Well      06/12/2019

How to repair a scratch on a parquet board with your own hands: ways to eliminate small and deep scratches on a parquet. Do-it-yourself parquet restoration technology: repairing cracks and scratches

With careless operation, scratches and chips may appear on the parquet, which significantly reduce its decorative qualities. Moved furniture legs, pointed female heels, children's creativity and many other things lead to sad consequences for the parquet. Since natural wood is a very capricious material with an original texture, it is far from always possible to restore the surface of a parquet or parquet board, but it is still worth doing all possible operations, since replacing parquet can hit your wallet hard.

When a scratch appears on the parquet, what to do depends on its depth. If the structure of the tree is damaged, the complexity of the restoration operations increases somewhat, while minor damage can be repaired quickly and without extra effort.

A scratched floor not only looks unattractive, but it can also start to deteriorate.

All damage to parquet and parquet boards can be divided into those that are subject to restoration and require a complete replacement of the coating or part of it.

Non-repairable damage to parquet or parquet boards include:

  • limiting thinning of the decorative part of the parquet board (veneer) or parquet block after sanding;
  • through cracks in parquet slabs;
  • breaking locks of parquet boards;

All of these types of damage are beyond repair, and so don't waste time and money trying. The causes of the last two types of damage can be a violation of the technology of laying parquet or parquet board, so you need to complete the entire complex preparatory work before installing a new coating.

Something like this looks like dies with serious damage that cannot be restored

You can restore the parquet or parquet board, return the original gloss to the coating with the following damage:

  • superficial, not affecting the structure of the tree;
  • minor damage to the decorative veneer layer.

Depending on the degree of damage, several methods are used to eliminate defects in parquet and parquet boards.

Restoration of parquet and parquet boards

There are several ways to restore parquet and parquet boards. Some of them are needed to eliminate minor ones, others are used for complex damage that requires considerable effort to restore decorative qualities.

Refurbished parquet can look just like new

Elimination of complex damage to parquet

At in large numbers For surface damage, sanding can be applied followed by coating the surface with varnish or oil. However, scratches can only be removed from the coating in this way if they occupy a significant part of the surface area, since if scraping is performed after each scratch, the dies will wear out very quickly.

Then you need to carry out all the protective operations that will ensure the protection of the decorative layer. If the parquet or parquet board was previously treated with oil, then it should be reused for impregnation. In this case, the parquet is subsequently covered with wax.

Scraping can be done with serious equipment or manually scraped.

If varnish has been applied, then you can choose whether to cover the surface with it again or use oil impregnation with further waxing.

Restoring parquet in this way will require considerable effort, but as a result, the noble gloss of the new coating will be completely restored. For a parquet board, this method can only be applied to the thickness of the veneer made from precious woods.

In case of damage to the parquet or parquet board surface in small areas that reach the texture of wood, several methods can be used to restore the decorative qualities of the surface:

  • Puttying. This method will require you to very accurately match the putty to the color of the wood, and then cover the surface at the site of damage with varnish. Before filling, the adjacent areas should be cleaned of varnish, and then the coating should be restored and sanded at the end of the work.
  • With a very large crack exceeding 5 mm in width, you should find a wedge that exactly matches the color of the decorative part of the coating. After inserting the wedge, you need to cover the damaged area with varnish or wax.
  • Chipped on brushed parquet board should be removed with a carefully selected putty. As finish coat lacquer is usually used.
  • Using an iodine solution may help restore the color of the surface. After applying it, you will also need to use varnishing or waxing the parquet.

In addition, the parquet flooring can be deformed as a result of a periodic increase in humidity or the penetration of vapors from the underlying layers. In such cases, it will be necessary to completely remove the parquet (parquet board) and lay a vapor barrier that provides complete protection against moisture.

With such serious deformations, the parquet must be dismantled

Elimination of local damage to parquet

You can remove scratches from parquet in simpler ways that do not require a complete surface treatment. To do this, you can carefully treat the damage and a small part of the adjacent surface. sandpaper. In this case, the varnish should be completely removed to the surface of the tree, then the cleaned area should be sanded and covered with a new layer. It is very important to use a varnish that does not differ in color from the shades of the coating.

If you need to remove scratches from the parquet surface even more in a humane way, you can use a special wax, the main thing is to accurately choose the right shade. However, this method can only be used for scratches that do not affect the structure of the tree.

To do this, completely melt it in an oven (heating temperature must comply with the instructions for use) and apply to the site of damage. After carefully covering the scratch, you need to carefully remove the excess, for this you can use a small piece of hard plastic, for example, an unnecessary credit card. After the wax has completely hardened, it is necessary to sand the restored surface. It is advisable to use a grinder with soft attachments or just soft tissue with manual grinding.

Even more simple method will eliminate damage with a retouching pencil. This method will require an accurate selection of the shade and cannot be applied to deep scratches and extensive surface damage. However, small scratches can be removed with this method.

Surprisingly, walnut is well suited for removing minor defects in parquet.

In cases where the parquet is made of dark rocks wood, you can use an unripe shell walnut. It will give the surface a dark shade when rubbed in, which will ensure that the decorative qualities of the surface are preserved. High content iodine will restore dark colors parquet. After application, it is necessary to varnish the surface for a complete restoration.

For lighter woods, walnut core can be used, which will also restore most of the decorative qualities of the parquet or parquet board.

How disappointing and bitter it is to see scratches on the smooth surface of a shiny parquet floor. Remember how your heart skips a beat from the terrible sight of scratches on the floor, and even in the most prominent places in the living room, nursery or in your office. Then thoughts about the damaged field come into my head and it seems that all the efforts that were spent on creating and caring for the exquisite beauty of parquet from natural wood, which was supposed to serve for many years and more than one generation in your family, remaining a kind reminder to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren of you.

Agree, observing deep scratches on the parquet, you thought that you made the wrong choice in favor of wooden floors, that it would be more practical and economical to use other materials for the floor. But it often happens that later you realize that it was only the first and emotional assessment of what happened. Having real experience in the operation of parquet, it will not be useless for you to learn how to remove scratches from parquet. What will be discussed in this article. Restoration of scratches on the parquet is carried out by the masters at parket-rabota.ru and the owners of such floors with the help of simple tools and inexpensive materials.

Removing scratches from parquet

How to fix scratches on parquet? There are a sufficient number of ways to remove scratches from parquet. We will touch on the simplest ones, which give a quick visible effect and do not require large financial investments from you. You will see that it is quite easy to repair a scratch on the parquet, even on their own without resorting to the services of a professional master. And we will consider in detail the question of how to get rid of scratches on the parquet in the future.

The essence of the main method, which is used for any wood floors, and this can be not only parquet, but also floors made of parquet boards or solid wood, is the use of wax fillers. Scratches on the parquet have some depth, and filling them with wax fillers matched to the color of the wood makes them simply invisible. If the wood has a complex porous structure of fibers of different colors, then the filler forms the main background and eliminates deep scratches, and with the help of special felt-tip pens and nc paints, the unique wood pattern is restored. Markers are also called retouching pencils. After restoring the pattern and texture of the damaged area of ​​the floor, it is protected with several layers of repair varnish with a special composition. It should be noted that such varnishes are specially used in works where it is necessary to remove scratches from parquet, as their composition reacts with wax fillers and felt-tip pens paints, forming a strong protective varnish film. Having carried out the elimination of scratches on the parquet in this way, you can be sure that you did it very well. long term. Provided reliable protection parquet at the place of repair and carried out a competent restoration of their floor. In fairness, of course, it must be said that this restoration method has long been successfully used in furniture repair and it has shown itself to be the most reliable of the existing ones.

In other ways, in order to locally carry out the removal of scratches on the parquet, no aggregates are used. In them with various formulations organic and chemical origin, retouching of damaged areas is carried out in order to visually hide them. For light and barely noticeable scratches on the varnish, they are applicable, but for deeper scratches, we do not recommend using them. The main available dye that is used for these purposes is ordinary iodine. In a weak solution, applying a small amount of it with a cut brush, you can easily hide scratches on oak or other woods that are similar in color to it.

What to do and how to fix scratches on the parquet, if over time they have formed on the entire surface of the floor in sufficient quantities? How to fix more than one scratch on the parquet, but remove them from the entire floor when it seems that the floor is completely damaged? You won’t believe it, and for such cases, there is also a way that, without any significant investments and time costs, is easy to implement in any residential apartment or office. But only in this case, for its implementation, it is better to use the services of a master who professionally performs parquet work.

A few words about the composition of these works. First, using flat grinder, the master will carry out a light abrasive treatment of the parquet to remove the top layer of varnish. Then he will manually apply a leveling layer of a special gel that will fill in the remaining deep scratches. And at the final stage of this process, it will apply several layers of parquet varnish. The video shows this process. All these works, using modern parquet varnishes, can be completed literally in one day, without creating practically any inconvenience for the residents living in the apartment. Scratch removal work will be dust and odor free. And the next day, you will again be able to enjoy the updated parquet floors in your home.

Protection of parquet from scratches

Now about how to protect the parquet from scratches. Before you fight the "enemy", you need to find out who he is. The worst enemies of parquet at all times have been and remain: water, sand, point load from ladies' heels and furniture. Traditionally, protection of parquet from moisture has been traditionally organized for many years by applying wax-based mastic to the floor. In the modern version, these compositions can significantly increase the resistance of parquet not only to moisture, but to abrasive influences. Periodic use of mastics for the care of parquet certainly prolongs the life of the floors. And in order not to test your parquet for strength and exclude damage from heels, you need to make a rule in the house: do not walk in shoes on parquet or in shoes, walk only on carpet paths, keep slippers clean and periodically clean their soles, and all furniture must have felt pads at the points of contact with the floor. Following these simple rules, you will keep the parquet in perfect condition.

The parquet board is valued not only for appearance but also for excellent operational properties. Such a coating perfectly tolerates loads, has high wear resistance, and retains its attractiveness for a long time. But, unfortunately, traces of intensive use appear on it in the form of scuffs, scratches and chips, with which the floor does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Even with the most careful care, such damage cannot be excluded, and therefore it is worth studying in advance effective ways their elimination. And now more about how to repair a scratch on a parquet board and what is needed for this.

How to repair a scratch on a parquet board with your own hands

Most flooring companies produce and special means for surface restoration. The range of these funds is very wide, you can choose best option for any type of damage, and it is not at all necessary that the brand of the repair compound correspond to the brand of the coating. All of them are easy to apply and, subject to the technology, can effectively eliminate defects without the slightest trace. As a rule, such compositions have a wide scope, therefore they can be used not only on parquet and parquet boards, but also on laminate, cork, wooden furniture.


Pencils are made from a mixture of wax, color pigments and modifying additives. Color palette includes the most popular wood shades - from white to dark brown. Purpose: sealing scratches, cracks and small chips on laminated surfaces (parquet board, laminate, furniture). The composition is characterized by high adhesion to the treated surface, does not crumble over time, does not lose color. Shelf life is not limited, consumption depends on the degree of damage

The markers are filled with translucent and opaque compounds made from a mixture of organic pigments and a binder. The working rods have different thicknesses and can be sharpened at different angles. Using markers, you can eliminate micro-scratches and scuffs, as well as restore the texture of the coating after waxing. The retouching composition itself cannot fill the recesses, therefore it is not suitable for repairing chips and ordinary scratches. Such markers are produced in a wide range. color scheme, shade selection is carried out using a color map

Thick tinted composition based on polymer dispersion. Designed to eliminate minor damage to laminated surfaces - chips, dents, scratches, scuffs. The color scheme includes all popular wood shades. It is applied with a brush, perfectly fills all the recesses, dries quickly. To select an identical shade, it is recommended to mix several strokes with each other.

Colored wax in bars, which is applied in molten form. Designed to eliminate deep scratches, chips, dents and other defects. Suitable for floor coverings subjected to high loads, does not flake off, does not crumble, does not fade. The color scale includes more than 120 tones and shades. It is applied using a special tool - a wax melter, to obtain an identical shade, wax of several colors is mixed. After cooling, the strength of the composition is comparable to the strength of natural wood, the treated surface can be sanded, retouched, varnished

Repair composition for serious damage - deep cracks and scratches, severe dents, chips. It has a thick consistency, applied with a spatula. The paste is available in a wide range of colors, so choosing the right shade is not difficult. The viability of the composition is 20 minutes, complete drying occurs in 12 hours. Restored areas can be easily sanded, retouched with a marker or varnished

Acrylic or urethane-alkyd varnish, transparent. Produced in aerosol bottles, applied by spraying. The composition is intended for partial varnishing of coatings after restoration, protection of restored areas from dirt and abrasion. As a rule, such varnishes are non-halo, that is, after spraying, no halos remain on the surface around the treated areas. The tool can have 4 levels of gloss: gloss, matte, silky-gloss and silky-matt

The basic package includes wax bars in 7 shades, a retouching marker, a wax melter, a spatula and a cleaning brush, and napkins. From different manufacturers, such repair kits can be supplemented with replaceable rods for markers, spare gas spray for wax melter, fixing varnish, color chart. Large kits contain hard and soft wax, as well as markers in several shades

These funds are presented in a wide range in each hardware store. They can be purchased individually or as a set, taking into account the degree of damage to the parquet board. Also separately you can buy tools for restoration work:

  • plastic smooth spatula;
  • spatula with a grater;
  • chisel;
  • wax melter (gas or battery-operated);
  • grinding discs made of special fiber.

Elimination of minor defects

With minor damage, the restoration of the surface will take a few minutes. Consider how you can remove small scratches on the parquet board.

For this you will need:

  • soft wax;
  • plastic spatula;
  • retouching marker with a thin rod;
  • lint-free polishing cloth;
  • fixing varnish.

Step 1. The area of ​​the floor with scratches should be well cleaned of dirt and dust, dried. If greasy substances have fallen on the parquet, the surface must be thoroughly degreased.

Step 2 Soft wax is selected by color, then it is collected with a spatula and applied to the scratch. The composition must be rubbed with effort across the scratch in order to tightly fill the recess.

Step 3 Putting the spatula perpendicular to the surface, remove excess wax along the scratch with a sharp movement.

Step 4 With a corner of the spatula, the pores of the material are cleaned in order to restore the primary structure of the coating.

Step 6 The final stage is the application of varnish. Shake the can thoroughly and spray a little to the side to blow through the jet. Next, bring the spray can to the surface to be treated and, holding it at a distance of 20-25 cm from it, spray the varnish onto the coating with a short light pressure. You can’t spray for a long time, otherwise streaks will form and a visible halo will remain. After 10 minutes, when the varnish dries enough, another coat is applied. It takes 3-4 hours to completely dry the coating at a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

Advice. In order for the restoration to be of high quality, restoration work must be carried out under room temperature 18-25 degrees and no drafts. Drying of wax and varnish should be carried out naturally, that is, you can not warm up flooring hair dryer or whatever.

Also for embedding small scratches you can use a furniture touch, gently applying it with a brush to problem areas.

Light abrasions are enough to paint over with a marker or wipe with a wax pencil, and then polish with a thick cloth.

If there are no purchased funds at hand, they will do. folk ways. The most popular option is to rub the scratch with the core of a young walnut. From this, the material darkens and the damage becomes less noticeable. The same result is obtained by treatment with iodine. Of course, these tools will be effective only on a dark surface, but they are completely unsuitable for a light gray or beige board. In addition, such a result is temporary and the damage will still have to be repaired with a stroke or wax.

Prices for parquet board Sinteros

Sinteros parquet board

Removing deep scratches

Helps with more severe injuries hard wax. If there are many such defects, it would be best to purchase a ready-made repair kit that will last you for a long time.

What you need for work:

  • spatula with a grater;
  • bars of hard wax;
  • wax melter;
  • colorless corrector varnish;
  • wipes for grinding and polishing.

Step 1. Areas with damage are cleaned with a damp cloth from dirt and dust, dried. If necessary, degrease.

Step 2 The sharp edge of the spatula handles the edges of the scratches, removing burrs and crumbs of material. If the edges are too torn and the fibers stick up, the spatula is turned over and the blunt end is pressed into the damage.

Step 3 Wax is selected according to the color of the parquet board. Usually requires at least three bars different shade for maximum matching. And to achieve the depth of color, they additionally take a transparent filler, which is also included in the kit.

Step 4 They take the wax melter, remove the protective cap from it and move the button yellow color to the "ON" position. After that, you need to press the blue button and hold it for about 10 seconds to turn on the device. Wait a few more seconds for the tool to heat up. During heating, the red indicator light on the front of the appliance should light up.

Step 5 With a hot tip, wax is collected in small portions from different bars, filler is added and gently applied to the scratch.

Advice. To achieve the desired shade, you need to start applying from the very light tone, and finish with the darkest.

Step 6 A layer of wax must necessarily protrude above the surface, that is, it should be applied in excess, filling all visible depressions and pores around the scratch. The tip is periodically wiped with a clean cloth to make it easier to work.

Step 7 After filling the recess, allow the wax to cool for 30 seconds, after which the excess composition is removed. To do this, the spatula is applied with the ribbed side to the surface and the treated area is rubbed with short movements. Movements should be directed along the fibers of the parquet board.

Step 8 When all excess is removed, you need to clean the spatula from adhering wax. This is done using a lid on a spatula, which has a jagged edge. The lid is taken out, put with cloves to the slots on working surface and clean out all the excess.

Step 9 The crumbs of the composition are removed from the surface of the board and the wax is applied again, forming the desired texture in the restored area. This process is quite painstaking, requires attention and accuracy, so please be patient. The more carefully the texture is drawn, the more inconspicuous is the place of damage.

Step 10 The excess wax is again cleaned with the ribbed side, then the spatula is turned over and the surface is leveled with a thin edge, running along the coating fibers. Sweep away the crumbs of the material, and check the quality of the seal. If indentations remain, noticeable pores or the pattern is not pronounced enough, apply a little more wax.

Advice. The wax melter is designed to work continuously for half an hour, but sometimes the tip overheats and starts to smoke. In this case, it is necessary to depress the blue button and let the tool cool down, then thoroughly clean the tip with a napkin.

Step 11 When the texture is completely restored, it is necessary to carry out grinding. To do this, remove the gray abrasive sponge from the cover of the spatula and process the retouched area with uniform movements. You don't need to press too hard to remove the excess.

Step 12 Now it is necessary to provide protection from contamination and erasure. To do this, take a transparent corrector varnish, shake it vigorously for 15-20 seconds, remove the protective cap. To apply varnish, you first need to remove air from the corrector: placing the rod over the napkin, squeeze the corrector in front with two fingers (indicated by the word PRESS). Next, lift the corrector vertically and hold it over the napkin, continuing to squeeze until the varnish comes out. The excess is removed with a napkin, after which the restored place is carefully varnished. Movement should be directed strictly along the fibers.

After the varnish has dried, you can slightly adjust the degree of gloss using a special double-sided sponge. If you rub the white side, the surface will become dull, the green side, on the contrary, will add gloss. After such processing, it is almost impossible to determine the place of damage, the parquet board looks like new again.

Rules for the care of the parquet board

In order to eliminate defects as rarely as possible, the parquet board needs to be properly cared for. There are a few basic guidelines to follow:

  • on the legs of the furniture there should be special soft pads, for example, made of felt or rubber. This is especially true for chairs and those furnishings that often move around. If the chairs are on wheels, it is best to lay rubber mats under them;
  • animals living in the house should regularly trim their claws and wash their paws after each walk on the street;
  • on the parquet floor you can not walk in street shoes, especially stilettos and heels with metal heels. It is best to buy soft slippers for each family member and spare ones for guests;
  • daily cleaning is performed with a vacuum cleaner (not washing) or a well-wrung rag to prevent waterlogging of the coating. It is impossible to use abrasive or chemically aggressive products for cleaning - there are special polishes, neutral emulsions and mixtures for parquet flooring;
  • from time to time, the floors should be inspected for damage and timely eliminate the defects found;

  • to protect against negative influences, it is recommended to periodically treat the parquet board with water-repellent compounds, coat it with wax or varnish.

And most importantly: in the room where the parquet board is laid, the optimum humidity and temperature regime must be observed. It's 45-60% relative humidity and temperature in the range of 18-25°C. Changes in indicators lead to deformation of the coating, the planks dry out or, conversely, are filled with moisture and swell, the floor begins to creak. It is not always possible to eliminate such defects at low cost, so it is better to follow the recommendations and treat the coating with care.

Video - How to fix a scratch on a parquet board

How to remove scratches on parquet: this question is often asked by lovers of expensive and beautiful coverage for the floor. But this interior “gadget”, unfortunately, although quite expensive, is very sensitive to all kinds of mechanical damage. This is not surprising - both children or pets, as well as you yourself through negligence, or even your guests can damage the wooden floor. Therefore, let's talk today how to get rid of these damages, or at least carefully disguise them from prying eyes.

Restoration of parquet with light damage

Defects such as a scratch on the floor are of a light type, and we will pay the most attention to them here, although we will touch on the renovation of the coating later in case of more significant and extensive damage.

So, such defects are quite simply eliminated, and at home. So, if you have had a similar "grief", then you should not sprinkle ashes on your head yet. There are several methods to eliminate this trouble that do not require special sophisticated equipment, the secret knowledge of the Illuminati, or the philosopher's stone.

1. Masking with iodine

This method is suitable if the question is how to cover up light damage, and your floor is made of mahogany, oak or walnut. Using a toothbrush or some other suitable brush, apply a weak iodine solution to the injury site. This will not completely hide it, but it will make it almost invisible if you do not specifically look closely.

2. Parquet putty

The method is a little more complicated, but more effective and allows you to quickly wipe a place that is unpleasant for the eyes. It is better to use it for deep "injuries" of the parquet. Having picked up the color and shade you need, apply putty rubber spatula. Smooth out, remove excess and let dry. Then, using small sandpaper, sand this place and cover with a special varnish or wax.

3. Using a walnut

Rub the defect site with the core of a young walnut, only if it is shallow (in other cases it is unlikely to work) - this place will darken and become invisible. You can also use not the core, but the green shell from an unripe nut.

4. Wax crayon or pencil

Pick up a colored wax pencil or crayon to match the color of your pieces of wood on the floor and preheat - you can in the microwave, in the oven or with a soldering iron, or in other ways available to you - this is not so important. Then gently apply with a spatula to the crack, and remove the excess with sandpaper. After the wax has hardened, polish thoroughly with a cloth.

5. Varnish for wood

Spread wood repair varnish of the desired shade on the cleaned and degreased damaged surface. Nothing else is required of you - the varnish will dry and retouch the scratches on the parquet board.

6. Sealant

Squeeze silicone, acrylic or epoxy sealant from the tube into the area you want to retouch. Just do it without fanaticism, because the excess will have to be removed immediately with a damp cloth, and not after hardening. When the sealant hardens, it will become problematic to carefully remove its excess or grind it off - you just have to cut it off, and it will be ugly.

7. Stain

Also, scratches can be eliminated with a stain. Such actions are appropriate if this substance was also used during the initial installation.

The desired area, and a little around it, sand with fine-grained sandpaper. Then degrease with a solvent or acetone applied to a cloth. After the surface is dry, apply a thin layer of stain with a brush and rub it into the wood with a piece of cloth until the area has acquired the desired shade.

8. Valve marker

With the help of a special retouching marker or pencil, you can simply draw a crack, choosing the right color and shade. Then cover with wax or varnish on top, after spending all necessary actions according to them correct use described above.

9. Concealer

A special semi-liquid corrective agent used to repair scratches on floors, furniture, windows and other wood and laminated products. Sold in bottles with a brush. Apply the substance with this very brush and remove the excess with a damp cloth after it dries.

10. Restoration touches

It is a liquid paste, of various shades, which can hide damage on the board. Having chosen the desired color, apply with a thin brush on a crack or chip, it is possible in several layers, until it completely covers the defect and aligns it. It dries quickly, in just five minutes, after which you can remove excess with a damp cloth.

What to do if the above methods cannot solve the problem

There are more severe cases when damaged most of parquet and restoration of scratches one by one will bring little benefit, because you will be tired of doing it. In this case, you will have to go to more drastic measures and grind the entire floor at once. You can do this with your own hands, but armed with a special surface grinder.

With this power tool, you will have to polish the entire parquet, and then apply a new layer of varnish. The action, in principle, does not imply any super-complex manipulations, but it is much more energy-consuming and longer in time than all previous methods. However, it's worth it - your floor will again be like a needle.

If the way you originally laid your parquet allows you to remove individual boards from it, then you are in luck. You can simply replace those that spoil the overall appearance the most, and use more in other places. simple ways crack masking.

How to prevent such damage

The ability to patch holes, cracks and other defects is certainly good, but still it’s better not to bring your expensive floor to such a state, then you won’t have problems of this kind for a long time. Here are some recommendations to prevent such situations, or at least to minimize the risk of their occurrence.

  • Try not to drop heavy, and especially sharp objects, because each fallen iron or heavy knife is +10 to the deplorable state of your wooden foot.
  • Do not go home in stiletto heels. Although, if such a thing could have occurred to someone at all, then these people are hopeless and any further advice is useless for them.
  • Trim the claws of pets, especially cats - these are still bastards (albeit good ones), and nothing is sacred for them.
  • Tables and chairs, and any other furniture too, preferably try to choose on rubber wheels. Or lay a rug under each of them. When moving furniture, a rug is unlikely to help, but it will save you from accidental friction with the floor.
  • Rubber protectors on furniture legs will also not be superfluous.
  • Oil or wax protection for the floor is a must, and it is recommended to renew it annually.

In general, you have read enough recommendations for the preservation or restoration of home parquet in case of damage. We hope that at least one of these tips will be really useful for you in practice and your refined wood flooring will again delight the eyes of households and guests.

Video: How to repair a dent in a parquet with wax

Natural wood flooring is very expensive, and when defects appear on it, it becomes very sad. However, pull yourself together, because there are some things you can fix on your own. There are several simple ways to remove scratches from . If you show patience and do everything right, the floor will again become perfectly smooth.

Useful tools and materials

Depending on the depth of the scratch and the method you decide to use, the following may come in handy:

  • colored wax;
  • retouching pencil;
  • soldering iron;
  • Walnut;
  • special putty;
  • rubber spatula;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush with bristles of medium hardness;
  • rag;
  • special varnish for wooden floors;
  • repair varnish.

Methods for repairing shallow scratches

So, you stocked up on patience and the items necessary for repair. Now let's start the restoration of the floor. Injuries can be shallow or deep. In the first case, you can use a few instructions on how to fix scratches on the parquet.

wax pencil

Having picked up a wax pencil or colored wax of the shade that matches the color of the board, you can proceed. Wax can be melted in any way convenient for you:

  • in the microwave;
  • in the oven;
  • with a soldering iron.

Apply wax of the appropriate color to the area of ​​the parquet board. Wait for it to freeze. Excess wax can be removed with sandpaper, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage. After that, it remains only to polish the repaired area with an ordinary clean rag.


The core of the walnut must be removed, and then rub the damaged area with it. As a result, the edges of the board will darken and the damage will become invisible.


If yours is oak, walnut, or mahogany, a weak solution of iodine can be used. It must be applied with a brush very carefully and only on the scratched area.

Repair varnish

The repair lacquer will easily cope with a light scratch. It must be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on a clean and dry surface, and then allowed to dry.

retouching pencil

A special retouching pencil for parquet is also useful in case of shallow scratches. Just fill in the scratched place with it.

Ways to eliminate deep damage

Deep gaps are a little more difficult to remove, but quite realistic. Here you can use one of two methods.

Putty for parquet

Selection should take place in accordance with the shade of the tree. It is applied with a rubber spatula. Putty must be tightly distributed in the cracks.

After hardening, you can start grinding the treated area with sandpaper. The result is a smooth, rough surface. It remains only to open this area with parquet varnish, having previously cleaned it of the resulting dust.

Parquet Sanding Machine

You can restore natural wood flooring yourself. However, in the worst case, when a large area of ​​the wooden floor has numerous deep scratches, it will be easiest to resort to the help of a grinder. The entire surface of the floor is finely sanded, and then a new layer of varnish is applied to the cleaned floor.

Now you know how to get rid of scratches on and similar little things will no longer cause you resentment.