Well      07.03.2020

Beautiful large mirror in the hallway. Mirrors of various shapes and types for the hallway. What can be used as bright accents

A mirror on the wall in the hallway is an almost indispensable attribute of any home. Given that this room creates the first impression of the apartment for guests - the main task lies in his correct design. With the right approach, even such non-residential premises can be made extremely comfortable and rational. We will try to help with this.

How to choose a mirror

When choosing this accessory, it is important to consider its role - it is not only decoration for the hallway, but also a functional item. With the help of a mirror, you can evaluate your appearance, complement your own "bow" or create an image on the go. From this it is clear - the choice of a mirror should be approached seriously. Of course, you need to select an element that fits well into general style. Everything is important here - dimensions, shape and texture.


First of all, a large mirror in the hallway is suitable for those who carefully monitor their image, for whom the compatibility of each element of clothing is important. Such an element is perfectly combined with low ceilings- visually, the room will stretch upwards, which will create the illusion of additional space.

A small mirror fits perfectly into all sorts of frames - it is easy to fit it to the entire design message of the room. Even the device itself can be complex or unusual in shape.


The mirror has become separate element interior - you can even focus on it, emphasizing unusual view. Now on sale you can find round, oval, square, carved "glasses" - each of these textures will fit into various designs. It is not difficult to supplement an almost ready-made design solution - the main thing is to apply a little imagination.

The frames are also diverse - simple and strict. wooden solutions, or forged frames. All this, one way or another, will fit into the hallway and competently complement the space.


It doesn't have to take up an entire wall. A wardrobe with a mirror in the hallway will look great, especially if it is small and neat. Of course, this option is suitable for spacious rooms - you should not waste too much space. The mirror, on the contrary, visually enlarges the space - it is important to use this quality correctly.

A rather extraordinary solution is a special mirror finish. Again, you can save a lot of space, and with the right approach, you get a bold design idea.

Lighting and backlight

This issue should also be taken seriously. Take into account that there is almost no natural light in the hallway - you will have to use artificial light. The simplest solution is to install a ceiling lamp and a few light fixtures. By the way, with these manipulations, you can also “expand” the room by correctly combining mirror surfaces and light sources.

To save space, you can hang a mirror with a shelf in the hallway. Nearby, a clothes hanger or shoe cabinet will look great. And decorate the whole thing with small lamps - you get a great and stylish room.

How best to place?

The mirror is a great way to "diluted" simple designs. You can try several accommodation options and decide which is better and more convenient.

The easiest solution is to place a mirror to the right or left of the doorway. It will be convenient and practical, especially when paired with a modern dressing table or small closet. If space permits, put a chest of drawers or a miniature table, which will also be decorated with a mirror. It is worth thinking about the height, so that when correcting the hairstyle, you do not have to bend over much.

Don't forget the extreme useful function accessory - a mirror can hide minor flaws on the walls that may appear as a result of repairs.


As you can see, putting a mirror in the house is a feasible task for everyone. The main thing is to approach this issue seriously, and immediately decide what goals it should pursue.

In addition to its main function, a properly selected mirror can bring new notes to the design of the room and the apartment as a whole. The proposed photo mirror options in the hallway will help you create a unique and stylish solution.

Photo of mirrors in the hallway

In the hallway, a wall mirror is considered an important attribute. It is very convenient to check how you look when you leave home. Looking in the mirror, it's easy to fix your hair. This item first meets us when we return home from work or from a walk. It must be in the hallway, regardless of its size.

Thanks to the design, the mirror turns into a multifunctional item. Stylish design will make it an attractive highlight. For this purpose, original shelves, exclusive lamps or a wenge frame can be used.

Right choice

The mirror in the hallway must be chosen wisely. Sometimes the task is indeed difficult.

When choosing, consider the following:

  • hallway dimensions. There is not enough free space in a small room. Too big a mirror is out of place here.
  • Location front door. When planning the design, consider where it is better to hang the mirror so that it is convenient to open and close the door.
  • Placement of furniture. Other items must be placed in the room. It can be hangers, cabinets, ottoman. If you arrange everything in a chaotic order, then beautiful room definitely won't work.
  • The degree of illumination. When there is not enough light, many modern models will not look good. You should not purchase an oval or floor mirror. A model with a stand or trellis is also not suitable here.
  • Inconvenient layout. It is difficult for the owner of the apartment to find a place where to hang a mirror.
  • Limited financial opportunities. You like stylish design mirrors in the hallway that you saw in the online store, but there are so many things to buy. After all, I want to buy both lamps and a nightstand with shelves. Here you can be advised to first buy the most necessary, and then, over time, buy the rest of the items. If there is no ottoman, then you can use a stool or chair for the first time, but without a mirror, the interior becomes boring.

If you want to find the optimal solution, you will definitely find it. Look at the photo of the mirror in the hallway to see this. Manufacturers offer many ready-made solutions which are thought out to the smallest detail.

Take some time to get acquainted with the current offers from the budget category. A stylish dressing table with an affordable cost may well be the best solution that can visually expand the space.

Mirror functions

The object must cope with a certain load, then we will consider the main functions of the mirror:

  • Model in full height. As a rule, her place is opposite the front door. Looking into such a mirror, about to leave the house, the owner will see flaws in his suit.
  • An object in a baguette is a stylish element. If the hallway is decorated in light colors she will only win.
  • Furniture options with mirror inserts allow you to expand small room 2 times. If your apartment is small, it is recommended to buy a wardrobe with a mirror in the hallway.
  • Items with mirror surface bring more light into the hallway. original design helps to transform the interior space.

How to choose the size

When choosing the right product, follow the tips below:

"Full length" - the size of the mirror, necessary for people who like to dress up or their occupation provides for an impeccable dress code. You need to take care of good lighting. Elegant pieces of furniture designed for outerwear and shoes.

Medium sizes. A chest of drawers with a medium-sized mirror is able to “raise” the ceiling. Such furniture looks perfect in a white hallway.

Small sizes. If you like elegance and beauty, then the best option- a small hanging mirror. If you look into it, you can see yourself waist-deep. Modern models can be decorated with forged or carved elements. Thanks to additional lighting, they make the rooms even more comfortable.

Cabinet with a mirror proper lighting allows you to create interesting visual effects. They allow you to show the room from the best side.

Actual design solutions

Choose a model in the same way as furniture: it must match the chosen interior style. In hi-tech, objects with fancy curls do not look, for modern style more suitable option with a concise design.

The shape of the mirror can be:

  • Round. Ideal Solution for a small space.
  • Oval. It looks great in a spacious hallway. A stylish item serves as a beautiful decoration.
  • Square in a baguette frame. A model suitable for the style of minimalism, which a single man can purchase for his apartment.
  • Rectangular. This form is considered classic, it is in harmony with any room. It is important that other accessories and furniture are also classic. It's great if the hanger and the rest decorative elements made from wenge.

Choose trellis carefully carved furniture may not fit into the environment. If the purchase of a trellis was not planned in accordance with an individual design, then it is better to choose a simpler option.

Models from stripes are purchased, as a rule, for large rooms. If the corridor is small and poorly lit, then this background is not suitable for them.

How can a mirror affect the layout?

  • The full-length wall option does not weigh down the interior, making the space lighter and more airy.
  • A framed model hung in front of the front door adds charm and sophistication.
  • Thanks to the mirror reflection, defects on the walls are not visible.
  • When rays from the kitchen or living room hit the surface of the mirror, the corridor is illuminated by another additional light source.
  • A corner hallway with a mirror is a real opportunity to organize the space in a new way. Visually, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room becomes larger. And places corner model takes less.

Using backlight

In a dark corridor, place an illuminated dressing table to get the following benefits:

  • Full-length mirrors equipped with lighting are the best solution to the problem of a dark corridor.
  • Models with beautiful decor able to become stylish elements in the interior.
  • Lighting can create a romantic atmosphere. Its soft glow can be compared to the warm flames of lit candles.
  • Illumination makes the corridor cozier. She creates a magical atmosphere. You can do your hair or make-up in front of a mirror.

Choose the model to your taste, based on the available financial possibilities. The reflective surface illuminates the corridor with pleasant light, so you may not need to mount a large panel and additional lamps.

If used for decoration mirror tiles, then you can achieve an excellent visual effect - the ceiling will become higher.

Any design ideas can be realized in reality. The main thing is to decide on a bold experiment. Creative people are able to appreciate extraordinary design solutions. As a result, thanks to the rainbow looking glass, they get the desired result.

Photo of a mirror in the hallway

The mirror in the hallway is of great practical importance: every time you go out or come back, you want to take a look at yourself. However, in addition to a practical function, such a mirror can also become an important design element. If, for example, you have narrow corridor, while the walls are located close to each other, it will visually expand the space. If you want to create the illusion of maximum light, place a mirror in your hallway to reflect a chandelier, lamp, or other light source.

Mirrors in the hallway

Gone are the days when large mirrors in the hallway on the wall were the only possible option. An incredible variety of assortment will allow our customers to buy not only a classic mirror on the wall, but also a model that will subsequently be mounted in a closet or other furniture. It is possible to create mirror panel or a whole composition for the hallway, made of many mirrors of various shapes and sizes. If you did not find models of suitable parameters, we will make a mirror of the required height and width for your hallway in just 3 days!

Mirrors in stock and on order

It doesn't matter what style your hallway is decorated in: in our online catalog you will find a mirror that is ideal for your interior and, most importantly, you can buy it inexpensively. Own production and strict quality control finished products at all stages of production give us the opportunity to guarantee perfect execution. In order to order a mirror in the company "Mideon", just leave a request on our website. If you need a product according to an individual sketch, your order will be accepted by the manager, and you will receive a finished mirror in 3 working days.

Hallways of small dimensions for modern apartment buildings is more the rule than the exception. With design in a small area, there is nowhere to turn around. The situation will be saved by a mirror in the hallway, without which it is simply impossible to imagine the design of the hallway. It is necessary so that finally, leaving the apartment, evaluate the appearance. Fold the necessary little things on the model with a shelf. Place scarves, hats, gloves on the dressing table. But dressing tables, poufs, chests of drawers are quite bulky. The mirror in the hallway is not only practical, but also beautiful. Hang it correctly, and it can bring a boring, ordinary design to a stylistically interesting one.

Choosing the right mirror for the hallway is not an easy task. Take into account overall design apartment, area of ​​a small hallway, lighting, chosen color, existing furniture ( shoe rack, dressing table, chest of drawers, wardrobe).

Those who doubt their ability to design, it is better to choose from ready-made headsets. hinged model with a shelf, several hooks, a clothes hanger, a shoe cabinet and an ottoman, suits most interiors.

For the rest, a few general rules. How to choose mirrors for the hallway:

  • a good solution for a small hallway is a model on a stand. If necessary, it is quickly removed. Great alternative to a dressing table;
  • a mirror in the hallway is beautiful, but you should not overdo it with them. Excessive number of reflections from different angles on small area disorienting, depressing effect on the psyche and slightly frightening. One big one is better than many mini mirrors;
  • the minimum size of the mirror in the hallway, where you will see the reflection - 25 * 35 cm. Reflection to the waist - with a size of 45 * 70 cm, full height - 65 * 130 cm;
  • is there a window? Hang mirrors in the hallway on the opposite wall, but not exactly opposite. Direct sunlight spoils the reflective surface, the thing will have to be changed soon;
  • frames similar in style are selected for a canvas of different shapes. The more non-standard the shape, the simpler the frame. And vice versa;
  • hallway mirrors visually expand narrow walls, focus on the color of the wall where they hang, help visually “level” uneven walls and ceiling. If one wall is a very bright color, hang it there. The shade will become softer, more muted.


The frame is important, it supports the concept of style, unified design:

  • mirrors in the baroque hallway with a massive stucco frame are self-sufficient. The rest of the accessories are simple and concise, not creating excessive pomposity;
  • the option with a flat, smooth frame looks beautiful on a wall covered with metallic paint;
  • metal or black plastic frame irreplaceable if the design defines the style of avant-garde, minimalism, hi-tech;
  • an extravagant and spectacular solution for a spacious bright hallway - a frame made of mirror cloth;
  • massive frame of natural wood visually reduce the surface area, adding weight to the atmosphere;
  • a rattan frame decorated with mother-of-pearl, smooth stones, leather - a mirror solution for an ethnic or ecological style hallway;
  • a simple large wall or built-in canvas without a frame is ideal for modern style.

Hi-tech mirror
Mirrors in three-dimensional frames in ethnic style


The wall mirror is mounted on a hook on the wall, which is beautifully shown in the photo. The most common shape is a rectangle or circle. Size - from mini to full wall. There are options with and without a frame. The latest technology is a matte pattern on the surface of the mirror, made using sandblasting technology.

Hung horizontally on the wall, it visually expands the hallway wall. But the ceiling will "fall" a little. The solution looks original. A full-length vertical wall canvas is suitable for the hallway. You can consider yourself before going out.

floor standing

Floor models for the hallway are always framed, a special stand allows you to change the angle of inclination. The design takes up quite a lot of space, but it can be moved and deployed without any problems, viewing yourself from any angle. This is more convenient than several sections of the dressing table.

The most common shape is a narrow rectangle or a strongly elongated oval. The model is ideal for a spacious, well-lit hallway.


Built-in models, which can be viewed in the photo selection, carry an increased functional load. The most common option is "full-length canvas as a closet door." No less popular is the canvas built into wall panel a headset built on top of a chest of drawers, cabinet or pouffe. A dressing table or trellis, which are collected in a selection of photos, look good. The most simple design- full-length mirrors in the hallway with a small shelf on top.

They have a large area. Therefore, do not forget about regular cleaning. Any dirt looks ugly. But a visually expanded entrance hall, flooded with light, is worth it to spend a little time and effort.

with shelf

Mirrors for the hallway with a small shelf at waist level or a little higher allow you not to forget about the necessary little things when leaving the house - keys, gloves, telephone, hairbrush. Most often there is a model in a baguette or wooden frame, to which is attached a shelf strong enough to support the weight of everything that is placed on it.

Such full-length mirrors are not released into the hallway. Therefore, when hanging it, you need to take into account that you will need to step back a couple of steps in order to have a good look at yourself. Light is also needed bright. You can hang mirrors for the hallway with a shelf both vertically and horizontally. The first option, presented in the photo, is preferable, because you can see yourself in full growth.


Mirrors in the hallway with lighting are the most popular solution included in the design of this room. Often hallways are designed in such a way that dim lighting and darkness cannot be fought. Instead of himself, even coming close, you can see only a vague shadow.

Of course, you can place a pair of sconces or wall lamps next to a dressing table or a mirror in the hallway, but it is not always possible to conduct electricity, choose lamps that match the style small size and place them so that the light does not blind your eyes.

Special lighting in the mirrors for the hallway - these are point light sources, the bulbs are bright, but not cutting the eyes. They are placed on top, on either side of it or just above the top corner, which is perfectly demonstrated by the photo. In addition to being comfortable to look at, even at full height, this option can visually correct the shape of a long narrow hallway. Hang it on one of the narrow walls, and on the opposite - a lamp.

Decorative mini mirrors

The design of the hallway rarely provides for mini-mirrors. And when he provides, he gives them a purely decorative function. Indeed, it will not work to see yourself in full growth in such a mini version, but this is not a reason to refuse a very stylish, elegant and graceful accessory, like a mirror in the photo.

On the wall of a small hallway, you can hang 2-3 mini-mirrors of the same shape and size. It is better to focus on the unusual frame of mini-mirrors.

On the wall of a large room, compositions from mini-mirrors of various shapes with the same frames, reminiscent of panels, look surprisingly impressive, reminiscent of an exposition of paintings. You can hang mini-mirrors not only on hooks, but also on ropes.

antique mirrors

Antique mirrors in the hallway, especially with an authentic frame, look defiantly chic. They cost just crazy money, even with the mini size. It is not even worth talking about a whole dressing table or trellis.

Therefore, lovers of retro and vintage styles can go out to build a design based on an artificially aged version. A good effect gives a mirror with rare spots of patina. It also gives the atmosphere a touch of mystery and understatement, which is perfectly demonstrated by photo examples. Choose the appropriate dressing table or wall mirror stand. He doesn't need a frame.

From an artificially aged mirror canvas, you can cut a frame for a modern mirror. An antique frame will create a vintage look if you beat the design with furniture of a similar style from the same type of wood.

Everything follows Feng Shui more people. This teaching pays great attention to any reflective surfaces. She will multiply everything that is reflected. Therefore, you need to make sure that these are useful, beautiful and carrying a charge of positive energy items. Regarding the hallway with a mirror, the following can be summarized:

  • the mirror in the hallway according to feng shui is recommended to be chosen in the form of a circle, which restores the energy coming out through the opening door. The circle will help to relax and calm down, symbolizing harmony, completeness and constancy. Visually, the circle is a “window” overlooking another room;
  • Feng Shui does not recommend a dressing table, as this piece of furniture “breaks” the reflection;
  • for a small hallway, when, as soon as you enter, you literally stick your nose into the opposite wall, you need to hang a large full-length mirror on it, but so that the door does not reflect. This will not only visually expand the space, relieving you of the feeling of a cage and an impenetrable wall, but also help to gain confidence. Even better if you can see standing near the door living plant, bells or "wind music";
  • it is undesirable to place it at the very front door, so as not to “drive out” happiness and good luck from the house. The same applies to those that are hung right in front of the door - positive energy it just can't get in by bouncing back. This leads to diseases, quarrels, depression, chronic fatigue of the household;
  • the ideal place for a mirror in the hallway is the two remaining walls. Hang it on one, on the contrary - a picture with flowers, a banknote, photographs of happy moments from family life;
  • it should be full length. Determine the specific size by measuring the tallest member of the family, and adding another 10-15 cm to his height. Free space above a person’s head means perspectives and new opportunities;
  • never hang them against each other. The resulting closed "corridor" hopelessly absorbs everything good and positive.


Prices for hallway mirrors vary significantly depending on the region and the store, the availability of discounts, promotions. The country of origin, area, fabric processing technology, the presence or absence of a frame, a pattern also affect the cost:

  • average cost of simple wall models small size - 2000-3000 rubles;
  • prices for floor mirrors start at 6500-7000 rubles;
  • the built-in option makes the design more expensive by at least 2000-2500 rubles;
  • the minimum cost of a model with a shelf is 3000-3500 rubles;
  • depending on the number of bulbs, backlight colors, the ability to adjust the brightness, the price changes. The simplest option will have to spend 5000-6000 rubles;
  • small mirrors are inexpensive. But they need a lot. Consider the frame too. The canvas itself costs up to 1000 rubles;
  • antiques evaluate simply meaningless. There is no lower or upper limit.