In a private house      04/11/2019

Where to start renovating a bathroom - the sequence of work. Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation: we go from project design to finishing

If you decide to renovate your bathroom yourself, then this review will help you correct sequence actions. Choose the most suitable option carrying out the work and implement it as recommended in the relevant section of the article.

How to organize work

To cope with the work, you need to carefully plan each stage.

The more you understand each stage, the easier it will be to work:

  • Thinking through the future interior and choosing plumbing fixtures;
  • Dismantling old decoration and equipment;
  • Laying communications;
  • Floor finishing;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Ceiling finishing.

Interior planning

Even before work begins, you need to decide on a number of factors and plan the repair.

The following aspects should be considered at this stage:

  • The size of the room - the design directly depends on this. If the room is small, then it comes to the fore rational use space. And if there is enough space, then you can implement any ideas that you would like to see;

  • Next, you need to choose the arrangement of plumbing fixtures and furniture elements. You don’t have to be a designer here; the Internet is full of examples that you can use. And you can take ready-made solution, or you can make your own version based on one or several examples to take into account all the features of your bathroom;

  • It is necessary to consider whether replacement of plumbing and sewer pipes. Also decide in advance whether the plumbing will be replaced, as this will greatly increase the cost of the project. If a replacement is to be made, then decide in advance on specific equipment options in order to know its size, color and connection method;

  • Very important aspect– planned budget. If you need to carry out repairs quickly and inexpensively, then you should choose materials that are cheap and easy to install. And vice versa, if it is important for you to receive best result and there is no question of price, you can choose expensive finishing materials;
  • Be sure to measure the area of ​​all surfaces, this will allow you to accurately calculate finishing materials.

Dismantling old finishes and equipment

This part of the work very often takes longer than the finishing itself. After all, knocking down a tile is much more difficult than laying a new one; the same goes for removing paint and dismantling plumbing fixtures.

Let's look at the most common types of work:

  • Most often there are tiles on the floor. The easiest way to remove it is with a hammer drill with a flat blade. The process is noisy and not always simple, especially if the ceramics are held firmly and come off not entirely, but in pieces. It’s much easier if you have linoleum: you just need to remove the baseboard and tear off or simply remove the material from the surface;

  • As for the ceilings, they are most often whitewashed or. The first option must be removed using a spatula, after soaking the surface. The second one must be looked at according to the situation and use either special compounds, or heating with a hairdryer, or mechanical treatment;

  • As for the walls, they most often have tiles or many layers of oil paint. The first type of coating is knocked down using a puncher or a hammer with a chisel. The second one is best removed using a special composition called paint remover. The remover is applied to the surface and left for a certain time, after which the paint easily comes off the wall; if necessary, individual areas are re-treated;

  • Dismantling of plumbing equipment is carried out according to the situation. Often the sides of the bathtub and its supports are concreted, so you need to free the structure using a hammer drill. If the structure is very heavy and remove it from small room problematic, you can cut it into two parts with a grinder. This will make your work easier.

Laying new communications

If, after dismantling the old equipment, you find scary metal water pipes and cast iron sewer elements, then it is better to replace them.

The work is done in this order:

  • First you need to dismantle all the old pipes. Sewer lines are disconnected at the joints, and water pipes are cut off before the tap, which shuts off the water supply;

  • To hide water pipes, it is better to lay them in grooves. The grooves are made in the walls using a perforator according to the size of the pipelines. It is important to mark the location of the grooves in advance so as not to be distracted during the work;

  • Sewerage is made from plastic pipes. Thanks to connections with special seals, you can easily assemble the system with your own hands, and it will only take a little time. All turns and branches are made using special corners and bends;

  • As for the water supply, it is best to put polypropylene pipes, which are connected with a special soldering iron. If you do not have such equipment, you can hire a specialist. In the bathroom, the amount of work is small, and the price for services will not be very high;

Flooring installation

If you are renovating your bathroom yourself, you should start with the floor. We will analyze two options for carrying out the work: laying linoleum and laying tiles. But first of all, you need to prepare the surface.

The process is done like this:

  • The floor is cleaned of dust and debris; if there are large irregularities, cracks and damage on it, it is best to repair them cement mortar. A ready-made dry mixture is purchased, diluted with water and applied to the required areas;
  • The easiest way to complete the final leveling of the floor is with a self-leveling mixture. It is prepared and poured onto the surface, after which it is evenly distributed using a needle roller or spatula. It is important to level the plane so that the base is even and smooth, this will simplify further work.

If you decide to make a heated floor, then it is better to fill the surface after laying the pipes or heating modules. Then you won't have to do the screed twice. The process here looks like this: first, the heating system is laid (this process is described in a separate review), after which the solution is poured so that its thickness above the pipes is at least 2 cm.

Now let's look at the fastest option for repairing the bathroom floor:

  • You can purchase linoleum, and you should choose options without a base or on a polymer foam base that is not afraid of moisture. It is very important to buy a piece of such a size that you cover the entire surface without seams. The material can have a large width, so there will be no problems with selection;

  • The material is spread on the floor and then leveled on the surface. All excess is carefully cut off with a knife at the junction of the wall and floor. The work is simple, but requires care so as not to spoil the material. It is best to cut with a sharp knife with a hard blade;

  • Since the room is small, it is not necessary to glue the material. It is much easier to glue double-sided masking tape around the perimeter and secure the linoleum to it. Everything is very simple and at the same time very reliable.

Now let's look at a more reliable option - tiles, which are not only attractive, but also durable.

In this case, the work is carried out as follows:

  • The necessary materials are being prepared. In addition to the ceramics itself, we will need adhesive composition and a fugue for grouting;

  • From the tool required building level, notched trowel, mixer and container for preparing the solution. You also cannot do without a tile cutter, since in any case you will have to trim some elements. Crosses will help make all the seams between the tiles perfectly even and neat;

  • You can start either from the middle of the room or from the corner of the room. An adhesive composition is applied to the floor, which is leveled using a notched trowel or trowel. One or more tiles are laid, after which their position is adjusted and checked using a level. If necessary, individual sections can be lightly tamped with your hand; usually they sit without problems;

  • The installation continues on and on. It is important to check the level of both each individual element and the entire surface as a whole. Place the level in all directions so that if there are problems, they can be detected and eliminated in a timely manner;

  • After laying the tiles on the floor, you need to wait for the glue to dry, which usually takes a day. Then the grouting compound is prepared and applied to all cracks. Work is being done rubber spatula, you must fill the voids between the tiles to protect the surface from moisture. After the fugue has dried, remove its residue from the surface and wash the tiles.

Working with walls

As for this part of the room, here we will also look at two options: PVC panels and tiles. If you need an inexpensive option, then the walls should definitely be covered with plastic panels.

The work instructions look like this:

  • First you need to prepare the walls. If they have large irregularities or cracks, they should be sealed with cement mortar. Mold pockets must be treated with special fungicidal compounds;
  • For work we will need PVC panels and accessories for them, as well as wooden block for lathing and fastening elements. The tools you need are a level, a hacksaw, a screwdriver and a hammer drill, as well as a tape measure and a pencil for measurements and markings;

  • Wall finishing begins with the construction of the frame; for this, level markings are first made to determine the plane of the future frame. Next, the block is cut into pieces of the required size, and holes for dowels are drilled in it every 50 cm;
  • Marks are made on the walls, holes are drilled, and the block is attached to dowels, but not fixed. Using a level, the plane of the sheathing is set, slats and chips are placed under it, after which the screws are driven in;

If you have a riser in your bathroom, it is also better to sew it up. To do this, a sheathing is constructed around the pipe.

  • Fastening the panels is simple. A starting profile or corner is placed in the corner, after which the first element is inserted. It is positioned with the protrusion forward, so that it can be secured with screws or a stapler at the back. The work is simple and takes little time, the main thing is to join the elements well before fixing;

  • If you did not immediately attach the additional elements, then after installing the panels you need to glue the corners and other components with liquid nails. This will allow you to quickly close all the flaws and give the repair a neat look.

The second option for finishing the walls in the bathroom is laying ceramic tiles.

The process is almost the same as when tiling the floor, but it has its own characteristics, which we will consider here:

  • First of all, a strip or metal is fixed around the perimeter at the height of one tile. The laying will begin precisely from this element, this will ensure a perfectly flat plane of the wall, even if there are flaws on the floor. The work is simple: glue is applied to the surface, after which the tiles are glued. Do not forget to put crosses in the seams and check the flatness using a level;

  • The next day, the slats are removed and the first row can be added. If necessary, elements are trimmed, and we receive flat wall from bottom to top;

  • The final stage is grouting the joints with a fugue. It is important to fill all the seams so that no water gets under the surface.

Ceiling finishing

Now let's figure out how to repair the ceiling. There are three options, if you need cheap repairs, the easiest way is to use plastic panels(the technology is the same as in the section above).

If you want to get a reliable and attractive ceiling, you can order a stretch fabric. Another inexpensive option is surface putty, which is what we will look at.

The technology of work is simple:

  • The materials you need are putty for wet rooms, a deep penetration primer and paint of a certain color;

  • The tools you need are a brush for paint and primer (or a roller), a wide and narrow spatula, a sanding float with sandpaper;
  • The work begins with cleaning the surface from dirt and dust. If there are seams on it, then they need to be sealed with a special solution for joints concrete slabs. Mold areas are treated with an antiseptic;
  • The ceiling is treated with a primer, this helps strengthen the surface and improve the adhesion of the putty composition. For concrete, a single treatment is sufficient. Work can be continued only after the surface has completely dried;

  • The putty is made in two layers. The first is needed in order to eliminate all minor irregularities and apply a more or less uniform layer of putty to the entire surface. The second is the final leveling, and all the flaws of the first layer are eliminated. The work is simple: the spatula is held at an angle of 30 degrees, and the mass is distributed over the ceiling in an even layer;

  • After the surface has dried, it needs to be leveled. To do this, use a grater with sandpaper or an abrasive mesh with a grit size of P150 or less. The ceiling is processed in parts to remove all the imperfections of the putty and make the surface perfectly smooth;

To check how well you have leveled the ceiling, simply hold a light bulb or flashlight to it. The light will show any flaws, if any.

  • After leveling, dust is removed from the surface. Then a primer is applied to it to strengthen the putty layer;
  • Lastly, coloring is done. Use washable paint to make the ceiling easier to care for and resistant to moisture. Most often, painting is done in 2 layers.

    I am sure that after reading the article you will already choose the repair option and implement it in the near future. The video in this article will help you understand even better some of the work described above. If you have questions, write them in the comments below.

Sometimes people try to save money and do only selective cosmetic finishing in their living space. But this principle is not entirely acceptable for a bathroom or toilet. Here it is recommended to renovate the bathroom from scratch to avoid serious costs in the future. This is due to the functionality of the room and the concentration of main communications. It is about repairs from scratch that will be discussed in our article.

What is renovation from scratch?

When they talk about renovation from scratch, they mean all stages of work in the bathroom:

    1. replacement or connection of sewer and water pipes for cold and hot supply;
    2. installing electrics on walls and ceilings;
    3. finishing the walls from the base to the final coating;
    4. floor work from screed to finishing layer;
    5. ceiling finishing;
    6. plumbing installation;
    7. connecting faucets and household appliances;
    8. ventilation system;
    9. installation of an interior door;
    10. installation of bathroom furniture;
    11. filling the space with accessories.

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Important! Regardless of the room in which the bathroom renovation is being done ( new flat or secondary), from scratch - this means everything is updated down to the smallest detail. Such renovations require careful consideration at the design stage because costs can vary between completely identical bathrooms. It is during this period that it is necessary to decide on the design of the bathroom and understand what materials and components will be needed for the project.

  • In new apartments, the developer only makes connections to the bathroom, and leaves the placement of engineering structures at the discretion of the residents.
  • In apartments that have been renovated for more than five years, communications are usually not in the best condition, which requires their replacement to prevent breakdowns. If you do not replace it, it will be a waste and costly to eliminate the consequences in the future. For modern renovation In a bathroom from scratch, hidden installation of communications is acceptable so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room. Doing this with old pipes is risky. It is more economical to replace old communications with new ones, not forgetting about plumbing.

Sequence of work when repairing from scratch

Having imagined the scale of work when renovating a bathroom from scratch, you need to draw up an estimate. Without a detailed analysis of the space and drawings on paper, it is difficult to make a list necessary materials. If you are far from a designer and have no experience in finishing work, trust the specialists to renovate your bathroom from scratch. Believe me, this option will be cheaper than redoing it after an incompetent master.

When choosing a team, find out the prices of different companies and choose the best option for your budget. Typically, the range of services includes plumbing and electrician work. At self-repair you will have to invite them to connect water, sewerage and electricity.

Important! The timing of a bathroom renovation depends on the condition of the room. If a new floor screed is required, the time frame is long so that the solution has time to dry. It also takes time to dry the walls if the leveling is done with beacon plaster. But to achieve ideal evenness of surfaces is to obtain beautiful walls, floor without level differences.

When a bathroom is being renovated from scratch, there is the possibility of redevelopment:

  • combine toilet and bathroom;
  • move the door;
  • change the geometry of the room to a more functional one;
  • install a heated floor;
  • add a heating element;
  • replace bulky plumbing fixtures with a compact option if the space is small.

Important! The choice of materials must be made in advance, because many are delivered only to order and the lead time can be long. The designer's advice will help you avoid such expectations by offering analogues.

If the renovation is done from scratch, then the choice of style depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner. An important criterion here is the size of the bathroom. Not all styles are suitable for small rooms, but for spacious ones there are a lot of ideas. For any style it is possible to choose both expensive finishing and budget materials good quality. And this is an important question when deciding to renovate a bathroom from scratch.

If you are about to make major changes in your bathroom, then you should be patient for a certain period. The period depends on the type of work and the experience of the team or home craftsman.

Let's look at the photo:

Video material:

Watch a video of finishing a bathroom from scratch.

A bathroom is a room with special conditions: high humidity, temperature changes. Therefore, when starting a bathroom renovation, you should clearly plan the entire work process and think through the sequence of steps to be performed. In this article you will learn where to start renovating your bathroom and what types of work you need to do yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for bathroom renovations

Stage 1: drawing up a plan and choosing a design solution.

There are two types of bathroom renovations:

  • unplanned, spontaneous, arising due to unforeseen circumstances. For example, when a pipe breaks or floods from neighbors.
  • planned, which can be cosmetic or capital. It requires planning, serious investment of money and time.

It’s worth starting a bathroom renovation by defining the design and interior. Think through to the smallest detail what this room will be like, choose a color. Pastel colors are considered traditional, as well as a combination of blue and light blue or peach and beige.

The next point is choice. facing material. As a rule, finishing in the bathroom is done with tiles, porcelain stoneware, mosaics, and plastic panels. Check the plumbing to see if it needs replacing. If necessary, select the appropriate option. We move on to measuring work: we measure all sides, calculate the area of ​​​​the room. Based on this data, we mark the location of the plumbing fixtures.

Stage 2: selection of plumbing fixtures and finishing materials.

It is important to understand that the purchase of plumbing equipment is preceded by the planning stage, and not vice versa. This means that we first develop a design project, draw up a plan, and only then go to the store. One more thing - you should check the dimensions of the plumbing fixtures you like and check the plan to see if it will fit.

As for finishing materials, it is preferable to purchase them immediately for the entire repair cycle, so as not to be distracted later if something is suddenly missing. Don't forget to prepare the necessary tools.

Stage 3: dismantling plumbing and cladding.

After all the preliminary work has been completed, we proceed to the beginning of the work process:

  • We remove the sink and bathtub from the room, even if they will not be replaced with new ones. This way, you can keep them safe and clean.
  • We remove the old tiles, cleaning all surfaces afterwards: ceiling, walls, floor.
  • remove from the walls old paint, if they were previously painted, since the adhesive solution or a new layer of paint will not adhere well to the surface.

Stage 4: replacement of communications: pipes, electrical wiring.

Very often, in an old house, it is necessary to carefully inspect and replace not only the pipes that are located in the bathroom itself, but also the main riser, and sometimes interfloor pipes. Why is it worth doing this? Old pipes can leak at any moment, and then new renovation will be damaged, additional investment will be required to eliminate defects.

The next step is replacing wires, switches, and installing new sockets in conveniently located places. Important point At this stage - installation of a ventilation system, it is preferable to make it forced. The construction market offers different types fans for forced ventilation.

Watch the video: DIY bathroom renovation, where to start

Stage 5: leveling surfaces.

On at this stage We focus on the condition of the surfaces. Uneven walls will need to be leveled using special plaster mixtures. You will first need to putty all defects in the form of cracks and potholes. In quite difficult situations It will require applying several leveling layers of plaster.

Stage 6: finishing of surfaces.

After all surfaces are leveled and dried, you can begin finishing work: painting, tiling, coating.

An excellent option for decorating the ceiling is coating emulsion paint. Moisture will not accumulate on such a surface, and you can easily choose the desired color. A practical solution is to use plastic panels or suspended ceiling coverings.

Stage 7: installation of plumbing.

We install the plumbing in its place after completing all the finishing work. In this case, the entire space will be available for cladding, and what is important is that the plumbing will not be damaged or dirty.

Stage 8: finishing touches.

We place furniture, accessories: mirror, hooks, lamps. If necessary, we replace the door. This should not be done before, as you can scratch or damage the surface of the canvas when bringing in the plumbing fixtures or during its installation.

This is the sequence of renovation work in the bathroom, which meets the principles of practicality and rationalization. Moreover, you can carry out this entire work process yourself, and the result will be a sparkling bathroom, impeccable in its cleanliness, and attractive in its design.

Also read: fast and inexpensive repair in the house with your own hands

Now you know where to start renovating your bathroom and how to complete all stages of the work. You can use the services of specialists, but it is much cheaper to do everything yourself. Beautiful bath- the dream of every person, because it is from this room that your morning begins. Watch the video and read step by step instructions to find out how to conduct renovation work on one's own.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

The correct sequence of work is important for any repair, regardless of its complexity. Repairing a bathroom and toilet with your own hands requires especially careful adherence to the planned order, since if stages of work are not completed in a timely manner, you can ruin what has already been done. For example, it is impossible to produce finishing walls and floors, and only then think about replacing wiring and pipes.

The specificity of bathroom renovation, firstly, in small size premises, and secondly, in a large concentration of various devices and communications. Repairs in the bathroom and toilet are done less frequently than in residential premises, but usually more thoroughly. Experts recommend starting a major renovation with the bathroom, because this is often the dirtiest part of all work. That's why the most important stage One thing that should never be neglected is drawing up a detailed repair plan.

We draw up a bathroom renovation plan

The first thing to do at the planning stage:

  1. Decide on the design and style of the future bathroom and toilet, choose color scheme. Traditionally, bathtubs are decorated in pastel colors; two shades will look most successful, for example, green and olive, beige and peach, blue and light blue.
  2. Decide what types of materials will be used in the finishing. Most often used to decorate a bathroom tile, plastic panels, porcelain stoneware, mosaic.
  3. Inspect the plumbing and, if necessary, decide on replacement options. When purchasing new plumbing fixtures, be sure to ensure they fit correctly.
  4. Measure the parameters of the room (height, width, length) and calculate the area. Consider the location of plumbing fixtures and other necessary details and draw a detailed plan. You need to decide how and where the bath or shower, sink, toilet, mirror, heated towel rail, and washing machine will be located.

Tip: when planning, you need to take into account that after plastering the walls, the dimensions may change slightly. This must be taken into account when purchasing everything you need, and if you are not sure of the size, postpone this item until the moment when rough finish will be ready.

The extent of do-it-yourself renovations in the bathroom depends on various factors: the degree of wear of pipes and plumbing, obsolescence of finishes, and the desire to update the design of the room. Let's consider the sequence of actions when major renovation, which provides for the replacement of electrical communications and water supply, plumbing fixtures and redevelopment of the premises.

Important! Before remodeling a bathroom, for example, demolishing a partition between a bathtub and a toilet, you need to obtain permission from the BTI.

An approximate work plan would be as follows:

  1. removal of plumbing fixtures and all interfering objects;
  2. dismantling old coverings, doors;
  3. demolition of partitions (if necessary);
  4. dismantling plumbing and electrical wiring;
  5. floor leveling;
  6. replacement of risers and pipes of water supply and sewerage;
  7. installation of electrical wiring;
  8. finishing of floors, walls and ceilings;
  9. installation of plumbing fixtures;
  10. installation of doors and electrical equipment.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Design of a bathroom and toilet in an apartment 23 photos

Now let's look at each stage of repair in more detail.

We dismantle and remove all unnecessary

During the dismantling stage, the following work will have to be done:

  1. Remove the door along with the jamb. It is advisable to complete this point first, since it will be easier to take out garbage and bring in materials and tools through a free doorway. If you do not plan to replace the door, it is still better to remove the door from its hinges and put it away so that it is not in the way, and also to avoid damage.
  2. Dismantle and remove old plumbing fixtures. Even if you are not going to replace the sink or toilet, it is better to remove and take them out during the renovation. If this is not possible, you need to reliably protect them from chips and cracks. You can lay foam rubber, rags or polystyrene on fragile objects and cover them with film, securing it with tape.
  3. Take down the partitions. This is necessary if you are expanding the bathroom or making a combined bathroom.
  4. Remove old coatings: ceramic tiles, paint, peeling plaster from walls and floors. The tiles are easily knocked out using a hammer drill.

Leveling the floor and walls

The floor in the bathroom should be smooth and level. You can do it this way in different ways.

  • “Self-leveling floor” is a self-leveling screed based on gypsum or cement. Sold as a dry mixture, suitable for DIY installation. The diluted solution is simply poured onto the floor and rolled with a needle roller.

  • The use of a gypsum-based plaster mixture and, additionally, a water-repellent mixture, especially for the bathroom. It is necessary to cover not only the floor, but also part of the walls located near the bathtub or shower stall with waterproofing material.
  • If necessary, after installing waterproofing, it is done concrete screed. If it already exists, before finishing cladding You need to apply waterproofing mastic to it and use waterproof adhesive for the tiles.

The walls can be leveled using plaster or sheets of moisture-resistant plasterboard. The latter material has a number of advantages over plastered walls.

  1. Firstly, drywall is excellent as a base for tiles.
  2. Secondly, when finishing gypsum board walls, the work of laying electrical wiring is greatly simplified, since the wires can be placed in the frame of the wall structure.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Dimensions of washbasins and sinks in the bathroom

Water supply and sewerage

Old pipes must be removed down to the riser. Tap and sewer risers it should also be replaced at this stage, since it will be difficult to do later. This work requires certain qualifications, so it is better to invite a specialist to carry it out.

It is quite possible to do the internal pipe routing yourself.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the risers are given the required configuration;
  • laid to water intake points hidden wiring pipes;
  • a heated towel rail is installed in the bathroom;
  • filters are installed;
  • emergency water shut-off valves are installed;
  • if necessary, a water heating system is integrated.
  1. Pipe with hot water must be located above the cold pipe.
  2. At large quantities water intake points will be more convenient collector system connection, which involves running a separate pipe to each point.
  3. Routes for sewer and water pipes marked directly on the walls.
  4. It is customary to install a bathroom faucet 10 cm above the side of the bathtub; the optimal distance between the pipes that go to the faucet is 15 cm.
  5. It is necessary to mark the location of the pipe with cold water For washing machine, the pipe outlet should be at a distance of 50 cm from the floor.
  6. Sewer pipes are located at an angle for drainage.
  7. The risers can be closed using a metal profile box and moisture-resistant plasterboard, which is then plastered.
  8. Don't forget about the technical hatch on the box for access to the meters and tap.

Electrical installation

To avoid damaging the final finish, electrical wiring is first installed. If you hide the wiring in metal pipes, then in the future to replace it you will not need to open the walls; you can simply pull out the wires.

Due to conditions high humidity Wiring must be installed strictly according to the following rules:

  • sockets and devices must be grounded;
  • switches, lamps, sockets and cables must be protected from moisture and elevated temperatures;
  • You can connect sockets and the lighting system only after the repair is complete.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: How to level the walls in the bathroom under tiles: how to level a wall under tiles

When determining the locations of future outlets, marking electrical wiring, as well as pipes, can be done directly on the walls. Afterwards, grooves are made along the marked lines using a puncher into which the cable will be laid.

Finishing with facing materials

After completing the rough work, you can begin finishing the floor, walls, and then the ceiling. Finishing work For convenience, it is also better to carry out in a certain sequence:

  • First you need to prime the walls and floor and make sure that all surfaces are level and there are no wires or pipes visible anywhere.
  • Then lays out floor tiles. It is necessary to ensure that during the installation process there are no voids left between the tiles. The seams must be cleaned and rubbed down.

Tip: if you are going to install a bathtub with a closing screen, you don’t have to lay tiles on the floor that will be hidden underneath it to save material.

  • After the floor, the walls are covered with the selected material.

  • At the end the ceiling is put in order.

There are many options for finishing the ceiling:

  1. coating with water-based paint;
  2. installation of a suspended or suspended ceiling;
  3. installation of plastic panels.

You see that your plumbing is in poor condition. But where to start renovating a bathroom to achieve maximum results? Today we will talk about the preparation and main stages of repair, the sequence of work and the importance of each step.

  • 1 Sequential steps for bathroom renovation
    • 1.1 Repair planning
    • 1.2 Purchasing materials for bathroom renovation
    • 1.3 Dismantling
    • 1.4 Working with hidden communications in the bathroom
    • 1.5 Waterproofing
    • 1.6 Leveling bathroom surfaces
    • 1.7 Finishing touches of the renovation

Sequential steps for bathroom renovation

All repairs, done with your own hands or with the help of specialists, can be divided into several stages. Moreover, it is extremely important to follow exactly the given sequence. Violation of stages entails unpleasant consequences, and ignoring some steps can negatively affect the bathroom in a month or a couple of years.