a beginner gardener, then it will be very useful for you to learn how to properly prune an apple tree in the fall and what this procedure gives. Let's start with what it is fruit tree loves a lot of sunlight and if you take into account and observe this feature when growing, then the apples will be large, juicy and fragrant.

And in order to easily trim for beginners, you will need to stock up on the following tools at hand:

  • appropriate clothing, goggles, shoes and gloves;
  • ladder;
  • garden knives and scissors;
  • chainsaw, pruner and hacksaw.

With the help of these available tools, any novice gardener can perform pruning.

When is the best time to do this

Perhaps, actual question, which is asked by almost all novice gardeners - this is when you can cut apple trees in the fall. First of all, not only autumn, but also spring is suitable for such a procedure. With the onset of the spring season, all pagons that have been affected by frost are excised and a crown is formed to obtain a good harvest.

They try to trim even before the start of sap flow. But in the fall, such a procedure is mandatory and very important. autumn procedure done when all the foliage has fallen from the apple tree. Cut out all broken, rotten and improperly growing branches.

So, the correct pruning in the fall is as follows:

  • start carrying out such a procedure immediately after the leaves fall;
  • finish pruning two weeks before the onset of frost.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that if the cut does not drag on until winter, then it will definitely freeze, this will greatly affect general condition apple trees.

For this reason, try to finish everything garden work at least two weeks before the onset of frost, and do not forget to carefully cover all cut points with garden pitch.

It is also worth emphasizing that autumn time- this is a good period for performing several types of pruning, which are resorted to, given the age of the apple tree, namely:

  • pruning of a young apple tree in autumn is performed by no more than 25%, only those sprouts that have grown during the vegetative season are excised;
  • pruning of a two-year-old apple tree is carried out in a similar way;
  • branches of apple trees older than 5 years are cut to 13;
  • older than 7 years, trees need deep pruning, in which all pagons are shortened by 50%.

It is in this way that autumn pruning is performed, which is also sanitary in nature.

But pruning an apple tree according to the spring scheme is performed a little differently. As described above, it must be carried out before the juice begins to move in the tree, as a rule, this time falls at the end of March. Make the cut as follows:

  • all the branches that grow in inner part crowns must be completely excised;
  • and also cut off broken branches, frozen and knots;
  • during spring pruning, they get rid of weak sprouts and those that do not bear fruit;
  • all pagons that are in contact are excised, since they only interfere with the normal formation of the crown of the apple tree.

So, when to prune apple trees in autumn or spring, we considered above, but one more question remains very relevant - this is pruning in the summer and why it is needed. As a rule, such manipulation is not carried out in the summer, but sometimes it is performed as a sanitary measure.

And also summer pruning can be carried out in order to properly form the crown. The fact is that in the summer it is very clearly visible which branches grow incorrectly and create an excessive shadow.

Therefore, often experienced gardeners resort to the so-called haircut procedure, with which the top of the apple tree is corrected.

In general, it is worth emphasizing that pruning apple trees is actually a simple task, even in autumn for beginners.

It is important to follow all the simplest recommendations and have the required tools at hand. At the same time, do not forget that this manipulation is very milestone successful cultivation orchard. Therefore, do not ignore pruning, but be sure to carry it out.

Trimming pattern

So, when and how to prune fruit trees, we discussed above, the question remains how to prune apple trees in the fall scheme.

First of all, any procedure begins with a visual inspection of the tree. First you need to correctly determine the scope of work, and then boldly take on them. So, pruning is done in the following way:

  • first, all branches that form inside the tree are excised, including small processes are removed;
  • then all pagons growing at an angle are removed, and those that form parallel to an adult and good branch;
  • further, cut off all intertwined pagons;
  • the next stage is the thinning of the top, it is especially important to trim the crown if it is very thick.

The main pruning rules are to remove all broken and cracked branches and knots. It should be borne in mind that the pruning scheme is directly related to the age of the plant. For example, an apple tree that is over 5 years old is considered fully mature.

On such a tree, apples form first on older branches that are able to withstand their weight, and then on younger pagons. Therefore, pruning of such a plant is done very carefully, trying not to damage healthy fruit-bearing branches.

As for the processing of a young seedling, such a procedure is performed as follows: it is not recommended to touch the lower part, on which the kidneys are located, but only the top is cut off with the help of an improvised disinfectant.

Well, as for only the planted sprout, it is better to cut it off after landing on permanent place to allow the root system to take root.

Having performed excision after planting, the tree does not lend itself to deep pruning for the next three years. For such seedlings, only sanitary pruning is performed, during which dry, frozen and deformed branches are excised.

The main thing that every novice gardener needs to understand is that young branches must be cut correctly. IN

such a procedure is performed in the following way: when the tree is 2 years old, the first pruning is performed at 23. Keep in mind that the remaining buds should look outward. This rule is also observed when the top is formed.

So, above we examined whether it is possible to cut apple trees in the fall and when. It remains to find out what schemes exist and when they are applicable. To begin with, it is worth understanding the schemes. On this moment there are 3 of them, namely:

  • weak pruning;
  • medium pruning;
  • strong pruning.

An annual apple tree needs shallow pruning. With such manipulation, new sprouts that have appeared in one vegetative season are excised.

For trees older than five years, medium pruning is performed. It is very important to form more fruit-bearing pagons. To do this, each sprout is cut into 13. At the same time, during this manipulation, all dry sprouts must be completely excised.

Another one important detail, which you should pay attention to, it is not advisable to cut down all the branches growing near the trunk. The problem is that a bough can fall out, resulting in a hollow, and this great harm for a fruit plant.

To avoid such a nuisance, it is necessary to perform the following action: the pagon is excised to the first kidney, and then carefully file the remaining stump with a saw. After such a manipulation is completed, you need to thoroughly cover all the cut points with garden pitch.

Moreover, if you are pruning on a day such as cloudy or rainy, then you will need to lubricate all places with var again every other day.


To date, there are many varieties of apples and, depending on the area of ​​​​growth, care and pruning may vary slightly.

For example, in the Urals, winters are quite severe, protracted and come much earlier, respectively, such manipulation is carried out in September, which is different from the middle bands. As for the implementation of such a procedure, it is universal for everyone, first they begin to cut the crown of the tree.

In a region such as the Moscow region, autumn pruning is carried out at the usual time starting in October. In more southern areas, pruning time falls in November. In this case, one simple rule must be taken into account: it is recommended to perform such manipulation at least two weeks before the onset of the first frost, so that the cut points have time to tighten.

In general, pruning apple trees in the fall is a simple process, as it might seem at first glance. If you follow the recommendations step by step, then even a beginner will be able to successfully cope with the task.

The apple tree is one of the most popular fruit trees that grows in almost all gardens, so every gardener should know how to prune an apple tree. We are often asked the following questions:

  • when to prune an apple tree;
  • how to properly prune an apple tree;
  • when is anti-aging pruning of apple trees carried out

and we are ready to answer these questions for you.

Apple pruning time

The most favorable seasons for pruning apple trees are spring and autumn. spring on apple trees, frozen branches are removed and the crown of trees is formed. Perform spring pruning when the air has already warmed up to positive indicators, but the buds have not yet blossomed.

Sometimes pruning is done in summer in order to "open the crown", that is, they perform a certain manipulation that allows sunbeams and fresh air to penetrate into the very thick of the foliage. Do this in order to speed up the ripening of the fruit.

In areas with a warm climate, pruning is sometimes carried out even winter when apple trees are at rest. But where the temperature is winter time drops to negative values, wood becomes brittle, brittle, cuts heal very poorly, so winter pruning is not practiced in such places.

Autumn pruning of apple trees convenient in all respects: the tree is freed from unnecessary ballast, and food in the winter will be spent exclusively on healthy organs and shoots, which will yield next season. In addition, in the fall, all diseased and pest-affected shoots are pruned. Autumn pruning is carried out when leaves fall from the trees, but no later than the first frost.

The purpose of autumn pruning is to prepare the apple tree for winter. First, the tree is freed from large dry and broken branches, then rotten, diseased and pest-infested branches and shoots are cut or cut, and then the crown is thinned out: those growing inward, weak and located under acute angle shoots and branches to the trunk, and the rest are simply shortened.

Three types of pruning are used depending on the age of the trees:

  • weak - a type of pruning suitable for young apple trees, in which the branches of the tree are shortened by a quarter of the annual growth;
  • medium - this pruning for apple trees of five to seven years of age, when the annual growth is cut to a third of the length;
  • strong - this type is used when thinning the crown: the branches are shortened by half the length of the annual growth.

Thin branches and shoots of young apple trees are pruned with secateurs, but you will need a saw to remove old branches on an adult apple tree. All tools must be sharp: blunt scissors or pruners will only shatter and tear bark and wood, and wounds will heal for a long time. Before cutting, the tools are disinfected with alcohol.

To protect wounds and cuts larger than 7 mm in diameter, garden var or oil paint oil based. To treat wounds before applying garden pitch or paint, use a solution blue vitriol and lime (1:10). Sections from old, dry branches must be treated immediately, and the remaining wounds are covered with pitch or paint only a day after pruning.

Sawn and cut branches should be removed from under the tree as soon as possible, since they can retain pests and their larvae, as well as harmful microorganisms, disease-causing. If the plant residues are not removed immediately, then the enemies of the apple tree will move to upper layer soil or into the bark of the trunk, they will safely overwinter, and in the spring they will again occupy the tree.

Rejuvenating apple pruning

This type of pruning can also be done in autumn. Rejuvenate those trees that have reached the age of twenty. If pruning is supposed to be radical, then it should be done in three or four stages: no more than a third of the branches of the tree are removed in one season.

In the first autumn, old apple tree branches are cut from the south side above the outer buds. The following year, old branches are cut off from the north side, and annual shoots growing vertically are also cut off from the south side. In the third year, anti-aging pruning is completed.