In a private house      04/02/2019

Feeding indoor plants with yeast. Yeast fertilizer for indoor flowers - homemade fertilizer

Fertilizing for indoor flowers at home should be natural; only with the use of such a product will it be possible to obtain healthy flower. Before you begin the feeding procedure, you need to figure out when it is best to do this and what products for flowers can be called the most useful.

Probably, many will agree with the opinion that flowers are a real creation of nature. Previously plants bloomed exclusively in natural conditions, but still many specialists have worked for centuries so that this beauty can be transferred into the house and admired all year round, regardless of the weather outside. However, in order for them to bloom in such conditions, proper fertilizer is necessary.

When does a plant most need proper fertilization?

Fertilizer indoor plants should be done quite often. Sometimes we can’t even get used to the fact that indoor crops need to be fertilized much more often than their outdoor counterparts. This frequency is determined by the narrow feeding territory. And even if your flower grows and develops in a spacious container, this does not mean that it has enough all the necessary trace elements and minerals. After a certain time, any plant is depleted from a small amount of fertilizer in the soil. That is why you need to feed them from time to time.

A good way out of a critical situation is to transplant the flower into a new substrate rich in vitamins and minerals. Most novice flower growers are confident that fertilizer should be applied only a couple of times a year. In fact useful substances in a pot with substrate it only lasts for 2 months. Usually, it is after this time that the plant begins to actively grow, and during this period it needs nutrients more than ever. It is especially important to regularly apply fertilizer if the crop begins to bloom. The only exception is plants that are in the dormant phase.

The main signals that home flower need to be fed are:

Of course, it is better not to let flowers reach this state. As for the time of year when you can fertilize your houseplants, it doesn’t matter. The microclimatic conditions in the apartment are almost the same all year round, so it doesn’t matter when you feed the plant, the most important thing is to follow the basic rules and regulations.

Feeding house plants with ash

Experienced gardeners They say that the ideal fertilizer for feeding plants is ash. Most experts underestimate beneficial features this unremarkable remedy. Ash contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and even sulfur. With all this, trace elements in the ash are in a form that is easily accessible to domestic crops. It is thanks to these qualities that ash has been considered one of the most effective fertilizers for many years.

In order to fertilize home flowers with ash, you just need to mix it with the soil. This is best done when replanting the plant. Thus, you can not only fertilize the soil, but also disinfect it. Ash can help with possible process rotting of the root system and other plant organs.

In addition, from of this material easy to prepare yourself liquid fertilizer. The ash must be diluted in the liquid. To prepare such a mixture, you need to take only 1 spoon of ash per 1 liter of clean, settled water. It is recommended to fertilize the plant with this product no more than 5 times a year.

We can conclude that ash is an accessible and cost-effective preparation for everyone, providing all the substances necessary for the normal growth of a flower.

Yeast is a good way to fertilize indoor crops

You can also feed homemade crops with yeast solutions. Yeast can release a huge amount of useful substances that stimulate rapid plant growth. We are talking about phytohormones, B vitamins, and, of course, auxins necessary for all crops. Plus, a variety of yeasts, even dry ones, contain so-called cytokinins. These are quite useful hormones that are directly involved in the regulation and differentiation of body cells. The presence of these hormones has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the plant.

Fertilizing flowers with yeast has been studied and researched for many years by the most famous botanists. The results of the experiments showed that thanks to yeast in the soil, the activity of all useful substances and microorganisms increases. Thanks to this, rapid mineralization of organic matter occurs and the release of carbon dioxide is significantly enhanced.

In order for yeast fertilization to provide only a positive effect, it is necessary to properly prepare the solution. To make it you need to take 10 g of yeast, 1 tsp. sugar, as well as 1 liter warm water. If you don’t have regular yeast, you can try replacing it with a dry equivalent. After dissolving the yeast, you need to let the solution brew for 2-3 hours. Only this liquid can be used to water house plants.

Other ways to feed indoor crops

If you want the flowering of your house plants to last as long as possible and begin more often, you need to regularly feed the plant, regardless of the time of year, with a variety of preparations.

A good fertilizer is natural cane or beet sugar. Glucose, which is the basis of sugar, is considered the best source of energy not only for humans, but also for plants. One more useful function sugar is rapid regeneration. This is very much needed flowering plants.

Coffee serves well as a fertilizer. The process of preparing fertilizer is quite simple. You make coffee for yourself, and when you drink it, the grounds remain, which is an effective fertilizer. Tea leaves that have already been used to make tea can be used in the same way.

You can also use the peel citrus plants as bait. Before introducing them into the soil, they should be thoroughly crushed and filled with water. You need to water the plant with the prepared liquid. This is the process of feeding the plant.

It is impossible not to appreciate the beneficial properties of vegetables in the process of fertilizing indoor crops. We are talking about onions, carrots, beets and even potatoes. Based on the peels of all these vegetables, you can prepare very effective decoction.

As you can see, feeding home flowers folk remedies- the process is simple. It does not take much time and does not require a large amount of skills, much less knowledge. Now you know how to fertilize indoor flowers and when is the best time to do it.

Various products and substances are successfully used to feed indoor plants with natural fertilizers at home. The most popular homemade fertilizers are banana peels, sugar, succinic acid, wood ash and eggshell, as well as yeast. Most people only know about the capabilities of yeast that they can cause fermentation. Thanks to this property, they are an indispensable component of various baked goods and beer drinks. But few people know that this type of fungus is a rich source of proteins, carbohydrates, iron and various microelements. That is why gardeners consider it an excellent fertilizer that can significantly improve the growth of many plants. Lovers of home flowers have the same opinion about this method of feeding. Many of them try to use fertilizers without chemical components for the good development of their pets, giving preference to various types of natural products. They have been convinced more than once that their use helps achieve effective and long-awaited results.

The need to feed indoor plants with yeast

It's no secret that you have to fertilize flowers on the windowsill much more often than on the plot. This need is caused, first of all, by the limited space for food. After all, the substrate of even a spacious pot does not contain enough minerals. Houseplants that develop in closed spaces and insufficient lighting must have good nutrition, and since the soil is flower pots quickly depletes, they begin to weaken and fade, losing their attractiveness. Therefore, as mentioned above, the substrate in flower pots must be fertilized.

Yeast is best suited for this. With their help, you can return your pets to their former beauty by pushing them to bloom again. In addition, after taking an intoxicating drink, their decorative look improves noticeably, the buds become larger, and the flowering period is longer. This happens because soil yeast is a rich source of nutrients that activate the processing of organic matter by microorganisms. It is worth saying that the effect of this natural fertilizer on the soil has been studied by scientists. They found that the nutrient solution made the microorganisms in the soil more active.

Even with not the most favorable conditions, cuttings and shoots take root better and the root system becomes three or even ten times larger. This, in turn, leads to more active growth and the ground part. Even the previously sluggish stem becomes more massive and strong, the leaves fill with juice and gain mass, this also leads to accelerated development of buds and their longer flowering. Yeast is considered not only good stimulant growth, they also have a positive effect on plant immunity.

The secret of this feeding lies in the fact that tremors are a fungus that, when it gets into the soil, begins to change its composition. Microorganisms hidden in the soil awaken and, once in a favorable environment, begin to actively process organic matter. During this decay, it is released a large number of nitrogen and potassium, which, in turn, are so necessary for home flowers.

What can be fertilized with yeast?

They are effective for almost all crops: both those growing in the room (geranium), and garden flowers (petunia), bushes, trees, vegetables. Turns out useful fertilizing from yeast for peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers. Used as fertilizer when growing strawberries and wild strawberries.

What yeast to use

The product, which carries beneficial bacteria, is found in everyday life in dry and fresh form. There are also granulated, baker's and brewer's yeasts. To feed plants, yeast is used both in dry and fresh form. Do not use yeast that has expired. Some people mistakenly believe that if yeast is subjected to temperature changes during its production and culinary use (for example, put in the refrigerator), then this does not play a special role for plants. The gardener should take into account that he is dealing with living microorganisms. Also, this product may lose its properties when interacting with other bacteria. Therefore, the opened package with dry yeast should be hermetically sealed so that further use they have not lost their qualities. In order for the yeast to work, it needs to be given time. Only after the fermentation process will they begin to release those beneficial substances that vegetable crops need.

Preparation of fertilizer for indoor flowers using dry yeast

Fertilizing indoor flowers with yeast. Nowadays, more and more flower lovers use yeast-based fertilizers at home. For this fertilizer you need to make a solution: 1 liter of warm water, 10 g. yeast, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Leave for about 2 hours, then dilute this solution with water in proportions of 1 to 5 and water your indoor plants. Such fertilizers accelerate the mineralization of organic matter and produce nitrogen and phosphorus.

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Yeast fungus is quite resilient. It tolerates drying, freezing, pressing and crushing. But when interacting with other bacteria, the most aggressive ones, it can die. Therefore, it requires cleanliness when working with it.

Preparing fertilizer for indoor flowers using fresh yeast

If you only have raw yeast on hand, then don’t worry - they also make an excellent food for homemade flowers. The method of preparing this fertilizer is very simple.

A bucket of water will require 100 grams of raw yeast. They should be completely dissolved in warm water and placed in a warm place to infuse for 24 hours.

Experienced flower growers claim that this type of fertilizer is best for indoor perennials.

An alternative to feeding indoor flowers with yeast

Even if there is no yeast in the house, but the housewife is keen on preparing medicinal raw materials, then in the aromatic reserves there will certainly be an excellent replacement - hop cones. It will take a little more time to prepare treats for indoor beauties, but the result will delight the happy owner of the flowers.

For one feeding you will need:

  • 260 gr. hop cones (fresh or dry);
  • 35 gr. Sahara;
  • 780 ml. water.

Place the hop cones in a small container and pour hot water. Put on fire, bring to a boil. Do not remove the container from the stove, continue to cook for half an hour. Strain the liquid through thick fabric, put sugar. After cooling slightly, the mixture is ready for use. Dilute with 3 liters of water, add to each plant, being careful not to get the liquid on the leaves (especially for pubescent, tender leaves).

We hope our tips on fertilizing indoor plants with yeast will be useful to you. It is up to you to decide which fertilizers to use for your indoor plants. Feeding indoor flowers with a certain substance or product has its own characteristics and rules of application. The main thing is to apply fertilizers in moderation and then your indoor flowers will delight you with their lush blooms, and all your neighbors will envy you.

Yeast is a product used not only in cooking. Also in gardening, young plants are fed with yeast solutions and seeds are soaked in them. Yeast contains: carbohydrates; proteins; nitrogen; phosphorus; fats; potassium; magnesium; riboflavin; thiamine; folic, nicotinic, para-aminobenzoic acids. All these substances help the development of plants. Nightshades, cucumbers, strawberries, and various flowers are responsive to fertilizing with yeast.

Yeast plant nutrition: beneficial properties

Yeast contains fungi that improve the structure of the earth, from them organic substances begin to decompose more intensively, fungi in yeast protect plants from diseases, repel pests and mice. They help the crop to form faster and promote the development of roots, foliage and stems.

Yeast makes the crops more resilient and strengthens them.

Watering the seedlings with a yeast solution helps them grow normally, do not stretch out, can easily tolerate transplantation, and take root more easily in a new place.

Fertilizer made from yeast makes plant growth more intense and helps avoid an increase in harmful nitrates in fruits due to the use of large amounts of mineral fertilizers. Yeast helps beneficial bacteria and microorganisms develop.

Yeast solutions make root formation more active. According to studies, when feeding with yeast, roots grow 1.5 weeks earlier.

How to prepare yeast fertilizer for plants?

To prepare the top dressing, you can use either raw packaged yeast or dry yeast. Also, instead of yeast, you can make infusions from crackers and old stale bread.

You can add to such fertilizers: mowed weeds, potato tops, fallen leaves, hops. The best feeding comes out after fermentation, since this process provides the release of nitrogen, which contributes to the growth of green mass of plants.

But when feeding, you need to take into account some nuances. It takes some time for the yeast to begin to release useful substances; the soil must be warm; in cold soil, the yeast will not have an effect on the plants. You should not use expired yeast for fertilizing. Although yeast is quite tenacious, it can be frozen, dried, or pressed, but it cannot tolerate proximity to other bacteria. And if you use bread, it should be stale, but not moldy.

Did you know that yeast can be used not only for making delicious kvass and yeast dough? It turns out that they can be used to prepare an excellent growth-stimulating solution for feeding plants.

Yeast secretes a lot of useful substances that actively stimulate plant growth: phytohormones, B vitamins and auxins. In addition, yeast contains cytokinins, hormones that help regulate cell differentiation and division; the presence of these substances also has a beneficial effect on plants.

Benefits of dietary supplement (yeast)

They are an effective fertilizer for home flowers and have a good effect on their growth and development. They increase the resistance of green spaces to diseases and pests; flowers become more resilient in conditions of low light or humidity. Even under not the most favorable conditions, cuttings and shoots take root better and the root system becomes three or even ten times larger. This, in turn, entails more active growth of the ground part. Even the previously sluggish stem becomes more massive and strong, the leaves fill with juice and gain mass, this also leads to accelerated development of buds and their longer flowering.

The secret of this feeding lies in the fact that tremors are a fungus that, when it gets into the soil, begins to change its composition. Microorganisms hidden in the soil awaken and, once in a favorable environment, begin to actively process organic matter. During this decay, a large amount of nitrogen and potassium is released, which, in turn, are so necessary for home flowers.

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Which plants do yeast prefer?

Almost all plants respond well to fertilizing - indoor and garden flowers, fruit bushes and trees, vegetables. I especially want to highlight peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes. They react most actively to such supplements and give excellent results. Indoor plants include geranium and petunia.

Yeast recipes for flower food

It doesn’t take a lot of time and effort to prepare yeast fertilizer. If you do not have fresh or powdered raw materials, you can replace it with wheat grains, hops, and bread. Most often, a solution is prepared, since it is more convenient to apply it to the ground, controlling the degree of saturation of the space around the plant. Fresh, dry, pressed raw materials are used, combined with sugar.

Recipe No. 1. Take 10 liters of warm water, dissolve 10 g of dry yeast, 60 g of sugar. Leave the resulting solution in a dark, warm place for 2-3 hours. This fertilizer should be diluted 1:5 so as not to harm the plants.

Recipe No. 2. Fresh yeast should be dissolved in warm water at the rate of 1 part raw material to 5 parts water. The solution is left for a day, and then further diluted based on the calculation of 1:10.

Recipe No. 3. Boil 1 cup of dry hops for an hour, then strain and mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 4 tbsp. spoons of flour. After mixing thoroughly until the lumps are completely dissolved, leave the mixture in a warm place for 2 days. When the solution has settled, add 2 grated potatoes and mix again. That's it, the starter is ready to use.

Approximately the same starter can be obtained from wheat grains. You will need 1 cup of wheat, which needs to be soaked for a day until sprouts appear. These sprouts need to be ground and mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 2 tbsp. spoons of flour. The mixture should be simmered for 20 minutes over low heat, and then left in a warm place for a day.

Recipe No. 4. You will need a 10 liter container. Fold bread crusts or crackers, 1 cup wood ash, sour milk, a pack of dry yeast. Fill it all with warm water, wrap it well with a blanket or blanket, and then leave it in a warm place. This mixture needs to be stirred twice a day for a week.

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When to feed plants with yeast

Nutrients added to the soil are enough for the plant for two months. It is enough to water with yeast once a month; there will be a maximum of three feedings per season. By reducing the concentration of the solution, fertilizing can be applied more often. The result is noticeable already on the third day. You should not overuse fertilizers.

Mixtures are also effective for rooting cuttings. They are soaked for a day and then placed in water. Experiments show that roots appear two weeks earlier, and their number is 10 times greater.

Seedlings are treated with yeast solutions and starter cultures vegetable crops, indoor flowers, strawberries when planting and transplanting.

1. Do not forget that yeast acts in a warm environment, so yeast plant nutrition is applied only to heated soil.

2. The product must always be fresh.

3. Frequent feeding with yeast is undesirable.

4. Fertilizers must be combined with ash. It will replenish the missing calcium and potassium, which is absorbed during fermentation.

Experienced summer residents know the most important secrets, which relate to the use of yeast feeding. So, its use is justified only when the soil is sufficiently warmed up. Otherwise, the action of yeast fungi simply will not begin, since they do not reproduce well in a cold environment. Therefore, it is advisable to apply such fertilizing in April-May.

Yeast should not be used excessively as a flower fertilizer. It is best if fertilizing is done during transplantation, as well as in summer and spring. If there are weakened plants in the garden, they can be additionally watered with diluted yeast fertilizer. However, you should not overfeed the flowers.

After fertilizing, it is important to add ash or additional mineral fertilizers, which can provide the soil with calcium and potassium. After all, during the fermentation process these substances are actively consumed. Their rapid replenishment will ensure the full development of plants.

Yeast fertilizer for plants is a fertilizer of organic origin, completely environmentally friendly and with a huge supply of useful components. This is an important reason for its so frequent use. experienced gardeners. Let us consider in more detail the information about this type of plant fertilizer.

How does yeast benefit plants?

Yeast is an incredible help for many plants. The reasons for their use may be different, because for some the main role is played by the quantity of the harvest, while others simply care about its purity in an environmental sense.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of this fertilizer for plants:

  • Helps in the formation and development of the root system.
  • Accelerated growth of the entire culture.
  • Creation of favorable microflora, which has a suppressive effect on pathogenic organisms.
  • Restructuring of the soil composition and accelerated processing of organic components, and as a result, more nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) appear here.
  • Culture is able to develop even under unfavorable factors, such as insufficient lighting.
  • The likelihood of diseases and infections is reduced.
  • The endurance of the crop increases significantly.
  • The seedlings do not stretch upward and tolerate the picking process better.

Due to the accelerated growth of the plant, a larger number of shoots are formed, which ultimately leads to an increase in yield.

Composition and action of yeast

Yeast contains the following beneficial components:

  • Phosphorus (P);
  • Sodium (Na);
  • Calcium (Ca);
  • Cagnium (Mg);
  • Iron (Fe);
  • Vitamins: B, C, PP, K, Choline;
  • Carbohydrates and proteins.

In order for yeast feeding to bring only benefits, it is worth remembering that everything should be in moderation. Be sure to first read the rules and important norms for crops.

What crops can be fertilized with yeast?

Yeast feeding has a beneficial effect on almost all plants. This applies to indoor crops, garden crops, and garden crops. Even trees benefit from this type of fertilizer.

Yeast is used especially often for fertilizer:

But it is also worth remembering that some plants cannot be fertilized with yeast, these include:

This is due to the fact that the resulting harvest will be loose and will become unusable in a short time.

What yeast is used for feeding?

There are many ways to prepare yeast-based fertilizer for plants. The method depends on the goals pursued.

The following types of yeast can be used:

  • dry;
  • pressed;
  • live beer gardens;
  • dead beer houses.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to dilute yeast: correct proportions

Feeding can be done different methods. This can be watering with a specially prepared solution or starter, or simply adding dry yeast directly into the soil. It is important to maintain the correct proportions.

Raw yeast feeding

To prepare top dressing from raw yeast you need:

  • take 1 kg of yeast itself and combine it with 5 liters of slightly warmed water;
  • leave the composition for 2-3 hours;
  • after the specified time, add it to 50 liters of water and stir.

The resulting fertilizer is applied to the roots of fruit plants.

Dry yeast supplement

To prepare dry yeast top dressing you need:

  • add 100 g of yeast (dry) to slightly warmed water and stir;
  • leave the composition for 2-3 hours to infuse;
  • prepare 50 liters of water and pour the infused yeast mixture into it;
  • mix and start fertilizing garden flowers and seedlings.

Recipes for making yeast dressings

Recipes for preparing yeast-based fertilizers are varied. It is important to pay attention to the fact that warm water is used for any of them, since otherwise the yeast may not “wake up” or show very weak activity.

Let's consider several cooking options:

Yeast solution
  • dry yeast (10 g);
  • warm water (10 l);
  • sugar (6 tbsp.).

Mix the prepared ingredients and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Then you can start using the resulting solution.

Yeast infusion To prepare you will need:
  • dry yeast (1 tbsp);
  • sugar (2 tbsp);
  • ascorbic acid (2 g);
  • earth (small handful);
  • warm water (5 l).

Mix the ingredients in a common container and leave to infuse for 5 hours. Before use, dilute the prepared infusion based on the proportion: 1 liter of composition to 10 liters of water.

Recipe with ash To prepare you will need:
  • dry yeast (10 g);
  • chicken manure extract (½ l);
  • wood ash (½ l);
  • water must be warm (10 l);
  • sugar (5 tbsp.).

Mix the prepared ingredients. It is important to remember that the prepared composition is not used in its original form. To use it is necessary dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Grass and yeast fertilizer To prepare you will need:
  • green grass (1 bucket);
  • crackers (½ kg);
  • pressed yeast (½ kg).

Mix the ingredients in a 70 liter barrel, close and leave for 2 days. Then you can start using it.

Yeast in green manure To prepare this top dressing you will need fresh nettle. It must be carefully cut with scissors and placed tightly in a container so that ¾ of the total volume of the container is filled.

Dissolve yeast in water and pour in the prepared herb, also not exceeding the above volume. Leave to ferment for several days.

So organic fertilizer Can , peppers, tomatoes, cabbage. In addition, this can be done regularly, observing an interval of 2 weeks.

When using green fertilizer for cabbage, it must be infused for 7 days, otherwise it can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

Yeast and sugar supplement This recipe produces an effective sugar “mash” that stimulates the growth and development of some garden crops.

To prepare mash you need:

  • yeast (100 g);
  • granulated sugar (½ cup);
  • warm water (3 l).

Mix the ingredients in a container and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved, then cover the container with gauze and leave aside for 7 days to infuse.

Stories from our readers!
"I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together and yielded more than usual. And they didn’t suffer from late blight, that’s the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Methods of feeding plants with yeast

Fertilizing plants with yeast is divided into 2 types: root and root. Let us consider in more detail how each type of fertilizer is carried out and their frequency.

Root feeding

Yeast root dressings are applied in the following sequence:

It is important to remember that for seedlings planted in a new place, no more than ½ liter of prepared substance will be required per bush. An adult, mature plant should increase the dose to 2 liters.

Foliar feeding

Foliar feeding is carried out at a time when root feeding cannot be carried out. This applies to weak seedlings that are only planted in the ground (in the open or in a greenhouse). Thanks to this feeding, the plant grows foliage more quickly, becomes strong and hardy. In addition, the substance applied by spraying is absorbed faster.

It is important to remember that the yeast solution should be less concentrated than in the case of root dressings.

For conditions open ground fertilizing is carried out in the evening or in non-sunny weather.

Yeast fertilizer for vegetables

Fertilizing vegetable crops with yeast is very common. This is especially true for vegetables such as beets, carrots, and peppers. Beetroot and carrots require three yeast feedings per season. For cabbage, twice a season of fertilizer is enough. More details on fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers below.

Top dressing tomato

The very first feeding of tomatoes is done a week after planting in greenhouse or outdoor conditions. The volume of solution for each bush should be ½ liter.

The second feeding is done before flowering. Here the dose of the solution is increased to 1 ½ liters.

For yeast feeding intended for tomatoes, you will need:

  • fresh yeast (30 g);
  • extract from manure (½ l);
  • wood ash (2 tbsp.);
  • sugar (5 tbsp);
  • warm water (10 l).

Mix the prepared ingredients in a common container and dilute with water for fertilizer based on a ratio of 1:10. The diluted mixture is watered very carefully near the trunk of the bush.

Feeding peppers

For peppers, yeast nutrition also plays an important role. It promotes the development of foliage and root systems and the development of soil organisms, which significantly increase fertility.

To prepare fertilizer for this plant you need

  1. Dissolve fresh yeast (1 kg) in warm water (5 l), and leave for 1 day to infuse.
  2. Before use, you need to add the composition to a container of water (50 l), stir and start watering.

It is important to remember that after fertilizing peppers with yeast, you also need to add wood ash to the soil.

Feeding cucumbers

Yeast feeding for cucumbers is important during the formation of the ovary and when the period of fruit ripening begins. Thanks to this fertilizer, you can minimize the number of barren flowers formed. In addition, plants become more resilient to environmental factors.

To make yeast nutrition suitable for outdoor and greenhouse conditions, you will need:

  • fresh yeast (200 g);
  • water (10 l).

Pour the yeast with warm water, stir well and leave to infuse for 2 days. Each bush should be watered with the resulting mass. The volume of the poured composition for each plant should be ½ liter.

Fertilizing indoor and garden flowers with yeast

Yeast-based fertilizer is also suitable for indoor and garden flowers. For these representatives, the effect is also obvious, and the costs are minimal.

To prepare fertilizer for house plants you will need:

  • sugar (1 tsp);
  • dry yeast (1 g);
  • warm water (1 l).

Mix the ingredients in a common container and leave for 2-3 hours to infuse. After the specified time, dilute the resulting composition with water in a ratio of 1:5 and water the flowers.

The following react most favorably to such feeding:

Among garden flowers, petunias are the most popular.

They will require the preparation of the following solution:

  • Dissolve fresh yeast (1 kg) in warm water (5 l);
  • Stir and immediately dilute the resulting solution in water (10 l).

Fertilizing garden flowers is carried out 2 times a season. One bush requires no more than ½ liter of the prepared composition.

Fertilizing berry crops and trees

The consequences of yeast feeding for strawberries (Victoria) are record harvests.

For her, it is necessary to carry out this process at least 3 times per season:

  • during the period of bud formation;
  • at the very beginning of fruit ripening;
  • in the fall after the fruiting process is completed.

Preparing the solution requires dry yeast (100 g), warm water (5 l). Leave for fermentation for a day, and before watering, dilute the resulting composition at the rate of: ½ liter of yeast mixture per 10 liters of water.

Raspberries and currants are also often fertilized with yeast. Thanks to this product, the bushes develop more fully, and fruiting is amazing.

To prepare the fertilizer you need:

  • dry yeast (1 sachet);
  • warm water (1 bucket);
  • sugar (½ cup).

Mix all ingredients and leave for 3 hours. Before watering, the resulting solution must be diluted with water based on a ratio of 1:5. Each bush needs to be watered in the root system area.

For grapes, fertilizing prepared for watering cucumber seedlings is perfect. Therefore, you can immediately replenish both crops with useful components.

How to prepare natural yeast?

In addition to the usual yeast intended for baking, you can prepare fertilizers based on bread, grain or hop cones.

The resulting substance promotes the effective growth and development of plants, thanks to the vigorous activity of single-celled organisms in the prepared composition.

Wheat grain starter

To prepare it you need:

  • wheat grain - 1 cup;
  • water – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour – 50 g;
  • sugar – 50 g.

How to prepare fertilizer:

  1. Prepared wheat needs to be sprouted.
  2. Add water, flour and sugar to the sprouted grain.
  3. Place the container with the described contents on the stove and cook the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring it constantly.
  4. Remove the container from the stove and leave the composition to ferment for 2 days.
  5. Before use, add 10 liters of water to the resulting starter and mix.

Sourdough made from hop cones

For preparation you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • hop cones – 1 glass;
  • water – 1 l;
  • wheat flour – 50 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • potatoes, pre-cooked and grated – 100 g.

Sourdough preparation process:

  1. Mix hop cones with water and place on low heat.
  2. Cook for 1 hour, then remove from the stove and leave until completely cooled.
  3. Add sugar and flour to the broth and place in a warm place.
  4. At the moment the composition begins to ferment, it is necessary to add chopped potatoes.
  5. Leave the mixture for a day.
  6. Before use, you need to add 10 liters of water to the resulting starter and stir.


Yeast feeding of any plant is carried out no more than 3 times per season, but this is enough to make the crop stronger, more resilient and high-yielding.

When applying fertilizers, it is important to remember the main rules:

  1. The yeast used must be fresh and of high quality.
  2. The soil should be well warmed up by the time of fertilizing.

If you apply these rules, fermentation will take place fully, and the plant in the garden will feel as comfortable as possible and will begin to grow “by leaps and bounds” in the future.

Video: feeding plants with yeast