Toilet      06/12/2019

Features of storage of sunflower seeds. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

holiday season has come to an end, but gardeners probably have seeds - purchased with a long shelf life and grown on their site - that will be sown in the spring. Is it possible to leave the seeds for the winter on an unheated one, will frost damage the seeds? Is it possible to store seeds in a city apartment? We figure out how to properly store seeds in the winter.

It is important to keep the seeds in conditions that ensure the preservation of high sowing qualities.

When ripe, the seed gives off water and dries. Since life processes can only take place in an aquatic environment, as the seed matures and dries, they fade. Mature seeds contain the embryo in a dormant state and reserve nutrients in solid form. They are very dry (moisture content 12–20%). Like a protective shell, the hardened seed coat surrounds them.

Maintaining the dryness of seeds during storage is the main condition for maintaining their viability.

At what temperature should seeds be stored

The worst enemy of dormant seeds is warm, moist air. Where it is hot and humid, seeds can lose their viability in a matter of months, and in free access to air, in a few weeks. Sharp changes in temperature are also unfavorable for them. The ideal storage conditions for most seeds are moderate temperatures (12–15°C) without significant fluctuations and moderate relative humidity air (not higher than 50%).

Do not leave seeds for the winter in unheated rooms on garden plots, it is better to transport them to the city, without leaving them in dampness and cold for a long time. For damp seeds, shallow freezing (from 0° to -10°) is often fatal, especially when repeatedly passing through 0°.

Deep freezing (from -15° and below) dry seeds vegetable crops well retain viability, but still storage of seeds at sub-zero temperatures undesirable. They fall into a state of deep dormancy and under normal germination conditions behave like dissimilar. To bring them into an active state, stimulating effects, such as warming up, are required.

Where is the best place to store seeds? living conditions, in particular, in a city apartment? It is clear that the seeds cannot be stored in the kitchen due to large changes in humidity. They should also not be kept in the refrigerator door, since every time the door is opened, cold objects on it come into contact with warm air and moisture condenses on them.

Most appropriate place for seed storage - living rooms, although there are no ideal conditions. Temperature in living rooms a few degrees above the optimum, and with the central heating they have too dry air (relative humidity in winter is usually about 25%).

But the temperature fluctuations there are small and not sharp. Under these conditions, drying out is a danger: if seed moisture drops below 10–12%, this leads to quick loss germination. And yet we won't find best place for seed storage than the bottom shelf of a linen closet in a living room or the bottom drawer of a desk.

By packing the seeds in plastic bags or foil, we will limit the access of air to the seeds and prevent them from drying out.

If you prefer to keep the seeds in the refrigerator, then keep them in the lower compartment. Before sowing seedlings, seeds stored in the cold must be activated.

Either the seeds are removed from the refrigerator in advance (one month before sowing) and kept at a temperature of 25-30 ° C, placing the bags with seeds in plastic bag to avoid drying out.

Or you need a short warm-up in hot water- at 50-52°C for 25 minutes, which is also a thermal disinfection.

The longevity of seeds of different crops is not the same. Under normal storage conditions, it ranges from 1–2 to 6–8 years. In particular favorable conditions seeds can remain viable for much longer than the average periods indicated in the table.

The time during which the seeds remain viable depends not only on the type of crop and storage conditions, but also on the weather conditions of the season in which the seeds were obtained. Seeds grown in a warm, sunny summer last longer than those grown in a cold, rainy one.

Shelf life of vegetable seeds

Comment on the article "How to store seeds: in the country or in a city apartment?"

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Seed storage. - get-togethers. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and there is a wall cabinet or mezzanine in the apartment, well, there is a cabinet in the corridor, put it in it and that's it. Only then you need to remember about them, about seeds.

Well, the maximum that I can advise is to choose the seeds of a good company and buy them in a normal store, where there is a guarantee that they were stored correctly.

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Summer chores are long over, the seeds are collected, dried, stacked. It remains only to save them. There is a long winter ahead, and not all seeds will survive it, but there are storage methods in which germination is practically not lost.

Why do you need to collect and store the seeds yourself? Today there are so many stores that seem to have everything.

  • First, you can be sure that you plant exactly what you need.
  • Secondly, own seeds are a significant savings.

What determines the survival of seeds?

Seed moisture

This is, of course, the most important factor, which affects the safety of seeds. If the humidity is high, the seeds can germinate, become moldy and even simply rot. That is why absolutely dry material is laid for storage. At home, seeds for drying are poured onto paper and left in a well-ventilated area.

Seed storage temperature

The higher the temperature, the more actively the seeds breathe. And if they breathe, then they can germinate. Ideal temperature regime- about 12-16 degrees. Storage of seeds of many plant species under room temperature can lead to a complete loss of germination.

Such a fate will befall marigolds, zinnia, asters. But the seeds of lettuce and some types of exotic greens are better not to be placed in the refrigerator: they, on the contrary, need heat. After cool storage, they are likely to go to the arrow.


Try to store only clean seeds, without additional debris, otherwise they are in danger of rotting and damage by seed pests.


Air is necessary for all living things, but seeds - only in very limited quantities. Therefore, they try to remove almost all the air from the bags. The only exceptions are large seeds of legumes. They are stored in linen bags or regular jars.


Light stimulates growth, so seeds should be stored in complete darkness. Until it's time to land. Therefore, it is quite fair to say that this stage darkness is a friend of the harvest .

Where to store seeds?

You can store seeds in almost any room, but the kitchen is the worst for this purpose: there are too often changes in humidity and temperature.

personally harvested seeds Can be wrapped in film or paper. But it is best in jars or containers with airtight lids. To avoid the appearance excess moisture, put a few grains of silica gel in each container (small bags with it are in every shoe box and not only).

A cellar or basement is well suited for storage; in an apartment, place the seeds somewhere under the bed, closer to the floor, it is cooler there than, for example, on a closet.

How to store seeds?

Do not be lazy and label all bags. You will see, this will significantly reduce losses. planting material just because you can't remember what the seeds are.

It is convenient to decompose bags of seeds according to the principle of when to plant what. Some gardeners contrive to solder the seeds into the pages of photo albums, accompanying this with appropriate inscriptions. Plastic storage containers are also good. Also the usual glass jars with screw cap.

Does the seed have an expiration date?

Another important entry on a bag of your own seeds is the month and year they were collected, to control future germination.

  • The least stored seeds are onions, carrots, marigolds, asters, parsley, calendula and annual phlox. All of them do not lose their germination only in the first, maximum second year;
  • Three to four years the seeds of cabbage, radish, radish, eggplant and peppers, petunias, mallows and lavatera will last;
  • Large seeds are stored the longest, up to 5-7 years. These are the seeds of peas, beans, beans, nasturtium, beets, sweet peas, pumpkins, zucchini, as well as balsams, levkoy, cornflowers.

At first glance, it turns out a bit complicated so many criteria and conditions for proper storage seeds so that they do not lose their germination and do not rot in the end. But it only seems. All the rules are simple and logical and will quickly become a habit. And you will always have excellent quality seeds at your fingertips. Now only them remain.

  • Shelf life: 10 months
  • Best before date: 10 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: not indicated
  • Freezer time: not indicated

Sunflower fruits are seeds. They are very tasty as well as healthy. Nutrients and substances needed by the body are contained in the seeds. They contain vitamins from A to E. They are biologically important for the human body, and also affect many organs. Even the skin gets better with the introduction of sunflower fruits into your diet. A large number of important macronutrients are also obtained by eating seeds. Minerals have a positive effect on human systems, digestion is stimulated, blood vessels can be cleared of cholesterol plaques. The seeds contain a lot of magnesium. And it is simply necessary for the immune system, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Sunflower seeds contain fatty acids. These substances are very useful for the body. Also, do not forget about the essential amino acids that are included in the seeds.

Since ancient times, people have been using sunflower seeds as a relaxing remedy. The clicking of seeds is very relaxing and soothing. Nervous system begins to relax when chewing. Seeds can be used as a prevention of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. They can also help themselves if there are problems with the liver and bile ducts. Sunflower seeds are similar to other types of seeds, but they still have folic acid and vitamin B6, which is very important.

Except useful properties These seeds, unfortunately, also have harmful ones. Overweight people should be careful, as when eating seeds, you can gain weight. They are very high in calories. So if you want to lose weight, you will have to reduce the consumption of sunflower fruits. The seeds have a hard shell, with which they are much more useful. When cleansing useful material are starting to disappear. Therefore, it is advised to use unpeeled seeds. But from this, the tooth enamel begins to deteriorate, since the shell needs to be cracked. It is important to know the shelf life of seeds, as over time they become harmful. The more time passes, the less useful substances remain in the seeds. Cadmium appears, and the body may be threatened big problems. It turned out so interesting that seeds are both useful and harmful. The body receives useful substances, but at the same time extra calories and cadmium. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think carefully about the amount of consumption of these seeds. Seeds should not be consumed by singers and people who need to monitor their voice, as the seeds have an enveloping effect and affect the throat. Seeds that are properly dried should be stored at a temperature of up to + 20 degrees and a humidity of not more than 75 percent. The room should be free of odors and well ventilated. If all this is observed, then the shelf life of the seeds is no more than 10 months. If tightened over time, then taste qualities will start to deteriorate. The aroma will also disappear, and the taste will become rancid. If the seeds are processed and roasted, they can be stored a little more. Shelf life of roasted seeds packaged and packaged in vacuum packaging from polypropylene tape will be up to 12 months. Or maybe a little longer, it all depends on the quality of the packaging.

For those who lived in the village, it was always fun to husk the seeds. They replaced people before and pistachios and chewing gum. Now seeds are clicked mainly from the store. However, essential micronutrients roasted sunflower seeds you won't get. Therefore, it is best to take out and use the seeds directly from the sunflower. But few people know how to properly grow sunflower and save its crop for the benefit of themselves. Let's try to learn?

Why grow sunflowers?

We all love sunflower seeds at our leisure. However, in Lately more and more often you can hear that a dangerous element, cadmium, is found in purchased seeds. This chemistry penetrates sunflower seeds from nearby highways, which is why if you have a site near the highway, along which cars are always scurrying back and forth, it is better not to grow sunflowers. On such land, it is generally better not to grow easily absorbed environment vegetables or fruits.

With the help of a filter system, a sufficiently clean and dry compressed air flow can be obtained. It is used for many purposes, including for the normal operation of the compressor. You can't do without a dryer system for the compressor. In addition, the ultra.drain steam trap will help eliminate the loss of compressed air in the system.

Sunflowers are grown for more than just food. You may want to grow a sunflower for beauty. In this case, choose seeds ornamental varieties and plant seeds close to each other. Such specimens will turn out to be lower than their edible relatives, but very beautiful. Today, the beauty of a sunflower can already compete with hyacinths, since quite a lot of decorative varieties have already been bred from this plant.

What varieties to plant?

If you decide to sow a sunflower in your country house or garden, then first decide for what purposes: if it's just a garden ornamental plants you can choose any variety you like. If this is for growing on an industrial scale with subsequent consumption, then pay attention to hybrids.

The fact is that breeders do not sit still and every year more and more advanced seed is supplied to the market. Most of the improvements relate to disease resistance and yield. An excellent illustrative example are the seeds of Jason. They can perform well in drought control, are not prone to shedding and lodging, you will not encounter the problem of thickening, rot and the appearance of powdery mildew. Basically, three popular companies can now be found on the market: Pioneer, Limagrain and Syngenta.

The pioneer is characterized high content oils (up to 50%) and are suitable for growing in any climatic zone. It is highly drought and disease resistant.

Limagrain presented wide choice hybrids and constantly replenishes its collection. A distinctive feature of the Ukrainian company is that it focuses its hybrids on resistance to infections. races A-E. Each of the hybrids is different in some way. So Tunka grows fast on initial stage, Rimisol can be planted on any soil, and Hidalgo - in any climate zone.

For planting a sunflower, a hot climate zone, an area illuminated most day. The very name "sunflower" speaks for itself - the plant loves it very much and will be grateful to the owner good harvest, If sun rays will be sufficient. Plant sunflowers in areas that will be protected from the wind. Let it be near the trees, under the fence or near the house. Make sure the area is equipped with drainage. The only thing sunflowers don't really like is excess water. He can just flood them.

How to sow sunflowers

It is best to sow sunflowers when the ground has warmed up. It's around early to mid May. In order to plant the seeds, it is necessary to make holes of 2.5-3 cm. The holes can even be made by hand, loosening the soil, since the distance from the surface is very small. sunflower is one of undemanding plants, so you will not make much effort when landing. Seeds of large specimens should be planted at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. If the sunflower is not expected to be very large, then you can plant closer. However, it should be borne in mind that if you plant large variety close, then the quality of the crop will decrease - sunflowers will be low and their hats will be small. After you have planted the seeds, cover them with earth and water thoroughly, but do not flood.

How to care for a sunflower?

Water the seeds thoroughly at first, being careful not to flood the seeds. Seeds should germinate in the middle of summer, and be ready between the second and third months after your planting. If you see that it is hard for a sunflower - prop it up with a stick, a stake, make some kind of hedge. If sunflowers grow on the windy side, then they may simply not withstand and break. Take care of the plants.

In case you encounter pests (although sunflowers are not very susceptible to their attacks), then spray sunflowers with antifungal agents. If you notice eggs on sunflowers, then they were most likely laid by a gray moth. It's OK. Just take them off sunflowers. Also, your plants can be defeated by predatory attacks of birds. Place plastic bags over the heads of sunflowers when seeds begin to appear to protect the harvest and avoid the great arrival of deer and sparrows.

How to collect sunflower seeds?

You can harvest when you notice that the sunflower has turned black and has begun to bow its head, drying out and shrinking. Then you should cut the sunflower head in half and hang to dry. After drying (choose a well-ventilated room, not a cellar), you can shake out the seeds. To do harvested crop tastier, leave the seeds in salt water overnight, and then roast in the oven at low temperature. If you want a sunflower to stand in a vase, then you need to cut it early in the morning, when it has not yet opened. The stem should be cut at an angle, then placed in water, which must be changed daily until the flower dries.

How to store sunflower seeds?

What can be cooked from a sunflower?

With the addition of seeds, you can prepare a delicious dessert called "Glazed Curd Potato". For this you will need:

- cottage cheese (200 gr)
- cookies (100 gr)
- yogurt (4 tablespoons)
- walnuts (50 gr)
- fructose (4 tablespoons)
- vanillin (10 gr)
- milk (1 tablespoon)
- butter (30 gr)
- sunflower seeds

The first step is to crush the cookies, either by hand or, which is better, in a blender until crumbs are obtained. Then chop the nuts in the same way. Mix cottage cheese, cocoa, fructose, yogurt and vanillin until smooth and add cookies and nuts. Mix the resulting mass and make small curd bars.

After that, heat cocoa, fructose, milk and butter over a fire, stirring everything until smooth. Get frosting. Roll the previously made curd bars in the glaze, and then in the seeds. You will get an excellent dessert that you can treat your guests to.