Shower      07/02/2020

How to get a drunk out of a binge. Withdrawal from drinking. How to get out of hard drinking at home, what medicines and folk remedies are used at home. What to do after the withdrawal from the binge? Departure of physicians at home for withdrawal from hard drinking

Binge is called a pathological condition that occurs due to excessive consumption of alcohol-containing beverages. Not only experienced alcoholics fall into a binge - it can also develop in a person who does not suffer from alcohol dependence.

drunken state has a tendency to periodic repetitions and can last for several days. It is quite difficult to get a person out of it - in this case, one cannot do without detoxification of the body in combination with treatment with special preparations. Moreover, you will have to resort not only to medicines, but also to the methods of traditional medicine.

Brief description of the drunken state

binge is the continuous consumption of large amounts of alcohol over a long period of time. Most often, pathology develops in those patients who are diagnosed with the second and third stages. alcohol addiction.

The process of getting out of a drunken state is not simple - a person, being in a binge, cannot control his behavior and constantly consumes alcoholic beverages.

Large doses of alcohol, entering the human body, disable the liver - it simply cannot provide timely high-quality processing of all alcohol-containing products passing through it. Intermediate ethanol metabolites accumulate in the body and acute intoxication occurs. A person, trying to improve his well-being and cheer up, starts drinking alcohol again.

The consequences of drinking are quite severe. First of all, it's a failure major body systems:

  • Digestive.
  • Autonomic nervous.
  • Cardiovascular.

As a result of the appearance of an additional amount of alcohol in the body, the effect of acetaldehyde decreases, which improves a person’s well-being for a short period of time and brings him some relief. However, with the intake of each subsequent dose, he becomes worse, and the process of withdrawing from binge becomes more complicated at times.

In no case should you delay the treatment of a drunken person. And, first of all, you need to eliminate the main symptoms of intoxication. Moreover, this can be done at home - the body poisoned with ethyl alcohol needs emergency care. The main thing is to minimize the risk of complications after the treatment.

Setting up a drip at home

dropper- one of the most effective methods of withdrawal from hard drinking. With its help, drugs are administered intravenously into the human body, eliminating the withdrawal syndrome of any intensity.

If it is not removed, work internal organs significantly violated - the concentration of toxins in the blood of a person who is on a drinking binge is too high.

Thanks to the setting of the dropper:

  • The hangover syndrome is removed.
  • Substances poisoning the body are removed.
  • The amount is brought to the norm useful substances and vitamins.
  • The work of the cardiovascular system is restored.
  • The water balance is normalized.

A contraindication for detoxification of the body at home can be serious concomitant diseases that a person has. In this case, the participation of a specialist is indispensable. And also the best option the patient will be admitted to the hospital.

Dropper - the most effective method for urgent detoxification and withdrawal from hard drinking at home. It is put on for several hours, the complex of drugs necessary to bring a person out of hard drinking is selected by a narcologist strictly individually. Sleeping pills are necessarily included in the composition of the solution - under their influence, a person calms down and falls asleep. It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate - the consequences can be too severe.

Infusor therapy is carried out using:

  • Glucose, which relieves intoxication and promotes the restoration of the body.
  • Insulin, which improves metabolism.
  • Euphyllin, which normalizes the process of blood supply to the brain.
  • Calcium chloride, which replenishes excess calcium and prevents bleeding.
  • Cerucal, which prevents the occurrence of vomiting.

In some situations, the doctor replaces glucose with saline. However, with its introduction, it is necessary to drink diuretics that remove excess fluid from the body.

Such an infusion is prescribed in two cases - when a person has certain diseases or when the cause of poisoning is not clear. At the same time, the volume of injected drugs is reduced to the total volume of the dropper, and then adjusted to 450-500 ml.

Quit drinking on your own without using medications unfortunately it won't work. Can be used intramuscularly and intravenous solutions, syrups and tablets - any of these medicines acts quickly and effectively.

However, before choosing one or another option for getting out of binge, you need to consult with a narcologist - the procedure is not very simple and it will take some time to complete it.

In addition, the patient needs to be prepared - first of all, the body must be cleansed of substances that poison it, and only then can the organs affected by toxins be treated.

To get rid of the consequences of poisoning the body alcoholic drinks and restoration of water balance, doctors recommend using:

  • Aspirin and Citramon- contributing to the accelerated removal of toxins from the body that poison it, they perfectly eliminate the symptoms of a beer hangover.
  • ammonia- 1 tablespoon of the drug, dissolved in 200 gr. of water and drunk in one gulp, significantly improves well-being and helps to prevent binge drinking.
  • Regindron(in combination with plenty of drink) - the medicine restores water balance, protects against dehydration, relieves dry mouth and dizziness.
  • activated carbon- being an excellent sorbent, it absorbs toxins and does not allow them to enter the bloodstream. The dose is calculated simply - 1 tablet per 10 kg. weight. In combination with an enema, the effect is enhanced at times.
  • glucose, ascorbic acid and multivitamin complexes containing vitamin B.

Experts warn that it is possible to bring a person out of a drunken state only with his consent. In this case, drug treatment will be selected taking into account individual characteristics organism, the dosages of prescribed drugs are strictly calculated, side effects from their use are minimized.

If the withdrawal from the binge is made without obtaining the consent of the person, the consequences can be unpredictable, and chronic diseases escalate. Yes, and the result of such a "secret" treatment will be short-lived - after a while, a relapse may occur and the person will again go into a binge.

Traditional medicine: how to get out of binge

Treatment of binge with folk remedies should begin with elimination of toxins. This requires a complete emptying of the stomach. How? You have to make the person vomit. A solution is prepared from equal proportions of water, soda and salt - the patient must drink it in large quantities. Together with vomit, toxins and decay products of alcohol are removed from the body.

It is impossible to use medicines to bring a woman or a man out of binge before the arrival of a specialist - the patient's well-being may deteriorate sharply, and his craving for alcohol will not disappear. The methods of traditional medicine, the reviews of which are the most positive, are what will help the patient cope with severe intoxication (even after a long binge) and wait for the help of a narcologist.

Do not forget that the patient needs plenty of fluids. You can use brine - it tones the body and copes well with intoxication.

With the help of mineral water, the amount of salt in the body normalizes - if it is not possible to get it at a certain moment, you can give the patient slightly salted or acidified with lemon water.

And one more important point- it is necessary to remove a person from a state of binge very carefully in order to avoid the occurrence of unpleasant and dangerous complications. Like a heart attack or stroke. Due to the fact that an organism poisoned by alcohol is not able to do without ethyl alcohol for a long time and constantly requires its addition, the patient needs to be diluted daily with water from 5 to 7 grams. vodka and let them drink. Only in this way can a person be freed from the habit of alcohol. But this will not happen soon - everything takes time.

Herbal preparations

For the preparation of healing decoctions that help bring a person out of hard drinking and improve his condition, certain types are used. medicinal plants. There are quite a few of them, but ethnoscience prefers the collection, which includes dried angelica and calamus roots, juniper fruits and mint flowers, St. John's wort and yarrow.

To prepare a decoction, all plants are crushed, mixed thoroughly, poured with boiling water (2 tablespoons of the collection per 1 glass of water), insisted for 3 hours and filtered. Take the resulting remedy daily, at least 3 liters per day - it will help eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, remove toxins, and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Curly sorrel infusion

Curly sorrel is one of the herbs that can help in getting rid of alcohol addiction. To prepare an infusion from it, you need to take 20 gr. crushed plant roots, pour ¼ liter hot water, bring to a boil and hold for 15 minutes. on a small fire. Give the broth time to infuse (2-3 hours) and strain.

With a smooth withdrawal from the drunken state (even weekly or monthly), the infusion is taken 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon - it will relieve the symptoms of intoxication and improve the general condition. The patient can regulate the duration of the intake independently, most importantly, during the treatment process, do not drink alcoholic beverages.

A decoction of velvet flowers

To prepare a remedy, pour 20 gr. dried flowers in small size saucepan, pour 1 liter. boiling water, cook for 5 minutes. and insist 3 hours.

Take a decoction in the morning and evening for 3 tbsp. spoons after meals.

Apple vinegar

Excessive alcohol consumption negatively affects the level of potassium in the human body - it falls. An unusual cocktail drink, which contains apple cider vinegar and honey, can normalize this indicator.

To prepare it, boil water (200 g), defend it for several minutes, mix with apple cider vinegar(1 tablespoon) and honey (2 tablespoons). The resulting cocktail is taken in the morning before meals - best results can be achieved if you combine the reception of this remedy with other herbal infusions and decoctions.

Oat infusion

To prepare the product, pour into a small saucepan cereals and cook them over low heat for half an hour. Next, marigold flowers are added, thoroughly stirred, the resulting mixture is poured into a thermos and infused for at least 10 hours.

Take a decoction before meals - 3 tbsp. spoons.


A decoction of this little known but very useful plant will relieve not only the hangover syndrome, but also help to overcome the very addiction to alcohol. To prepare it, you need to take Bay leaf(3 pcs.) And chopped lovage roots (2 tablespoons). Mix everything thoroughly and pour boiling water. Insist for several hours, strain, drink 6 times a day for 1 teaspoon.

Pomegranate and lemon drink

An invigorating drink is prepared from pomegranate and lemon, which perfectly removes toxins and toxins from an alcohol-poisoned body. Peeled fruits are cut into small slices, carefully placed in a saucepan and boiled for 30 minutes. on low fire.

Drink in small portions throughout the day.

Diet when withdrawing from binge

Properly selected nutrition when withdrawing from a drunken state is the key to a quick recovery of the body. The diet is recommended by a doctor - the menu should include milk, chicken broth, herbal teas (with the addition of honey) and natural juices.

The daily diet should include kefir and cottage cheese products, which neutralize dangerous metabolites and relieve symptoms of intoxication. In no case should you give up cereals and soups - they are the same as fresh fruits and vegetables, will help restore lost health.

One of side effects withdrawal from binge often becomes diarrhea. In this case, doctors strongly advise eating:

  • Bran bread.
  • Hard-boiled eggs.
  • Boiled lean fish and dietary meat.
  • Walnuts

Some patients suffer from diarrhea, others from constipation. With it, the daily menu should definitely include:

  • Prunes.
  • Pumpkin porridge.
  • Zucchini.
  • Dishes from patissons.

When withdrawing from a deep binge, it is necessary to follow the drinking regimen and eat natural diuretics - watermelon, cucumbers, lingonberries, green tea. Significant benefits in interrupting a hangover will also bring asparagus, parsley, dill - these plants can easily cope with the removal of toxins present in the body.

Emergency medical care and hospitalization for withdrawal from binge drinking

One of the most dangerous side effects caused by alcohol poisoning is considered memory loss(amnesia). The human brain suffers most from the decay products of ethyl alcohol - the more alcohol is drunk, the more extensive the area of ​​​​brain damage.

Due to the death of nerve cells, a person performs unconscious acts, which he simply cannot remember later. When the death of neurons occurs in the back of the brain, there are malfunctions in the vestibular apparatus. An alcoholic, sometimes, does not know with whom, where and how much he drank.

If you take a video of what an alcohol-driven person is doing, having sobered up, he will not believe it.

In the process of excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, the blood becomes thicker, red blood cells stick together, oxygen starvation occurs. It causes irreparable harm to all cells of the body, but the brain is the hardest. A little relief comes when a person, in order to get rid of a hangover, starts drinking alcohol again. However, with each glass drunk, the symptoms of intoxication gradually worsen, pancreatitis worsens, heart problems appear - all this can lead to bronchospasm and coma. It becomes quite clear that a person needs emergency medical help.

Hangover- This is a state of the body, which must be treated with utmost care. Being a direct consequence of poisoning with alcohol-containing drinks, a hangover is dangerous, insidious and can become an impetus for the development of serious pathologies. Provide a hangover sufferer with professional medical care absolutely necessary - only in this way can one avoid terrible consequences. such as stroke or hemorrhagic shock.


Uncontrolled intake of alcohol and prolonged drinking will certainly lead to intoxication of the body. It will not be possible to solve such a problem on your own - only an experienced narcologist will tell you how to get out of binge, remove toxins from the body and restore the work of all its organs and systems. A competent specialist will be able to choose the right medicines that can help you quickly achieve the desired results and move away from side effects - most importantly, completely stop drinking alcohol during treatment.

Binge drinking is called prolonged drunkenness associated with a painful craving for alcohol (dependence), periodically repeated, capable of lasting both several days and several weeks. It is characteristic that in the intervals between bouts of drunkenness, a person can experience absolute abstinence from alcohol. Binges are always the most striking symptom of a disease called "alcoholism", from which the relatives of an alcoholic suffer first of all. There is only one way out: sooner or later, the family members of a drinking person have to comprehend the ability to get him out of hard drinking at home.

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Mechanism of action

An alcoholic in the stage of binge drinking alcohol is no longer for pleasure - by taking another portion of alcohol, he gets rid of the manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome, the very “withdrawal”, which, depending on the experience of the drunkard, can even kill him. Morning hangover, the same “withdrawal”, is such a painful condition that is very difficult to endure, which is why getting out of binge is so difficult and painful.

The worst thing is that everything goes in a vicious circle: a person drinks, he feels good, but after a while abstinence sets in (which is very bad), to remove it you have to drink again, after which it becomes good again, but “withdrawal” comes even faster and even stronger. You can help the drinker to break out of this trap - with psychological support, medicines and folk remedies. Important! It is recommended that you always consult with a specialist before you start taking action.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. Helped effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva. ACTIVE METHOD

The way out of a state of constant intoxication for a person is the more difficult, the longer this process lasts. "Emergency" sobering at home is carried out to quickly eliminate the symptoms of intoxication of the body with ethyl alcohol and to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome. The most important thing in this case is not just an urgent withdrawal from binge, but also the implementation of the procedure with minimal risk to health and concern for the well-being of the “patient”.

Here are some helpful tips:

  1. You should not try to get the drunkard out of the binge before the moment when he begins to "withdraw" - it is at this moment that he will be so vulnerable that he will agree to treatment.
  2. It is advisable not to do the procedure at home on your own - it is better to call a specialist who will make the exit from intoxication minimally traumatic.
  3. If you are already getting out of binge at home, you must try to provide the “patient” with the appropriate conditions - stock up on the necessary medicines, cook hot fatty food, and prepare a large amount of drink.

From medicines useful:

  • activated charcoal (three times a day before meals) to remove toxins produced by alcohol intoxication from the body;
  • "Essentiale Forte" or another similar drug to support the liver;
  • Paracetamol, Citramon (you can use the popular "Alkoseltzer") to combat headaches;
  • Corvalol, valerian infusion, validol, motherwort, glycerin to support the normal functioning of the heart;
  • Furosemide, Veroshpiron to cleanse the body of toxins with a diuretic effect, to relieve swelling.

A person's exit from binge with such drugs can be organized quite effectively, especially if they are supplemented with multivitamin complexes and non-traditional remedies offered by people's councils.

Non-traditional means

The main danger of alcohol is that it destroys the internal organs, poisoning them with toxins, decay products of ethyl alcohol. Conducting an urgent withdrawal from binge, cleanse the body at home with the following folk remedies:

  • strong tea (if desired - with lemon);
  • pickle cabbage or cucumber;
  • dairy products;
  • citrus;
  • ammonia diluted in water (2-3 drops per 1 glass);
  • fatty broth, cabbage soup or fish soup.

It is desirable to combine the intake of these “drugs” with a contrast shower (it must be taken every hour) or douche cold water, mustard plasters, which must be placed on the back of the head. And to consolidate the effect and complete the exit from the binge, long (how many the “patient” can withstand) walks in the fresh air and a long sleep will help.

Thinking about how to quickly get out of a binge with an alcoholic at home, you should pay attention to all kinds of decoctions and infusions. Plants such as:

  • calamus (roots);
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint;
  • sagebrush;
  • yarrow;
  • rose hip.

Any of these herbs and berries can be brewed with boiling water (2-3 teaspoons per liter of water) and given to a drunkard during the withdrawal period in volumes of at least 3.5 liters. Such drugs help to alleviate the state of withdrawal, have diuretic and diaphoretic properties.

The good old gastric lavage will help to bring an alcoholic out of protracted drunkenness with minimal difficulty. It is necessary to make a solution with salt and soda (1 tsp per 1 liter of chilled boiled water), give it to the “patient” to drink, and then provoke a gag reflex (for this, you can press it on the root of the tongue with a spoon handle).

Comfort in the family

Urgent withdrawal from binge is only half the solution to the problem. After that, it is very important to prevent a relapse, which is achieved not only in radical ways(deprivation of access to alcohol at home), but also reliable psychological support. It is not enough to get a person out of the vicious circle of "drink-withdrawal-drunk", you must continue to support it. Very important:

  • do not blame a loved one for addiction to alcohol;
  • do not blame the alcoholic for what happens to him;
  • do not forget that alcoholism is a disease;
  • do not raise once again voice;
  • do not state claims before the patient begins to understand their essence.

If you talk to the “patient” in a calm voice, without raising your tone and not breaking into hysterics, you can achieve no less results at home than when you place a drinking family member in a special clinic. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the moral support of the family and the comfort of home - all this in itself can be an argument thanks to which the drunkard will be able to bring himself out of the binge on his own.

Three ingredients for success

In principle, it is possible to provide an alcoholic with an exit to a normal healthy life quickly and efficiently. After the onset of the withdrawal syndrome, if he agrees to be treated, everything is done in three steps:

  1. Supporting the health of a hangover "patient" with medicines - stopping the symptoms of intoxication of the body, that is, headache, dehydration, pain in the liver, swelling.
  2. Strengthening the physical condition of the patient - fatty foods, heavy drinking, including decoctions and infusions, reasonable physical activity and healing sleep.
  3. Psychological therapy - patient attitude, understanding and sympathy, moral support of the family.

All three components are very important, since at home it is often not possible to get an alcoholic out of binge correctly, especially with a natural desire to speed up the process, and this can be a death sentence for a drinking person.

Binge drinking is a condition of a person who continuously consumes alcoholic beverages for a long period. Most often, the reason for drinking is dissatisfaction with one's life or experiencing difficult situations (dismissal, divorce, death of loved ones, etc.).

To get out of this state, willpower is needed, which only a few can boast of, therefore relatives often come to the rescue. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. It is best to contact a specialized clinic, but if the patient is categorically against it, you can try to get out of binge at home.

Steps to get out of drinking

  • Gastric lavage.
    For this procedure, mix 1 liter warm water, a teaspoon of soda and salt. The patient needs to consume this liquid, and then immediately induce vomiting.
  • Sobering.
    At this stage the best remedy- long sleep (up to 8 hours). If you can’t fall asleep on your own, you need to take sleeping pills.

Withdrawal from binge alone may not have a result if you do not know how to behave and what features this period has.

Self-exit from binge. Important:

  • do not criticize the patient, exclude swearing, scandals and reading morals, because in a state of binge a person is characterized by outbursts of rage against any negative verbal impact, and such a reaction will provoke an acute refusal to help;
  • the alcoholic should be taken out of binge gradually, reducing the amount and degree of alcoholic beverages;
  • exclude both physical and any other sudden stress on the body in the form of a hot bath, hypothermia for the purpose of quick sobering up, since the body is weakened and such effects can turn into a heart attack, stroke or other serious diseases;
  • limit the movement of the patient, provide bed rest and place him in a well-ventilated room;
  • alleviate the condition and bring the alcoholic out of binge will help proper nutrition. Spicy, fatty and salty foods should be excluded from the diet, and non-carbonated warm drinks should be preferred.

Traditional medicine - the best recipes for getting out of binge

Interested in how to get a person out of binge at home, you need to stock up on a lot of patience, choose the right behavior model and do whole line procedures. It is very important to give the patient a large amount of liquid to drink, which will in every possible way facilitate the general condition of the patient, because folk recipes- the best medicine to get out of binge at home.

Perhaps some of them will be completely unacceptable for a particular person, while alternative recipes are great, because it's all a matter of taste and the desire for a quick recovery. The main rule of any patient is to drink more, because the liquid contributes to the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

  • A decoction of herbs will help to quickly cure a person at home. It is necessary to take mint, St. John's wort, wormwood, chamomile, juniper berries, pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour. Drink at least 2 liters per day.
  • A decoction of oats fights well with a hangover syndrome. Take 1.5 liters of oats, fill it with water and leave on low heat for half an hour. After this, the broth must be filtered and add 100 grams of calendula, mix everything and leave to infuse for 12 hours. Drink one glass just before meals.
  • If the question is about how to get out of hard drinking at home, there is urgently a very good and affordable recipe - thyme infusion. In 400 grams of boiling water, add 3 tablespoons of thyme and leave for 2 hours. Give the patient a tablespoon 2 times a day. Thanks to this infusion, they are taken out of a painful state very quickly, since after drinking it, any alcohol will provoke vomiting and pain in the stomach. It takes at least a week to heal.
  • When women are looking for ways to get their husband out of drinking so that he does not know about her intentions, lemon will serve as the best assistant. Vitamin C reduces cravings for alcohol, and the reason for drinking this liquid can be called the prevention of colds. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 3 lemons, cut them into small pieces, add 1 liter of water and boil for 30 minutes, then drain and cool. Give the patient a drink as often as possible.
  • There is another effective recipe that will tell you how to get out of hard drinking at home. To prepare it, you need to mix 200 grams of kefir, 2 teaspoons of sugar and 0.5 teaspoons of salt. Drink in one gulp, after which the state of health will improve within 15 minutes.

There are many options for how to quickly get a person out of binge, but no method will have a lasting result if the patient himself does not want it. It is necessary to convince the patient that life without alcohol abuse is much more colorful and richer, because the main thing is his desire, his choice in favor of healthy lifestyle life.

The question of how to get a person out of hard drinking at home is quite relevant, since alcohol abuse is a very common problem that eventually develops into chronic form diseases.

Binge drinking is a condition provoked by the regular use of a large amount of alcoholic beverages, characterized by the need to detoxify the entire body. It is worth remembering that the question of how to get out of binge on your own is of concern not only to alcoholics, since such a condition can appear even in those people who do not have alcohol addiction.

Ways to get out of drinking

If a person has binge drinking, symptoms may include:

  • state of abstinence;
  • constant craving for alcohol of mental origin;
  • increased resistance of the body to the effects of alcohol.

Currently, the following methods of withdrawal from the state of binge can be used to treat alcoholism:

  • application folk methods And medical preparations at home;
  • calling a narcologist at home;
  • in stationary conditions, the interruption of hard drinking by a narcologist.

It is quite difficult to answer unambiguously the question of how to quickly get out of binge, since everything depends on the stage of development of alcoholism and general condition human body.

It should be remembered that a quick exit from hard drinking at home is possible only if its false form takes place. So how to get rid of true binge using folk ways, pretty hard. This can be done only when the binge is already approaching the end, and the patient himself begins to understand how great is the need to complete this lifestyle. At the middle stage of the true form of binge, when a person, while drinking, stops paying attention to his loved ones and the people around him, getting out of binge at home is almost impossible.

Thus, when the true form of binge takes place, the way out of this state is possible only with the help of a narcologist. In this case, treatment can be carried out both at home and in stationary conditions.

Conclusion from binge at home

Deciding on your own how to get your husband out of binge is not so difficult, since pharmacies currently offer a large number of drugs that stop this condition. These pharmaceuticals can be in the form of tablets and drops for internal use, and in the form of solutions for intravenous and intramuscular infusion. However, before using such drugs, you should consult with a specialist who will tell you how to stop binge more effectively in a particular case.

Many manufacturers of these drugs place catchy statements on the packages “get out of binge in 1 day”, but we must not forget that getting rid of this kind of addiction lasts longer than one day. As a rule, improvement occurs approximately 7 days after the start of therapy. Therefore, the patient should be set for a long rehabilitation.

The first stage of therapy is to cleanse the body of toxins, after which the treatment of the affected internal organs begins.

In most cases, the interruption of binge is carried out with the use of medications. First of all, you need to apply medicines to help flush out accumulated toxins. Only a doctor can prescribe how to stop drinking with the help of such means.

To remove toxins and normalize the water balance in the body, the following drugs are used:

  • Orasan, Gastrolit, Regidron (solutions for removing excess fluid);
  • succinic acid;
  • No-shpa;
  • Aspirin cardio;
  • Polysorb or Enterosgel;
  • Asparkam;
  • Triampur or Veroshpiron;
  • Phenibut;
  • ascorbic acid, multivitamin complexes (preferably with the content of vitamins B).

Conclusion from hard drinking folk remedies

After waking up, a person should be allowed to take a light solution inside. ammonia, no more than 4 drops per 1 glass of pure water. Such a remedy must be drunk in one gulp.

It is not necessary to specifically do a gastric lavage, provoking vomiting, however, if the patient develops nausea, one should not prevent the removal of contents from the stomach. After each vomiting process, it is necessary to drink 0.5 liters of water with the addition of 1 tsp of salt and soda. In order to suppress an attack of vomiting during the use of such a solution, you can swallow small pieces of ice.

After applying the ammonia solution and the end of vomiting, you should perform some water procedures. It is necessary to place a person in a bath and gently pour water from the shower into the back and neck area for 15 minutes. In this case, the water should not be hot and too cold. This procedure helps to normalize the heart rate and blood pressure, as well as cleanse the body. In addition, it will relieve nervous tension and calm the body. After taking a shower, you can put a person for a while in a bath filled with warm water. Further, it is recommended to take a contrast shower every 60 minutes.

After these procedures are completed, the patient must be placed on the bed in a well-ventilated room, and any container should be placed nearby in case of resumption of vomiting. Also, next to the bed, you should put a bowl of cold water and put a clean piece of cloth. Periodically, you need to moisten a towel with water and apply to the forehead. This will help reduce pain.

After that, you can give the patient a small amount of rich chicken broth. Until the condition is fully normalized, it is recommended to limit the amount of food consumed. Nutrition should be based on the use of lean fish, broth, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can switch to a regular diet only when a person’s appetite is restored and he himself wants to eat.

When all of the above procedures are carried out, the process of detoxifying the body and removing excess fluid should begin. Detoxification is the complete removal from the body of substances formed as a result of the breakdown of ethanol, which have a toxic effect on all internal organs, thereby disrupting the functioning of all systems. Rehydration implies not only the removal of excess fluid, but also the complete replenishment of the supply of water and salts that were removed during the period of drinking. In addition, it is necessary to completely restore the amount of trace elements, as they will be consumed very quickly during rehydration, which can lead to dehydration. Therefore, in the course of treatment, a large amount of liquid should be consumed, at least 3 liters of clean water per day.

Such a large amount of liquid is explained by the fact that strong diuretic and diaphoretic effects on the poisoned systems of internal organs are necessary in order to quickly and effectively remove all toxic substances from the body. Besides, pure water is able to replenish the reserves of trace elements and other useful substances, without which the normal functioning of the body is simply impossible.

In order to more quickly and effectively stop binge drinking in men, it is recommended to combine folk remedies With drug treatment.

It should be remembered that only a qualified specialist can answer the question of how to stop binge drinking. Even using folk methods, what is undesirable to do, you must first consult a doctor, since self-medication can provoke the development unpleasant consequences.