Water pipes      06/20/2020

Drawings for a grape press. How to make a grape press with your own hands. General definition and types of presses

When grown on your own summer cottage grapes, a large number of After receiving the berries, gardeners process the harvest into juice and wine.

To get these drinks, you need a tool such as a press. You can even make it yourself.

There are no big difficulties in creating a spinning device, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

What is this device

This type of press juicer makes the life of summer residents easier. Using it, you can not only squeeze juice from the same grapes, but also from any other fruit.

The hand press consists of wooden frame, a tray where the juice will flow, the pressing element itself, a special network for the filter, a barrel, and also a power screw. To squeeze grapes, it is best to use a homemade screw press.

White grape varieties can be pressed immediately after cutting. A similar procedure with red varieties is best performed several days after fermentation has begun.

Its essence lies in the fact that the grapes are first loaded into a special basket, after which the screw mechanism begins to squeeze out the juice. Then from the resulting material you can make homemade wine, as well as other drinks or jelly.

This crusher makes it possible to obtain natural juice without any additives in the form of water, sugar or flavorings. Moreover, such juice contains all the vitamins of a natural product. After sterilization, such a drink can be stored for a very long time.

It is important to know: the device itself can be made from environmentally friendly materials. This is quite important, because food products will be processed in them.

Usually made of wood (basket) and of stainless steel. Similar models They serve for quite a long time, and during their use the material does not heat up, which in turn allows you to preserve all the vitamins in the juice.

At the exit, after squeezing, pulp is also obtained, which can be used as fertilizer. A home-made mechanical apparatus is also a wine-making device.


For many people important role plays the material from which such a press will be made. Most often they are made from:

  1. Wood. Such models are considered the most environmentally friendly and at the same time the safest. However, in fact, after each release of grape juice, you need to very carefully clean the wooden press, and then degrease and dry it.
  2. Metal. It is made from cast iron and also stainless steel. The advantages of such options are hygiene, ease of maintenance, and durability. In addition, metal does not absorb or release any odors or tastes. Therefore, even large industrial presses, after cleaning, can be used even for domestic purposes.

Manufacturing process

Often a good screw press is replaced at home with some Food processors or electronic juicers.

However, in order to obtain normal grape juice using them, you need to buy very expensive models. The main problem with modern electronic devices is that after processing fruits or berries they produce juice that contains a lot of sediment.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made screw unit made at the factory, which will work perfectly for many years. But spending so much money on something that you can easily do yourself is not advisable. Therefore, using drawings, photos, as well as various video instructions on the Internet, you can easily make homemade press.

Often, even improvised materials are enough to assemble it:

  1. First you need to prepare a container that is suitable in size and volume, into which the berries will be loaded in the future. For this you can use a drum from washing machine. It will be necessary to make holes in it in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. After this you need to find a container, a little bigger size than the previous one. It should not have a bottom and holes must be made in it at the bottom.
  3. Now you need to insert the first (smaller) container into the second (larger), and then install wooden block medium sizes to make a gap between them.
  4. Next you need to find or make a frame U-shaped. In this case, the working part itself must be installed on the frame crossbar. A stainless steel pancake can serve in this capacity. It is fixed with an additional lever by drilling a hole in the frame.
  5. The next step is to place these containers in a special large basin, which is made of food polymers. Already in it you need to make a hole to which the hose is connected. It is through this that the grape juice will flow out in the future.
  6. The U-shaped horizontal bar itself must be concreted into the ground. It will be the basis for the main mechanism. The entire structure will be mounted on it.
  7. The second end of the hose coming from the basin must be placed in the container where the juice should drain.

Such a device will work as follows:

  1. Grapes are first loaded into the drum, after which it is covered with a wooden shield (this can also be a stainless steel option). A cast-iron pancake is lowered onto it, which is controlled by pressing a lever, creating a kind of vice.
  2. Juice begins to release due to pressing the grapes, and it will flow through the hose into the container.
  3. You should press the pulp no more than three times.

You can make moonshine from the juice with the addition of honey. This drink is called mead. How to make a grape press with your own hands, see the instructions in the following video:

Grape presses are an integral part of the winemaking process, both on an industrial scale and for home use. good and modern equipment can significantly facilitate the work of a winemaker.

Purpose and principle of operation of the press

A modern and convenient press is necessary to obtain good wort. It is the adherence to fermentation technology and the use of properly prepared wort that will directly determine the quality of the wine produced.

Using a press helps to quickly and effectively separate the grape pulp from the resulting must and squeeze out all the juice from the pulp. At the same time, crushing of grape seeds and ridges, as well as skins, does not occur during the pressing process. Thus, The press allows you to extract juice from the berries without damaging the seeds or ridges of the grapes.

A standard press consists of the following elements and components:

  • gears;
  • a pair of wooden or stainless steel rollers with a grooved surface;
  • a pair of containers designed for crushed grapes and grape juice.

A pair of rollers is mounted on gears. When the handle moves, the rollers come into action and begin a counter translational movement. Special device You can adjust the gap between the gears depending on the size of the berries being processed.

The minimum clearance is 3 mm, and the maximum distance between gears can be set to 8 mm. The result of the press is the extraction of juice from the berries and redirecting it into a separate container.

The standard process of pressing grapes consists of several stages:

  • separation of wort by gravity;
  • obtaining first pressure wort;
  • obtaining the wort of the second and third pressures.

Any press is a pressing device, complemented by a fixed plate and a basket in which the pulp is separated from the grape juice. In the interdisk space a peculiar drainage system, which promotes the removal of pure juice. Directly under the press there is a screw designed to remove the presses.

Types of press

Currently, there are a large number of varieties of such units that help obtain juice from grapes.

  • Mechanical press for grapes. The unit includes a wooden basket and a cast iron frame. This unit is compact and its price is quite affordable for most consumers. A good and high-quality mechanical press is the best option for home winemaking. The principle of operation is based on the use of physical effort. The productivity of such a unit is not too great.
  • Electric grape press. Made from high quality stainless steel. Such material is not prone to oxidation, is durable and does not have a negative impact on the taste characteristics of the final product. The principle of operation is based on the pressure obtained by using water (hydraulic) or air (pneumatic) through a special pump. Productivity is very high.

In addition, according to the purpose of the press, they can be made into universal ones, which can be used for squeezing not only grapes, but also other berries or fruits, as well as special ones, the use of which is adapted specifically for grapes.

By material

The most popular wooden and metal presses are:

  • wooden presses need more careful care, which includes washing, disinfecting and systematic inspections for the appearance of mold or pathogens. A high-quality main basket of the press is made of beech or oak;
  • metal presses can be either cast iron or stainless steel. Such materials are more hygienic and easier to maintain. In addition, such materials are very durable and do not impart foreign odors to the wine. Metal presses can be both household and industrial.

By volume and power

Of course, home winemaking involves the use of more budget options presses that have low, but quite sufficient productivity for domestic use. For home use, presses without metal elements or homemade designs.

Hydropress for grapes (video)

Benefits of use

  • grape juice obtained in this way contains all useful and nutrients, due to minimal contact with oxygen;
  • the press allows you to obtain a larger volume of grape juice;
  • with this method of squeezing, foaming is practically not observed;
  • A high-quality press is not only durable, but also reduces the cost of effort and time.

When choosing a unit for home or household use, you should choose simple design, which is easy to assemble and clean after work.

DIY making

Very often, at home, winemakers replace the press with conventional food processors or juicers. However, the use of such devices very often causes poor clarification of wine and the formation of sediment.

You can make a press yourself using available materials. Such a device will facilitate the process of obtaining juice and will not require the purchase of expensive equipment.

Step-by-step instruction for making a press:

  • preparing a container for loading berries, which can be used as a drum from a regular washing machine, in the walls of which holes should be drilled in a checkerboard pattern;
  • Prepare a container that is larger than the size of the washing machine drum. The container, like the drum of a washing machine, should look like a cylinder without a bottom and have a number of additional holes along the bottom;
  • having inserted one cylinder into another, you should fix them together by inserting blocks between the walls;
  • prepare a U-shaped frame, onto the crossbar of which drilled hole the working part is fixed in the form of a thick cast-iron pancake with a lever;
  • both containers are placed in a wide bowl made of food-grade plastic, in which a hole is drilled for a hose to drain the juice.

The principle of operation of such a mechanism is very simple. A U-shaped frame concreted in the form of a horizontal bar with a working mechanism is the basis under which a structure made of a basin with two perforated cylinders is installed. The hose from the basin should be placed in a container to collect the finished juice. The grapes are loaded into a drum and covered with a wooden shield, onto which a cast-iron press plate is lowered using a lever. The squeezed juice flows through the hose into a clean container.

The best and highest quality juice is the one that is collected from grapes without using a press, that is, by gravity. As a rule, winemakers combine it with first and second pressing juice, which allows them to obtain the highest quality wine. The juice from the third and subsequent pressings can be used in winemaking to prepare simpler alcoholic drinks. The pressed pulp can be mixed and pressed again, but no more than three times.

How to make a grape press (video)

Of course, you can squeeze grape juice by hand or through a juicer. But such options have a large number of disadvantages, including loss of juice and reduction in the quality of the wine. Therefore, for winemaking at home, it is recommended to purchase or make at least a simple press yourself. It is very important to thoroughly rinse the device immediately after use, and then the press will serve faithfully for many years.

Owners of orchards, vineyards and berry plantations are well aware of the problem of crop processing. Effective method her solution is cold-pressed juice. This process allows you to preserve the vitamin value of fruits and berries for a long time without building a bulk storage facility.

The main mechanism of the country “canning shop” is a press for squeezing juice. It helps to quickly and without loss process hundreds of kilograms of ripe crops.

ABOUT existing varieties We will discuss the principles of operation and cost of equipment for obtaining juice in this article. Information about the features will be useful for home craftsmen self-made powerful "juicer".

Types and principles of operation of juice presses

Installations designed for squeezing juice are divided into mechanical, hydraulic, electro-hydraulic and pneumatic.

The most common mechanism is a mechanical screw press.

Screw juice press is simple and reliable

The principle of its operation is clear at first glance: crushed fruits are placed in a container with holes, grapes or berries are poured. After this, by rotating the handle, the screw is activated, lowering the flat piston. The squeezed juice flows through holes in the casing into a tray, and from there it goes into jars or other containers.

In addition to stainless steel, solid beech wood is used to make the casing. A drainage grid is made from it. It consists of two halves connected by metal hoops.

A modernized version of such a device is a manual hydraulic press for apples and grapes.

It does not have a perforated container to separate the juice. Instead, several wooden drainage frames are used. Bags with crushed raw materials are placed between them. A manual hydraulic jack develops a large force (from 1 to 5 tons). Thanks to this, the volume of juice obtained reaches 70% of the volume of fruit.

The original squeezing method is implemented in the Grifo hydraulic press. It does not have a hydraulic jack, but a powerful “barrel” membrane is installed. It expands under pressure tap water(1.5-2 atm.) and squeezes the juice through the perforated wall of the casing.

Hydropress Grifo - connected to the water supply and squeezed out the juice

A pneumatic press works on a similar principle. Only the pressure membrane in it is filled not with water, but with compressed air from the compressor.

Pneumatic press for squeezing juice. The screw piston was replaced by a rubber membrane

Since all juice presses are paired with choppers, a few words need to be said about these devices. The simplest mechanism is a steel drum-grater placed in a casing with a loading neck. By rotating the handle, the chopper is activated, turning the fruit into fine crumbs and pulp.

A more advanced option is an electrically driven device. Minimum physical effort and maximum productivity are the main arguments in its favor.

It should be noted that the productivity of mechanical presses is low (10-30 liters per hour). However, for most country farms it is quite enough.

To improve the quality and increase the yield of juice, two methods are used:

  • Container bags for crushed fruits.
  • Wooden drainage grates or stainless steel “pancakes”.

Both methods improve the removal of juice from the middle of the compressed volume. Without such drainage, the middle layers of crushed fruit are squeezed out worse than the top and bottom ones. An additional advantage of using bags is the release of pulp from the juice.

Large volumes of processing require the use of an electric drive. Here two types of equipment can be distinguished: a traditional screw mechanism driven by a pair of “electric motor-hydraulic jack” and a screw press operating on the principle of a meat grinder.

A screw press juicer with an electric motor is designed for processing berries, grapes and tomatoes. By crushing the raw material, the auger forces it through a sieve and produces juice with a large amount of pulp.

The screw press is a relative of the household juicer

Approximate prices

The cost of manual screw presses for squeezing juice directly depends on their capacity. The price for devices with a working volume of 10-15 liters ranges from 9,000 to 15,000 rubles. Behind hand press, which holds 25 liters of raw materials, you will have to pay at least 20,000 rubles.

The average price of home “juice squeezers” driven by a hydraulic jack is 19,000 rubles. A pneumatic press for squeezing juice from apples can be purchased for 34,000 rubles. Behind hydraulic device membrane type, sellers ask for 94,000 rubles.

How to make a juice press with your own hands?

The most difficult part of a manual juice press is the powerful screw. It is impossible to do it without the help of a qualified turner. Moreover, every car owner has a mechanism that is perfect for squeezing juice. This is a hydraulic or mechanical jack. Using it, you can make a good homemade juice press.

The main task is to weld a strong frame from a metal profile into which the jack will rest. For this purpose, you can take trimmings square pipe(section 40x40 mm, wall thickness not less than 3 mm).

When making a drawing of the press, the height of the frame is selected based on the height of the jack, the thickness of the linings, drainage grates and bags of raw materials. The width of the frame is made such that the juice tray can easily fit into it.

In order to make the juice press with your own hands as stable as possible, three pieces of square pipe (15-20 cm long) need to be welded to the lower belt of the frame on both sides. A stand made of boards or OSB boards will rest on these “legs”.

The drainage grate should be made only from natural wood (oak, beech). The thickness of the drainage grid boards must be at least 20 mm.

To sew bags, you can use different fabrics (jute burlap, linen, cotton calico, synthetics). The main thing is that it is strong enough so that it will not be torn apart by the pressure of the jack.

In conclusion, let’s look at photographs of a working example of such a press. Without resorting to welding, the master decided to make a frame with bolted joints, using a powerful angle and a profile pipe.

For the bottom base plate A piece of laminated chipboard countertop was used.

But the master chose the wrong material for the drainage grid. Instead of natural wood, he used OSB board, making cuts in it for the outflow of juice. We do not advise you to repeat this mistake, since particle boards contain toxic phenol-formaldehyde adhesive.

Drainage grate for the press - only wood, not chipboard!

In general, the homemade juice press turned out to be simple, reliable and efficient.

But more complex design DIY hydraulic press. Here the master decided to use a screw as a fastener for a fruit bookmark placed in a perforated stainless steel casing. He placed a hydraulic jack under the frame. The supporting platform is made not stationary, but sliding. The jack moves it up the frame profile.

In this press, the screw does not squeeze out the juice, but only fixes the bookmark

Breeders have developed many grape varieties that can ripen in any part of Russia. Grapes are prepared for the winter in the form of juice, which children love very much. And for adults there is nothing better than natural grape wine. To squeeze out the juice, winegrowers have to put in a lot of effort. A special press helps make work easier. And by making a grape press with your own hands, you will be able to get useful device, saving money.

General definition and types of presses

A grape press is a barrel with drainage grates, equipped with a tray for collecting juice. A power screw is located on top of the barrel, with the help of which pressure is exerted on the pressing element. The barrel is made of stainless steel, as well as wooden slats made of beech or oak. It is important that all materials are environmentally friendly.

Presses can be used not only for processing grapes. They are equally effective when processing apples, as well as other fruits and berries. All devices are divided into several types.

Mechanical. Such devices are popular among gardeners. Their distinctive feature is not very high performance associated with the need to use manual labor.

The grapes are poured into a perforated basket. And the principle of operation of mechanical equipment is that the creation of the required pressure on the press is carried out due to a screw mechanism, which is rotated using a handle.

Electrical. This category includes two types of equipment:

  • Hydraulic Press;
  • pneumatic press.

The operation of the hydraulic press is ensured by a hydraulic pump. That is, it exerts pressure on the pressing element using water. Pneumatic equipment involves applying pressure with air. Electric devices differ from mechanical presses in that they do not require manual labor. Due to this, work productivity and the volume of juice obtained are significantly increased.

What materials are needed to make a press?

Grape press can be purchased at finished form. Manufacturers offer consumers Various types equipment, including hydraulic juicers. But it’s not at all difficult to make it yourself.

The grapes are loaded into a barrel or basket, touching its walls. Therefore, it is very important that it is made from quality material. Two options are most often used.

Tree. Only wood is suitable for these purposes. hard rocks, for example, beech or oak. By making a basket from wooden planks, you will be able to obtain a durable and environmentally friendly structure. But when using wood, difficulties arise with caring for the equipment. After each juice extraction, the basket will have to be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

Metal. Ideal option will be cast iron or stainless steel. These materials do not oxidize upon contact with fruit. Metal barrels are easy to maintain, easy to clean and are highly hygienic.

The press itself is a circle, which is often made of wood. In addition, you will need to prepare bolts and nuts for fastening structural parts, a metal rod and bearings, as well as tools for working with wood and metal.

Procedure for making a press

To make it easier to make a grape press with your own hands, you can take a drum from an old washing machine. Holes are drilled in the drum for attaching wooden planks. Drainage strips can be sawn from bars or use parquet planks.

A “pancake” is made from the same strips, which will act as the bottom of the basket. A block is screwed onto the “pancake” across the slats, which will provide a gap between the basket and the metal barrel.

Next from metal profile A U-shaped frame is made. It is important that the profile thickness is at least 3 mm. The frame is concreted in the ground, ensuring its stable position. If you need to make a mobile device, legs made of metal pipes are welded to the frame.

A “pancake” made of stainless steel or cast iron is installed on the frame crossbar, which acts as a press. To fix the “pancake”, a hole is drilled in the frame. A lever or handle is installed on the press. Further turning the handle, the press will lower into the basket.

The barrel is installed at the base of the frame on a pallet, for example, in a basin. A hole is made in the basin into which the hose is inserted. The juice will be drained through the hose into a receiving container.

It is also necessary to make wooden shield, which will cover the grapes loaded into the basket. This completes the process of making a homemade press.

How to use the press

To use a homemade press, the basket is covered with filter cloth. As a filter, you can use gauze folded in several layers, special fabric, chintz or synthetic fiber. It is important that it does not contain dangerous dyes.

The grapes are removed from the bunches. If juice is supposed to be made from it, the berries are washed under running water. For wine, washing the berries is not required, since it is the grape skins that contain wine yeast, which causes natural fermentation.

Next, grapes are loaded into the basket. It is covered with a wooden shield on top. Using a lever or handle, a metal “pancake” is lowered onto a wooden shield. Under metal pressure, the juice formed from the grapes gradually enters the pan and, entering the hose, is drained into a receiving container.

After use, the grape press is disassembled, thoroughly washed and dried. These manipulations must be carried out after each use of the equipment. Otherwise wooden elements structures will rot.

A grape press is indispensable tool in matters of winemaking. Grape presses are widely used on the farm and in industrial facilities. Only the difference in the power and capabilities of the pressing equipment is impressive.

  • A grape press is necessary to obtain high-quality must. The more correctly the fermentation process proceeds, the better the quality of the wine. Or grape juice, which does not require fermentation;
  • The task of grape presses is to separate the grape pulp from the must and perform the process of squeezing the pulp juice;
  • The peculiarity of squeezing is that squeezing helps to obtain maximum quantity juice without crushing grape skins, stems or seeds;
  • A juice squeezing press consists of gears, rollers with a grooved surface and a pair of containers. Grapes are pressed in one container, and portions of juice are supplied to the second;
  • The rollers are fixed on the gears. By turning the hand press using a handle, these two elements carry out forward counter movements;
  • A special mechanism helps regulate the gap between gears and rollers. This makes it possible to set up a grape press with your own hands to squeeze juice from other fruits, berries or vegetables;
  • The minimum gap is 3 mm, and the maximum is 8 mm;
  • A press, regardless of whether it is manual, screw or hydraulic, is a pressing device that is complemented by a plate and a basket. This is where the juice and pulp are separated. There is a special space between the disks with a kind of drainage. Through it, pure juice is removed from presses for grapes, apples or other fruits;
  • Under the press there is a screw that removes all the pressed products;
  • The result of squeezing with grape presses is to obtain juice that is directed into a separate container after pressing.

Spin stages

Almost all pressing devices for fruits, apples and obtaining juice from them are characterized by a standard pressing process. It consists of going through three main stages:

  • The wort is separated by gravity;
  • Next, the winemaker receives the first pressure wort;
  • This is followed by second and third pressure wort.


When choosing a grape press, you should think about which type of equipment for squeezing fruits, and grape berries in particular, is best for you. After analyzing the drawings of some types of devices, some will decide to make a homemade grape press. There is nothing complicated in this process.

The factory presses themselves, such as Bogatyr or its analogues, can be divided into several types.

  1. Mechanical. The device consists of a wooden basket and a cast iron frame. Affordable price, compact size and good performance indicators. Mechanical presses for fruits and apples can be considered the optimal solution for home winemaking when it comes to small volumes of fruit processing. The work is based on physical effort.
  2. Electrical. Here we highlight the hydraulic and pneumatic press. The device is made of high quality stainless steel, which helps protect against oxidation and rust. Such designs do not have a negative impact on the taste characteristics of pressed grapes, apples and fruits. Hydraulic Press works on the basis hydraulic pump(water), and a pneumatic press creates pressure by pumping air into another type of pump. All pumps are powered by electricity. Because of this, hydraulic and pneumatic fruit and apple presses are categorized as electrical devices. An important distinguishing feature is increased equipment performance.
  3. Universal. Many winemakers are thinking about how to make a press for grapes and other types of fruits in one device. Factory universal presses are in impressive demand. This is due to the fact that in addition to the grapes themselves, they can squeeze juice from apples, various fruits and even vegetables. This expands the possibilities for making wine and juices.

Manufacturing materials

You can buy yourself an excellent 5-liter Bogatyr unit and use the capabilities of this compact device at home. But for many buyers, the material from which the press is made plays a big role.

The two options that are in greatest demand are:

  • Wood. It is considered the most environmentally friendly and safe option. But in practice, after each squeeze of apple or grape juice, wooden press requires careful care, washing and disinfection;
  • Metal. Made from cast iron or stainless steel. Metal is distinguished by its hygiene, ease of maintenance and durability. At the same time, the metal does not transfer extraneous odors and tastes to the block or fruit juice. The same Bogatyr is a metal press, although it is intended for domestic use.

Do it yourself

It is not uncommon for a full-fledged screw or other type of press to be replaced at home with food processors and juicers. You can squeeze juice from apples or grapes with them, but the result will not meet your expectations. The main problem with juicers and combines is that after processing the fruit, the juice does not clarify well or a lot of sediment is formed.

You can purchase a factory screw unit, which will have a positive effect on the results of the work done. However, many people do not want to spend money on something that they can easily assemble with their own hands.

Based on the drawings, photos and video instructions, you can assemble an excellent homemade press and squeeze out almost the entire harvest on it.

We offer you a fairly simple option for assembling a grape press, which will consist of scrap materials.

  1. Prepare any container suitable in volume and material into which the berries will be loaded. The best option- This is the drum of the washing machine. You need to make holes in the walls with a drill, acting in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. Prepare a container that is slightly larger than the washing machine drum. This is a cylindrical container without a bottom with additional holes at the bottom.
  3. Insert the smaller container into the larger one, and place a small wooden block between them. This will give you the required clearance.
  4. Make or find a U-shaped frame. Place the working part on the crossbar of the frame. This can be a thick pancake made of stainless metal or cast iron. This pancake, complete with a lever, is fixed by drilling a hole in the frame.
  5. Place two containers in a large bowl made from food grade polymers. Drill a hole in it, where you then connect the hose. The grape juice will flow out through this hose.
  6. A U-shaped horizontal bar concreted in the ground will act as the basis for the working mechanism. But the base is mounted on a structure consisting of a food basin and two cylinders with holes inserted into each other.
  7. The hose from the basin is placed at the other end into a container where the squeezed juice will accumulate.
  8. Load the grapes into the drum and cover with a wooden or stainless steel shield. A cast iron pancake is lowered on top of it, controlling the pressure with a lever.
  9. The juice released when pressing grapes or other fruits gradually flows through a hose into a storage container.
  10. It is recommended to press the pulp no more than 3 times.

Extra virgin juice is ideal for wine or a high quality fruit drink. The second and third spins are simple alcoholic drinks. To achieve wine good quality Without wasting the juice of 2 and 3 pressings, simply mix them with the first pressing juice in certain proportions.