In a private house      04.03.2020

Elements of plaster molding. The solution that everyone was waiting for: plaster moldings in classic and modern interiors. We make molds for stucco with our own hands

Greetings, dear users of the site "site". I am glad to introduce you to a new, very useful and interesting article. Let's talk about how to create a plaster product of any shape and size with your own hands. Silicone molds for gypsum and polyurethane moldings.

Now it is very fashionable to decorate your interiors with stucco, however, as before, this finishing type of material is considered expensive. Its rather high price is usually motivated by the fact that stucco is primarily an artistic material. self made. But believe me, dear readers, for such artistic work so can your hands. And no, you don't have to attend modeling classes. All you need is careful reading and a little diligence.

The main beauty of the technology for making molds for stucco, which I will now talk about, is that, using it, you can create a plaster copy of anything. Thus, in order to create your own stucco for interior decoration, you only need the source material or, as it is also called, the matrix. Simply put, that, a copy of which you will embody in plaster. To create this same copy, we first need to make a shape on it. How to make a mold for stucco molding with my own hands, I am going to tell and show now.

In my particular case, I will describe the process of creating a form for pilasters. For those who do not know what it is, I will say: this is a decorative, vertical ledge of the wall. In our case, this ledge will be made in the form of a semi-column. However, you will see everything in the photos.

Materials and tools

To make it more convenient, I will initially list the basic materials that we need to create the form:

Materials for making moulds:

  1. acrylic silicone.
  2. Separating lubricant.
  3. Building plaster.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Cement.
  6. silicone oil.

Tools and fixtures:

  • tabletop with a flat surface;
  • polyethylene film;
  • staple gun;
  • narrow and wide spatula;
  • small measuring cup;
  • brush, preferably narrow;
  • silicone gun.

Perhaps I missed something, or in your particular case, you need something else in addition, so do not take these lists as an exact instruction. This is just for reference.

Now we can proceed to a more detailed description of the process.

The entire technology for making molds for stucco molding will be described in relation to my case. Do not pay attention to the fact that I am talking exclusively about pilasters. This can be done with everything.

So, the beginning of the creation of the form is due to the preparation of the base on which it fits (see photo above). On it, the form will freeze, therefore Special attention make sure everything is even. As a base for the shape of the pilaster, I used homemade countertop suitable size from boards and drywall. Drywall pre-sheathed plastic wrap fastening it to the table with brackets.

Preparation of a silicone mixture, which is the basis of the future form

In fact, two elements are required: silicone and silicone oil, which are mixed together.

Oil is needed to make the silicone even more elastic. However, if your form is relatively simple and does not have a large number of protrusions, or some other decorative elements, silicone oil is not necessary.

When everything is ready, you can do the most important part. It is necessary to smear the copied product with a silicone mixture. This should be done very carefully. It is important that the silicone gets into all the pores. To speed up this process, use a brush. With smooth strokes, the silicone is driven into all the grooves and at the same time air bubbles are removed.

Speaking of bubbles, make sure there aren't any at all. Since after the silicone has dried, shells remain in such places, which will spoil all subsequent products made from this form.

Several layers of silicone will have to be applied. After the first layer, it is necessary to carry out reinforcement so that in the future our shape is elastic, but at the same time strong. For this, I used ordinary gauze. When laying it on the product, make sure that it fits snugly around it, but without stretching. The gauze sinks a little into the already applied layer of silicone.

Then, on top of the slightly recessed gauze, subsequent silicone layers are applied.

Let the silicone dry a little. In weak places, in our case, these are the sides of the pilaster, we arrange an additional thickening of the form. The same silicone will help us with this. It is more convenient to take silicone in tubes, which is loaded into a silicone gun. A strip of silicone is applied along the edges and smeared along the edge of the product with a brush or finger. Oddly enough, it is advisable to use a finger, just pre-moisten it with water so that silicone does not stick to it.

Again, let the whole product dry a little and upon completion of this process, proceed to the next step.

"Bed for form"

Now you most likely have a question: “What kind of bed?”. This is a special gypsum base into which the silicone mold will be inserted. A gypsum bed is necessary so that during the manufacturing process of a product in a silicone mold, it retains its original appearance and does not deform.

The device of the bed begins with the creation of formwork. In my case, rubber plates were used, which I fastened with masking tape for tightness. And on the sides, and from the ends, he pressed it with concrete bricks so that the structure would not part. For greater reliability and sealing, rubber plates are also glued to the base on silicone.

This completes the silicone work. There's a little bad news: the brush you used to brush your pores when you filled them with silicone can now only be thrown away.

The next step is to create a gypsum mixture for the bed

To do this, mix PVA glue with water, which we then add to the gypsum. A little cement is added there to give additional strength. As for the glue, it plays the role of a plasticizer.

The resulting gypsum mixture is poured into our formwork on the product.

In this process, all pores should also be smeared with a brush. When pouring the formwork with a gypsum mixture, the resulting layers should be leveled with a spatula.

Finishing touches when making molds for stucco molding

When the gypsum is poured enough, you need to remove excess moisture from its surface. This is done in two ways. The first is slower - to scoop out water.

The second is to make a hole in the corner of the formwork and use a spatula to drive water there, after substituting a bucket.

We give the resulting product time to dry. In my case, it took 24 hours.
When the plaster has thoroughly set, we can evaluate the result of our work for the first time. If something was done wrong, only now you can see it. Therefore, on this stage you will either be delighted or greatly upset.

The final moment - evaluation of the form for the manufacture of plaster pilasters

We turn the product with a plaster bed down and out silicone mold which we made. Extract the copied pilaster. We do it very carefully, it's still fresh! After we take out the silicone mold itself.

Leave the bed to dry separately.

Thus, both will dry out faster.

Grease - mold separator

At your request, we supplement our article with information about the grease separator for silicone molds.

Lubrication is of several types:

Release agents for silicone molds
  • silicone
  • waxy
  • oily
  • soapy

Each type of lubricant has its own advantages.

Silicone Grease

To lubricate the inner walls of the stucco molds, you can use a special silicone grease. It is sold in cans and is applied by spraying a thin layer on the walls of the form. It is easy to apply. Does not clog the texture of the form itself. One coat of lubricant is usually sufficient to keep the mold from sticking to the material. This is a more convenient but more expensive type of lubricant.

wax lubricant

This lubricant is wax based. Such a separator for stucco is very unpretentious. It has a thicker consistency than its counterparts. The main problem with this lubricant is the clogging of the texture of the mold after each use. That is, it just needs to be washed well after each pouring of the mold. But buying such a lubricant will not hit your wallet. They are also sold in jars and applied with a brush or spray gun.

oil lubrication

This type of lubricant is made from kerosene or ordinary sunflower oil. These are homemade lubricants that are prepared by diluting kerosene with water, or various oils in pure or diluted form. But we do not recommend these types of lubricants as they are toxic and not very convenient to use. They can also damage the shape.

Soap lubricant

The most economical and cheapest option for lubricating molds is a soapy solution. You will spend almost no money on it. He prepare from laundry soap And warm water. The solution is prepared in the ratio 1 * 2.5-3.

  • 1 part finely shaved soap
  • 2-3 parts warm water

Stir the solution thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved, and place in plastic bottle with a spray bottle. Apply to the form in 2, 3 layers. Before applying each layer, the previous layer must dry.

Drawing conclusions

After a couple of days, you can safely pour the plaster into the mold and make as many copies of the pilasters as you like. Although you spent a lot of money on silicone, now you will make products for a penny, since all the ingredients for making molds for stucco are cheap.

This method is suitable for those who have planned to place in their house or apartment a large number of the same type of stucco. But if you need only two or three identical products, it is better to buy them right away in the store.
I did not indicate the exact proportions in the article intentionally. The fact is that for all manufacturers, gypsum and other components are different. Therefore, each experimentally selects the necessary ratios for himself.
How to make a gypsum product, having a ready-made form, I will tell you in more detail in the article: "Creating gypsum stucco molding using a silicone mold."

The site site wishes you all successful repairs!

We invite you to watch a fascinating video:

How to make a silicone mold for stucco with your own hands

How to make a silicone mold for molding

The article discusses one of the most original and time-consuming ways of decorating the walls of an apartment: artistic modeling. It is believed that this phenomenon belongs to past eras, but reality shows that modeling is also used in modern interiors.

Modeling in the interior

Modeling on the wall is considered an original, albeit not a popular option for decorating a home. Despite the large number of alternative and artificial products, classical art modeling has not yet lost its relevance.

What is stucco on the walls

Stucco molding and bas-reliefs on the walls are a way to decorate the room in an original way and add general view some charm.

Contrary to numerous misconceptions that stucco is not only expensive, but also complex technological process, in fact, this is affordable way decoration that any patient and imaginative craftsman can handle.

Stucco molding on the walls is patterned, figured and in general artistic decorations that can be made from various materials.

Stucco molding on the walls in the apartment: where to use

Stucco on the walls in a modern apartment can get a lot of ways to use it. First of all, these are, of course, living quarters, where such decoration occupies a vast space on the wall. If desired, it is possible to vary the dimensions and volume of the decoration, as you like. Stucco molding is less common in rooms for other purposes, such as, for example, a kitchen or a bathroom, because in such places there are more important role plays practicality, not aesthetic qualities.

How to make stucco with your own hands at home

It is quite possible to make stucco on the wall with your own hands even without building skills or art education.

However, before embarking on this process, you will need to prepare. This implies, first of all, the preparation of the surface of the wall, which is desirable to level, and also without fail primed and dust-free.

Material selection

To create three-dimensional images on the walls, designed to serve original decoration the interior will need to use any plastic material. Among options you can note:

  • Gypsum.
  • Plaster.
  • Clay.
  • Alabaster.

The choice of material is carried out, first of all, starting from the cost of the material, as well as its characteristics.

Forming a sketch or wireframe

After the wall has been properly processed, and the material for modeling has been prepared, you need to worry about the formation of the sketch. It should be noted that the sketch will be one of highlights in the process under consideration, and it also influences the success of the entire decoration operation.

  • To create a sketch and a future stencil, you can use thick paper or cardboard.
  • The required image is drawn, copied or printed on a sheet, and then cut out along the contour.
  • After that, it must be placed under a film, cellophane or other similar coating. The resulting product will serve as a stencil for future modeling.
  • Attach the cut-out fragment with the necessary contours to the wall in the right place and, using, for example, a pencil or other similar tool, push the image contours into the putty layer.

Plaster molding on the wall

Gypsum is a plastic and flexible material that can be given any shape, it quickly hardens. Before applying, gypsum is poured with water and thoroughly mixed, after which, armed with a scalpel with a knife and wire with molds, you can start making plaster molding on the wall with your own hands.

drying out

Gypsum is characterized by a tendency to accelerated hardening, so it is not recommended to perform complex parts that require long-term manufacturing. The duration and peculiarity of the drying process also depend on the density of the solution.

Opening varnish

Finishing will require collateral protective coating. This is necessary not only to preserve the aesthetic qualities, but also to protect the molding from shedding and destruction. Opening acrylic varnish considered one of the best options in this case.

Examples of stucco in the interior of the room

Stucco on the walls modern apartments can be completely different. It depends not only on the imagination of the owners or the master, but also on:

  • area reserved for decoration;
  • selected materials;
  • the characteristics of the premises and some other factors.


Flowers, vines and plant images often become images used in wall stucco. As a rule, they are simple in execution due to the symmetry of the shapes and the simplicity of the lines.


The animal world is a less common motif in the images created by stucco, because it does not fit into every room, and to create high-quality works, the involvement of a master will be required.


Geometric lines, shapes, intricate patterns original way decorate the wall of almost any room. Such patterns are neutral and fit into most interiors, in addition, they are easy to create.

antique figures

They are one of the most difficult images. To create them, you will need not only experienced master, but also quality materials, good tools and competent preparatory process.

What do-it-yourself stucco molding on the walls is done the fastest

As already mentioned, gypsum is one of the "fastest" materials, despite the fact that it will require some skill. It is easy and quick to apply, requires a minimum of effort and tools, and also quickly hardens.

What to Consider

Depending on the specifics of the planned work, a list of advantages and disadvantages is determined, with which you should first familiarize yourself and make a decision.


Decorative modeling requires regular care but it's not a simple process. It must be washed with soft detergents containing no abrasives or acids.


Restoration of stucco molding is carried out using the same materials that were used to create the pattern, in case of major damage. For smaller and minor defects, gypsum or putty can be used. Individual elements if necessary, cast separately or formed after applying the mixture.

Stucco on the walls is one of the most original and exotic ways to give the interior solidity and originality.

Useful video

Gypsum stucco molding has not been inferior to its positions in interior design for many centuries. It is difficult to imagine an exquisite and expensive style without bas-reliefs and plaster sculptures. The origin story goes back to Ancient Greece, where majestic castles were almost completely made of them.

Until the 20th century, gypsum had no analogues, only with the advent of new technologies did polyurethane and foam plastic replace it. The hand-made elements found during archaeological excavations were available only to the pharaohs.

Now the cost is not as high as 5000 years BC, but it does not apply to a number of budget options finishing materials like polyurethane molding.

In what style of interior is gypsum stucco molding acceptable ?!

For the harmonious use of modeling in interior design, it is necessary to carefully consider the style and concept of the room. Exquisite moldings, figurines and picture frames will not suit every room design. Country, Provence or scandinavian styles generally do not allow such elements in their interior. They will be very provocative in such designs as loft, minimalism and hi-tech.

Modeling in the listed projects will look pretentious and completely tasteless, like the remaining elements of the past decor. But there are many others design solutions, where gypsum elements will come in handy.

Roman style

The Roman style consists almost entirely of stucco, and in this case it is impossible to overdo it. Absolutely everything can have carved details, whether it be a ceiling, walls, cornices, sockets and niches, everything will fit into the image perfectly. The main thing is that the ornament should be suitable and sustained in the same spirit.

Art Deco

Art Deco is the option when a combination that is completely incompatible at first glance is acceptable. Creative execution can include all possible items of chic.

It is not necessary to adhere to any single type of plaster elements; you can combine the classic pattern on vases and niches with modern figurines.

Usually this style is preferred by people with an active lifestyle, who value comfort and luxury in one set.


Empire is a style in which decorative stucco molding acquires solidity and key importance. The status of a room in the Empire style is sometimes breathtaking, and the owner of such a room feels like a true pharaoh of modernity.

Gypsum elements here are massive and monumental. Small stucco elements can only add mood.


Rococo style implies light and flirty elements. Lush, but at the same time weightless forms give the room a romanticism and a feeling of heavenly stay.

Asymmetry and frilly crimpiness perfectly complement the image of such a design. Great importance is attached to painting elements under gold or patina.

Renaissance and romanticism

The Renaissance and Romanticism are somewhat similar to each other, as they allow multi-level ceilings and walls with numerous niches. If the Renaissance also needs figurines, then romanticism is distinguished by the ease and individuality of its owner.

Stucco molding from gypsum when decorating the ceiling

When viewing a catalog of photos of gypsum stucco, most of devoted to the design of the ceiling. Perhaps this is due to its area in relation to other surfaces in the interior, which allows you to expand your imagination and realize your creative idea in full.

The time has passed when modeling was relevant only in expensive estates, in majestic halls and palaces, now everything more people tend to luxury and classics, introducing it into the halls and even bedrooms of apartments.

Not always gypsum stucco on the ceiling has a classic white look. Increasingly, for diversity and individualization of the room, the technique of painting is used. It is very important to use the correct coloring composition, then beautifully designed stucco molding becomes even more elegant.

Gold remains the most sought-after color; it covers the most convex parts of the bas-relief. Along with this, artistic painting with full-fledged paintings in the chosen style is used. Filling the modeling with beige shades looks very stylish and natural.

Do-it-yourself plaster molding

The variety of choices in stores and decor shops will not leave you indifferent, but sometimes you really want to create something with your own hands, because the result will become a true pride of its owner. Decorative plaster molding is a creative and very exciting business, but laborious and requires certain skills.

Solution preparation:

  • it is good to grind gypsum to a powder and sift through a sieve;
  • pour into a container with sufficiently high edges;
  • gradually pour in water in small portions until the consistency of kefir;
  • stir with a special nozzle using a drill, this will avoid the formation of unwanted lumps.

Making figures

Any form is suitable for casting elements; for the convenience of extracting the finished sample, it is better to give preference to silicone. They are sold in any hardware store or multiple sites. The cost is not high, all the more it will be enough to get just a few, because the gypsum quickly hardens.

From the moment of dilution of the composition to its casting into molds, no more than 2-3 minutes can pass, otherwise plasticity and fluidity are lost.

Adding a 25% adhesive solution will give the plaster strength, but drying at a temperature above 16 degrees Celsius will make the element brittle and brittle.

Fill rules:

  • carefully prepare the form by covering it soapy water(any soap will do);
  • pour gypsum in layers, thoroughly tamping each previous one;
  • exclude the formation of cavities during filling;
  • leave for 1-2 hours until the solution completely solidifies;
  • extract element and process sandpaper to remove roughness;
  • cover with primer.

Installation of plaster elements is simple. Massive and heavy elements are fastened with self-tapping screws, small and light ones can be put on PVA glue, liquid nails, or even putty can be used.

After the adhesive has completely hardened, the finished decorated element must be coated with universal paint or a special composition for gypsum. Only after that you can start decorative painting.

Stucco molding in the interior can be used as moldings, cornices and decorative frames for paintings or rosettes. With the right style, all these elements will fit perfectly and fit into the overall concept. Regardless of whether these are solid decorative elements or unobtrusive finishes, the interior will receive chic, sophistication and uniqueness.

Photo of gypsum stucco

Gypsum stucco, properties of the materials used, preparation for work and manufacturing technology.

The content of the article:

Gypsum stucco moldings are original interior details with which you can give it a luxurious and noble look. This decor is perfect for decorating rooms made in classical style, antique or baroque. Thanks to the advent of gypsum mixtures, the possibility of implementing even the most intricate design solutions has become quite real. Correct selection molds for the manufacture of gypsum stucco is one of the main conditions for obtaining high-quality products.

Properties of materials for plaster moldings on walls

The popularity of gypsum stucco is due to the cheapness of the material, its wide distribution and ease of processing. Gypsum is an air binder, so parts made on its basis are mainly used for interior decoration.

The main material is obtained by firing natural gypsum stone and its subsequent grinding. For stucco work, dry and white gypsum is taken, which does not have impurities of sand and caked lumps.

After adding water, the gypsum mortar begins to harden no earlier than six minutes, and finishes no later than half an hour. To increase its setting time, additives are introduced into the solution: borax, lime, glue and surfactants. If hide glue is used as a retarder, the end of gypsum hardening occurs after forty minutes. The moderator is added to the solution at the rate of 0.2-2% by weight of the gypsum.

To speed up the hardening of gypsum, additives are used: alum, table salt, sodium sulfate, or simply hot water. Sometimes this property of gypsum is necessary when molding certain parts of the human body from life or removing a mask.

The amount of water for mixing the solution depends directly on the quality of the gypsum. Its finer grind will require less water. On average, the final hydration of gypsum requires 18.6% of the liquid by weight. For the manufacture of stucco on the walls, the composition of the solution is selected empirically. However, practice shows that in order to obtain a mixture of normal density, 1.5 kg of gypsum should fall on 1 liter of water, respectively, for a thick solution - 2 kg, and for a liquid - 1 kg.

During the hardening of gypsum in the solution, heat is released, and the mixture increases its volume to 1%. Expanding, it densely fills the entire form with its small details, constituting the ornament of the future stucco.

The main disadvantage of the material is its low water resistance. To increase it, as well as prevent warping of stucco parts, do the following:

  • The consistency of the gypsum dough is made more rigid.
  • Additives are introduced into the solution: aqueous emulsions of synthetic resins, sulfite-alcohol mash or soap naphtha.
  • Use for kneading gypsum 1.5% solution of borax or zinc sulfate.
  • Lime is added to gypsum up to 5% of its weight.
  • Finished stucco parts are impregnated with special solutions: potassium alum, iron sulfate or zinc, barite water.
  • High-strength or polymerized gypsum containing synthetic resins is used.
To separate the finished stucco model from the mold, a grease is used, which is a solution of stearin in kerosene. For its preparation, stearin is melted in a water bath, and then kerosene is gradually poured into it. The process is accompanied by constant mixing of the mixture until the complete connection of its components.

After cooling, the grease thickens and becomes like Vaseline. The ratio of stearin and kerosene is 1 kg per 2.5 liters. In addition to grease, in the manufacture of gypsum stucco for the same purpose, a decoction of birch wood ash, mineral oil emulsions, soap suds or technical petroleum jelly.

To protect the gypsum stucco elements from deformation and increase their strength, material reinforcement is used. Reinforcement can be galvanized copper wire, mesh fabrics, steel rods, tow, hemp or shingles. The choice of one or another fitting depends on the type, size and purpose of the product. If possible, it is placed in places of tensile stresses and not closer than 15 mm from outer surface stucco.

Preparatory work before making plaster moldings

Stucco molding made by professional sculptors is incredibly beautiful, but this pleasure is quite expensive. However, if you have artistic taste, materials and the help of simple tools, you can make gypsum stucco molding yourself.

All work will consist of several stages: creating a sketch or selecting a model, making a mold, casting a product and its surface treatment. Next, we will analyze them in more detail. Until then, stock up necessary equipment, consumables and tool.

For work you will need:

  1. A flat table with a perfectly horizontal surface, as molded stucco will solidify on it, and the slightest slope can cause marriage.
  2. A dense film that will protect the table and surrounding objects from plaster dust and sticking materials.
  3. A set of spatulas, a stationery knife, a tape measure, a measuring cup, a ruler and a narrow brush.
  4. Construction plasticine or clay.
  5. PVA glue, gypsum, cement for the manufacture of large elements.
  6. Silicone and release agent.
  7. Two pistols for silicone and staples.
  8. Stacks and knives as sculpting tools.
Before you make gypsum stucco with your own hands, you need to decide on its size and design. You can use the Internet, books on history or design as a source of inspiration. It is important to know that gypsum stucco must match the style of the room and harmoniously fit into its interior. When choosing the size of the details, you need to ensure that the decor does not look too bulky and does not cover sockets and other details.

Manufacturing technology of gypsum stucco for walls

The technology of making gypsum jewelry provides for the consistent solution of several problems. It will require patience, attention, accuracy and some experience. If there is no experience, you can practice creating small stucco elements: rosettes, flowers or monograms.

How to make mold for molding

You should start by creating a model of a decorative element from plasticine. It is necessary for the future casting of the product. The model needs to be made several bigger size than the intended part. The use of plasticine makes it possible to change the shape of the casting any number of times until you get what you really need.

The model can be made according to the selected sketch. To do this, you need to print it on a scale of 1: 1 and sculpt a sample of clay or plasticine on it. If there is not enough experience to make a sketch of a stucco molding, you can use a suitable finished part made of polyurethane, their wide choose available at hardware stores.

With just one element, you can make many of your own plaster parts. Moreover, the polyurethane model is easy to modify by adding plasticine elements to it or cutting off the excess ones.

Before use, the model must be treated with a release agent to easily separate the future shape from it. After preparing the model, you can proceed to the main process. It is first necessary to mix silicone oil and silicone in order to increase the elasticity of the solution. It is required when the planned form has complex details in the form of numerous curls and protrusions.

simple form The use of silicone oil for its manufacture does not require. To maintain the proportions of the mass, use a measuring cup. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.

Before making a mold for stucco, silicone must be applied to the model with a brush. It should penetrate into all pores and recesses and not leave air bubbles, which can later ruin the stucco molding. After applying the first layer of the mixture, the future shape must be strengthened with reinforcement using gauze. It should be imprinted into the silicone layer, tightly cover the model, but not tight.

After the coating has dried, several more silicone layers should be applied to the sample, giving each of them 2-3 hours to dry. The total thickness of the coating should be about 3 mm. In places where the largest mass of gypsum casting is planned, the silicone layer should be thicker. Here it is more convenient to apply it with a gun.

If the form has a complex configuration and large dimensions, it will need to make a gypsum base for it. In the process of making stucco, this will help protect the shape from deformation. To make such a base, you will need any frame that is suitable in size, made of plywood or boards. It should be installed in it, without removing from the model, the form and fix it with the same silicone.

Then you need to prepare a solution of cement, gypsum and PVA glue, and then fill the frame with it and level the surface. After the mixture has hardened, the frame should be carefully turned over, the sample to be copied from the silicone mold should be removed, and then the mold itself should be separated from the plaster. In this case, both parts will dry faster. The final drying of the base and form will take a couple of days. After its completion, you can start casting stucco.

Features of casting gypsum mortar

Before making stucco molding from gypsum, the finished form should be carefully treated with a release agent. In dry areas, adhesion of plaster to silicone can damage the mold.

Then you need to prepare a gypsum solution. To avoid lumps, gypsum should be poured into the water, but not vice versa. The material is scattered over the water surface until areas are formed on it that are not absorbed by the liquid, 7 parts of water should fall on 10 parts of the powder.

After that, within a minute, you need to give the gypsum the opportunity to calmly settle. This removes excess air from the solution. Then the mixture must be thoroughly and vigorously mixed using a drill with a mixer attachment. The consistency of the mixture should be semi-liquid.

Adding PVA glue, taken in a small amount and previously dissolved in water, will make the solution more plastic and prevent cracking finished product. Too long mixing is undesirable, as it can change the process of hardening of the solution and further reduce the strength of the castings.

The next step in the stucco manufacturing technology is filling the prepared mold with gypsum mortar. When pouring, the material should be distributed over it with vibrating movements. At the same time, unnecessary air bubbles are removed, which can cause shells to appear on the finished stucco molding.

After filling the form, its top should be carefully leveled with a wide spatula. A standard stucco element dries for 15-20 minutes, after which it is easily removed from the mold if it has been previously well treated with a release agent. The final drying of the product must be carried out within a day at room temperature.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 5 minutes

Stucco molding in the interior today is not considered something unusual - it is quite common. decorative element, successfully complementing the design of apartments in a classic and neoclassical style, and also very relevant in areas such as and. But in order not to turn this graceful beauty into something bulky and tasteless, you need to know the secret of the correct selection of elements, which we will now reveal.

Stucco molding from polyurethane: a modern version

In modern interiors, polyurethane stucco has become extremely popular, which, no doubt, has its advantages.

  • This material is resistant to high humidity, which means it can be used in the interior of a bathroom or kitchen.
  • Polyurethane decor is easy to maintain, easy to clean, dust does not settle on such stucco molding, it does not absorb odors.
  • Light weight, greatly simplifies installation. Such stucco molding can be put on industrial glue such as "liquid nails" with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professionals.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress, high impact resistance. Over time, the stucco does not crumble, does not change its original color, and does not even crack. If desired, it can be artificially aged or simply painted.
  • Polyurethane stucco molding in the interior is resistant to temperature extremes.

All these properties are relevant for a high-quality product, which does not include Chinese consumer goods. Therefore, when choosing stucco, you should definitely pay attention to the manufacturer.

Of the major disadvantages of polyurethane stucco, the following can be distinguished:

  • synthetic origin of the material;
  • combustibility;
  • surface graininess;
  • different batches of the same model may differ slightly when docked, so you should try to purchase products from the same batch.

Eternal classic

Polyurethane stucco molding is a trend of modernity, while classic stucco molding in the interior has always been made of gypsum.

The main advantage of gypsum stucco in the interior is the naturalness of the material. Gypsum is non-toxic and does not contain harmful impurities, non-flammable, and therefore fireproof. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the large weight of the parts and their fragility; it is extremely difficult to install gypsum stucco with your own hands.

For what and why

Stucco molding in the interior can be used for:

  1. Decorations, giving personality to the room.
  2. Hiding communications and service structures (risers, hoods, pipes).

Wall decoration remains the most common area of ​​​​application for stucco molding. Stucco on the walls is a classic. The next place is the ceiling; in some cases, stucco molding can be used on stairs and cornices.

Decor types

There are many various kinds stucco moldings, some of them are quite popular and can be used in the interior modern houses and apartments, others are more suitable for palaces, villas and luxury hotels.


Moldings are decorative strips of various widths. This wall decoration used in the interior to divide the room into zones or to highlight any section of the wall. Also products of this type are used:

  • to mark boundaries;
  • selection of inserts;
  • joint masking;
  • giving visual volume to the room.

It is worth remembering that when using gypsum molding, it is better to choose a product no more than 6 cm wide, otherwise it will look bulky and pretentious in the interior.

The molding can be put around the perimeter of the room, a dozen centimeters below the ceiling level. This will give the interior a special zest and a finished look.


This is a decor that is located at the junction of the wall and ceiling. Cornices imitating stucco molding can be of any strength and flexibility, various in size, smooth, convex, with or without a pattern. If you choose the right cornice, you can:

  • visually enlarge or reduce the room;
  • hide various bumps as well as edges.

A wide cornice or ceiling molding can visually raise the ceiling, and the right tint will enhance desired effect. If the room is very small, it is best to abandon the classic white, matching the ceiling, cornice, and make it the same color as the walls.

Floor plinth

It performs almost the same functions as the cornice, only in relation to the floor. When choosing a skirting board, you need to take into account the features of the interior, texture and color. floor covering. Polyurethane plinth with stucco imitation can be painted with your own hands in almost any color shade.

With the help of moldings, cornices, skirting boards, you can not only ennoble the interior, but also hide the wires.


One of the most common types of stucco.

  • Rosettes help hide or disguise the fasteners of chandeliers or ceiling lights.
  • They have different configurations and shapes, different types ornaments.
  • You can pick up stucco molding in the form of a socket for any design.

The remaining elements are less popular and rarely used in a modern interior. These include:

  • friezes;
  • capitals;
  • brackets;
  • pilasters.

Unique individuality: do-it-yourself stucco molding

Decorate the room with stucco, creating a unique and unique interior, maybe an invited master professional. If you want to plunge into the world of fantasy and creativity on your own, then you can do the design and decor with your own hands.

Stages self-manufacturing stucco:

  • Sketch. You can draw it first, and then make it from plasticine or modify the polyurethane model.
  • Form making. At home, it is best to make a silicone mold. Liquid silicone and silicone oil are mixed, the resulting composition is applied with a brush with smooth strokes to the model, previously lubricated with a separating composition. After that, the form is strengthened, most often gauze is used for this - it is, as it were, imprinted into silicone. After drying, the procedure is repeated several times, achieving a mold thickness of at least 3 mm. When the last applied layer dries, the mold is removed from the model.
  • Do-it-yourself gypsum mortar preparation. When working with gypsum, remember that it quickly hardens. The composition of the gypsum mortar is as follows: 10 parts of dry gypsum (powder), 7 parts of water and a little PVA glue diluted with water (it will prevent cracking of the finished product). The solution mixes quickly, in its consistency should resemble liquid sour cream.
  • Product manufacturing. The resulting gypsum mixture is poured into a mold lubricated with a separating composition. The composition is poured smoothly, the form is periodically shaken. Shaking and vibrating helps to avoid air bubbles. Then the surface is leveled and time is given to dry.
  • After half an hour, it can be removed from the mold and left for another day for final drying.
  • If desired or necessary, you can fine-tune the future element of the interior, sand it, fill in small irregularities.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: How to glue wallpaper (video)

DIY decor element is ready! You can use it in the interior and show guests.