Shower      04/13/2019

How to clean a chrome faucet with folk remedies. Removing lime deposits from taps and faucets

Each person at least once in his life faced with the problem of how to remove limescale from a tap, but few people thought about the true reasons for its appearance. The fact is that in the water that is supplied to our houses and apartments through pipeline systems, there are always various mineral impurities. Their number may vary depending on the area of ​​​​residence, but still they exist and have a direct impact not only on the hardness of the water, but also on the formation of an unpleasant plaque on the internal and external surfaces of pipeline equipment. In this article, we will tell you how to clean the faucet from limescale at home and how to avoid further contamination.

How to avoid the formation of plaque?

In the care of any sink, shower or bathtub, it is best to try to avoid the formation of limescale than to go to great lengths to get rid of the pollution. To facilitate the care of household plumbing, it is recommended to observe following rules its operation:

  • after each use of the sink or bath, thoroughly rinse the bowl and faucet, and wipe them dry with a soft cloth;
  • carefully remove every drop of liquid on plumbing to avoid the formation of dry streaks;
  • every month, you should take the time to thoroughly disinfect the bathroom, which will prevent the formation and reproduction of mold and fungi, which can lead to health problems.

By following these simple rules, which take no more than a couple of minutes, you can long time not to think about the problems associated with clogging of faucets and the need for weekly cleaning of taps.

How to clean the faucet from limescale?

If there are still unpleasant contaminants on the tap, then you can get rid of them using several methods. The main difficulty here lies in the fact that these structures usually have a relief surface. To achieve the desired result, be patient and use one of the following cleaning methods.

Method #1 - Acetic Solution

A concentrated solution of vinegar and water, which is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1, will help to clean the faucet from limescale at home.

Clean the faucet surface as follows:

  1. In a pre-prepared bowl, mix equal amounts of water and 9% table vinegar.
  2. Soak a kitchen sponge in the prepared solution.
  3. Treat the surface of your faucet carefully.
  4. Rinse design running water.
  5. Wipe the faucet dry with a dry, clean, soft cloth.

Important! If the plaque is already old and large, it is better to unscrew the tap and place it in a container with such a solution overnight. This time will be sufficient for the effective splitting of salt deposits on the metal surface.

Method #2 - Hot Acetic Acid

To clean the faucet from limescale, you can use acetic acid differently:

  1. Heat, but do not boil, the vinegar - the table solution should be warm, but not hot.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in the resulting liquid.
  3. Wrap cloth around your faucet.
  4. Leave the plumbing in this state for half an hour or an hour.
  5. Rinse the surface of the faucet thoroughly - it is best to use warm water.
  6. Wipe the faucet dry with a soft cloth.

Important! When working with vinegar, be sure to use personal protective equipment - rubber gloves and a respirator. These precautions are necessary to protect the skin of the hands from irritation when interacting with acid. It is also very important to protect the respiratory tract, because when evaporated, vinegar has a rather pungent odor, inhalation of which in large volumes can lead to irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Method #3 - Citric Acid

A solution of water and citric acid has a sufficiently high cleaning effect. Cleaning using this tool is carried out as follows:

Method #4 - Baking Soda and Soap

Such simple means cleaning products, like laundry soap and baking soda, are sure to be at hand for every housewife. However, not everyone knows that with their help it is enough to simply remove limescale from the tap. For best results, follow these cleaning tips:

  • Dissolve the bar laundry soap in hot water.
  • Add to the resulting thick solution a large number of table soda.
  • Soak a kitchen sponge in the prepared cleaning agent and carefully treat the surface of the faucet.
  • After cleaning, wash off the remaining soap with running water;
  • The surface of the tap must be wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Important! In the hard-to-reach area of ​​the faucet, you can clean with a soft-bristled toothbrush. A special microfiber cloth is perfect for cleaning embossed surfaces.

Use of household chemicals

You can also clean the faucet of limescale with the help of specially designed cleaning products that are sold in every store. household chemicals. However, there are a few very important things to keep in mind when choosing and using chemicals:

In this article, we have shared with you the most effective methods how to remove limescale from a faucet, and we sincerely hope that following these recommendations will help keep your plumbing clean.

Tap water with a high content of magnesium and calcium salts (“hard water”) is a fairly common phenomenon. Her backfire- the appearance of whitish stains and lime deposits on plumbing, bath or tile.

Old lime scale is difficult to remove with normal cleaning, so you have to use special preparations for cleaning or folk remedies.

What to use for cleaning

In apartments, chrome-plated plumbing is more often used, requiring careful cleaning. Using abrasive cleaners will scratch the shiny surface with its further darkening and even.

To clean the faucet from limescale, do not use preparations with aggressive acids (hydrochloric or phosphoric), or alkalis.

How then to clean the limescale on the tap? On sale there are gentle preparations created specifically for the care of chrome surfaces.

For example, "Top House for of stainless steel"(Germany), "Electrolux stainless steel cleaner spray" (Sweden), "Pufas Glutoclean" (Germany), "Cif" (Hungary), "Sanoks" company Aist Peter, "CILLIT BANG for metal surfaces"(Russia), "Selena Glitter of Steel" (Russia).

The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and not violate the exposure time. chemical on the surface to be cleaned.

In no case should plaque be removed with sharp objects or a hard metal sponge.. The chrome surface will become cloudy, scratched or have dark spots.

home remedies

How to remove limescale from a faucet using improvised means? Baking soda is diluted to a slurry and gently and effortlessly distributed over contaminated areas. After an hour, softened deposits are easily removed., and the remaining whitish stains are wiped with a household sponge.

Weak lime deposits can be removed with soap. Grated laundry soap is mixed with a small amount of water and a teaspoon of soda until a gel-like substance is obtained. The mixture is applied to the tap, and then thoroughly washed off with water.

Cloth or paper towels soaked in warm 9% vinegar are placed on the places of contamination. After a couple of hours, the softened limestone is removed with a sponge, and the surface is thoroughly rinsed. To wash more resistant areas, they are re-treated.

Similarly, cleaning is carried out with diluted citric acid (2 teaspoons of powder will be required per glass of water) or lemon juice. The cut lemon slice is dipped in finely ground salt, the contaminated places are gently wiped and after a while washed with water.

The procedures are performed with rubber or latex gloves to avoid damage to skin areas and the occurrence of allergic reactions.

We wash the mixer from lime deposits

The cleaning procedure is the same as for the faucet.. A special problem is, the holes of which "overgrow", and water jets do not pass well through it. The removed strainer or watering can is completely placed in 9% table vinegar for several hours to clean the nozzles.

To speed up the process, the solution can be heated. Then they are washed and with improvised means (a darning needle, a toothpick or an unnecessary toothbrush) they clean the holes. can be replaced with "CilitBang".

Often, an aerator is installed on the mixers, the holes of which are also gradually filled with lime deposits. The aerator is carefully removed, rinsed with running water, and then immersed in a solution of vinegar and water or treated with Cilit. After cleaning, it is rinsed and installed in place.

If the aerator is plastic or made of extruded aluminum, then when unscrewing it, it may break. In this case, the cleaning solution is poured into a container or plastic bag, the part to be cleaned is immersed in it and left for several hours. Then the holes are cleaned and washed with a strong jet of water.

Cleaning around the faucet

The same means are used, store or "grandmother's". They can be applied with a sponge to the desired area, you can moisten a rag or paper towels in warm vinegar and apply around the faucet to soften.

Then the plaque is removed, and the washed surface is wiped dry. Chrome parts and ceramic surfaces are thus cleaned. IN hard-to-reach places small brushes (toothbrush or for washing hands), plastic or wooden toothpicks are used.

How to avoid the appearance

Most effective way get rid of them - every time after use, wipe the plumbing dry.

Soap stains, fresh deposits are well cleaned with a microfiber cloth, which is sold in a hardware store. She can also rub chrome parts to a shine.

There are special wax shampoos on sale, which are usually used by motorists. A small amount of shampoo is applied to the sponge, and then all shiny surfaces are treated and rubbed to a shine. Thus, for almost a week, the taps will be clean and shiny.

You can use metal care products. A thin film forms on the surface greasy spots, lime and the appearance of rust. Various metal polishes are available, for example, Domax, Wpro 29 945, HG Steel Polish, Indesit. They are applied to a clean, dry surface, and then rubbed to a shine.

Metal parts can be rubbed with glass cleaner.
Even with "hard" tap water maintaining the cleanliness and brilliance of metal and chrome parts of plumbing will not be a hassle. The main thing is to remove limescale deposits when they are just beginning to form, and to use cleaning products correctly.

To wash chrome coatings and accessories in the bathroom, not only folk remedies that saved our grandmothers are used, but also household chemicals. Before choosing a product, it is recommended to carefully study the label: make sure that the composition of the substance does not contain abrasive particles and alkalis that adversely affect chromium. We propose to consider in more detail the issue of cleaning taps, chrome-plated plumbing, aerators with the help of improvised means and industrial chemicals.

White water scale can be seen in almost any bathroom. It appears due to the increased content of calcium and magnesium in the water. Getting on taps and plumbing, it is deposited in the form of cloudy white scale. If you do not perform timely cleaning, plumbing can become clogged and become unusable.

If in the case of a shower head or a faucet aerator, the hostess can solve the problem herself, then when cleaning chrome surfaces, difficulties arise. Such coatings must be cleaned with care. It is recommended to observe the following rules when washing them:

  1. Do not use metallized hard sponges for cleaning faucets and plumbing fixtures. The resulting scratches cannot be removed.
  2. picking up chemical agent or a traditional cleaning method, do not use abrasives that damage the surface.
  3. If the composition of household chemicals contains salt, sulfuric or phosphoric acid– Do not use this detergent. The consequences after it are as follows: the appearance dark spots, as well as rust, which will be difficult to remove.
  4. You should not mix several detergent compositions at once - there is a high risk of damaging the chrome coating with such combinations.
  5. Ask the consultant in the store about special detergents for chrome. It is better to choose a substance, albeit more expensive, but designed specifically for a specific situation.

Damaged plumbing with the wrong choice of means will have to be replaced, which will result in large costs. At the end of the article, a composition recipe will be presented that will help restore chrome products with minor scratches.

Folk methods of cleaning from limescale

To reduce the time it takes to clean the faucets from limescale, it is recommended to wipe the products with a dry cloth after using them. Most housewives forget to perform this procedure, and return to the problem only when the scale has already firmly settled on the plumbing.

Among the home remedies that do an excellent job with plaque, we can distinguish the following:

  • baking soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • table vinegar;
  • lemon acid.

We suggest considering the cleaning recipe using each of these methods in more detail.

Take a few tablespoons of soda and dilute it with a small amount of water. Apply the resulting slurry to the surface of the tap, also process other chrome coatings. Leave the mixture for 1 hour, then carefully remove soft cloth the rest of the funds. If small stains are found, gently rub them reverse side dish sponges.

Apply soda gruel with a soft sponge, damp cloth or toothbrush. You should not use a steel wool, in addition, make sure that the resulting mixture does not have visible abrasives. To do this, after preparing it, leave the soda for 5 minutes so that it dissolves in water.

The hypoallergenicity and disinfecting properties of laundry soap have been known for a long time. It will also help to easily remove the resulting white coating on plumbing:

Soap solution helps to cope with many contaminants, including scale. Experienced housewives can confirm that it is really possible to clean all surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen with laundry soap.

To remove mineral deposits on the tap, you can use both a table 9% composition and Apple vinegar. The recipe is simple: mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Take a rag and soak it with the resulting liquid. Apply the substance to the plumbing and wait a bit. Vinegar acts instantly, which is why it is a favorite cleaning tool for housewives in any situation.

Wipe down all faucets and showerheads in the bathroom and kitchen with a soft cloth. If stains from dried soap are noticeable in some places, wash them off with water.

Another way to get an effective result is lemon or citric acid. It is absolutely not worth using it in dry form: large abrasive particles can easily damage the surface of taps and showers.

To treat the faucet with acid, do the following:

  1. Pour some of the product into a container.
  2. Add a couple drops of water.
  3. Without adding water, you can dip a damp cloth into dry acid and wipe the surfaces with it.

In addition, a natural source of acid - lemon, copes with the task no worse. Take a whole lemon and cut it into 2 parts. If it is supposed to process a large amount of area, both halves will come in handy. Squeeze some juice into a container - you won't need it, it can be used for culinary purposes. Use half a lemon to wipe all chrome-plated items and leave for a while.

After treatment, wipe the faucets and plumbing with a clean, dry cloth and enjoy the result.

Home cleaning methods are good because they involve the use of improvised tools available to any housewife. If the above methods do not help, and the stubborn plaque does not go away, we suggest using household chemicals.

Anti-plaque chemicals

All chemical compositions pose some danger to human skin, so be sure to wear rubber gloves before use, and if necessary, a face mask. Some products cause allergies, before buying, read the label and manufacturer's recommendations.

Today in household chemical stores it is offered whole line products for chrome and steel products. They are divided into 2 types:

  • Purifiers - help to get rid of dirt.
  • Polishes - are used at the final stage of cleansing.

To wash taps faster, purchase both of them together.

Among the cleansing compositions, the following well-known effective agents can be distinguished:

Among the polishes, the popular Domax and Indesit products can be distinguished separately. The latest brand specializes in the production household appliances therefore, the compositions offered for polishing sanitary ware meet all standards.

These funds are used not only for chrome taps. They also excel at cleaning stainless steel surfaces such as sinks, stoves, furniture fittings and even utensils. Applying the compositions is easy: most of them have a dispenser nozzle, with which the substance is sprayed onto the product.

Following the advice indicated by the manufacturer, the product is left for some time to penetrate into the pores of the material, after which it is wiped dry, removing residues. Polishes are applied after cleaning: they process products to a mirror shine.

Some detergent compositions create an invisible film on the surface of the product that protects plumbing from plaque. A glass cleaner can also produce a similar, though not lasting effect. Before surface treatment, check the label for the absence of alkalis and acids.

Jammed faucet: how to get out of the situation?

When the faucet or faucet for switching water to the shower is not used for a long time, it may jam. The cause of such a breakdown is often a plaque of water stone, which can be dealt with as follows:

  1. Clean the faucet using one of the above remedies or folk methods.
  2. If this method does not work, we turn to another. Take vinegar and dilute it hot water. Dip the prepared rag into the solution so that it absorbs the product. Wrap a cloth around a jammed faucet, then wrap it with cling film. This is done so that the vinegar does not evaporate, but soaks the plaque well and removes it.
  3. Another method that any housewife can handle is the use universal remedy WD-40. With it, you can fix many problems, and a jammed faucet is no exception. Spray the joint between the faucet and mixer with the product and wait a while. The substance can be purchased at any hardware or automotive store.

If the proposed methods did not help open the tap, you will have to call a plumber. In the future, in order to prevent such situations, clean the gaps in the taps in a timely manner.

It also happens that the surface of the tap is cleaned, and the internal parts are clogged due to plaque. Most often, the mesh nozzle that sprays water, the aerator, suffers. It serves to enrich the water with oxygen and its uniform supply. An aerator is a useful element of a faucet that performs the following functions:

  • noise reduction due to the formation of small bubbles;
  • droplet spatter reduction;
  • significant water savings;
  • filtration of small particles of debris.

When an aerator becomes clogged, all of its intended functions disappear. Often this part is covered with lime flakes, because of which the holes cease to cope with the task. Such blockages are characterized by the fact that when the tap is fully opened, the water flows slowly and is not sprayed. In this case, the element must be cleared:

  1. Unscrew the faucet nozzle: to do this, wrap it soft material and use pliers to turn clockwise.
  2. It is important that the aerator be made of steel, in the case of plastic part there is a high risk of breakage during removal.
  3. A stuck nozzle can be loosened using the above method using WD-40.
  4. Rinse the faucet opening with water.
  5. Send the aerator to the vinegar solution for several hours.
  6. The holes in the aerator must be additionally cleaned with a needle.
  7. Screw the cleaned element back into the tap. It is better not to overtighten the mount, so that at any time you can remove it and clean it.

If you have difficulty unscrewing the aerator, contact the services of a plumber.

Cleaning plumbing fixtures

In addition to cleaning chrome faucets, other plumbing also requires cleaning: shower heads, darkened places for appliances, as well as buttons on the toilet bowl, cabinet fittings.

Improvised means are also used for cleansing, and if they do not cope, household chemicals come to the rescue.

Shower head cleaning

Clogged holes in the shower head are important to clean in a timely manner, when they are not completely covered with lime flakes. To do this, try to disassemble the shower head. Parts that were removed from the structure, soak for 2 hours in a heated vinegar solution. Then rinse them with water to remove the odor.

The whirlpool head itself must be cleaned with a needle. It is also recommended to use some chemicals and clean the nozzles with a toothbrush.

Unfortunately, it is often impossible to restore a damaged chrome plating. However, there is a tool to help hide errors during cleaning. For this, a special composition is used for polishing metal parts of a car, among which is Goi paste. You can buy such substances at any car dealership, after consulting on this issue.

Another method of polishing chrome finishes is to use automotive wax shampoos. They create a water-repellent film on the coating and protect the material from corrosion.

Do not forget about the timely cleaning of chrome faucets, and then you do not have to think about finding suitable products.

Want to make your kitchen and bathroom faucets sparkle? Then just wipe them with a dry cloth constantly (that is, at least once a day). In this case, you do not have to spend time thoroughly cleaning the taps from plaque.

But if you're reading this article, chances are your faucet needs to be cleaned, not just maintained. Of course, plaque removal will take more time and effort and require little cash, but this process is also not difficult if you approach the issue wisely.

The easiest way is to clean the faucet with a special chrome cleaner. Just buy the tool and follow the instructions. But there is nothing to write about this method. So let's move on to folk ways cleaning chrome faucets.

Dishwashing liquid

The simplest of folk methods - clean the faucet with dish soap. Next, you should simply polish the surface of the tap to a shine with a dry cloth. Remember that this method of cleaning will not remove serious dirt and limescale.


If the faucet has not been cleaned for a long time, then vinegar will help you in this case.. Moisten a soft cloth with vinegar, wipe the faucet with it, and the plaque will magically disappear! To carry out this operation, as, indeed, any other serious cleaning, it is better to wear gloves.


Suitable for cleaning chrome faucets and soda. Pour a little soda on a not too hard toothbrush and rub the faucet properly. After that, the chrome-plated surface can also be rubbed with a soft cloth. Soda, like vinegar, will cope even with an old plaque.


Salt will make your faucet shine. Just sprinkle some salt on a soft cloth and spread it over the surface of the chrome-plated product. Wait a while, rinse off the salt and wipe the faucet with a soft cloth.


You can also use lemon. Squeeze its juice onto a rag and wipe down your faucet. Wash and wipe the product with a dry cloth. This method is also quite effective even in the fight against chronic plaque.

You can clean the faucet with lemon in such a simple and economical way.

  • Cut a lemon in half
  • Squeeze juice out of it. The juice can be used for culinary purposes, there is no point in wasting it on cleaning the faucet.

Before dealing with it, how to clean the shower head from limescale, you need to find out the causes of contamination of the through holes. Running water contains a large number of various inclusions - lime, iron, mineral deposits. It is they who turn new, shiny and sparkling plumbing into an unpleasant sight, which also significantly reduces the comfort of taking water procedures.

This problem is relevant for the majority of Russians connected to centralized water mains. If it is possible to fight it globally only at the national level, then the consequences of using dirty and excessive harsh running water everyone has to fix it on their own. Below are the most effective ways to remove limescale from the mixer with folk remedies, without the use of expensive professional household chemicals.

Necessary tools, materials

The best remedy for limescale on faucets can be found in every kitchen. It's about vinegar. To enhance the effect in severely neglected cases, it is recommended to use baking soda and citric acid. In general, a standard watering can cleaning kit looks like this:

  • Vinegar, 9%/baking soda/citric acid;
  • Capacity/ plastic bag;
  • Toothbrush / household brush;
  • Elastic band stationery / lace / rope / adhesive tape / electrical tape;
  • Rags and sponge with abrasive / steel wool;
  • Screwdriver and gas wrench.

Most tools and materials are completely replaceable. That is, if there is no suitable container at hand, you can use a tight plastic bag. In the absence of an elastic band (clerical, for hair), you can use a cord or rope, adhesive tape, electrical tape.

But, before you clean the chrome faucet from plaque, you need to familiarize yourself with the precautions to avoid injury and unintentional damage to plumbing equipment.

Precautionary measures

In no case should you try to disassemble non-separable models of watering cans. In the future, such a product is simply impossible to glue.

  • In no case should watering cans be boiled in an acetic solution - many coatings cannot withstand critical temperatures and the aggressive effects of acids. As a result, you can not only remove limescale on the mixer, but also partially or completely damage the surface of the watering can, its individual elements.
  • You need to disassemble the watering can carefully so as not to lose (drop into the drain) the mounting bolts, rubber gaskets, and other small parts.
  • Removing limescale from a faucet involves the use of rubber gloves for protection skin from chemical burns. It is also necessary to prevent the risk of getting vinegar or soda, "lemon" in the respiratory organs and eyes.

How to remove limescale from a faucet with vinegar?

Before you clean the mixer from limescale with 9% vinegar, you need to prepare a container or a plastic bag of the appropriate volume. It is desirable that the watering can be completely placed in the tank, including with a connecting thread.

  • A solution is poured into the container - in a ratio of approximately 80% vinegar to 20% water, then a watering can is placed in it and, if there are fasteners, filter meshes, other details.
  • The minimum cleaning time is 5-6 hours, but can be left overnight.
  • If after this period there are still particles of plaque inside the passage holes of the watering can, they can be removed with a toothbrush, brush, toothpick or sewing needle.

After chemical cleaning, you need to collect and connect the watering can, turning on warm water at maximum pressure. Time of mechanical washing - 1-2 minutes. After that, it is enough to wipe the plumbing with a dry soft cloth - green faucet disappears without leaving any marks or streaks.

Soda and vinegar from limescale on the faucet - an effective way to remove contaminants

If the shower faucet is fixed to the wall or wall of the cabin and its dismantling is undesirable, you can use a more effective composition - a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. The cleaning process is as follows:

  • Mix 1 cup vinegar and 1/3 cup baking soda and pour into a plastic bag.
  • A watering can is placed in the bag and fixed with an elastic band, rope, adhesive tape, electrical tape.
  • The resulting structure is left for 3-5 hours or overnight.
  • After removing the package, you need to turn on warm water at maximum pressure in order to remove the limestone formations and deposits inside.

At the end of the procedure, you need to wipe the mixer with a dry cloth. Using this method, you can wash the faucet from limescale with a minimum of effort.

Sometimes shower cabins are equipped with built-in points of directional water supply. They can also be cleaned with a vinegar and soda solution. To do this, mix the components in equal proportions, apply the mixture to the built-in mixer with a toothbrush or washcloth. After 4-6 hours, you can wash off the solution with water pressure and circular movements of the brush.

How to clean the shower head inside with citric acid?

"Lemon" is extremely effective if watering can clogged in the shower, which can, if not unscrewed, then placed in a container without disconnecting from the hose. Citric acid is poured into an enameled container and poured with boiling water, after which a watering can is placed in it for 10-20 minutes.

Upon completion of cleaning, it is also necessary to rinse the shower by turning on warm water at maximum power.

Preventive actions

White coating on the water faucet- a consequence of hard and dirty running water. To prevent the formation of plaque on plumbing, you need to install special water filters, which will trap lime, iron, mineral deposits and other small inclusions, impurities, blocking their entry into your faucets.