Shower      03/25/2019

How to prepare fertilizer from grass? Herbal infusion - the best plant nutrition

Green grass fertilizer is used to feed any plants when they want to cause rapid and abundant growth. It contains mainly nitrogen and potassium.

Preparing herbal supplements.

Liquid fertilizers from weeds can be used for watering under the root, and for spraying the leaves (foliar top dressing). Foliar top dressing helps to quickly eliminate the lack of nitrogen and potassium. It works faster than fertilizer applied to the soil.

Out-of-horse top dressing is carried out with an interval of 2-3 weeks in the first half of the growing season. The solution is prepared 2 times weaker than under the root.

How to make green manure

Prepare green manure like this. The container (plastic or enameled) is 1/3 filled with freshly cut chopped grass. Fill with water, but not to the top of the container, because. the liquid rises during fermentation. Cover and put in the sun.

For filling, they take any weeded weeds, cut thin green branches of trees and shrubs, including insecticidal ones (horseradish leaves, burdock, tansy, chamomile, etc.). The contents are stirred once a day.

After 10-15 days, the fertilizer is ready. For top dressing, take 1 liter of slurry per 10 liters of water (the color of weakly brewed tea). Only fermented mixture can be used. Plant residues are squeezed out and buried in trunk circles trees. You can dry the squeezes, burn and use the ashes as fertilizer.

In the tank, intensive fermentation begins.

How to water plants

The fermented liquid is introduced into the near-stem circle, previously watered with water.
Consumption rates:

  • - 20-30 liters of diluted green manure per tree
  • - up to 10 liters per bush
  • , pepper and other vegetables - 2-3 liters per plant.

To speed up the preparation of herbal fertilizer, you can add to the water soda ash(a glass per 100 liters of water) or baking soda (2 cups). The mixture will be ready earlier - in 8-10 days.

Before use, green manure can be enriched superphosphate (1 tablespoon of simple superphosphate per 10 liters of diluted fertilizer and potassium sulfate (1/2 tablespoon or 1-2 handfuls of ash per 10 liters). Superphosphate and potassium are pre-dissolved in a small amount hot water(60-70 degrees), after a few hours it is drained from the sediment and poured into the solution.

This liquid fertilizer contains all the vital elements for the plant in an easily digestible form. It is especially valuable for plants in the first half of summer (May - June). Repeat feeding after 10-15 days.

In the second half of summer, the interval between top dressing is increased to 20-25 days, the addition of superphosphate and potassium is doubled. From the second half of August, tree feeding is stopped, because. herbal fertilizer contains a lot of nitrogen, which can cause secondary growth of shoots, delay the ripening of shoots. Trees are poorly prepared for winter and may freeze slightly.

If insecticidal plants are used to prepare green manure, it also heals the soil.

From bad smell you can get rid of it by adding a few drops of valerian infusion and valerian leaves to the container.

The solution can be enriched by adding some aromatic herbs to the mixture (they contain volatile biologically active substances), onions, garlic, bird droppings, wood ash.

Reviews of gardeners about green fertilizer

All reviews are taken from the gardeners' forum

User Review Elol:

“We also have a compost pit, we regularly sprinkle it with lime and ash. But I prefer liquid green grass fertilizers - we soak the weeds in old buckets (we, however, have an old bath for this). The container should stand in the sun - then everything happens faster. We cover, because the smell from these fertilizers is very, very strong. And we are waiting. It will wander there and even gurgle for several days. And then you get a kind of greenish slurry. We shake it up, and add a jar to a bucket of water in the evening watering. It works great! Only a clothespin is needed on the nose - it’s very spirited. But plants really like it, especially peppers. We feed almost all cultures, so far I have not heard any contraindications. ”


“I want to try. How often should this fertilizer be watered?

“We water once every two weeks. But usually there is not enough “potion” for all the beds, so it turns out that first one half of the garden, and along the way, we “feed” the second. But I think so - it is possible more often, especially while the growing season is active. When the harvest is already close, we don’t feed anything at all, we stop all feeding at least two weeks before the harvest date. Even green fertilizers are still fertilizers!”

The address of the forum from which the reviews were taken:

Continuation of the topic:

Making fertilizer from weeds and grass is a convenient way to get a natural, harmless top dressing for crops growing in your garden. The composting method is usually used, but it takes 2-3 years. There is a faster option that allows you to get high-quality fertilizer in just a week - this is liquid top dressing in a barrel.

The advantages of this method are many:

  1. Liquid top dressing in a barrel matures fairly quickly, so soon after preparation you will be able to use ready-made organic fertilizer from weeds.
  2. Liquid fertilizer is absorbed by plants much faster than compost.
  3. Fertilizing with nitrogen quickly and effectively reduces the acidity of the soil, making it more comfortable for crops.
  4. Beneficial bacteria that decompose grass and weeds enter the soil along with fertilizer, where they continue their active work, increasing the nutritional value of the soil and protecting crops from damage by diseases and pests.

The applied top dressing has a prolonged effect: gardeners who used this technique note that the beds fed using this technology are characterized high yield several seasons.

The anaerobic conditions created in a barrel with fermenting natural fertilizer create a disinfecting effect, so any organic waste that is unsuitable for composting due to its potential harm (fall litter, diseased tops, weeds with seeds, etc.) can be placed in the container.

In an aggressive environment for them, all pathogens will die, and the seeds will decompose into fertilizer.

Weed Fertilizer is a natural nitrogen-containing top dressing that will allow you to saturate crops and soil necessary elements practically without financial costs, because the "raw materials" for her are always at the gardener's fingertips.

Cooking technology

Before filling the barrel with raw materials, it is necessary to choose the optimal place for its location. Usually the container is placed in the center of the garden - it is much more convenient to provide liquid weed dressing to all the beds that need it.

It is advisable to place the weed fertilizer barrel in a sunny place, heating its contents will significantly speed up the fermentation and fermentation processes.

For the preparation of top dressing, any barrels with tight-fitting lids are used. It is best to take plastic containers - they do not corrode and will last longer.

The volume of the tank can be from 50 to 200 liters.

  1. Install the barrel in the selected location.
  2. Fill the container at least halfway with raw materials. If you have enough weeds and cut grass, you can pour a full tank, then top dressing will be as concentrated and thick as possible. Raw materials can be put whole, but to speed up the preparation of top dressing, it is better to grind it.
  3. To increase the rate of preparation of top dressing from weeds and support the processes of natural fermentation, either any nitrogenous preparation, or a few drops of humate fertilizer, or 1 tbsp is added to the barrel. urea, or 1-3 liters of waste from the toilet.
  4. The barrel is filled with water (but not to the brim) and closed with a lid or polyethylene. It is important to provide an opportunity for the release of gases that are actively released during the fermentation process, leaving a small gap or making holes in the polyethylene. It is impossible to leave the barrel open, because in this case the nitrogen will oxidize and the decomposition processes will slow down.

All components of the finished fertilizer will find their application in your garden - the liquid part will serve as a nutritious top dressing for growing crops, and the semi-decomposed grass mass will be used for mulching cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, cabbage.

The video below shows in detail the process of preparing a nutritious top dressing from weeds and grass. With this detailed step by step instructions you can repeat the algorithm on your site and provide crops in your garden with useful liquid fertilizer and mulch:

Determine the readiness of the fertilizer

The speed of preparation of top dressing directly depends on weather conditions and the stage of production. At the initial loading of the barrel, fertilizer is usually done within 2 weeks.

On hot days, fermentation and fermentation processes are most active, so this period can be reduced to 1-1.5 weeks. When reloading the barrel with raw materials in the presence of "sourdough" at the bottom, the fertilizer will be ready after 4-7 days.

You can determine the readiness of fertilizer by a number of specific signs:

  1. Smell. A specific smell of a “cow barn” begins to emanate from a container with overripe grass.
  2. Color. The liquid acquires a rich greenish-brown color.
  3. Fermentation. Bubbles appear on the surface of the finished dressing, indicating active fermentation processes.

In the process of fermentation, vegetable raw materials decompose, releasing carbon dioxide and ammonia. Interacting with water, the latter forms ammonia- an incredibly useful compound for the soil, which is not found in either compost or cow dung.

How to apply liquid fertilizer?

The contents of the barrel must be thoroughly mixed with a pitchfork, and then they should catch all the herbal mass, carefully squeezing it over the bucket. The cake can be laid out on polyethylene and dried a little, or immediately wet mulched zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, or overlay near-stem circles of fruit trees.

The resulting nutrient liquid must be diluted with water 1: 1 and applied as a regular nitrogenous liquid top dressing. It is better to fertilize in the evening after watering.

Cucumbers and cabbage respond best to such top dressing: it is recommended to “treat” them after flowering and during the formation of ovaries, 10 liters of a diluted solution per week per bush. Peppers, tomatoes, strawberries and eggplants need 2 liters per week.

When 3-4 buckets of top dressing remain at the bottom of the barrel, you can start a new cycle by starting to fill the tank with fresh weeds and grass. When re-preparing liquid fertilizer, it ripens twice as fast. It is no longer necessary to add nitrogen-containing preparations - bacteria that have actively multiplied in water will cope well with their tasks without a mineral “helper”.

It is not worth overdoing it with nitrogenous natural fertilizer, otherwise the crops will “go away” into the tops and will not give big harvest. It is also recommended to stop useful watering closer to September, otherwise perennials fail to prepare for winter. Fruit trees and shrubs and it is generally better not to feed from the middle of summer.

With a nutritious infusion, you can abundantly shed the beds in the fall, after the crops are completely harvested from the beds - this way you will disinfect the soil and nourish it with nitrogen necessary for the spring growth of plants.

Even weeds can be useful in the garden and in the garden. Of these, you can prepare a natural organic fertilizer for planting. This will require a minimum of costs. But this process must be approached carefully so that top dressing brings only benefit, and not harm.

grass as fertilizer

Weeds consume and accumulate nutrients from the soil. In nature, they wither and rot right on the soil, again giving it all the elements - this is a natural process that maintains the fertility of the earth. Therefore, it can be safely taken into service when growing various crops in the garden or vegetable garden. But with some caveats:

  • The cut grass must be kept for some time to lose harmful ammonia. You can't fertilize fresh.
  • Weeds should be mowed or cut so that there are no roots in the feeding composition.
  • It is best not to wait for the seeds to form, as many of them can survive the winter and germinate next year.
  • You need to choose certain types of plants. Poisonous and sick will not do.

The only argument against using grass for fertilizer is that it is never possible to say exactly which elements and in what quantity are contained in the composition. Nitrogen-rich weeds grow on fertile soil, if you add more of them than necessary, then the yield may decrease, due to active growth shoots and leaves. Therefore, the measure should be observed.

Weeds suitable for the preparation of fertilizers grow on every plot. Their list is large and varied:

  • nettle;
  • woodlice;
  • lawn grass;
  • shepherd's bag;
  • dandelion;
  • burdock;
  • clover;
  • sedge;
  • blooming Sally.

One-component and combined fertilizers are prepared from them.

In addition to the availability of raw materials and the lack of financial costs, there is another plus to using such dressings - you do not need to figure out how to dispose of weeds.

Composition and properties

Weeds contain a complete set of macro- and microelements necessary for growth and development cultivated plants: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and others. They pull them out of the soil and partially accumulate. When decomposed, these substances are released and converted into a bioavailable form.

Ready herbal composition for fertilizer has the following properties:

  • Nourishes plants with nutrients.
  • Improves soil fertility.
  • Changes the structure of the soil, making it more loose and breathable.

Grass fertilizer is used different ways: they are introduced into the soil, the top layer of the earth is mulched, solutions are prepared and the stems and leaves are sprayed with them. This helps not only to provide plants with useful substances, but also improves their resistance to diseases. And foliar spraying from nettles repel pests.


Natural vegetable compost is prepared from 3-5 months to one and a half years. This process consists in the natural decay of the stems and leaves of weeds.

To obtain a fertilizer balanced in structure and composition, in addition to grass, you need to add hay, branches of trees and shrubs, sawdust ash, food waste plant origin, manure.

But that doesn't mean that everything will go together. There are also components undesirable for composting: diseased plants, weed seeds, food waste of animal origin, human and domestic animal feces.

Note! To neutralize the seeds on weeds, they are kept for 1-2 weeks in water.


To prepare compost, you need to make a box of boards or dig a hole in the ground. It is necessary to prepare the composition at a distance from wells and beds. A shaded corner of the site is best suited. Since the process is long, the ingredients can be added gradually.

Compost preparation rules:

  • Do not allow the composition to dry out, periodically add water.
  • Layers need to be mixed once a week, so the process will go faster.
  • Blend the ingredients before adding.
  • To keep the composition warm, you can add bird droppings to it.

Temperature and Humidity important factor, which affects the rate of preparation of the composition, the structure and size of the particles are also important. Therefore, it is difficult to name the exact time of readiness.

To determine that the fertilizer can already be used, the following signs will help:

  • Dark brown uniform color composition.
  • The presence of the smell of dry leaves, mushrooms or earth.
  • Crumbly, loose structure.
  • Earthworms appeared in the composition.
  • Fertilizer can be rolled into a tight ball.

An unpleasant smell of rot or mold indicates that the composition was prepared incorrectly, if mixing did not solve the problem, then it is better to throw the compost away.

How to apply compost

The finished mixture can be used in the spring, before planting, or in the fall, after harvesting in the garden. To do this, it is enough to distribute it on the surface of the earth and dig it up. The composition is also added to the wells during sowing seeds or planting seedlings.

It is good to feed the already planted plants in the garden with compost. To do this, it is mixed with top layer soil and water, or make a recess at a distance of 30 cm from a shrub or tree and put fertilizer in it.

liquid fertilizer

No less nutritious and healthy, but faster to prepare, grass fertilizer is liquid. It can be used within a few weeks after laying. Such compositions are prepared from one type of grass or several, in addition to them, other available ingredients are added: ash, manure, chicken manure, yeast.

For cooking, you will need a sealed container of a large volume. It is convenient to use a plastic barrel.

The method consists in the fermentation of the weed mass and the rapid release of nutrients from the leaves and stems. Top dressing is universal and suitable for any crops.

From the finished composition, a solution is made for irrigation (1 part of fertilizer per 10 parts of water) and spraying (1 part of fertilizer per 20 parts of water), and the pressed cake serves as raw material for mulching.

Note! If you do not completely empty the container with liquid fertilizer, but gradually add ingredients to it, then the process of preparing subsequent portions is accelerated.

Recipe number 1. Multi-component herbal infusion

Grind any weeds without roots and seeds and put them in a barrel, then pour water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Choose a sunny place for the container and cover it with a lid. Stir once every two days with a long stick. Twice a month, take out and wring out the old grass and lay a new one.

When the liquid turns dark green, the smell of ammonia and bubbling appear, the fertilizer is almost ready. As soon as the foam subsides, it can be applied.

Recipe number 2. Nettle infusion with manure and ashes

Nettle is not only rich in nutrients, but also improves the immunity of the plant and repels aphids. From her infusion, a solution is prepared for spraying leaves and root dressing.

Cooking. Grind nettle leaves and stalks and pour into a barrel for ⅔ of the volume. Add about 3 kg bird droppings or manure and the same wood ash. Fill the rest of the barrel with water. Infuse the remedy for 1-2 weeks. It is not recommended for onion crops.

Recipe number 3. With added yeast

Cooking. 100 gr. dissolve yeast in 20 liters of water. Add the resulting mixture to any herbal infusion and water the plants in the garden and garden with this composition.


Grass fertilizer is a complex, natural and completely free top dressing for garden and garden plants. It is simple to prepare and use. It is possible to improve the properties of weed mixtures by adding mineral fertilizers, eggshell, bone meal, ash, droppings and manure.

Not all summer residents have the opportunity or desire to buy organic fertilizers for fertilizing the garden. Not everyone wants to use mineral fertilizers due to the risk of nitrate accumulation.

But without top dressing you will not be able to get good harvest. What to do? Prepare liquid green grass fertilizer in a barrel. In terms of its nutritional value, it is not inferior to manure, it is easy to make, and it can be disposed of malicious weeds from your garden! And how do plants respond to top dressing with green fertilizer! They are growing and getting stronger right before your eyes!

Read how to make fertilizer from grass in a barrel, which herbs are best to use and how to feed plants with ready-made fertilizer.

So, in order to prepare liquid fertilizer from grass, pick up a barrel in which you will store top dressing.

  • It is better to take a plastic container that will not rust under the influence of herbal infusion, under metal barrel be sure to put wooden stand otherwise the metal bottom will quickly rust.
  • About two-thirds or half of the barrel is filled with grass and weeds, and all this is filled with water.
  • After that, the barrel must be covered plastic wrap, which should be secured with tape or rope. In the film itself, do a few small ventilation holes. Thanks to this, in a couple of days, fermentation processes will begin inside the barrel, similar to those that occur in the stomach of herbivores. The mixture in the barrel will turn yellow and foam. After a week and a half, the fertilizer will darken and be ready for use.

How to use liquid grass fertilizer:

This mixture can be used to fertilize the soil, as summer top dressing when watering.

Ready-made liquid grass fertilizer is very concentrated, it cannot be used in its pure form for top dressing. It is necessary to dilute it with water 1 to 10 and only after that to feed the plants.

The remaining grass mass can be used for beds.

It will be useful to use green manure in the fall and at the end of summer, when you will prepare land for spring plantings, watering them clean areas of the earth.

Herbs for making liquid fertilizer:

The mixture can be supplemented with various ingredients to make up for the lack of certain nutrients. useful substances in the ground.

  • To make up for the lack of nitrogen, add nettle, clover, quinoa, bean tops, mustard, radish, amaranth, wood lice and any other plants with a superficial root system to top dressing.
  • To eliminate the lack of phosphorus and potassium, add dandelions, comfrey, sweet clover, sorrel, gout, thistle and any other plants with a long tap root. The raw material itself can be ground together with the roots.

You can also prepare an infusion only from nettles in a barrel, you will get an unusually useful fertilizer.

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