Shower      07.03.2020

Wallpaper how to combine. Combinations of wallpaper in different rooms of the apartment. Highlight niches and ledges

The atmosphere in which the most important events family, to a large extent depends on the surroundings. This includes furniture, light, and visual effects created by the walls of the hall. Therefore, the choice of "clothing" for them is a serious task.

One of these options for the living room is a combined wallpaper, examples of photo design of which we will consider in detail below.

What does the combination give?

First of all, the combination of different types of coating allows you to embody the ideas of the owners about the ideal interior. Photos with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcombined wallpaper for a living room, like yours, can be seen in the catalogs of specialized sites.

But sometimes this design decision has other purposes:

  1. Hide flaws. While a solid pattern can accentuate curvature, it can be leveled out with well-chosen color combinations.
  2. Zoning. Often the hall also serves as a dining, working or sleeping function. It is possible to separate zones of different purposes by marking them with a color or pattern that is different from the main one.
  3. Balance the geometry of the hall. A narrow room will not get wider, and the ceiling will not rise, no matter what wallpaper you glue them on. However, the gradation of the shade of the walls from darker to lighter will visually increase the volume of the room.
  4. Visually fill the space of a room with minimal furnishings, highlight the upholstery of the furniture with contrast will accentuate one wall.
  5. Draw attention to a significant area, whether it's a photo gallery or a TV, by creating a focal point. In a color spot, things dear to the heart will look especially advantageous.

There is also a fifth reason, not related to the category of design, but pleasing the owners.

Hardware stores are selling off leftovers at a significant discount. You can pick up quality companion materials from an expensive collection at a very reasonable price.

accent wall

The main thing in this technique is to choose the right wall itself.

In a high-tech or minimalist living room, it will complement the decor and draw attention to itself.

Proper use of this technique can solve several problems at the same time. But for its successful implementation, several rules must be taken into account.

In order not to oversaturate the room, it is worth highlighting no more than two vertical surfaces.

In a narrow room, short walls are pasted over in bright colors, and long ones in calm ones. This will expand the space of the hall without unnecessary restructuring. The combination of soft warm and cold colors also allows you to visually increase or decrease the area.

Most often, the active zone (a place with a TV) or a relaxation area (behind the sofa) is accentuated. A wall with a window block - only to emphasize the textile design. It will turn out to highlight a certain zone and beating the textures of the coating materials, the tone will remain unchanged.

An accent wall sets the tone for the entire room. The choice of its color scheme should be primary, the main tone of the room should be consistent with it.

The easiest way to perform this technique is to cover with photo wallpaper. Real photos, flower drawings or shadow projections will transform the living room space and set the style axis for the interior.

Horizontal combination

This is a classic trick. In the traditional design, two companion materials are selected - a dark plain and a lighter one with a pattern.

The joint is at the level of the doorway or the top of the chairs and chairs. The connection line is decorated with a border, plank or molding in the same range.

However modern tendencies in interior design allow you to refresh this technique. Harmonizing canvases alternate from floor to ceiling with an arbitrary frequency.

A smooth border between wallpapers is the key to the successful implementation of the idea. When changing the level of the floor or ceiling, the initially selected guide should remain unchanged.

If the joint is oriented towards the top line of the seats, the curb will also serve as friction protection.

The advantage of the horizontal combination method is its versatility. This is the most successful way to combine wallpapers of different thickness and texture.

Paper and textiles, vinyl and interlining will look harmonious and original. There are also no restrictions on the choice of colors.

Calm tones will create a peaceful atmosphere of an English home. Bright and contrasting - dynamic youth style. It all depends on the idea and character of the owners.

Stripe alternation

The alternation of wallpaper canvases vertically is used mainly to visually increase the height of the ceiling. The thinner the alternating stripes, the clearer the effect.

An overly long wall will appear shorter if the same method is applied. The bands can alternate with different frequency and patterns.

It is also a simple way to adjust the lighting. It is enough to clothe in lighter colors places where not enough light gets.

The number of combined materials can vary from two to five. The seam line is not necessarily vertical - you can experiment with a zigzag or a soft wave.

The combination of light and dark variants of the same spectrum will create the impression of a play of shadows, contrasting stripes will bring dynamics. Smooth canvases interspersed with a pattern on the same background will give the living room the solemnity of a columned hall.

With all the simplicity in the selection and gluing of vertical stripes, some principles should be remembered:


As a rule, this method serves as an exclusively decorative element.

Pieces of wallpaper of various patterns and textures are glued to the base coat of arbitrary size. There are no restrictions on the number and shape - it all depends on the desired look.

The first step is to choose a place for a decorative insert. Shelves, mirrors and tall cabinets will draw attention to themselves, so it's best to choose a surface that is not cluttered with furniture.

Inserts from fragments will look like full-fledged paintings if you frame each with a molding. This option is suitable for living rooms in a classic style.

To give the interior a neoclassical taste, ornaments of complex geometric shapes are suitable. Rectangular and square will bring the spirit of baroque.

For all their simplicity of execution, wallpaper inserts can also serve as a means of zoning. Placement within colored fragments can indicate a recreation or play area for children.

In this case, any number of wallpaper fragments of various sizes and colors is used. The only rule in execution is the correspondence of the textures of the “flaps”.

Niche selection

Niches in the living room give it a unique shape and serve to accommodate appliances or display decor. And with a successful selection of design, they add bright accents to the interior and become an ornament themselves.

The peculiarity of this design is that it is already selected. It only needs to be accentuated a little or diversified with a play of shades.

The combination allows you to emphasize the niche space and create the most favorable background for the object placed in it. With a plain basic wall design for niches, wallpaper in more muted tones or with a pattern is suitable.

The combination of materials inside a niche looks very impressive. For example, stonework carved with teeth over a smooth surface, as if showing through from plaster.

Gradating shades from light to dark and back looks non-trivial and will add depth to a niche space. Also an interesting option for decoration is plot wallpapers.

The textured finish of the niche surface, imitating natural materials, will create the illusion of a secret room and add coziness.

Combination principles

Strict rules in the selection various wallpapers does not exist - this is a matter of your taste and imagination. But in order to create a harmonious and spectacular combination wallpaper is useful to learn some secrets of professionals.

Choose combined wallpaper for the living room from the catalog of one manufacturer. As a rule, there are ready-made options with real photo. For a living room in the style of eclecticism, minimalism and hi-tech, the same in texture, but different in color or pattern, are selected.

For lovers of the classics, it would be best to choose a pair with a pattern for one-color wallpaper or two to four tones darker. Bright, saturated colors are balanced by muted, neutral ones.

Floral patterns look good with textured canvases under the tree, stripes and a cage - with abstractions. In order not to expose the cuts, for vertical combination, the wallpaper must be suitable in thickness and quality.

The patterns you choose can look completely different in the lighting and decor of your living room. No matter how real the photos are, it would be nice to check them at the repair site. Selected Color wall covering be sure to duplicate the details of the situation, then the interior of the living room will look complete.

What to Avoid When Combining Wallpapers

If you like to do everything yourself, without the help of specialists, then you should start by viewing photo examples of the design of various living room interiors with combined wallpapers.

For a living room with a narrow or low ceiling, the choice of a vertical pattern would be good, a horizontal pattern along the entire long wall is not desirable.

Excessively contrasting canvases and a combination of more than two companions in a small room can have a “pressing” visual effect. Light colors will visually increase its area.

Coatings of dark colors require additional lighting. In the living room on the north side, they will look gloomy;

Furniture that covers vertically aligned stripes will overload the space and reduce the effect expected by this method;

When vertically combining canvases of different thicknesses, sections will become visible. They will have to be decorated with borders or moldings.

The key to the successful implementation of your ideas is in your imagination, and the selection of quality materials, the most successfully combined tones and patterns will only be a matter of time.

The right combination of wallpaper in two or more colors in the interior is a good idea to diversify the space, change the design of the room, the main advantages of combining wallpaper in two colors: it is cheap, original, fashionable.

Interesting design ideas and tips will help make any room, even the smallest and darkest, perfect by combining wallpaper in two colors.

The main point in combining wallpaper of several colors is the correct combination of wallpaper by color, this will help the usual range of colors and shades.

The combination of wallpaper in the interior is a fairly new direction in the world of repair and design, but very successful. Combining the wallpaper with each other, it turns out interesting view rooms, it becomes possible to emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of the walls and the room. dark room you can visually lighten, and too light, on the contrary, darken. Combining wallpaper is not such an easy thing, you need to take it seriously and do everything right.

There are several options for wallpaper combinations:

  • Combination of wallpaper by color and shade
  • Combination of wallpaper by material;
  • Combination of wallpaper according to texture.

In all types of wallpaper combinations, you need to maintain the correct color scheme so that the wallpaper has something in common, such as a print, pattern, background, or color.

In the first version, this is a combination of wallpapers according to their color, shade. Here it is recommended to use the spectrum of colors and shades and choose more suitable color transitions. The combination of wallpaper by material is no less complicated, you can combine wallpapers of several materials, vinyl, paper, wallpaper for painting, non-woven, but be sure to take into account the color of these wallpapers. A combination of wallpaper of two colors according to texture, this is when wallpapers of several textures and ornaments are combined on one wall.

More information about choosing the color of wallpaper for decorating a room can be found in the following material:

We make combined wallpaper in the rooms

You can combine wallpapers in any room, with any area and lighting. A combination of wallpapers in large and spacious rooms looks much more profitable, because the walls of a large area allow fantasy to “accelerate” and bring the most daring fantasies to life.

But even in small rooms, combined wallpapers of several colors also look good, if you maintain the overall color scheme and texture of the wallpaper. Combined wallpaper perfect for pasting children's rooms, living rooms, halls.

In the bedroom, hallway and kitchen, you can also glue the combined wallpaper.

Combined wallpapers can be sold ready-made, with combination ideas, but you can also make a combination yourself, choose a wallpaper:

  • By type of materials;
  • By color and shade;
  • By invoice.

The combination of wallpaper by color can have several variations:

  • A simple combination, two colors adjacent in the spectrum;
  • Complex combination, several colors;
  • A bold combination, a combination of opposite colors on the spectrum.

For a room with a small area, it is better to choose light wallpapers and shades; in a large room, you can experiment with color.

Examples of a combination are very different, with a combination of wallpaper, the predominance of the main color in the interior, implies a combination of it with the main shades.

If you create a room in light and calm colors and in one color scheme, you can choose the neighboring colors of yellow and green in the spectrum, for example, and their shades. Well, if the room is decorated with basic dark wallpaper, they need to be combined in opposite colors in the spectrum.

Choosing for yourself the idea of ​​​​combining wallpaper in the interior, you need to be guided by some rules that will help you decorate the room beautifully, correctly and tastefully with the help of wallpaper.

To do this, you need to know a few rules:

  • Choose the color of the wallpaper depending on the area and lighting in the room;
  • Do not mix two bright colors of wallpaper in the same room;
  • Maintain one color scheme;
  • dilute the room small details certain colors.

The color of the wallpaper should emphasize the advantages of the room, and focus on its shortcomings. Therefore, for a small room, choose light wallpaper, and for a large room, dark wallpaper. Two intensely vibrant colors even in big room they will not find harmony, so combining only two bright colors with each other will not work. If you combine wallpapers of two saturated colors, then be sure to make transitions using light or even tone wallpapers. In addition, in a room with combined wallpaper, you need to maintain one color scheme, diluting the interior with small interior details.

In one room, you can combine up to five colors and shades, otherwise there will be no harmony in the room.

How to glue combined wallpaper

Having decided on the color scheme, you can begin to glue the combined wallpaper, taking into account all the tips and tricks. Gluing combined wallpaper begins with the preparation of the walls of the room, it is important that the walls are even and without defects. The calculation of the wallpaper for the room must be accurate so that you do not have to look for similar colors in all stores. The next important step is the preparation of a roll of wallpaper for gluing. If the wallpaper is with an ornament or with a pattern that requires selection, you need to correctly adjust the cut to the height and width of the room, corners and joints. Paired strips outline in advance so as not to confuse them with the rest of the wallpaper. This is difficult to do for wallpapers that are combined independently, in separate strips, here you need to use a construction tape measure and a level.

Sticking combined wallpaper is also not easy:

  • It is necessary to maintain the level of the lines when gluing horizontal, vertical and patchwork wallpapers;
  • It is good to glue the joints of the wallpaper;
  • Carefully trim the edges of the wallpaper.

Having carefully prepared materials for work and work surfaces, wallpapering will take a little time and work will be done.

It is better not to glue the combined wallpaper with an overlap, you need to avoid overlapping one canvas on another and glue the wallpaper butt-to-butt.

What role do combined wallpapers play in the interior

Combined wallpapers are suitable for most different interiors as a self-sufficient decoration of the room.

The abundance of wallpaper selection provides a unique opportunity:

  • The use of wallpaper as an independent element of decor;
  • Combination of several styles in one room;
  • Distribution of rooms into zones.

When dividing a room into zones using wallpaper, you need to choose correct colors wallpaper, for a comfortable stay in these areas.

Options for combining wallpaper for walls (video)

With the help of wallpaper you can decorate beautifully one-room apartment or huge Vacation home beyond recognition. Combined wallpapers will help highlight the positive features of the room, hide the flaws of the room and surfaces, create a cozy room and bring your wildest fantasies to life.

Wallpaper combination (photo)

To create a unique interior, stylish and fashionable design of the room, designers urge you to pay attention to the possibility of combining different wallpapers in one space. There are a lot of ways to combine this, each has its own purpose and its pros and cons. Consider in this article all aspects of combining wallpaper.


Modern wallpaper manufacturers have long been offering several suitable wallpapers to be combined in one room. Designers are developing special collections that include double companion wallpapers made in the same color range, from the same material, with the same relief. Usually one of the companions is a bright, variegated canvas or with a fantasy pattern, and the second is a plain version that matches the color.

But this does not mean at all that, when choosing a design for the walls, it is necessary to be strictly guided by the factory offer. With good taste and understanding of the basic rules of combination, you can create your own ensemble, unique and special.

First of all, it is worth evaluating the size and features of the room, its illumination, shape and purpose.

For small rooms, you should choose light colors of both companions, this will help expand the space and let in more light.

Perhaps a combination of dark wallpaper with a white pattern and a pure white companion. Vertical stripes on the walls will help visually raise the ceiling, but if the stripes are very active, they should definitely be diluted with a more restrained partner.

Monochromatic wallpapers can look boring and require a lot of accessories to create an atmosphere, but bright prints on the walls will help bring solemnity and elegance.

Thus, the main features of the combination are the deliberate oppression of a too bright pattern, which in large volumes can cause discomfort, placing accents with the help of contrasting solutions, adding variety to the interior of the room, and transforming the imperfect layout of the apartment.

However, with an independent choice of companion wallpapers, you should be careful: usually when choosing more than 2 types of canvases, it can be difficult to avoid chaos. When the room is completely pasted over, the furniture is arranged, the impression of disorder is created due to the abundance of variegation. It is necessary to have good spatial imagination or use ready-made interiors if you really want to realize the idea of ​​​​combining 3 or 4 different wallpapers at once.

Decoration Effects

By combining wallpapers, you can achieve the embodiment of some spectacular basics in interior design. For example, to focus on any area in the room. In the bedroom, the wall next to the bed can be covered with bright floral print wallpaper, while the other three walls are done in plain pastel colors.

Sometimes the design of the room does not end with wallpaper on the wall. Zoning provides for the continuation of gluing on the ceiling. This technique is used both in the bedroom and in the living room. In the latter case, most often they seek to highlight either part of the wall behind the sofa or behind the TV, and especially bold owners combine these two spaces, starting to paste over upholstered furniture, continuing on the ceiling and ending with part of the wall behind the TV.

The visual effect of the decor can make you feel like you are watching a movie in a cinema.

Bold Ideas come to those who choose wall zoning with several wallpapers. In this case, there is no functional value, where and how to glue this or that canvas in color and texture. Stick to the principle of symmetry or beat architectural features premises. This combination will help hide the layout defect.

If the walls in the apartment are uneven, combining wallpaper is the best way to hide it. Bright accents distract attention, and a well-chosen texture will visually smooth the wall.

To expand the space and "raise" the ceilings will help the right choice of combination method. Designers have long used the tricks of combining different colors and prints in one room for these purposes, now anyone can try one of the options, the main thing is to follow the advice and clearly understand what effect you want to achieve.

The wall as a bright element of decor will help solve many problems:

  • will allow you to refuse the selection of small accessories, such as paintings, shelves, decorative mirrors, vases;
  • will create a strong accent that can be supported with just a couple of pillows in similar colors or prints;
  • save you money on buying additional design attributes;
  • will give a sense of completeness to the interior.


To choose the best way combining wallpaper, you should determine the strengths and weaknesses in the architecture of the room. A competent combination of colors and patterns will help visually transform the room, enlarge it and make it brighter. Let's look at these methods in more detail:

Combine horizontally

When creating an interior with a combination of wallpaper horizontally, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the functional and stylistic design requirements:

  • the top should always be lighter than the bottom. Otherwise, the room will not become more spacious, but rather closer;
  • it is necessary to measure the length of the wallpaper from the floor so that the horizontal strip of the joint is parallel to the upper border of the furniture (the room may begin to “dance” due to the fact that the floor, as a rule, is not always perfectly flat);
  • if the joint parted a little, it can be decorated with either a paper border, or a molding, or a wooden lath. If the upper and lower parts of the wallpaper differ in thickness and relief, it is absolutely impossible to use a paper border. It is very thin and is not able to make the transition beautiful and even.

The horizontal division proportions are different, a lot depends on the design and the selected wallpaper print:

  • Wall division 50/50 it will be beautiful and dynamic if you choose two plain canvases without a pattern, contrasting in color, separated by a white molding. You can consider wallpaper with a print, but keep in mind that in such a division you give equal importance to both halves of the wall, which means that the drawing must be equivalent, otherwise the design of the room will become difficult to understand, will cause controversial emotions;
  • The bottom is narrow, the top is wide. This classic version suggests the most understandable solution: at the top - light wallpaper, at the bottom - darker. Often in such combinations there are wallpapers with a striped print, damask pattern, floral pattern, plain companions;
  • The lower part is very wide, the upper one is narrow. This is an exquisite combination that can be skillfully beaten if you choose good partners. A plain wide bottom with a narrow strip of wallpaper with an ornament at the top looks beautiful and elegant;
  • Dividing the wall into 3 parts. The main principle is the principle of symmetry. The bottom and top parts should be the same width, no matter how wide the middle part is.

Vertical combination

Vertical stripes on the walls of the room visually make the ceiling higher. And it doesn’t matter at all how many such stripes are in the interior. For example, in a room covered with neutral-colored plain wallpaper, to add accents or to create natural decor elements, it is worth adding variety by introducing several strips of wallpaper with an ornament. Such stripes look best as an auxiliary attribute of zone selection.

For example, a TV hanging in the living room can be framed on the sides by two canvases with an ornament. The same ornament can highlight the area behind the sofa with one wide strip, just opposite the TV.

Patchwork combination

The popularization of hand-made has contributed to the fact that now almost everyone knows what a patchwork is. Fashionable today "grandmother's" blankets smoothly moved to the walls.

This technique combines a variety of prints and colors. Stripes, ornaments, cage, flowers, polka dots - all this is on one wall, and looks harmonious and cheerful.


This method allows you to creatively decorate the walls of the room without looking for suitable paintings or posters. A wallpaper panel with an interesting print goes well with companion wallpapers or with any other canvases that are suitable in texture and color, while they do not carry a heavy semantic load, unlike the picture. You can also consider the option with photo wallpapers.

The junction of the panel and the main canvas is usually decorated with moldings or wooden slats.

Vertical combination in the living room is appropriate with wallpaper inserts with a pattern, together with a solid partner.

The shape of the panel can be almost any, but such geometric shapes as a rectangle or square look harmonious in the interior. Corners may be beveled or rounded. The choice of the geometry of such a picture depends entirely on the availability of a suitable way to decorate the joint.

When making classic design or baroque style in the interior, this way of combining will create the necessary atmosphere and favorably support the idea.


Often in interior design there is a technique where one of the four walls of the room is made with an active accent print, while the other 3 are plain. This technique is good for any room. So you can highlight the dining area in the kitchen, the wall, which has a sofa in the living room or a bed in the bedroom, a play area in the nursery. Moreover, the use of photo wallpapers in the entire wall is also very appropriate.

Combination options

The combination of wallpaper is possible using various methods.

A color scheme

In the interior, the right color combinations are extremely important. When there are many elements of different shades, it becomes increasingly difficult to combine all the accessories in one room harmoniously. Combining wallpaper involves combining several different colors and even different patterns. For beginners in this business, manufacturers suggest using companion wallpapers. In this case, with the choice of shade, you definitely will not lose.

For those who dream of trying their design skills, there are many tips and tricks.

An easy way is to combine wall wallpaper with a pattern and plain. For example, a wallpaper with large peach roses, pink or lilac peonies will suit a pure white partner. This combination is very gentle and soft.

Beige goes well with peach prints, and the same color, but a few tones lighter, goes well with pink and lilac prints.

Beige wallpaper also looks good with other colors. For example, with brown, pistachio, yellow, and in a marine-style interior, beige, turquoise or blue are excellent neighbors on the wall.

Combinations of orange and green or orange and light green wallpapers look bright and positive. Lovers of orange color can create more rigorous ensembles with the help of gray, chocolate or dark purple companions. Blue and orange color ensembles look oriental.

Dark reds or burgundies with rich blues create a very bold yet true stylish design. This combination is suitable for large spaces filled with light.

Light wallpaper with monograms is an element of moderate interiors, suitable for decorating a room in a classic style.

Modern layouts of colored wallpapers are replete with options with stripes. You can compose striped canvases with plain partners, with canvases with an ornament or with photo wallpapers. An alternative to horizontal and vertical stripes is transverse and longitudinal waves.

Selection by material

The correct combination of two types of materials with each other in one room will be possible only if the canvases with identical properties. They should stretch equally, behave similarly in the process of shrinkage. This way you can avoid splitting the seams. In an interior where the joint is not decorated with anything, it is better to purchase ready-made double companion wallpapers.

Wall mural is usually paper and thin. The companion is glued to them with an overlap, sometimes the joint is decorated with a molding.

Fabric and vinyl wallpapers have an advantage in terms of combination - they are produced on a paper (non-stretch) or non-woven (stretch) basis. Depending on it, they can go well with any other companions.

Cork wallpapers are gaining popularity. In combination options, they are quite capricious, they do not tolerate being on the same wall of canvases from other materials, since they themselves are quite thick. But they can be beaten inner part architectural niche or one wall of the entire room.

How to combine invoices?

Factory wallpaper partners for walls, as a rule, have the same texture. At self-selection companion must adhere to the same rule. The relief must either completely match or be similar. However, the combination of a very embossed and textured canvas with a completely smooth wallpaper will look very stylish and modern.

What else to consider?

Combined wallpapers complicate the design of the room, so the choice of furniture and accessories, finishing materials must match the idea, otherwise the room will take on a cluttered, inharmonious look.

Curtains draw attention to themselves. It is best if they are neutral white, or the same tone as the wallpaper. If the canvases on the walls are without a pattern, then the curtains can contain any print, if one of the partners has some kind of ornament or image, for example, flowers, then the curtains can repeat the pattern or be plain.

The floor, regardless of whether it is linoleum, parquet or laminate, usually does not have a strong effect on the harmony in the interior, however, if the coating has a non-natural color or artistic look, the wallpaper combination should be neutral, without strong accents, so as not to overload the interior.

Every person in his life at least once, but will face the problem of repairing his home. One of the significant details of the environment created in the room is the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper is the most preferred option for decorating wall surfaces, since they play the role of not only decorating the room, but also a kind of insulation. Today, they are pasted over not only walls, but also ceilings.

They belong to roll-type finishing materials made on a variety of bases. It can be paper, interlining, etc.

How to choose the right wallpaper

In our time, when choosing wallpaper, you must consider:

  • Financial opportunities.
  • Personal wishes.
  • The style of the room.

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You should also pay attention to the texture, the presence of a pattern, as well as the color of the wallpaper. The texture can be embossed, vinyl, velor or regular. Various stripes, polka dots, flower arrangements, abstract shapes.

As for the colors, there are wallpapers of light, neutral and dark tones. All of the items listed above are related.

Before we start repair work for the arrangement of the room, you need to choose the style and decide on the color scheme.

How to choose the color of the wallpaper? First of all, it is necessary to take into account the location of the windows, the illumination of the room, the resistance of colors to fading, as well as the colors of the curtains and furniture.

If window openings indoors face the north side, it is better to dwell on wallpaper in warm colors, for example, yellow, orange, light beige, pink. Windows facing south - use cool shades such as emerald green, blue-gray, jade.

If the room is well lit by sunlight, then it would be appropriate to use dark-colored wallpapers - sapphire, terracotta, cornflower blue. In a shaded room, it is better to opt for colors that have reflective properties - gold, golden yellow, orange.

Remember that wallpapers in blue and blue shades quickly fade in the sun, and dark blue in shaded rooms begin to cast gray.

Light-colored walls require light-colored furniture, and dark wallpapers require dark furniture. If the curtains and furniture are decorated, and the walls are decorated with carpets and paintings, in this situation it is better to opt for smooth wallpaper or wallpaper with small ornaments.

Speaking about a possible pattern on the wallpaper, it can have a different size, be contrasting or muted, placed often or rarely.

The abundance of large flowers visually reduces the volume of the room, and small, rarely located flowers, on the contrary, expand the space. Also, a large floral ornament can serve as an accent for different styles. Small is usually used as a neutral basis for design.

If you want furniture or any other decorative details to dominate the interior, then opt for wallpaper with a discreet muted pattern. If your goal is the opposite, then do the opposite.

Striped wallpapers are quite common. They harmonize well with most design styles. Vertical stripes visually raise low ceilings, but at the same time reduce the area of ​​​​the room. This shortcoming can be avoided by choosing wallpapers with wide stripes or stripes with blurry borders. This nuance can play important role when decorating a small room.

Another variation of the wallpaper pattern is large spots. They can be arranged in an orderly, ornamental or chaotic way. Due to the sharp selection of spots on the wall, it is not recommended to completely finish the room with such wallpaper. It is best to use them as accents, highlighting separate zones with them. Also, retouched spots give an interesting effect, which is expressed in the play of light and shadow.

Another type of wallpaper pattern is the so-called granular decor. It looks like small specks-drops of different tones, as if obtained with a spray gun. This print perfectly hides and hides all the imperfections of the walls. This property allows you to use such wallpaper for rooms of very different designs.

There are also plain or smooth wallpapers. They perfectly emphasize and set off every detail of the interior, no matter what style it is designed in. But they have one rather significant disadvantage - they need to be glued only on an immaculately flat surface, since they do not hide the flaws of the walls.

How to choose the right color for wallpaper in different rooms

What color of wallpaper is suitable for the interior of various rooms? Let's look at the answer to this question below.


For a nursery, they usually try to pick up wallpapers in two colors. This is done to highlight separate zones that differ in their purpose. Most often, a muted pastel of white, sand or yellow tones without a large print is chosen for a bed. For the occupation area, wallpapers of a bright palette are appropriate.

It is allowed to use both paper and vinyl wallpapers. Products with drawings depicting heroes of fairy tales and cartoons are popular.


For the bedroom, any kind of wallpaper will be appropriate. But the best solution would be wallpaper with silk-screen printing or vinyl coating. Speaking of colors, it is preferable to stay with a pastel palette.

White wallpaper will look great in the bedroom. Blue is also a good option. This color will fill the room with freshness and will maintain emotional stability.

Simply made for the bedroom wallpaper Green colour. They have a calming, hypnotic effect. In addition, they pacify and set up for a good rest.

Living room

For the walls in the living room, a variety of types of wallpaper are also suitable: textile, silkscreen, vinyl. Color palette may be different. There are no strict restrictions here.

Gray wallpaper will fit perfectly into the living room in the style of hi-tech or minimalism. For classic interior warm, natural shades are most suitable. Such a range will visually expand the space, as well as fill the room with light and air.

An interesting design idea is the use of wallpaper in two different tones. Moreover, they can be both contrasting and differ from each other by two or three shades. The photo of the wallpaper in two colors shows that such combinations can achieve a very interesting result.


There are higher risks of contamination in the hallway, hallway and kitchen. Here it is optimal to choose washable wallpapers or products that are resistant to the appearance of different kind spots. It can be thick vinyl wallpaper, silk-screened or paintable wallpaper.


In the kitchen, it is advisable to choose a warm palette, for example, orange, red, yellow shades. Such a gamma will increase the feeling of hunger and give a positive attitude.

For the corridor and hallway, it is better to choose dark colors. And be sure to combine the color of the wallpaper with the rest of the walls.

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of wallpapers of various colors, which makes it possible to implement quite bold design ideas.

We hope that this article will help you choose the right color wallpaper. Just do not forget to take into account the illumination of the room, because depending on the lighting, the color can take on one shade or another. Good luck!

Photo wallpaper of different colors

There are many ways to create a custom interior or zoning a room. Combining wallpaper is one of them, the least expensive in terms of resources and time. This technique is used by those who want to save money, level out the existing planning flaws: unprofitable ledges or niches, too low ceilings, narrow space. The main thing when repairing is to take into account all the features of the room.

The purpose of the combination should be the desire not just to dispel boredom. It is designed to focus attention on some point or zone. The aimless imposition of "patches" on the walls will make the interior clumsy, only emphasize the lack of taste of the owner.

When accenting one of the walls with wallpaper, you must choose the “correct” one. Usually this is the wall that attracts the eye when entering the room. It can also be located in the background of one of the functional areas or behind a furniture group: a dining room, a desk, upholstered furniture, which, thanks to a suitable background, will only benefit.

The principle of choosing a wall was absolutely unmistakable in Soviet times. The main attraction - the Uzbek carpet - always hung where it was needed, it was visible from any vantage point.

The boundaries of the accent wall are also determined in advance. And this is necessarily the whole wall, and not some part of it behind the sofa (what happens if the sofa suddenly has to be moved?). These are not a few walls, sometimes decorated with companions, but giving the impression that the room was pasted over with the remnants of a previous renovation.

The following simple rules must be observed:

  1. Accent wallpaper is glued to the view wall. The desired minimum distance to it is 3-4 m. The "Khrushchev" kitchen, for example, is not suitable for such a design.
  2. Combining two types of wallpaper with an active pattern is contraindicated, even if they are companions.
  3. Photo wallpapers or any other with a dynamic print are best combined with plain ones.
  4. In order not to have to puzzle over the design of the joints, accent wallpaper occupy a place from one corner to another or to a niche, ledge.
  5. The basis for creating any combination should be a certain idea, it is necessary to rive the eyes of those present on something specific.

Errors when combining

All the mistakes of designers can be reduced to the following main ones:

  1. Lack of purpose when combined, action on a whim.
  2. The choice of the "wrong" wall.
  3. Placement of wallpaper in pieces, with borders not in the corners. An exception is inserts with trim joints with moldings or when the wall is divided into two parts horizontally.
  4. The layout of the duet without taking into account the features of the room.

In order not to spoil the picture of a fresh repair, it is impossible

  • against a wall with large patterns large furniture, the optimal background in this case is monophonic;
  • decorate a small room with dark colors, light shades are more harmonious, preferably no more than three;
  • formalize big wall in a narrow room with patterns, they will further narrow the space;
  • stick wallpaper in horizontal stripes with low ceilings, the ceiling will press even harder;
  • vertical stripes will make a narrow room with high ceilings even more awkward.

How to combine wallpaper by color?

The fact that colors affect not only mood, but also health, scientists have proven. For a comfortable life, design colors are chosen for a reason. They are combined according to certain rules. Not all shades look harmoniously next to each other. Sometimes even unexpected combinations fascinate, in other cases you want to look away as soon as possible. Combinations for the interior are selected according to the same principle by which a bouquet or toilet items are collected.

Taking into account furniture, decor, there are usually three to four to seven colors in the room. There are not many of them, they only serve for variety, make accents. The main two are the colors of the wallpaper, floor, furniture elements. When choosing a color, first of all pay attention to the size of the room.

The color scheme of the walls determines the overall decor of the entire room. Some color elements from the wallpaper pair are necessarily duplicated in the interior: they are repeated in furniture upholstery, echo with doors or floor and ceiling coverings.

Shades of the same color

The combination of wallpapers of the same color in one room is considered classic. Walls can be patterned, regular, chaotic, barely expressed. For a small room, two types of wallpaper with the same pattern, slightly different in shade - the most acceptable combination.

Monochromatic combinations can differ only in saturation. More juicy shades highlight the priority zone.

Any room will look organic if the decoration of the same color is combined there, but with a different texture. Textured elements look much more spectacular if they are made in the same color. Shiny surfaces look unusual, combined with matte ones. In addition, small rooms with shiny walls will visually appear more spacious.

Contrasting colors

The correct combination in the interior of several bright canvases that you like is a delicate matter. Those who have no experience in this matter are on a slippery slope. It is also worth considering the price of various coatings. The look of expensive silk-screen printing can be quickly spoiled by placing budget paper nearby.

The contrast method is most often used to decorate living rooms or bedrooms. One of the colors should be active, and the second neutral.

Modern design ideas are based on style, the rejection of the ordinary. Special techniques consist in combining warm and cold colors, using catchy colors. Possible options are:

  • simple, when harmonious, unidirectional color schemes are combined;
  • moderate, when the tones of the wallpaper do not match with each other, but have something in common with space;
  • difficult if the interior is decorated with more than three colors of different saturation.

Neighboring shades of the color wheel

In order to maintain the integrity of the interior, not to miss the choice of finish colors, they use a special cheat sheet called the color wheel. With it, you can pick up similar colors by simply taking 2-3 or 5 located nearby.

Advanced designers usually use not 2, but 3-4 shades, which are diluted with universal black, white or gray. Since they are absent in nature, they are not shown in the diagram. In the design of the premises, they act not only as additional, but also as the main ones.

Color combination (table)

It is interesting to work independently on the choice of suitable colors. But those who have no experience tend to err. There are tables that greatly simplify the process. The main thing is to know how to use them.

This or a similar scheme is used, remembering that the first color must be used as the main one. The two following it can act as additional ones, those that follow are accents.

There are tables where contrasting combinations are presented or compiled according to a complementary principle. From the proposed options, you just need to choose the combination that you like the most.

How to make a transition when combining

To decorate or not to decorate joints when gluing depends on the thickness of the finish, the chosen style. There are several methods for decorating the transition: pasting the borders with borders, moldings, wooden slats, thin planks, stucco molding are applicable, the ceiling plinth is played up.

No transition

The classic joint is usually not decorated with anything. In order for the edges of assorted wallpapers to match perfectly, they are not initially smeared with glue, overlapping each other. Then, at the junction, they are carried out with a sharp knife (the line can be even or wavy). Waste is discarded, and the edges of the canvases are smeared with glue, attached to the wall.

wallpaper border

Paper framing is not a problem. It can be matched to the wallpaper at the place of purchase from the catalog or cut out fragments from the wallpaper strip itself. The advantage of this finish is low cost, ease of sticking and removal. The disadvantage is susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage.

You can choose vinyl and acrylic edging, they are approximately close in quality. Textile is more dense and durable due to the two-layer structure consisting of paper and fabric.

You should not rely on the quality of the self-adhesive edging, it tends to spontaneously fall off after a while. It is advisable to glue it, additionally smearing it with glue initially.


Looks pretty original decorative elements framed by moldings. Such inserts were mostly used in classical interiors. Previously, such ideas were embodied only by representatives of the upper class, since the fabrics used were very expensive. Now such panels are possible in the style of Provence, country. Modern Art Nouveau follows the same path, slightly modifying the frame. Its role is played by a border cut from a canvas of the same collection.

Silk-screen printing, embossed coatings, and other similar options are used as inserts. Moldings will also help, if it is necessary to combine wallpapers of different thicknesses, to arrange a transition to another type of finish, an architectural element.

Combination methods

Combination is always creativity, creativity. Some of his techniques are very bold, especially if the stylistic decision involves the use of bright contrasts, unconventional combinations. Therefore, you need to choose the decor carefully. When buying materials, you need to consider the following key factors:

  • degree of illumination;
  • room size;
  • conceived style;
  • shades and textures should not "swear" among themselves.

The choice of texture is usually given more easily than determining the correct color scheme. If all types of finishes in the apartment can be combined into one harmonious whole, a satisfactory result is obtained:

  • the room seems to add size;
  • irregular shapes, uneven walls are hidden;
  • the interior is filled with light;
  • separate zones appear;
  • the winning features of the layout and style are emphasized.

Combine horizontally

The method is most successful if you paste over the room with wallpaper of various types, for example, the upper part is paper, and the lower part is embossed vinyl or non-woven. The walls will receive additional protection, it will be easier and cheaper to carry out partial repairs.

Horizontal stripes can be distributed over the entire height, alternating in color, pattern. If you decide to stick only two types of wallpaper, then the parts should be in a ratio of 2: 1.

The separation height can be changed, focusing on the levels of furniture, window sill, taking into account the layout, the size of the room.

Joints oriented horizontally are much more difficult to mask, so the use of moldings, all kinds of borders, and baguettes is appropriate here. Traditionally, the border is made at a height of no more than a meter, but only if the height of the walls is small. With non-standard high ceilings, the joint is located at a height of 1.5-2 m. This distance is oriented relative to the floor, not the ceiling, otherwise the slightest unevenness will be striking.

Vertical Combination

The essence of the method is to vertically connect wallpapers of various tones and textures. The method allows you to visually raise the level of the ceiling. The room will seem the higher, the thinner the fragments of the picture will be. Combine stripes optionally of the same size. Strips of different widths alternate in a certain sequence.

If the combined fragments are not the same in texture, moldings or borders will be required to decorate the borders.

Combinations of coatings of the same color, but of different intensities, alternation of dynamic shades with calm ones, wallpaper with patterns and smoothly colored are popular. Flowers with stripes look good in retro style.

Monochromatic and monochromatic

Reception, ideal for highlighting several functional areas of space in close colors. Companions from the same manufacturer will be a win-win. Not too colorful shades, embossed patterns, silk-screen printing look noble.

For a harmonious design, when using plain wallpaper, choose canvases with a neutral and more active color, materials of different textures. A maneuver with a brighter wall will draw attention away from the bumps on the wall with a neutral color. In the bedroom, for example, deeper, darker shades are used in the sleeping area. The play of shadows helps to calm down and relax.

accent wall

In order for the accent on the wall not only to attract the eye, but also to improve the design, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • ideally, the presence of only one such wall, rarely - two, never - three, this introduces dissonance;
  • only part of the wall or such architectural elements as arches, niches can become accent;
  • accent colors are not necessarily bright, soft combinations are acceptable;
  • You can “move” the accented wall using warm and cold shades.

It must be remembered: the reception dictates the mood of the entire interior, therefore it can either completely ruin it or balance it.

IN modern interior accent wall usually sets the focus. It is decorated with bright plain canvases or wallpaper with large ornaments, digital printing. The color scheme of the remaining surfaces is as neutral as possible. This approach is applicable to any room. And due to the fact that expensive materials are used only on one of the walls, significant savings are achieved.

pattern or ornament and plain

Collections often represent a popular combination option - plain wallpaper with the same ones, where a pattern or ornament is applied to the base.

If the selection of companions is carried out independently, you must be extremely careful, try to dock future companions in good light. It is also important not to deviate from the rule:

  • large drawing, catchy color are good only in a spacious bright room;
  • in a pair where the first part is an ornament, the second should be textural.

pattern and pattern

Different patterns look quite harmonious in the same room. But they must have something unifying: motives, some elements, color.

The technique is often used in horizontal combinations, when the lower part of the wall, for example, is decorated with ornamental wallpaper, and the upper, lighter part, is decorated small flowers. In the same way, you can arrange large monograms or a floral pattern with discreet geometric ripples, giving the impression of a solid background.

Two types of wallpaper are used for zoning, but only if they are not competitors. Colored companions share, for example, a children's room, allocate a zone at the desktop. At the same time, the junction should not be defiant, it is not beaten with moldings, it is even better if it is angular.

Patchwork technique

The combination is performed using flaps, for which canvases are selected that are in harmony with each other. They are cut into identical or different pieces, glued end-to-end or overlapped, placed like on a chessboard. The flaps can be two-color or have more shades, with various geometric shapes: square, rectangular. They are cut out in the shape of a circle to make appliqués on ready-made walls.

Such a panel looks stylish at the head of the bed, in the nursery. If the color scheme seems too colorful, it is balanced with a few white fragments.

Niche selection

When trying to disguise niches that seem like a lack of a room, they often achieve the opposite effect. It is better to go the other way by highlighting them. To do this, wallpaper of a different color is glued there or a couple of tones darker than the main ones. If you apply textured wallpaper, equip a niche with lighting, it will create an interesting interior relief, enliven the room with a play of shadows.

The use of cold tones will allow you to visually move the wall away, to shift the focus to the object that is located in the niche.

Room zoning

Sometimes one room is divided into zones, each of which performs its own function. Along with other methods, a method is used when part of the space is separated from the rest using wallpaper with patterns or other color shades.

The solutions are quite unusual. Separation is achieved not only by color, but also by texture. One option is to separate, for example, the kitchen from the dining room, pasting it with structural wallpaper for painting. Some zone is decorated with a floral ornament, and the next one is decorated with a checkered print of the same range. The main thing will be not to make a mistake with the arrangement of furniture.

Zoning with wallpaper will help to define the boundaries of the zone without effort and extra spending: neither drywall partitions nor heavy curtains are required.

Brick or stone masonry in the spirit of a loft is less and less popular. Such a change in the interior requires a considerable investment of time and resources, which is not always acceptable due to the excessive load on the foundation. In a particularly small apartment, it is appropriate to replace this material with its imitation.

The room, pasted over with light wallpaper, is complemented by a wall, as if from white brick. Red brick will look good surrounded by matte gray or white walls. An apron in the working area of ​​the kitchen, a fake fireplace in the living room will not be discordant if the colors of the companions are correctly maintained. The texture of the brick is conveyed so realistically that it is possible to distinguish it from the real one only by touching it.

Photo wallpapers, like any cladding with an active pattern, are combined only with plain walls. It doesn't matter what story the eye falls on initially. The main thing is to follow the basic rules:

  • choose the right drawing;
  • guess the size;
  • observe the correspondence in quality and palette between the photo wallpapers and the main wallpapers.

Types of megacities will not have to be combined in color. They will go with almost everything, if they are not variegated or completely monophonic. Juicy greenery is best placed in rooms abounding in light. A white, beige or grayish main background harmonizes well with it.

Rooms with windows to the north are decorated with bright, large images. Sunflowers or oranges will warm and add sun. The rest of the walls are pasted over with light, warm, dim wallpaper.

Wall murals are also used for zoning, to emphasize the horizontal, to highlight architectural ledges, niches. Not so often they are combined with contrasting saturated companions: beige is combined with purple, green, blue with orange. Images with perspective will significantly affect the size of the room.

To emphasize the interesting texture of the coating, the room is decorated in a single color. The use of catchy textures must be balanced with calm shades, the absence of unnecessary details, patterns. Explicit texture is usually combined with the same companions or at least close in thickness. It is better not to place the seams between them on a flat wall, but to take them into a corner.

Textured wallpapers are the best alternative to liquid ones. The texture can appear in the form of stripes and curls, abstract images, vegetation. It is convenient to glue the coatings, you can paint them, they are joined on the walls, they decorate the ceilings with them.

At first glance, liquid wallpaper looks like decorative plaster, suitable for any room, goes well with non-woven.

The most acceptable combinations are those that are achieved by playing with color. Liquid wallpaper is easy to combine with each other, other materials, supplement with drawings, original patterns. A panel is created from them, and if “kneaded” thicker, then decorative three-dimensional elements, for example, imitation of stucco molding.

focus point

A kind of visual anchor that attracts the attention of the person entering the room, a beautiful detail that is the center of the interior, act as a focal point. It can be natural, such as a niche, a fireplace, or big window behind which a beautiful view opens up.

If there are no such architectural details or a delightful panorama, then a painting, sculpture, furniture group, which the designer “appoints” as the main ones, can act as a focal point. It will help to highlight them. proper lighting, background wallpaper. The latter are combined in such a way that part of the wall differs in shade from the main one and is monophonic or stands out with an unusual pattern. The effect can be complemented by framing, decorative ornaments.

decorative ornaments

To change the interior without starting a grandiose repair, it is enough to use ready-made or hand-made decorative stickers. They are easily glued, now there are such that they are removed without consequences.

The themes and style of this decor are very diverse, suitable for any stylistic direction: loft, avant-garde. These can be small stickers or large silhouette images of people or animals. With their help, they enliven the atmosphere of the children's room, place accents in the living room, combine disparate pieces of furniture, appliances in the kitchen, add positive to the bedroom.

The combination of wallpaper combinations in the rooms

Not everyone likes experiments, they decide to move away from the traditional wallpapering of each room with wallpaper of the same color. In order for the fresh renovation to look harmonious, it is first necessary to study a large number of recommendations from knowledgeable designers, study examples with photos, develop an idea that would take into account functional features each room.

Living room

The room where visitors are received is often called the hall. Here they receive guests, hold evening gatherings with tea parties, meet colleagues, important guests. Therefore, it should not only be comfortable for households, but also maintain the image of the owners as successful people, not without taste. It is not worth saving on the quality of finishing this room. Classics are applicable here, a combination of silk-screen printing, glass wallpaper, the use of non-woven, vinyl wallpaper.

The hall most often serves as a living room and dining room, sometimes a bedroom. Some of the corners can be a work area or a library. Wallpaper partners will help divide the space into zones. The main violin is played by the size of the room. If the living room is small, it is better to resort to light shades. In the vast expanses of fantasy, you can not limit, experiment with textures, colors.

The recreation area is usually made lighter, decorated with plain canvases or with a small pattern. The place where it is located cushioned furniture, fireplace group, plasma will benefit from the design of more saturated colors, beautiful patterns.


Since the zone is intimate, they proceed only from their own preferences, having previously agreed on the basic principles with a partner.

The main role of the room is to help to relax, to provide a good rest. Bright contrasts, catchy patterns are not appropriate here. It is better to decorate the walls with soothing colors: beige and white, who likes a darker bedroom - various shades of brown, blue.

The texture is better to choose smooth. In addition to traditional, trendy fabric wallpapers look good in the bedroom. It is desirable that they echo with textiles: curtains, bedspreads. If you combine them with other types, then the joints will have to be beaten with moldings or slats due to a mismatch in the thickness of the materials.

Combining different types of wallpaper, the headboard is pasted over with textured, darker materials, photo wallpapers, and emphasis is placed on it. In order to isolate the sleeping place, the accent strip continues along the ceiling.


In the kitchen, solving the problem of the right combination of colors is not so simple. There is a lot of furniture here, one of the walls is more often occupied by tiles, there is very little space left for wallpaper. In addition, they need to be combined not only with all the furniture, but also with the work area, refrigerator, and other household appliances.

In order not to oversaturate the kitchen with paints, the wallpaper duet must be made neutral, without large patterns. A large kitchen-dining room is decorated more brightly, but pastel shades, light colors will still look more harmonious here, if the drawings are small.


The microclimate of the room is not conducive to pasting it with wallpaper. Other coatings that resist moisture well are more appropriate here. But if the bathroom is spacious, well ventilated, then it is quite possible to decorate it partially with wallpaper, especially since the canvases are easy to change if it suddenly turns out that they are slightly peeled off.

It is better to use moisture resistant, washable materials. Liquid wallpaper is also suitable, which, after hardening, is covered with acrylic varnish. Apply options with vinyl wallpaper. They are expensive, but their level of fixation can be increased with special glue. Moisture-resistant self-adhesive, glass wall paper is also a good solution. All of them are well combined with each other, with 3D, photo wallpapers. The latter are best not placed directly at the shower. This zone is decorated with tiles, and the wallpaper is pasted at the washing machine, sink, in the toilet area, where splashes do not reach. The main thing is that the combination of color and texture does not cause any complaints.


In this room, you can let the colors run wild. But even here it's better to stick to general rule and do not combine more than 2-3 colors. Of these, only 2 can be saturated.

For the little ones, choose neutral shades. It is not necessary to follow the commitment of girls to pink, and the boys to blue. Any colors can be chosen. Among the most popular for children are green and yellow, peach and apricot, natural colors tree, green tea, olive, lilac.

The nursery, like the bedroom, needs a comfortable environment. Gloomy shades are inappropriate here, bright and cheerful ones are welcome, but not distracting from classes. A room for two children can be divided into individual areas with different types of wallpaper, highlight the play area with accent canvases, diversify the design with decorative stickers in the form of animal silhouettes, geometric shapes, exotic plants, missiles and ships.

A patchwork technique is used so that the colors of the patches match the tone of the floor. A wall with photo wallpaper, stylized drawings will look good.

Hallway and corridor

This room is rarely spacious. In most cases, it is narrow and long. You should not make it very dark, except to make the lower part of the walls in darker colors if the border between the companions runs across.

The joint between the ceiling and the wall is often made out with a special side, where the backlight is masked. This technique helps to “raise” the stretch ceiling, revive the interior with glare from it. Close and narrow corridor it will seem much more spacious with a competent layout of wallpaper, thoughtful lighting.

In a room not cluttered with furniture, wallpaper inserts, moldings and borders look beautiful, in harmony with the mirror frame, medium-sized geometric and floral patterns.

The area closest to front door, it is desirable to paste over washable wallpaper or wear-resistant glass. Posters, photographs, all kinds of stickers will help decorate the corridor and make it more alive.

Antique style, replete with columns, arches, marble elements, stucco can be realized without spending money on golden frescoes. Wallpaper imitating wall painting is combined with plain pastel colors. Wall murals with natural, historical scenes are placed on the walls. The style will be supported by moldings, moldings made of polyurethane.

The splendor of Rococo and Baroque will be emphasized by silk-screen printing, wallpaper on fabric basis. Paper wallpapers will help to imitate woven trellises. Instead of stucco, pompous moldings will go.

Classic color schemes from milky to burgundy, geometric prints, panels, a combination of wallpaper horizontally are quite feasible. Wooden slats are placed at the joints, the bottom of the wall is sometimes decorated with carved wood or plastic.

For the Victorian style, the best print on the wallpaper is stripes and checks, floral motifs.

The Japanese entourage will be supported by natural laconic colors, themed photo wallpapers.

The interpenetration of Europe and China is expressed in elegance, a mixture of familiar furniture with paper panels. Oriental style is wallpaper with unusual birds, flowers.

The Turkish style will fill the bedroom with turquoise and azure, dictates that the headboard be decorated not with a square, but in the shape of a dome, an arch.

Rustic country and Provence will require simple textures on the walls, matte canvases with a small scattering of flowers. It is advisable to combine the colors of the wallpaper with the curtains.

For alpine chalet simple materials are characteristic, a discreet cork or bamboo base in combination with imitation brickwork.

Modern trends take something from the classic interior, but there are also rough textures for metal or masonry. Photowall-paper with the image of mechanisms, gears is applied.

From the offers that are on the market, it is easy to get confused. Whitewashing, water-based painting is now used as a budget option that has been proven over the years. Those who want more modern design, the interior space of the premises is finished with wood and stone, decorative plaster, PVC panels, eco-leather are used. On sale there is a special wall-mounted linoleum, which can only scare away the name. They have little in common with well-known flooring. All materials are good in their own way, have a special texture, certain decorative properties. But not everyone can compare with wallpaper for the price, ease of installation. In addition, a room completely “wired” with stone or tile is unlikely to amaze with comfort. The best option- combine.

Wallpaper and panels

Decorative coating, which is now made from a wide variety of materials, goes well with wallpaper. This tandem always looks presentable, expensive. The material of the panels, depending on the style of the room, is used very different: PVC, gypsum, textiles, wood shavings, sometimes marble and metal. Someone manages to beat parquet and laminate on the walls. Why not?

Combination with brick

Many now fashionable styles (gothic, loft or Scandinavian) are very kind to unplastered walls. So that the brutality in the room does not go off scale, one of the walls is left “naked”, or only part of it. The rest of the perimeter is trimmed with wallpaper suitable for style and decor, colored or plain.

Combination with decorative stone

Depriving the walls of plaster, you will not always get to the brick. But if you still want something stone, then tread concrete wall can be trimmed decorative stone. The main requirement is to think over the decoration of the remaining walls, to link the types of coverage and decor with each other.


The most popular places of dwelling, a kitchen or a bathroom, cannot do without finishing with an equally popular material - tiles. Tile plus wallpaper is the most versatile option that allows you to realize design fantasies. In this pair, you can beat everything: the shape of the tile and the pattern of the wallpaper, their texture and color, the way the tiles are laid and the wallpaper is pasted.

The combination is built on contrast or combined with a common color, elements. Other materials can be connected to the combination: glass panels, decorative plaster.


The material is used not only for leveling walls. When decorating an interior in an antique, Arabic or Gothic style, decorative plaster is indispensable. She will embody the beauty of marble, an ethnic plot. With its help create paintings, applications. A chic panel can be placed on only one wall. But there are many ideas on how to combine two popular materials.

The accent can be the plaster itself, the image on it. Or it becomes the background for the wall where bright photo wallpapers are pasted.

With timber and wood

The combination of wood and wallpaper is not a new technique. They have been used for over a century. Most often, the bottom of the wall is trimmed wood paneling, and wallpaper is glued to the top.

There are wallpapers that themselves imitate logs stacked on top of each other, worn boards or insect-eaten tree bark. They can be beaten in the interior of both a city apartment and a country one. wooden house with beams under the ceiling and walls made of timber.

As with stone, an all-wooden environment needs to be loosened up with something to give the space a cozy residential feel. The beam in combination with light wallpaper is widely used for finishing summer cottages, cottages in a rustic, Scandinavian style. IN wooden walls fashionable now bamboo, cork wallpaper will fit well.