Shower      07/02/2020

Conversation for children diet. Extracurricular event “Talk about proper nutrition. "Bread is our wealth"

Municipal educational institution "Poselkovskaya secondary school No. 1"

Conversation with students on the topic


Prepared and conducted by the class teacher Pishchaskina M.M.


Goals and objectives:

  1. help students think about the need to be healthy, joining in healthy lifestyle life;
  2. work on developing skills healthy eating,
  3. develop attention, cognitive interest;
  4. educate students to take responsibility for their own health.

Knock on the door, bring a letter. The teacher reads the letter.

"Hello guys! I am the sickest person in the world, very well-fed and moderately educated!!! I am writing my letter from the hospital. Something happened to my health: my body aches, stars in my eyes, ringing in my ears. And I don’t want to have fun and play pranks at all. I love to fly over the rooftops and play with the Kid, but the doctor won't let me. What should I do? Help!"

Guys, I wonder who sent us this letter?

Guys, do you like to get sick? Why? Why is pain bad?

So it's better to be healthy. Why do we need health?

Who among you considers himself healthy?

How do we determine whether we are healthy or not?

And what does our health depend on?(ecology, lifestyle, work and sleep patterns, sports, diet and food)

Why does a person eat?(children's answers)

Yes, you are right, for the normal functioning of the body, each person needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water, which must come with food.

A with how many times a day should you eat?(children's answers)


What we eat in the morning affects our mood and well-being all day long. Delicious breakfast should be healthy and versatile, but by no means monotonous. The general opinion is that breakfast you have to eat porridge.

Second breakfast (at school):

Good breakfast - this does not mean to eat so much that later it would be impossible to get up from the chair. Good breakfast implies the optimal combination of products containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and other useful substances that the body needs after sleep.


Dinner - the second or third meal of the day (usually after the first or second breakfast). Usually on dinner hot food is served

Afternoon snack:

You can have buns, waffles, cookies with tea, juice or milk for an afternoon snack.

Dinner time:

Dinner is the last meal before bed. To sleep well and rest at night, you can eat only light food for dinner:casseroles, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, kefir, yogurt.

Diet should be varied - with different foods, different nutrients enter the body.

Food must be chewed thoroughly. Chopped food is easier to digest.

Avoid overeating - the digestive system cannot cope with excess food, food ferments and rots, the body is poisoned.

Take your time while eating - the duration of the meal should be at least 20 minutes with one dish and 30-40 minutes with two. In this way, satiety is achieved without overeating.

And why do you get tired faster in the spring, quarrel more with each other, get sick more?(not enough vitamins)

Did you know that the word vitamin consists of 2 parts: “amine” means “to carry”, and “vita” means “life”. So the vitaminmeans "bringer of life". If there are few or no vitamins in the body, people get sick.

Where are the most vitamins found?(in fruits and vegetables)

Crossword: "Vegetables - fruits"


I am a ruddy Matryoshka

I won't tear myself away from my friends

I'll wait until Matryoshka
It will fall into the grass. ( Apple)

They look like cucumbers
Only ligaments grow
And for breakfast these fruits
The monkeys are served. (Banana)

Blue uniform, white lining,
The middle is sweet. (Plum)

This fruit is sweet and good,
It looks like a fat woman. (Pear)

It's not easy to guess...
This is the fruit I know -
It's not about the coconut
Not about a pear, not about a plum, -
There is still a bird
They call it the same - ... (Kiwi)

Neither in the fields nor in the gardens,
Neither you nor us
And in the tropical forests
It grows ... (Pineapple)

Vertically: Golden and useful
Vitamin, although sharp,
He has a bitter taste.
When you clean, you shed tears. (

The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.(Cabbage)

What is this trotter
Fell on the barrel?
Himself well-fed, salad.
That's right, this is ... (Zucchini)

Although my name is sugar,
But I didn't get wet from the rain
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Did you know who I am? ... (Beet)

Round, not a month,
Yellow, not oil
Sweet, not sugar
With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)

Guys, let's visit Carlson in the hospital! We will collect food for him so that he recovers faster.

Each child has a leaflet with a set of products: Pepsi, kefir, fanta, chips, oatmeal, sunflower oil, cakes, Snickers, carrots, cabbage, chocolates, apples, pears, bread.

Choose products that will be useful for Carlson.


Teacher: Well, now I ask you to stand in a large circle.

There is a wonderful custom to extend a hand to each other, shake it, thereby wishing health to your neighbor. Holding out his hand, a person shows that he is open for communication, does not hold a grudge against anyone. Shake hands. Look at the chain of handshakes we got. Pass on your kindness to each other along this chain, share your enthusiasm and good mood!


We all know that we need to eat rationally. But instead, we snack on the run, overindulge in sweets and fatty foods, and ignore vegetables. And then we wonder why the wasp waist remained only in the photographs, fat appeared on the stomach, and the stomach begins to ache treacherously. The reason for such metamorphoses should be sought in your plate. And, if you want to stay healthy, slim and cheerful, you need to urgently change your gastronomic habits and get on the path rational nutrition.


Rational nutrition is the most balanced combination of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and other substances in the human diet. Such a correct approach to nutrition avoids many health problems, such as immune disorders, atherosclerosis, obesity, diseases of the digestive system, etc.

So, what are the basic principles of rational nutrition:



This postulate can be considered the basic rule of rational nutrition. The amount of food that enters our body and turns into energy should be equal to energy costs. But in reality, it is this principle that becomes one of the most violated.


Every day, our body must receive approximately 70 different ingredients. Many of them are considered essential as they cannot be synthesized by the body and the only way to get them is through food. The ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1:5. For people who have an average physical activity, this figure is 100 g of protein, the same amount of fat and, accordingly, 400 g of carbohydrates.


Only if your diet is varied, the body will be able to get all the nutrients that it needs. That is why, try not to get hung up on the same products, but, on the contrary, strive to expand your menu as much as possible.


2) the exclusion of food in the intervals between the main meals;

3) the time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner should be 5-6 hours, and the interval between dinner and the beginning of sleep should be 3-4 hours;

4) a set of products at each meal should provide for the optimal ratio of all essential nutrients, a healthy person should receive more than 2/3 of the total daily calorie intake at breakfast and lunch, and less than 1/3 at dinner;

5) eating at strictly fixed hours; the time factor plays an important role in the formation of conditioned reflex reactions (excretion of saliva, gastric juice); the body, as it were, is preparing for the reception and digestion of food;

6) do not rush while eating; so, for food during lunch you need to spend not

less than 30 min;

7) thorough, unhurried chewing of food (good condition of the teeth);

8) the last meal (no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime) should include only low-calorie foods (milk, sour-milk drinks, fruits, juices); fried foods, foods rich in fats, coarse fiber, spices, cooking are prohibited;

9) cleanliness, comfort of the dining room, good table setting; exclusion of factors distracting from food (talking, radio, television, reading, etc.).

Remember that failure to follow the rules of a rational diet is one of the main reasons for the development of diseases of the digestive organs ( peptic ulcer, chronic, colitis, etc.).

Modern achievements of science indicate that by changing the nature and diet, it is possible to positively influence the metabolism, the adaptive capabilities of the body and, therefore, have a beneficial effect on the pace and direction of the aging process. Irrational nutrition and violations of its regimen are important sources various diseases.

What diseases can arise due to malnutrition?

Firstly, diseases caused by a deficiency or excess of certain nutrients in the diet: alimentary dystrophy, obesity, vitamin deficiency, etc.

Secondly, malnutrition plays a big role in the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, gout, cholelithiasis, diseases.

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Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education

Angarsk Medical School


On the topic: "Principles of rational nutrition"

Done: student

gr.3b-9 Churina A.E.

Angarsk 204

Eating right is important because it enables you to:

Prevent and reduce the risk of chronic diseases

Stay slim and beautiful

Just like fresh air And pure water, quality, balance, variety of food and diet are key to human health.

Balanced diet- this is nutrition that ensures the growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, contributing to the improvement of his health and the prevention of disease.

Rnutritious food presupposes:

1. Energy balance

2. Balanced diet

3. Compliance with the diet

First Principle: Energy Balance

The energy value of the daily diet should correspond to the energy consumption of the body.

The body's energy costs depend on gender (in women they are lower by an average of 10%), age (in older people they are lower by an average of 7% in every decade), physical activity, profession. For example, for mental workers, energy costs are 2000 - 2600 kcal, and for athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor, up to 4000 - 5000 kcal per day. rational nutrition balanced healthy

The second principle: a balanced diet

Each organism needs a strictly defined amount of nutrients, which must be supplied in certain proportions. Proteins are the main building material organism, a source of synthesis of hormones, enzymes, vitamins, antibodies. Fats have not only energy, but also plastic value due to the content of fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, phospholipids in them. Carbohydrates - the main fuel material for the life of the organism. The category of carbohydrates includes dietary fiber (fiber), playing important role in the process of digestion and assimilation of food. IN last years Much attention is paid to dietary fiber as a means of preventing a number of chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis and cancer. Importance for correct exchange substances and ensure the functioning of the body have minerals and vitamins.

According to the principle of a balanced diet, the provision of basic nutrients implies the intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the body in a strict ratio.

proteins 10-15% of daily calories should be provided, while the proportion of animal and vegetable proteins should be the same. The optimal amount of proteins should be 1 g per 1 kg of weight. So for a person weighing 70 kg, the daily intake of proteins is 70 g. At the same time, half of the protein (30 - 40 g) should be plant origin(sources - mushrooms, nuts, seeds, cereals and pasta, rice and potatoes). The second half of the daily norm of proteins (30 - 40 g) should be of animal origin (sources - meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese).

Optimal consumption fat- 15 - 30% of calories. Favorable is the ratio of vegetable and animal fats, which provides 7 - 10% of calories due to saturated, 10 - 15% - monounsaturated and 3 - 7% polyunsaturated fatty acids. In practice, this means consuming an equal ratio of vegetable oils and animal fats contained in products. The optimal amount of fat should be 1 g per 1 kg of weight. Considering that half daily requirement in animal fats is found in products of animal origin, it is rational to use vegetable oils (30 - 40 g) as a "pure" fat.

Saturated fatty acids are found predominantly in hard margarines, butter, and other animal products. The main source of polyunsaturated fatty acids are vegetable oils - sunflower, soybean, corn, as well as soft margarines and fish. Monounsaturated fatty acids are found mainly in olive, rapeseed, and peanut oils.

carbohydrates 55 - 75% of daily calories should be provided, their main share falls on complex carbohydrates (starchy and non-starchy) and only 5 - 10% - on simple carbohydrates (sugars).

Simple carbohydrates dissolve well in water and are quickly absorbed by the body. Sources of simple carbohydrates - sugar, jam, honey, sweets.

Complex carbohydrates are much less digestible. Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate. Despite the fact that fiber is practically not absorbed in the intestines, normal digestion is impossible without it.

Fiber action:

Increases the feeling of fullness;

Promotes the removal of cholesterol and toxins from the body;

Normalizes intestinal microflora, etc.

Dietary fiber is found in most types of bread, especially wholemeal bread, cereals, potatoes, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Consuming enough fiber-rich foods plays an important role in normal bowel function and can reduce the symptoms of chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, and reduce the risk of coronary disease heart and some types of cancer.

Proteins - 10 - 15%

Fats - 15 - 30%

Saturated fatty acids (SFA) - 7 - 10%

Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) - 10 - 15%

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) - 3 - 7%

Carbohydrates - 55 - 75%

Complex carbohydrates - 50 - 70%

Dietary fiber - 16 - 24%

Sugar - 5 - 10%

The third principle: diet

Nutrition should be fractional (3-4 times a day), regular (at the same time) and uniform, the last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

The modern model of rational nutrition has the form of a pyramid. Focusing on it, you can make a balanced diet for every day.

To ensure a healthy diet, it is important to adhere to the basic rules that will allow you to create a balanced diet.

Ninehealthy eating rules:

1. Eat a variety of foods.

Products contain a variety of food combinations, but there is no one product that can provide the body's needs for all the nutrients. Most of the nutrients needed by the body are found in sufficient quantities in plant foods. At the same time, there are foods that contain some and practically no other nutrients, for example, potatoes contain vitamin C, but no iron, and bread and legumes have iron, but no vitamin C. Therefore, nutrition should be as varied as possible, and compliance with special diets is possible only after the recommendation of a doctor.

2. At every meal, you should eat any of the following foods: bread, cereals and pasta, rice, potatoes.

These foods are an important source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium) and vitamins (C, B6, carotenoids, folic acid).

Bread and potatoes belong to the group of products with the lowest energy content (in case they are not added with butter, vegetable oil or other types of fats, or sauces that improve palatability but are rich in energy). Most varieties of bread, especially wholemeal bread, cereals and potatoes, contain various types of dietary fiber - fiber.

3. Several times a day, you should eat a variety of vegetables and fruits (more than 500 grams per day in addition to potatoes). Preference should be given to locally produced products.

Vegetables and fruits are sources of vitamins, minerals, starchy carbohydrates, organic acids and dietary fiber.

Vegetable intake should exceed fruit intake by approximately 2:1. One dietary risk factor thought to contribute to the increased incidence of coronary heart disease and cancer is antioxidant deficiency (carotenoids, vitamins C and E). This deficit can be filled with fruits and vegetables. The lack of antioxidants contributes to excessive oxidation of cholesterol, which, combined with an excess of "free radicals" that cause cell damage in the vascular walls, contributes to the development of atheromatous vascular plaques. Legumes, peanuts, green vegetables such as spinach, Brussels sprouts and broccoli are sources of folic acid. Folic acid may play an important role in reducing risk factors associated with the development of cardiovascular disease, cervical cancer, and anemia. Recent studies have confirmed that folic acid may play an important role in shaping nervous system fetus. In accordance with the data obtained, women of reproductive age are advised to eat more foods rich in folic acid.

Consuming vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C along with iron-rich foods such as legumes and cereals will improve iron absorption. Sources of iron are leafy greens of the cabbage family - broccoli, spinach. Vegetables and fruits also contain B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, which can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

The availability of fresh fruits and vegetables varies by season and region, but frozen, dried and specially processed vegetables and fruits are available throughout the year. It is recommended to give preference to seasonal products grown locally.

4. You should consume daily milk and dairy products low in fat and salt (kefir, sour milk, cheese, yogurt).

Milk and dairy products provide the body with many nutrients, they are rich in protein and calcium. By choosing low-fat foods, you can provide the body with the full amount of calcium and keep fat intake low. Skimmed (or skimmed) milk, yoghurts, cheeses, and low-fat cottage cheese are recommended.

Legumes, nuts, as well as meat, poultry, fish and eggs are important sources of protein. Preference should be given to lean meats, remove visible fat before cooking. The amount of meat products such as sausages should be limited in consumption. Portions of meat, fish or poultry should be small.

Excess consumption of red meat can adversely affect a person's health. There is evidence of an association between red meat consumption, especially in combination with low vegetable intake, and the development of colon cancer.

6. You should limit the consumption of sugars: sweets, confectionery, sugary drinks, dessert.

Sugars contribute to the development of caries. The more often a person eats sweets or drinks sugary drinks, the longer they are in the mouth, the higher the risk of developing caries. Thus, pure consumption of sweets and sugary drinks between meals (snacks) may be more unfavorable for teeth than consumption of sweets and sugary drinks during the next meal followed by brushing. Regular oral hygiene with fluoride toothpaste, dental floss, and adequate fluoride intake can help prevent cavities.

Drinking control can be used as a practical measure to control the amount of sugar intake. Drinking water, juices and mineral water should be recommended rather than sugary soft drinks (for example, a 300 ml bottle of lemonade contains 6 teaspoons or 30 g of sugar). The need for liquid (water) is satisfied through the consumption of drinks, but food. Products provide the body with water by more than half. Fluid must be consumed in adequate amounts, especially in hot climates and with increased physical activity.

The average intake of all fluids should be 2 liters per day.

7. The total consumption of table salt, taking into account its content in bread, canned and other products, should not exceed 1 teaspoon (6 grams) per day. The use of iodized salt is recommended.

Table salt is found naturally in foods, usually in small amounts. Salt is often used for special processing and preservation of foods. In addition, most people add salt to food at the table. The upper limit of salt intake in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization for a healthy person is 6 g per day, with arterial hypertension - 5 g per day.

Salt is predominantly consumed with processed foods. special treatment(about 80% of total salt intake). Therefore, canned, salted, smoked foods (meat, fish) are recommended to be consumed only in small quantities and not every day. Food should be prepared with the minimum amount salt, and to improve palatability add herbs and spices. It is better to remove the salt shaker from the table.

Exclude foods containing a lot of salt (canned, salted, smoked).

Pay attention to the labeling of products that have undergone special processing, to indicate the salt content in them.

Increase consumption of foods low in salt (vegetables, fruits).

Reduce the amount of salt added during cooking.

Before you automatically add salt to food, you should first taste it, and it is better not to add salt at all.

8. The ideal body weight should correspond to the recommended limits (BMI - 20 - 25). To maintain it, in addition to observing the principles of rational nutrition, a moderate level of physical activity should be maintained.

About half of the adult population in our country is overweight. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, various types cancer, arthritis, etc.

Weight maintenance is facilitated by the type and amount of food consumed, as well as the level of physical activity. Consumption of foods high in calories but low in nutrients contributes to weight gain. Therefore, as the main components of a healthy diet, vegetables and fruits (fresh, frozen, dried) are recommended in addition to potatoes, rice and other cereals.

9. Preference should be given to cooking foods by steaming, by boiling, baking or in the microwave.

Reduce the addition of fats, oils, salt, sugar during cooking. Choose a variety of products (fresh, frozen, dried), primarily grown in your area.

A variety of fresh and properly prepared food, without unnecessary additives, allows you to achieve the required completeness and balance of the diet.

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Abstract of a conversation with children "Useful and harmful food"

I want to bring to your attention conversation with children middle group on the formation of a healthy lifestyle « Useful and unhealthy food» which aims to improve children's knowledge of wholesome and healthy food; continue to acquaint children with the importance of vitamins and minerals in human life; to educate preschoolers the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

Conversation flow:

caregiver: invites children to talk about whether a person can live without food.

Children: - can not; the person will get sick; will be weak; may die.

caregiver: - Guys, why do you think a person can not be without food for a long time?

Children: - if a person does not eat for a long time, then he will not have the strength to walk; your head will hurt, your stomach will hurt.

caregiver Q: What does a person eat?

Children: called food.

caregiver: - Guys, right, a person eats vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products. Do you know what animals eat?

Children: - eat grass, twigs from trees, insects.

caregiver: - Right. All living beings, from the smallest to the largest, eat, but as soon as they stop eating, the body begins to weaken. Do you know why this happens?

Children: - food products help a person and all living things to live, the body to grow and develop, because the products contain nutrients.

caregiver: - Tell me what nutrients are in foods.

Children: name the products and their beneficial features.

caregiver: - Guys, do you have a favorite food? Name your favorite food.

Children: - juice, vegetable salad, fruit salad, soup, chips, etc.

caregiver: - Well, guys, now you know what kind of food you need to eat, and which one you need to refuse so as not to harm your health. We have in kindergarten chefs prepare only the most healthy food, and you must eat everything so as not to get sick, grow up big, healthy and beautiful.

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Recently we had a week "The ABC of Health". Where does our health begin? Of course, with proper nutrition. And me and the guys 2.

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Conversation "On the role of nutrition in the daily routine of schoolchildren"

Conduct form:thematic conversation with students with elements of role-playing dialogue.

Target: demonstrating to students the importance of their physical and mental health.


1. Educational:To cultivate a culture of preserving and improving one's own health, a negative attitude towards unhealthy foods, a willingness to communicate, to cultivate a culture of communication and behavior.

2. Developing: Develop the habit of eating right and following a healthy diet. Develop choice skills the right products nutrition and daily diet

3. Educational:To acquaint children with the principles of healthy eating based on the materials of modern research. Increase student engagement in the classroom. Work on conscious assimilation of the material

Equipment: colored chalk for the design of the board - drawing up a pyramid of proper nutrition.

Board layout:during the lesson, a pyramid of healthy eating is built on the board.


1. Organizational moment. Greetings.

2 . Health talk. Topic message

3. Test "Are you eating right?"Conversation about healthy and unhealthy food. Presentation of a healthy diet scheme using the Healthy Eating Pyramid as an example. Development of the mode and menu of proper nutrition.

4. Conclusion

Classroom teacher:

Before we begin our conversation, I will ask you a few questions, and you will answerat them with a raised hand. Do you love to get sick? Why?

So it's better to be healthy. And tell me, please, what is health in general? How do you understand it and why do we need health?

Who among you considers himself healthy? Why? How do we determine whether we are healthy or not? What can we call indicators of health? Appearance, well-being, mood. Guys, what does our health depend on?

From ecology, lifestyle, mode of work and rest, sports and what we eat and how we eat.

Today we will devote our conversation to the most important factor that affects our health - proper nutrition.

Do you think you are eating right? On what basis do you choose what you eat? Do you know which foods are good and which are bad? What would you prefer for breakfast - a hamburger and coca-cola or oatmeal and fruit juice? For lunch - cabbage soup with beef and compote or french fries with pork sauce and black coffee? For an afternoon snack - cottage cheese, banana and ryazhenka or grilled chicken and chips with fanta? For dinner - fish vegetable salad and tea or noodles fast food with semi-finished meat, Snickers and a tea drink?

Fans of chips, crackers, ketchups, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, which contain emulsifiers, sweeteners, carcinogens, spicy spices, preservatives, stabilizers, chemical food additives should know that fast food, with beautiful name"Fast Food" is not just harmful to our body, but simply very dangerous and poses a serious threat to our health. With the dubious advantages of fast food - the speed of preparation and its special taste - it has a number of undoubted and very serious disadvantages. Our stomach and intestines are not accustomed to such food, fatty and heavy. It does not contain any useful substances, it is very fatty, contains a lot of calories. It is much easier and more beneficial for our body to eat what our ancestors have been eating for centuries - cereals from various cereals, first courses for lunch and many of their vegetables and fruits.

Frequent consumption of fast food is fraught with the occurrence of heart disease, allergies, obesity, diabetes, stomach and liver disorders, diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers and cancer of the stomach and intestines.

not without reason most of The US population suffers from obesity, because fast food has long been part of their Everyday life and just as self-evident that it is already considered as complete a meal as home-cooked food.

So guys, not only your health, but also appearance directly depends on what, in what quantities and how you eat.

How should we eat to be healthy?

There is only one answer to this question - it is a healthy diet, the most the right way to be healthy.

TEST "Are you eating right?"

Food should be varied, and, of course, age, traditions and place of residence must be taken into account. In general, these recommendations come down to the following pyramid.

At its base are bread, cereals and pasta.

Bread and grains at the dawn of our civilization were one of the staple foods of man. Preference is given to varieties of bread made from wholemeal flour (rye bread, bread with bran). They contain a lot of vegetable protein, vitamins and fiber, which helps to eliminate cholesterol and cleanse the intestines. In the daily diet of both an adult and a child, at least once a day, there should be porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet. All these products contain coarse fiber, which is simply necessary for our intestines.

The second step of the pyramid is fruits and vegetables.

On average, an adult should eat 180 kg of vegetables and fruits per year, then he is not afraid of spring beriberi. But according to statistics, Russians eat about 85 kg per year. At least 600 grams of live plant food should be on our table per day.

Berries, fruits and vegetables- a real storehouse of vitamins.

In the next step of the pyramid - meat, fish, poultry and dairy products.

We are accustomed to consider this set as the main and main one. But meat is animal protein. It takes 6-8 hours to digest it, that is, 7-9 times more energy than carbohydrates. Meat does not contain vitamins and enzymes (digestion accelerators), so our body sends enzymes and vitamins from its reserves to break it down, practically weakening itself. This explains the feeling of drowsiness after the abundant use of meat dishes. The kidneys, liver, heart and lungs work with great effort to digest what they eat. We must try to control the amount of food and before meat dish munch on a salad or vinaigrette of raw vegetables and herbs. Regular consumption of meat strains metabolic processes in the body, which leads to premature aging. It is rational to eat meat 2-3 times a week in the amount of 100-150 grams per day.

Wieners, sausages, sausages and other semi-finished meat products include various artificial food additives, preservatives, fillers and therefore are unlikely to be beneficial.

Another thing is the fish. It also contains protein, but, unlike meat, fish is digested faster. It contains fatty acids and various minerals - iodine, fluorine, copper and zinc, which increase the body's resistance to infections, improve twilight vision, regulate the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. Useful and seafood - squid, mussels, sea kale.

Milk is ideal for a growing body. It is a balanced product, providing the child's body with almost everything necessary. And kefirs and yogurts also contain beneficial bifidobacteria that form human immunity.

At the top of the healthy eating pyramid are salt, sugar and sweets.

How little space they have. Just a little of them should be in our diet. Indeed, excessive salt intake leads to hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis and kidney disease. Sugar lovers get metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, migraines and tooth decay. It is necessary to accustom yourself and your loved ones to minimally consume these products: salt - up to 6 grams per day (we sometimes use 15 grams), instead of sugar, cakes, sweets - jams and fruits.

The body of a teenager especially needs a proper balanced diet, as it grows intensively, develops, all body systems continue to form. That is why it is very important to watch what you eat and whether you stick to the diet during the day.

And now we will make an approximate diet for the day in accordance with the proposed scheme. Divide into groups and in three minutes make up your menu for one day, and then we will see what we got, justify your choice.

Please tell me what conclusions did you draw today class hour? What kind of food should be preferred? How should you eat?