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Tattoo name Ruslan in Chinese. What does the name Ruslan mean? Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ruslan

Forms of the name Ruslan

Short form of the name Ruslan. Rusya, Rusik, Ruslanka, Ruslanchik, Rustic, Rusya, Ruska. Short and diminutive options: Rusya, Rusik, Ruslanchik, Ruslanych, Rusyan

Patronymic names: Ruslanovich, Ruslanovna; colloquial form: Ruslanych

Name Ruslan in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 魯斯蘭 (Lǔ sī lán). Japanese: ルスラン (Rusuran). Kannada: ರುಸ್ಲಾನ್ (Ruslān). Hindi: रुस्लान (Ruslāna). Ukrainian: Ruslan. Greek: Ρουσλάν (Rouslán). English: Ruslan (Ruslan).

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Ruslan, Rouslan, French Rouslan

Latin transliteration in a Russian passport - Ruslan

Origin of the name Ruslan

The origin of the name Ruslan is rooted in the heroic Iranian epic about Rustam, the son of Zalazar (the poem “Shahname” by the Persian poet Ferdowsi). The Turkic peoples sang him already as Arslan Zalzar, and then in the 17th century among the Slavic peoples he already appears as the hero Eruslan Zalazarovich, or Lazarevich. Translated from the Turkic language, Arslan means “lion”. Accordingly, Ruslan is the Russian form of the Turkic name Arslan. You can find a translation of the name Ruslan from Slavic as “blond”.

The name Ruslan is actively used among Kazakhs along with the name. IN Lately The feminine form of this name appeared and began to be actively used.

Character of the name Ruslan

As a child, Ruslan manifests himself as a capricious child. He is characterized by increased emotionality and inconstancy of desires. He always needs to hear praise from others. If he does not feel this, he begins to be offended. Among his peers he always behaves easily, boldly and relaxedly. He can take rash risks without worrying about it at all. possible consequences. In friendship he is ready to show selflessness. With age, Ruslan's character becomes explosive and selfish. He is often extremely categorical in his judgments. As for actions, the owner of this name is always directed only forward.

In fact, passions boil in him and he is a very passionate person. To achieve his goals, he is ready to resort to tricks, deception and intrigue. Although Ruslan avoids conflicts, on the way to the desired goal he can lose both friends and the respect of loved ones, and make himself an enormous number of enemies. Ruslan is vindictive and vindictive. He can carry a grudge for years and will definitely take the opportunity to take revenge. Despite these shortcomings, Ruslan has one undeniable advantage - he is a very purposeful person and will definitely achieve his goal, no matter how circumstances prevent him from achieving it. Ruslan is a fighter to the core. He often starts playing sports only for the purpose of learning not to give up and fight to the end. Most often, Ruslans are well physically developed and strong men.

Astrological features of the name Ruslan

Planet- Sun

Color of the name Ruslan- golden

Auspicious tree- plane tree

Treasured plant- dandelion

Patron of the name Ruslan- a lion

Talisman stone- aventurine

Numerology of the name Ruslan

Those with the name number 6 are calm and sane. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more important than short-term benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


The planet Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Ruslan as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
U Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
With Word
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ruslan

The meaning of the name Ruslan for life

Ruslan is good-natured, loves people, but himself even more. All his actions are aimed at achieving his own benefit. At the same time, he does not forget about his loved ones, those who are truly dear to him. Ruslan is emotional, capricious, like a child, and has an unstable nervous system. He is greedy for praise and loves flattery. He takes indifference to his person very painfully. The desire to be in the center of attention, recognized and loved by everyone is his driving force. For this he is ready to do anything. He studies better than anyone in order to attract attention, is neat and pedantic in order to be different from his peers, charming and witty in order to please girls. Persistent work, the application of any mental effort, the need to give up something familiar are possible only if there is no other opportunity to win the love and respect of others. However, most often Ruslan succeeds in this without much difficulty. He is charming, attracts women, smart and practical, which makes it possible to look respectable in the eyes of like-minded people. In love, Ruslan also shows a certain self-interest: his wife should look so as to highlight him favorably. He is pleased that she is smart and courteous, everyone likes her, knows how to behave in high society, is attractive, can support small talk, attract attention the right people. Ruslan is a good family man, a thrifty and thrifty husband. He loves to eat heartily, prefers high-quality products, for which he spares no expense. Ruslan loves children, but even here his selfishness manifests itself; he takes more from communicating with children than he gives to them. He needs to experience the love of children, their attention, for which he is willing to pay generously. Ruslan is very jealous; the beauty and charm of his wife can cause scandals. In the tides of jealousy, Ruslan is harsh and unrestrained.

Meaning of the name Ruslan for sex

Ruslan does not like routine, he is depressed if sexual meetings take place as if according to a template, with constantly repeated caresses, the same words, and poses. He is a proponent of greater freedom of action in erotic play in preparation for intimacy. Not every partner is able to fully accept his sexual behavior, but he is patient, does not get irritated, and gradually introduces her to what is the norm for him. Ruslan adheres to the rule: the pleasure of partners should be mutual. Likes to talk with his partner on sexual topics, enlightening her theoretically. He never discusses his love affairs with friends.

Compatibility of the name Ruslan and patronymic

Ruslan Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich - a narcissistic person, cannot stand criticism, does not tolerate comments and instructions. He is vain and ambitious, but he is not interested in his career, but in popularity, the desire to be famous, loved and respected by everyone. Ruslan envies the successful and famous, and will never miss the opportunity to become the same. Ruslan is talented, artistic, and witty. His charm attracts others, and his cheerful disposition and cheerfulness conquer women. Ruslan loves the opposite sex, but he loves himself even more. He is flattered that he is successful with women, and loves them because they love him. He is not a conqueror, he strikes up relationships only with those women who liked him. However, he chooses his wife himself and, if he falls in love with someone, he will definitely achieve reciprocity. Ruslan has good appearance, is impressive and gallant. She likes to dress beautifully, follows fashion, and spends a lot of time in front of the mirror. Ruslan is punctual and obligatory. Reliable friend, devoted and good family man. He loves children, but does not participate in their upbringing; sometimes it seems that he is indifferent to them. He begins to seriously pay attention to them when they grow up, when he can talk to them about something sensible, read a moral lesson, and give advice. Ruslan diligently improves his home, loves comfort and coziness, and spares no expense for this. He is pleased to see the admiring faces of his friends when they are in the house. He is hospitable and generous; frequent parties do not tire him. Ruslan enjoys being in society, he needs to be in sight of everyone, he cannot live a full life without it. Ruslan is jealous and vigilantly monitors his wife’s behavior. He is often tormented by doubts and suspicions, but without good reason he does not admit it, he is too proud and proud. His wife himself is averse to having an affair on the side, but even here he is driven not by passion, but by narcissism. He needs to feel like an unsurpassed man, to know that he is still in shape and is not giving up his positions.

Ruslan Aleksandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich,. Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Yakovlevich are highly emotional, sexy, energetic and temperamental. He loves material goods, but will not overwork himself, will not exhaust himself with hard physical labor. Cunning, smart, selfish. He knows how to benefit from everything, he has his own interest in everything. He is good as a mediator, he always manages to conclude a profitable deal and fool the most experienced partners. He has an analytical mind and good intuition. Ruslan is careful and prudent in choosing friends and especially his wife. For him, his wife is one of the opportunities to attract attention to his person. She must certainly be beautiful, elegant, possess good manners, excellent taste and such external characteristics as to evoke admiration among others. But at the same time he is unusually jealous. If the attention of men, in his opinion, manifests itself too intrusively, in an indecent form, he can explode, say stupid things, upset the whole evening. The wife should only highlight him favorably, and not overshadow him. Ruslan has artistic abilities, knows how to fit into an unfamiliar company, and feels comfortable in any society. IN family relationships Ruslan is balanced, loves calm and stability. Attentive to children, loves parents. True, this love is not sacrificial in nature, Ruslan never forgets about himself. If he visits his parents, it is because he considers it his duty, he knows that he will always find parental home love and attention. Ruslan is a little lazy, doesn’t like to do housework, but he can do anything when he’s in the mood: repair, make things, help his wife. He willingly goes to the market, knows how to bargain, loves good quality products. She loves to eat delicious food and appreciates her wife’s culinary skills. On occasion, he will definitely brag about this to his friends, and often invites them to his place to taste some exotic dish. He can prepare a festive dinner himself after reading an unusual recipe.

Ruslan Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is calm and balanced. Unlike his namesakes, he does not spend so much effort to please others, but he is not indifferent to public opinion about himself. He has an extraordinary appearance that cannot go unnoticed. He is laconic in conversations, but with his whole appearance he arouses interest in himself. His calm voice and soft intonation have a calming effect on everyone. He is intelligent, smart, diplomatic. Ruslan is practical and prudent, thorough in everything, thinks through his every step. He is careful in choosing friends and lovers. He knows how to win over a woman, win and conquer any beauty. He takes a wife from an intelligent family, good-looking, smart and balanced. He gets married late, when he has already tried and learned a lot. Before marriage, he has many sexual relationships, often with several partners at the same time. Analyzes their behavior, attitude towards themselves, compares, finds out which of them is sexier, smarter, more pleasant to communicate with. He dates his future wife for a long time, can interrupt the relationship and resume it again until he decides that she really suits him as his wife. In marriage, Ruslan is economical, he loves that there is always everything in the house, so that the family does not need anything. He knows how to do everything, but does not always have the desire to tinker with something - he does household chores according to his mood. He does not tolerate pressure, he is the master of the house and knows what to do and when. He is strict with children; from the outside it may even seem cold. However, this is not so, Ruslan simply does not want to pamper them, he is trying to give them a good education and comprehensive development. Much attention is paid to their intellectual development and spiritual formation. He spends his free time with his family and reads a lot. He makes a good career, he manages to occupy a high position in society. He is not arrogant, tries not to arouse the envy of others, and not to attract the attention of others to his personal life. He values ​​tranquility and a measured lifestyle above all else.

Ruslan Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is sociable, quick-witted, smart, endowed with a rich imagination. Ruslan is handsome, loving, easily carried away and cools down quickly. His gaze radiates love of life and sexuality. Women adore Ruslan, fall in love at first sight and compete with each other. He is emotionally uninhibited, somewhat careless and reckless. Cheerful and witty. Ruslan does not know defeat, he always achieves the woman he likes. He loves himself very much, takes care of his appearance and fitness. If his heart is not occupied by anyone, he will have a sex partner just to maintain his health. Ruslan does not like routine, monotony. He quickly gets bored with one partner. He often changes them or has several at once. He does not bind himself to any obligations, he is freedom-loving and independent. He builds relationships with women in such a way that they have no opportunity to bother him, he doesn’t even give his phone number to anyone. If he wants to see one of them, he calls himself. He takes a long time to choose his wife and is in no hurry to burden himself with family troubles. He takes a temperamental, pretty and intelligent woman as his wife. He is very jealous, so he values ​​loyalty most in a woman. Any freedom in the behavior of his wife can cause an explosion of emotions; in this state, Ruslan does not control himself and does not think about the consequences. He is hot and unrestrained. Ruslan is economical, but this lies in the fact that he knows how to organize everything so that he does not have to do anything around the house. He earns decent money and always has the opportunity to hire specialists who will do everything according to his needs. upper class. His house is a full cup. He succeeds in everything, he is the darling of fate. At the same time, Ruslan is very responsive, always ready to help his neighbor, for which his friends love him, and his friends are looking for opportunities to become his friends. His neighbors are happy to visit him at home; everyone likes his hospitality, family relationships, abundance and comfort. Ruslan is generous and happy to everyone who loves him. He has no ill-wishers, or at least he doesn't know about them.

Ruslan Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is outwardly restrained, but any little thing can throw him off balance. Ruslan knows how to hide his emotions, but you shouldn’t make him angry. He is very original, which cannot go unnoticed. Does not like to sit at home, is sociable, energetic, partial to parties and entertainment, beautiful women. Ruslan is full vitality, he has an innate sense of humor, is able to laugh at himself. He is jealous, perhaps because he himself cannot remain faithful and does not often change girlfriends. In marriage, Ruslan is also rarely faithful to his wife. He chooses a wife who is temperamental. If the spouse does not meet his sexual desires, the first marriage may end in divorce. Ruslan does not tolerate pressure, he is the leader in the family, the wife must come to terms with this if she wants to save the marriage. He is a good family man, a loving father. Ruslan often gives birth to daughters, whom he idolizes. He pays a lot of attention to their upbringing and education, but not directly, but from the outside, watching how they grow, he can hire a governess, a nanny, and enroll them in prestigious colleges and then universities. He manages to embody in his daughters what he would like to see in himself, to give them what he could not get himself. His family lacks nothing, the family’s material support is his the main task. At Ruslan's a good relationship with his wife's parents, his mother-in-law adores him, and his father-in-law - best friend. Ruslan loves his parents very much and never forgets. Family feelings are strongly developed in him. Ruslan is making a fast career and at a young age already occupies a good position in society, has many friends from high society. His friendliness and desire to help leave no one indifferent. Ruslan is loved and respected.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan by season

“Winter” Ruslan is serious, silent, assiduous.

“Autumn” - since childhood he has been thoughtful, attentive, and inquisitive beyond his age. Can become an engineer, driver, or researcher. He gravitates towards technology and electronics. The name matches patronymics: Viktorovich, Andreevich, Alekseevich, Yuryevich, Zakharovich, Grigorievich, Naumovich.

“Summer” is sociable and charming.

“Spring” is a narcissistic person, loves flattery, and devotes a lot of time to his appearance. Ruslan can work as a designer in the military industry, or as a television operator. This is a good business manager.

Positive traits of the name

Ruslan is honest, even noble. He is more than endowed with imagination and intuition. Ruslan is free in his views and is not attached to external circumstances.

Negative traits of the name

Ruslan is firm and proud, but he lacks some activity and openness, a clear focus on achieving the goal. Ruslan's pride can be too painful. If he suppresses his pride, then he simply carries his grievances inside himself, which greatly complicates his life and turns him into a nervous, irritable person.

Choosing a profession by name

The gift of imagination and improvisation helps Ruslan to succeed in many professions. His dreams will come true only if Ruslan is confident in what he is doing. Success is likely in the creative field.

The impact of a name on business

The influence of a name on health

Being a sensitive person, Ruslan needs normal psychological climate in the family and at work, in recognition of his successes. Otherwise, he may experience depression.

Psychology of a name

If you decide to joke about Ruslan, then think about whether it’s worth doing it. You can get a rather harsh answer and make an enemy in Ruslan.

Interests and hobbies of Ruslan Loves children and parents. True, this love is devoid of self-denial. Ruslan, rather, satisfies not the child’s need for paternal attention, but his own need for the manifestation of paternal feelings. Likes to drink. The risk of becoming an alcoholic is low.

Ruslan's implementation in society Ruslan was created for the political game. The craving for fame and perseverance on the path to achieving it are reinforced by the ability to find mutual language both with colleagues and opponents. However, opponents cannot expect mercy from Ruslan.

Everyday persistent work is not for Ruslan. He needs quick fame and widespread popularity. Perhaps this is why he gravitates towards political or artistic activities. The desire to stand out, to be different from everyone else, is manifested in the willingness to speak on the radio and give interviews.

Ruslan's career and business Ruslan is a little lazy, but very punctual. In difficult situations, he forgets about his ambitions and serves the cause, people selflessly and with reckless courage. He is full of energy. He has an innate sense of humor - and when he fails, he is able to make fun of himself.

Famous people named Ruslan

Ruslan Lazarevich, Eruslan Lazarevich (hero, hero of numerous ancient Russian legends, with whose name legends associate many glorious exploits. The hero of an ancient Russian fairy tale, known already in manuscripts of the 17th century. The tale of Eruslan Lazarevich, telling about the numerous military and love adventures of the young and beautiful hero, was liked by ancient Russian readers for the variety of its content and, having switched to lubok, spread widely among the people. Its influence is noticeable even in some retellings of epics about Ilya Muromets.)
Ruslan Khasbulatov ((born 1942) Russian politician, scientist and publicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991))
Ruslan Aushev ((born 1954) famous Russian political and public figure, first president of the Republic of Ingushetia, since 1991 - chairman of the Committee for Internationalist Soldiers under the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS; Hero of the Soviet Union (1982))
Ruslan Kireev ((born 1941) Russian prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Head of the prose department in the magazine " New world" Author of the books “Lessons of Love”, etc.)
Ruslan Ponomarev ((born 1983) Ukrainian chess player. Fourth FIDE world champion (2002-2003). Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. In 1998 he became the youngest grandmaster in the world. In 2002 he became the youngest world chess champion (according to FIDE) . Champion of the XXXVI and XXXIX Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian national team. Vice-champion of Europe among men in 2001. In 2002, took 2nd place at the international tournament in Linares. Two-time finalist of the FIDE World Cup 2005, 2009. Winner of the international tournament in Dortmund (2010 ).)
Ruslan Pimenov ((born 1981) football player who played for the Russian national team)
Ruslan Nigmatullin ((born 1974) Russian football player, goalkeeper. Former player of the Russian national football team. Best Footballer Russia 2001.)
Ruslan Chagaev ((born 1978) Uzbek professional boxer, Tatar by nationality. Former world heavyweight champion according to the World Boxing Association (WBA) (2007 - 2009). Asian and world amateur heavyweight champion (81-91 kg).)
Ruslan Salei ((1974 - 2011) Belarusian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (2002))
Ruslan Nurtdinov ((born 1980) Russian hockey player, forward)
Ruslan Bodelan ((born 1942) Ukrainian politician)
Ruslan Muratov ((born 1960) Russian composer, laureate of the television competition “Song of the Year”)
Ruslan Zabransky ((born 1971) Ukrainian football player (forward))
Ruslan Goncharov ((born 1973) Ukrainian figure skater who performed in ice dancing together with Elena Grushina. With her they are bronze medalists of the Winter Olympics in Turin, bronze medalists of the 2005 World Championships, multiple medalists of the European Championships.)
Ruslan Tarpan ((born 1971) entrepreneur, philanthropist, deputy of the Odessa City Council (1994 - 2010))
Ruslan Elinin ((1963 – 2001) real name - Nurudinov; Russian poet, publisher, organizer of literary life)
Ruslan Khvastov ((born 1973) Ukrainian fashion designer, costume designer. Laureate of the Nika film award in 2003 in the nomination for better job costume designer for his work in the film “Chekhov's Motifs” by Kira Muratova. Member of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine and the Union of Cinematographers of Russia.)
Ruslan Batsayev ((1962 - 2005) police lieutenant colonel, Hero Russian Federation (2006))
Ruslan Lysenko ((born 1976) Ukrainian biathlete, International Master of Sports)
Ruslan Eyvaz ogly Maharramli ((born 1985) Azerbaijani football player, also a futsal player)
Ruslan (Khalid) Yamadayev ((1961 - 2008) Russian politician. In the early 90s, he participated in bandit formations on the territory of the Chechen Republic, then, together with federal troops, he actively fought against Wahhabism. Deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation (2003-2007). )
Ruslan Batyrshin ((born 1975) professional hockey player, defenseman)
Ruslan Alekhno ((born 1981) Belarusian and Russian pop performer, winner of the People's Artist competition in 2004 on the Rossiya TV channel, participant in Eurovision 2008)
Ruslan Gulyaev ((born 1982) Russian statesman, political and public figure)
Ruslan Sasin ((born 1982) Russian actor)
Ruslan Grinberg ((born 1946) Russian economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2006), academician of the International Academy of Management, director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2005), editor-in-chief of the magazine “World of Changes”. Laureate of the N.D. Kondratiev gold medal 2007 year "for outstanding contribution to the development of social sciences.")
Ruslan Shuvalov ((born 1967) midfielder; Master of Sports of the USSR (1988) in bandy)
Ruslan Dzhigurda ((born 1969) chansonnier, pop artist, singer)
Ruslan Kartoev ((born 1988) Russian and Moldavian football player, midfielder)

It is quite common to believe that a person’s fate and character largely depend on the name he was given at birth. Most parents treat this important choice very carefully and carefully, carefully choosing various options. Today we will talk about a name like Ruslan and its influence on the fate and character of a person.

Origin and meaning of the name

Soul number: 6. This means that the owner of this name is calm and knows how to think sensibly, without giving in to emotions, he values ​​​​stability, customs and traditions.

Honesty and loyalty are important to him. He does not solve problems using radical methods, and does not have leadership qualities, although he is an excellent diligent worker.

“Sixes” can be arrogant and narcissistic, however, such qualities are inherent only in a small part of them. Most owners of this soul number are good family men who value a few true friends.

Thus, a person’s name is not only the sweetest and most important sound in his life, but also one of the factors that determines his character and destiny, therefore, when thinking about what to name a child, it is important to be careful and refer not only to your desire, but also to others important points: how the name will be combined with the patronymic, what it means and what kind of character formation the child assumes.

The main features of Ruslan are justice and eternal search, the goal is the eternal desire for recognition.

The name Ruslan means “lion” in Turkic and Tatar.

Origin of the name Ruslan:

Where the name Ruslan actually came from is unknown, but there is an assumption that this name was borrowed from Turkic languages.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Ruslan:

Since childhood, Ruslan has been capricious and whimsical. He is cunning and is able to manipulate his parents without them even noticing it. Ruslans love to be praised and constantly demand attention to their actions; it is difficult for them to be patient. Little Ruslans prefer to communicate with older family members rather than play with peers. In their studies, they are ambitious, greedy for knowledge, but a little lazy, especially if they are not controlled and stimulated. In order for Ruslan to have a desire to learn, he must clearly see the benefits for himself. In his youth, Ruslan was a freedom-loving person, often changing his desires and aspirations.

By nature, Ruslan is somewhat selfish and primarily cares about his own interests, but if he manages to overcome his natural egocentrism, he becomes a loyal and devoted friend. Ruslans are curious, inclined to travel and strive to get everything from life at once. Ruslan's shortcoming is laziness, and suspiciousness and melancholy can turn him into a grouch. It is important for Ruslan to train patience; it will be useful to him both in communication and in love.

In a group they are sociable, love attention, and tend to “pull the blanket over themselves,” but the balanced Ruslan can be an excellent and attentive listener. In work, Ruslan must have the opportunity to assert himself and achieve career heights, otherwise he becomes lethargic, sarcastic and capricious. Ruslans prefer accuracy in sciences, and punctuality in people; they are sensitive to the rules of behavior accepted in society, but are not averse to sometimes shocking relatives and friends. Ruslans make talented artists and smart politicians. They are characterized by a rapid change of emotions in accordance with the expectations of others, and their speech is fast, clear and competent, they are capable of succinct generalizations and witty remarks. Ruslan is ambitious and capable of self-denial. The speed of implementation of plans is very important for him, he is impatient and hasty, but he will do truly important things for a long time and persistently, without being distracted by anything. The ideal area of ​​activity for Ruslan is one in which his achievements will be immediately appreciated, and human recognition is often more important to him than monetary payment.

In relationships, Ruslan is demanding, squeamish and picky; his lady love must have many qualities that suit him. The envy of other men is important for Ruslan. Ruslana's marriage is considered as a necessary and obligatory step in life growth. They are jealous and demanding of their chosen one, they can flare up over a trifle and harbor a grudge.

In bed, Ruslan is dominant, does not tolerate when they try to control him, loves experiments and new sensations. Very often Ruslans have two marriages in their lives, he sincerely loves children, but this is largely due to the fact that he plays the role of a good father in public. He always treats his parents and older relatives with respect and asks for their advice.

The calmest of the Ruslans are those born in autumn and summer, the most capricious and fickle - in winter. “Summer” Ruslans are good leaders and cunning politicians.

In relationships, Ruslan is comfortable next to Ada, Olga and Evgenia, but he feels uncomfortable in an alliance with Daria and Irina.

There are several theories about what the name Ruslan means. About these theories and much more in our article.

One of the most popular theories is the Scandinavian theory. According to this version, the name Ruslan comes from the Scandinavian name for Kievan Rus - Rysaland. However, this theory is quite controversial, like other theories of the meaning and origin of the name Ruslan.

The second theory can be called the arrival of the name from ancient epics. For example, Ferdowsi's epic "Shahname", which was popular among the Turkic peoples, and later found its way into Russian-speaking culture. The name Ruslan gained especially great popularity after the release of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

The name Ruslan also has a feminine form of the name - Ruslana. You can find out its meaning for girls and women, translation into other languages ​​and much more by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Ruslan for a child

As a child, Ruslan often grows up as a spoiled and easily excitable child. He easily moves from a state of rest to nervous activity. Parents and others need to understand this feature of the child’s psyche. If parents make enough efforts, then negative characteristics can simply be outgrown and Ruslan will be a wonderful baby. They will be especially harmful to him computer games, games on your phone and tablet, a large number of cartoons.

Ruslan's studies are quite difficult, although the child certainly has a chance for a decent education. You shouldn’t put too much stress on the child’s psyche, but Ruslan should also rest properly. It is best if the boy also participates in the sports section. This will allow him nervous system switch correctly. Ask teachers to monitor Ruslan’s involvement. If your child cannot withstand classes longer than 30 minutes, then at least stick to this schedule at home.

Ruslan was in good health as a child. As we have already written, you need to pay attention to its emotional stress. Here, if you can’t cope on your own, it’s better to turn to a specialist. Ruslan sometimes has vision problems, but the main thing here is to diagnose the problem in time. Prevention of any disease is always preferable to its treatment.

Short name Ruslan

Rus, Rusya, Rusik, Rusych, Rusek, Ruska, Lana.

Diminutive pet names

Ruslanchik, Ruslanka (including in relation to men).

Children's middle names

Ruslanovich and Ruslanovna. The colloquial version of the male patronymic is Ruslanych. The female colloquial form is not particularly widespread.

Name Ruslan in English

Name on English language and its transliteration are absolutely the same - Ruslan. So it will be easy for you to remember.

Name Ruslan for international passport- RUSLAN.

Translation of the name Ruslan into other languages

in Arabic - رسلان‎‎
in Bulgarian - Ruslan
in Belarusian - Ruslan
in Hungarian - Ruslan
in Greek - Ρουσλάν
in Georgian - რუსლან
in Hebrew - רוסלן‎
in Spanish - Ruslan
in Italian - Ruslan
in Chinese - 鲁斯兰
in Korean - 루슬란
in Lithuanian - Ruslanas
in Latvian - Ruslans
in German - Ruslan
in Polish - Ruslan
in Romanian - Ruslan
in Ukrainian - Ruslan
in French - Rouslan
in Finnish - Ruslan
in Czech - Ruslan
in Japanese - ルスラン

Church name Ruslan(V Orthodox faith) not certain. The name Ruslan is not church name. This means that at baptism Ruslan will be given a name different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan

Ruslan has several characteristics and not all of them are positive. He is quite narcissistic, but sometimes he goes too far in this. His desire for popularity often bears fruit, but it is better not to cross paths with him on the road to it. He is ready to be cunning, deceive, hold back, but still become significant in the eyes of others. At the same time, he is romantic, and one might even say that he is a dreamer. It is the dream invented in his head about “how good it will be when I become popular” that moves him through life.

It is preferable for Ruslan to work in an industry related to physical labor. It is worth noting that completely monotonous work tires Ruslan emotionally. It's hard for him long time perform monotonous work, although for some it is easy. Ruslan knows how to find a common language with colleagues, but his desire to appear “cooler” than he really is often backfires on him.

Ruslan has serious demands in love. As a person heading towards success, the woman next to him should be the embodiment of his aspirations. Look great, be sophisticated and know how to go out. At the same time, he is prone to displaying jealousy, so Ruslan’s future soulmate will have a hard time.

The mystery of the name Ruslan

Ruslan's main secret can be called his duplicity. He can be a great company person and a wonderful friend. And behind all this there may be an ocean of inner passions. For the sake of satisfying his own vanity and advancing towards his goal, he often makes “profitable” friends. At the same time, Ruslan often uses friends for his own purposes.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Golden.

Tree- Sycamore.

Plant- Dandelion.

Stone- Aventurine.

Guardian angel of the name Ruslan and his patron will depend on Ruslan’s baptismal name and the saint in whose honor his church name was chosen.