Well      06/26/2020

How do you install snow retainers on metal tiles with your own hands. Installing snow catchers on a roof made of metal or how to protect yourself from snow mass gathering Snow catchers on the roof installation

The modern owner should be aware of the benefits of using snow retainers in the fight against natural elements. The article contains useful information about the criteria for selecting snow retainers for the roof and about the intricacies of installing the system on a roof made of metal. You will get acquainted with the popular types of snow retention systems, from tubular and corner, to lattice and tow.

How to extend the life of the roof Source kryshikrovli.ru

The need for a snow retention system

There are many requirements for the roof of a country house, it must be reliable, practical and beautiful; Another mandatory characteristic of the roof is its safety. It is this quality of the roof structure that deteriorates sharply in the cold season in places that are characterized by long and snowy winters.

Weightless, fluffy snow flakes, falling on the roof, have the unpleasant property of lingering on it, and over time, compacting. In a short time, the snow layer grows to a considerable thickness, having time to melt several times and then freeze again. As a result, a dense and heavy layer of snow with ice layers is formed, ready to slip (and slip!) from the roof surface at the most inopportune moment. If at this time a person, animal or, for example, a parked car is under the roof, falling snow can cause (and, unfortunately, often does) considerable damage. Plants planted near housing may also be affected.

Recently, he was fluffy and light ... Source tolknews.ru

The problem of a sudden melting of a mass of snow is familiar to residents of northern countries, and snow retention on the roof of a house is a standard solution to the problem. For this, snow retainers are used, special devices that do not allow the snow to come off completely at one time. In addition to preventing the sudden disappearance of the snow cover, the device also performs some additional functions:

    Make roof cleaning easier from snow.

    Protect the drainage system from violation of the integrity of the connections and breakage from the fasteners.

    During the thaw keep the snow on the roof, allowing it to melt safely and run down gutters.

    Protect canopies and awnings buildings (falling pieces of ice, compressed snow and icicles can seriously damage them).

    Additionally protectpleasesroofingwowdesignsYu during storm winds.

Solution Source ametiststroi40.ru

The principle of operation of roofing snow blocking systems

The installation of snow retainers on a metal roof is especially relevant - a smooth polymer surface cannot seriously prevent the snow mass from sliding off. If the bottom layer of snow has turned into an ice crust (which happens in 70-80% of cases), it will inevitably damage the surface of the sheet when it comes off. Scratches will become sources of corrosion, and the roof will not last as long as it should.

The choice of snow retention system is influenced by three factors:

    Ramp angle.

    Snow cover characteristic for this region.

    View roofing .

The snow retainers presented for sale can be divided according to the principle of operation into two groups:

    snow cutters. This design is designed to pass the snow in small portions, in parts. The principle of its operation is not to stop (and accumulate) a layer of snow, but to divide it into fragments. Design advantage: a large amount of snow is not collected on the slopes, which loads the truss frame. It comes off gradually and is not capable of causing damage. Another plus is that snow cutters can be mounted on the roof of any steepness.

One of the options for placing snow retainers Source remoo.ru

    snow barriers. They completely block the snow melt; so that the accumulated snow cushion does not deform the roof and truss system, snowdrifts will have to be regularly removed manually. The installation of snow barriers-barriers is justified only for a solid, with a solid bearing capacity, construction.

Roof snow retention systems: popular structural solutions

As a rule, snow blocking systems are purchased at the stage of housing construction, simultaneously with roofing material (but nothing prevents them from being purchased later). You can choose from one of the following types:

    lattice. Such designs are widespread and are successfully used for different types roofs, including those for metal tiles. There are several types of products on the market that differ in the complexity of execution and features of the supporting parts. Relatively high gratings can perform an additional function: serve as a security barrier in the summer, during repairs.

The possibilities of the lattice system clearly Source tr.decorexpro.com

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer roof repair services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Corner(lamellar). A budget option, which can be selected if there is little snow accumulation. Corner-type snow guards are easy to manufacture and install, which ensures their popularity, including for metal tiles. It looks like a galvanized steel corner; a wide range of shades of a protective polymer coating allows you to choose products that are most suitable for the color of the roof. They are allowed to be used on the roof, whose slope angle does not reach 30 °.

Corner snow retainer Source yandex.uz

    Tubular. If snowy winters are common, tubular construction is an ideal choice, especially for seam or metal roofing. With frequent and prolonged snowfalls, tubular structures are recommended to be installed in several rows.

Tubular construction Source zemeljka.ru

    Point(rope). Relatively the new kind devices for regions with light and medium snowfalls. They evenly distribute snow pressure over the roof and additionally serve as a foothold. Various roofing materials require the use of products of a certain shape; snow retainers suitable for soft roofing cannot be installed on metal tiles.

    Made of polycarbonate ( jagged). They are a kind of point snow retainers; The products are transparent, non-corrosive and easy to install.

Budget option Source stroypay.ru

    Horseshoe snow guards. A kind of point system; has a characteristic curved shape and is made for certain profiles of metal tiles, which facilitates installation.

    Snow guards-logs. The original systems that protected alpine dwellings from snow and in some places have survived to this day; in the modern version, the role of logs is performed by metal pipes with a diameter of 130-150 mm. The tubular structure effectively holds the snow layer, confidently coping with high pressure.

Criteria for choosing and calculating the system

In order for the snow blocking system to adequately perform its functions, the type, number and location of snow retainers is calculated on the basis of the rules of SNiP Proper installation involves drawing up a project for the location of the blocking elements on the slopes. This approach helps to avoid that unpleasant situation when it turns out that under drilled hole there is no crate.

Video description

About Finnish polycarbonate snow guards in the following video:

System parameters are calculated based on the following conditions:

    Type of roof and its angle of inclination. The larger the angle, the more pressure the snow will exert on the system. If the angle exceeds 15 °, experts advise installing tubular-type snow retainers as the most reliable.

    Surface area of ​​slopes and type of roofing material.

    Precipitation during the winter in the area. Maps and tables have been developed showing the average values ​​of snow load by region.

The result of the work is the arrangement of snow retention elements on this type of roof. It defines the following parameters:

    Type of snow retention elements.

    Place of attachment. The system is installed parallel to the cornice overhang, with the first row placed above the load-bearing wall; this helps to keep the load on the overhangs to a minimum. The remaining tiers are mounted one and a half to two meters from the first.

Places of obligatory fastening of snow retainers Source stroimmaster.ru

    Number of rows and pitch between fasteners. The distance between the brackets is determined by the length of the slope and the slope (the stronger the slope, the closer the parts are to each other).

    Fastener order. Systems of tubular, lattice and plate type are mounted in rows; drag and corner - in a checkerboard pattern.

    Color. If the emphasis on the snow retention system is not included in your plans, snow retainers are matched to the color of the roof or one or two shades darker than it.

    Equipment. The kit necessarily includes roofing screws and gaskets made of special rubber. They make the attachment points airtight.

Video description

About tips for choosing snow retainers in the following video:

Tubular snow guards for metal tiles

Metal tile, due to its properties, is available, popular and therefore more widespread than others. roofing materials. But its surface is smooth, sensitive to temperature changes, and is not able to hold melted snow for any long time. This property makes the installation of snow retainers on a metal roof an urgent need. For a roof made of metal (as well as corrugated board), the following types of snow retainers are suitable:

    lattice. Reliable, easy to install, versatile in execution.

    lamellar. Suitable for slopes with a small angle of inclination, they are more often used where winters are short and with little snow.

    Tubular. Leading in frequency of use.

Universal tubular snow retainer Source celinrmo.ru

Tubular structures are considered to be the most universal category. They are designed for great pressure, reliable in operation, safely divide the layer of snow into small fragments. They are also widely used in the protection of tiled and soft roofs. Tubular snow retainers are mounted on metal tiles following several rules:

    Parts are fastened through the roof.

    Installation is carried out after crate reinforcement, the basis for fixing the details of the system.

    To prevent the sheet of metal from being deformed, a hole is drilled in the concave (lower) part of the wave, at the point of contact with the crate.

    Fixing points sealed with rubber gaskets.

If you have chosen lamellar or corner snow retainers, you do not need to reinforce the crate, since they are mounted directly into the sheet. The choice of models of snow retainers, working on the principle of snow cutters, allows you not to worry about the timely cleaning of the roof - even in a strong snowstorm, the snow will melt in safe portions.

Video description

About the rules for installing snow retention devices in the following video:

Additional types of snow retainers for metal tiles

In addition to the ubiquitous tubular snow blockers, it is allowed to install other types of snow blocks on a metal roof, including:

    lattice. By design, they resemble tubular systems, only the role of the delay pipes is performed by a grate, the size of which (height) can vary. Such barriers hold snow well, but are sometimes able to sag under its weight. The grating works particularly well on steep roofs (when the slope exceeds 35-40°).

    Corner(lamellar). If the angle of the roof slope is small (up to 30º), and there is little snow in winter, you can limit yourself to installing a corner system. Corner snow retainers have a height of up to 6 cm; on the roof they are arranged in several rows in a checkerboard pattern. The system is not designed for high pressure, and the roof will require periodic manual cleaning.

    Point(yokes, hooks). They are used mainly on flat, rough (soft) roofs. On metal roofs, point systems are used as an addition to gratings and pipes.

The plate system is ideal on a flat roof Source roofos.com.ua

Ordering the installation of turnkey snow retainers

The price of snow retainers is comparable to the costs of periodic cleaning of the roof and repairs, inevitable with uncontrolled descent of snow layers. Installation of snow retainers on the roof is a popular service provided by many construction organizations, often in parallel with the arrangement of the roof. Turning to specialists allows you to get full protection of the roof structure and the surrounding space. The price of installation of snow retainers is calculated per linear meter; it depends on several parameters:

    Roof type and roofing material.

    house heights, the difficulty of access to the roof.

    Vida selected system snow retention.

    Scope of work(depending on the size of the roof and therefore the number of snow retaining elements)

    Necessities preparatory work .

Contacting the company allows you to get additional benefits:

    The quality of the system is affected installation time, the best option in terms of price / quality ratio can be obtained simultaneously with the arrangement of the roof.

Installation of pipe system brackets Source sense-life.com

    The system is installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations which increases the service life of the structure.

    Roof equipment with snow retainers involves getting a job guarantee(and sometimes the material). If during this time a defect is detected, it is eliminated free of charge. If there are no problems during warranty service, they most likely will not continue.


Snow falling from the roof is an actual problem for a significant part of the Russian territory. Modern technological solutions in the form of installing snow retention systems are able to reduce the terrible consequences to a minimum. For a metal roof, the best solution would be the installation of reliable tubular snow retainers by professional builders.

The lack of snow protection can lead not only to damage to the roofing and drainage systems, but also to damage passers-by and parked cars.

To avoid such a nuisance, you can install a special snow retainer.

The device and installation of snow retainers on the roof is not such a complicated process as it seems at first glance and is accessible even to a beginner in the construction business.

In this article, you will learn why you need and how to properly install snow retainers on the roof of a private house.

Snow guard - a special design that allows snow not to fall from the roof, that is, the snow does not come off in one layer. Only melt water will flow down. Many people think that it is not necessary to install such snow retainers, but as practice has shown, this is an important detail that should not be neglected.

Two main functions of such an important roof structure can be distinguished:

  1. prevents sharp and sudden descents of a mass of snow from the roof itself;
  2. keep the snow on the roof so that it melts there.

There are several types of such a design, and choosing them, it is necessary to take into account several important factors:

  • direct angle of inclination of the slope;
  • how much precipitation will fall in the area (snow);
  • What material is the roof made of?

There are two main types of such a structure:

  • type of snow retainer that passes snow through itself;
  • the second type is snow-proof.

The choice of any of the proposed designs depends on personal motives, as well as on the factors mentioned above.

Snow retention in action

It is interesting that in different stores there are various titles: snow blocking fences, snow guards and so on. It is likely that the names characterize the functions of such installations.

For example, snow barriers keep all the snow on the roof (of any size). And the snow will melt on the house in its natural way. The snow will not melt even in parts. Snow cutters - by name it is clear that this design allows you to divide a whole piece of snow cover into small pieces.

Some parts fall, others melt right on the roof surface. The advantage of the design is that the snow does not fall in a continuous layer, which ensures the safety of people, and also does not spoil the roofing.

Of course, snow retainers are different in shape, size, they differ in the material of manufacture. And before choosing, you should focus on how much snow should linger.

Varieties of design, advantages

The most popular version of such structures is tubular type.

This unit represents simple design from brackets into which two tubes of the same diameter are inserted, approximately 15-30 mm.

In fact, this type can be attributed to the universal and it can be applied to any material (, wood, and so on).

And according to professionals, it is this type of design that is considered the most effective.. In addition, it can be installed on the roof that has been in operation for a long time.

The bracket itself looks like a simple plate with “outlets” for pipes. Often its height is not more than 15 cm. It is attached to the pitched part with a special horizontal stick.

To do this, take special screws that can be attached to the metal.


When installing this type of structure, it is necessary to install it along the line of the load-bearing wall. This is necessary so that the load is divided evenly. The essence of the operation of such a device is the gradual transmission of snow (the snow will pass between the pipes).

This version of the snow retainer is popular and has received the status of the most hopeful installation. Also, the tubular structure must be installed exclusively in one line, runaway option is excluded. If the design is in the color of the roof, then it is almost invisible on the roof.

The process of mounting such a system is quite simple:

  • mark the holes and drill them with a drill;
  • assemble the kit itself, but do not tighten the bolts;
  • the existing assembled bracket must be fixed through the roof to the crate;
  • attach the lower part of the structure to the eaves ( at the level of the bearing wall);
  • now just connect the components by tightening the bolts.

tubular type

Another good option for saving from improper snowfall is snow stops (hooks). By the name it is clear that outwardly such structures resemble hooks.

But they can't hold a lot of snow, so it is best to use them in cases where the roof will be cleaned on a continuous basis. Often such hooks are mounted on.

Experts advise using this option as an auxiliary to other, more reliable systems, in places where there is a lot of snow.

Snow guard - hook

Lattice type snow retainer. This type of construction is suitable in places where there is a large amount of snow, since special grating able to withstand strong pressure. Snow is kept on the roof, and only melt water flows down.

Install them at a large angle. The efficiency of such an installation is affected by its height (lattice height). The color of the grille can be matched to the color of the roof.

The maximum height reaches 20 cm.

lattice type

The corner version of the snow retainer is relevant where there is not so much snow. Most often they are attached to or, because the construction itself is made from these materials.

As the name suggests, outwardly, this type of installation resembles a corner on which there are special fasteners for mounting. It is not recommended to install on slopes over 30 degrees.

Attach them directly to the roof itself, you can arrange them randomly or in one line.

Angle view

Some people prefer to use a wooden log as a way to hold the snow.. The option is not very common. You can meet him on the rooftops different type, for example, on a shingle roof. It is attached to the roof with large hooks.

L Naturally, the size of the log affects its capabilities, that is, the larger it is, the more snow it can hold. To have the effect of such a design, it is worth attaching it at a distance of 2-3 cm from the roof.

This causes a small amount of snow to melt and run down the drain, while most of the sediment remains on the roof and melts naturally.

Do-it-yourself installation of snow retainers on the roof

How to install snow guards on the roof? If you yourself decide to install snow retainers, then you need to take into account the type of roof and the amount of rainfall.

After that, already buy what you need and start the mounting process itself.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to know some rules for installing such a design.

If you are building a house from scratch, or changing the roof, immediately think about installing such structures. This will help you save time, effort and nerves.

The installation process itself does not take much time and does not require serious preparations.. It is enough to know a couple of rules and step by step to execute the existing algorithm of actions.

Since metal roofing is the most common type of roofing, it is worth considering the option of installing it on such a surface. Learn more about installing snow protection on metal roofing.


Its very design suggests that snow will fall on it very often, and its smooth surface cannot hold snow on its own. During the day, it begins to melt and go off in layers, and this can lead to scratches on the surface of the metal tile, which in turn will lead to corrosion and damage to the coating.

On the roof of such a plan, you can take different types of structures:

  • tubular;
  • lattice;
  • corner.

Installation of tubular snow retainers:

  • first step - outline where exactly the snow retainer system will be located;
  • costs enhance special additional bar;
  • an important stage of installation, assembly of the structure, but do not tighten the bolts;
  • we begin to fasten the roofing material, where it is necessary to make holes on top for the fastening itself. Such holes should be located only on the lower wave, to the one adjacent to the crate itself;
  • next comes the attachment of the structure to the slope, using bolts 8 * 60 mm. Be sure to waterproof the holes with rubber pads. The very same step between the bracket depends on two factors, on the slope and length. For example, a step of 50 cm is enough, even for the most powerful design;
  • the last step of the installation of the system - pipe insert. Do you have any questions? Watch the video below.

Installation of a tubular snow retainer

Fastening step

It is important to remember that it is necessary to mount the system only above a load-bearing wall.

Installing a snow retainer on other materials

Decking is another popular type of roofing.. Like a metal tile, it has sensitivity to temperature changes.

Installing a snow retainer on such a roof is critical. Learn more about installing snow protection under corrugated board.

When the snow melts during the day and freezes in the evening, icicles are formed that can scratch the material, and this over time will lead to the fact that the galvanized coating deteriorates and scratches form in those places, as a result of which material starts to rust.

If you choose such a roofing material, you can also use tubular or lattice snow retainers.

In fact, installing a structure on corrugated board is not a very complicated procedure, and almost no different from installation on a metal tile.

Installation of the structure on corrugated board:

  1. the fastening itself is carried out through the material;
  2. be sure to reinforce the crate;
  3. small holes for fasteners should be reinforced with rubber gaskets;
  4. installation of the structure should be carried out only on the lower part of the wave of the material.

Hook mounting

In cases where the structure is attached to an already finished roof covering, it should be understood that you will have to disassemble it in order to strengthen the crate and it is logical to think about this in advance - during construction.

Mounting example various kinds roofing

Hole marking

Useful video

Video instructions for installing a tubular snow retainer:


Such an element as a snow retainer is necessary on the roof of any building, regardless of style and location. Installing an additional element will allow your roof to maintain its strength and reliability, and also help to ensure the safety of others.

When choosing the right and high-quality design, carefully study what it is made of. Whatever type of snow retainer you choose, it is not necessary to install it around the entire perimeter, since they can be correctly positioned only in the right places on the roof.

It is enough just to install them in the most dangerous places and this will ensure the effective functioning of additional elements and at the same time save money spent on roofing equipment. Be careful when making a decision, consult with experts and your choice will be fully justified.

In contact with

The snow that evenly covers the roof gradually thaws as a result of exposure to heat from the roof, after which it freezes from cold air and turns into an ice mass. Falling snow and ice are dangerous for people below. To avoid the convergence of the snow mass from the roof, as well as the fall of any objects, special structures are used, which are called snow retainers.

Why do we need snow guards on a metal roof and what functions do they perform

The purpose of snow-retaining systems is not only to ensure the safety of passers-by under the roof of a particular building: snow catchers reduce the likelihood of mechanical damage to the roofing material, avoid the appearance of small cracks and scratches on it, and exclude sagging and deformation of the roof under the influence of heavy snow mass.

Of particular importance is the equipment of metal roofs with snow guards, which are made of metal tiles, corrugated board, etc. In addition, snow guards must be installed on multi-level roofs, as well as under skylights. For the climate middle lane Russia on one running meter protective structure can accumulate about 900 kg of snow mass.

Snow retainers help hold snow on the roof and prevent its avalanche-like convergence

Snow retention systems may have different names, due to the performance of these devices for different functions:

  1. Snow barriers. They are designed to completely hold the snow layer on the roof. In this case, even a partial exit is unacceptable. As for melting, it happens naturally.
  2. Snow cutters, the purpose of which is to cut the layer of snow into smaller pieces. As a result, the energy of the snow layer at the moment of falling will be much less than when the mass converges as a whole. Thus, the safety of being under the roof is ensured.

Snow load calculation

To exclude damage to the roof structure during heavy rainfall, the necessary calculations are performed even at the stage of creating a roof project. Average weight snow can be taken equal to 100 kg / m³, and for wet precipitation - 300 kg / m³. With these values, you can easily calculate the snow load. However, this indicator can be more accurately determined using a special regional map. It is taken as a basis for calculating design standards.

Using a regional map, you can determine the thickness of the snow cover for a particular region

The snow load is calculated by the formula S=S g *μ, where S is the snow pressure per 1 m² of the roof, S g is the normative snow load for a particular region, μ is a coefficient that depends on the angle of the roof:

  • μ=1 with a roof slope of less than 25˚;
  • μ=0.7 if the roof has a slope of 25–60˚;
  • with a slope of more than 60˚, the snow load is not taken into account (μ=0).

It is necessary to pay attention to the windward side of the house, although the level of snow there will be less than on the leeward side.

The windward side is the one from which the wind blows, the lee side is the one on which it blows.

The main types of snow retention systems

Roof railings that hold back snow can be quite different. The difference lies both in shape, size and materials, as well as in reliability. First of all, the choice of one or another design depends on the amount of snow that it should prevent.


The system is made in the form of tubular elements that go into the holes of the holders with subsequent installation on the roof surface. The amount of snow that such a structure can withstand directly depends on the distance of the elements from each other. In addition, the dimensions of the snow catcher play an important role, namely the pipe parameters - length and diameter. The advantage of this design is the ability to increase the length and snow load by installing additional fasteners and pipes.

The design of tubular snow guards allows you to increase their total length and, as a result, the snow load by installing additional elements

Today, when installing tubular snow retention systems, a galvanized structure, painted in the color of the roof, is often used, which is characterized by increased corrosion resistance.


Latticed roof railings are similar in design to a ladder laid on edge and fixed across the roof. By analogy with tubular elements, they are also easy to strengthen or lengthen. Structures in the form of gratings and pipes are among the most reliable and versatile. They can be installed on roofs made of sheet roofing materials or natural tiles. Grid snowcatchers are distinguished by their efficiency due to the presence of holes for snowmelt and high load-bearing capacity.

The snow guards are highly efficient due to their mesh design.


Corner protective structures equip those roofs that are characterized by the accumulation of snow in small volumes, that is, covered with corrugated board or metal tiles. These elements are made of the same material as the roof. The installation of the system is carried out directly to the roof covering. The installation is carried out along the ridge, while the elements are arranged in rows in a checkerboard pattern. The gap between the rows should be 0.5–1 m. Corner snowcatchers are not designed to hold snow in large volumes, so this design is not very durable. It is best to use them in regions with little snow.

Corner snow guards are best used in regions with little snow.

Rope devices are mostly designed for additional snow retention. They are used in combination with lattice and tubular systems, as well as on low-angle roofs covered with soft materials. As a rule, snow is already delayed on the latter due to the rough surface. If the roof has a small angle of inclination, then the snowfall is unlikely. At the same time, in order to be safe, they mount point yokes in a checkerboard pattern with a gap of 50 cm from each other.

Bowels are installed on roofs with a small angle of inclination or covered with soft roofing materials.

It should also be taken into account that the yokes are installed only during the installation of the roof. These elements are made in the form of a triangle and a long plate, which is located under the roofing material and is attached to the crate. A soft material is laid on top, which hides the installation site. As a result, the roof has complete protection against possible leaks.

Logs for snow retention are used quite rarely. They can be found, for example, on wooden roofs. In this case, the logs are mounted on special hooks that are attached to the crate or to roof structure. The thicker the tree trunk, the more snow it can hold. Above the roof, the log is placed at a height of 2–3 cm. This ensures unhindered snowfall during melting. The rest of the snow mass lingers on the roof until it completely melts.

Logs are mounted by means of special elements in the form of hooks, which are attached to the crate or truss structure.

Installation of snow protection on metal roofing

Installing a snow retention system is not so much complicated as it requires attention and care, as well as compliance with certain rules.

Rules for installing snow catchers for metal tiles

For the correct selection and installation of the structure, it is necessary to figure out how it is fixed on the roof of metal tiles. There are the following recommendations:

  1. The device of tubular systems is carried out at the junction of the roof with the supporting element of the structure.
  2. It is unacceptable to mount pipes to the cornice overhang, otherwise there is a risk of deformation and destruction of the roofing system.
  3. Pipe fastening must be done in a checkerboard pattern or end-to-end.
  4. The first row of the snow retention system must be mounted 50 cm from the edge of the roof.
  5. Longitudinal (tubular, lattice and corner) snow retainers are installed in the area of ​​​​the eaves, and point ones - along the roof slope.

If the length of the roof slope exceeds 5.5 m, experts recommend installing snow catchment systems in several rows, leaving a gap between each of them of 2–3 m.

Video: rules for installing snow retention systems

Snow retainer device

Snow retention systems trap accumulated snow and separate it into pieces. In addition, there is no need to mount elements around the perimeter of the entire roof. Installation is carried out in those places where a large snow mass accumulates in winter. It is also worth considering that modern snow retention systems are perfectly combined with the aesthetics of the roof and in no way spoil it, since usually they are matched exactly to the color. finish coat. Thus, you can find the most suitable elements for almost any building. When installing roofing fences at the stage of building a house and a roof, less financial and labor costs will be required.

Mounting the snow retainer to the metal tile

After choosing the required type of snow retainer, they begin to prepare tools and materials. Their list, regardless of the type of construction, will be almost the same:

For cutting material, the use of a grinder is undesirable. This is explained by the fact that snow retention systems are made of metal and coated with polymers. During cutting with a power tool, the coating is melted and destroyed, which subsequently leads to the formation of corrosion and a decrease in the strength of the structure.

Fastening tubular systems

Snow catchers of tubular type for metal roofing are supplied as a set consisting of the following items:

The snow retention structure is fastened as follows:

  1. Install brackets. To do this, stepping back 30 cm from the side cut of the roof, holes are drilled for mounting the first bracket, while its upper end should rest against the cut of the previous row of tiled shapes.
  2. Install waterproofing pads: 7 mm on the top hole, 14 mm on the bottom hole. This difference compensates for the difference in height, which occurs due to the profile characteristic of the metal tile.

    Waterproofing pads allow you to compensate for the difference in height due to the profile of the metal tile

  3. Mount the bracket.

    A bracket is mounted in the holes made

  4. Stepping back from the first element 1100 mm, the second bracket is fixed in the same way.
  5. A pipe is threaded into the holes of the installed brackets. WITH The free end of the pipe should extend beyond the outermost fastener by no more than 30 cm.

    Pipes are inserted into the holes of the brackets

  6. If it is necessary to lengthen the pipes, the elements are connected and fixed with metal screws.

    To lengthen the pipe, the elements are spliced ​​together

  7. Pipe sections are sealed by flattening the ends or installing special plugs.

    The ends of the pipes are sealed with plugs or by flattening

In the described way, the installation of lattice snow catchers is also carried out.

Video: installing tubular snow retainers

Mounting the corner snow guard

Corner snow retainers during fastening are placed above the load-bearing wall, where the highest mechanical strength of the roof is ensured.

In practice, the place of greatest strength corresponds, as a rule, to the second or third wave of metal tiles.

The width of the mounted corner is equal to the length of one row of roofing material. The top edge of the snow retention element is the one from which a right angle to the roof surface is formed. After installing the corner in a row of metal tiles, it is fixed with self-tapping screws. Most of the load will be applied to the top of the element, so fasteners 50–70 mm long should be used for mounting. This size allows you to securely fix the structure to the roof sheathing. For fastening the lower edge of the corner, shorter self-tapping screws are suitable. This is explained by the fact that there are no high loads.

When installing a corner snow retainer, longer self-tapping screws are used in the upper part, and shorter ones in the lower part.

Installation of tow systems of snow retention

Rope (point) snow retainers are evenly distributed over the roof. Their location depends on the specific roof structure. Fastening of elements is carried out by means of self-tapping screws. The sheets of roofing material are not strong enough to hold the yokes. Therefore, in those places where point elements will be installed, wooden bars are additionally placed.

The installation of bars compensates for the height difference in the tile profile.

The mounting part of the tow bar snow guards is located under the roofing material

The total cost of work

An important point in the arrangement of snow retainers is the final cost of the work. It depends, as a rule, on the dimensions of the elements of the chosen design, as well as on the type of roof and the manufacturer. Since tubular snowcatchers are the most popular, consider the cost of this particular design.

A set of elements 3 m long with all the necessary fasteners will cost an average of 1100–5500 rubles. In fact, the installation of snow retainers is not a very complicated process, so you can do it yourself. However, it should be borne in mind that improper installation of elements can lead to both damage to the roof and other negative consequences.

The cost of installing a snow retention system depends on the type of roof, the size and cost of the structure itself.

If the work is carried out by specialists, then the installation of one snow retainer will cost 2000–5000 rubles. This amount includes:

  • arrival at the site, drawing up a drawing, taking the necessary measurements;
  • purchase of components;
  • system installation.

In snowy winters pitched roofs are a hidden source of danger, because the collected solid precipitation can fall on passers-by at any moment. To avoid this, snow retainers are installed on the roof. The use of the device is essential if the finish is made of smooth corrugated board. Thanks to snow retainers, solid precipitation remains on the roof surface, and when it warms up, melt water flows down gutters. Let's find out what this device is, about its varieties and provide installation instructions.

Types of snow retainers for corrugated roofs

Snow barrier systems differ in shape, size, material, as well as the reliability of the design. For profiled sheet roofs, structures are used in which a structure made of pipes, gratings or corners acts as a snow stop. Let's consider each type in more detail.


This is the simplest, but at the same time quite effective type of snow retention devices. Versatile design consists of brackets that are attached to the roof, and vertical gratings. Such barriers are capable of retaining even the smallest pieces of ice, due to which a large mass of snow can accumulate on the roof. Therefore, snow retainers of this type are installed only on roofs with a high bearing capacity.

All parts are made of galvanized steel and painted with moisture-resistant paint, so the gratings can be matched to the tone of the roof. As for the dimensions of the grille, they may vary depending on the model, and the snow retention capacity of the system directly depends on them. The smallest barriers have a height of about 5 cm, and the largest - 20 cm.

The principle of their work is slightly different from the lattice ones. In addition to retaining a large amount of snow, tubular systems let it through a little, which reduces the load on the roof. Such snow retainers can be mounted on roofs of any type and with an angle of inclination up to 60 °.

This is interesting: on roofs with a slope of more than 60 °, these systems are not installed - it is believed that precipitation does not linger on them at all.

Like the previous view, tubular structures are made of galvanized steel, followed by a paint layer. As a result, the product is durable, not subject to corrosion. The color can be matched to any roof. Tubular snow barriers are equipped with two pipes with a diameter of 15 to 30 mm and a length of 1 to 3 m, as well as fasteners and brackets with plates for attaching to the roof. The number of supports depends on the length of the pipe.

This type is considered the least successful, since the corner snow guards completely prevent the passage of snow. Therefore, in regions with significant rainfall, these devices are not used. This is due to the fact that their height often does not exceed 6 cm. In addition, corner snow barriers are made from metal sheets comparable in thickness to a profiled sheet. Therefore, they do not have sufficient strength to hold large snow piles.

It is advisable to use such products only in regions with low snow cover and install on roofs with a slope of no more than 30 °. In this case, the latter will have to be cleaned from time to time from snow and accumulated dirt.

There is another type of snow retainers for corrugated roofs - these are point barriers. But these systems appeared relatively recently and it is too early to talk about their reliability. However, compared to corner ones, point devices have an advantage in terms of fasteners - their installation does not involve connecting with the crate, but with the roofing metal itself. They keep only part of the snow on the roof. However, this is enough to prevent an avalanche.

Installation Features

Installation of each type of snow retention systems on corrugated roofing may have some features. For example, the installation of corner products is the simplest and is done using self-tapping screws with a rubber washer. Fastening with a self-tapping screw is carried out in a wave of profiled flooring. For the installation of corner barriers, you can do without reinforcing the crate, however fastener should be firmly embedded in the wood. Otherwise, the design will be fragile. Fastenings of corner snow retainers must be placed through one wave.

As for tubular and lattice systems, their snow-retaining elements are installed on the roof using support brackets. The latter are attached in the same way as corner products - on self-tapping screws. Both types are located around the entire perimeter of the building, along the slope. Arrange them in one or more rows.

Installing any of these types of systems is not a difficult task. This work can be done with your own hands, without the help of a builder. Let's go directly to the installation.

Preparing for installation

Before fixing snow retainers, you need to decide on the type of snow retainers and the number of rows. As mentioned earlier, the choice should be made based on the intensity of precipitation in your area. It is important to take into account the angle of the roof on which the barrier is planned to be installed, and the presence of a fence on the roof.

Important: the device must be installed above the roof fence. However, if this is not possible, the designs can be combined.

Now let's start marking. We measure the perimeter of the roof and mark the optimal locations for the stops. The distance from the last bracket to the edge of the pipe must not exceed 300 mm. The maximum distance between the brackets is 1,100 mm.

Usually the snow retainer is installed at a distance of 600 mm from the edge of the cornice overhang and parallel to it. If the installation of another barrier is required, then it can be placed no closer than 2-3 meters from the neighboring one.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • yardstick;
  • marker;
  • set of drills;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets (usually supplied with the system).

Upon completion of the preparatory work, you can proceed to the installation of the system. As an example, consider the installation of tubular snow retainers, which are considered the most reliable, efficient and most popular.

Fastening instructions using the example of a tubular structure

The installation procedure for tubular snow retainers is as follows:

  1. In accordance with the markings, we fasten the support brackets to the screws using a perforator.
  2. We insert the pipes of the snow retainer into the holes of the bracket.
  3. To achieve the required length, the pipes are joined together. For this, a special one-sided crimp is provided. The joint is fixed with a bolted connection.
  4. Similar actions are performed on each side of the building, around the entire perimeter.
  5. At the end, you need to check the bolted connections again.

Photo example of step-by-step installation

The installation procedure for lattice-type snow retainers is completely similar to the above. And the installation of corner products differs only in the absence of points 2 and 3.

Despite the fact that the use of special devices significantly increases safety and reduces roof wear, do not forget about the need for regular roof cleaning. This will reduce the load on building structures and extend their service life.

Mounting snow retainers on the roof of a profiled sheet, detailed instructions

In winter, you can often see how a pile of snow falls from the roof. What if it hits a person? To prevent such situations, a snow retainer was created.

Types and installation of snow retainers on corrugated board

Snowy winter is a common occurrence for many regions of our country. Ice and snow masses are a problem for yards and roads, but they can bring even more trouble to the roofing systems of buildings. After all, even a small layer of snow exerts tremendous pressure on the surface. That is why many owners of private houses prefer roofs made of smooth materials. For example, from metal tiles or corrugated board, since precipitation is removed from such a coating under its own weight without outside interference.

However, it appears new problem- heavy snow and ice growths can slide off the roof at the most inopportune moment, in particular, when a car or a person is near the house. This, in turn, causes not only material damage, but also becomes a threat to the lives of passers-by. To avoid this problem, you should install snow retainers for corrugated board. It is this element that can hold snow blocks on the roof, but at the same time it will not prevent the removal of melted water, which will easily leave the roof through the drainage system. Such designs differ in their configuration, price and installation option. To choose the right snow retention system for a particular corrugated roof, you should pay attention to factors such as the amount of snow cover in the region and the angle of inclination of the slopes for the corrugated board. Let us consider in detail the issues of choosing such products, their varieties and correct installation snow retainers for corrugated board

Varieties of snow retainers

The main purpose of the snow retention system is to prevent large snow masses from sliding off the roof. Mounted similar products on roofs, with an angle of inclination up to 60 degrees. Roofs with a slope of more than 60 degrees, as a rule, do not require additional equipment to prevent sudden snow sliding, since with such a roof steepness, any precipitation does not linger on the surface. Today it is customary to distinguish between two main types of structures for retaining snow.

  1. Snow barriers - that is, structures that prevent any amount of snow or ice from descending from the roof. They are able to hold rather voluminous snow layers on the roof surface. This property is useful when an additional source of thermal insulation is required in winter and a large layer of snow does an excellent job of this task.
  2. Snow cutters are products that pass snow through themselves. Such systems cut snow masses into small fragments that can freely slide off the roof. At the same time, the portion size is insignificant, that is, the safety of both others and various property remains at the proper level, but the roofs do not experience unnecessary pressure.

Also, each type is divided into subspecies. In particular, the following barrier designs can be mentioned:

In turn, snow cutters have their own subspecies:

It is worth considering each subspecies separately in order to understand what kind of variety you want to put on your own home and how they are installed.

Tubular snow cutters

Tubular snow guards consist of several durable pipes fixed between special supports. Since the products are not solid, they easily pass a certain amount of snow masses through themselves. At the same time, a large snowdrift will not be able to slide off the roof as a whole, that is, the mass will be cut into smaller portions. Also, such snow retainers reduce the kinetic energy of the falling snow and minimize its destructive ability. The design has the following parameters:

  • height - up to 15 cm;
  • pipe diameter - 1.5-3 cm;
  • pipe length - 1-3 m;
  • number of pipes - 2;
  • number of brackets - 2-4.

Products are made of galvanized steel, and to give decorative look covered with a layer of strong and durable paint on top. At the same time, it is easy to match the tone of the snow cutters to the shade of the corrugated roofing. Brackets are supplied with special screws, with the help of which installation is carried out. In order for the structure to effectively perform its functions, the first pipe is installed at a distance of 2-3 cm from the roof surface, and the gap between the pipes is 8-10 cm. This allows you to create a durable product that can easily withstand even heavy loads. It is possible to install a snow retainer of this type on metal roofs, the slopes of which have a large slope, up to 60 degrees.

Today, it is tubular snow retainers for corrugated board that are considered one of the most reliable types of products of this type. They are able to withstand high pressure of snow and ice masses, but on condition that a pipe with an oval profile is used. Other types of pipes are less efficient and often deform under stress. Tubular snow cutters can be used on roofing systems not only from corrugated board, but also on coatings made of metal, bituminous or natural tiles and other types of sheet and roll roofs. They are mounted in a continuous row along the entire slope. In places that require additional protection from snow, such as a roof over a parking lot or a walkway, a porch, etc., it is recommended to install snow blowers in two rows. The distance between the rows is 2-3 m. In this case, the first row is fixed with an indent from the cornice overhang of 40-50 cm. famous models produced under the brand name "Optima". Such tubular snow retainers are highly reliable, corrosion resistant and durable. When buying, you should make sure that the product is able to withstand the design load, and during installation it is important to ensure the required tightness.

Lattice snow guards

This type of snow retention structure consists of lattice sections of various modifications and special mounting brackets. At the same time, the height of the product, the length of the section, the purpose and shape of the profile may differ. The installation of snow retainers on a corrugated roof resembles the installation of tubular models - a vertical grille is mounted on fixed brackets. If necessary, increase the length, you can join several sections together. All elements are made of galvanized steel, which gives them high strength and reliability. However, it should be borne in mind that under the influence of large snow masses thin plates may be deformed, which will lead to a decrease in their effectiveness. Therefore, if the snow loads in a particular region are quite large, then you should choose the type of lattice snow cutters in which the lattice is welded to the longitudinal installed pipes and the brackets are thicker. This design is characterized by maximum reliability and durability.

The sizes of lattice snow retainers can be different. At the same time, both the height differs, for example, large lattices have a height of 15-20 cm, and small ones - 5-7 cm, and the shape of the profile, that is, cells, rectangles, rhombuses, and so on. Important! Lattice snow cutters are distinguished by the type of roof, that is, you can purchase products that are designed for:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • metal profile;
  • seam roof;
  • soft roll roofing.

This means that when buying, you should pay attention to what types of coatings the products are intended for and follow the markings exactly. It will not be a problem to choose the color of the snow cutter, because the products are painted with powder dyes in a wide color scheme. The snow retainer is fastened to the profiled sheet along the eaves. To strengthen the structure, it may be necessary to install an additional beam to the crate under the corrugated board. Of course, if this was not done at the stage of installing the truss system, then you can simply add a few brackets for a stronger and more secure fixation.

Rope snow guards

Such products are also called point snow cutters. They are small hooks or teeth located along the entire slope in a checkerboard pattern. Unfortunately, such products are not able to hold large snow masses. That is why it is recommended to install them only as additional products to lattice or tubular snow retainers. Also, they are most often mounted on roofs made of bituminous tiles. Since such a surface holds snow well on its own and only a small additional insurance is needed, which is provided by snow retainers of this type. Hooks should be mounted at a distance of 0.5-0.7 m from each other in a run.

Lamellar snow guards

This is a barrier type of systems, which are also called corner snow retainers. They are mounted at low volumes of winter precipitation. Metal products are produced and have a tone corresponding to profiled sheet roofs. Externally, the product has the form of a plate bent in the form of a triangle, with two faces on each side. It is on such protrusions that installation is carried out to the base. The height of the barrier is small, up to 6 cm, and it is recommended to mount them only on roofs, the slopes of which have a slope of no more than 30 degrees. Snow retainers are installed on the roof from a profiled sheet in 2 or more rows in a checkerboard pattern. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain a distance between rows in the range of 0.5-1 m. In view of the fact that such a design is not able to withstand the pressure of large snow masses, they should be placed only on objects in areas with the minimum amount precipitation, or use them as additional element to other types of snow retainers.

Log snow guard

Such a system consists of wooden log and brackets. Of course, with the advent of tubular snow cutters, such a snow retainer for corrugated board is used extremely rarely. Depending on the size of the logs, the amount of snow that can stay on the roof also changes, thanks to a similar design. During installation, it is necessary to fix the brackets directly on the crate or truss system, since the weight of the wood is quite high, as well as the pressure exerted by the product on the roof. Installation is carried out with an indent from the coating of 2-3 cm. This gap is necessary for the free flow of melt water, while the bulk of the snow is held on the roof until it completely melts.

Installation of any type of snow retainers is recommended to be carried out using special fasteners, as well as hermetic linings. After all, if the integrity of the metal roof is violated, the probability of corrosive formations is high. When deciding how to install snow retainers on corrugated board, it is worth proceeding from the angle of inclination of the roof, as well as the amount of precipitation in the region. At the same time, the greater the slope of the slopes, the more rows of snow retainers should be installed. Snow cutters or snow retainers for corrugated board are an important safety element, both for the building itself and for the residents of the house in the winter. After all, metal roofs are not able to hold snow masses on their surface. long time. As soon as a slight warming occurs, the likelihood of the collapse of snow and ice blocks increases. To completely avoid this or reduce the portion of falling snow, it is necessary to use special snow retainers. One of the best configurations to date has become tubular structures, which have a low cost, but great strength and durability, and you can even mount them on your own.

Installation of snow retainers on the roof of corrugated board: fastening, types

Varieties of snow retainers for corrugated roofs. Features of the installation of snow catchers of types: tubular, lattice, rope tow, corner, log.

Snow retainers on the roof from a profiled sheet: how to install?

Snow on the roof, especially metal, is not a reason for a beautiful shot. This is danger. When a large snow mass accumulates on the roof, it comes off. And it’s good if it’s not a person, but a car or a barn that gets in its way, and you get off with only damage to property. And if not? This situation can be easily prevented: it is enough to install snow retainers on the roof from corrugated board. Save on them is not worth it: the consequences can be disastrous.

Types of snow retainers

Snowplows for corrugated roofs come in 4 types:

The tubular snow retainer consists of 2-3 pipes, which are located one above the other and connected with supports. Such a design does not retain snow in the usual sense of the word, but, as it were, “cuts” the snow mass. As a result, it descends to the ground in small and safe portions. Tubular snow guards are preferred for mounting on a metal roof. They not only ensure the safety of passage under the roof, but reduce the snow load.

Unlike tubular ones, lattice snow guards are able to hold the entire mass of snow on the roof. They can even hold small pieces of ice. This is a good option for the southern and central regions, but in the northern regions they can only be used if the roof is designed for a heavy load. In addition, the trellis should be cleaned at the end of autumn, as the trellis is easily clogged with leaves.

Corner - the cheapest, but unreliable snow retainers. They are a bent metal strip of small height. Such a snow retainer, installed on the roof, prevents the snow mass from coming off. It can only be mounted on roofs with a slope of less than 30ºС, since it is not strong enough to withstand a large mass of snow.

It is highly undesirable to install corner snow guards in areas with a large snow load. There are frequent cases when, under the influence of a snow mass, the fasteners could not withstand and the screws literally pulled out of the roofing. In this case, not only does compacted snow fall onto the sidewalk or road, but the roof itself is damaged.

Spot snow guards are designed for regions with a small snow load, as well as for regularly serviced roofs. In some cases, they are used as auxiliary snowplows. Rope snow guards on the roof made of profiled sheet, depending on the type, are attached either to the wave or directly to the crate through the metal sheet of the roof. They should be mounted in a checkerboard pattern.

Where to install?

Installing snow retainers on a corrugated roof around its entire perimeter does not make sense. It is necessary to mount them only in places where snow causes inconvenience or represents a danger:

  1. Above all exits from the house, including emergency ones, which are used in winter;
  2. Above paths and sidewalks;
  3. Above the roof windows, otherwise in winter you will not be able to ventilate the attic;
  4. Above roof connections and pipe outlets through the roof;
  5. Above the parking space in front of the garage;
  6. And in all other places where snowfall can cause damage.

You must understand that snow retainers on a corrugated roof will not relieve you of the need to clean snow on it. Especially if you have chosen those designs that prevent even its portioned gathering. A large snow cover on the roof is a test for the truss system, so it must be cleaned at least once a month. And also after every heavy snowfall.

In particular, regular snow cleaning is relevant for a smooth metal roof made of corrugated board. Since any metal has a high thermal conductivity, it quickly heats up on a sunny day. As a result, the snow immediately adjacent to the roofing melts, and a thin layer of water forms under the snow mass. Snow can simply slide along it, and no snow block will hold such a mass.

Installation methods

There are two ways to install snow retainers on the roof:

  • Fasten the supports directly to the crate and lay a sheet of corrugated board on top;
  • Fasten the supports to the crate through the sheet using self-tapping screws.

The choice of mounting method depends on what kind of fastening is provided for by the design of a particular snow retainer: clamping or hanging.

The type of fastening usually does not depend on the design of the snow retainer, with the exception of the corner ones - their installation is always carried out according to the second scheme. They are fixed with self-tapping screws on both sides: the side closest to the ridge is fixed in each wave, and the one closer to the overhang - through one.

Those snow retainers that should be installed on suspension supports are mounted together with the laying of corrugated board. If the roof is already ready, it will no longer be possible to fix them. Suspension fasteners are hooked onto the batten beam in such a way that the mounting hook is outside after laying the roofing sheets at a distance of 500 mm from the edge of the overhang. Moreover, most models do not need additional fixation with self-tapping screws. After that, the snow retainers themselves are mounted on the protruding mounts.

Both under the suspension and under the clamping supports there are special linings that protect the corrugated board from damage. They always come with snow guards. In addition to the pads, the mounting kit always includes a decorative trim, which must be installed after the installation is completed.

If possible, try to choose those snow guards that are suspended. Yes, they are harder to install. But this is offset by greater reliability and the absence of additional damage to the metal sheet.

Installation rules

Regardless of the type of fasteners, there are 5 universal rules that must be followed when installing snow retainers. They are:

  1. For fixing structures, only special self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket that will protect the attachment points from corrosion;
  2. To install snow retainers, only the fasteners and accessories that come with them are used;
  3. With a slope length of more than 5.5 meters, snow retainers are attached in several rows every 3-3.5 meters.
  4. If installation in several rows is necessary, before installing snow retainers, it is necessary to consider a plan for their placement;
  5. During installation work on the roof, one should not forget about the simplest safety rules: use safety ropes and shoes with non-rigid soles;
  6. During installation, care must be taken not to damage the corrugated board coating, since any scratch will sooner or later cause corrosion.

In general, installing snow retainers is no more difficult than installing corrugated roofing. And it is quite easy to deal with it if you follow the recommendations outlined in the article and listen to common sense.

Installation of snow retainers on the roof of corrugated board

In order to avoid uncontrolled and dangerous snowfall on a metal roof, snow retainers are required. Do not install them yourself

Snow retainers on the roof from a profiled sheet - functions, types, installation

On the territory of Russia, pitched roofs are more popular, on which snow does not linger. However, the problem of steep slopes is the spontaneous descent of snow masses, which threatens the health and even the life of people passing by. More than others, roofs made of materials with a smooth surface, in particular profiled sheets, suffer from this. To prevent snow from slipping, special devices are used, in everyday life called snow retainers. This article will tell you what snow retention measures are applied to a corrugated roof and how do-it-yourself devices are installed to prevent snow from falling.

Russia is famous for its frosty and snowy winters, and in some regions the cold season lasts 8-9 months. Snow accumulating on the slopes increases the load on the truss frame and the foundation of the house, so most buildings are built with a steep roof, the slope of which is at least 35 degrees. And if a profiled sheet is used as a roofing material with a smooth, slippery surface, then the snow immediately slides off on its own. Warm air rising from the heated rooms heats the roof, due to which an ice crust forms on it.

Do-it-yourself snow guards save homeowners from the following problems:

  1. They retain snow masses on the roof of corrugated board or profiled sheet until they melt under the influence of the sun. In this case, melt water enters the drain, and then into storm sewer without eroding the foundation pavement or walkways.
  2. Snow guards cut the snow cap located on the roof from the profiled sheet into thin layers, the fall of which will not harm the casual passersby.
  3. The installation of snow retainers protects the roof drain from corrugated board from deformation, preventing snow masses from slipping there.

Important! The ice crust, which forms on the roof from the profiled sheet due to the thawing of the lower layer of snow, scratches the roof surface when descending from the slope. These scratches in the future, when water penetrates, will become foci of corrosion, leading to premature destruction of the material. This problem is solved by installing snow retainers with your own hands.

Principles of snow retention

Typically, roof snow retainers are matched to the roof covering by color and material. Manufacturers producing corrugated board and profiled sheet usually complete their products with snow-retaining elements, which, according to the principle of operation, are divided into two types:

  • Snow barriers. These devices are installed on the roof to stop the avalanche of snow masses. They hold the snow until the sun's rays melt it. The disadvantage of this design is that the snow cap greatly increases the load on the roof truss frame and the foundation of the house. To avoid deformation of the roofing when using snow barriers, you will have to manually clean the slope from snow in a timely manner.

If the roof has a corrugated board coating, devices must be installed on it to prevent spontaneous snowfall. Since their absence creates a danger to the health of the inhabitants of the house and harms the roofing, reducing the life of the material.

Installing snow guards is the process of creating a physical barrier made of durable material that can stop and hold the snow mass on the slope. The type and number of elements for snow retention depends on the amount of precipitation, the slope of the slopes and the type of roofing. For roofs from a professional sheet, the following models are used:

  1. Trellised. They are a lattice 15-20 cm high, mounted on brackets along the roof slope. Do-it-yourself installation of devices of this type is recommended only if the truss frame has sufficient bearing capacity, as they hold heavy snowdrifts and large ice floes on the roof surface.

Note! Usually, builders recommend installing snow-retaining elements along the entire roof slope with their own hands, but this undertaking is associated with serious financial costs. To reduce costs, install snow retainers only over critical areas: driveways, parking lots, porches, green spaces. If the slope length exceeds 5 m, then installation in two rows is recommended.

When mounting snow-retaining devices on a roof from a profiled sheet with your own hands, you should pay attention to this task. Fasteners violate the integrity of the roofing, so roofing screws with a press head and a rubber seal are used. Installation technology sees as follows:

  • The first step is to determine the installation location. The first row of snow retainers is installed along the cornice overhang, above the load-bearing wall of the house. At that level, a lace is pulled along the slope.

Important! All snow retention devices are under enormous stress, so they must be made of high-quality metal. Each bracket is fixed with at least three roofing screws. If the installation is done carelessly, the snow cap will tear out the snow retainers with a large mass, deforming the roofing.

Experienced roofers recommend the installation of tubular snow guards, which are suitable even for very steep roofs with an inclination angle of more than 60 degrees. Good efficiency is demonstrated by hybrid devices, which are a grid welded to tubular snow retention elements. To save money, you can make them yourself.

Do-it-yourself installation of snow retainers on the roof of corrugated board

What snow retainers on the roof from the profiled sheet to choose? Overview of popular snow retention devices used on corrugated board, their features and installation

Construction of houses

In regions with snowy winters, there is a common problem - an avalanche of snow from the roof of a house, which can not only cause material damage, but also take the lives of passers-by. You can avoid this problem by installing snow retainers on the roof. These structures allow you to keep the main layer of snow on the roof surface. Only when it melts, the water from the snow can flow freely through the gutters. The type of snow retainers is selected depending on several important factors: the angle of inclination of the slope, roofing material and the amount of snow cover in the region. Let us consider in more detail what types of snow retainers are and what are the features of their installation on different roofs.

Types of snow retainers for the roof

Snow guards on the roof can be bought together with roofing material during the construction of the house, or can be purchased separately when the house is already built. In different stores similar devices can be called differently: snow blocking fences, snow guards, snow stops, snow cutters, snow barriers, snow feet, and of course, snow guards. Such a variety of names is due to the fact that these simple devices can perform different functions.

The first category is snow barriers or snow blocking fences- completely keep the snow on the roof surface. Snow should melt naturally on the roof. The descent of its layers, even partially from the roof, is unacceptable.

The second category is snow cutters- designed to cut a common layer of snow into small pieces. Thus, its energy during the fall is much lower than it would be if the entire layer of snow descended in an avalanche. This is enough to ensure safety.

Roof snow retainers differ not only in shape and size, but also in material and design reliability. First of all, when choosing one or another type of snow retainers, it is necessary to focus on how much snow it should hold back.

Tubular snow guards

The tubular snow retainer for the roof is a construction of brackets into which two pipes with a diameter of 15 - 30 mm are inserted. The total height of the structure is about 15 cm. The bracket looks like vertical plate with holes for pipes. At the bottom of the bracket there is a horizontal shelf for fastening to the roof slope. Screws for metal 8x60 mm with a hex head are screwed into it. Sometimes the type of bracket may differ depending on what type of roofing material the snow retainer will be used for. The method of installation may also differ.

The structural strength of the tubular snow retainer depends on the distance between the lower pipe and the roof surface. The optimal distance is 2 - 3 cm from the roof to the first pipe and 8 - 10 cm between the pipes.

Important! Tubular snow guards can be installed on roofs with very steep slopes up to 60°. Indeed, in such cases, the snow pressure is very high and its movement occurs very often. On roofs with a slope of more than 60 °, snow retainers are not installed at all, since it is believed that snow does not linger on them and crumbles immediately.

Tubular snow cutters belong to the category of snow retainers, which is designed to cut the snow layer into several parts. These structures are considered the most reliable, able to withstand the powerful pressure of a snow layer and can be used on roofs of any type - from sheet, rolled soft materials, as well as from natural tiles. They are installed around the entire perimeter of the building, along the entire slope. Moreover, the installation of tubular snow cutters is carried out in a continuous row, and not in a run. Sometimes when snow load very large, put two rows of snow retainers at a distance of 2 - 3 m from each other.

The fixing of the lower row of tubular snow retainers is carried out above the bearing wall, i.e. at a distance of 40 - 50 cm from the cornice overhang. After installation, they are practically invisible against the background of the roof, because the color of the snow retainers can be matched to the color of the roof. Typically, tubular structures are made of galvanized steel, and are coated on top with a layer of paint to match the color of the roofing material. As a result, the product is durable, non-corrosive.

Lattice snow guards

Lattice snow retainers on the roof have a variety of sizes. Universal type of construction: brackets to which the vertical grille is attached. All parts are made of galvanized steel, painted on top, so that the gratings can also be matched to the tone of the roof. But the size of the lattice can be different. The largest ones are 15–20 cm high, but there are also small ones, where the height of the lattice is not more than 5–7 cm. Naturally, depending on the size, lattice snow retainers can hold a different amount of snow.

A large steel grating is able to resist a large amount of snow masses with ice floes. As a rule, the entire layer of snow is held on the roof, including the smallest pieces of ice, and only melted water flows down.

Lattice snow guards are installed on long slopes with a rather large slope to ensure that blocks of snow do not fall. The effectiveness of these actions depends on the height of the lattice. Also, the material of the roof does not matter either, almost all materials have their own types of fasteners.

Important! Please note that tubular snow guards are a more durable design. If the volume of snow is too large, the lattice plates may buckle, bend outward under the pressure of the block. What does not happen with pipes due to the strength of the structure. The strength of trellis snow guards is also affected by the shape and reliability of the brackets or guides. You should not buy flimsy products, the same thickness as the grate itself.

There are also designs of lattice snow retainers in which the lattice is welded to the longitudinal pipes. In this case, the product is extremely reliable.

The installation of lattice snow retainers is carried out in a row along the slope eaves. If the length of the slope is more than 5.5 m and at the same time there is a large snow load in the region, then in addition to the lattice ones, other types of snow stops are installed, for example, lamellar ones.

Corner or plate snow guards

With small amounts of snow, corner snow retainers are installed on the roof. Basically, they are mounted on roofs made of metal tiles or corrugated board, since the snow retainers themselves are made of the same material and have the same color.

As can be seen in the photo showing the corner snow retainers on the roof, they are metal products bent into a triangular structure with two faces and shelves for attaching to the base. The height of such snow retainers is from 4 to 6 cm. They are usually installed on roofs where the slope angle does not exceed 30 °, since they simply cannot withstand a lot of pressure.

Corner snow retainers are fastened directly to the roofing material, including the upper wave of corrugated materials.

Install similar snowplows along the ridge in a checkerboard pattern in several rows, from 2. Distance between rows from 50 cm to 1 m.

Corner snow retainers are not very durable, they are not able to keep a large layer of snow from convergence, therefore they are used in regions where there is not much precipitation. Also, the roof must be regularly cleaned of snow.

Yokes - point snow retainers

Rope snow guards, or, as they are also called, hooks, are not ways to hold back any significant amount of snow, therefore they are used as an addition to lattice and tubular snow guards, as well as on a soft roof with a slight slope.

On a soft roof, snow usually lingers on its own, this is facilitated by the rough surface of the material, sprinkled with granules. For example, on bituminous tiles or roofing material, snow accumulates and is held without problems. And if the slope of the roof is small, then snow is unlikely to come off. However, for safety net, point tow snow retainers are installed, in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 50 - 70 cm from each other.

A feature of the yokes is that they can only be installed at the stage of roof installation. They are triangles with a long plate for fastening to the crate. The plate should be located under the roofing material, and is attached to the crate, bituminous tiles are laid on top and hide the attachment points. Thus, the roof is protected from leaks.

Wooden log as a snow retainer

Wooden logs are rarely used to hold snow. They can be found on an equally rare wooden roof- shingles or shingle roofing. Logs are installed on special hooks that are fixed to the crate or rafters of the roof structure. How larger diameter logs, the greater the amount of snow that such a snowplow can hold.

The log itself is located at a small height above the roof surface - 2 - 3 cm. Therefore, melting snow can flow freely to the drains. The rest of the snow is held until complete melting.

Installation of snow guards on the roof

It is best to mount snow retainers together with roofing material. Sometimes it is recommended to install snow guards not around the entire perimeter of the roof, but only over important objects: footpaths, car parking, roof windows and balconies. Installation sites are selected on the basis that when an avalanche descends from a roof with a slope of 35 °, the snow fall zone is 0.4 - 1.5 m from the roof overhang.

The distance from the snow retainer to the cornice overhang should be from 50 cm to 80 cm. It is impossible to mount snow retainers directly on the cornice overhang. The only exception is the case when the cornice is formed rafter legs roofs.

Important! If you install snow-retaining structures on or near the eaves, the cornice will inevitably collapse along with the snow-retainers and an avalanche. The lightweight design of the overhang is simply not capable of withstanding such pressure.

The price of snow retainers on the roof depends on the type of product, material of manufacture, size and popularity of the manufacturer's brand. And it can vary in the range from 1.5 to 230 USD.

Snow guards for metal roofs

Metal tile is by far the most common roofing material. But its design itself suggests that snow will fall on it very often. The smooth surface of the material practically does not retain snow. And the sensitivity of the material to temperature changes contributes to the fact that during the day the snow melts and slides down the surface of the metal tile, carrying the entire layer of snow and ice.

Given all this, snow guards for metal tiles are simply an urgent need.

For roofs covered with metal tiles, you can use such types of snow retainers:

The latter are used only on slopes with a small slope and in regions with little snowy winters. In other cases, tubular and lattice structures are used, as the most durable and easy to install.

Fastening of tubular and lattice snow guards produced directly through the roofing material:

  • We plan where the snow retainer will be located.
  • We strengthen the crate with an additional bar.
  • We assemble the snow retainer kit, but do not tighten the bolts.
  • We fix the roofing material, and from above we drill holes for fastening. The holes should be located in the lower wave, which is adjacent to the crate.
  • We fix the assembled bracket to the slope with 8x60 mm bolts. The holes are sealed with rubber pads. The step between the brackets depends on the slope of the roof and the length of the slope. The greater the slope, the more often the brackets should be located. For example, a step of 50 cm will be more than enough for the most durable construction.

  • We insert pipes into the brackets. Or if lattice snow retainers are mounted, then we connect adjacent sets to each other.

We remind you that it is necessary to mount snow retainers above the bearing wall. To install a snow retainer above the roof window, it is necessary to strengthen the crate.

If the slope is longer than 5.5 m, two rows of snow retainers should be installed.

Depending on the type of metal tile, the design of the bracket supports is different. For example, for installation on the Monterrey metal tile, snow retainers are used, the brackets of which are equipped with a special ledge. This makes it possible not to strengthen the crate.

Snow guards for corrugated roofs

The surface of the corrugated board is as smooth and sensitive to temperature changes as that of a metal tile. Therefore, snow retainers are simply necessary to keep snow on the roof. In addition, the melted snow freezes in the evening, when the next day, again the melted snow begins to move along the roof, the ice scratches the corrugated board. As a result, over time, the galvanized coating is peeled off, scratches appear in which rust develops.

Just like in the case of metal tiles, tubular, lattice and lamellar snow retainers can be used for corrugated board. Most often, tubular snow retainers made of galvanized steel, painted to match the corrugated board, are used.

Installation of snow retainers on a corrugated roof practically no different from mounting on a metal tile:

  • Fastening is made through the material.
  • The crate needs to be reinforced.
  • And the holes for the fasteners should be sealed with special gaskets made of weather-resistant rubber.
  • The fastening should be located at the bottom of the corrugated board wave, which is adjacent to the crate, otherwise the sheet will bend and warp.

If you plan to install snow retainers on an already finished roof, you will have to disassemble part of it in order to strengthen the crate. Or you need to take care of strengthening the structure in advance.

To install corner or lamellar snow retainers, reinforcement of the crate is not required, since they are fixed directly into the sheet of corrugated board or metal tiles in the upper wave. The bolt must cut into the wood of the crate, otherwise the structure will turn out to be fragile. Corner snowplow mounts should be located through one wave.

Snow guards for seam roofs

On folded roofs, only tubular and lattice snow retainers are used. The main difference between the installation of tubular snow retainers on a seam roof is that the brackets have a peculiar shape and are attached directly to the seam. Thus, the tightness of the coating is not violated.

As seen in the photo, fastening to folds made with clamps:

  • We dress the clip on the fold.
  • We drill 2 - 3 holes.
  • We insert bolts with nuts and tighten.
  • The step between the supports depends on the slope of the roof. The most reliable option is fastening to each fold.

An indisputable advantage of fastening snow retainers to a seam roof is that there is no need to reinforce the crate. All work is carried out from above, on the finished roofing material. As a result, the design turns out to be quite reliable, since the main snow pressure is distributed along the rebate.

Please note that not all snow retainers for seam roofs are made of galvanized steel. There are copper models. They are not sold as a set, but individually: a pipe section, lower and upper brackets. Prices for copper snow retainers are higher than for ordinary ones, but even a copper seam roof is not a cheap pleasure.

Snow guards for soft roofs

Soft roofing has its own characteristics, which leave an imprint on the choice of the type of snow retainers and the nuances of installation:

  • The angle of the roof slope with a soft roof should not exceed 15 °. With such a slope, an avalanche-like snowfall is unlikely. Therefore, powerful tubular snow retainers are practically not used.
  • Sprinkling of stone chips on the surface of soft roofing materials traps snow and prevents it from sliding off.
  • Due to the fact that a solid form of lathing in the form of sheets of moisture-resistant plywood is used for the installation of a soft roof, there is no need to reinforce the lathing.
  • However, all work on the installation of snow retainers on soft roof must be made at the stage of laying the roofing material.

For a soft roof, yokes are most often used, less often - tubular snow retainers.

Installation of tubular snow retainers on a soft roof is practically the same as installation on corrugated board or metal tiles. The disadvantage of fastening such a design is that the fasteners are on top, i.e. seal may be compromised.

Triangular yokes or stoppers are attached using this technology:

  • It is necessary to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern in 2 - 3 rows with a step of 50 - 70 cm.
  • The yoke is attached to the crate so that the next sheet of soft tiles hides the mounting plate, and the yoke triangle itself remains on top.
  • Fastening is made on self-tapping screws.

If the roof has already been installed, the yokes can also be fixed from above, in which case weather-resistant rubber gaskets are used.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in the conditions of our snowy winters, the use of snow retainers on roofs is mandatory. However, it is still necessary to clean the roof once a week or two, depending on the amount of rainfall. You can get rid of the need to clean the roof and trap snow by installing a heating cable under the roof. Thus, the snow will immediately melt and flow down the drain. The formation of icicles and snow avalanches is excluded.

Snow retainers on the roof, types and features of installation, Construction portal

Construction of houses In regions with snowy winters, there is a common problem - an avalanche of snow from the roof of a house, which can not only cause material damage, but