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Mumiyo properties and use for what diseases. Mumiyo, benefits and harm to the human body. Let us list the main medicinal properties of mumiyo

Mumiyo is a healing mountain wax, which is a mixture of plant and animal components. He has known each other for centuries folk medicine, famous as a remedy for thousands of diseases. The most valuable types are considered to be Altai and Oriental. To get the maximum effect from this natural medicine, you need to study Shilajit - beneficial features and contraindications of the substance.

Product Feature

Its features

According to experts, mumiyo is the result of high-quality processing of biomass in a mountain climate. It includes:

  • animal waste products,
  • plant remains,
  • fragments of bee venom.

Shilajit has a bitter taste and has a specific smell, similar to oil. Interestingly, it dissolves almost completely in water, leaving only a small sediment. But it is absolutely insoluble in alcohol.

Chemical composition/h3>

This natural substance consists of:

  • amino acids,
  • metal oxides,
  • essential oils,
  • resins,
  • vitamins,
  • bee venom,
  • humic bases.

Its composition is variable, depending on the variety and conditions of formation.

The organic part of the product is represented by:

  • hydrogen,
  • oxygen,
  • carbon,
  • nitrogen.

The inorganic part consists of minerals (magnesium, aluminum, sodium, calcium, potassium) and rare earth elements (tin, strontium, cesium, rubidium, chromium, barium, antimony, etc.). Some rare earth elements are present as traces, but they are very important for the body.

Impact on the body

Healing qualities

The main beneficial properties of mumiyo are manifested in a positive effect on regeneration and metabolism in the body. This product is involved in synthesis at the cellular level. It works most effectively:

  • on the liver and stomach,
  • for inflammation,
  • as an immunostimulant,
  • in treatment bronchial asthma, tuberculosis,
  • as a disinfectant (due to the presence of a fungus similar in properties to penicillin),
  • to restore the structure of nerve cells, blood, tissues,
  • as a cardiac stimulant.

The substance is not characterized by toxicity and allergenicity. It also helps in cases of:

  • exhaustion of the body, including after surgery,
  • migraines,
  • stuttering,
  • diabetes mellitus.

The product optimizes brain activity, improves general state. This is expressed in improved appetite and sleep, and rapid restoration of the functioning of damaged systems and organs. The drug also improves the condition of the skin, which is widely used in cosmetology.

Who should abstain

It is better to refuse mumiyo if you are able to:

  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding,
  • bleeding,
  • high blood pressure (consumption is permissible in minimal quantities after advice from a doctor),
  • oncological diseases.

Elderly people should also take the substance with caution due to its high biological activity (especially in the presence of cancer). It is believed that with moderate intake of mumiyo there are no contraindications.

Practice of use

Criteria for choosing mumiyo

There are several types of substance:

  1. "Golden" is red in color.
  2. "Silver" - white.
  3. "Copper" - blue.
  4. "Dark" - brown-black.

The most popular types are “dark” and “copper” mumiyo. The high quality product has a black color, soft and shiny consistency. It may harden over time when exposed to air.

Reception tactics

The substance has a high concentration, so it should be consumed on an empty stomach once a day (preferably in the morning). The dosage can vary from 0.15 to 0.2 g. A tablet of a purified pharmaceutical product weighs 0.2 g. It can be mixed with plain water, honey, tea, juice, any drink can serve as a base. The exception is alcohol, which is strictly prohibited during treatment.

The duration of treatment is 10 days, then a break is taken for 5-10 days. Then the course is repeated. The total duration of treatment includes 3 to 4 repetitions of the course. Experts do not recommend using pharmaceutical tablets due to the presence of synthetic additives in them. It is more useful to purchase mumiyo in the form of natural powder.

This natural resin successfully strengthens the children's body. But it must be used in smaller doses and depending on the age of the child:

  • 0.01 g - up to one year,
  • 0.05 g - up to 10 years,
  • then increase the dose to 0.1 g.

Proper use of the product can halve the incidence of colds in children's institutions. If you take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications of mumiyo during use, you can have no doubt about its effective healing power.

Use in folk medicine

In addition to internal use, mumiyo is used externally for the following purposes:

  • instillation,
  • lubrication,
  • preparation of balms and ointments,
  • receiving tinctures and lotions.

The ointment based on the product should be used before bedtime. Softened wax may stick to your hands and spread unevenly over the skin area. To avoid this, you need to lubricate your hands with vegetable oil.

The substance is very useful for external use in cases of various insect bites. It effectively relieves swelling. Good result occurs in case of poisoning. The product removes toxic substances, cleansing the body.

To make a lotion from mumiyo, you should dilute it with water. Proportions: 0.2-0.5 g of substance per 10 g of water. The napkin is moistened with the resulting solution and applied to the site of the fracture, sprain or bruise. Such procedures provide 90% healing.

For external beauty

This product is very widely used in cosmetology. It is present in products for improving skin condition, strengthening hair, and getting rid of cellulite. It’s easy to make a cream that works against stretch marks at home. You will need 3-5 g of mumiyo.

To it you need to add warm water (1 tbsp) and rich baby cream. Mix all ingredients well and leave to steep for 15 minutes. Apply the resulting mask to hot skin in a problem area. Make massaging movements and do not rinse. After a month, the elasticity of the skin increases, and after a few months the stretch marks disappear.

To restore the hair structure, you will need mummy in the form of a 10% solution. It is placed in a spray bottle from which it is distributed over the entire scalp. The composition is washed off after at least an hour. If the hair is too weak, this procedure should be performed for up to one month.

Another recipe for a nourishing hair product that stimulates hair growth. Mix a little shampoo, honey (1 tbsp) and mummy (2 g). Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp. Wash off after half an hour with simple shampoo.

To rejuvenate the skin, combine face cream (1 tbsp) with mumiyo (14 g). Mix carefully. Apply the mask in the evening. Leave on skin for about 15 minutes. Use warm water to rinse off.

The unique composition of mumiyo can compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, including rare earth elements. There is no complete knowledge of the composition of the substance yet, so it is not included official medicine to the list of medicines. But the demand for it is constantly increasing as many people have received obvious benefits from it.

Humanity uses mumiyo (a natural organic balm) in medicinal purposes more than 4000 years. Aristotle described the beneficial properties of this substance in his written works.

Mumiyo is even mentioned in the treatises of ancient Eastern philosophers and healers. The famous doctor Avicenna claimed that this mineral can rejuvenate the skin, have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and thin the blood.

The ancient Egyptians used mumiyo in developing their own medicine and embalming the dead. Thanks to its miraculous properties, the mineral has found its way into various legends, beliefs and traditions.

Many have already heard about the extraordinary healing properties that mumiyo has. What it is and what it treats is explained below in this article in sufficient detail.

Shilajit is a substance with a complex chemical composition.

Among the useful components of the mineral, the following should be highlighted:

Its extraction is carried out only in a few mountainous areas of the planet: India, China, Nepal, Mongolia, etc. The natural formation of the mineral is influenced by plants, animals, rocks, soil and the activity of microorganisms.

In nature, mumiyo is found in mountain voids, cracks and niches. It looks like a film or crust of a dark color, with a consistency reminiscent of tree resin. Unrefined mumiyo can have a different color: from ocher to black. This substance dissolves in water and becomes softer when heated.

Among the beneficial properties of natural balm are the following:

  1. Antiseptic. It is used to disinfect external damage and also removes toxins from the body.
  2. Antiviral. Is strong remedy for the prevention of various diseases, strengthens the immune system, enhances the body's protective functions to combat bacterial and infectious diseases.
  3. Regenerating. The balm increases the ability of the body's cells and tissues to recover.
  4. Painkiller. Shilajit weakens painful spasms of any origin.
  5. Anti-aging. This mineral is traditionally used as a component in cosmetic products. He participates in natural processes vital activity of skin cells and helps improve cellular metabolism.
  6. Anti-inflammatory. Shilajit contains minerals and other useful material, which help effectively fight inflammatory processes in the body.

Useful properties of mumiyo: application and treatment

Knowing the uses of mumiyo will help you better understand what it is and what it can treat. This substance is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine in the manufacture of prophylactic products.

The composition of the balm helps to effectively combat stretch marks on the body, restoring the elasticity and healthy appearance of the skin.

Mumiyo strengthens hair that is weak and prone to loss. The components of the mineral will prevent the appearance of split ends of the hair and restore its rich color.

For achievement best result It is necessary to use mumiyo in combination with shampoo. Often, nourishing face masks are made based on it.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of this substance in the treatment of fractures. To do this, you need to take 0.15 g of the mineral dissolved in water on an empty stomach. The unpleasant taste of the medicine can be weakened by drinking aromatic tea or natural juice.

Interesting fact! With regular use of mumiyo, human bone can recover several times faster.

The range of diseases that natural balm can treat is very wide.

It is successfully used in the treatment of:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • male infertility;
  • chronic diseases;
  • periodontal disease;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hearing impairment;
  • nosebleeds;
  • some other ailments.

How to take mumiyo

This substance can be used internally, dissolved in any liquid with a pleasant taste, externally as an ointment, or as a concomitant medicinal component in the composition cosmetics.

Shilajit should be used strictly according to recipes. because it has a cumulative effect.

Note! During the period of using mumiyo, drinking alcohol and taking other medications is not allowed. You need to eat in moderation and follow a diet.

When treating an advanced stage of the disease, repeated courses of treatment using mumiyo are allowed, which can be prescribed no earlier than 10 days after the first.

The preparation of a medicinal solution based on mumiyo prohibits its heat treatment.

Received the drug must be taken orally, strictly observing the dosage and duration of the course.

Before the upcoming surgical operation, mumiyo solution is taken 7 days before. Chronic diseases are treated in short courses of 14 days. Before meals, 5 drops of the remedy are taken for diseases of the digestive system.

Mumiyo in tablets

For ease of use, mumiyo can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets familiar to everyone. However, before taking them, it is recommended to find outwhat is it - mumiyoAndWhatit cantreat.

The tablets have a wide range of therapeutic effects, so you should review all your symptoms in advance in order to finally begin treatment - choose a course and dosage.

Their indications for use are similar to natural balm:

  1. Thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the lower extremities.
  2. Infectious, viral and allergic diseases.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Deposition of salts in the joint structures of the skeleton.
  5. Flu prevention.
  6. General tonic.
  7. Heartburn.

Tablets are taken one 2 times a day. In the morning half an hour before meals and in the evening 2 hours after the last meal.

The dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician. It may vary depending on the general condition, age and weight of the patient.

In more than 90% of cases of taking mumiyo in the form of tablets, an immediate positive effect from the prescribed course of treatment is observed.

Altai mumiyo: application, instructions

This remedy has a strong general therapeutic effect. It is often used to treat diseases of bone and cartilage structures and the destruction of human joints.

Altai mumiyo is successfully used for:

  • osteoporosis of varying degrees;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout

This mineral affects skin lesions and muscles of any origin. It heals sprains, burns, herpes, eczema. Therapeutic effect manifests itself not only in terms of tissue restoration, but also in the disinfection and cleansing of wounds.

From the abdominal organs, Altai mumiyo has a healing effect on the pancreas, gallbladder, liver.

Many doctors claim that this the drug can relieve diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system. Also effective treatment susceptible to diseases of the spleen and cardiovascular system.

It is better to take mumiyo in the morning and evening. The treatment course is at least 3 weeks. This is followed by a mandatory break of 10 days. If necessary, the Altai mummy is repeated.

The optimal daily dosage of the drug is calculated taking into account the patient's weight. A person weighing 70 kg can take 0.2 g of mumiyo per day. Each subsequent additional 10 kg of weight allows you to increase the dosage by 0.05 g of the product.

Mumiyo for face

Information about what mummy is and what it cures will be incomplete if we do not consider its use in medicinal masks.

Wherein The skin of the face has the following effects:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Mumiyo counteracts the formation of acne and pimples.
  2. Anti-aging. Natural balm improves skin elasticity and effectively fights existing wrinkles.
  3. Restorative. The therapeutic effects of mumiyo will help make scars and scars less noticeable.
  4. Cleansing. The mineral effectively fights toxins and impurities in the pores.

Liquid mumiyo balm has the greatest effect, rather than tablets crushed to powder. The full course consists of at least 10 masks. Each mask must be done once every 10 days.

How to add hair mumiyo to shampoo

Many people, not knowing about mumiyo, what it is and what this balm treats, have no idea about the benefits that mumiyo brings to the scalp and hair.

The remedy is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Dissolve 5 g of mumiyo in a small amount of warm water.
  2. The resulting solution is added to regular shampoo.
  3. The container with the product must be shaken and left for 2 days in a dark room.
  4. Afterwards, use it like regular shampoo.

The maximum effect is achieved after 1.5 months of use. To strengthen hair and add shine, it is recommended to use moisturizing balms and hair conditioners.

Shilajit for weight loss

Many people who first learned about mummy are interested in what it is and what this natural balm treats.

Shilajit helps to get rid of excess weight by triggering self-regulation mechanisms in the body. At the same time, metabolic processes improve, hormonal levels are normalized and calories are burned more efficiently.

If you want to know about mummy, what it is, what it cures and how to use it, it is better to talk with those who have been using it for a long period of time and know the instructions.
  • increase physical activity;
  • control portions and regularity of food intake.

3 days before taking mumiyo, you need to cleanse the intestines with a special diet.

During this period it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • unnatural juices;
  • coffee;
  • Black tea;
  • meat;
  • confectionery;
  • any preservatives;
  • salty and fried foods.

The basis of the diet should be:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables,
  • nuts,
  • fresh juice,
  • dried fruits,
  • seafood.

For effective weight loss, you need to take mumiyo 2 times a day, 1 g. The course of admission is 20 days. After this, it is recommended to take a break for a month. Subsequent weight loss courses are carried out if necessary.

Shilajit for immunity

Know what mummy is and that it does not heal enough if you plan to take it to improve immunity.

Shilajit should be taken after the main therapeutic treatment. Shilajit helps support the body during the autumn-spring lack of vitamins and nutrients.

You need to mix 200 ml of warm water and 200 g of mumiyo. Within 10 days, consume the entire volume of the resulting mixture (taken on an empty stomach). This is followed by a break of 5 days. Then 200 g of mumiyo are mixed with 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.

Take this medicine for strictly 10 days, followed by a five-day break. The third stage of treatment is similar to the first.

Mumiyo for skin diseases, burns

To supplement the information about what it is - mumiyo, it is necessary to indicate that this balm treats 1st and 2nd degree burns. For these purposes, mumiyo is taken orally and used as an external remedy.

It is not recommended to make alcohol tinctures from natural resin. due to their drying effect. To create a medicinal ointment, you need to mix 5 g of mumiyo and 2 tbsp. l. rose oil. The resulting product is infused for 24 hours, then the affected area of ​​skin is treated every 8 hours.

For oral administration, 0.2 g of mumiyo must be dissolved in pasteurized milk. This remedy will reduce pain and speed up the healing of burns. It should be taken for 3 weeks.

Shilajit for various diseases of the body

Shilajit is used to treat sinusitis, providing a powerful anti-edematous and antimicrobial effect. In this regard, the natural mineral helps in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Magnesium, chromium and phosphorus compounds contained in mumiyo help restore a stable heart rate, energy exchange within the heart muscle, and increase the level of thromboplastin and erythropoietin.

All this is the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis and such serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system as coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Shilajit can have a beneficial effect on the walls of the esophagus, as well as increase the secretion of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Such properties help in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis and colitis.


Like any medicine, mumiyo has a number of restrictions for its reception.

Doctors do not recommend using the balm:

Note! People suffering from high blood pressure should take mumiyo only after detailed consultation with their doctor. Poor blood clotting is also a reason for refusing to take mumiyo.

This substance must be taken according to a strict dosage and course duration., which are prescribed by the attending physician.

How to store mumiyo at home

Shilajit will not lose its medicinal properties if it is placed in a dry container and stored in a dark and cool place. Room temperature is the most detrimental to resin. It promotes active water exchange between the natural balm and the surrounding air.

Shilajit may dry out quickly or become too viscous in consistency. This will not affect the benefits of mumiyo, however It is better to store it in plastic packaging, which can be hermetically sealed. If the resin is exposed to moisture, it can be dried at a temperature below 40 degrees.

The medicinal solution of mumiyo in any liquid should be stored in a cool place. The shelf life of mumiyo in this form does not exceed 2 weeks. All useful and medicinal properties resins are preserved long time. If you follow the storage rules, the balm can be used for many years.

Where to buy mumiyo, price

Considering the above about mummy, what it is and what it treats, we can assume that there are a large number of counterfeits of this substance from various distributors.

The lowest risk of being deceived is provided by purchasing the drug at a pharmacy.

The average cost of a jar of balm weighing 6 g is 120 rubles. The range may also include tablets (capsules). On average, a package (20 tablets) will cost about 80 rubles.

Shilajit is a natural medicine, capable of coping with many diseases. It has no strict contraindications, but should only be taken as recommended by a doctor.

This video will tell you and show you mumiyo, what it is, what it cures and what it is needed for.

From this video you will learn about all the beneficial properties of mumiyo.


What is mumiyo?

What is mumiyo, the benefits and harms of this product for the human body, all this is of great interest to those who conduct healthy image life, monitors his health and is interested in traditional methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Shilajit is an organo-mineral product of alternative (non-traditional) medicine of natural origin. Represents pieces various shapes and the size of a heterogeneous dense, solid mass with an uneven or granular, matte or shiny surface, brittle or hard-plastic consistency with inclusions of plant, mineral and animal origin, enclosed in a resin-like substance, brown, dark brown, black with pale gray spots, a specific color odor, in the formation of which rocks, soil, plants, animals, and microorganisms take part. The exact process of its formation has not yet been studied.


Shilajit itself as a medicinal substance has been known since ancient times; it is believed that it has been used for more than three thousand years. Biruni, Avicenna and Aristotle wrote about it, and it was used by the ancient Egyptians.

As already mentioned, mumiyo has been known since ancient times. Its current name comes from Greek word with the meaning “preserving heat.” The Iranian (Persian) name sounds like “mum” - “protecting organism”. The Arab physician Ibn Betar in the 7th century wrote about the “mummy substance”, which comes “from the country of Apollonia.” It descends with water flows from the “luminous mountains”, hardens on the shore and acquires the smell of tar.

These days the most general definition says that mumiyo is a natural mixture of organic and inorganic substance, highly soluble in water, which is formed in rock cracks, voids, niches in the form of films, crusts, growths of black, dark brown and brown resin-like masses. Mumiyo from different countries and from different deposits has a similar high-quality composition, but differs in the ratio of individual parts. At the same time, various instrumental techniques are now used for research, which has made it possible to find out the composition of various types of mumiyo extracted from different deposits.

The composition of mumiyo is very complex. Scientists are constantly studying it, but have not come to a single conclusion. Some articles say that all types of mumiyo are of organic origin, while others say that not all. This may depend on the place of origin of the particular sample being studied.

For example, mumiyo from the mountains of Central Asia contains a large amount of organic substances, as well as silicon dioxide, phosphoric anhydride, aluminum oxide, iron, titanium, calcium, lead, magnesium, barium, manganese, potassium, sodium and in small quantities strontium oxide.

And based on the results of a comprehensive study at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, scientists concluded that this mountain balsam is a natural mineral with a stable organic part of the molecule.

The third study says that mumiyo contains over 80 components - substances vital for the body, including antibiotics plant origin and anticoagulants, about 30 chemical elements (calcium, potassium, silicon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, vanadium, iron, phosphorus, barium, sulfur, molybdenum, beryllium, manganese, titanium, silver, copper, lead, zinc, bismuth, nickel, cobalt, tin, strontium, chromium, helium).

In some types of mumiyo, they also found carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, amino acids (histidine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, lysine, valine, etc.), more than 10 different metal oxides, essential oils, fatty acids, vitamins, hemin bases, auxins, inhibitors, chlorophyll, enzymes, hormones and other substances.

Also found in mumiyo samples were B vitamins, proteins, lipids, steroids, amino acids, alkaloids, coumarins, essential oils, bee venom, macro- and microelements.

And there are quite a lot of such studies with various compositions of mumiyo. That is why there is no single classification of mumiyo. This substance is divided into various groups, and sometimes “mummy itself” and “mummy-like substances” are distinguished.

As a result, now mumiyo is divided into different types according to the method of formation and composition.

Mumiyo is formed from various substances: microelements, microorganisms, plants, animals and their waste products. And mountains are needed because of their microclimate. It is the highlands, where the oxygen content is reduced, sudden temperature changes, and increased ultraviolet radiation. Also conducive to the formation of mumiyo is a hot, dry area, where there are few microorganisms and the remains do not decompose, but become mummified. In some places that are not accessible to moisture, they harden, and in others they are dissolved by soil water, dissipating or forming sag in the voids.

Mumiyo deposits are found in different countries and regions in mountainous areas: India, Mongolia, Iran, Arabia, Indonesia, Australia, Burma, South America, China, Nepal, Afghanistan, and the countries of northeast Africa.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, deposits were discovered in the Altai-Sayan mountainous country (Altai Mountains, Tyva), South Yakutia, and the North Caucasus. In the CIS: in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, the mountains of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan). There are Pamir and Tien Shan mumiyo, as well as Caucasian, Altai and Transbaikal mumiyo. Differences in its properties are manifested in the content of biologically active substances and microelements.

In the “Register of Medicines of the Russian Federation”, only one type of mumiyo is included in the section BAA (dietary additives).


Altai mumiyo purified

The Latin name of the drug is Altai Depuratus mumijo.

Groups: General tonics and adaptogens. Dietary supplements are products of plant, animal or mineral origin.

Composition and release form:

1 tablet contains purified mummy 0.2 g; 10 pcs in contour-free packaging, 2 packs in a cardboard box. Shilajit contains a complex of organic and mineral substances: zoomelanoedin, humic, fulvic and amino acids, terpenoids, steroids, vitamins B and P, polyphenolic compounds, as well as macro- and microelements (copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese, etc.) .

Directions for use and dosage:

Orally, 30 minutes before meals, with water, 1 tablet 1-2 times a day for 25 days. After a 10-day break, the course can be repeated.

Storage conditions for the drug “Altai Mumiyo purified”: in a cool, dry place. Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug “Altai purified Mumiyo” is 5 years.

What is mumiyo, the benefits and harms of mumiyo, are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. So we will try to answer questions that interest this category of people.

What does mummy treat?

The benefits and remarkable medicinal qualities of this drug have been known since ancient times. And now everything that scientists and doctors have written since ancient times has been confirmed by clinical trials of mumiyo, which were carried out in different countries, including in our country since the 1960s.

The complex composition of mumiyo determines the variety of its medicinal properties. On the other hand, it is complex composition and the difference in this composition in samples from different deposits leads to the fact that it is impossible to say with certainty that all mumiyo acts the same. More accurate is the idea that mumiyo from some deposit acts in such and such a way, but, unfortunately, not all samples of mumiyo have the necessary information.

It is considered proven that mumiyo increases the body’s resistance to adverse factors. environment, is a general strengthening, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent, has a choleretic effect, stimulates some functions of the immune and hematopoietic system, improves metabolism, stimulates regenerative processes and much more.

Substances with antibacterial effects (organic acids, tannins, sulfur and silver) were found in mumiyo. Therefore, it has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on many pathogenic microorganisms, and is very effective in the fight against Staphylococcus aureus, pyogenic streptococci, E. coli, some types of enterococci, as well as the causative agents of typhus, dysentery and diphtheria. Of course, it must be used in combination with other medications. It will also be beneficial for sore throat, bone tuberculosis, fungal diseases and some types of eczema.

Thanks to the presence of biological stimulants and a large number of microelements (chlorophyll, amino acids glycine, leucine and arginine, flavonoids and carotenoids, as well as vitamins C and E that stimulate the natural synthesis of collagen, rutin, amino acid lysine, sulfur, zinc, copper, silicon, chromium), mumiyo promotes fusion of bones in various injuries, restoration of cartilage tissue, accelerates granulation and epithelization of damaged skin, stimulates the restoration of mucous membranes. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of fractures, bruises, wounds, burns, frostbite and trophic ulcers; ointments based on mumiyo relieve allergic skin inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory effect of mumiyo is mainly associated with the presence of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, silicon, selenium, sulfur, cobalt, carotenoids, vitamins E, K, C, tannins, organic and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Shilajit is used in the treatment of the liver, bladder, radiation sickness and many others.

Shilajit reduces blood clotting, which is very important in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It improves metabolism, dilates blood vessels, therefore it is recommended for hypertension, heart attack, sclerosis, and migraines.

It has a beneficial effect on mineral metabolism in the body, and also improves vision and gives a good effect in the complex treatment of periodontal disease. Increases resistance to hypothermia and tissue resistance to oxygen starvation.

In Indian medicine, mumiyo shalajit (in our country it is sold under the name “shilajit”) is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, and also as a general tonic, to increase strength, improve health and longevity. It also has a calming effect.

Medical studies have found that shalajit improves bone growth, increases hemoglobin content in the blood, and increases sexual desire in adults.

The benefits and harms of mumiyo are a subject of interest to many people who care about their health. We have already figured out how useful this tool is. But can it do harm?

As for the restrictions and contraindications when taking mumiyo, there are certain discrepancies. Some works write that it has no contraindications and cite various studies as examples. In other works they write that you still need to approach it with caution and not use it in oncology, pregnancy, or in children under 12 years of age. True, the reasons for these restrictions are not deciphered.

One restriction is absolutely known and should be followed: when taking mumiyo, you should not drink alcohol. Moreover, this also applies to alcohol tinctures of various medicines.

No allergic reactions or cases of anaphylactic shock were found when taking mumiyo.

As a side effect, a slight yellowing of the tooth enamel may occur if the mummy is absorbed in the mouth (the mummy is a strong dye and is absorbed into the tooth enamel), less often - a change in skin pigment. Light brown spots may appear on the hands and face if ingested for a particularly long time. After stopping the drug, pigmentation quickly disappears.

The dosage for each disease is different, and it must be selected by a doctor.

How to take mumiyo?

If mumiyo is recommended for internal use, it is usually taken 1 or 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 25–28 days. If there is a need to continue treatment, then take a break of 10 days, then repeat the course.

The daily dosage depends on the person’s weight. With a weight of up to 70 kg, the daily dose of mumiyo is 0.2 g (200 mg), from 70 to 80 kg - 0.25 g (250 mg), from 80 to 90 kg - 0.3 g (300 mg), over 90 kg - 0.5 g (500 mg).

Before ingestion, mumiyo must be dissolved in milk, water, vegetable or fruit juice. During the course of treatment, you should never drink alcohol.

How to treat bone fractures with mumiyo?

Fractures of bones, joints, injuries chest, dislocations, bruises, muscle strains, cuts take quite a long time to heal. After providing the necessary medical care, the patient has to wait a long time for the bones to heal, the bruises to heal, and the cuts to heal. This process can be accelerated by taking mumiyo, which will have an anti-inflammatory, restorative and local wound-healing effect. Also, for all types of injuries, mumiyo normalizes the general condition: reduces fever, improves appetite and sleep.

  • The general strengthening effect is achieved by taking mumiyo orally in doses of 0.2–0.5 g (depending on the person’s weight). Take it on an empty stomach, 2–3 hours before meals, 1 time per day in dry or dissolved form, washed down with water, tea and honey. The course of treatment is 10 days, the interval between courses is 5 days. Depending on the severity and nature of the fracture, there may be from 3 to 6 courses. For simple fractures, 1–2 courses are sufficient.
  • After removing the plaster cast, the affected area can be rubbed next ointment. Take a ceramic mortar, pour 10 g of distilled water into it, dissolve 5 g of mumiyo in it and add 10 g of lanolin, bring to a paste-like consistency, add 40 g of aloe pulp and 30 g of boric vaseline, mix thoroughly. Store in a cool, dark place. Do rubbing for 25–28 days.

In severe cases, it is necessary to carry out up to 4 courses of taking mumiyo orally. The break between them is 5 days, rubbing continues throughout the entire treatment period without interruption. Required amount mumiyo per course of treatment - 15–25 g. In this case, the process of callus formation is accelerated by 16–20 days.

  • Shilajit works especially well when open fractures, when it simultaneously promotes the growth of bone callus and the healing of muscle and skin damage. For these injuries, you can take mumiyo orally in the form of a 1–2% aqueous solution. The course of treatment is 2–3 weeks.
  • Balm with mumiyo, used internally in the treatment of fractures: take 8 g of mumiyo and 180 g of honey.

Mix the mummy with 1 tablespoon of water and leave at room temperature for a day until it completely dissolves. Then add this water to honey and stir thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day before meals for 5–7 days.

  • For fractured ribs, bruises with damage to the chest organs, you can drink 0.2 g of mumiyo per day with a decoction of cumin as a general tonic.
  • For simple fractures, take 0.5 g of mumiyo per day mixed with rose oil orally, and also lubricate the fracture site with the resulting composition.

How to treat stretch marks with mumiyo?

You can hear from many girls that regular use of mummy cream against stretch marks is very effective. This is actually true. But you need to know that it can only help you if you prepare the solution or cream yourself and do not buy it in a store. Factory-made preparations with mumiyo most often do not bring the desired results, and some of them can even cause allergic reactions or irritations that will take a long time to treat.

A high-quality cream with the addition of mumiyo for stretch marks has a very short shelf life. If it often comes into contact with the skin and air, for example, if the cream is packaged not in a tube, but in a jar with a large neck), then the shelf life of such a cream becomes two weeks shorter. Therefore, you should not expect positive changes when purchasing any cosmetic product with the addition of mumiyo, which has a shelf life of a year. In this case, you will only be wasting your money. So, to save your money, you can prepare cream with mumiyo yourself at home. In this case, the treatment will be effective.

  • Dissolve 4 g of mumiyo in 1 tablespoon of warm boiled water until creamy and mix this mass into 1 tube of baby cream. Rub the resulting mixture into stretch marks once a day. It is better to store the cream in the refrigerator.
  • Take 500 ml of body milk, or low-fat cosmetic cream, or 500 ml of tonic and mix with 4 g of mumiyo. Apply the resulting mass to the stretch marks in the evening, rubbing in in a circular motion.
  • Mix 1 g of mumiyo with 1 tablespoon of rose oil. Rub the resulting mass into the area of ​​stretch marks overnight. This mixture cannot be stored; it must be prepared before each use.

How to use mumiyo to get rid of cellulite?

Cellulite refers to changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, due to which microcirculation and lymph outflow are disrupted. As a result, the skin begins to look like an “orange peel.” The fact is that it is in these parts of the skin that fats are formed. In theory, they should be removed with the help of lymph to other parts of the body, but due to a violation of the outflow, they are not removed anywhere and accumulate there, under the skin.

To improve skin nutrition and reduce congestion in the subcutaneous layer, you can use the following recipe, which will help increase lymph flow and normalize the condition of the skin:

  • Dissolve 2 g of mumiyo in 1 tablespoon of warm boiled water. Then mix with 100 g of baby or other cosmetic cream. Rub into the area of ​​cellulite once a day. This mixture can be used as a composition for anti-cellulite wraps. It is best to store the cream in the refrigerator.

Based on the book by Yu. Konstantinov “Mummy. Natural medicine."

Shilajit has been used for treatment and restoration of strength since the Middle Ages. Mountain resin is not recognized by official medicine, but many people could get rid of various ailments with the help of mumiyo. How is mountain tar useful, and can it cause harm?

What is mumiyo

To understand why mountain resin is so useful, you should know where mumiyo comes from and what is included in its composition.

Mumiyo is a unique natural substance that is mined in the crevices and grottoes of the mountains in the Caucasus, Altai, and Central Asia. Resin is formed only in rocks that are located at an altitude of at least 3 thousand above sea level. It is a mixture of the remains of insects, plants, excrement, and bee venom.

A quality product has a light brown to black color, an oily smell and a bitter taste. In your hands, real mountain resin begins to melt and dissolves completely in warm water.

The substance contains organic and inorganic components, 28 basic chemical elements, 6 vitamins, amino acids, and bee venom.

Detailed instructions for Mumiyo can be found

Health benefits of rock resin

Taking mumiyo helps improve metabolism, start the regeneration process in tissues, and reduce the symptoms of kidney and bladder diseases. The product has a beneficial effect on DNA biosynthesis, which leads to accelerated cell division and renewal.

Useful properties of mountain resin:

  • Powerful natural immunomodulator
  • Promotes rapid healing of bones after fractures, accelerates the healing process of burns
  • Improves chemical composition blood
  • Helps to recover faster after a long illness or surgery
  • Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, it is recommended to use mumiyo for ulcers
  • Has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels
  • Eliminates nervous tension, insomnia, irritability.

Taking mountain resin is recommended as effective means for the treatment of allergies, severe poisoning in children and adults. When used correctly, you can get rid of sclerosis, cataracts, migraines, and restore liver cells.

Mountain resin is a natural neuprotector, normalizes intracranial pressure, and helps improve the patient’s condition with cerebral edema. A number of studies have proven the effectiveness of joint intake of shilajit and B vitamins for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

The resin reduces blood glucose and lipid profile in diabetics. Resin reduces the likelihood of developing cancer and destroys some types of malignant tumors. Studies have proven the feasibility of using mumiyo in complex therapy in the treatment of breast, cervical, ovarian, colon and rectal cancer.

Mountain resin in combination with other drugs is used to treat drug and alcohol addiction.

Mumiyo can be purchased at the pharmacy in its natural form, in tablets, powder, and suppositories.

What are the benefits of mumiyo for women?

Shilajit neutralizes the effects of free radicals, significantly accelerates the regeneration of skin cells and tissues, and helps prevent the development of cancer.

Benefits of mountain resin for women's health:

  • Helps cure infertility
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Increases bone density, which is especially important during menopause
  • Helps normalize the menstrual cycle and get rid of cystitis.

Taking mumiyo has a positive effect on nervous system, increases stress resistance, improves sleep quality, helps to cope with PMS or menopause easier.

With regular use of mountain resin, metabolism is accelerated, metabolic processes are normalized - this helps to cope with extra pounds and cellulite.

Mumiyo is a universal cosmetic product; it can be used for the face, body, and hair. Mountain resin can be used in its natural form or added to store-bought shampoos and creams. It effectively helps eliminate stretch marks, acne, and wrinkles. Masks based on mountain resin prevent hair loss, strengthen roots, and accelerate growth. For severe problems with hair, skin and nails, the mummy solution should be taken orally.

Why rock tar is good for men

Shilajit effectively helps eliminate genitourinary diseases in men, restore sexual activity, it can be taken orally and used in the form of bath solutions. Before you start taking it, you should visit a urologist, since mountain tar does not save you from all diseases; in some cases, you cannot do without medication or surgical intervention.

Shilajit for impotence:

  • Destroys pathogenic microflora, fights genitourinary infections
  • Has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a man as a whole, restores the nervous system
  • Improves the functioning of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation.

The antibacterial properties of mumiyo are used in the treatment of prostatitis - norna resin helps quickly eliminate the disease, prevents relapses, and regulates the functioning of the endocrine system.

Hypoaspermia, oligospermia are pathological changes in seminal fluid that cause infertility in men. Correct scheme treatment with mountain resin will help regulate spermatogenesis and improve the quality of seminal fluid.

Varicocele is a varicose vein in the spermatic cord; doctors recommend eliminating the pathology surgically. In some cases, treatment with mumiyo allows the veins to return to their normal state.

For allergic swelling of the scrotum, it is useful to use mountain resin in the form of baths and compresses - this will quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Additionally, you should take it orally to prevent allergic reactions in the future.

Shilajit will not help cope with ovarian hydrocele, cyst on the spermatic cord, or epididymis. With these diseases, the resin can cause harm, since time will be lost and irreversible processes in the body will begin.

Damage to mumiyo

Mountain resin has few contraindications, and harm can only be caused by individual intolerance, abuse, or non-compliance with the dosages indicated in the instructions.


  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Age under 12 and over 60 years
  • Problems with blood clotting.

In the presence of tumors of various origins and hypertension, treatment with mumiyo must be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Mumiyo can be diluted in clean water, juices, milk, but it should absolutely not be combined with alcohol. It should be taken immediately after waking up, or in the evening 3 hours after the last meal.

Shilajit is a unique natural medicinal product that helps cure and prevent the development of many serious diseases; the resin effectively helps men and women. If all rules and dosage are followed, the substance cannot cause harm to the body. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Today we will talk to you about a mysterious medicine that was only recently recognized by traditional medicine and, after a long study, began not only to be sold in pharmacies, but also to be used in cosmetology. We will tell you about mumiyo, talk about its beneficial properties, use and treatment of many diseases with drugs for which it serves as the basis. You will learn how to improve your appearance with the help of this substance, as well as how to cure a large number of diseases.

What is mumiyo

First, it’s worth finding out what mumiyo is and where it can be found, after which we’ll move on to considering what it is useful for.

Mumiyo is a resin-like substance that contains organic and mineral compounds. The substance is colored black or brown colors with different shades.

Mumiyo is a natural substance that is formed in the mountains. It is still unknown under what forces it arises, and what is the raw material on the basis of which the product is formed. The end result is a kind of resin, which has a strange taste and aroma, and in appearance resembles pieces of coal (we are talking about unprocessed mumiyo).

Did you know? One theory of origin says that mumiyo is the waste of bats. The bats, living in caves, feed on insects that eat medicinal herbs from the meadows. Oils and various trace elements are partially concentrated in feces and are exposed to external factors for years, and also come into contact with the soil and various rocks. The result is a special resin-like product.

There are three varieties of this product. They were identified not only because of the geography of their mining sites, but also because of their composition, which varies greatly.
Coprolite mummy. It is fossilized organic remains mixed with pieces of rock and soil formations.

Mummy-bearing breccias. It is more of a raw material than a ready-to-eat product. These are rocks (usually limestone) that are connected by mummies. That is, to obtain a suitable product, you need to process a large amount of rock.

Evaporite mumiyo. The product forms in the form of drips, icicles, and films on the walls of caves. This option raw materials cannot be processed, since the profitability is quite low.

What is good for the body


If we consider the benefits specifically for female body, then it is worth highlighting the positive effect on the body as a whole, which is to slow down aging.
It is no secret that many women have problems with nails, hair, and skin, which arise both due to poor nutrition and external factors, and due to the use of various cosmetics. So, mumiyo improves the condition of keratin surfaces and skin, and also improves their recovery.

The most important thing for a woman is the opportunity to give birth to children, so mumiyo is indispensable if infertility has been diagnosed. This product also improves immune defense, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and has a positive effect on bone health.


Men after 45 years of age often suffer from erection problems, so mumiyo is an important product that increases the production of testosterone (a hormone responsible for sexual activity, sperm production, and also affects muscle mass). This product also helps calm the nervous system, improve the quality of sex and increase fertility (the ability to procreate).

It is worth noting that even young men benefit from taking mumiyo, since, due to increased testosterone production, the development of the muscular system is improved, and premature loss of interest in the opposite sex is also prevented.

Important! The product is often falsified. To replace it, a mixture of various oils is used, as well as propolis, clay and rodent excrement. The fake version does not provide any benefit to the body.


It should be said right away that there is no division by gender. Children are considered to be people who have not reached puberty - therefore, mumiyo will not affect the production of certain hormones, so you should not worry about any side effects, as well as hormonal imbalances.

Depending on the age, mumiyo can be used to solve various problems.

The product is useful for young children because it improves immunity - accordingly, your baby will get sick less often. This is very important, since young children do not tolerate medications well, which cause side effects and allergic reactions.

The product helps children suffering from any gastrointestinal diseases, so eating mumiyo is mandatory for those children who often eat unhealthy or not entirely healthy foods.

Older children often experience nervous breakdowns, since their central nervous system does not keep up with the development of the body, which is why it cannot cope with stress. Mumiyo helps to calm the child without any side effects(lethargy, decreased concentration, etc.).

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the “miracle resin” helps solve problems with the gums (periodontal disease) without causing a negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! How younger child- the less “resin” he needs to give. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor.

Use for cosmetic purposes: recipes

Most people who drink mumiyo for various ailments do not even realize that this “resin” is used in cosmetics, and it is not added to improve the attractiveness of the product. Mumiyo has a visible positive effect on the skin and hair, so below we will tell you how to use it.

For face

Let's start with what effect the mountain product has on the skin:

  • Tightens the skin, which causes wrinkles to smooth out. The production of collagen, which is responsible for the tone of the skin, also increases.
  • The skin renews itself faster, which helps get rid of various damages and spots. Visually, this manifests itself in noticeable rejuvenation, as well as improved structure.
  • Mumiyo has an antibacterial effect, which is why the substance copes well with acne, as well as with various skin diseases.
  • Regulates the functioning of the sweat glands, which has a positive effect on dry and oily skin.

Before making a face mask, you need to purchase the right (real) product. Most often, mountain resin is sold in the form of tablets, but for us the ideal option is mumiyo in liquid form, so purchase tablets only if there is no other alternative.

The liquid version is more suitable for us for the reason that it can be immediately used to create a mask, but the tablets will have to be crushed into dust so that the substance dissolves well.

Important! Real mumiyo should dissolve in warm water without leaving any residue. If, after dilution, sediment appears at the bottom of the container- that means this is a fake.

Now regarding the reception. You cannot apply one mask and suddenly feel an improvement. The course consists of 10 procedures, each of which is carried out once every 10 days. That is, you will see a noticeable improvement only after 3 months.

Mountain resin, lemon juice and egg white. Knead 2 mummy tablets to a powder, then add the white of one egg and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice (freshly squeezed). Mix thoroughly and then apply to the entire face area. This mask will help remove any irritation.

Mountain resin with milk and egg white. Knead 2 tablets, then add the white of 1 egg, as well as 1 tbsp. l. warm milk. Mix and apply to face. The mask is used for oily facial skin.

Classic option. Used for local treatment of inflammation (acne, wounds, bruises). Mix two crushed tablets with warm water and then apply to the affected areas of the skin.

Important! Most tablets are available in 200 mg packaging - accordingly, if you are using the liquid version, you should take 0.4 g to prepare the mask.

For hair

Positive effects of mountain product on hair:

  1. Accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, thereby improving nutrition of the hair follicles. Hair falls out less and its appearance improves.
  2. Hair starts to grow a little faster.
  3. Hair becomes thicker, as the substances included in the resin awaken dormant hair follicles.
  4. Prevents and relieves dandruff, and also helps cope with other scalp diseases.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the hair receives the required amount of secretion. Thus, they become oily more slowly and do not dry out.
  6. Prevents hair splitting and premature hair loss.
  7. Accelerates scalp regeneration.
  8. Protects hair from frost, wind and ultraviolet radiation.
Let's move on to how to use mumiyo for hair.

Mountain resin can be added to shampoos, and you can also create masks based on it at home. It is not superfluous to take mumiyo tablets orally, which will help speed up the process of hair healing and rejuvenation.

If you don’t want to make a mask, you can crush 25-50 200 mg resin tablets into powder and then add them to your shampoo. You should use the product as before, but it is better to keep the shampoo on your hair a little longer so that the mountain resin has time to have a beneficial effect. As for the mask, it’s worth saying right away that it is applied only once a week, and the course is 2-2.5 months.

To prepare the mask, you need to take 5 mummy tablets and crush them to a powder, then pour in 50 ml of warm water. Next, you need to mix thoroughly so that the resin dissolves, and then pour the composition into a spray bottle. Then apply the product along the entire length of the hair. After this, you should massage your scalp and cover your hair with a plastic cap. We wash off the mask an hour after application.

Important! The mask is applied only to clean hair.

For stretch marks

Now let's discuss how to use mumiyo for stretch marks.

It’s worth clarifying right away that to combat stretch marks, a cream based on mumiyo is used, which you must make yourself. The purchased version is not useful, and on the contrary, it can cause allergic reactions. Real cream has a very short shelf life - accordingly, its price will be exorbitant, so it is easier and cheaper to prepare it at home.

As in the case of facial skin, mountain resin tightens the skin, thereby increasing the tension force. The skin smoothes out and becomes elastic, and stretch marks completely disappear.
Let's consider preparing the cream. Making a healthy cream is very simple: just buy mountain resin in tablets or liquid form. Next, you need to measure out 4 g (20 standard tablets), then dissolve the product in 10 ml of warm boiled water. The resin must be completely dissolved before you can move on to the next step. We use regular baby cream as a basis, since it is best accepted by our skin and does not cause irritation. Mix the contents of one tube with an aqueous solution of mumiyo and place it in an accessible container (do not try to “shove” the cream with mumiyo back into the tube, it is better to take a jar of cream that has a wide neck).

Important! If the smell of mumiyo irritates you, add a little essential oil to the cream.

Let's move on to the rules of application. Firstly, you definitely need to take a shower before using the cream. Secondly, the cream does not need to be “seasoned”; it is suitable immediately after mixing. Thirdly, the cream does not need to be washed off for 3 hours.
We apply the product exclusively to those places where there are stretch marks. We do everything slowly and smoothly; you should not rub until the skin turns red. One procedure per day is enough.

The course is considered complete when the stretch marks have completely disappeared.

Medicinal use: recipes

Let's move on to how to take mumiyo orally for various diseases and deviations from the norm. Let's consider simple recipes, which do not require large expenses Money or time.

To strengthen the immune system

We said above that the mountain product helps strengthen children's immunity, but the immune system suffers not only in children, but also in adults. Therefore, next we will look at several recipes that will help prevent the deterioration of immune defense and help the body recover after a serious illness.

Prevention. To prevent deterioration of the immune system, you should drink one 200 mg resin tablet daily on an empty stomach. After taking, you should refrain from eating for one hour. It is better to dissolve the tablet in warm boiled water, but you can take it without dissolving it.
The course lasts 1.5 weeks, after which you must take a break for 5 days. Then you can resume taking it if you are sure that your body needs additional protection. The re-admission schedule is slightly different. Now, in addition to the morning reception, there is also an evening one. In the evening we take 1 tablet along with a tablespoon of honey (any honey is suitable). Repeated use lasts 10 days, followed by a five-day break.

With a slight decrease in immunity. This refers to the deterioration of protection caused by negative influence external factors, lack of vitamins, as well as the action of bacteria or viruses.

Take 25 tablets of 200 mg, knead them to a powder, then mix with 500 ml of honey. Mix thoroughly to evenly distribute the resin.

Before meals, three times a day you need to eat 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture. The course of treatment is a month.

Important! Children should be given half or a quarter tablespoon to avoid causing an allergic reaction. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

With a severe decrease in immunity, as well as during rehabilitation after serious illnesses. We will need honey, pomegranate juice, mumiyo in tablets, homemade wine. Take 1 tbsp. l. honey and pomegranate juice (it is better to take the concentrated version), add the mumiyo tablet crushed into powder, then dilute the mixture with 150 ml of warm boiled water. Next, pour 100 ml of warm wine into the resulting mixture, stir and drink. You need to drink a glass a day, dividing it into two doses (morning and evening). For obvious reasons, it is not recommended to use this remedy to treat children.

For fractures

Mumiyo not only accelerates the regeneration of bone tissue, but also supplies the body with the necessary and, which promotes rapid recovery.

It’s worth clarifying right away that the mountain product helps to quickly restore not only bone, but also damaged skin, as well as muscle tissue if the fracture is open and not closed, so the use of mumiyo is not limited small cracks and broken bones.

Treatment involves oral administration only. There will be no benefit from applying the product directly to the damaged area, since the mountain tar must be digested to provide the body with phosphorus and calcium. At the same time, you are unlikely to be able to apply a cream based on mumiyo after you have been given a plaster cast or a fixing bandage.
For treatment, you need to purchase 200 mg tablets at the pharmacy. Before use, you need to mash them to a powder state, then mix with warm water. This state of aggregation improves and speeds up absorption by the body. You can add honey or olive oil to the aqueous solution to enhance the effect.

As for the dosage, it is enough to drink 1-2 tablets 1-2 times a day. The resin should only be taken on an empty stomach. The more severe the bone damage, the higher the dose. If the damage is minimal, then it is enough to drink 1 tablet once a day. The average course of treatment is 4 weeks. After finishing, you should take a break for 2 weeks, and then resume taking it. You need to repeat the course 2-3 times so that the bone tissue is completely restored.

For hemorrhoids

To treat this unpleasant disease, you can use an aqueous solution that is intended for oral administration, an ointment that is applied externally, as well as rectal suppositories that help cope with nodes in the rectum.

In the morning and evening before meals, one tablet (200 mg) of resin should be dissolved in warm boiled water. The course of treatment is 25 days, after which a 10-day break should be taken.
Ointment. We make a powder from several resin tablets, then mix it 1 to 1 with peach oil (purchased at the pharmacy). Next, add 3 parts of honey to the mixture (there should be 3 times more honey than mountain resin powder). Mix thoroughly.

The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. The product should only be applied to clean skin, no need to rinse off. The course of treatment continues until the symptoms disappear or the condition improves.

Candles. Take 1 part powdered mumiyo and 3 parts honey. Stir, then add flour and starch. Add flour and starch little by little to achieve a dough-like state. At the end, you should form a candle from the resulting composition and insert it into the anus.

For headaches

For the treatment of common headaches caused by fatigue, fever, alcohol intake or an unknown factor, a standard dose of 200 mg of resin is used. The product should be taken daily before bed with a sufficient amount of water. The course of treatment is 10 days.
For severe headaches (migraines), the following composition is used: 200 mg of powder per glass of warm milk with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. honey. You can take less milk, but the amounts of mumiyo and honey should remain the same. You need to use this solution in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 25 days.

If you need to quickly suppress a headache, take 5 tablets of 200 mg, crush them and add 2 tsp to the powder. boiled water. The resulting solution should be applied to the skin of the forehead and temples. After 10-15 minutes the pain should go away. Do not take this composition internally under any circumstances, as this is too large a dose.

For otitis media

To create a medicine, you need to take 2 tablets of mountain resin, crush it to a powder, and then mix it with 8 ml of rose oil. In order for the mumiyo to dissolve well, you should slightly heat the oil, without exceeding 60°C. Next, cool the composition, and then use it for instillation directly into the ear canal. We instill a few drops in the morning and evening until the otitis media goes away.

Important! This remedy should not be used when the integrity of the eardrum is damaged. If the eardrum ruptures, it is forbidden to put anything into the ear canal.

If your inflamed ear hurts a lot, you can use another option. Dissolve 1 tablet of resin in 100 ml of warm water, then twist flagella from cotton wool, moisten them in the resulting composition and place them in the ear. This way you can relieve inflammation and reduce the pain effect.

How to take mumiyo for weight loss

When taken regularly, mumiyo normalizes metabolism, which has a positive effect on body weight. Of course, in order to thoroughly lose weight, you need to exercise additionally. Mountain resin does not burn fat, but only has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in your body. That is, if obesity is caused by any disorders, you will lose weight, but if you have gained weight due to overeating, then pills are powerless.

To lose weight, you need to take 2-4 tablets in the morning and evening before meals. The course of treatment is no more than 20 days, after which you need to abstain from taking it for a month.

You can also apply the resin-based product externally, where you have cellulite. Take 1 tablet and dissolve it in 1 tbsp. l. warm boiled water. Next, add the solution to a small amount of baby cream. The resulting composition needs to be distributed over the place where you have fat deposits.
The product must be used in one go, so do not use a lot of cream. To achieve the expected effect, the composition must be applied to the skin once a day, repeating the procedure until the result is noticeable.

Did you know? Average age Mountain resin, which is mined in Altai, is 130-900 years old. This product is renewable, but it takes at least 20 years to form one small piece of mumiyo.

Contraindications and harm

Let's start with the fact that mumiyo is medicine, especially poorly studied, so consuming it in large quantities is prohibited.

As for contraindications, it is immediately worth highlighting individual intolerance. If you develop an allergy after consuming the resin, it is better to avoid further use.

Other contraindications:

  • children under 5 years of age;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • the presence of benign or malignant tumors;
  • high blood pressure.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that oral use of resin during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated. This is due to a negative reaction in the fetus to the components of the product.

Now you know what mumiyo is made from, what kind of product it is and in what areas it is used. However, remember that mumiyo is not a panacea, so you should not try to cure all diseases with it. If the disease is serious and can cause significant damage to your health, it is better to turn to traditional medicine.