Shower      06/29/2020

What are body massages? What types of massage exist - their classification and description. Rules of erotic massage and features of its implementation

Scientists explain the emergence of chemical elements with the Big Bang theory. According to her, the Universe was formed after the Big Bang of a huge fireball, which scattered particles of matter and energy flows in all directions. Although, if in the Universe the most common chemical elements are Hydrogen and Helium, then on the planet Earth it is Oxygen and Silicon.

Of the total number of known chemical elements, 88 such elements were found on Earth, among which the most common in the earth's crust are Oxygen (49.4%), Silicon (25.8%), also Aluminum (7.5%), Iron, Potassium and other chemical elements found in nature. These elements account for 99% of the mass of the entire Earth's shell.

The composition of elements in the Earth's crust differs from the elements in the mantle and core. So the core of the Earth consists mainly of iron and nickel, and the surface of the Earth is saturated with oxygen.

The most common chemical elements on earth

(49.4% in the Earth's crust)

Oxygen is used for breathing by almost all living organisms on Earth. Tens of billions of tons of oxygen are consumed every year, but it still does not decrease in the air. Scientists believe that green plants on the planet give off almost six times more oxygen than it is used up...

(25.8% in the Earth's crust)

The role of Silicon in the geochemistry of the Earth is enormous, approximately 12% of the lithosphere is silica SiO2 (all hard and strong rocks are one third of silicon), and the number of minerals that contain silica is more than 400. Silicon is not found on Earth in free form, only in compounds ...

(7.5% in the Earth's crust)

Aluminum does not occur in its pure form in nature. Aluminum is a constituent of granites, clays, basalts, feldspar, etc. and is contained in many minerals...

(4.7% in the Earth's crust)

This chemical element is very important for living organisms, as it is a catalyst for the respiratory process, participates in the delivery of oxygen to tissues and is present in blood hemoglobin. In nature, iron occurs in ore (magnetite, hematite, limonite and pyrite) and in more than 300 minerals (sulfides, silicates, carbonates, etc.)...

(3.4% in the Earth's crust)

It does not occur in its pure form in nature, it is found in compounds in the soil, in all inorganic binders, animals, plants and natural water. Calcium ions in the blood play important role in regulating the work of the heart, and allow it to clot in the air. With a lack of Calcium in plants, the root system suffers ...

(2.6% in the Earth's crust)

Sodium is distributed in the upper part of the earth's crust; it occurs in nature in the form of minerals: halite, mirabilite, cryolite and borax. It is part of the human body, human blood contains about 0.6% NaCl, due to which normal osmotic blood pressure is maintained. Animals contain more sodium than plants.

(2.4% in the Earth's crust)

It does not occur in pure form in nature, only in compounds, it is found in many minerals: sylvin, sylvinite, carnallite, aluminosilicates, etc. Sea water contains approximately 0.04% potassium. Potassium is rapidly oxidized in air and easily enters into chemical reactions. It is an important element in the development of plants, with its deficiency, they turn yellow, and the seeds lose their germination ...

(1.9% in the Earth's crust)

In nature, Magnesium is not found in its pure form, but it is part of many minerals: silicates, carbonates, sulfates, aluminosilicates, etc. In addition, there is a lot of Magnesium in sea water, groundwater, plants and natural brines ...

(0.9% in the Earth's crust)

Hydrogen is part of the atmosphere, all organic matter and living cells. Its share in living cells in terms of the number of atoms is 63%. Hydrogen is a part of oil, volcanic and natural combustible gases, some hydrogen is emitted by green plants. It is formed during the decomposition of organic substances and during the coking of coal ...

(0.6% in the Earth's crust)

It does not occur in nature in free form, often in the form of TiO2 dioxide or its compounds (titanates). It is found in soil, in animal and plant organisms and is part of more than 60 minerals. In the biosphere, titanium is resseyan, in sea water it is 10-7%. Titanium is also found in grains, fruits, plant stems, animal tissues, milk, chicken eggs and in the human body...

The rarest chemical elements on Earth

  • Lutetium(0.00008% in the Earth's crust by mass). To obtain it, it is isolated from minerals along with other heavy rare elements.
  • Ytterbium(3.310-5% in the Earth's crust by mass). Contained in bastensite, monazite, gadolinite, talenite and other minerals.
  • Thulium(2.7 .10−5 wt.% in the Earth's crust by mass). Like other rare earth elements, it is found in minerals: xenotime, monazite, euxenite, loparite, etc.
  • Erbium(3.3 g/t in the Earth's crust by mass). It is extracted from monazite and bastenite, as well as some rare chemical elements.
  • Holmium(1.3.10−4% in the Earth's crust by mass). Together with other rare earth elements, it is found in the minerals monazite, euxenite, bastenite, apatite, and gadolinite.

Very rare chemical elements are used in radio electronics, nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgy and the chemical industry, etc.

We all know that hydrogen fills our Universe by 75%. But do you know what other chemical elements are that are no less important for our existence and play a significant role in the life of people, animals, plants and our entire Earth? Elements from this rating form our entire Universe!

10. Sulfur (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.38)

This chemical element in the periodic table is listed under the symbol S and is characterized by atomic number 16. Sulfur is very common in nature.

9. Iron (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.6)

Denoted by the symbol Fe, atomic number - 26. Iron is very common in nature, it plays a particularly important role in the formation of the inner and outer shells of the Earth's core.

8. Magnesium (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.91)

In the periodic table, magnesium can be found under the symbol Mg, and its atomic number is 12. What is most surprising about this chemical element is that it is most often released when stars explode in the process of their transformation into supernovae.

7. Silicon (prevalence relative to silicon - 1)

Referred to as Si. The atomic number of silicon is 14. This gray-blue metalloid is very rare in the earth's crust in its pure form, but is quite common in other substances. For example, it can be found even in plants.

6. Carbon (abundance relative to silicon - 3.5)

Carbon in Mendeleev's table of chemical elements is listed under the symbol C, its atomic number is 6. The most famous allotropic modification carbon are one of the most coveted gemstones in the world - diamonds. Carbon is actively used in other industrial purposes more everyday purpose.

5. Nitrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 6.6)

Symbol N, atomic number 7. First discovered by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford, nitrogen occurs most commonly in the form of nitric acid and nitrates.

4. Neon (abundance relative to silicon - 8.6)

It is designated by the symbol Ne, the atomic number is 10. It is no secret that this particular chemical element is associated with a beautiful glow.

3. Oxygen (abundance relative to silicon - 22)

A chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8, oxygen is indispensable for our existence! But this does not mean that it is present only on Earth and serves only for human lungs. The universe is full of surprises.

2. Helium (abundance relative to silicon - 3.100)

Helium symbol is He, atomic number is 2. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, and its boiling point is the lowest among all chemical elements. And thanks to him, the balls soar up!

1. Hydrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 40.000)

The true number one on our list, hydrogen is listed under the symbol H and has atomic number 1. It is the lightest chemical element on the periodic table and the most abundant element in the entire known universe.

"The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity." - Harlan Ellison. After hydrogen and helium, the periodic table is full of surprises. Among the most amazing facts there is also the fact that every material we have ever touched, seen, interacted with is made up of the same two things: positively charged atomic nuclei and negatively charged electrons. The way these atoms interact with each other - how they push, bind, attract and repel, creating new stable molecules, ions, electronic energy states - in fact, determines the picturesqueness of the world around us.

Even if it is the quantum and electromagnetic properties of these atoms and their constituents that allow our Universe, it is important to understand that it did not begin with all these elements at all. On the contrary, she started almost without them.

You see, it takes a lot of atoms to achieve the variety of bond structures and build the complex molecules that underlie everything we know. Not in quantitative terms, but in diverse terms, that is, that there be atoms with a different number of protons in their atomic nuclei: this is what makes the elements different.

Our bodies need elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. Our Earth's crust needs elements such as silicon and a host of other heavy elements, while the Earth's core - in order to produce heat - needs elements from probably the entire periodic table that are found in nature: thorium, radium, uranium, and even plutonium.

But let's go back to the early stages of the universe - before the appearance of man, life, our solar system, to the very first solid planets and even the first stars - when all we had was a hot, ionized sea of ​​protons, neutrons and electrons. There were no elements, no atoms, and no atomic nuclei: the universe was too hot for all that. It wasn't until the universe expanded and cooled that there was at least some stability.

Some time has passed. The first nuclei merged together and did not separate again, producing hydrogen and its isotopes, helium and its isotopes, and tiny, barely distinguishable volumes of lithium and beryllium, the latter subsequently radioactively decaying into lithium. This is how the Universe began: in terms of the number of nuclei - 92% hydrogen, 8% helium and approximately 0.00000001% lithium. By weight - 75-76% hydrogen, 24-25% helium and 0.00000007% lithium. In the beginning there were two words: hydrogen and helium, that's all, one might say.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, the universe had cooled enough for neutral atoms to form, and tens of millions of years later, gravitational collapse allowed the first stars to form. At the same time, the phenomenon of nuclear fusion not only filled the Universe with light, but also allowed the formation of heavy elements.

By the time the first star was born, somewhere between 50 and 100 million years after the Big Bang, copious amounts of hydrogen had begun to fuse into helium. But more importantly, the most massive stars (8 times as massive as our Sun) burned their fuel very quickly, burning up in just a couple of years. As soon as the cores of such stars ran out of hydrogen, the helium core contracted and began to merge the three nuclei of an atom into carbon. It only took a trillion of these heavy stars in the early universe (which formed many more stars in the first few hundred million years) for lithium to be defeated.

And here you are probably thinking that carbon has become the number three element these days? This can be thought of as stars synthesize elements in layers, like an onion. Helium is synthesized into carbon, carbon into oxygen (later and at higher temperatures), oxygen into silicon and sulfur, and silicon into iron. At the end of the chain, the iron can't fuse into anything else, so the core explodes and the star goes supernova.

These supernovae, the stages that led to them, and the consequences enriched the Universe with the contents of the outer layers of the star, hydrogen, helium, carbon, oxygen, silicon and all the heavy elements that were formed during other processes:
  • slow neutron capture (s-process), sequentially lining up elements;
  • fusion of helium nuclei with heavy elements (with the formation of neon, magnesium, argon, calcium, and so on);
  • fast neutron capture (r-process) with the formation of elements up to uranium and beyond.

But we had more than one generation of stars: we had many of them, and the generation that exists today is built primarily not on virgin hydrogen and helium, but also on the remnants of previous generations. This is important, because without it we would never have solid planets, only gas giants made of hydrogen and helium, exclusively.

Over billions of years, the process of star formation and death has been repeated, with more and more enriched elements. Instead of just fusing hydrogen into helium, massive stars fuse hydrogen into C-N-O cycle, equalizing the volumes of carbon and oxygen (and slightly less nitrogen) over time.

Also, when stars go through helium fusion to form carbon, it's fairly easy to grab an extra helium atom to form oxygen (and even add another helium to oxygen to form neon), and even our Sun will do this during its red giant phase.

But there is one killer step in the stellar forges that takes carbon out of the cosmic equation: when a star becomes massive enough to initiate a carbon fusion - such is the need for a Type II supernova to form - the process that turns the gas into oxygen goes to failure, creating much more oxygen than carbon by the time the star is ready to explode.

When we look at supernova remnants and planetary nebulae - the remnants of very massive stars and sun-like stars, respectively - we find that oxygen outnumbers carbon in mass and abundance in each case. We also found that none of the other elements are heavier or come close.

So, hydrogen #1, helium #2 - there are a lot of these elements in the Universe. But of the remaining elements, oxygen holds a confident #3, followed by carbon #4, neon #5, nitrogen #6, magnesium #7, silicon #8, iron #9 and Wednesday completes the top ten.

What does the future hold for us?

Over a sufficiently long period of time, thousands (or millions) times the current age of the universe, stars will continue to form, either spewing fuel into intergalactic space or burning it as much as possible. In the process, helium may finally overtake hydrogen in abundance, or hydrogen will remain in first place if it is sufficiently isolated from fusion reactions. Over a long distance, matter that is not ejected from our galaxy can merge again and again, so that carbon and oxygen will bypass even helium. Perhaps elements #3 and #4 will shift the first two.

The universe is changing. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the modern universe, and in the very, very distant future, it will probably rise above hydrogen. Every time you breathe in the air and feel the satisfaction of this process, remember: the stars are the only reason for the existence of oxygen.

Of course, in our understanding, this is something of a single whole. But having its own structure and composition. This includes all celestial bodies and objects, matter, energy, gas, dust and much more. All this was formed and exists, regardless of whether we see it or feel it.

Scientists have long considered such questions: What formed such a universe? And what elements fill it?

Today we will talk about which element is the most common in the universe.

It turns out that this chemical element is the lightest in the world. In addition, its monatomic form makes up approximately 87% of the total composition of the universe. In addition, it is found in most molecular compounds. Even in water, or, for example, it is part of organic matter. In addition, hydrogen is a particularly important constituent of acid-base reactions.
In addition, the element is soluble in most metals. Interestingly, hydrogen is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.

In the process of studying, scientists called hydrogen a combustible gas.
As soon as it was not defined. At one time, he bore the name of giving birth to water, and then water-creating substance.
Only in 1824 it was given the name hydrogen.

Hydrogen makes up 88.6% of all atoms. The rest is mostly helium. And only a small part is other elements.
Consequently, stars and other gases contain mostly hydrogen.
By the way, again, it is also present in stellar temperatures. However, in the form of plasma. And in outer space it is represented in the form of molecules, atoms and ions. Interestingly, hydrogen is able to form molecular clouds.

Characterization of hydrogen

Hydrogen is a unique element because it does not have a neutron. It contains only one proton and an electron.
As stated, it is the lightest gas. It is important that the smaller the mass of molecules, the higher their speed. Even the temperature doesn't affect it.
The thermal conductivity of hydrogen is one of the highest among all gases.
Among other things, it is highly soluble in metals, which affects its ability to diffuse through them. Sometimes the process leads to destruction. For example, the interaction of hydrogen and carbon. In this case, decarbonization occurs.

The advent of hydrogen

It originated in the universe after the Big Bang. Like all chemicals. According to theory, in the first microseconds after the explosion, the temperature of the universe was above 100 billion degrees. What formed the bond of three quarks. In turn, this interaction created a proton. Thus, the nucleus of the hydrogen atom arose. During the expansion, the temperature dropped and quarks formed protons and neutrons. So, in fact, hydrogen appeared.

In the interval from 1 to 100 seconds after the formation of the universe, part of the protons and neutrons combined. Thus forming another element, helium.
In the future, the expansion of space and, as a result, the decrease in temperature suspended the connecting reactions. Importantly, they re-launched inside the stars. This is how atoms of other chemical elements were formed.
As a result, it turns out that hydrogen and helium are the main engines for the formation of other elements.

Helium is generally the second most abundant element in the universe. Its share is 11.3% of the total outer space.

helium properties

It, like hydrogen, is odorless, colorless and tasteless. In addition, it is the second lightest gas. But its boiling point is the lowest known.

Helium is an inert, non-toxic and monatomic gas. Its thermal conductivity is high. According to this characteristic, it again ranks second after hydrogen.
Helium production is carried out by separation at low temperature.
Interestingly, helium was previously considered a metal. But in the process of studying, it was determined that it was a gas. Moreover, the main part of the universe.

All elements on Earth, with the exception of hydrogen and helium, were created billions of years ago by the alchemy of stars, some of which are now inconspicuous white dwarfs somewhere on the other side of the Milky Way. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies are created in the core of shrinking stars.

We are made from star matter.
Carl Sagan

Applying elements

Mankind has learned how to extract and use chemical elements for its own benefit. So hydrogen and helium are used in many fields of activity. For example, in:

  • Food Industry;
  • metallurgy;
  • chemical industry;
  • oil refining;
  • electronics manufacturing;
  • cosmetic industry;
  • geology;
  • even in the military sphere, etc.

As you can see, these elements play an important role in the life of the universe. Obviously, our very existence directly depends on them. We know that every minute there is growth and movement. And despite the fact that they are individually small, everything around is based on these elements.
Truly, hydrogen and helium, as well as other chemical elements, are unique and amazing. Perhaps it is impossible to argue with this.

Massage- This is a physiotherapeutic procedure, which consists in a mechanical effect on the body through the skin. The massage includes basic techniques such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration and patting. This effect on the muscles irritates the nerve endings, which, in turn, send impulses to the brain.
The effect of massage on the body is difficult to overestimate. Its foundations came to us from ancient times. Gradually developing and supplementing with new data, massage techniques were perfected to perfection, which affected the degree of its therapeutic effect.

There are a huge number of various massage techniques. It is carried out with hands, feet, banks, stones and special devices.

First of all, massage is prescribed for problems with the musculoskeletal system, since during mechanical action the main load goes to the muscles and spine. After a course of massage, pain in the problem area disappears, muscles become more elastic, flexibility and mobility return.

But massage affects not only the muscular system. The resulting reflex response also affects the work of internal organs, improving their work.

  • Such physiotherapy is indispensable for problems with the immune system. Massage not only improves well-being, it stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes sleep and strengthens the body's natural defenses. It has been proven that people who regularly undergo massage courses get sick much less often. And if the disease still could not be avoided, then it proceeds in a much milder form.
  • Improving the functioning of the respiratory system also helps to strengthen the immune system. Due to the fact that breathing becomes deeper during the massage, the stiffness of the muscles of the thoracic region disappears, all internal organs are better enriched with oxygen.
  • In addition, there is an expansion of blood vessels, due to which blood circulation improves, which in turn has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. After a massage session, the number of capillaries in the cross section of muscles increases significantly. This facilitates the movement of blood through the arteries and improves venous outflow. At the same time, such changes occur not only in a specific massaged area of ​​the body, but also at distant points.
  • Massage has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. After physical impact on the skin, not only the supply of oxygen to tissues improves, but also the removal of decay products, and primarily lactic acid, is accelerated.
  • Massage is also indispensable for problems with the digestive tract. It stabilizes his work due to the reflex improvement of intestinal motility. Therefore, such a physiotherapeutic effect is necessary primarily for people suffering from constipation and other disorders of the intestines.

Massage ranks first among a large number of rehabilitation procedures. With its help, you can influence both individual organs and problem areas, and the entire body as a whole.

The history of the development of massage

Among researchers, there are still disputes about where the word “massage” came from. Some argue that the Greek designation "masso" - "to squeeze with the help of hands" became the source. Others argue that this is originally french word"masser", interpreted as "to rub". There are other versions of the origin of this concept. But all of them only confirm that the history of the development of massage has more than one century.

Massage in the ancient world

Treatment by mechanical action on the skin is a method of therapy that has been proven by centuries of practice. Its origins go back to ancient times. The first mention of massage was found on rock paintings. They depicted people rubbing each other. In addition, during the excavations, jars were found that once contained ointments mixed with medicinal herbs, which also indicates the use of this method of treatment.

In India, massage was originally used as a treatment and prevention of many diseases. Then his techniques firmly entered all everyday spheres of life. There were also traditions associated with this method of influencing the body. There is a custom to massage the bride and groom before the wedding. It was in India that children's massage first appeared and began to develop.
A feature of Indian teachings in this area was the combination of classical massage and sauna. First, the skin was moistened with steam, the pores were opened, after which the procedure itself began. It included not only the classic kneading of the body, but also rubbing all kinds of essential oils into the skin.

Treatment by mechanical action on the skin is a method of therapy that has been proven by centuries of practice.

As for China, the first schools appeared in this country, which taught the art of massage. Later, the first institute specializing only in this direction was created there. It was thanks to the Chinese clergy who dealt with this issue that the “amma” technique was developed and has survived to this day - the impact on certain points.
It is from here that acupuncture therapy, which is very popular in our time, originates - treatment with the help of special needles that are placed only at strictly defined points.

It is from here that acupuncture therapy, which is very popular in our time, originates - treatment with the help of special needles that are placed only at strictly defined points.

The amma technique was also widely used in Japan. Here it became the starting point for the development of Japanese technology. manual massage- shiatsu. Specialists in this field with the help of acupressure can not only affect problem areas of the body, but also treat whole line diseases.

Not spared massage and ancient Egypt. Judging by the ancient bas-reliefs, you can see that foot massage was very popular in this country. In addition, it was in Egypt that great attention was paid to this technique from the point of view of cosmetology. During the excavations, a large number of jugs were found with traces of all kinds of oils and rubbing.

Developing more and more, massage techniques gradually penetrated from the East to European countries.

The Development of Massage in the Middle Ages

But not always and not everywhere massage enjoyed such popularity. In a number of European countries, this procedure was equated with a kind of "carnal pleasures", which automatically ranked it as one of the worst sins. Massage was performed only by healers, this knowledge was passed secretly from generation to generation.

But not everything was so difficult everywhere. For example, in Ancient Rus' such a mechanical effect on the body was practiced for rheumatism and bruises. The famous tapping with a broom in the baths was also widespread. In this case, the massage was combined with therapeutic effect oak and birch leaves.

In Europe, the surgeon Ambroise Pare made a great contribution to the development of massage. He treated not only kings. His patients were not only kings. The famous doctor also practiced on courtiers. It was he who proposed the classification of massage, which we still use today.

Modern history of massage

The first serious publication on massage was published in 1780 by the physician Koemen Joseph Tissot. In his work, he collected all the data that was known at that time. Massage has been widely used in sports and traumatology.

The therapist Heinrich Ling, who is considered the founder of the "Swedish" system, was also involved in research. The result of his research was the scientific publication "General Foundations of Gymnastics", where he collected the results of all his experiments.

In Holland, Georg Metzger was actively involved in the development of massage techniques. He built his theories based on knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. Later, his research was widely disseminated in America and Germany.

Massage became more and more popular. It began to be taught in those institutions that trained paramedical personnel.

Under medical supervision, trained nurses massaged patients suffering from rheumatism and gout.

A great impetus for the development of massage techniques was the First World War. In hospitals, the method of mechanical action on the muscles was widely used in the rehabilitation of the wounded. The need for qualified specialists grew, and the number of educational institutions preparing the necessary personnel also grew.

In peacetime, sports achievements and the Olympics became an incentive for the further development and improvement of massage techniques. More and more people began to talk about sports massage and its role in the preparation of athletes.

At the end of the last century, massage firmly entered traditional medicine and began to be perceived not only as a cosmetic procedure, but also as an effective tool in the treatment of many diseases.

Indications for massage

For a healthy person, a massage session will bring a charge of vivacity and good mood. And also it will be a good prevention of diseases. musculoskeletal system.

In addition, massage is prescribed for many diseases of internal organs and systems.

In neurology, massage techniques are used for neuritis and neuralgia, migraine. Relaxing massage is recommended for insomnia and other sleep disorders.

This type of therapy is also widely used in the presence of intervertebral hernias. The main condition for this is that massage is not prescribed during the period of exacerbation, otherwise such an effect can cause significant harm to the body.

Another application in the field of neuroscience is the mandatory inclusion of massage in the list of rehabilitation procedures after a stroke. Very often, an acute violation of cerebral circulation leads to complete or partial paralysis of the limbs. In this case, massage is an indispensable factor in restoring mobility in the arms and legs.

As for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, here massage is used for problems with posture, with increased salt deposition, arthritis and osteochondrosis. It can also be prescribed for chronic pain in the spine caused by its degenerative-dystrophic changes.

It is probably difficult now to name the area of ​​medicine in which massage would not be used. It is used both in rehabilitation and in the direct treatment of the disease.

In traumatology, massage is used during the rehabilitation period after fractures, accompanied by bruising and rupture of muscle fibers. The main task of massage in this case is to improve the nutrition of tissues, which contributes to the speedy restoration of their functions.

Massage is widely used in orthopedics. It is indispensable for flat feet, clubfoot, hip dysplasia. This method of treatment is especially relevant in childhood, when the skeleton is still only and many problems can be solved without resorting to more complex techniques.

In general therapeutic practice, massage is prescribed for angina pectoris, fluctuations in blood pressure, and rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. They also resort to it for diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, constipation), metabolic disorders (problems with excess weight), and diabetes.

It is probably difficult now to name the area of ​​medicine in which massage would not be used. It is used both in rehabilitation and in the direct treatment of the disease. Correct selection necessary technicians in combination with drug therapy, it contributes to the rapid cure of even the most severe pathologies.

Contraindications for the purpose of massage

Despite its certainly beneficial effect on the body, there are a number of contraindications for prescribing this type of treatment.

Massage is not performed in the presence of cancer. Improving blood circulation can provoke further tumor growth.

Do not prescribe massage and exacerbation of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This applies to a sharp fluctuation in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances and heart failure.

Mechanical action on the skin is contraindicated in the presence of pustular formations on them and other inflammatory processes. There is a high risk of infection and the development of a spilled process on the skin.

An absolute contraindication for the appointment of massage are diseases of the hematopoietic organs. Improving microcirculation can provoke an exacerbation of the process and cause extensive bleeding.

It is impossible to carry out physiotherapy in the presence of an acute infectious or viral process in the body. Especially if this condition is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Failure to comply with these rules can adversely affect the patient's health and instead of benefit, massage will only bring significant harm to the body.

Massage rules

There are a number of features that you need to know and observe when carrying out a mechanical effect on the patient's body.

  • Massage is carried out in a warm room, 30-40 minutes after eating. If the treatment is carried out in a hospital, then you can not take the patient immediately after the dropper or other medical procedures.
  • Massage is carried out in accordance with the system to which it refers. If you follow the rules of the Russian school, then in this case all movements go from the periphery to the center, that is, the limbs are massaged first, and only then the torso.
  • It is strictly forbidden to influence the genital area, the projection of the kidneys, in the inguinal, elbow and popliteal folds.
  • The patient's body should be relaxed, massage should be enjoyable. Psycho-emotional arousal, excessive muscle tension is a contraindication for a massage session.
  • The hands of a specialist should be warm, the massage should not cause discomfort. A special cream or oil is applied to the skin, making it easier to slide the hands over the body.

Compliance with all the rules increases the effectiveness of the procedure and contributes to the rapid elimination of the pathological process.

The effect of massage on the body

Massage is one of the most famous ways of influencing the body as a whole. It helps not only to relax and rejuvenate. With its help, many diseases are treated, including those that were previously considered practically incurable.

The mechanical effect on the body through the skin not only improves blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. Massage helps to strengthen the immune system, speeds up the metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the back muscles and soothes increased excitability. Due to its ability to accelerate metabolic processes, regular massage sessions help to reduce excess weight and removal of toxins from the body.

Massage is also necessary for those who want a beautiful figure. There are many types of cosmetic types of such effects. It is widely used in the fight against cellulite, while the skin becomes firm and elastic.

All kinds of wraps and peels, widely used in cosmetology, lose almost half of their effectiveness if they were not backed up by massage of problem areas.

Face and head massage tones the skin, accelerates its regeneration processes and improves appearance. In addition, head massage is an excellent remedy for increased excitability. It helps to relax and relieve nervous tension.

The mechanical impact on the body has a very different effect on the functioning of the body. At the same time, changes can concern both general reactions and conditions, and individual organs and systems.

  • Metabolism. During massage, blood circulation is accelerated by approximately 30%. At the same time, the kidneys and skin begin to actively remove lactic acid, which leads to an improvement in metabolism. Metabolism also improves due to the production of special hormones, which occurs when the skin is irritated. This process is the humoral factor of the massage.
  • Nervous system. Depending on what type of exposure is used (relaxing or intense), relaxation or toning of the nervous system occurs. The neuro-reflex factor of massage is based on this. Mechanical action on the skin causes irritation of nerve endings. Transmitted through neurons, the received impulses reach the cerebral hemispheres, where an adequate response to such stimulation is formed.
  • Musculature. Massage is a direct physical effect on human muscles. During intensive massaging, the number of working capillaries increases, tissues begin to be more actively supplied with oxygen. Thanks to this, the muscular system improves, and its adaptive properties increase.
  • Joints and ligaments. By improving the outflow of lymph, massage sessions help reduce swelling in the tissues surrounding the joint. There is also an improvement in the removal of decay products from the tissues formed when they are damaged. Such a complex effect helps to restore joint mobility and is a good prevention of diseases of the ligamentous apparatus.
  • Leather. The effect of massage on the skin is difficult to overestimate. During the session, dead cells are removed, blood circulation in small capillaries improves. This complex improves skin nutrition, it receives more oxygen. Regular massage sessions help to maintain the elasticity of the skin and its attractive appearance.

Massage classification

As for the division of massage into types and subtypes, there are a huge number of them. Almost every country has its own division system for this type of physiotherapy. Consider the most popular classification used in classical medicine.

  • By the strength of the impact. Depending on the force with which the pressure on the muscles occurs, there are superficial, medium and deep massage. Deep massage has a calming effect on the nervous system and affects the internal organs. Surface massage improves metabolism and tones up the main processes in the body.
  • By pace. Massage is divided into fast, medium and slow. In the latter case, it has a calming and relaxing effect on the body. The same effect is achieved with an average pace of the procedure. With a quick massage, the nervous system is stimulated.
  • By the nature of the impact. Basically, this includes the variety of techniques with which you can influence the patient's body. These are stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibration and others. Almost all types of massage include complexes of such effects in one combination or another.
  • By methods of implementation. With this classification, massage is divided into manual (when the specialist works only with his hands) and hardware (special devices are used). In addition, massage effects on the body can be carried out with the feet, which is typical for oriental medicine or with the help of accessories(can massage). For various diseases, both a separate type of mechanical effect on the skin, and a combination of various methods can be used.
  • By purpose. This criterion implies the division of massage according to the purpose of its purpose. General, therapeutic, classical, sports and other types of effects on the patient's body are distinguished.

Depending on the problem with which the person turned to the specialist, the appropriate type of massage will be selected.

Systematization of massage

Throughout the centuries-old history of the development of massage, several systems have developed that have become widespread throughout the world. The most famous of them - Finnish, Swedish and Russian - belong to the European school of massage. No less popular Korean and Thai systems are part of the Eastern school. Let us consider in more detail the features of each of the existing systems.

Swedish system

It includes several basic techniques: rubbing, kneading and stroking. A feature of this system is that about 30% of the total massage time is the development of movements in the joints. That is why this system has become so widespread in the sports environment.

A feature of the Swedish school of massage is the strength of its effect on the patient's muscles. This is a deep massage, which is aimed at stretching the neurovascular bundles. During the session, the specialist conducts a complete palpation diagnosis of the patient's condition, determines the presence and localization of pathological seals. The massage program is developed separately for each patient, depending on the results of the examination.

The sequence of treated areas also differs. Massage goes from bottom to top - sequentially from the foot to the shoulder. The classical school offers a different focus when working with the patient's body.

Russian system

This school is fundamentally different from all others. It includes many techniques that replace each other. This allows you to save the effort of a specialist. In this case, the main method of influence is the kneading technique. It helps to improve the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, which is especially important during heavy physical exertion.

All techniques used in the Russian system are distributed in accordance with the anatomical structure and disease of the patient.

According to the same principle, the pace and depth of the massage are distributed.

Another feature of this school is the complexity of the impact. A large number of The methods used allow us to solve many problems at the same time. Changing the speed of the massage therapist and the depth of pressure on the body affects both the internal organs and the skin.

Finnish system

This system is somewhat similar to the Swedish one, but at the same time there are significant differences. As in the Swedish school, massage is carried out from the bottom up. But the pressure is carried out only with the help of the pads of the thumbs.

Due to the poverty of the techniques used (basically it is only rubbing), this system has not received such wide distribution as the two above. IN Lately in the Finnish school, the kneading technique, which entered it from the Swedish system, also began to be used.

Eastern system

She has a number of features that are unique to her. The main difference can be called the fact that when massaging is carried out not only with the help of hands, but also with the help of legs. For maximum contact with the patient's body, and, consequently, for a deeper effect, no oils and special creams are used during the massage.

The main task of oriental massage can be considered the release of tissues from decay products, which makes them more elastic.

In addition to the classical techniques used in European massage, the Eastern school also includes limb twisting. Despite the variety of methods of influence used in this technique, massaging is always carried out with great pressure.

This allows you to maximize the development of problem areas and contributes to the rapid recovery of the body.

The school of oriental massage also includes meridional massage, the teaching of which is based on the concept of meridians along which energy moves. The impact is on biologically active points located along the meridian.

Pressure on certain points is widely used in acupressure, which is also widespread in the East. In this case, massage can be carried out both with hands and with special devices.

Types of massage

As mentioned above, massage is divided not only by the pace and depth of exposure, but also by the purpose of its implementation. Below are the most common types of this method of physiotherapy.

Classic massage

The purpose of this type of effect on the body is to improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of internal organs and activate the immune system. Improving metabolism ensures the removal of toxins and improves skin elasticity.

Classical massage is a good prophylactic to prevent the development of many diseases. The set of techniques used in this case (stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping) allows you to immediately act on large groups muscles and internal systems.

The main methods of classical massage include the following methods of exposure.

  • Stroking. This is the main technique with which any massage begins. Movements should be smooth and calm. Stroking has a relaxing effect, as if preparing the patient's body for further exposure.
  • Trituration. This technique is designed to improve blood flow to problem areas, due to which softening of scars and other seals occurs.
  • Squeezing. Performed inside palm or fist. The main task is to improve blood circulation and lymph outflow.
  • Vibration. Thanks to this method of exposure, the work of the neuromuscular apparatus improves and muscle spasm is relieved.
  • Kneading. This technique improves muscle tone. The depth of exposure helps to stimulate the withdrawal of lactic acid and other decay products.
  • Pat. One of the most deep ways impact. It is aimed at stimulating the work of internal organs.


This is one of the most effective methods of treatment, actively used in physiotherapy. It is prescribed at all stages of treatment, but it becomes most effective in the rehabilitation stage.

In combination with the main method of treatment, medical massage enhances the effect of drugs and stimulates the process of tissue repair.

Depending on the area of ​​influence, therapeutic massage is divided into the following subspecies.

  • Gynecological. Reduces the tone of the uterus, improves blood circulation in the pelvis. Widely used in postoperative period, as it is a good prophylactic that prevents the development of adhesions. Improves postpartum recovery, increases libido.
  • Urological. It is used for diseases of the prostate, seminal vesicles and pathological processes of the urinary system.
  • Dermatological. It is prescribed for inflammatory skin diseases. By improving blood circulation and lymph outflow, regenerative processes are improved and the process of excretion of decay products is accelerated.
  • Ophthalmic. It is used for problems with the oculomotor nerve and a functional decrease in vision. Improving blood circulation contributes to the solution of many ophthalmic problems.
  • Dental. Recommended for pathology of the maxillofacial region. In this case, the massage is carried out both with hands and with the help of special equipment.
  • Otolaryngological. It is prescribed for diseases of the ENT organs. The area of ​​the neck and face is subjected to massage. In otolaryngology, in addition to classical massage, acupressure is widely used.
  • Logopedic. It is used for speech disorders, widely used in childhood. The impact is carried out on the chewing and articulatory muscles. Due to their constant stimulation, the speech apparatus develops and speech therapy problems are solved.

The peculiarity of therapeutic massage is that only a qualified specialist can prescribe it after a thorough examination of the whole organism.

Sports massage

This is a special kind of direction in the massage school. It has a deeper effect on all muscle groups. It is truly indispensable both in preparing an athlete for the upcoming competition, and during the recovery period after an injury.
Depending on the goals, there are several specific subtypes of this massage.

  • Preliminary. The main task of such a massage is to prepare the athlete's body as much as possible for the upcoming loads. The intensive massage technique used here stimulates the nervous system, contributing to the release of adrenaline. As a result, stress is relieved, and the athlete is more prepared for high loads.
  • Training. Mandatory included in the complex of training before the competition. The main direction of such a massage is the maximum preparation of those areas that are subjected to the main load - for example, in the preparation of swimmers, special attention is paid to the hands.
  • Recovery (rehabilitation). It is used after the completion of all loads, helps to restore overstressed muscle groups. Stimulation of blood circulation contributes to the rapid healing of microtraumas.

Sports massage helps to reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, resorption of swelling and bruising. Also, its task is to strengthen the muscle corset and prevent atrophy of those muscle groups that are not involved in the main workouts.

Children's massage

Massage used in pediatrics combines key points classical and therapeutic massage. Its main difference is that when exposed to a child's body, there is a fairly large range of restrictions and contraindications. That is why children's massage is distinguished into a separate subspecies.

Massaging a child strengthens his immunity and is used in the complex therapy of a number of diseases.

Massage is widely used in pediatric orthopedics. It helps to correct the problems of flat feet and clubfoot in a child. Corrects posture and corrects curvature of the spine.

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of massage on the development of the child. Muscles are closely related to the central nervous system. When the muscle fibers are stimulated, the received impulses are transmitted through the neurons to the brain. Thanks to this, not only the physical, but also the psycho-emotional development of the baby improves.

Segmental reflex massage

This massage differs from other subtypes by its impact on certain parts of the spinal cord and the technique of its implementation.

As for the techniques used in this type of massage, in addition to the main ones used in the classical technique, stretching, sawing, shaking, squeezing and others are used here.

According to the mechanism of action, several directions of this type of massage can be distinguished.

  • Connective tissue. Based on the impact on the reflex zones, which are located in the connective tissues. It is carried out with 3-4 fingers, the main technique is to shift the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Segmental. It is based on the doctrine that any disease entails a change not only in the damaged organ, but also in certain parts of the body innervated by a certain area of ​​the spinal cord.
  • Periosteal. It consists in the impact on bone protrusions and the most clearly marked places of attachment of tendons and muscles.

With segmental-reflex massage, oriental acupressure techniques are widespread.

Psychobiostructural massage

This is a special type of massage, which includes European and Oriental schools. Its main feature can be considered the inclusion in one session of more than 50 types of techniques used in massaging the body. This completely eliminates any repetition.

This subtype is mainly included in the complex of cosmetic and sports massage. With regard to the mechanisms of influence, the following can be attributed to the main ones.

  • Myostructural. Helps to form muscles, helps to increase muscle endurance.
  • Neurosedative. It has a relaxing effect, relieves increased irritation.
  • Lymphatic drainage. Promotes the removal of lactic acid and other decay products.

Cosmetic massage

used as effective remedy to keep the skin in good condition. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, relieves puffiness, fights cosmetic imperfections.

There are several varieties of this massage.

Preventive helps to moisturize the skin. By increasing blood circulation, its nutrition improves and oxygen saturation increases. It is a good prophylactic for early skin aging, improves its appearance.

Therapeutic and cosmetic is used for existing problems with the skin. Effectively fights cellulite, stretch marks, excess weight. Promotes the removal of personal fluid, due to which the correction of the figure is carried out.

Plastic is carried out in order to restore tone and increase skin elasticity. noted good result in the fight against deep wrinkles and other cosmetic imperfections.

Cosmetic massage can be performed at any age. For those who are not yet 30 years old, this good way prevention of the first signs of aging, mimic wrinkles. Therapeutic and cosmetic massage is prescribed at a more mature age and fights well with irreversible changes in the skin.

For the elderly a good remedy fight against age-related changes becomes a plastic massage, which not only improves the appearance of the skin, but also improves its regenerative functions.

Hardware massage

Massaging problem areas is carried out not only with the help of hands, but also with the help of special equipment or devices. Widespread vacuum massage, which is a good preventive and therapeutic tool in the fight against cellulite. Honey massage has the same effect, which restores the contour of the body and improves the appearance of the skin.

Cryomassage (using nitrogen) is prescribed for problems with the skin of the face. Effectively fights small inflammatory processes, improves trophism, stimulates the improvement of blood circulation in small capillaries.

In physiotherapy, hydromassage (underwater, Charcot's douche, circulation) is widely used. This type of impact on the body is unusually popular for pathologies of the spinal column. It accelerates recovery after an illness, improves mobility in damaged joints. By relieving pressure from the strangulated nerve roots, pain relief occurs with hernias and other dystrophic changes spinal column.

Ultrasonic massage. It is actively used in cosmetology and physiotherapy. Due to the high penetrating power of vibration waves, ultrasound massage allows you to effectively deal with the manifestations of "orange peel" and other skin imperfections. In physiotherapy, this type of massage is used in combination with medicines. Ultrasound helps the substance penetrate deep into the cells, which significantly increases its effectiveness.

Baromassage. To carry it out, it is necessary special chamber. The impact is carried out by changing the air pressure in the pressure chamber. It is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system and pathologies of the spinal column.

There are still quite a few different types of hardware massage, but all of them are carried out only under the supervision of qualified specialists.

Self massage

Not everyone has the opportunity to contact a specialist immediately after the occurrence of some pathological processes in the body. Therefore, the technique of self-massage at home is becoming more widespread. This is a simple procedure that can be carried out without assistance. outsiders. It is only important to know a number of certain rules.

  • Massage of the limbs is carried out in the direction from the bottom up, that is, from the fingertips to the shoulder or thigh.
  • All movements are carried out smoothly, they should not cause pain. It is better to moisturize the skin with a cream or oil beforehand.
  • After self-massage, it is not recommended to get up immediately after it ends. Massaging the skin and muscles has a warming effect. To preserve it, it is recommended to lie down for 5-10 minutes under a warm blanket.

Self-massage can be carried out to alleviate the condition for any disease and for cosmetic purposes. Self-massage of the face is very popular among women. It allows you to improve the contours of the face, remove puffiness and effectively fights other age-related changes.

Comprehensive treatment with massage and other physiotherapy methods

Massage refers to a complete method of treatment used in physiotherapy. It is used as an independent method of treatment, and in combination with other procedures.

The mechanical effect on the body can be combined with the following types of physiotherapy.

  • magnetotherapy, in which magnetic waves of various frequencies are used;
  • inhalation, which is especially effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • ultrasound therapy, widely used for dystrophic changes in the spinal column;
  • electrotherapy, which includes darsonval, electrosleep and others effective methods that allow you to deal with many pathologies;
  • oxygen therapy, popular during pregnancy in women. In combination with a relaxing massage, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mother, and, consequently, on the unborn child.

It is not recommended to combine massage and UV irradiation, as well as the adoption of galvanic and radon baths. And the load on the spine during water traction is also contraindicated. This can lead to overstrain of the joints and ligaments, which is fraught with adverse consequences.

In the case when, in addition to massage, electrotherapy was prescribed, it is recommended to first massage the body and only then contact a physiotherapist.

The appointment of massage in conjunction with other types of physiotherapy allows you to achieve maximum effect in the shortest possible time. And if at the same time a course of drug therapy is additionally carried out, then you can be sure of getting rid of the developed disease as soon as possible.

Today, massage is the most effective way treatment of many diseases. It is widely used in sports, cosmetology, medical practice and other fields. Despite the centuries-old history of development and the accumulated baggage of knowledge, his technique does not stand still. In this area, new studies are constantly emerging that allow us to successfully treat those pathologies that were previously considered hopeless.

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