Well      04/13/2019

Combined wallpaper for the living room: design ideas. Gorgeous wallpaper for the living room: photos and features of choice

Wallpaper is fast and relatively inexpensive way renovation of the living room interior. Thanks to a wide variety of shades, patterns and textures, they can be used to transform a room, visually expand it, and also make it cozy and stylish. In order not to get confused among the huge assortment presented in construction stores, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the types of wallpaper, find out the pros and cons of each material, read recommendations and look at photos best examples living room design using them.

Types of wallpaper for the hall, their advantages and disadvantages

Paper wallpaper

This is the most accessible view wallpaper Due to their low cost, they can be used for finishing rented apartments, hostels, or simply change them every two to three years for new ones. Depending on the type of paper used, matte and glossy products are distinguished.

Thin single-layer wallpaper is also called simplex, and double-layer wallpaper, consisting of a dense backing and decorative front side- duplex. The latter are more resistant to getting wet, so they don’t tear as much during gluing and hide uneven walls better.

The advantages of paper wallpaper are low price, environmental friendliness (they allow air and microparticles of water vapor to pass through well), and a large selection of patterns and colors. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting fragility, susceptibility mechanical damage, fading in the sun, and also the fact that, collecting dust, they are not amenable to wet cleaning.

Before gluing paper wallpaper, the walls must be perfectly smooth.

Vinyl wallpapers

Such wallpaper is made by applying it to paper or fabric base artificial material - polyvinyl chloride. It can be smooth, hard, foamed or embossed (silk-screen printing). PVC's resistance to moisture makes this material an optimal base for painting, and its low weight and mechanical strength make it easy to attach to walls. Justifies the high price long term service life - from 10 to 20 years, and in addition - the ability to repaint (up to 5 times).

Vinyl wallpaper is resistant to moisture, quite elastic and durable, and can hide small irregularities in the walls. Three-dimensional designs and beautiful texture make them a very aesthetic type of decoration. The disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper include bad smell plastic (which should disappear over time) and the fact that they do not allow air and steam to pass through the walls does not allow them to “breathe”.

Textile wallpaper

Using fabrics to decorate the walls in the hall is not a cheap pleasure, but their delightful appearance is worth it. Linen, satin, silk, velvet, with amazing patterned weaving of threads - they make the interior truly luxurious.

Fabric wallpaper requires very careful care - they should be protected from ultraviolet radiation and moisture, and carefully cleaned. The environmental friendliness of such finishing depends on the material chosen, but in general the textiles are highly breathable.

Glass wallpaper

They are produced by weaving from the finest glass threads. The result is a very durable translucent canvas with a relief pattern. Such wallpaper is firmly attached with starch paste on top of the plaster and can be re-painted.

The advantages of glass wallpaper include environmental friendliness (they contain only natural materials, such as quartz sand, limestone, soda, clay), fire safety (melting point of glass fiber +600°C), durability (up to 30 years of operation).

The disadvantages are the relatively large weight and poor selection of textures.

Liquid wallpaper

They can also be classified as decorative plasters, because liquid wallpaper is essentially an acrylic solution with the addition of natural fibers (cellulose, sawdust, cotton, silk) and pigment.

This type of finishing allows you to hide the original unevenness, create an interesting texture, and paint the walls with a colored gradient. Liquid wallpaper is easy to apply and remove, has a beautiful texture, and evens out the surface of the walls. You can add sparkles and small stones to the mixture.

To the disadvantages of finishing liquid wallpaper refers to low moisture resistance.

It's all about style!

A huge number of wallpaper varieties allows you to find the ideal solution for any interior style. Read on for tips on some of them.

Art Nouveau assumes a restrained design in monochrome colors. For a living room in this style, plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a soft graphic pattern (diamonds, circles, lines, abstractions), imitation of polished marble, or metal are suitable. Photo wallpaper can be an interesting addition that creates a visual perspective.

IN classic interior The hall will look harmonious with light wallpaper with golden or silver floral patterns, repeating the texture of expensive fabrics (satin, brocade, velvet), natural sandstone, mahogany, soft leather.

To design a living room in Provence style, it is better to choose matte pastel wallpaper with a small floral print. You don’t have to glue them with a solid canvas, but frame them with plain inserts that repeat the color of the patterns.

Main motive Scandinavian style- snow-capped cliffs and transparent blue fjords - should be reflected in the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper can be white, light blue, gray, or with abstract designs.

Photo wallpapers depicting a winter mountain landscape or waterfall will also help to visually expand the living room.

This style is characterized primarily by natural materials. Imitation stonework, wooden planks or logs, hay, straw - the basic options for country.

Wallpaper with floral patterns, checkered patterns, images of pets, birds, butterflies, and pastoral scenes will help create a relaxed, rustic atmosphere. Photo inserts should also remind you of life outside the city: a lot of sun, sky, green trees, endless fields and horses.

Color solutions

White wallpaper

White wallpaper in the living room is an elegant, unobtrusive backdrop for brighter decor and furniture. They are always appropriate, visually expand the space and give it a soft glow.

Gray wallpaper

The neutral palette from silver to graphite is perfect for both creating a monochromatic design and softening bright accents. Living room in gray color will always look modern and sophisticated.

Wallpaper in pastel colors

Dull, bleached colors, as if bleached by the sun, create a very calming atmosphere. Light blue, lilac, sand, beige, pink, greenish - they all fit perfectly together.

A living room with such wallpaper will visually seem more spacious.

Brown wallpaper

Shades of brown are ideal for a cozy home environment. The color of coffee and chocolate harmonizes perfectly with the soft glow of yellow, the festive purity of white, the spring cheerfulness of green, and the heavenly sublimity of turquoise.

Yellow wallpaper

It makes sense to decorate the walls of the hall in yellow tones, the windows of which face the north-west side. Banana, lemon, orange wallpaper will fill the living room with warmth and light, and will give the inhabitants a good mood.

Combining wallpaper in the living room

To prevent the living room from becoming boring with monotony, it is worth using for wall decoration different elements. Successful combination plain and patterned wallpaper will help to beautifully zone the space, increase the height of the ceilings, expand or narrow certain areas, and highlight dark corners.

Using this technique, you should be guided by the table of shade combinations. A uniform base and repeating color patterns on a lighter background look most harmonious. Shiny prints reflect light and attract attention; lines visually stretch the room; large elements fill the emptiness of overly large halls.

Wallpaper in the hall can also be combined with painting, decorative plaster, ceramic tiles, brick or stone masonry, wood veneer, cork and plastic panels. Highlight the most interesting areas carved ones will help wooden frames, stucco molding (or its imitation from polyurethane), plasterboard niches.

Wallpaper can be compared to plastic surgery, which made the room lose its appearance. New colors in the home can make you feel energized, but they don't just change the palette of the room, they give the interior its own atmosphere, feel and design.

Types and features of paper products

  • Simplex. Represents a single layer with a smooth surface.
  • Duplex. Contains two or more layers, the surface is decorated with texture.

If in the future you are going to paint wallpaper, then suitable option there will be a duplex with raised patterns of solid fibers (may contain wood chips). The big advantage of paper sheets is their low cost and ease of care. The negative effect will be a short service life and the inability to hide wall irregularities. You can glue the paper product in every room where there is little humidity.

Over the past ten years, there has been a revolution among standard wall decorations - wallpaper; buyers now have a huge selection of models with different patterns, textures and colors. Due to the development printing technologies It has become easier and more inventive to create and select new models. Modern design agencies constantly work with fresh raw materials, creating entertaining interiors that create effects on the walls in the form of feathers, wood, leaves or animal fur. These coatings are also very pleasant to the touch.

Before hanging wallpaper, it is important to know the following features:

  • Horizontal lines on wallpaper are best suited for a small room; they will slightly increase its size.
  • Vertical lines will visually make the room taller.
  • Wallpaper in dark shades will make the space appear smaller.

Advantages and characteristics of vinyl wallpaper

This wall covering is suitable for those who want to diversify their interior in a practical and tasteful way. This product differs from its paper counterparts by the presence of a polyvinyl chloride coating. This is a strong and wear-resistant material that will decorate your room for many years, sparkling with its shiny surface.

The contents of the outer layer may contain chemical substances, for example, various resins and similar materials that add reliability to the product, increased resistance to liquids, and protection from sunlight. Caring for such a product will not be difficult; they can be easily wiped with a damp cloth, even when there is heavy dirt on it (they can be glued in the bathroom and kitchen due to their resistance to hot steam). However, when washing, you should not use cleaning products containing active chemical elements; they can damage the outer vinyl layer.

The interior of the hall can be diversified with vinyl-coated wallpaper with a large number of colors, textures and patterns suitable for the space of the room. You can choose fashionable wallpaper that imitates wood, stones, and other materials.

Non-woven wallpaper

The design of wallpaper for the hall will help to diversify the options from a carbohydrate base and soft fibers, which perfectly block sound and are protected from hot temperature. But these models are not flawless: dust and various aromas easily penetrate the product and linger there for a long time, so you should not glue them in a room near front door. To attach to the walls, you will need individual adhesive, which must be applied directly to the wall. The color can be changed using acrylic paints.

Gallery: wallpaper for the hall (25 photos)

Textile options

They are made from paper products and coated with various materials used to create the fabric. This coating will create a warm and cozy feeling in the room. homely atmosphere. Compared to conventional options, it absorbs sound waves better. You can keep it clean using a vacuum cleaner or wiping it with a damp cloth.

There are models for painting:

How to choose the right wallpaper (video)

Fashionable wallpaper for the living room

Unusual and modern wallpaper They can also be liquid! They are a loose substance consisting of cellulose, fabric fibers and an adhesive substance. To apply to the walls, first dilute them in water, following the instructions, and begin work by applying them with a roller. This option will look great in the room and will hide all the roughness and deformation of the walls. Different colors will make the room brighter and sunnier.

Options with photo wallpaper

If you've run out of wallpaper ideas, try using photo wallpapers in the now-once-again New York style. First of all, photo wallpapers are chosen because of the famous beautiful places: Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, Golden Gate Bridge, various high-rise buildings and remarkable buildings of world capitals. Some buyers choose more mysterious and mythological images.

If you still haven’t chosen photo wallpaper for your living room, try looking for ideas in the beauty of nature. Photo wallpapers with beautiful green motifs will always be in demand among buyers, radically changing the design of a room. You can easily give your room an atmosphere of quiet and secluded nature, add freshness to everyday life and add new colors. Thanks to this simple action, a room with photo wallpaper will turn into a small secluded corner.

How to choose wallpaper for the living room to preserve the classic style

The standard room option is now becoming popular again. If you are interested in what wallpaper to put in the living room, then classic style you will definitely like it. It gives the room a touch of sophistication, reminiscent of the majestic styles of old times when palaces amazed the eye with their design.

Variants of the classic are replete with a variety of designs and motifs. The most popular wallpaper colors for the living room:

  • combined pattern (two colors change alternately)
  • striped ones (mostly dark milky and pistachio colors) perfectly convey the image of classic wooden furniture with fabric upholstery.
  • sunny shades with floral patterns.

Just like choosing wallpaper for a living room, you need to approach the choice of curtains. They will add sophistication to the overall composition of the solemn classics and play special role in creating an ancient atmosphere.

Combined wallpaper for the hall will become in a good way interesting decoration rooms. One of classical methods is to divide the wall into an upper and lower part with different colors separated by an edge. A similar combined technique is often used in rooms with classic and English style. A feature of such an interior will be a visual reduction in the height of the room.

Romantic style

A modern house can be decorated beautiful design originally from France, which brings a romantic touch to the interior of the apartment. An apartment that breathes the ideas of romantic natures simply cannot fail to make a positive impression. The lightness and genuineness of French motifs mentally transports the residents of the house to the lavender fields of the provinces, adding elegance to the room.

Loft style

For quick interior decoration and cosmetic repairs, you can try using wallpaper uniform style. There are many stylistic options on the market for different models. They give the apartment a special style. Attic-inspired products contain elements of wood, metal, brick or stone, giving the interior an industrial look. Thanks to the stone style, you can create an effect in the hall industrial style eighties.

When arranging their home, every person dreams of a home filled with coziness and comfort. Some people trust the recommendations of the hired designer, others prefer to follow trends fashion trends in interior decoration, but many people leave the decision to this issue to their own ideas about cozy interior. The use of wallpaper for finishing walls is the most popular solution, despite the huge selection of modern finishing materials. The ability to decorate walls with ready-made artistic ornaments is becoming one of the decisive arguments, along with the tradition of their use in decorating residential premises. By choosing a wallpaper design for the living room, the owners of the house create a special living space designed for spending time together with the whole family and for receiving guests. The living room is both the face of the house and common place families where each member of the household has their own favorite corner.


In the interior design of a living room, such an expressive technique as combining several types of wallpaper is often used. This approach allows you to effectively divide the room into zones and optically organize the space. The boundaries of a creative approach to design using a combination of wallpaper are limited only by human imagination. Applying the basics of color combination theory, you can create an original, comfortable, functional design.

You can correct planning flaws by using light color. The combination of patterned wallpaper with their plain “companions” is excellent for optical correction of the room. It’s easy to choose a combination of colored and plain options. To do this, light wallpaper with a pattern is pasted onto the wall that you would like to enlarge. The tone of dark plain wallpaper - “companions” should correspond to the darkest color used in the patterned wallpaper. Another option is possible, when the wall to be corrected is covered with light, plain wallpaper. The walls opposite to it are covered with rolls with ornaments, the lightest tone of which matches the color of the “companion” without a pattern.

Horizontal combining

Using the horizontal combination technique divides the wall along a horizontal line. Traditionally, the upper part of the wallpaper in the interior of the hall is decorated with lighter wallpaper with small, calm prints. The lower part is more saturated with color, texture, and complexity of the pattern. The point of this placement is that the lower part of the wall, decorated in dark colors, is designed to visually make the room more substantial and wider. The upper light part gives the room a feeling of airiness, space, and height. At the border of contact of combined rolls, a border is often used to neatly delimit them. This border can be slats made of plastic or natural wood. A matching paper border can also add its own note to the combination.

Of course, the development of ideas in the field of modern interior design has reconsidered the “light top - dark bottom” trend. The interiors created in our time can impress with their originality.

When pasting wallpaper horizontally, it is advisable to mark the joint area in advance with a marking line. This will allow you to mentally “try on” the selected height of the lower part and easily make difficult work for combined pasting.

Vertical method

When styles where rhythm is in demand (for example, avant-garde or disco) dominate, contrasting colors become especially fashionable when decorating interiors. Angular interior items and bright light, characteristic of this style, look especially expressive against the backdrop of vertical alternation of contrasting stripes.

The optical effect of vertical combination increases the height of the room. In order not to overload the interior, it is recommended to use wallpaper with the same pattern. Repeating the ornament will bring harmony to the alternation of colors and will avoid excessive variegation of the walls.

A more restrained version of vertical combination is achieved by using adjacent shades of the same color. A living room decorated in this way becomes a model of true elegance, combining sophistication with a rhythmic variety of patterns on the surface of the walls.

Living room zoning

The living room serves as a place for joint leisure of the whole family, a room for receiving guests. But, often, this room serves as an additional sleeping place or permanent place for study or relaxation. Using one room with different functions becomes more convenient if you divide the space into several zones.

The principle of zoning space using different colors and different types finishing creates areas for different activities. It is important to take into account the layout of the room. A place of rest and privacy can be located in a niche (when planning a room with a niche) or against the far wall.

For handicrafts or reading, it is preferable to arrange a separate area by the window or connect a suitable light source. It is more convenient to organize children's games in the central part of the room. Combining wallpaper with a good arrangement of furniture and properly selected lighting will help you find your right place to all household members and guests of the house.

If possible, when combining two or more types of wallpaper in the interior design of a living room, it is advisable to opt for wallpaper products from one manufacturer. The use of one dye recipe and the creation of drawings in one creative manner make this choice an ideal solution in finding the optimal combination.

Application of photo wallpaper

Avant-garde and modern styles

The avant-garde style is completely opposite to the classics. If the owner of the house wants to create an original and bright living room, then an avant-garde style solution may be ideal. Light, volume, unexpected and contrasting color schemes, fancy forms of furniture create innovative, bold interiors. It is recommended to use wallpaper of contrasting colors in the range of black, white and red, as well as. If, when creating a style, the emphasis is on furniture and decorative items in the avant-garde style, then the use of very light, plain wallpaper will be an excellent background, adding a feeling of light and air.

The Art Nouveau style, like the avant-garde, is characterized by contrast and adherence to a certain color scheme. But this is a more subdued option for contrast, which prefers subtle colors. The Art Nouveau style is no stranger to the use of borrowings from the classics. Materials used - natural wood, glass, discreet textiles. The main colors of modernism are white, black, all shades of brown and gray. The recommended choice of wallpaper should serve as an inconspicuous backdrop for furnishings. Monochromatic walls without texture or pattern in light, restrained tones will be the ideal solution for creating a living room in the Art Nouveau style.

Provence and country as classics of comfort

Provence and country are the style of cozy rural houses in France and England. Light pastel colors, natural materials, natural wood furniture, floral motifs, textiles and many cozy little things make this style incredibly popular for its unique rustic comfort. The choice for the walls in this case is light, plain wallpaper in a warm range of pink, peach, and blue shades.

Loft style

The loft style is characterized by huge spaces filled with light and air, rough masonry brick walls, wooden floor in brown shades, minimum textiles, maximum functional interior items. This style was born in the USA, when abandoned industrial premises adapted for housing. Now this style is in demand among creative people and extraordinary rebels.

It is not surprising that the choice of wallpaper for the design of a living room in the loft style is wallpaper, the pattern of which imitates brick and masonry, raw concrete surface, natural wood. The more naturalistic the drawing looks, the better they will fit into the loft interior.

Japanese style in living room interior design

The Japanese style in the interior of the hall is characterized by maximalism in its extreme manifestation. Natural materials, lack of furniture and decor, ascetic laconicism - this style is chosen by people who are not alien to the philosophy of the East. The colors of the wallpaper to create a Japanese-style interior are devoid of any decorative effect. The neutral color scheme of nature shades should not distract fans Japanese style from contemplating existence and merging with nature.

Color scheme in the living room interior

The correct color scheme creates the mood of the room and can correct flaws in the layout and rough finishing. In addition to personal taste, when choosing the color scheme of wallpaper for decorating a room, it is worth considering the influence of color and light on a person’s well-being.

Scientifically proven effects of color environment on physical condition and psyche:

  • The use of red color in wall decoration helps create an atmosphere of cheerfulness, energy, and activity. This color promotes a feeling of warmth, provokes a slight increase in blood pressure, and the release of the hormone dopamine into the blood. But, like any factor that provokes excitement, its excess can cause fatigue and irritation. The choice of red color is recommended for decorating the walls of a living room where regular parties are planned.
  • Yellow color helps improve mood and develop creativity. The living room, decorated in shades of yellow, creates an atmosphere of sun and warmth. Therefore, the use of this color is recommended in rooms facing north. Creativity and handicraft activities will be filled with inspiration against the backdrop of walls in ocher, lemon, amber, and other marvelous shades of yellow.
  • Orange is the most positive color of the solar spectrum. Orange color does not have such an aggressive load on vision and nervous system, like red, but almost as invigorating and warming. On the background orange walls Family communication will allow you to feel a sense of peace and comfort.
  • Green is traditionally considered the color of material well-being and prosperity. Shades of green have a relaxing effect on the body and effectively relieve tension. The rich tones of young grass and greenery relieve stress and irritation; colors close to shades sea ​​wave give serenity and tranquility. Wallpaper in green colors will create a real oasis of family relaxation.

  • The effect of blue color on the body has the same relaxing effect on the body as green. But, unlike shades of foliage color, blue relaxes the body, helping to lower blood pressure and relieve hyperactivity syndrome in restless children. Mental activity among blue walls, on the contrary, gains concentration. Wallpaper blue flowers will suitable choice, if the living room is used as a place for work, study or outdoor games for children who are difficult to calm down.
  • White color and its shades of milk, linen, ecru, ivory fill the space with a sense of volume and height, promote harmony and energy. Light wallpaper creates incredibly cozy living rooms. The only drawback of white and close-to-white wallpaper is that dust, dirt and other contaminants are most noticeable on light-colored walls. Therefore, if there is a child in your family with an active desire to realize his artistic aspirations on light wallpaper, think several times whether it is acceptable for you children's creativity on the walls of the hall.
  • Black color can be a spectacular way to create an aristocratic boudoir interior. However, its excessive use can affect the human psyche with depressive feelings and depressed mood. If the owners of the living room are not sure of their personal taste, then perhaps they should avoid using black in the interior.

In addition to the physical and mental impact of color, there are a number of nuances when choosing the color scheme for the walls of the living room:

  • Wallpaper in pastel colors should be used if the goal is to add volume to the room, create a light, relaxing atmosphere, and emphasize the uniqueness of furniture and decor. Pastel shades are obtained by combining white with pure deep colors. A more muted version of the color looks more restrained and elegant.
  • The use of light colors in the interior becomes universal choice Thanks to the properties of light colors, optically correct the room. In most modern styles, the use of light wallpaper is applicable. Light walls have a calming effect and create an atmosphere of comfort.
  • Dark colors at correct use create stylish, expensive interiors. White furniture and decor look beautiful and advantageous against the background of dark wallpaper. But, as mentioned above, it is very important to observe moderation in the use of this color scheme, unnecessarily dark interior depresses the psyche.
  • Bright colors in the interior are chosen by bold, dynamic people. Pure colors without white and gray impurities can act as effective color therapy. The use of wallpaper in bright colors easily places the necessary accents in the interior.


Choosing a wallpaper design for a living room these days is not an easy task. Your eyes are wide open when you look at the many colors, textures and possibilities for combining them. In search of your ideal wallpaper for decorating your living room interior, you can visit several stores and markets. building materials and not be able to make your choice. If you have an idea in advance of what the living room should be like, this will allow you to quickly find the best option decoration of the hall. Many ideas can be borrowed from thematic websites on the Internet, special magazines, and books about interior design. Using optical correction techniques and successful color combinations will transform the hall beyond recognition. The transformed living room will become comfortable place for spending time with family and guests at home.

From the author: Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about wallpaper for the living room. In the living room we celebrate holidays and welcome guests, the whole family gathers, so maximum attention is usually paid to its design. And if in other countries in recent decades there has been a tendency to paint walls, then in our country wallpapering walls is still popular. Firstly, it’s warmer, and secondly, there are so many options! There is such a huge variety of wallpapers that you can choose them to suit even the most capricious taste. Many people simply get lost in the immense number of colors and textures. Let's try to figure out which wallpaper to choose for the hall is preferable, and try to derive some general rules.

What should the wallpaper be like in the living room?

First, let's formulate the requirements that we will impose on future wallpaper in our room. What to look for when choosing.

The whole family and guests will presumably gather in the living room, that is, there will be plenty of people. They will lean on the walls and touch them with their hands (most likely not very clean after the feast). All this does not help maintain the integrity and cleanliness of the coating. This means that the first requirement is practicality. The surface of the walls should be as non-marking as possible. It would be desirable to be able to clean it somehow after guests.

Equally important is how easy it will be to breathe in a room with. That is, they must be highly environmentally friendly - they must allow air to pass through well. Have you probably heard the expression “let the walls breathe”? This is what we are talking about. If the walls in the bathroom and room are allowed to be painted even oil paint, then in a living room, especially in the living room, this is completely unacceptable. Therefore, the material for gluing walls must be porous.

The hall is usually a large and well-lit room. There may be two windows or a window and a balcony through which Sun rays freely enter the room and fall on the walls. And under the influence of sunlight, as we know, many materials fade - they fade, lose their brightness of color and even the density of their structure. Of course, no one says that wallpaper is purchased for the rest of your life. If it is possible to change them every year or two, then this item can be excluded from the requirements. But most of the time we do redecorating once every few years. And during this time, some types of wallpaper may not change better side in places where sunlight falls on them.

Well, last, but not least, let’s note the aesthetic component. Tone, color, pattern - this is perhaps the most important thing we need. The design of the hall should provide tangible visual pleasure, because a lot of time is spent here in the evenings and on weekends. There are rules for choosing a wallpaper style for a living room, and we will talk about them further. But first, let's choose the type of wallpaper.

What types of wallpaper are there?

Most often they choose for the hall traditional types wallpaper - vinyl, paper or non-woven. But there are also new original options for those who like to be trendy and surprise guests with an unusual interior design.

Paper wallpapers - what are their advantages and disadvantages

This type of wallpaper was the first to appear on the market, but continues to confidently hold the palm due to its many advantages. This is the cheapest material. Indeed, you can change the interior at least every year - the cost of such repairs is definitely affordable for a family with any income. However, price today is not a determining factor for many. Perhaps the most important thing to note is the great variety. The assortment is huge - it’s very easy to match them to any interior style - to match the ceiling, furniture, floor, whatever.

But that’s not all - paper, as we know, is one of the materials that breathes well. That is, environmentally friendly material. In a room with “paper” walls you can breathe easily and freely; this type of wallpaper has no contraindications for children. In addition, the process of applying them is as simple and accessible as possible. The paper is easily impregnated and adheres well to the walls. And as a working composition, ordinary wallpaper glue is quite suitable, it costs a penny, is easy to prepare and is sold at every turn.

But nothing is ideal - paper wallpaper also has disadvantages. They cannot be washed - the coating will immediately wear off and may even tear. Two-layer paper wallpaper, the so-called duplex, can even out the situation a little - they are more durable and less torn. The surface of the paper reacts very sensitively to sunlight, that is, it fades quite quickly. If you have paper wallpaper, try rearranging and moving, for example, a closet. Behind it you will see the original color of the walls, which you have long forgotten about.

Of course, there is no need to talk about any noise insulation and moisture resistance either - paper, it is paper. If you have noisy neighbors, it is worth taking care of sound insulation separately. Then nothing will prevent you from changing the appearance of the walls more often minimal costs. To sum it up, paper wallpaper is quite suitable for the living room and allows you to create the most exotic interior thanks to a wide variety of colors.

Vinyl wallpaper - how to choose the right one

They are made on a paper or non-woven base and covered with polyvinyl chloride on top. Compared to paper ones, they are more practical - they can be wiped with a damp sponge, which allows them to preserve the original quality longer. appearance. There are also a lot of color options. Another advantage is that vinyl is denser and hides minor unevenness in the walls. A significant disadvantage is that the material does not breathe. If there are children in the house, then vinyl is not the best material in terms of environmental friendliness. However, manufacturers have practically eliminated this drawback. Today they produce wallpaper made of perforated vinyl, which allows air to pass through no worse than paper wallpaper.

What wallpaper to choose for the hall

The hall room is an important part in every home. It is in this room that guests are met, feasts are held and evening gatherings with family are held. The hall is a place where you can relax after a hard day at work, read an interesting book or have fun with your loved ones. A lot in the atmosphere of this room depends on the decoration. Properly selected finishing materials can make spending time in the hall as comfortable and cozy as possible. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, which is the most common material, you should take into account a lot of points related to its color and structure.

Before purchasing wallpaper, you should decide what color wallpaper to choose for the room. When choosing a color, it is necessary, first of all, to rely on how well the room is lit, what advantages and disadvantages the room has. Also, be aware that some colors can be irritating or motivating. At the same time, other colors can calm and relax.

If the room is well lit, then it will look more organic bright shades. In this case, they will not be too flashy and will be able to fill the room with energy and positivity. These colors include green, purple and orange. In a darker room, it is recommended to use muted light shades, however, then you need to emphasize the interior items. In addition, you should take a separate approach to choosing wallpaper for small rooms.

What wallpaper to choose for a small room

When choosing a design for a small room, you should take into account the features of such a room. For a small room, you should choose wallpaper in light and bed colors, as they visually increase the space. It is preferable to choose wallpaper in sand, beige, light gray and white. These colors and their various shades will make even a small room very light and spacious.

An important point: when choosing wallpaper for a room, you should remember that if the room is small in size, then you should not choose wallpaper for it that has a large pattern or too small an ornament. A large pattern on the wallpaper will only emphasize the modest parameters of the room, and a pattern that is too small will make it visually even smaller.

The hall which has small area, can also be decorated in a combination of bright colors and calm shades by choosing wallpaper different types. This solution is very popular today and this design looks quite modern. It is important to use materials made from natural fabrics. Below you can see the options for which wallpaper to choose for a room with a photo in a small area.

A traditional choice or a choice in favor of originality and creativity?

The modern market for finishing materials includes a wide variety of all kinds of finishing materials. In this regard, it is sometimes quite difficult to decide which wallpaper is best suited for the room, which design style and color to choose. In general, all types of wallpaper can be divided into two main types - these are traditional materials and the materials are more original and unusual.

Wallpaper made from plant fibers, reed or bamboo looks the most unusual and creative in the room. As a rule, such material also has a corresponding pattern. The advantage of this type of wallpaper is the environmental friendliness of the material.

In addition, there are foil wallpapers that are used only for decorating the room, since they do not create the desired effect in other rooms. This type of wallpaper is suitable for decorating a room made in a classic and modern style. In addition to the fact that such a finish will look very original, thanks to this material the sound insulation in the room also improves.

For those who prefer traditional finishing materials, you should take a closer look at vinyl, non-woven or paper wallpaper. This also includes wallpaper based on fabric, for example, silk, linen or velvet. Such wallpaper looks very elegant and helps make the room a cozy and family room. Traditional wallpapers have wide choice color design, so there shouldn’t be any problems with choosing shades. The main thing is to adhere to the following recommendations when choosing wallpaper for the room:

  • Wallpaper should be selected based on the future design. The wallpaper style should correspond to the overall theme of the room;
  • It should be remembered that for small areas it is best to use light shades of wallpaper to visually increase the space of the room;
  • you should not experiment too much and combine colors and patterns on wallpaper that are radically different from each other;
  • you need to remember that the hall is a place for receiving guests, and therefore this room is an indicator of the taste and preferences of the owners.

Below you can see what wallpaper color to choose for the hall with photos of various options.

Combinations of room design style and wallpaper color

When choosing wallpaper for this room, of course, you need to take into account the style in which you plan to decorate the room. Below are some recommendations that will help you choose the right wallpaper color for a specific design style:

Video: what wallpaper to choose for the living room