Shower      03.03.2020

How to choose infrared emitters for sauna. Infrared heaters - sauna heaters. Installation and operation. Let's understand the terminology

The Termomir company offers customers a wide range of infrared heaters (IR heaters) wholesale and retail.

IR heaters are ideal for heating rooms with poor thermal insulation, with high and very high ceilings, for local and zone heating, as well as for heating semi-open and open areas. Electric infrared heaters are suitable for private house, dacha, garage, greenhouses and conservatories, for poultry houses (chicken coops), trade pavilions, open verandas and terraces, balconies and loggias, a large warehouse and workshop, for workshops, car washes, baths and saunas, for swimming pools and gyms, galleries and winter gardens with large glazing, etc.

A special category of infrared heaters are outdoor models - electric infrared heaters on a tripod and stand-alone models on gas cylinders in the form of a pyramid. There are also IR panels for the office, which are located in suspended ceiling Armstrong type.

The site presents wall, floor and ceiling infrared heaters of the best European and Asian manufacturers at an affordable price.

A large range of infrared heaters of various prices is presented below on the page and in the menu of the site. If you find it difficult to make a choice, please contact our specialists for advice.

See also:

  • By power:

  • By installation method:

  • By manufacturer:

Increasingly, owners country houses refuse traditional furnace heating and choose heating devices. This is due to the fact that stove heating requires the preparation of firewood before winter, and is also associated with some difficulties. For example, for heating with wood, it is necessary to equip a woodshed and constantly carry firewood into the house during heating. If country house or the bath is used only once a week or even less often, it is easier to purchase a heater.

How to choose

Before choosing a device for heating a summer house in winter, it is necessary to consider several types of such devices and determine which one is suitable for a particular house. There are many models that will provide the house with hot water.

Most bath heaters run on electrical network. They are purchased quite often, which is due to the ease of use of the device. Increasingly, owners of suburban areas are purchasing infrared heaters. To decide on the purchase of such a device, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of these designs.

Features of infrared devices

The advantages of infrared heaters include:

  • ease of installation;
  • the compactness of such equipment;
  • no need for firewood;
  • lower energy costs compared to electric furnaces;
  • after relaxing in a steam room with infrared heaters, headaches do not appear, which usually accompany pastime in a standard steam room;
  • absence unpleasant odors who distribute wood stoves;
  • the possibility of heating a certain zone in the room;
  • steam room heating rate.

It should be noted that the cost of infrared devices for a bath is lower than the price of construction wood stove. Infrared heaters also have disadvantages. These include the presence of contraindications. Before installing such devices, you need to learn more about diseases in the presence of which you should not use them.

Another disadvantage is appearance infrared heaters, as they do not fit into the interior of the Russian bath. To heat the entire steam room, you need to purchase several heaters, so the cost of bath equipment is quite high. To purchase high-quality infrared heaters, it is worth considering the rating of devices compiled by consumers.

The most common heater models

One of the most popular infrared sauna devices is the UFO Alf 3000. It looks like a small rectangle, the dimensions of which are 190x1080x90 mm. Such an infrared heater is capable of heating a room up to 30 square meters. It should be noted that warming up takes about 3 hours. The power of the heating element in the device is 3 kV/h. It can be mounted on the included legs or hung on the wall.

Also a popular device for a bath is a model called "ENSA P900G". Such infrared heaters are designed for rooms small area and are capable of heating the air in an area of ​​18 square meters. The peculiarity of this device is that first it heats the objects, after which the heat is released to the air. It is worth noting that this heater maintains the level of humidity in the room. Such a product is able to raise the temperature to about 24 degrees in just 2 hours.

"UFO ECO 1800" is another heating device that can be attributed to the most popular. The small size of this product allows you to install it almost anywhere. This heater can even work on outdoors at the expense offline source electricity.

Often, owners of country houses purchase infrared heaters for a bath called "ENSA P750T". The peculiarity of this heater is that its body does not heat up during use. Such infrared devices are used to heat rooms, the size of which is approximately 14 square meters. They are almost invisible and can be mounted on legs and fixed on the wall.

The UFO LINE 1800 model is also often purchased. It has the following advantages:

For 2 hours in winter, this device for a bath is able to warm up a room of up to 18 square meters. Another feature of this heater is that it can be installed on special legs, mounted on the wall and ceiling, and also used outdoors.

The best infrared heaters

In order not to make a mistake when choosing an infrared heating device for a summer residence, it is worth considering the most popular models that are rated by customers as the best. These include the following infrared devices:


All presented models of devices are suitable for giving and can serve as the main source of heating.

The infrared sauna kit consists of only two main elements: an IR sauna heater and a temperature control device.

The main difference between this type of saunas and ordinary ones is that the human body, being under the influence of infrared rays, warms up from the inside in contrast to the steam room, in which first the skin, and then the muscles and organs. Warming up "from the inside" in the infrared sauna is achieved due to the fact that skin covering a person transmits rays through itself, which are very effectively absorbed by the liquid in a person.

IN this moment The market for infrared saunas offers a wide range of configurations, as well as a large selection of models of IR heaters. In addition to ceramic emitters, there are: carbon, film, quartz and others. All of them are good in their own way and the only difference between them is which heating element the sauna manufacturer uses.

Using a ceramic IR heater, you can build a sauna, roughly speaking, even at home from an old cabinet. The power of such a sauna will be about 2 kW. This is no more than a conventional boiler or electric stove.


Schematic layout example infrared heaters in infrared sauna.

To buy infrared emitters for a sauna, you need to call by phone or write to the e-mail indicated in the contacts section. Our staff will advise you on the selection of power and installation of ceramic infrared emitters.

Bath procedures have always been considered very beneficial for health, which is why people tend to visit the bath as often as possible. Moreover, it is also good way spend time in good company. Further in the article we will talk about what kind of equipment is used for an infrared sauna, which is modern version baths, in which infrared heaters are used instead of a stove.

Very often, modern steam rooms use gas or electric infrared equipment that emits waves that are safe for humans. Moreover, only 30 minutes spent in such a steam room can be equated to two hours in an ordinary Russian bath.

Advantages of infrared devices

Among the advantages of infrared sauna heaters are:

  • compactness and the attractiveness of such devices allows them to be installed even in small rooms, for example, in mini-saunas of ordinary apartments.
  • Convenience and ease of installation, that is, all the work can be done independently.
  • Autonomy of work– you do not need to constantly monitor the operation of the appliance or add fuel, as is the case with a wood-burning stove.
  • Economy– Not only are infrared sauna heaters much cheaper than building a stove, but they also consume energy economically – 80% less than a stove.
  • Warm-up rate rooms - to bring the air in the room to the desired temperature, such a heater in the sauna is capable of 20 minutes, and not 2 hours, like, say, a stove. In addition, the air in the room remains fresh, because the device does not burn oxygen.
  • cold surface the body of the device allows you to mount it on any surface in the steam room - walls, ceiling, regardless of the material used.

Nevertheless, it is impossible not to mention some of the shortcomings of such devices. In particular, it is worth considering how many people the bath is designed for, since a rather large amount will have to be spent to heat large rooms.

When choosing the type of heating, you need to remember also about overall design premises, since cutting-edge equipment in a traditional Russian interior can look a little ridiculous. And, of course, you should not purchase devices of dubious quality, otherwise they will not stand the test of time.

Varieties of infrared heaters

All devices with infrared radiation by wavelength can be divided into three groups:

  • shortwave;
  • medium wave;
  • longwave.

Equipment with shortwave radiation generates light fluxes of yellowish-red color in the range of 0.74-2.5 microns. It can heat up to 1000°C. Therefore, such equipment is advisable only in rooms with high ceilings of 8-9 m, in particular, in workshops or production and storage facilities. At the same time, it is impossible to stay under such waves for a long time.

Heaters with an average wave range of 2.5-5.6 microns are most often used to heat a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Their heating element reaches a temperature of 600 ° C. It is permissible to use such heaters in rooms with ceilings 3-6 meters high. It is advisable not to stay indoors with such devices for more than 8 hours.

In addition, the type of heater also depends on the size and purpose of the room in which it is planned to be installed.

Appliances with a high bracket are designed for installation on the floor and are most often used as an auxiliary heat source.

If the heater has an open heating element, then it is intended for mounting on the ceiling in high rooms. The kit includes all the necessary fasteners for fixing the device.

IR emitters for a sauna with a closed heating element should be used in rooms with a ceiling height of 2-10 meters. In addition, such products organically fit into the interior of the sauna.

For installation above windows or doorways there are special moldings on sale that provide a thermal barrier and prevent the penetration of drafts.

For small rooms with ceilings up to 3 m high, cassette-type heaters are provided, which can be mounted directly to the suspended ceiling frame.

Another type of heaters for a bath is able to work on hot water. As a rule, such equipment is hidden in the false ceiling structure.

Note that any equipment with infrared radiation must be equipped with a thermostat so that you can control the degree of heating of the room.

How an IR Sauna Heater Looks and Works

Externally, such a heater looks like a rectangular metal case, with an infrared sauna lamp inserted into it, somewhat reminiscent of a fluorescent lamp. Inside the case there is a screen that reflects heat waves, a heat-insulating layer so that the case does not heat up, a reflector that radiates heat, and a panel with a heating element.

As soon as the device is connected to the network, the heating elements begin to glow, transferring heat to the aluminum reflector that emits waves. In this case, objects in the radiation zone are heated, which in turn give off heat into the air. So the room warms up evenly.

Heating components are of the following types:

  • Ceramic elements- are a ceramic plate with a high-resistance conductor built into it. It is made of nichrome, which can heat up to 1000 ° C, or fechral, ​​which, having a high electrical resistance, heats up to 800 ° C. As a rule, the service life of such a heater is 4 years.
  • Tubular heaters with insulation from aluminum profile. This design allows heat to be radiated along the entire length of the plate. Often, several such heating elements are installed simultaneously in IR heaters. The service life of the equipment is about 7 years.
  • Carbon heating element is a quartz tube with a built-in carbon spiral thread. The flask is completely sealed and devoid of air. The carbon thread is able to heat up to 3000 ° C without losing strength. Therefore, such equipment can be used for a very long time if it is of high quality.

The reflector plate, depending on the type of element, can be heated up to 250-600 °C, but the body itself does not get hotter than 60 °C.

The overall dimensions of such a device are 16 cm wide, 4 cm thick, 1-1.5 m long and 3.5-5 kg ​​in weight.

Usually, the infrared sauna kit includes the heater itself, as well as fasteners - hardware, brackets, dowels and self-tapping screws. But the thermostat, a cable with a plug, a cross section designed for the expected load, circuit breakers electricity and other accessories need to be purchased separately.

If everything is connected correctly, the equipment can work for about 25 years.

Principles for choosing an infrared heater in a bath

When choosing equipment for a sauna, you should pay attention to such parameters as:

  • dimensions;
  • wavelength and power;
  • company manufacturer;
  • case cover;
  • installation type.

Manufacturers of infrared equipment

Perhaps the highest quality IR devices are produced in Russia. Among the most well-known representatives producing reliable and durable products can be called "Peony", "Ecoline", "Master Hit", "Ballu". Their range allows you to choose the right device with any parameters.

Italian products are represented by ITM and AEG brands. All of their heaters are equipped with moisture-resistant housings that are not subject to mechanical wear.

The German companies WAGO, Eckerle and Kroll produce heaters with economical energy consumption. At the same time, such equipment differs in high power and excellent quality.

Also on the market are IR heaters from French companies. In particular, the Thermor company presented models that, despite their small size, are quite capable of replacing the main source of heating. Another brand "Noirot" is distinguished by its high heating rate, compact size and safety.

In addition, you can purchase an infrared sauna heater made in Switzerland, which is reliable in operation and attractive in appearance, as well as products from companies from Turkey, Denmark, Greece or Sweden.

Thanks to such an extensive range, you are guaranteed to be able to find the most suitable sauna equipment for yourself.

Ways to install IR heaters

The simplest and most convenient installation is floor-type infrared heaters. However, they take up a lot of space and can be accidentally knocked over by children, for example. Therefore, in units of this type, there should be an automatic shutdown function in the event of a fall.

Wall-mounted infrared heaters are somewhat more difficult to mount, however, this disadvantage is compensated by their compactness, safety and organic appearance.

The most difficult thing is to install ceiling structures that are able to evenly distribute heat waves throughout the room.

Very often they buy an infrared sauna stove, which can be built into the corner of the steam room. As a rule, such devices can be opened by 90° or 120°.

To maintain the temperature in the steam room at a certain level for a long time allows the installation of a thermostat with swivel mechanism, preferred for use in saunas.

Purchase hardware requirements

When purchasing an IR heater, it is worth checking the following points:

  • the integrity of the packaging, the presence of protective overlays on the case;
  • checking the device for operability - the seller has no right to refuse;
  • noiseless operation of the unit - if there are extraneous sounds, then it is better not to buy this device;
  • providing a warranty card and a receipt for the purchase;
  • the seller has quality certificates for the goods.

If one or more of the above conditions are not met, you should refuse to purchase goods in this store.

To make the operation of infrared heaters as pleasant as possible, you should pay attention to some recommendations:

  1. It is better to install the equipment vertically, because a person mostly sits in the sauna. At the same time, several devices must create a single heat flow, that is, they need to be placed on the back wall, on the sides, above the door and in the riser of the bench.
  2. The larger the room, the higher the power of the device is needed, since it must heat all surfaces, objects and people in the room.
  3. The efficiency of the equipment is determined by the emissivity, that is, with a value in
    80%, only 20% of the energy will be wasted.
  4. The power of the device is also affected by the height of the ceiling, since weak devices will not be able to generate waves of such strength that they can reach the floor in a room with a high ceiling.
  5. The reverse situation will be observed if a heavy-duty device is placed in a low sauna, since it will not be comfortable to be in it due to excessive radiation.

Film-type infrared heaters

To equip an additional source of heating, it is advisable to use infrared film. A layer of carbon paste of 1 micron is applied on it and carbon threads are glued. The insulation of the film is made of polyester, permitted by electrical insulation and fire regulations. The radiation range of the film is 5-20 µm, and the heating intensity is from 30° to 110°.

Such a film can be laid absolutely under any coating, including under ceramics or stone. Although in the latter case, installation should be carried out by specialists.

Thanks to the decorative lamination, the infrared film can be mounted on the ceiling or walls.

The kit with thermal film includes a thermostat and a cable with a plug. The service life of such devices can be more than 20 years if the product is really of high quality and is used from time to time.

Flat IR devices

As a rule, infrared panels are designed for intensive use, therefore they are mounted under the bench, above the entrance, on the side and rear walls of the steam room.

The heating IR panel looks especially beautiful with mirror finish. It is very convenient, because it also performs the main function - heating, and is a mirror that gives the room a visual depth. And neon lighting will make the interior almost cosmic.

What are reflectors

Reflectors in IR heaters are used to spray heat waves for heating maximum number items.

Wide reflectors are designed for small spaces, as they reflect waves at an angle of 120 ° so that they do not cause discomfort to a person.

In large saunas, on the contrary, they often install corner models, focusing radiation on benches at an angle of 90°.

How to control the heater

Depending on the type of control, infrared heaters are available in two versions:

  1. With adjustable temperature. This method involves periodically turning off the heating when a certain air temperature is reached and turning it on as the room cools down. In this case, it is impossible to achieve complete warming up of the human body, because the device turns off every now and then.
  2. With power regulation. Heaters of this type can change the intensity of radiation, so that you can choose the optimal indicator for a person. With this approach, there is a smooth, gradual and deep heating of the entire human body, so that the effect is very beneficial.

Power control is carried out using the following elements of the system:

  • Control panel located outside the cab. The duration of the procedure and the power of the waves are entered into it. The program allows you to set the procedure time after which the device will disconnect the system from the network. The remote control can control the operation of two power control units.
  • The operation of the heating elements is regulated by a special unit. With a power of 1.1 W, it is able to manage 6 heaters, so it is often used in mini-steam rooms for 1-2 people. For large saunas, it is better to use a 1.5 kilowatt unit capable of controlling 8 heaters.
  • An internal remote control is installed in the cabin itself, which allows you to adjust the microclimate to comfortable levels.

Among additional features Infrared heaters can be called a smooth warm-up, which prevents sudden power surges, as well as a “time counter”, relevant for commercial establishments, which automatically turns off the current after a specified time.

In general, we can say that infrared heaters meet all safety standards, they are quiet in operation and provide gentle gentle heating of the body, which contributes to maximum relaxation. In addition, the ratio of price and quality of these devices is one of the best among all other options.

Many dream not only to work well, but also to have a good rest, to enjoy their own health and beauty. And to ensure good vacation many go to country baths. If there is none, then an infrared sauna can be offered as an alternative.

Although the device itself was developed back in 1965, they were put into mass production only in 1979. And almost immediately there were models not only for salon conditions, but also for individual home. The heart of any infrared sauna is the infrared oven or heater. They are made of ceramics and are completely safe for human health. According to some data, the depth of penetration of a given beam into soft tissues is 4 cm.

The infrared oven for a sauna consists of a reflector, as well as a lamp, the power of which is 250-300 watts. It is the lamp that gives out the infrared waves of the desired frequency. As a rule, its indicator fluctuates in the range of 1400-3000 nm. This infrared oven is connected to the control panel, which allows the person inside the cabin to independently regulate the temperature inside the sauna.

Installing an infrared oven is not a tricky business. It can be placed perfectly flat surface as well as in the corners of the room. IR emitters can also be installed when converting a conventional bath or sauna into an infrared one. First you need to determine the place where the person will be placed during the adoption of the procedures. It is necessary to create a single field of infrared emitters, in which there will be no empty seats. In this case, it will be possible to provide better warming up of the body, which means that the effect of adopting such procedures will be the best.

Usually the infrared sauna is small, 130*100cm. Based on this, the recommended number of ovens for installation is six pieces. On back wall saunas, four lamps are installed (they will heat the back of the back), two emitters are located in the front corners. In order for the calf muscles to warm up simultaneously with the body, you need to install another emitter, directly at the level of these muscles. The lowest emitter is placed in a horizontal state, while emitters on the walls may have vertical installation. Well, so that condensate does not accumulate in the infrared sauna and air is removed, it is necessary to install special boxes.

Differences between a regular bath and an infrared bath

To install exactly the bath that will benefit in the future, you need to know their differences. For example, when in doubt between choosing a traditional or infrared bath, you need to remember the following:

  • The traditional bath involves heating the air with hot stones, which are preheated to a temperature of 220 ° C. To prepare such a bath, it will take at least 1-1.5 hours. From the moment you turn it on to the moment you take the procedure in the infrared sauna, no more than a quarter of an hour will pass.
  • The infrared heater acts with its heat directly on objects, in particular, human soft tissues. As for the air temperature and its humidity index, they practically do not change, which is more comfortable compared to a conventional bath. Well, since the heat of IR heaters is not wasted, they are more economical.
  • For the construction of a bath (Russian, Finnish, Turkish), sometimes quite a lot of time is needed, as well as materials. In addition, it is necessary to invite specialists to perform such work, to purchase the right materials. For an ordinary bath, an important issue is Fire safety. It requires ventilation. If you turn to the infrared sauna, then the maximum installation time is half an hour. Well, in the case of mobile options, the assembly time is generally 3-5 minutes. The device of an infrared sauna does not require active influence on the surface (drilling, using nails).

Disadvantages of an infrared oven

The infrared sauna heater has some disadvantages, which are better to be familiar with before purchasing. this device:

  • – the small size of the infrared sauna does not allow organizing such friendly gatherings, as, for example, in a regular bath or sauna;
  • – a visit to the infrared sauna has a number of contraindications, for example, certain diseases internal organs. And they need to be familiarized with before accepting the procedures;
  • – if there are specific diseases, then before taking procedures in the infrared sauna, you need to get a recommendation from your doctor.

The cost of an infrared oven ranges from 1300 to 3200 US dollars. In some cases, the cost includes the installation of a booth. Moreover, this type of sauna can be installed directly in the apartment and for this you do not need to spend time and nerves on a package of permits. The infrared cabin can be installed in any part of the house where a shower is nearby. Sauna preparation time for procedures is only 15-20 minutes, while a similar procedure in a classic bath will take at least two hours. If the cost of an infrared sauna is not affordable, then you can even assemble it yourself. This can be done in several ways. For example, all of the components can be purchased directly from the manufacturer and assembled by yourself. Installation time will take no more than two hours.

Another method involves the use of prefabricated panels, which are assembled by analogy with standard blanks. Well, you can do without frame structure, which is collected on their own. This will require wooden beam, lining, thermal insulation material as well as infrared equipment. To save space, such a sauna can be placed in a corner, and the power regulator can be installed directly under the bench seat. During the assembly of the infrared sauna, it is necessary to think over the lighting and ventilation system.