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Fifty ideas for a little lady's bedroom. Stylish children's bedroom for a girl - features of zoning and interior Interior of children's bedrooms for girls in an apartment

When a child appears in a family, he becomes the center of everyone's attention. In order for the baby to grow healthy and develop quickly, it is necessary to properly arrange his room. In this article we will look at how to make a beautiful and functional bedroom for a girl.

You will learn how interesting it is to choose and arrange furniture, choose textile design,... Photos of children's bedrooms of various designs will be shown in our gallery.

Design and interior of a children's bedroom for a girl

The child’s room should be interesting, comfortable and safe. Therefore, the design of a children's bedroom for a girl should be carefully thought out.

Remember: Each stage of a baby’s life is characterized by certain psychophysiological changes; this must be taken into account when decorating the interior of a bedroom for children.

Let's consider the design features of girls' children's rooms of different ages.

Design of a children's bedroom for a girl 3-6 years old

The period of life from 3 to 6 years is characterized by the girl’s rapid growth; if the bedroom interior is decorated incorrectly, then within a year it will no longer be relevant and repairs will be required. Little children believe in fairy tales, so why not turn their room into a magical castle, fairy forest, or gingerbread house?

A little girl will surely like a cozy corner of her own - photos of children's bedrooms

The interior of a child's room should be interesting and quite dynamic. But you should not use too bright colors, they quickly tire. The ideal would be soft purple shades with white, or. White color It has a calming effect and makes the room seem wider and more spacious.

For your information: Children often like to draw on the walls, so to cover them, use high-quality non-woven wallpaper that is easy to clean.

Bright elements in textiles and decor are much easier to replace than wall decoration - children's bedrooms, photo

If the girl’s room is small, only the most necessary furniture will fit - toy boxes, bookshelves. The interior of a bedroom with a crib can be complemented with a small table for drawing and modeling.

Attention: Children love to play on the floor, so make sure it is warm.

You should not clutter the children's room with various furniture; the child should have a spacious play area - bedrooms for girls, photo

Design of children's rooms for girls aged 7 to 10 years

At this age, the child’s carefree childhood ends and the period of schooling begins. The young lady still plays with dolls and loves fairy tales, but she already has a daily routine and responsibility. Therefore, the bedroom for a 7-year-old girl should be comfortable and functional. Gentle soothing tones should prevail - peach, milky, pearl, soft green.

Advice: You can add brightness to the children's interior with the help of accents - hang original pictures, panels, etc.

Sports activities will contribute to the physical development of a child - children's bedrooms, photo

When planning and thinking through the design of a 7-10 year old girl’s bedroom, it is necessary to divide the space into functional zones:

  • sleep area (sofa or bed);
  • workplace ( desk, shelves, rack);
  • play area (equipped corner or place on the floor);
  • storage areas (built-in wardrobe, toy boxes).
Idea: If there is not enough space in a girl’s bedroom, you can combine two zones - buy a loft bed and place a desk under it.

In a girl’s room, it is important to provide a place where she can communicate with her friends - the interior of a children’s bedroom

Bedroom interior design for a teenage girl

The age period from 11 to 15-16 years is considered the most difficult, so arranging a bedroom for a teenage girl should be approached very responsibly. This is a transitional age when children say goodbye to childhood, mature morally and physically, and enter independent adult life. The girl is no longer interested in dolls, she is interested in fashion, youth subcultures, different types art, sports.

There are certain rules for developing a bedroom design for a teenage girl:

  • the room should be decorated in restrained, light, pleasant colors - soft classic design is ideal;
  • for studying there should be a comfortable table with a chair and a computer;
  • the room must have a dressing table, a spacious wardrobe;
  • It is necessary to provide a place to communicate with friends.
Remember: It is important for a teenage girl to know that she is valued, so decorate the walls of her bedroom with photographs, certificates, drawings, crafts, and attributes that reflect the interests of the teenager.

Photo of a bedroom for teenage girls of individual design

Design of a shared room for several children

Most often there are several children in a family, but it is always possible to arrange a separate bedroom for each. Simple design ideas They will allow it so that even two girls of different ages can get along in one nursery.

Since the average age difference between children is about 5 years, one child is still small, and the second is already a schoolboy. Therefore, it is necessary to zoning the bedroom space to separate the play area from the workplace. You can separate them using finishing combined wallpaper, furniture, small partition.

Dividing the space into zones will allow each girl to have her own place

The area of ​​a Khrushchev building does not always allow placing two separate beds in one room, so children's bedrooms with bunk beds are often found. They not only save space, but are also multifunctional - bookcases and a gym wall can be built into them.

On a note: There are various transformable beds with sliding or folding beds that will allow you to rationally use the available space.

The personal space of each child will be provided by ready-made children's bedrooms for girls, photo

Our gallery will demonstrate examples for boys and girls.

Furniture and decoration of a girl's children's room


It is desirable that the set is made of wood and does not have large protrusions or sharp edges. If the nursery is repurposed for one child, you can purchase a set of furniture consisting of a bed, wardrobe, dressing table and desk - everything will be done in the same style.

The modular furniture set “Sorceress” will please the girl not only for its interesting coloring, but also for the elegance of its shape

When arranging a bedroom for two girls of the same age, it is better to purchase two identical beds and place them next to each other, or opposite. This will make it easier for girls to communicate. Will save space in the nursery bunk bed, loft bed, or sleeping area-closet.

Furniture from the “Lady” series instills good taste in a girl from childhood

The second most important piece of furniture for a schoolgirl's bedroom is a desk. It is selected according to the child’s height, must be of high quality, spacious, and complemented by a comfortable chair.

Please note: If there are two girls of different heights in the room, they will need tables of different sizes.

A set of children's furniture "Aurora" made of natural alder contains everything necessary for sleep, study and everyday life


Very important . The window in the nursery should be large, curtained with light tulle, to let in a large amount of sunlight. It is also necessary to provide local artificial lighting. This could be a table lamp on the desktop, a night light in the sleeping area, a floor lamp, or interesting chandelier in a place for games.

High-quality lighting is the key to good baby vision

How and what to decorate a girl's room

A monochromatic interior seems boring to a child, so the bedroom walls can be decorated with bright colors. vinyl stickers, use interesting ones. Good idea - white wall in the nursery, on which you can draw. One of the walls of the room can be covered with photo wallpaper with a cartoon plot.

Advice: fill the nursery original things- animal figures, interesting souvenirs, crafts, panels, pictures.

You can awaken your child’s imagination by developing interesting design bedrooms for children, photo

You can diversify the design of a children's bedroom with your own hands using textiles. Fabric with a beautiful pattern can be used for sewing, bedspreads, canopies over the bed, and draping chairs. It is better to sew curtains for children's rooms short, from light, lightweight fabric with an original pattern. They should let light into the room and complement the overall interior of the girl’s room.

On a note: curtains, bedspreads, pillows, sewn from the same fabric, look very stylish and add warmth to the interior of the nursery.

Textiles in pink tones will create a gentle and stylish design for a children's bedroom, photo

Bottom line

Children are little people, so it is important that they grow up in a harmonious environment. Decorating a girl's bedroom has a huge impact on her psycho-emotional development. Therefore, it is important to arrange her room as comfortable, safe and beautiful as possible in order to develop good taste in the child from childhood.

The choice of children's room interior depends on many factors. One such factor is the gender of the child. What does the gender of the baby affect? There are several answers! This includes the color of the bedroom, decorative items, general style, and even the configuration of the bedroom set. You should also pay attention to the child’s age, hobbies and temperament. By combining these factors into an overall picture, it is easy to understand what kind of room your child will need.

First of all, when choosing a bedroom set, you should be guided by the age of the child. After all, at different ages, children have completely different needs, which are provided various types furniture.

Which rooms are suitable for girls of different ages:

  1. For a newborn baby, the main thing is safety and convenience for the mother. Choose soft pastel colors that will have a calming effect on the delicate psyche of a newborn girl. Until 2-3 years, the style of the room can not be changed. Toys, doll houses, playpens and swings will complement the room for a baby closer to 3 years old.
  2. If the girl is between 3 and 6 years old, then the room should take on the features of a playroom. Design at this age may become more vibrant. It all depends on the baby and the parents. The room should have comfortable, safe furniture, decorated with your favorite motifs, favorite colors and shapes. Create a space for creativity and physical development.
  3. A first-grader baby is a completely different girl with new needs and demands. The number of play elements should be reduced at this age, providing more space for studying. A well-chosen desk and various accessories will make studying easy and enjoyable. At this age you can add a girl to the bedroom new item furniture: dressing table.
  4. Closer to 12 years old, the girl begins to mature. The first circles and sections, the first favorite heroes and heroines, as well as the first manifestations of aesthetic taste. At this age, the room should be as diverse as possible, because a girl at this age still gravitates towards childhood hobbies, has a need to take care of herself and continue schoolwork, and her life often includes various hobbies.
  5. 14-18 years is the age when a girl grows up and turns into a girl. Therefore, it is necessary to make an exquisite and comfortable interior, which takes into account the individuality of a growing girl.

Choosing beautiful bedrooms for a girl, think not only about external attractiveness, but also about the convenience and individuality of the baby.

Furniture for a girl's bedroom

Furniture for bedrooms comes with standard sets. However, in each specific case it is necessary to find options that fully satisfy the consumer’s needs. For this purpose, modern designers have developed a large line of products for girls' bedrooms.

What may be included in a set for a girl’s bedroom:

  • bed;
  • wardrobe;
  • dresser;
  • cabinet;
  • banquette;
  • desk;
  • dressing table with mirror;
  • bookshelf;
  • couch.

This list describes possible pieces of furniture for 1 girl.

Please note that for 2 babies you can choose combined sleeping systems.

Bedroom for two girls of the same age

If you are the happy parents of the same age or twins, then arranging a nursery will not be difficult. In fact, you just need to duplicate each piece of furniture. Of course, there are certain nuances in this process.

What to consider when arranging a room for 2 kids of the same age:

  1. Personal space. Despite the fact that sisters can be very close, each girl needs to have a personal space for which she will not have to fight with her sister, jeopardizing peaceful relationships.
  2. Zoning. Separate the sleeping area from the study or play area. This will be the key to the harmonious development of babies. Do this even if there is not much space in the room.
  3. Equal rights. If you want to maintain the relationship between sisters at the proper level, then remember that girls should have an equal amount of everything, and it doesn’t matter who studies better, who is older, and who behaves better.

For 2 girls you need to pick 2 different places for study and creativity.

Bedroom design for a girl: perfect style

Designers often argue about which style is the most optimal for a children's room. It is clear that the disputes are unlikely to lead to a unanimous decision.

What styles are children's bedrooms for girls made in:

  • Provence. A Provencal bedroom is lightness, comfort and coziness. Just what the baby needs!
  • Modern style. Bright colors modern style will decorate the room, and functionality and simplicity will be the key to easy use.
  • Classic style. For a children's room, the classics can be diversified with the help of gilded elements and porcelain figurines and dolls.
  • Minimalism. For a serious girl, the minimalist style will be an additional incentive for discipline, as well as a symbol of the transition to adulthood.
  • Fairy. A fabulous style has been developed exclusively for girls' bedrooms. A carriage-shaped bed and a toy house. All the elements of a fabulous interior will be selected for you by a specialist.

Be sure to consult with your children when choosing a room decoration style.

Decor and pictures: bedrooms for girls

It is obvious that good decor can win the heart of every girl. But not right choice can have a painful impact on living in your room. What pictures and decorative elements will the girl like?

The best decor for a bedroom:

  1. decorative pillows and bedspreads;
  2. simple pictures of similar topics;
  3. curtains;
  4. family photos;
  5. exquisite lighting fixtures;
  6. garland;
  7. photo wallpaper;
  8. beautiful mirror.

Pompous decor will delight your baby for several weeks, and intelligently thought out and discreet elements will not bother you for many years.

Bedroom interior for a school-age girl

The interior of a girl's bedroom is a very specific task. The point is that the options for creating unique design a lot, and the wild imagination of children and parents wants to realize everything at once.

Some motives that will help you navigate in choosing a room:

  • Floral prints. Both babies and adult women like flowers. Fill the nursery with fresh flowers or add images of flowers on wallpaper or textiles.
  • Peas. Polka dots are cute, traditional and flirty. Just what a young lady needs.
  • In dark colors. For lovers of everything unusual and mysterious, you can choose a dark bedroom with bright accents.
  • Venice. For sophisticated and airy girls, the Venetian style in the room is suitable.
  • Snow-white. It is very fashionable nowadays to design a room in a perfectly white palette. Only decorative elements complement the whiteness with bright accents.
  • Inscriptions. Motivational words of support and love will delight the baby even if the parents are not at home.

When creating the interior of a girl’s bedroom, rely on the chosen concept, and not on momentary impulses to this or that choice.

Girl's bedroom bed: comfort zone

The bed is the most important part in the bedroom. Make the right choice of bed and in many ways the design will already be created. In addition, currently you can install a compact bed for 2 babies. In general, get acquainted with the assortment and select a model that would suit you in all respects.

Types of beds for a girl's bedroom:

  1. Single bed for a small bedroom.
  2. A double bed where the baby can fall asleep cuddling with her mother.
  3. A bunk bed that saves a lot of space when you have 2 children.
  4. A loft bed that allows you to place several zones in a small space.
  5. A transformable bed that turns into a desk or part of a furniture wall.

Modern sleeping systems allow you to save space without compromising style and design.

We renovate girls' bedrooms with our own hands

If the room is ready for cosmetic repairs, then interior finishing can be done without the help of specialists. The only exception would be, perhaps, suspended ceiling, which is almost impossible to install yourself.

Things to remember when renovating a girl’s bedroom:

  • Choose only environmentally friendly materials for building materials.
  • Don't skimp on decorations: cover 1 wall with decorative wallpaper.
  • A stretch ceiling, glossy or with a pattern, will come in handy in a girl’s nursery.
  • Storage system. During the renovation process, you can organize a small dressing room, which will be more convenient and beautiful than a wardrobe.

Renovate with love!

Bedroom for two girls of different ages

Making a bedroom for 2 kids of different ages is not such a difficult task if you understand the basic principle of the distribution of objects in rooms of this type.

How to arrange a bedroom for two kids of different ages:

  1. Zoning. If the age gap is so large that the children do not have common interests, then completely zoning the room into 2 parts using curtains or even a plasterboard wall will help.
  2. Special bunk beds for such cases have a short bed at the bottom and a longer one at the top. This will allow you to accommodate both girls, while maintaining maximum free space for games and learning.
  3. Light. Children of different ages have different sleep patterns. Therefore, get good lamps for each child.

With the right approach, girls even with big difference at an age they can easily get along together.

Decorating children's bedrooms for girls (video)

For correct design everything is important: the shade of the wallpaper and the bed linen. But often little girls care less about this than their parents. Youth furniture sets are deliberately not ideal, because youth loves freedom and surprises. Take this into account when choosing a set for the nursery. A cozy bedroom does not always mean a luxurious four-poster bed and luxury furniture made in Europe. The most beautiful room is the one where memorable and exciting moments in life took place.

The issue of arranging a bedroom for a girl should be approached very seriously and doubly carefully. The child spends time in the bedroom most time, he develops here, plays and rests. Therefore, the interior of a children’s room should be thought out to the smallest detail; we’ll look at how to decorate a girl’s bedroom to make it as comfortable and cozy as possible below.

The design of the room in which the little lady lives depends on her character, quality of sleep and emotional state of the body, so you should approach this issue very delicately. Of course, a girl’s bedroom is very different from a boy’s nursery, since girls are more attentive to small design details, they like the presence of small compositions, accessories, bright colors and beautiful objects. Therefore, be sure to take care of the presence of bows, hearts, plush toys, ruffles, stars, the moon, flowers, etc. in the interior.

Particular attention should be paid to the color decoration of the room. The most favorite and most popular color for decorating a girl’s bedroom is pink and its variations. It is a symbol of sweetness, tenderness, warmth, romance and innocence, so it is best suited for little princesses. Although not everyone loves pink, some babies find it boring, so it should be based on the room owner's preferences. Walls in peach, apricot, lilac, beige, light green or sand colors will perfectly decorate a girl’s bedroom. Some girls like snow white, turquoise, orange or even blue.

One more important aspect is the division of the room into several zones, which should have clear functional features. Mandatory areas are places for relaxation, games and activities. The first zone is based on the bed, the type of which depends on the age and preferences of the child. The main criterion when choosing a bed is its comfort. Sofas are more suitable for miniature rooms where there is little space and you need to unfold the sofa in the evening and fold it down during the day. The most useful, from a medical point of view, is an ordinary bed with an orthopedic mattress installed on it. Another solution for small rooms is to install an attic bed, in the upper part of which the child will sleep, and below there will be a work area in the form of a chair and a table for studying. For little girls under three years old, it is better to buy a crib with sides.

We should not forget that girls love small parts, so installing a canopy over the bed will be very useful. It is also possible to place a large number of small pillows on the bed, many soft toys, wall stickers in the form of flowers or hearts will complement the interior. When choosing bed linen, try to create its harmony with general design rooms.

Make sure to allocate a place for games; this could be a small but soft and cozy rug in the center of the room or near the bed. You should not combine the work area with the play area, as the child will be constantly distracted during classes. In the work area, place a desk and shelves or racks for storing books or school supplies.

Consider installing furniture in such a way that all unnecessary things can be easily hidden in a closet or chest of drawers. This, firstly, will teach the child to be neat, and secondly, will make appearance the premises are more aesthetically pleasing.

Bedrooms for girls photo:

A mandatory element of a girl’s bedroom is her own wardrobe, in which she will store all her outfits. This closet can also have shelves for toys. You also need a mirror in front of which the little fashionista will try on outfits and place jewelry.

Bedroom interior for a girl

Getting started interior decoration walls and ceilings, when choosing materials, pay attention to their quality. They must be hypoallergenic and harmless to health. When purchasing, for example, wallpaper, you should definitely check the certificate of conformity.

When equipping a children's bedroom for a newborn baby, you should first choose the tone of the walls; it is advisable to give preference to light colors. Light beige, delicate lilac, pink, white or milky are perfect. A year later, when the child begins to be interested in the external environment, add bright accents to the room in the form of decorating one of the walls. We should not forget about installing a changing table and a cabinet or chest of drawers for storing children's things and cosmetics baby care.

The classic version of decorating a girl’s bedroom is used in two cases. Firstly, if the entire apartment or house is made in this style, and secondly, if you plan to raise a smart and intellectually developed child.

In such a room it would be appropriate to install wooden furniture, wide bed, it is better if its color is brown. Decorate the bed with a canopy or satin curtain. Hang family photos in elegant frames on the walls, and a massive chandelier will complement the interior with lighting.

Decorating a nursery in a minimalist style allows you to free up a large amount of free space for games. Such a room will become great solution for a little restless girl. Light colors on the walls, minimal furniture: bed, table, chair and wardrobe. The absence of distracting decorative elements will create the illusion of large space. For wall decoration, it is better to use wallpaper with simple geometric patterns. Light silk or cotton curtains will complement and embellish the interior.

Children's bedrooms for girls in modern style involve the use of bright colors in the decoration of walls and ceilings, a large amount of lighting, and the presence of a variety of design developments. Great examples Such rooms will serve as a structure made of plasterboard, which imitates a forest clearing or a fairy-tale hut.

A room in the romantic style is more suitable for older girls school age. It is appropriate here to use a large number of ruffles on the curtains, a lot of bright pillows, hearts, mirrors, ottomans, fringe, a lot of lamps and candle-shaped lamps.

1. Wall decoration - it is better to paint the walls in light colors, as they fill the atmosphere with positive emotions. For emotional or hot-tempered girls, it is better to choose shades of light blue or green. Pink color will fill the room with tenderness and romance. Shades of yellow and orange will add positivity. There is no need to clutter up the space with a large number of patterns, it is better to limit it decorative finishing one of the walls. To lighten the atmosphere, buy lightweight curtains. As a wall decoration, it is better to give preference to wallpaper for painting; they are perfectly decorated and if a child soon wants to change the color of the walls in her room, there is no need to do major renovation. It is possible to paint the walls or use another type of wallpaper.

2. Lighting - in addition to the fact that you need to choose a room with maximum illumination as a nursery, artificial lighting also plays a big role, especially in zoning the room. A small lamp should be located near the bed so that the baby can turn it on at any time. The work area should also have its own individual lighting. If there is a play area or dressing room, they should also be illuminated. It is better to choose a chandelier as the main light source, according to the given style of the room.

3. Additional decorative elements, in their quality it is possible to use any design techniques and solutions: creating large bright flowers on one of the walls, photo wallpaper depicting fairy-tale characters, an aquarium, decorative panel, plasterboard shelves or false walls that divide the room into several zones. Soft and warm mat on the floor will add warmth and comfort to a girl’s bedroom. Even a chandelier can be a great accessory if you choose it in unusual shape, for example, in the form of a flower or a bell.

4. Bedroom furniture for girls - it is better to choose furniture with the participation of the owner of the room. The main furniture components are: bed, wardrobe, desk, work chair. Additional furniture: a wardrobe with a mirror for storing jewelry, ottomans for guests, racks and shelves for books, etc. When choosing furniture, do not forget about the safety of your baby. The main criteria for furniture: strength, reliability and quality. If you choose metal furniture, then it should have soft inserts, since the impact metal surfaces causes serious injuries. You should not choose furniture with a lot of sharp corners. Furniture should be comfortable and functional. The bed must correspond to the height of the baby. When choosing a bed for a teenage child, choose furniture with a reserve, since at this time children grow very quickly. When choosing a mattress, focus only on orthopedic models. To save space, choose beds with built-in storage drawers. The main criterion when choosing a closet is its capacity, since girls always have a lot of outfits. Choose a furniture design based on the age of the child; if it is a girl of primary school age, then it is better to choose a bed in the form of flowers, a carriage, a castle, a cloud, the sun, etc. The color of the furniture depends on the overall style of the room.

5. Household or electrical appliances - it is not recommended to install televisions, computers, or audio systems in the children's room. These items have a negative impact on the emotional state of the child and overload him nervous system. It is better to install an aquarium in the room, which will not only calm its owner, but also teach her discipline and responsibility.

6. Color recommendations. If the nursery is too small for a girl, it is better to make it in white colors. White color not only visually enlarges the space, but also makes the atmosphere of the room more comfortable. For nature lovers, decorating a room in turquoise color, which will give it romance and a natural aura. To take a break from stress and calm down, you should choose green color, which, according to psychologists, is the most favorable for the bedroom. If beige, sand and coffee colors are used, it is recommended to dilute the atmosphere with bright accents, in the form of flowers or hearts on the walls. A girl’s room in blue color. To get a good mood every time you visit the room, you should make it in orange and red colors. But keep in mind that a monochromatic bedroom is quite boring and the child will quickly get bored, so you should stick to a combination of two or three colors. There is no need to use more than four color schemes in the design, as they clutter the room and make the atmosphere too heavy.

Bedroom interior for a teenage girl

When a girl grows up and reaches adolescence, her room becomes not only a place for games and relaxation, but also a corner of personal space. On at this stage, you need to be careful when choosing furniture, wallpaper, curtains and other items. It’s better to let the child choose everything on his own, and the parents should tell him how to do it. For example, furniture should not only be visually beautiful, but also multifunctional and safe for health. If a child categorically insists on black walls, there is no need to dissuade him, just such an interior should be diluted with other bright accents and good lighting.

Although the teenage girl’s height already resembles an adult, she remains a child at heart, so the furniture must not only be multifunctional, but also durable in order to easily withstand all the pranks of the girl and her guests. This also applies to the corners of furniture; they should be rounded, but not sharp or protruding.

An important criterion for arranging a room is its spaciousness. Therefore, you should not clutter the space with a large amount of furniture; it is better to give preference to multifunctionality. For example, if a child has a small room, then it is better to install a large wardrobe in the hallway. If a large number of chairs or ottomans are awkwardly placed in a room, replace them with pillows on which guests can sit, if necessary.

If two girls are placed in one room at once, it is better to install a bunk bed or a transformable bed in it, which can easily be folded up during the daytime. Each girl should have her own place to sleep. If the area of ​​the room allows, decorate each of the sleeping areas in the style that the girls choose. For example, one bed will be a flower, and accordingly the design of the walls and ceiling will be the same, and the second will be decorated in a musical style with notes on the walls and in the form of a piano bed. For even more privacy, use screens or a canopy of curtains above each bed.

Themed bedroom design for a girl

1. Fairy-tale world - every girl dreams of finding herself in a fairy tale, and if she sees a fairy tale every day, it will delight her even more. Modern Construction Materials and designer furniture can make this idea come true. For a princess room, use soft and delicate tones in lilac and pink shades. Select soft bed, above which there is a delicate canopy, a small dressing table and castle-shaped wallpaper will perfectly complement the interior. To decorate Cinderella’s room, first of all, you should purchase a bed in the form of a carriage, and place photo wallpapers with images of Cinderella or the prince on several walls. Installing a large crystal chandelier will be very helpful. A true sleeping beauty's bed should be soothing and bright. A large number of flowers and trees should be present in such an interior. The “Snow White” room, another version of a fairy-tale design: stickers on the walls in the form of gnomes, purple tones in the interior, a lot of funny little animals, flowers and butterflies. A room in the style of “Alice in Wonderland” will appeal to both the little princess and the adult lady. Photo wallpapers depicting the funniest moments of a fairy tale and a four-poster bed will help shape this interior. Another option for a fairytale room is a room for “Barbie”. Well, everything is very clear here - bright pink and all its shades.

2. Retro room - based on the use of exclusively natural materials in decoration. It is better to whitewash the walls or ceiling. The colors should be soft, and the design on the walls should be simple and unobtrusive. For floor use parquet board or laminate. Choose either antique or artificially aged furniture.

3. Hollywood the room will do those girls who dream of a creative profession as a singer or actress. If your child likes Marilyn Monroe, make her room light pink and add a photo of Monroe. Posters of your favorite Hollywood stars and photos from the Oscar ceremony will help decorate the room.

4. Room in the form Japanese garden- suggests a yellow-pink color scheme, a lot of sakura, hieroglyphs, decorative items in the form of a fan, tea drinking equipment, a low table and pillows for gatherings with friends.

There are many ideas for thematic design of a girl’s bedroom: make the room in the form of one or several flowers, with a riot of colors and their shades. or give preference to one of the figured elements, for example, a room with polka dots, stripes, hearts, etc. It all depends on the child’s imagination, the main thing is that the end result pleases all family members, and that the girl’s stay in her room is as comfortable as possible.

Reading time ≈ 5 minutes

All parents want to give their daughter the best. This also applies to the interior design of a child’s bedroom for a girl. The bedroom is that room in the apartment that should have a positive effect on the quality of sleep of the little princess and bring her a good mood. Think through everything down to the smallest detail. Gone are the pink rooms with fancy furniture. Today's bedrooms are as diverse as each girl's personality.

General design rules

Eat general rules, which must be followed when decorating children's rooms:

  • Safety. The younger the baby is, the more restrictions there should be in the bedroom. Remove the wires, close the sockets, buy safe furniture for your little daughter without sharp corners. As you grow older, restrictions are lifted;
  • Environmental friendliness. All furniture and Decoration Materials The design of a children's bedroom for a girl should be environmentally friendly and with special markings;
  • Practicality. The furniture is easy to move, the floor is cleaned well, the toys are quickly put away;
  • Correct lighting. The more light in the bedroom, the better for your daughter. Be sure to place the desk near the window, and the light from the window and lamp should come from the left side;
  • Place the bed away from the entrance to the bedroom, in a calm and quiet place. It can be decorated with a beautiful canopy; this interior element will make the room beautiful and unusual;
  • Divide the bedroom into zones - for study, relaxation, games and sports activities. This will lead to the organization of the child and the future owner will not have a mess in the room. The sleeping area includes a sofa or bed, the study area includes a desk with a computer, shelves, and racks. In the play area, arrange a special corner for games or a place on the floor. A child's bedroom must have a toy box. Great option- built-in wardrobe for things.

Color solution

A children's bedroom for a girl looks beautiful in peach, pastel and yellow colors. The traditional “girly” pink color has not been forgotten either. Talk to older children, maybe the girl prefers to decorate the room in green or other colors. When choosing color scheme For little ones, immediately discard the design in red colors, which irritate the child’s psyche. All soft colors are suitable for decorating a bedroom.

In your little daughter’s bedroom, you can paste wallpaper with characters from your favorite cartoons and fairy tales, or draw interesting drawings on the walls that will delight the little one. As you grow older, the interior will still change.

Bedroom decoration for little ones

If the child is still small, the choice remains with the parents. But the crib with the sleeping baby should be clearly visible and not exposed to a draft. Designate a place in the bedroom for active games where the child can crawl and play with toys. Make warm floors in the room or lay down an insulated covering. It is undesirable to use carpets; dust collects on them, which is harmful to the baby. Please note the following rules:

  • pick up ceiling lamps with a diffused soft stream of light;
  • choose curtains for the nursery taking into account the light that enters the room. It's better to choose blackout curtains, a small child needs to rest during the day and the light through them will not interfere with the baby’s sweet sleep;
  • For a children's bedroom of a girl from 3 to 7 years old, choose washable wallpaper. Children at this age love to draw, including on walls;
  • A crib for a child should be comfortable and made of safe and environmentally friendly materials. It is best to buy a wooden crib for little ones.

Bedroom for a teenage girl

A children's bedroom for teenage girls is most often decorated with the wishes of the little housewife. Draw up a design project with your daughter and unobtrusively give your advice. Properly carry out zoning in the room. For your computer, buy a compact transforming desk. Don't forget about the dressing table, the girl grows up and begins to carefully take care of herself.

A girl may want to turn her bedroom into a real luxurious Louvre or prefer an interior in a minimalist style. There will be nothing wrong with a child wanting to put sports equipment in his bedroom, if space allows. This is useful for physical development. In a children's bedroom for a girl 10 years old and older there can be bedside tables, spacious wardrobes, beautiful carved chests of drawers.

Bedroom for two daughters

Two daughters are a great joy for parents. But girls need comfort in the bedroom and separation of personal space. The peculiarity of interior design is to find a compromise between the wishes of the sisters, the size of the room and the capabilities of the parents. In a beautiful children's bedroom for two girls, all the interior items, even the sizes of the shelves, will be the same, otherwise one of the children will feel discriminated against.

The nursery should be safe, create a good mood, promote sound sleep and productive mental activity. A modern bedroom for a girl can be made in any style and with the addition of appropriate accessories.

The color scheme should be chosen in neutral tones; you can combine two or three colors (in textiles, furniture, wallpaper). If the child does not agree with this decision, you need to show him photos of examples of bedrooms in a suitable color.

Design features by age

The interior design of a girl’s bedroom changes as she grows up, and after 16 years it practically coincides with an adult’s bedroom.

Preschool age (up to 7 years)

The girls' children's room especially stands out preschool age. Her gender identity, interest in fairy-tale characters and everything bright are emphasized here.

Junior school age (from 7 to 10 years)

At the age of 7, a girl goes to school, so she should have her own workplace, a shelf with books, a map on the wall and other interesting things. The relaxation area should promote relaxation and gain new strength. Children's room in discreet classic light colors will make it possible to make changes to the interior of a child’s bedroom for a girl as she grows up without any special repair interventions.

In the photo, a children's room in neutral natural tones is suitable for a child aged 7 years and older and will require a minimum of effort when changing the design in the future.

School age (from 10 to 14 years)

A bedroom for a 10-year-old girl is designed with the special participation of the child and all wishes are taken into account. All her requests are supported and independence is encouraged, which is very important for a maturing personality. Designers advise choosing color scheme according to the child's activity level. Yellow tones activate mental activity, shades of green soothe, warm pink adds tenderness.

Teen bedroom (from 14 years old)

The bedroom for a teenage girl can be the most unusual, bright, neutral, and even mystical. Requests from a girl may surprise and not fit into the concept of the apartment, but you shouldn’t stop your flight of fantasies, you can just look different variants design and come to a common solution together.

IN ideal You should give preference to neutral shades of wallpaper and the same furniture, the color of which can be changed with covers, and the nursery’s decor can be transformed with any accessories and paintings at the child’s discretion. For your favorite posters and scrapbooks, a cork board wall is the best option. To organize things in order, you need to give preference to a spacious closet and several drawers.

Bedroom ideas for girls are not limited to cartoon characters and pink themes. In the photo, the bedroom in a laconic minimalist style combines sky blue and white.

Selection of finishing materials

In the design of a children's bedroom for a girl, more than anywhere else, you need to pay attention to the quality of materials and furniture. They must be environmentally friendly, durable and safe. Poor quality paint and inhalation of its vapors can cause allergies, this must be remembered.

For the floor, laminate, parquet or cork and a small carpet are suitable. Laminate is durable, warm, can be easily washed, and is pleasant on the surface of the feet. The carpet can be taken out for ventilation; it will not accumulate dust and is suitable for a play area.

The photo shows a light pink bedroom, suitable for a girl of primary school age. Lilac pillows, a soft carpet, white wallpaper with pink patterns and translucent curtains make the children's room soft.

It is better to choose wallpaper for a girl's bedroom from paper. It is better to leave deep colors for other rooms, but for the children's room, designers advise choosing only light pastel shades (not necessarily pink). The design and pattern can be selected according to age characteristics, or based on the size of the room and your preferences.

In the photo, white colors and a ceiling with a picture of clouds make the children's room airy, and muted green creates the feeling of a royal summer garden.

Selection of furniture, curtains and lighting


Furniture for a girl's bedroom should be durable and made of environmental materials. For creating working area you need to choose a comfortable chair and table (depending on the girl’s height), a bookcase or shelf.

The table should have several drawers where all the office supplies will be stored; a chair should be chosen in a classic model with a comfortable backrest to help shape your posture. For teenagers, a chair on wheels is suitable.

The bed for a girl's bedroom should be low with a medium-hard mattress. If this is a small bedroom for a girl, then you need to choose an ergonomic bed with an internal pencil case. It is better to take a bed “for growth”, from good materials and neutral beige, white or other soft color.

The photo shows a miracle palace for a little cartoon lover in lilac and white shades. The children's room is divided into zones for a wardrobe with a mirror, relaxation with the night sky on photo wallpaper, study and leisure.


It is better to choose curtains for a girl’s bedroom in neutral shades, to match the color of the wallpaper (several shades darker), or to match the color of the furniture. The model of curtains and their color also depends on the side of the room in relation to the sun, the size of the window, the number of windows and the size of the bedroom.

  • If the windows face the sunny side, then you need to choose soft, cool shades (blue, soft green);
  • If on the dark side, then shades of warm tones (peach, purple).

Long curtains are suitable for adult girls, but for little ones you should choose short or roller ones to avoid injury and for easy daily wet cleaning. Blinds and light weightless curtains will provide good nap for a girl and will not burden the interior.

Suitable for older girls classic version curtains to match the color and style of the room. Voile, organza, linen and taffeta are suitable for decorating a window opening. In any case, the curtains must be firmly fixed to the cornice, which should not be massive.

In the photo, an insulated window opening with a Roman blind creates a personal space for the girl to relax.

In the photo, the study area is located in a place well lit by natural light and is separated thread curtains from the recreation area. A large wall organizes girls to keep their things separate from each other and maintain order.


The more light sources in the bedroom, the better, because the girl’s vision is still developing, and she will draw and read not only at the table, but also while lying on the floor and on the bed. Workplace should be to the left of the window, or next to it. Desk lamp, wall sconce, spotlights and a central chandelier with soft light will help preserve vision and make the children's room comfortable.

Bedroom for two girls

Decorating a children's bedroom for two girls is a special task for parents, where they need to take into account the needs of each and create their own cubby, think about how their things will be stored and how the space will be organized.

First, you need to choose uniform style children's and one color scheme. If the age difference is small, then you can choose the theme of your favorite cartoon. Provence, minimalism, Scandinavian, and shabby chic styles are suitable for children of different ages.

The design of a bedroom for two girls can be decorated in two colors (but only on the condition that the area of ​​the room allows it and the colors are combined), for example, pink and blue, green and yellow, lilac and beige. Color zoning One room can be roughly divided into two.

To save space, a bunk bed or chair bed is suitable. The more drawers, shelves and organizers, the better for maintaining order and organizing personal belongings. A canopy, false wall, shelving in the middle of the nursery will help create personal space for each (this is especially true if one is teaching homework and the other has long gone to bed).

  • Choose a full bed, or preferably a wide one (if space allows).
  • Don't turn the nursery into Disneyland or a sugar house (either a fairy bed or a wall with 3D wallpaper should attract attention).
  • The less equipment in the nursery, the better for the child’s leisure and sleep (in return, organize a decent play area).
  • Having a large mirror in the closet.
  • The room should be as technically safe as possible for outdoor games.

The photo shows a bedroom for a girl of primary school age. With a 3D domed ceiling and lighting above the bed, it will always be interesting for your child to fall asleep and wake up.

Photo gallery

The photos below show examples of use. various options interior design of children's bedrooms for girls.