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View question. Red viburnum (Viburnum opulus L.)

Family: honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae).


In nature, viburnum is common in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, in Europe, Asia, North America, North Africa. The genus includes about 150 species.

Form: deciduous (rarely evergreen) shrub or tree.


Kalina - perennial shrub or small tree up to 4 m high. Viburnum leaves are usually opposite, rarely whorled, simple, with stipules, entire, lobed or serrated. Viburnum flowers are white, creamy white or pinkish, collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruits of viburnum are red or blue-black, depending on the type. Most species of viburnum bloom in late May - early June; flowering is long. The root system of viburnum is fibrous. Kalina is a wonderful honey plant. Plants are decorative with their flowers, leaves and fruits.

Viburnum ordinary , or Red viburnum (V. opulus). Large wide vertically growing shrub or tree up to 4-5 m tall and wide, often forming thickets. The bark of red viburnum is gray-brown, with cracks. The leaves of the plants are large, broadly ovate, three- or five-lobed, light green in spring, dark green in summer, reddish in autumn. The flowers of viburnum red are large, white. The fruits of the species are red, shiny, round or elliptical, edible, look spectacular against the background of foliage, and stay on the plant for a long time. The growth rate of red viburnum is medium or high. The root system of plants is superficial, wide, not sensitive to flooding or compaction. Red viburnum suffers from high temperatures and drought.

Viburnum black , or viburnum pride, or pride (V. lantana). Dense powerful bush up to 5 m tall with a dense, wide, compact crown. All parts of black viburnum are covered with small white hairs. The leaves of the pride are wrinkled, ovate-oval, dense, wide, dark green above, gray below. The flowers are creamy white. The fruits of black viburnum are shiny, edible, initially red, later turning black. The pride is simultaneously decorated with both red and black fruits, the fruits turn completely black in September. In nature, black viburnum is found in Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa, and the North Caucasus.

viburnum canadian (V. lentago) - a tall shrub or small tree up to 6 m tall with an ovoid crown. The leaves of Canadian viburnum are broadly oval, pointed, smooth, shiny, finely serrated at the edges, bright green in summer, and all shades of red in autumn. The flowers are small, creamy white. The fruits of Canadian viburnum are initially green, later blue-black, with a bluish bloom, edible. Canadian viburnum differs in that it reacts poorly to waterlogging of the soil. In nature, plants are found in Canada and the United States.

viburnum bureinskaya , or viburnum buryatskaya (V. burejaeticum). A strongly branching shrub up to 3 m tall with a spreading openwork crown. The leaves of the Buryat viburnum are elliptical or ovate, pointed, sharp-toothed along the edges, dark green above, slightly pubescent, lighter below. The flowers of the Buryat viburnum are yellowish-white, the fruits are black, edible. Buryat viburnum is photophilous and demanding on soil fertility. In nature, plants are found in the south of Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in Northeast China, North Korea.

(V. Sargentii). Spreading multi-branched shrub up to 4 m tall. The leaves of viburnum Sargent are located on long petioles, have a deep central vein. Flowers are larger. The fruits of plants are bright red, ripen in early October. Viburnum Sargent is undemanding to soil conditions. In nature, plants are found in Eastern Siberia, on Far East, Sakhalin, Korea, North China, Japan.

Kalina Raita (V. wrightii). A straight-stemmed densely branched shrub up to 2.5 m tall with a smooth, gray-brown bark. The leaves of Viburnum Wright are obovate, serrated along the edge, pubescent, green above, lighter below. The flowers are white, the fruits are bright red, rounded. In nature, Wright's viburnum grows on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Japan and Korea.

Viburnum folded (V. plicatum, tomentosum). Shrub up to 3 m high. The leaves of the folded viburnum are broadly oval, grassy green, with numerous veins, look velvety. The inflorescences on each branch emerge from two lateral opposite buds (one inflorescence and two leaves each), so the creamy white inflorescences are arranged in layers, alternating with velvety, juicy green leaves, which creates a stunning effect. The homeland of the folded viburnum is Japan and China.

Viburnum three-lobed (V. trilobum). Shrub up to 4-5 m tall with openwork crown. The leaves of viburnum three-lobed are lighter than those of common viburnum; turn purple in autumn. The fruits of plants are bright scarlet, edible, taste reminiscent of red currants. Three-bladed viburnum is very resistant to diseases and pests. The plant is found naturally in North America.

Kalina edible (V. edule). Shrub up to 1.5 m tall. In nature, viburnum edible grows in the mountain forests of North America.

Non-hardy types of viburnum

viburnum evergreen , or viburnum laurel (V.tinus). Evergreen, densely branched shrub up to 3 m tall. The leaves of evergreen viburnum are very decorative - leathery, elliptical, entire, shiny on top, bright green, pubescent below, lighter. Laurel viburnum flowers are pinkish, fragrant, bloom early. The fruits of viburnum evergreen are spherical or ovoid, blue-black. Plants are drought-resistant, undemanding to soil conditions, well sheared. In nature, evergreen viburnum is common in the Mediterranean.

Kalina David (V. davidii). Slow growing dwarf evergreen shrub up to 1 m tall with a compact crown and horizontally growing shoots. The leaves of Viburnum David are evergreen, elliptical, leathery, dark green, with deep veins. Plant flowers are pinkish. Unusual blue fruits of David's viburnum ripen in October. Plants often suffer from sunburn. The birthplace of David's viburnum is Western China.

They do not winter in middle lane Russia also viburnum karls (V. carlesii), Viburnum wrinkled (V. rhytidophyllum), fragrant viburnum (V. odoratissimum), fragrant viburnum (V. farreri), Japanese viburnum (V. japonicum) and many hybrid viburnums (V. x burkwoodii, V. x bodnantense, V. x caricephalum).

Growing conditions

Most species of viburnum are shade-tolerant, but develop better in lighted areas. Due to the dense root system, viburnums are suitable for planting in order to prevent soil erosion. Viburnums are moisture-loving, withstand excessive moisture, so they are planted in areas with close proximity or in places where water accumulates. Kalina grow on different soils, as a rule, they prefer or, but there are exceptions, for example, red viburnum, or common viburnum, which grows even on soils. Kalina has a high frost resistance (with the exception of some of the species mentioned above).

Plants prefer deep, fertile substrates ranging from to. Common viburnum grows throughout Europe, except for the regions of the Far North, in Western Siberia, Central Asia, North Africa and Asia Minor.


Kalina is a highly ornamental plant that will look great on suburban area. Kalina is planted in group and mixed plantings, or used as a great for. Undersized varieties can be planted in Kalina is a shrub that looks spectacular with other deciduous and coniferous:,. Viburnum in winter will decorate the garden with bright red clusters of berries.


Kalina is a moisture-loving plant that needs abundant watering. Fertilizers are applied twice a year - before the start of the growing season and before leaf fall. After loosening viburnum. Care for viburnum also consists in rejuvenating, in which old branches of plants are removed (at a distance of 15-20 cm from the surface of the earth). Pruning is carried out in early winter or early spring before bud break.

You will learn how to grow viburnum from the corresponding one.


Reproduction of viburnum is possible by seeds () and vegetatively (green,). Low-lying branches of viburnum often give layering. Plant viburnum in spring in April or autumn in October. The distance between plants is 1.5-2 m.

Viburnum seeds and viburnum seedlings can be bought at.

Diseases and pests

Viburnum is often affected by the viburnum bark beetle (leaf beetle), whose larvae eat leaf blades, leaving only the veins. The black viburnum aphid is also dangerous - it sucks out the cell sap from young shoots, after which they deform and slow down in growth. Possible diseases viburnum - spotting and powdery mildew.

Popular varieties

Varieties of red viburnum, or common viburnum

Varieties of black viburnum, or pride

    ‘Aureum’. Fast growing shrub up to 3 m tall. The leaves are oval, golden above, pubescent below, silvery.

    ‘Aureo-variegatum’. This variety of viburnum is distinguished by unusual decorative leaves - with yellow strokes and spots.

Varieties of viburnum Sargent

    ‘Sterile’- has only barren flowers.

    'Flavum'- a variety with yellow fruits.

Variety of viburnum folded ‘Pink Beauty’. Viburnum ‘Pink Beauty’ blooms long and profusely. The flowers are initially white, later becoming light pink.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with what varieties of viburnum are.

Common or red (Viburnum opulus)

Most often, this species is found on the edges, banks of rivers, lakes, inhabits deciduous and mixed forests. It has large green leaves that form frills, similar to a ballerina's tutu.

It has many large inflorescences, their diameter is 10-12 cm. The edge is represented big flowers with snow-white corollas, and small and nondescript ones are placed in the center - thanks to them they are tied on a bush. The first (large) ones attract pollinators.

Blooms in late May - early summer. Berries ripen in August-September. They are quite juicy, have a round or elliptical shape, yellow flesh and a large flat stone; suitable for consumption.

Picking berries is best done after the first frosts are over - by this time they will lose their bitterness and astringency. Kalina red, the photo of which you will find in this article, is the most common type.

Ordinary includes a large number of varieties, among which are especially popular:

If you are looking for frost-resistant varieties, pay attention to

Buryat or black (Viburnum burejaeticum)

The species is represented by a highly branched sprawling, which can grow up to 3 meters in height. It has bare, yellowish-gray branches and bark of the same color. Over the years, it cracks, and it becomes cork.

Toothed (Viburnum dentatum)

It is represented by a deciduous bush, the height of which reaches 4.5 meters. It has upright branches, painted in ash-gray. Shoots bare, have a smooth structure. The length of the leaves is 4-10 cm, they have an oval shape and a rounded or slightly heart-shaped base.

It has the same type of flowers, the diameter of which is 0.4 cm. They are painted white and gather in thick corymbs. The size of the fruit in diameter is -0.6 cm, the shape is round-ovoid, the color is blue-black. Blooms in May and June. has good frost resistance.

Canadian (Viburnum lentago)

This species is most often found in Canada, which fully explains its name. The best areas where such viburnum grows are hillsides, forest edges, river banks and swamps.

Did you know? In the old days, they believed that viburnum protects the house from the evil eye and evil spirits. Therefore, they decorated the hut with clusters, laid out berries on the table.

Represented by a tall deciduous or small tree, height - no more than 6 meters. The crown has an ovoid shape, the leaves are wide, oval, pointed.

Their length is 10 cm. In the summer they have a bright green color, and in the fall they acquire colors in red tones. Flowers small, creamy white color, concentrated in corymbose inflorescences with a diameter of 12 cm. Flowering lasts 2 weeks.
The berries are blue-black in color, suitable for eating. Growth is quite rapid, it can grow in the shade, resistant to frost. Quickly adapts to urban conditions.

Laurel or evergreen (Viburnum tinus)

Viburnum laurel begins to bloom in early spring. Represented by an evergreen bush with a height of up to 3 meters. It has leathery leaves, drooping down and having a pointed oval shape. The color of the flowers is white, maybe a pinkish tint. Inflorescences have a diameter of 5-10 cm.

The berries of viburnum are oval, have a mother-of-pearl blue color, there are a lot of them on the bush. In summer, the shrub is very beautiful due to the abundant amount of unusual fruits.

Wrinkle-leaved (Viburnum rhytidophyllum)

This species is native to China. It is presented high, up to 5 meters,. The width of the tree can be up to 4 meters, the crown is loose and rare. The leaves are large in size, their length is about 20 cm. They have an unusual wrinkled-relief structure.

The flowers are characterized small size painted creamy white. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 20 cm. The buds begin to bloom in April. The berries are blackish-purple in color.

Wright (Viburnum wrightii Miq)

It is represented by a straight-stemmed dense and branched shrub, the height of which is up to 2.5 meters. Crown diameter - up to 1 meter. The plant has a smooth bark, long leaves up to 18 cm. Their shape is obovate.

The color of the upper part is green, the lower part is light green. It has fertile white flowers with a diameter of up to 0.7 cm. The berries are bright red, round and juicy. Ripening occurs in September

Kalina is popularly associated with girlish beauty. There is a custom: the bride gives the groom a towel with a pattern of viburnum leaves and fruits, which she embroidered with her own hands. It is believed that only a needlewoman girl can make such a gift, a symbol of tenderness, love and health. Flowers or clusters of ripe viburnum berries used to be used to decorate the wedding table and treats.

Juicy red viburnum berries are compared with pomegranates

viburnum vulgaris, or red, (Viburnum opulus) are often planted to decorate the site and collect medicinal fruits. Deciduous shrub of the Honeysuckle family has decorative forms.

Many people know bulldenezh("Boulle de Neige"), or " Snowball”, with large spherical inflorescences of snow-white sterile flowers. This decorative form Viburnum vulgaris has another name - "Roseum" ("Roseum"). This old variety many know as viburnum terry. All features of agricultural technology are described in the article.

Dwarf forms look great with a rounded crown and leaves resembling white marble; tall variegated forms and garden molds with amber fruits.

New varieties of sweet-fruited common viburnum have been bred: "Uralskaya sweet", "Sverdlovsk semi-sweet", "Altaiskaya" and others with large tasty berries. An adult varietal plant can produce 10 - 25 kg of juicy red berries. Astringent bitterness disappears after freezing (on a bush or in a freezer) and during the processing of berries (in jelly, jam, mashed potatoes). Only some "valerian" aftertaste remains.

Hedges and screens are created from viburnum bushes planted in one row. Outbuildings can be hidden even behind a single overgrown plant.

Inflorescences of viburnum vulgaris

Description of viburnum red

I like the most common viburnum, which grows on the edges of the forest, along rivers, in ravines and near swamps. On our site there are several adult bushes of viburnum vulgaris. Two seedlings were brought from the forest about ten years ago, the rest are the result of self-sowing. They are all completely different! Near the house of our acquaintances, a luxurious bush of viburnum ordinary has grown, strewn with clusters of incredibly large juicy berries in autumn, in which there is absolutely no bitterness. For a long time I was sure that this was a varietal viburnum bought in a nursery. It turned out that she had grown from a basal shoot of a forest bush, which struck in the fall with its berries.

Viburnum ordinary (red) is a deciduous shrub, the height of which is often up to two meters. Individual shrubs grow up to three to four meters. This plant with a lush crown looks beautiful from spring to late autumn. In flowering begins, continuing in. Kalina is a good honey plant with white flat corymbose inflorescences. It is easy to distinguish two types of flowers in them. In the center are small, bud-like tubular flowers, without which there will be no berries. Along the edge is an elegant barren flower, large sterile flowers that attract pollinating insects.

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In the article we discuss the common viburnum, we talk about the beneficial properties of the plant and the use of its fruits in traditional medicine. You will learn how to cook medicines with viburnum berries for colds, coughs, hypertension and diabetes.

Appearance (photo) of viburnum Viburnum vulgaris or viburnum red (lat. Viburnum opulus) is a deciduous tree or shrub of the genus Kalina of the Adox family, previously the genus Kalina belonged to the Honeysuckle family.

The fruits of viburnum are edible. The berries and bark of the plant are used in official and folk medicine.

What does it look like

Viburnum vulgaris is a shrub, less often a tree, with grayish-brown bark, which is covered with longitudinal cracks. In height, the plant reaches 1.5-4 meters. Lives 50 years or more.

Viburnum has rounded bare shoots, sometimes ribbed, yellowish-brown, sometimes grayish-white. The core of the shoots is whitish with a red tinge, hexagonal. On the kidneys are two fused outer scales. The buds themselves are ovoid, slightly pointed, reddish-green in color. The buds are hairless and may be sticky. Barren shoots end with one terminal bud, and fruit shoots - with two false-end buds.

The leaves are petiolate, opposite, rounded or broadly ovate, 5–10 cm long, 5–8 cm wide. The leaves are divided into 3–5 lobes, pointed, with a rounded wedge-shaped base. The upper side is dark green, the lower side is grayish green.

The flowers of viburnum vulgaris are heteromorphic, with a double perianth, collected in flat umbellate panicles. Baskets -2.5-5 cm long, 5-8 cm in diameter. Inflorescences are naked or with scattered small glands, located on the tops of young branches. The flowers are white or whitish-pink, short-bell-shaped, reach a diameter of 5 mm. Kalina blooms in late May - early June. The duration of the flowering period is 10-14 days.

The fruits are berries of an oval or spherical shape, bright red drupes with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The berries are juicy, slightly bitter and astringent in taste. Bitterness disappears after the first frost. Kalina bears fruit in August - September.

Where does it grow

Viburnum ordinary is undemanding to conditions. The plant tolerates drought and frost. Most common in temperate Europe and Asia. The plant can often be found in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Also grows in Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Western Europe, North Africa.

viburnum berries

Viburnum berries are used for medicinal purposes.. Below we will talk about medicinal properties and the use of the fruits of the plant.
In folk medicine, viburnum berries are most often used.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition of berries:

  • sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • mannose;
  • galactose;
  • xylose;
  • arabinose;
  • rhamnose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • pectin substances;
  • isovaleric acid;
  • acetic acid;
  • steroids;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • catechins;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty acid;
  • potassium salts.

Medicinal properties

Useful properties of viburnum:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • hypotensive;
  • hemostatic;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • diaphoretic;
  • wound healing;
  • restorative.

Kalina is used in the treatment of colds of ENT organs, SARS and influenza. Kalina destroys bacteria and microbes, eliminates inflammation and sore throat. Based on the berries of the plant, they make medicines for the common cold - they have a vasoconstrictive effect, relieve swelling of the nasal cavity and remove mucus.

Viburnum berries are used to treat diseases of the digestive tract. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, drugs based on them help with gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum. The fruits of viburnum relieve spasms of the walls of the stomach and intestines, stop pain, promote the production of hydrochloric acid and improve digestion. They are also used to treat liver diseases.

The fruits of the plant are useful for the heart and blood vessels. They strengthen the myocardium and vascular walls. Viburnum berries lower blood pressure, they are used to stop bleeding. In addition, the fruits reduce the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, they are used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Viburnum has a positive effect on the nervous system. Eliminates headaches and reduces the duration of migraine attacks, medicines based on viburnum berries are used for neurosis, convulsions, hysteria, epilepsy.

External means with viburnum are used in the treatment of skin diseases and in dentistry. They have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects.

How to collect

Viburnum berries are harvested when they are fully ripe. They are cut along with the stalks. Berries are dried under sheds and in attics, hanging in bunches. It can also be dried in electric dryers at a temperature of 60-80 degrees. After drying, the stalks are separated.

How to apply

Tea, decoctions, infusions are made with viburnum. Below are the recipes effective means with viburnum for the treatment of coughs, colds, hypertension and diabetes.

Decoction for diabetes

For the treatment of diabetes, you can use freshly squeezed juice of viburnum berries or prepare an infusion based on them.


  1. Viburnum berries - 1 cup.
  2. Boiling water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour berries hot water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool the drink and strain.

How to use: Take a decoction of ⅔ cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

Result: Reduces blood sugar levels.

Infusion for colds and fever

At the first symptoms of a cold, take an infusion of viburnum berries.


  1. Viburnum fruits - 30 grams.
  2. Boiling water - 1 cup.

How to cook: Pour the fruits with boiling water in a thermos. Insist 3 hours.

How to use: Take ½ cup 2 times a day.

Result: Eliminates cough, runny nose, headache, lowers the temperature. Strengthens immunity.

Mixture with honey for hypertension

To lower the pressure, you can use viburnum in the form of tea, infusions and decoctions. Also, for hypertension, a mixture of plant fruits with honey is used.


  1. Viburnum berries - 4 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 4 tablespoons.

How to cook: Grind the berries and mix them with honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Result: Reduces pressure, improves well-being.

cough tea

Cough tea with viburnum berries is easy to prepare. It can be used not only to treat cough with a cold, but also to eliminate this symptom in bronchial asthma.


  1. Viburnum berries - 1 handful.
  2. Boiling water - 2 cups.

How to cook: Pour viburnum berries with boiling water. The drink can not insist.

How to use: Drink warm ½ cup 3 times a day.

Result: Relieves spasms, eliminates cough, improves sputum discharge.

For more information about viburnum, see the video:

The use of viburnum during pregnancy

Kalina is prohibited during pregnancy. Although the berries of the plant can have a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother, they increase the tone of the uterus and cause contractions, which can lead to miscarriage on early dates or premature birth in late.


Contraindications to the use of viburnum:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • thrombophlebitis and some other blood diseases.

Before using viburnum vulgaris for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult your doctor.


Taxonomic position:

  • department: Flowering;
  • class: Dicotyledons;
  • order: Hairy;
  • family: Adoxaceae;
  • genus: Kalina;
  • species: Viburnum ordinary.


The genus Kalina has 166 species, the most famous are:

  • Viburnum ordinary;
  • Kalina Buryat;
  • Viburnum birch;
  • Fragrant viburnum;
  • Kalina Mongolian;
  • Viburnum soft;
  • Kalina useful;
  • Kalina Wright.

Kalina infographics

Photo of common viburnum, her beneficial features and application
Infographics on viburnum vulgaris

What to remember

  1. Viburnum vulgaris is a shrub or tree whose fruits have a rich chemical composition They are used in folk medicine.
  2. On the basis of viburnum berries, medicines are made that are used to treat colds, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, nervous system, diseases of other organs.
  3. Kalina is prohibited during pregnancy.
  4. Kalina has other contraindications, before using the berries, make sure they are absent.
  5. Before using viburnum berries for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

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Hello dear reader!

Viburnum vulgaris does not need a special introduction. Decorative viburnum, healing properties its fruits, flowers, bark have made this forest shrub an ordinary inhabitant of our gardens and front gardens.

I'm sure many consider viburnum real garden plant, and having met her in the forest, they will be surprised at some “misunderstanding”. Of course, there are garden varieties derived from viburnum vulgaris. However, most often it enters our garden almost the same way. forest bush who do not need human care at all.

Viburnum vulgaris as a forest shrub

Viburnum ordinary is very unpretentious. It easily tolerates frosty winters. In the northern taiga, however, shrubs are not found. And it does not reach Arkhangelsk. But to the south it grows freely in spruce-small-leaved forests as an undergrowth. Moreover, viburnum can often be found in mixed and broad-leaved forests, in oak forests. And further south, in the forest-steppe - in the beams, depressions, river valleys.

It can also tolerate summer droughts. The soil prefers quite fertile, of course. And on dry mounds, occupied, will not grow. But some swamping for the common viburnum is not a hindrance. In the forests, she still prefers to settle near streams and rivers. And also - on the edges, glades.

Kalina is photophilous, although it will endure some shading. Only in dense shade is unlikely to bloom. But it can wait for the formation of a “window” in the forest canopy, after one of the “giants” falls out, and then it will not miss its chance to leave offspring.

And this bush rises to the mountains. As a result, on the mainland of Eurasia, viburnum ordinary and without the slightest human participation is settled very widely. It grows throughout Europe, except for the north and the steppe southeast, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea. It penetrates far beyond the Urals - to the Baikal region. Although in Western and Central Siberia the shrub is found only in the south of the forest zone. It grows in Kazakhstan and in the mountains of Central Asia.

Viburnum ordinary is unusually beautiful from spring to late autumn, before the beginning of winter. In spring, it pleases with young greenery of beautiful carved leaves. It blooms in early summer, forming unusual inflorescences in the form of corymbs with two types of flowers. Large white flowers open along the edge of the inflorescence, having neither stamens nor pistils - they are barren. Their job is to attract pollinating insects.

In the center of the inflorescence, the flowers are much smaller, in the form of goblets with a white or pinkish corolla. They are less conspicuous, but contain long stamens and shorter styles of pistils. According to the peculiarities of the structure of flowers and inflorescences, botanists have now “identified” viburnum in our rather exotic family of adoxes, “withdrawing” it from the honeysuckle family.

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