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Planting a two-year-old cherry seedling. Cherry spring care - site selection and planting! Choice of landing site

The cherry is the oldest of the forms of cherries, dating back 8,000 years BC. This heat-loving plant of southern latitudes only in the last century, thanks to the efforts of breeders, began to move into cold regions. In order to grow this crop without problems and get a decent harvest, the gardener will have to work hard. And also he needs to learn the rules of landing and choosing a place with favorable conditions.

Cherry planting dates

There are two options for planting cherries - spring and autumn. The first option is the most preferred and common, it is suitable for all growing regions. Landing time should be chosen in early spring when sap flow has not yet begun and the kidneys have not swollen. Moreover, the snow should already be gone, and the earth should warm up to + 5-10 ° C. This time is good because nature begins to wake up and the planted plants will wake up with it. They will immediately begin to take root and begin to grow. The survival of seedlings at this time is maximum. And by autumn, the sweet cherry will finally take root in a new place, get stronger, gain strength and be able to safely survive its first winter.

In southern regions with warm winters and a long growing season, an autumn planting option is possible. In this case, the time must be chosen so that 3-4 weeks remain before the onset of cold weather, during which the seedling will have time to take root. This option has one advantage - in areas with dry and hot summers, seedlings planted in spring will have to deal with drought and heat, which is excluded when autumn planting.

Where to plant cherries on the site

For planting cherries, you need a well-lit and ventilated place. At the same time, it must be protected from cold northern winds in the form of dense trees, walls of buildings or structures, fences. It is better to choose a small southern or southwestern slope, on which water will not stagnate. Waterlogging and close occurrence ground water(less than 2.5 meters) is not allowed.

What kind of soil do cherries like

Fertile loams are suitable for cherries grown in dry regions, and sandy loams are suitable for areas with sufficient or excessive moisture. In this case, the soil should have a loose, well-drained structure. The optimal level of acidity is pH 6.7-7.1, but on chernozems with a large amount of humus, plants can also tolerate the carbonate content (increased alkaline reaction) of the soil. In this case, a reaction up to pH 8.0 is acceptable.

How to plant cherries if groundwater is close

There is no economically justified way to grow sweet cherries in areas with close groundwater. On wet soils, it is imperative to carry out drainage by constructing drainage ditches that remove excess moisture outside the site. Pleasure is expensive and labor intensive.

Drainage of the site is an expensive undertaking

In cases where the occurrence of groundwater is within 1-1.5 m, planting cherries on a hill can be used. It is poured over a landing pit 0.5-1.2 meters high and 2-2.5 meters in diameter.

How far apart should cherries be planted?

The interval for planting plants depends solely on the size of the crown. And it, in turn, depends on the variety of sweet cherry and the rootstock on which the vaccination was carried out. On average, the diameter of the cherry crown is usually 2.5-4 meters. Based on the characteristics of the planted variety, the distance between trees in a row is taken equal to the diameter of the crown, and the distance between rows is increased by 1-1.5 meters. That is, with a crown diameter of 3 meters, the landing pattern is selected 3 x 4 meters.

Cherries are planted at a distance of three meters from each other

What trees can you plant cherries with?

It is best to group plants according to the principle - like with like. Sweet cherries are preferably planted in a group with other cherries and cherries. Pome fruits - apple and pear - usually oppress cherries, so you should stay away from them. And you should also avoid the neighborhood with sea buckthorn - in general, it is a bad neighbor for any crops. Apricot has a fairly extensive and powerful root system, which will actively fight with the same power cherry root system. Therefore, it is worth spreading their neighborhood by 5-6 meters. Plum and cherry plum will not harm the cherry, but she herself will oppress them.

Where to plant self-fertile cherries

Self-infertile sweet cherry varieties require the presence of pollinating plants within a radius of 50-100 meters. As a rule, these should be sweet cherries of other varieties, the flowering period of which coincides with the flowering period of the planted tree. In addition, according to some sources, Lyubskaya cherry is a good pollinator for sweet cherries. This should be taken into account when planting cherries. If there are no such plants nearby, and you want to plant cherries, and it is self-fertile, then you will have to plant pollinating cherries at the same time.

How to plant cherries

Planting cherries requires some preparation.

Preparing a planting hole for cherries in spring

A planting pit for sweet cherries must be prepared at least 20-30 days before planting. If it is planned for the spring, then it is better to prepare the landing pit in the fall. For this:

  1. It is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of 50-60 centimeters and a diameter of 80-100 centimeters. On soils poor in humus, the volume of the pit is increased in order to introduce more nutrients into it when planting.

    It is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of 50-60 centimeters and a diameter of 80-100 centimeters

  2. If the soil is heavy, clayey, then the depth of the pit should be increased to 80 centimeters and a drainage layer 10-20 centimeters thick should be laid on the bottom of it. Crushed stone, expanded clay, gravel are used as drainage, broken brick and so on.

    If the soil is heavy, clayey, then a drainage layer 10-20 centimeters thick should be laid at the bottom of the landing pit

  3. After that, the pit must be filled to the top with a nutrient mixture consisting of equal parts of black soil, peat, humus and coarse-grained river sand. For each bucket of such a mixture, add 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 0.5 liters wood ash.

    The planting hole must be filled to the top with nutrient mixture.

  4. For the winter, the pit is covered with moisture-proof materials (film, roofing felt, slate, etc.) to prevent nutrients from being washed out by melt and rainwater.

Planting cherry seedlings in spring

The most common option for planting cherries is planting seedlings. They are purchased, as a rule, in the fall, since at this time there is a large selection of high-quality planting material of various kinds. different varieties. It is worth giving preference to seedlings of one or two years of age. These take root and take root better, come into fruition faster. The root system of the seedling should be well developed and have healthy fibrous roots without growths, nodes and cones. The trunk should be at least 10-15 mm in diameter, have a smooth bark without cracks or damage. IN Lately more and more often, sweet cherry seedlings with a closed root system are offered for sale. Their advantage is that such plants can be planted at any time from April to October.

Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted at any time during the growing season

How to save a cherry seedling until planting in spring

You can save the seedlings acquired in the fall either in the cellar (basement) or buried in the ground. In the first case, you need to have a room with a constant air temperature from 0 to +5 ° C. The roots of the seedling are dipped in a mash of mullein and clay, after which they are placed in a humid environment (sand, sawdust, moss).

In the second case, you need to dig a hole in the garden with a depth of 20-30 centimeters, on the bottom of which a small layer of sand is poured. The seedlings are placed obliquely in the pit and the roots are covered with sand. It is poured with water and almost completely covered with earth, leaving only the top uncovered. She is covered with spruce branches to avoid damage by hares.

Step-by-step instructions for planting cherries

Now everything is ready for successful landing sweet cherries - a planting pit in the chosen place and a seedling of the variety you like, placed in storage. In early spring, with the onset of the optimal time, they begin to plant:

  1. On the day of planting, a seedling is taken out of the basement or dig and inspected. If damaged or frozen roots are found, cut them with secateurs.

    If damaged or frozen roots are found, cut them with secateurs

  2. The roots are soaked for several hours in a growth stimulator solution (Epin, Heteroauxin, Kornevin).

    Soak the roots for several hours in a growth stimulant solution

  3. Open the planting hole and make a hole in it according to the size of the root system of the seedling.
  4. A small mound is formed in the center of the hole, and a wooden or metal stake is driven a little away from the center. Its height above the soil level should be in the range of 80-120 centimeters. You can use two stakes for better fixation of the plant.
  5. The seedling is lowered into the hole, placing the root neck at the top of the mound, and spread the roots along the slopes.

    The seedling is lowered into the hole, placing the root collar at the top of the mound, and spread the roots along the slopes.

  6. At this stage, it is better to use the help of a second person. One will hold the plant, and the second will fill the hole with earth. This must be done in layers with compaction of each layer. It is necessary to ensure that in the end the root neck of the seedling is at the level of the soil. To do this, it is convenient to use a rail or bar.

    It is convenient to control the level of the root neck when planting sweet cherries using a rail or bar

  7. The central conductor of the seedling is cut to a height of 60-80 centimeters, and the branches (if any) are shortened to 20-30 centimeters.

    After planting, the seedling is pruned

  8. The stem is tied to the stake with an elastic material in the form of a figure eight, without squeezing the bark. And also for these purposes, you can use special plastic clamps.

    For garter seedlings, you can use plastic clamps

  9. A trunk circle is formed by raking an earthen roller along the diameter of the landing pit.
  10. Abundantly water the plant until three times the absorption of moisture. This is necessary to ensure good soil contact with the roots and eliminate air pockets in the root zone.

    Water the plant abundantly until three times the absorption of moisture.

  11. The next day, the soil is loosened and mulched using humus, compost, rotted sawdust, hay, etc. for this.

    After watering, the soil is loosened and mulched.

How to plant grafted cherries

The grafted cherry is planted according to the same rules as the native root. The only peculiarity is that the grafting site is sometimes located too low. In this case, when planting, you need to ensure that it is not buried in the soil. It is desirable that the vaccination site is located 5-7 centimeters above ground level. In regions with a high level of snow cover, it is better to purchase seedlings grafted at a height of 0.5-1.0 m.

It is desirable that the vaccination site is located at least 5-7 centimeters above ground level.

How to plant cherries in a container

Currently, plant seedlings with a closed root system (ZKS) are increasingly being sold. Usually they are grown in containers or buckets and sold with them. This method has obvious advantages:

  • When transplanting such a seedling, the root system is not injured and its survival rate is 100%.
  • Seedlings with ZKS can be 3-4 years old when transplanted, which reduces the period for sweet cherries to bear fruit from the moment of planting.
  • You can plant such plants at any time from early spring to autumn.

A planting pit for sweet cherries with ZKS is prepared according to the same rules as for ordinary seedlings, the planting rules also do not change. Landing features are as follows:

Video: planting cherries

How to plant a cherry with a stone

Of course, cherries can be grown from the seed. Question: why? It is known that with this method of cultivation, the varietal characteristics of the original are not preserved. No matter how tasty and large the berry was, the seed of which was used for cultivation, the result is likely to be the same. After much work, a wild game will grow with small berries of mediocre taste. Yes, such a plant will have endurance, unpretentious care, frost resistance, immunity to diseases and pests. But it will be possible to use it only as a stock for grafting varietal cherries or for decorative landscaping. Given this, we will briefly describe the process of planting cherries with a stone:

  1. From cherries growing in the area, they collect the required amount (with a margin) of seeds from fully ripe berries.
  2. The bones are freed from the pulp, washed and dried.

    The bones are freed from the pulp, washed and dried

  3. Placed in a paper bag and stored until December at room temperature.
  4. In December, the bones are soaked for three to four days in water, changing it daily.
  5. Placed in a container with a wet substrate (sand, sawdust, sphagnum moss).
  6. The container is placed in the refrigerator for three months to stratify the seeds.
  7. In early spring, the container is taken out into the street and covered with snow.
  8. After the shells crack and begin to germinate, they are planted in individual pots or trays to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters.

    After the shells crack and begin to germinate, they are planted in individual pots.

  9. Shoots usually appear in 25-30 days. When they reach a height of 10-15 centimeters, they dive into a larger container.

    When the seedlings reach a height of 10-15 centimeters, they dive into a larger container.

  10. With regular moistening and loosening by autumn, they will grow up to 25-30 centimeters.
  11. After that, at least a month before the onset of frost, the resulting seedlings are planted on permanent place following the rules described above. At the same time, care must be taken to protect plants from frost and rodents by equipping shelters for them from plastic bottles with cut bottom.

    It is necessary to take care of protecting plants from frost and rodents by equipping shelters for them from plastic bottles with a cut bottom.

How to plant cherries in spring with cuttings

In order to plant a sweet cherry with a cutting, it must first be rooted. The rules for planting a rooted cutting are the same as for planting a regular seedling.

Rooting cuttings of cherries

As a rule, sweet cherries are propagated by green cuttings. This process is simple, but somewhat painstaking. It consists of the following:

  1. Preparation of cuttings. Best time for this comes when the young shoots reach a great length and begin to lignify, but they themselves are still quite flexible. IN middle lane In Russia, this falls on June 10-30. So:
  2. For rooting cuttings, you need to prepare a container with nutrient soil. First, sheet moisture-intensive soil is poured into the bottom with a layer of 10-12 centimeters. A substrate of peat-sand mixture is poured on top with a layer of 3-5 centimeters.
  3. In the evening, the cuttings are taken out of the solution and stuck into the prepared soil to a depth of 3-4 centimeters so that the lower bud is located in the substrate. The distance between cuttings in a row should be within 5-7 centimeters, and between rows - 8-12 centimeters.

    Rooting cuttings are cut from side shoots located on young growths of the previous year.

  4. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  5. The container is placed in a well-lit greenhouse in which a high level of humidity must be maintained. best temperature for rooting - 23-30 ° C.

    The container with cuttings is placed in a well-lit greenhouse in which a high level of humidity must be maintained.

  6. Further care consists in daily airing and double watering from the sprayer. And also, if necessary, the soil must be carefully loosened.
  7. In about a month, the plants will already have good roots and should be planted. You can land immediately on a permanent place, but it is better to transplant into containers or buckets, and postpone planting until spring. In this case, such seedlings will need to be placed in a greenhouse for the winter or equipped with a temporary shelter for them from frost.

Video: how to properly root green cuttings

Planting sweet cherries, depending on the growing area

Planting rules and requirements for the location of the tree do not depend on the growing area. They are standard and described above. The difference exists only in the varieties used and methods of cultivation, the features of care and shaping.

In Belarus

The continental climate of Belarus is perfect for growing winter-hardy cherry varieties. Among them:

  • Gascinets;
  • Iway;
  • Northern;
  • Folk;
  • Syubarovskaya and others.

Cherry planting dates in Belarus are early spring.

In Ukraine

Sweet cherries, like cherries, are massively grown throughout Ukraine, especially in its southern regions. Here are bred a large number of zoned varieties (mainly at the Melitopol Horticulture Experimental Station):

  • Melitopol black;
  • Melitopol early;
  • Valery Chkalov;
  • Mascot;
  • marvelous;
  • Space and many others.

Landing is carried out both in spring and autumn (in the southern regions) according to standard rules.

Planting sweet cherries in Central Russia, including in the Moscow region

For these areas, winter-hardy varieties from early to medium late ripening are suitable. For the most part they are the fruits of the selection of the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupin (Bryansk) and the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery (Moscow), as well as some Belarusian and Ukrainian varieties. Cherries should be planted here only in early spring.

In Volgograd

For this region, only two varieties of cherries are noted in the State Register - Early pink of medium ripening and Dibera black of medium late ripening. But the gardeners of Volgograd and the region do not look into the State Register and successfully grow many of its other varieties:

  • Valeria;
  • Homestead;
  • Donetsk beauty;
  • Rossoshanskaya;
  • Yaroslavna and others.

Cherry planting time in Volgograd is early spring.

In the Leningrad region

Bred for this region, the Leningradskaya Chernaya variety was never included in the State Register. There are no other varieties for the North-West in it. Gardeners of the Leningrad region, judging by the reviews, grow the following varieties:

  • Fatezh;
  • Chermashnaya;
  • Iway;
  • Revna.

Friends, help advice. What varieties of cherries will grow and bear fruit in the Leningrad region? Preferably different 2-3 varieties. Eye fell on the Leningrad black and Bryansk pink.

Martini SPb, Dacha in Apraksin, Leningrad region

Quote (Klimych) Because of the name, the Leningrad Black should at least grow normally.

Klimych, Dacha in Apraksin, Leningrad region


Klimych, we are neighbors! What do you grow from trees and shrubs in general? Maybe there is no point and effort to spend on something?

Martini SPb, Dacha in Apraksin, Leningrad region


Fatezh, Chermashnaya, Iput, Revna.

NadezhdaS, Dacha in Len. region, south


In the Urals

The climate of the Urals is characterized by unstable weather conditions and sudden temperature changes. In such conditions, the cultivation of the southern, heat-loving crop, which is sweet cherry, is associated with considerable difficulties. But there is experience of successful cultivation of some winter-hardy varieties zoned in the Central region. The most promising varieties were Iput and Severnaya bred by the Belarusian Institute of Fruit Growing. Experimental gardener Vladimir Pitelin in 2012 wrote about the abundant harvest of Fatezh varieties (selection of the Moscow Institute of Fruit Growing) and 2–7-37 in the conditions of the Southern Urals. According to him, planting cherries in the Urals does not differ from planting in the middle lane. All the rules above apply. Only they need to be carried out more scrupulously - the Ural climate does not forgive mistakes. He also recommends using seedlings on dwarf rootstock VSP-2 for growing sweet cherries both in standard and slate forms.

Video: cherries in the gardens of the South Urals

In Siberia

There are also enthusiasts in Siberia testing sweet cherry varieties in local conditions. As a rule, these are the same varieties as those grown in the Southern Urals. Dwarf cherries winter especially well in places where the snow cover is of considerable thickness and completely covers the trees. Shaft formation in Siberia is also successfully used. Landing rules are standard.

Slate formation of sweet cherry is used in the Urals and Siberia

Cherry transplant in spring

Cherry transplantation is an undesirable event for her. Moreover, the older the plant, the more detrimental the consequences can be and the higher the risk of non-survival. This is due to the inevitable injury to the root system, as well as the loss of most of it in the event of transplanting an old tree.

When can cherries be transplanted in spring or autumn

Most gardeners recommend doing this in early spring, especially in cold climates. This is explained by the fact that, transplanted in the fall, the tree will not have time to take root well and will go into the winter weakened. In places with mild winters and hot summers, it is recommended to transplant in the fall, since the plant is more likely to dry out in the summer than to freeze out in the winter. In any case, when preparing for a transplant, it is better to rely on the experience of local gardeners and specialists.

How to transplant young cherries, including three-year-olds

Transplanting young sweet cherries is not much different from planting a seedling. The main difference is that in order to transplant a tree, it still needs to be properly dug out of the ground.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting young sweet cherries

In this manual, we describe the process of spring planting a transplanted tree:

How to transplant an adult cherry tree

If necessary, an adult tree can also be transplanted, although experts believe that sweet cherries over the age of seven years will not tolerate this. In this case, you can try an interesting method, which is as follows:

  1. At the end of September, a circle is marked around the tree, as is the case with a young tree. Its diameter should be such as to capture as many roots as possible, but at the same time, the weight of the extracted part was within reasonable limits.
  2. With a sharp shovel with a flat blade, the roots are cut in half of the marked circle.
  3. They dig a trench along this half of the circle with a depth of a shovel bayonet.
  4. In the lower part of the trench, the roots are cut even deeper, onto the spade bayonet.
  5. Fill the trench and water it.
  6. The tree continues to feed on the second half of the roots that remain intact. In the first half, at this time, new roots will begin to form, which will fill the internal space of the root system.
  7. After 3-4 weeks, the same procedure is carried out with the second half of the roots. They are cut, dug, cut again, buried. Water abundantly for another two weeks and leave the tree until spring.
  8. At the same time, it is worth taking care of the planting hole for the transplanted plant.
  9. In early spring, as soon as the weather permits, the plant is dug out of the ground with a clod of young roots and transplanted to a new place.

Unfortunately, there are no illustrations of this method, but there is an excellent video that is worth watching.

Video: a new method of transplanting mature trees

Cherry repotting, including how to repot an old tree

Subsequent transplantation of sweet cherries will most likely be a futile exercise. It is unlikely that the tree will undergo this procedure again. Therefore, the choice of a landing site should be approached responsibly so as not to have problems in the future. Theoretically, the possibility of a transplant remains. But you have to do it with big ball land, using special equipment for this - an excavator, crane, truck for transportation. And even if we do not take into account the significant material costs, the success of the event is not guaranteed. Since the specified technique will not be able to drive up to any place.

It is unlikely that the gardener will use special equipment to transplant old cherries

I have never had a good tree. He transplanted three times, more precisely, he transplanted three cherries at a time, all for 7 years. Although, maybe, of course, I screwed something up.


Sweet cherries are very capricious in terms of transplantation in adulthood (and not only transplantation). A friend's tree also did not survive.

Vladdi, Kyiv


The rules for planting, propagating and transplanting sweet cherries are actually not so complicated that a novice gardener could not understand them. With due diligence and availability favorable conditions for culture, the result of the invested labor will certainly not upset.

Sweet cherries do not lose popularity among gardeners. The emergence of new varieties with a high level of survival only further expanded the geography of cultivation of this tree. The article contains video and photo instructions, advice from summer residents and step by step recommendations how to properly plant and care for a garden tree in spring.

What is the correct process of spring planting cherries

Decorate your site during flowering and delight with sweet and juicy fruits. Seedlings are usually planted in autumn or spring - this is the optimal time. Spring planting will give the tree more chances to fully take root before winter, survive and develop normally. It is planting in the spring that is recommended for central Russia.

The correct procedure consists of the following aspects:

  • purchase or preparation of a seedling;
  • choice of landing site;
  • timing;
  • disembarkation process and its features.

Buying or preparing a seedling

The main advice for purchasing a seedling is to do it at a specialized outlet that has permits, or in a nursery. Ideally, a varietal passport should be attached to the sweet cherry, in which the nuances of planting and care are noted. Other recommendations:

  • the seedling should not be more than three years old;
  • on the root and bark should not be mechanical damage, unusual spots or cracks;
  • the root must consist of at least three branches with a thickness of 2 mm or more.

Attention! Check the root system by making a small cut - a brown hue of the core is a sign of frostbite. Buy only a seedling with buds and make sure it has room for grafting.

You can also grow a tree from a stone yourself, it's not difficult. To do this, in the summer, collect the "hearts" of ripe berries, mix with wet sand and put in the cold. In the spring, plant the seeds in the ground and eventually get a young seedling. True, such a cherry will not be varietal.

To prepare the cherry, follow these steps:

  1. Cut off the damaged parts of the root.
  2. Soak the root if it is dry.
  3. Remove all leaves. They will take moisture from a young tree, which will affect its growth and strengthening in the ground.

A tree for spring planting should be bought in the fall. At this time, there is a large selection of fruit trees on the market, and you can control the storage of sweet cherries for spring yourself.

Advice. It is best to dig a seedling for the winter: make a half-meter deepening in the ground and put a tree in it at an angle of 45 ° C. The top should be directed to the south. Cover the seedling well with earth and fill it with plenty of water - the softened earth will stick to the bark and roots and protect them from frost.

Choosing a place and time for landing

Choose a place taking into account the fact that the tree is thermophilic. The site must meet the following conditions:

  • well lit;
  • be protected from northern winds and drafts;
  • be on an elevated place or an artificial embankment;
  • contain fertile soil with the substances necessary for cherries;
  • have moderately moist, loose soil that passes oxygen well;
  • do not contain crushed stone or clay in the composition of the soil;
  • side by side with another sweet cherry or cherry for good pollination;
  • be at least 7 m away from the apple tree.

Also make sure that groundwater is not located close to the surface.

Advice. To get a plentiful and high-quality harvest, it is very important to choose the right time. A characteristic sign for spring planting is that the seedling should not yet “wake up” from the winter dormancy. In central Russia, this is usually the period from mid-April to the first week of May.

Step by step instructions for planting cherries

When you have chosen a place and prepared planting material, you can start disembarking:

  1. Dig a hole. Its parameters are: 0.5 m deep and 1 m wide. In the process, set aside the fertile top layer.
  2. If there are several seedlings, the step between them should be 2 m or more.
  3. Mix fertile soil with compost and complex fertilizer and place at the bottom of the hole. First, stick and drive in a high peg for the seedling into the middle of the hole.
  4. Set the seedling straight. Fill it with earth so that the neck of the root protrudes about 3 cm above the surface. The soil needs to fit tightly around the root, excluding voids, so it is worth lightly tamping the soil with your foot during the digging process.
  5. Protect the tree with an earthen roller. Pour 20 liters of water into the middle.
  6. Sprinkle the soil around the seedling with peat. It will prevent water from evaporating.
  7. Tie the tree to the stake. The barrel must not be overstretched.

Cherry transplantation is carried out only in the spring, around mid-March. The seedling is prepared in autumn. If such a need arose, you need to carefully remove the tree from the ground and dig it in a horizontal position, well covered with soil and, if possible, with snow. The depth of the new pit is from 1 m.

The soil under the transplanted tree should be well tamped, poured abundantly with water and sprinkled with peat. Tree branches need to be shortened slightly. Remember, sweet cherry transplantation rarely ends in success, so it is better to foresee all the factors in advance and not change the “residence” of the tree.

Cherry planting: photo

Cherries are amazing fruit tree with tasty and juicy fruits. Many gardeners have recently deservedly given preference to it, compared with cherries. This is due to the fact that cherry trees have a whole group of serious diseases that nullify not only the harvest, but also plantings. Sweet cherries, especially new varieties, are more resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. There are institutes and nurseries dealing with light hand Michurin, adapting southern varieties to realities Many metropolitan summer residents are interested in planting cherries in the fall in the Moscow region.

When and what do we plant?

Many practicing gardeners lean towards traditional spring planting stone fruit trees. Nevertheless, it is quite possible. The optimal disembarkation time depends on the specific climatic features of your region and the specific suburban area. In order for planting cherry seedlings in the fall to lead to a healthy and fruitful "result", you need to follow a number of recommendations regarding the variety, seedling and planting site. Through the efforts of domestic breeders, excellent varieties with high frost resistance and disease resistance were bred. For a cool climate, varieties such as Revna, Pervenets, Dawn, Black bitter, Narodnaya, etc. are optimal.

For a seedling, you should contact reliable suppliers - a nursery with good choice or a private owner with a serious reputation. When choosing an annual seedling, you need to pay attention to its roots. The ideal state of the root system is a branched fibrous growth of thin hairs and several strong roots. The further north the sweet cherry is planted, the more attention should be paid to the winter hardiness of the stock. In order for the planting of sweet cherry seedlings in the fall to be successful, they should not have leaves. Please also note that the sweet cherry is a self-fertile tree, so there must be at least one more variety in the garden, or others must be grafted onto a stronger seedling later. Planting sweet cherries in the fall in the Moscow region, on the one hand, increases the risk of death of the tree, on the other hand, it makes it possible to harden it and adapt it to the harsh conditions of our unstable climate.

How do we plant?

Since sweet cherry is a very tall plant, a distance of about 4-6 meters from a neighboring tree should be provided. Sweet cherries are extremely capricious and demanding on the soil. She needs a well-protected and well-lit place in the garden. It prefers well-drained, fertile soil. At high level groundwater tree suffers and dies. Planting cherries in autumn requires a certain pre-training. The hole should be made in advance. It should be roomy, 60 cm deep and 60 cm wide. The soil in the pit should be enriched with humus. When planting, you need to dig a peg into the hole, to which you then tie the seedling. In a seedling, it is worth removing damaged roots to healthy tissues. The tree is lowered into a hole and covered with earth. So the landing is over. Cherries require good moistening of the near-stem circle. A couple of buckets of water is enough. Planting sweet cherries in the fall will be successful if the weak seedling is securely sheltered from frost, strong winds and the spring sun.

How do we cut?

The best time for pruning is in the spring with steady warm weather. autumn pruning due to freezing, it can provoke cracking of the bark and infection of the tree. Due to the fact that the sweet cherry branches poorly, it is necessary to cut it off, otherwise in 5 years there will be a monster 10 meters high with long bare branches on the site. Shortening the branches is above the kidney. Crown type - sparse-tiered. This allows you to saturate the crown with air and light. In this case, all branches growing inward are removed. The correct cut of the branch - on the ring, without any stumps.

How do we water and fertilize?

The tree is very sensitive to watering. Approximate norms - 100 liters of water per 1 square meter. After irrigation is completed, mulching is highly desirable, which maintains the desired moisture and looseness of the soil. Be sure to carry out winter watering to saturate the tree with moisture and normal wintering.

How do we care?

Sweet cherries start flowering early, which means a high risk of flower damage during spring frosts. It is worth stocking up in advance and carrying out protective smoke at a temperature of 1-2 degrees. It is also worth removing the basal shoots; aphid colonies often breed on it. After flowering, it is recommended to treat the tree with a 1% solution. Bordeaux mixture in order to combat Summer, all fallen unripe fruits must be collected and put into compost heap. After the fall has fallen, you need to prepare for the winter. The stem and main branches should be coated with a mixture of mullein, lime and clay, taken in equal proportions. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied under cherries only in spring, no later than May, in the amount of 20 g per 1 sq. meter. Autumn is the time for humus, 5 kg per 1 sq. meter. Planting sweet cherries will be more effective during the summer sowing of green manure: lupine, peas, and other legumes - in trunk circle. In autumn, they are mowed down and embedded in the soil as green manure. To prevent the development of diseases, carefully inspect tree trunks, branches, leaves and fruits. The affected branches are cut and removed from the site, the leaves are burned, and the tree is treated with copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water).

We looked at how cherries are planted in the fall. Certainly, with the right regular care this culture is able to decorate the life of any gardener, enrich it with the delicate aroma of blooming flowers and saturate it with a feast of taste.

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All next year I come to help harvest.

On the site, the former owner planted an apple tree, cherry and birch nearby. When the birch grew, the cherry dried up, and the apple tree deviated from it and is now growing to the side!

When planting plantings around the house, the requirements of individual fruit plants should be taken into account. On the southern, sunny side, the most heat-loving crops are planted first of all, for example, a pear - in the central regions, a peach - in the southern regions. This must be taken into account when placing varieties. Varieties that are more demanding on heat, such as the Pepin saffron apple tree, must be placed in more protected, warm places. On the north side, in the absence of protection, less demanding crops and varieties of fruit and berry plants are planted, such as Kitayka apple and mountain ash.​

At least 5 meters. They are not antagonists.​ this is unlikely

And I read that apple trees are not very good next to cherries. In the spring, I'm thinking of transplanting cherries. . Maybe we should not? They just took root and began to grow ...

The dacha is 20 years old, already 4 trees had to be uprooted. Summer is crazy

It’s possible, they are all bee-pollinated and no one grows these trees from the stone.

What to plant in the shade under the trees

Even during the flowering period, you can try to spray the sweet cherry with a honey solution in the morning (1 tablespoon per liter of water). This will attract bees and improve pollination. If frosts are expected during the flowering period, try to spray the crown with a solution of an ovary formation stimulator or at least plain water the day before - this will increase the stability of the flowers.

When planting cherries is very important right choice places. The slopes of the southern directions and other bright places on the site, protected from the northern winds, are preferred. Swampy places, lowlands with stagnant cold air are not suitable for planting sweet cherries.



You can plant cherries next to cherries. Will there be over-pollination?

Keymaster of Destiny

When we bought a dacha in the front garden, a wild apple tree and lilac grew, the apple tree blooms every year just luxuriously, and the lilac not only blooms but grows poorly, but the lilac bush next to the mountain ash grows and blooms well


Vigorous apple trees, pears, cherries and apricots must be planted at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other and from buildings, and for plums, cherries, peaches and dwarf apple trees and pears, 3-4 meters will be enough.

Roman Nenashev

What is the best distance between fruit trees?

Anatoly Yakovlev

But what grows out of the bones, I can’t say

sergey kudryashov

In his youth on his first suburban area(6 acres) managed to plant at least 36 trees, now I specially strained my memory and calculated (it turned out 6 by 6) - to be honest, I still don’t observe oppression - all the trees are on an average rootstock, up to 4 meters high. The garden is mixed - cherries, apple trees, plums, quince, cherries (they are higher), two nuts, but they are outside the site, several hazelnut bushes, gooseberries, pears. All trees grow normally - I don’t observe any signs of disease (maybe just because I use various drugs for prevention). There are almost always a lot of apples, cherries are also pleasing. Here are cherries - yes, they do not bear fruit very well. The rest seem to be ok. About cherries - trees also grow at my house - and just one cherry (yellow) grows between apple trees - it bears fruit perfectly (although birds eat it faster than us).

Mityai Bukhankin

heat, the cherry is gone. One. 3 left. And 3 undersized apple trees. Deadline

Maria Mozgoedovna-Siranush


Kuzma Solomonov

)) I read the answers. Complete darkness. Cherries are pollinated by cherries. But no cherry. And pretty good. The yield is high. Cherries and cherries from the pits sprout. Of the ten cherries, only one went into the wild. I have one chimera tree. I spliced ​​cherries and cherries. It turned out two - tiered plant. The cherry has overtaken the cherry in growth. Although the cherry is older. The life expectancy of this chimera will be from 50-100 years. Winter hardiness will increase. What worms? I do not have them. Moscow.​

Alexey Kurilov

Cherries need to be fed. Young trees - 2 times per season (in May and June), adults older than three years - 3-4 times. Cherries are fed with slurry (1:6) with the addition of a tablespoon complex fertilizer to a bucket of water. At the last top dressing, after harvesting, you should not use nitrogen fertilizers. Ash is well suited for top dressing. In the spring you need to add urea.

Maxim Slapoguzov

Cherries are planted in a planting hole measuring at least 70 x 70 x 60 cm. Trees are planted at a distance of 3-5 m. Otherwise, the spreading crown will eventually obscure other plants.

Is it possible to plant apple trees and other trees next to cherries? Or is it better alone? By the way, HALO is observed in Moscow, alas, the pictures are not


There is no significant difference. Plant at your discretion, the main thing is that at a distance of no closer than 2m
Is it possible to put a skinhead in hell with Caucasians?
It is advisable to plant berry bushes between fruit trees and along the edges garden paths, retreating from the paths and the bush from the bush by 1–1.25 meters.
Here the size of the trees reach their maximum dimensions and give bountiful harvests. As you move to the central and northeastern regions, the distance between the trees should decrease by 1.5–2 times. The dense arrangement allows fruity and...
You can. They are pollinated, but you don’t plan to breed new cherry-cherry hybrids and don’t sow seeds, do you? . And pollination is not reflected in the quality of the fruits.
You can plant as you like and anywhere, the question is is it right? I also have a cherry not far from the apple tree, the cherry itself has grown until it interferes. But still, it’s right to plant stone fruits (apricot, cherry, plum, etc.) not interspersed with pome fruits (apple, pear, quince), I don’t remember the reason, but something is quite significant there.


Fruiting up to 15 years.

The Scarlet Flower

It may be, but the quality of the fruit, from this, does not deteriorate, and cherries are not propagated by seeds.


No, they are different

Tatiana B

In addition, due to rapid growth, young trees need annual pruning. Remove all branches directed inside the crown, as well as shoots on the trunk and from the roots. Cuts must be very neat, they must be made with a well-honed tool. After pruning, be sure to treat the cut points with garden pitch. Inaccurate pruning can cause gum disease.​


For a planting pit, you need to mix the arable layer of the earth with three buckets of rotted manure or compost and a liter can of wood ash (you can also use mineral fertilizers). If the soil is clayey, add a bucket of river sand, if it is light sandy, pour two buckets of clay into the bottom of the pit, and then a fertile mixture. It does not hurt to add 2-3 buckets of limestone rubble to the pit. This will reduce the acidity of the soil and provide air access to the roots.​

Maikl Kljinber

Evgeny Kondr

it seems to me possible. Spring will be awesome. I generally keep quiet about the smell.


When laying a garden on a building-free area of ​​the estate fruit trees can be placed in straight rows according to a certain system. A row from a row should be separated (in most areas) at a distance of 6–8 meters, and in a row trees (apple, pear, apricot and cherry) - 6–8 meters from each other. In the rows between vigorous apple and pear trees, in order to make the most of the area of ​​the estate, low-growing trees are usually planted: dwarf apple and pear trees, plums, cherries and peaches, as well as berry bushes Aisles are also used for vegetable crops.

can you plant cherries next to cherries? won't they overspray?

Always looking forward to spring

gardener. rf

splinter -

Why not? You just need to consider: when planting a small one, that it will be big. Accordingly, the distance between the trees must be chosen correctly.
Cherry. 6 years old

Polina Shubina

And what about the fact that they are pollinated? Are you going to sow seeds for seedlings?


Pollination is the key to a good harvest.

Ludmila Klochkova

Gum disease is a disease of predominantly woody plants, characterized by the release of a viscous, sticky liquid on trunks, branches, fruits, and sometimes leaves of trees; the same as gommosis.​

sergey kudryashov

Having filled the hole by 2/3, a seedling is installed in it, carefully pouring fertile soil to the roots and compacting it. The support to which it is tied should be located on the south side - this will allow the tree to avoid sunburn. After planting, the cherries are watered, and the soil is sprinkled with peat, compost or mowed grass.

At what distance can you plant a plum cherry apple tree. Do these trees grow nearby?

Alexey Kazarin

2. If you plant a cherry next to an apricot, then the apricot will not bear fruit.

Tatiana Vedenina

The lilac grows very fast. . You will have to constantly cut. And then your apples will fall into the lilac thick, and climbing there is not very pleasant.

​Types of trees and shrubs in the garden can be placed not mixed, but each culture separately. With this (clean, not mixed) placement, the following distances are set: for apple and pear trees in the southern regions - 8x6 meters (8 meters between rows and 6 meters in a row), in central regions - 6x5–6 meters, in northeastern regions ( in the Urals, in Siberia) - 6x4 meters; for cherries and plums in the southern regions - 6x3–4 meters, in the central and northeastern regions - 4x3 meters. In the northeastern regions, cherries are planted at a distance of 3x2 meters. Cherries and apricots are planted at the same distance as an apple tree, and a peach, like a cherry.

Mom always taught me that cherries and apple trees love each other, we always plant in the neighborhood.

But I’m just interested in the possibility of pollination as such, because without pollination, the fruit does not form at all. a good pollinator is important.​

Prisoner of conscience

Apple and cherry are not very good neighbors

Which trees can be planted with each other (for example, apple and cherry), and which are not?

Anna Kalyuzhnaya

You can, they grow on me! Also hazel...​

Thank you, I understand!

You can. They bloom in different dates, and cherries for cherries are a weak pollinator, and cherries are vice versa. But the taste of fruits from pollination does not change.

When the tree begins to bear fruit, at a height of 3-3.5 m, cut the leader into a side branch. Pruning the leader to a lateral branch is the removal of a vertically growing shoot at the branching point with a branch growing more gently (angle more than 45 degrees).

It must be remembered that cherries are self-sterile. For normal pollination, it is necessary to plant cherry trees of different varieties nearby. The second option is to try to graft several different cuttings on winter-hardy variety. Among the best pollinators, varieties stand out

An apple tree can be planted next to a cherry and an apricot, but the apricot is away from the cherry.

Mock orange, lilac, roses, viburnum, barberry, horse chestnut, fir oppress apple and pear trees. Good neighbors to the apple tree will be raspberries, cherries, cherries, apple trees, plums. Cherry likes to grow next to cherries, cherries, grapes, apple trees. Plum does not like the neighborhood of pears, prefers black currants. Raspberries do not tolerate red currants, cherries - black currants. A pear will grow well next to a pear, apple, mountain ash.

When placing a garden around the house, it is necessary to take into account the decorative value of fruit trees. In front gardens, for example, along with ornamental shrubs, you can successfully plant apple trees, pears, cherries and plums. Green spaces are also of great fire-fighting importance.​


Placement of fruit trees and berries

Svetlana Klochkova

Cherries are not pollinated by cherries.

Is it possible to plant a lilac next to an apple tree?


There was also an article in the magazine "Plant Farming" (a wonderful magazine) with the title - "Cherry among cherries, the harvest is higher." Plant.​

Personal Account Deleted

You can plant it and grow normally, only cherries stretch out from lack of light. It is better to plant separately, they will be lower and it will be easier to cut them off.


Plant everything you have. But keep your distance. If the trees on

white chinchilla

You just don’t need all the worms from the cherry to move to the cherry, and so the cherry I have is clean, the worms don’t touch it.

Vita Milkin

What is duke and how to grow it

I bought an apricot, an apple tree, a sweet cherry and a cherry, what next to what to plant?

Vasily Antonyuk

Revna, Bryansk Pink, Iput, Raditsa, Tyutchevka.
There must be another cherry tree within a radius of 8 meters from your cherry tree, otherwise there will be few ovaries. We also planted one tree at first, and then we had to plant a couple, since the neighbors did not have a single cherry around. This is in addition to the rest of the answers.​
There is a difference. Plant stone fruits nearby, only 2 meters is clearly close. In stone fruits, mutual pollination occurs, apricots, peaches, cherries, cherries are recommended to be planted nearby, BUT not in place of the same old tree, everything useful has already been exhausted. And the apple tree, pear also love the neighborhood.



The garden can be placed around the house and outbuildings or separately on the part of the estate free from buildings. In addition, gardens can be placed in separate areas designated specifically for this purpose.​

All fruit trees and shrubs can be planted nearby, with the exception of mountain ash, which attracts pests. She is planted somewhere on the outskirts. Plums and cherries are usually planted along the perimeter of the site, at a distance of at least 2 m from the borders, so as not to obscure the neighbors. Between these trees (namely, to form them better trees, that is, with one trunk, and not with bushes), a distance of 2.5 -3 meters is desirable. Apple trees are planted according to the scheme: in a row - 5 m from each other, between rows - 6 m. From the boundaries of the site - 3 m. If you want to have an intensive apple orchard, then you can reduce the distance in a row between apple trees to 2.5 - 3 m. Then, with the age of the trees, you need to be prepared for their systematic pruning both in height (no more than 2.5-3 m) and in width. Practically apple trees will grow in a row with a wall. The yield of such an intensive garden increases several times.​

I mean, won't the berry taste different?

Cherry is a fairly common crop in Russia in general and in the middle lane - in particular. This is the oldest variety of cherry. In modern conditions, dozens of varieties have been bred with different size, taste and color of berries, crown height and spreading, and fruit ripening periods.

Sweet cherry: the best varieties for a personal plot

When choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to its zoning, since southern varieties will freeze or dry out in colder climates with high snow cover. Therefore, before going to the nursery, you should pay attention to some points:

  • Frost resistance. The higher it is, the better.
  • short stature. Such plants are less likely to freeze and higher yields.
  • Late flowering period. It allows you to get away from the return of the cold.
  • self-fertility. Such varieties do not need to be pollinated, therefore, the harvest is guaranteed even when planting one plant.

Taking into account all the factors, you can decide on the variety.

and the way

A tree of medium height (4-5 m) pyramidal in shape with a dense crown. Thick shortened petioles with three to four flowers white color. Flowering early. Fruits of universal purpose up to 9 g (considered large), glossy, burgundy to black. Juicy, sweet flesh.

Self-infertile, productive (up to 30 kg) variety resistant to fungal infections.


A variety of Canadian selection with low frost resistance, productive with simultaneous ripening of fruits that do not fall off for a long time. The fruits are large - up to 8 g, transportable.

With enhanced agricultural technology, they reach 13 g. Orange-red color and dense pulp. Variety with great strength growth, highly productive, self-fertile, late-ripening. Fruiting begins at the end of July. Versatile berries.

Leningrad black

The height of the tree usually does not exceed four meters. The crown is spreading. In conditions of good agricultural technology, fruiting can occur in the third year after planting a seedling.

Maroon berries (up to 6 g) do not fall for a long time, ripen in July, the separation is dry. Used for processing, freezing and fresh.


The variety is frost-resistant, early-growing. Berries (10 g) with wine aftertaste. Transportable. Good fresh and processed. The variety is used for cross-pollination of many types of cherries.


Tree up to 3 m with a pyramidal crown. Yellow fruits (6 g) with dense creamy pulp. The taste is sweet and sour. Average winter hardiness and drought resistance. The yield is high, the quality of the berries is excellent.

In addition to these varieties, cherry varieties are grown in the middle lane, presented in the table:

Name Ripening terms Weight Color Taste tree height Winter hardiness, productivity
Julia/Julia mid-early large, 8 g yellow-pink dessert average No
Fatezh Early July 4 g rose red dessert average Yes
Bryansk pink End of July 4-5 g pink mottled sweet average winter-hardy, fast-growing
Valery Chkalov Early July 9 g crimson excellent dessert medium-sized winter-hardy, fast-growing, very productive
Veda July 4-5 g dark red the pulp is dense, sweet undersized (2.5 m), sprawling crown, rounded Yes
Olenka early Up to 10 g red to black dessert stunted increased
In memory of Chernyshevsky June 4-5 g Red to black sweet and sour tall winter-hardy
Revna mid-late 5 g Bordeaux sweet medium height winter-hardy
motherland June July 6 g Bordeaux sweetish medium height very winter hardy
Rossoshanskaya Golden June July 6 g yellow sweet with honey aftertaste undersized Yes

Video review of fruitful varieties of cherries

When to plant cherries

Spring planting is practiced in Siberian regions with a sharply continental climate - short summers and long, harsh winters. In the conditions of the middle zone, where the climate is temperate, more humid and warm, cherry seedlings are planted in autumn - in September-October.

This period is considered the most optimal, since the task of the gardener is to allow the seedling to take root well and go into the winter before the start of the growing season (growth and development). If the deadline for autumn planting is missed, then you have to wait for spring. For this period, the seedlings are dug in a shallow trench with a slope of 45 degrees before the onset of warm days. In winter, so that they do not freeze out, you need to periodically throw snow, and cover from sunburn with plywood, boards, nonwoven fabric. Polyethylene should not be used, in order to avoid spring damping.

If it is necessary to save several shoots, they are tied up in 4-5 pieces and placed in the groove with the upper part to the south, the roots - to the deeper part, to the north.

The advantages of autumn planting cherries in the middle lane:

  • During this period, there is no need for frequent watering, as it rains quite enough.
  • Seedlings are sold fresh, dug up recently. They still retained young roots and leaves that have not dried out, by which it is possible to determine the condition of the seedling, the presence or absence of infections.
  • Large selection and relatively cheap.

And, finally, in the autumn the gardener has more free time than in the spring.

How to choose and plant cherries

Before purchasing, you need to decide in advance whether this will be a root plant or on a stock. If the second option, then when buying, you need to find the place of vaccination - it has a pronounced thickening just above the root collar.

In addition, the tree must have a main conductor, which will later become the main trunk, and pruning will be done with an eye on it. If there is no central conductor, then a highly branched plant will be obtained with a high risk of breaking the crown during the fruiting period.

The root system should have a length of 15 cm, be moist and without obvious damage. Seedlings are better to choose annual or biennial.

Immediately before planting, the plant is once again inspected to identify any shortcomings and:

  • remove "soaked" roots;
  • trim very long root endings;
  • cut those roots that do not fit in the planting hole;
  • cut off the remaining foliage.

In no case should you cut the branches, only if they broke during transportation.

If there are dried roots, they are placed in water for several hours (from 2 to 10) before planting so that they are saturated with moisture.

When the seedlings have been sorted out, you need to determine a favorable place for planting cherries. It should be a well-lit area, protected from the north wind.

Sweet cherry does not "like" low-lying areas with a high occurrence of groundwater, clay and acidic peat soil.

Best of all, she "feels" on loams, sandy loams with good aeration.

The landing site is carefully dug up with the removal of weeds, leveled with a rake. landing pits
are planned at a distance of 4-5 meters from each other. Their diameter and depth is 80-90 cm. When the cherry orchard is planned and the pits are ready, they add:

  • humus - 3 buckets;
  • ash - 1 l;
  • superphosphate - 0.2 kg;
  • potash fertilizers - 0.1 kg.

In addition, with clay soil, a bucket of sand is poured into the pit, with sandy soil - a bucket of clay. Mix everything with a shovel and form a small mound in the center for convenient placement of the roots.

Nitrogen fertilizers are not applied during autumn planting to avoid premature growth.

You can start landing. First, a support peg is stuck into the pit, then the seedling is placed strictly vertically and the roots are carefully spread along the slopes of the mound. It is necessary to ensure that the root neck and place the scion (if any) was 3 cm above the ground. The roots are sprinkled with soil, periodically shaking the tree. When the process is half completed, a bucket of water is poured into the pit and the planting is completed. The earth around is carefully rammed.

Then, they tie the plant to the support and, stepping back from the trunk 30 cm around the circumference, make a small depression into which another bucket of water is poured. It is advisable to mulch the landing site with rotted sawdust or compost. If after a few days the soil settles, then it should be poured to the general level.

How to care for cherries

Cherry care after planting is practically not required:

  • The main thing is to protect it from rodents, frostbite, dampness and sunburn. To do this, the trunk should be whitewashed, wrapped with burlap and pesticides decomposed. In cold winters, it is better to cover with snow.
  • In the spring, when the snow melts, the trunk and skeletal branches are whitened - to reflect sun rays and for the prevention of disease.
  • During the growing season, sweet cherry requires watering 1-2 times a month: a young one needs 2 buckets, an adult - 5-6 buckets of water.
  • The first 2-3 years in the spring, only nitrogen fertilizers are applied - they stimulate the growth of branches and green mass.
  • Starting from the 4th year, a complete mineral complex is introduced.

The soil under the trees can be mulched, sod or kept under black fallow.

Pruning and shaping cherries

One of the mandatory procedures for caring for sweet cherries is its pruning and tree formation. It allows you to achieve regular abundant harvests. Incorrect implementation of these measures inevitably leads to the weakening and death of the plant.

Spring pruning of skeletal branches before the start of sap flow is preferable, since they are clearly visible, and with the onset of a warm period, there is no risk of freezing. The wounds heal quickly.

For the middle lane optimal time the procedure - the end of March-beginning of April. In autumn, after leaf fall and until October, sanitary pruning is carried out and the crown is thinned.

Young seedlings begin to form from the first year when they reach 50-55 cm. If the trees have not yet grown to this height, then pruning is postponed for the next year. So:

It is not allowed to remove skeletal branches if they have active buds.

With the implementation of all agricultural practices and with the correct formation of sweet cherry from year to year, it will delight with its flowering and abundant harvests.