Well      03/05/2020

DIY semiconductor refrigerator. Do-it-yourself car refrigerator on peltier elements. Marking is divided into three meaningful groups

The master who built this refrigerator is an electronics engineer with a wide range of hobbies, from history to sports, from law to travel. The last hobby of the master is making wine at home. This is where his engineering knowledge comes in handy. Not for making wine, for storing it.

Wine must be stored at low temperatures of 10 to 18°C ​​maximum, and refrigerators for it proper storage roads. Then the master decided to make such a refrigerator himself.

Tools and materials:
- Extruded polystyrene foam;
-Aluminum tape;
-Aluminum profiles;
-Aluminum radiator;
- Fasteners;
-Peltier element;
- Textolite;
-Controller for powering the Peltier element;

Step One: Refrigerator Requirements
When designing, the master tried to take into account the following requirements:
-The temperature inside the chamber is not higher than 18°C
-Low power consumption 15-20W
- Work on the Peltier element
-Controller with system of control and management of the set temperature

Step two: hull design
When posing the question of what to make the body of, the master settled on foam. The master explains his choice of material by its low thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, strength, and ease of processing.

For the refrigerator, the master used plates 4 cm thick. Inner dimensions refrigerator 380 x 360 x 320 mm. In such a refrigerator, four five-liter bottles of wine are placed.

Step Three: Making the Camera
The craftsman took the foam sheet to the furniture shop and there it was cut to size. The master assembles the camera using glue.

After assembling the camera, it is pasted over with aluminum tape.

Step Four: Cooling Node

The design of the cooling unit is simple. As we know, when voltage is applied, one side of the Peltier element cools, the other heats up. Therefore, placing the element inside the refrigerator is inefficient. The master places the element outside with the cold side to the internal radiator, and the hot side to the external one. A fan is installed below the element. The design is visible in the photo.

The master installs the internal radiator at the top of the chamber, this is due to the lowering of cold air down.
Step Five: Controller
The controller has the following parameters: measuring and adjusting the temperature with an error of 0.1 degrees in the chamber, limiting power consumption, controlling the temperature of the external radiator and turning on the fan, continuous power supply to the Peltier element, smoothing ripple and power surges.

The master emphasizes that the Peltier element works constantly, just with different power. Such a scheme will allow the element to work much longer. The controller diagram is located below, and you can get information in more detail

In this article, a model of a car refrigerator, which was made by the author of the Alex Shev channel with his own hands, despite the trickiness of the resulting product, in just three days. The device works on Peltier elements. Below, at the end of the publication, is another model that works on the same basis.
A number of materials and details were used.

Work on the product

We cut the foam using a 1 kilowatt spiral and a 5 volt power source. The spiral was fixed between the legs of the table. I glued the polystyrene foam with polyurethane foam. We cut grooves in the lid so that it does not fidget.

It was supposed to glue the tray with foam, but it was easier to make a box out of it, and use the tray to strengthen the strength of the car refrigerator. The dimensions turned out to be 38 X 30 centimeters, depth 28. Capacity 3 bottles of 1.5 liters in a row. You can have two such rows, or 2 by 2 liters side by side.

In two radiators, we drill holes for thermistors to control the temperature. On cold also for fastening. We cut a hole in the lid of the car refrigerator and heat the heat exchanger inward by 1-1.5 centimeters. Next, using thermally conductive glue, we fasten two Peltier elements with radiators. One just fits two peltier elements. The gap between the foam and the radiator is also insulated. In the example shown, bestizol is used.

We put it together, screw the fans onto the heat exchanger, install the microcontroller, LSD monitor, relay. So far, only by the hinged method.

Check also cool models with free shipping in this Chinese store. There you will also find Peltier elements.

We write a program for the microcontroller. The author of this video tutorial used an insert to disable Peltier elements at a hot radiator temperature of more than 55 degrees. And also when the temperature in the refrigerator itself is less than 5 degrees. Only the elements themselves are disabled. The fan and microcontroller continue to work.

The temperature is measured by an ADC converter: on a hot radiator, on a cold one, in the refrigerator itself. Shown on the display.

The power supply of the elements is supplied through an additional relay only when the ignition is on (the engine is running), so as not to land the battery.

At home, when checking, the temperature in the car refrigerator dropped to 12 degrees in 1 hour and kept that way. The temperature of the hot radiator stopped at 49 degrees. In the car, when cooling 4 bottles of Mojito and using cold accumulators, Peltier turned off in the first hour at 55 degrees of a hot heat exchanger. And the subsequent time was turned off when the temperature inside was less than 5 degrees. Work interval: 4 minutes working, 1.5 minutes shutdown.


Do-it-yourself auto-refrigerator-thermobox

Greetings, dear readers! Since in the summer my family and I travel a lot and regularly go out to barbecues, the question of food storage came up. Both on long trips and for one day.
It became clear that one cannot do without a refrigerator or a thermal bag. Began familiarization with the market. The simplest is thermal bags. Thermal packages will not be considered. Soft, take up little space, light, the cheapest. The downside for me is the fabric and seams inside, it is inconvenient to wash. The average price is 500-1000 rubles. Thermal containers. Hard plastic body, easy to clean. Cons - they take up space regardless of whether there are products inside or not. The average price is from 2500 rubles.
Both bags and containers require cold accumulators. Refrigerators with Peltier elements are the same thermal containers, but with a cooling system built into the lid. Depending on the power of the elements, it can cool up to 20°C from the outside temperature. Nutrition from electrical network car. Minus - if not equipped with a shutdown system, it can drain the car's battery. The average price is from 3500 rubles. Compressor automobile refrigerators. The most serious of all. Designed for long journeys. They can run on both electricity and gas. They do their job very well. Minus - they cost like two ordinary home refrigerators. *** I looked at all this and decided, in order to understand what I needed, to make a refrigerator with my own hands.

Well, to be more precise, a thermal box. For me, the main thing is that the condensate does not drip anywhere and the products do not choke on the road. I took a sheet of foam plastic (the insulation is so orange). Cut out. Assembled with self-tapping screws and sealant. There are no corners, isolon on top, upholstery and painting. Everything is "as is". Why complicate?

Photo by the author of the channel. Cutouts are made at the joints of the walls and on the roof to reduce heat loss. Carried out load tests. Given that the lid is solid, that is, every time you open it, it gets into the container warm air boxing has been excellent. The cold lasts for at least one and a half days (on one tab of the cold accumulators), with regular openings. Watermelons, water, chilled foods, meat - everything feels great. In general, I left everything as it is for the time being, it is great for my purposes. And it's not a pity, if anything. Nothing is more permanent than temporary. And you choose what suits you best.

Refrigerator made of foam plastic and Peltier modules

Speech in today's article will go, not about the transformation of packaging foam into glue by dissolving it in acetone. Today we’ll talk about homemade a little more complicated, but very useful in the household, garage or at home. Since school days, we have known about the Peltier element, which, when a certain voltage is applied to it, releases heat on one side and cold on the other.
The same element, 75 watts. So, we will make a mini refrigerator, you can call it a desktop one. And, for starters, let's take a thin packaging foam, and with the help of double-sided tape we will assemble a box with a door from it. We take the size of the box approximately as a 5 liter bottle of water.
Styrofoam box. Next, we assemble the main part. To the cold side of the element on the thermal paste we glue a small aluminum radiator from electronics. On the hot side, we glue the heatsink from the processor with a fan onto the same composition.
The main assembly of the device. Having cut a hole in the back wall of the box, we insert it inside cold radiator and glue the entire assembly to the back wall.
Back wall refrigerator. We connect the ends of the element and the fan in parallel, we supply 12 volts. We put a couple of cans of foam in our refrigerator. An hour later, we drink a drink with a temperature of 15 degrees.

All you need to know about auto-refrigerators Rybak and Autotourist

We offer an article on how to make a refrigerator with your own hands, having understood the principle of its operation.

The method of generating cold directly depends on the dimensions of the future device. At large sizes choose a scheme with freon, with small ones - electrical elements Peltier.

Important! At self-manufacturing pay attention to the second option, implemented at home.

Next, let's look at how to make a refrigerator for a summer house and a car yourself, powered by 12 volt USB. What can I take from a computer or a water cooler? How to assemble a case from sheet material? How are refrigerators made on ammonia and for a trailer?

Working principle and advantages of Peltier cooling element

During the operation of the Peltier converter, two parts of it have different temperature. When passing electric current through the cooler, heat is produced on the upper half, and a cold stream is generated on the lower half.

Attention! You can buy a cooling device in a store that sells computer components or radio parts.

The advantages of such a refrigerator include the absence of:

  • moving elements;
  • transported media;
  • noise.

Instructions for assembling a thermoelectric refrigerator with your own hands

To make a refrigerator on Peltier elements with your own hands, check out step by step instructions. It outlines the steps in detail and gives useful recommendations.

Materials and tools

For work you will need:

  • expanded polystyrene. Suitable sheets with a thickness of 50 mm;
  • Peltier element;
  • radiators with coolers. Can be removed from old computer equipment;
  • thermal paste;
  • controller with temperature sensor;
  • mounting foam;
  • wires;
  • plugs for connecting to a USB car and / or a socket;
  • stationery knife;
  • measuring tool and pencil;
  • soldering iron.

Case assembly

To ensure the geometric accuracy of the refrigerator body, a template is made. Its dimensions should be related to the required volume of the future device. Wine should have a height sufficient to accommodate bottles.

Attention! As a template, use a drawing of a box or box of a suitable size.

Drawn elements:

  • cut to size with a clerical knife;
  • are interconnected using polyurethane foam. To do this, the elements with foam applied to their surface are connected and left in a stationary state until the composition is completely dry. For amplification thermal insulation characteristics the walls are double.

The assembled box is painted in the selected color in several layers.

To the inner surface refrigeration device glue the insulation aluminum foil using liquid nails.

In the absence of sheets of extruded polystyrene foam, you can use:

  • laminate. Special grooves facilitate the assembly of the structure. The material has sufficient strength;
  • Styrofoam. Well handled cutting tool. Moisture resistant. A foam refrigerator will cost less than an analogue made of polystyrene foam;
  • MDF or fiberboard. Additional processing will be required due to low resistance to moisture;
  • plastic. Ready-made boxes with lids are preferred. A toolbox or water cooler will do.

Installation of the cooling unit

To ensure the effective flow of physical processes inside a portable mini-refrigerator, installation is performed in the following sequence:

  • an aluminum profile is mounted perpendicular to the side wall of the box from the inside. It will be used to transfer cold to the interior;
  • to fixed aluminum profile a radiator is attached from the inside, with the help of which cold air will be redistributed throughout the internal volume;
  • a Peltier element is mounted on the outside of the profile. It is better to refuse the use of adhesive-sealant due to low efficiency. Screws are preferred.

In order for the car refrigerator to provide the necessary temperature regime, three elements are used to cool the tank. A block from a computer is used as a power source. If the refrigerator will be connected to a car battery, you will need an extension cord with a cigarette lighter socket. To control the temperature, a thermostat is connected to the refrigerator.

The installation of the Peltier element must be carried out in compliance with a number of rules. Necessary:

  • observe the polarity of the wires. Incorrect connection will result in inner part will heat up, and the outer one will cool;
  • remove heat from the top in a timely manner by installing a cooler. Without it, the element overheats. The intensity of the air flow removal determines the power of the system;
  • fasten the insulation properly. Its characteristics determine the efficiency of the cooler;
  • during installation, thermal paste should be applied between the parts of the element and the insulating plate;
  • for uniform distribution of cold and fast cooling inside the container, another cooler is fixed on the inner surface. It will also prevent condensation.

Refrigerators of another type

If you need a freezer, it is worth trying to assemble a compressor unit. It is characterized by fast and reliable freezing. It is difficult to make such a device on your own. You must have certain knowledge and have a compressor, evaporator and condenser available. Such a unit can be installed in the trailer of the car, going to nature.

There are absorption devices. They include:

  • generator, which is supplied with a mixture saturated with ammonia. After connecting to the power supply system, it boils;
  • a condenser that removes heat outside the refrigerator;
  • an absorber in which, due to the difference in pressure, an ammonia-water solution absorbs ammonia vapor. The process is accompanied by the release of heat. To prevent overheating, it is cooled with water;
  • an evaporator in which refrigerant vapors are released;
  • Thus, the simplest version of a refrigerator for a car is a device based on Peltier elements. This is the best solution in a situation where a travel thermos bag does not suit you. Marching, at 12 volts, will become suitable option for giving, if you provide a special adapter for 220 V.

    Video: do-it-yourself refrigerator bag

It is best to make a car refrigerator with your own hands on Peltier elements. The device of such a refrigerator is much simpler than the unit we are used to with a compressor and freon as a refrigerant. Despite the fact that the compressor refrigerator has a higher efficiency than the one based on the Peltier effect, the latter is preferable to use in cars. Since it has other important advantages: smaller dimensions and silent operation.

Compressor climate technology is still used in cars, for example, air conditioning. This is explained by the fact that the air conditioner cools a large volume and cannot be made based on the Peltier effect. In addition, the air conditioner must remove heat from the passenger compartment further than the design of the Peltier element allows. If you got the old home air conditioner, do not rush to rejoice, as it is unlikely that you will be able to make a car refrigerator out of it.

Refrigeration without compressor

The Peltier effect is that when an electric current flows through the contact of two semiconductors with various types conductivity ( p-n junction), depending on the direction of the current, it either cools or heats up. This is explained by the interaction of electrons with thermal vibrations of the atoms of the crystal lattice. And when current passes through series-connected junctions, the thermal energy absorbed by one p-n junction is released on another.

If you place the Peltier element so that one p-n junction is inside a container with good thermal insulation, and the other is outside, you get a small refrigerator that has enough power from a car cigarette lighter. Another refrigerator that works without a compressor is an absorption refrigerator. You can make a refrigerator in the car from such an old unit. But in this case, the design will depend on what you got, so you will definitely need to change the heaters and thermostats to 12 volt ones.

Making the body

For the manufacture of the case you will need materials:

One Peltier element will not be able to significantly cool a large volume, so for one thermoelectric element, do not make the case larger than 40×40×30 cm.

For cutting hardboard, use electric jigsaw or circular saw, if they are not in your arsenal, an ordinary hacksaw with small tooth. From MDF sheets, using corners and rivets, assemble a box that will be the body of your mini-refrigerator. Place the corners on the inside so that the rivets are held more securely. Fill all cavities in the joints between structural parts with sealant. After the sealant dries, apply inner surface the resulting box with a heater. Use "liquid nails" for this.

Stick a foam seal on the upper ends of the walls. MDF is very hygroscopic, so it must be primed before pasting the body. Instead of a primer, dilute a little PVA with water (add 2 parts liquid to 1 part glue). Prime the case, let it dry and cover it with oilcloth. Do not paste over the door, as it is a radiator, and pasting will impair its heat transfer.

Cooler installation

For this you will need:

First you need to make two radiators from aluminum, mount a cooling element between them and separate them from each other with a sheet of thermal insulation. This design will be part-time refrigerator door. With external dimensions of the case 40x40x30 cm, the upper radiator should be 40x40 cm, as it will cover the box, and the lower one 38x38 cm, because it must go inside. Cut a 38×38 cm square from the insulation sheet, cut a hole in its center according to the size of the cooling element and glue it to the smaller radiator using “liquid nails”. Solder the power wires to the terminals of the element (you need to apply “+” to the red output, and “ground” to the black one).

Put a large radiator down, and on it, with thermal insulation up, a small one so that their centers coincide. A centimeter from each corner of the cutout in the thermal insulation, drill a hole Ø 3 mm simultaneously in two radiators. Lubricate the cooling element on both sides with heat-conducting paste and place on the area of ​​​​the smaller radiator free from insulation with the cooling side to the metal. Cover it with a large radiator so that the previously made holes coincide, and tighten the resulting sandwich with screws and nuts until the thermal insulation is compressed and the radiators touch the cooler. Control the compression with a caliper by measuring the distance between the radiators. The thickness of the element is 3.8 mm. After reducing the gap to this value, the tightening of the radiator plates should be stopped.

Attach the resulting door to the hinges, and them to the case in such a way that when it closes, the smaller radiator enters the inside of the case. To bring the wires out of the housing, put a piece of rubber tube of a suitable diameter on them. Drill a hole slightly smaller than the outside diameter of the tube in the top plate next to the cooler's power connection pins. Pull the wires through it, leaving the tube in the hole so that the wire does not rub against its edges. Attach the fan to the door, facing it, and connect it to the same pair of wires. It remains to attach the latch and some kind of handle for carrying the device and the cold generator is ready.

Wire section selection

To find out the current that the built air conditioner consumes, add the rated current of the fan with the same parameter of the cooling element. After that, it remains only to select from the directory the wire section corresponding to this current. A fragment of the reference book sufficient for making a decision in this case is given below. For connection lengths up to 2 m:

  • current up to 1.5 A, wire cross-section - 0.3 mm 2;
  • current - 2.5 A, cross section - 0.5 mm 2;
  • current - 3.5 A, wire - 0.7 squares;
  • current - 7.5 A, wire 1.5 square;
  • current - 10 A, wire - 2 mm 2.

With a connection length of 3 m:

  • I nom up to 1.5 A, wire - 0.4 mm 2;
  • I nom - 2.5 A, wire - 0.8 mm 2;
  • I nom - 3.5 A, wire - 1.1 squares;
  • I nom - 7.5 A, cross section - 2.3 mm 2;
  • I nom - 10 A, cross section - 3.2 squares.

If your air conditioner draws more current than the cigarette lighter fuse is designed for, you will have to connect it to the battery terminals through its own fuse. But you will save on the connector for connecting to the cigarette lighter socket.

The cross section of a single-core wire S after measuring its diameter d can be calculated by the formula - S \u003d π * (d / 2) 2. To determine the cross section of a stranded wire, you need to count the number of veins under the insulation, calculate the cross section of one and multiply by their number.

If you do not have a caliper, you can determine the diameter of a solid wire using a regular ruler. To do this, wind 10 turns of wire round to round on a screwdriver and measure the length of the resulting winding with a ruler. Divide the result by 10 to get the diameter of the wire.

Power Requirements

The device must be powered direct current voltage is not more than 15 V. Small ripples do not interfere with work. So in special conditions homemade air conditioner does not need and it can simply be connected to the on-board network of a car with 12 volt electrical equipment. For owners of vehicles with an on-board network voltage of 24 V, it is recommended to connect two cooling elements in series.

Advantages and disadvantages of thermoelectric cooling devices

The thermoelectric refrigeration air conditioner based on the Peltier effect has the following advantages:

  1. High specific cooling capacity. With dimensions of 40 × 40 × 3.8 mm, one element can divert thermal energy power up to 57 watts.
  2. Quiet operation.
  3. Low cost. One item costs no more than $3.
  4. High reliability. The time of continuous operation before failure reaches 200 thousand hours.

Disadvantages of Peltier coolers:

  • Low efficiency. Therefore, with a large cooled volume, it is difficult to achieve a significant temperature difference between opposite surfaces.
  • The air conditioner consumes a relatively large amount of power. The current consumed by one element reaches 6 A.
  • Part of the power consumed is spent on heating the radiator, which gives off heat to the atmosphere.

A self-made refrigerator, of course, will not notice the air conditioning or climate control, but in any case it will make it easier to travel in hot weather.

A Peltier element is usually called a converter that is capable of operating from a temperature difference. This happens by the flow of electric current through the conductors through the contacts. For this, special plates are provided in the elements. Heat flows from one side to the other.

Today, this technology is in demand primarily because of the significant heat transfer power. In addition, the devices are able to boast of compactness. Radiators for many models are installed weak. This is due to the fact that the heat flow cools down rather quickly. As a result, the desired temperature is constantly maintained.

This item has no moving parts. The devices work absolutely silently, and this is an undoubted advantage. It should also be said that they are capable of being operated for a very long time, and cases of breakdowns occur extremely rarely. The simplest type consists of copper conductors with contacts and connecting wires. Additionally, there is an insulator on the cooling side. It is usually made from ceramic or

Why are Peltier elements needed?

Peltier elements are most commonly used in the manufacture of refrigerators. Usually we are talking about compact models that can be used, for example, by motorists on the road. However, the field of application of devices does not come to an end. IN Lately Peltier elements began to be actively installed in sound and acoustic equipment. There they are able to perform the functions of a cooler.

As a result, the cooling of the amplifier of the device occurs without any noise. For portable compressors, Peltier elements are indispensable. If we talk about the scientific industry, then scientists use these devices to cool the laser. In this case, it is possible to achieve significant stabilization of the learning wave for LEDs.

Disadvantages of Peltier Models

It would seem that such a simple and effective device is devoid of drawbacks, but they exist. First of all, experts immediately noted the low penetration capability of the module. This suggests that a person will have certain problems if he wants to cool a device that operates on a 400 V network. In this case, a special dielectric paste will partially help solve this problem. However, the breakdown of the current will still be high and the winding of the Peltier element may not withstand.

Additionally, these models are not recommended for use in precision electronics. Since there are metal plates in the element design, the sensitivity of the transistors may be impaired. The last disadvantage of the Peltier element can be called a small coefficient useful action. These devices are not capable of achieving a significant temperature difference.

Regulator module

Making a do-it-yourself Peltier element for a regulator is quite simple. To do this, prepare two metal plates in advance, as well as wiring with contacts. First of all, conductors are prepared for installation, which will be located at the base. Usually they are purchased with the marking "PP".

Additionally, for normal temperature control, semiconductors at the output should be provided. They are necessary in order to quickly transfer heat to the top plate. To install all the elements, you should use a soldering iron. To complete the Peltier element with your own hands, lastly connect two wires. The first is mounted at the bottom base and fixed at the outermost conductor. Contact with the plate should be avoided.

Next, attach the second wire at the top. Fixation is also carried out to the extreme element. In order to check the performance of the device, use a tester. To do this, two wires must be connected to the device. As a result, the voltage deviation should be approximately 23 V. In this situation, much depends on the power of the regulator.

Refrigerators with thermistor

How to make a Peltier element with your own hands for a refrigerator with a thermistor? Answering this question, it is important to note that the plates for it are selected exclusively from ceramics. In this case, about 20 pieces of conductors are used. This is necessary so that the temperature difference is higher. You can increase up to 70%. In this case, it is important to calculate

This can be done based on the power of the equipment. A liquid freon refrigerator is ideal in this case. The Peltier element is directly installed near the evaporator, which is located next to the motor. For its installation, you will need a standard set of tools, as well as gaskets. They are necessary in order to protect the model from the starting relay. Thus, the cooling of the lower part of the device will be much faster.

To achieve a temperature difference (Peltier effect) with your own hands, you may need at least 16 conductors. The main thing at the same time is to reliably isolate the wires that will be connected to the compressor. In order to do everything right, you must first disconnect the refrigerator dehumidifier. Only after that it is possible to connect all the contacts. After installation is complete, the voltage limit should be checked with a tester. In the event of a malfunction of the element, the thermostat first of all suffers. In some cases, it happens

Model for refrigerator 15V

Do-it-yourself Peltier refrigerator is made with a small one. The modules are mounted mainly near the radiators. In order to securely fix them, experts use the corners. The element should not lean against the filter, and this should be taken into account.

To complete the Peltier thermoelectric module with your own hands, the bottom plate is mainly chosen from of stainless steel. Conductors, as a rule, are used with the marking "PR20". They can withstand a maximum load of 3 A. The maximum temperature deviation can reach 10 degrees. In this case, the efficiency can be 75%.

Peltier elements in refrigerators 24 V

Using the Peltier element, a do-it-yourself refrigerator can only be made from conductors with good sealing. At the same time, they must be stacked in three rows for cooling. The operating current in the system must be maintained at 4 A. You can check it with a conventional tester.

If you use ceramic plates for the element, then the maximum temperature deviation can be achieved at 15 degrees. The wires to the capacitor are installed only after the gasket has been placed. You can fix it on the wall of the device different ways. The main thing in this situation is not to use glue that is sensitive to temperatures above 30 degrees.

Peltier element for car cooler

To make a high-quality auto-refrigerator with your own hands, Peltier (module) is selected with a plate whose thickness is not more than 1.1 mm. Wires are best used non-modular type. Also, copper conductors are required for operation. Their throughput should be at least 4A.

Thus, the maximum temperature deviation will reach 10 degrees, this is considered normal. Conductors are most often used with the marking "PR20". They have recently shown themselves to be more stable. They are also suitable for various contacts. A soldering iron is used to connect the device to the capacitor. High-quality installation is possible only on the relay block gasket. The differences in this case will be minimal.

How to make an element for a drinking water cooler?

The Peltier module (element) is made quite simply for the cooler with your own hands. It is important for him to select only ceramic plates for him. At least 12 conductors are used in the device. Thus, the resistance will be kept high. The elements are usually connected by soldering. Two wires must be provided for connecting to the device. The element must be attached at the bottom of the cooler. At the same time, it can come into contact with the cover of the device. In order to exclude cases of short circuits, it is important to fix all the wiring on the grille or housing.

Air conditioners

Do-it-yourself Peltier module (element) is made for an air conditioner only with PR12 class conductors. They are chosen for this business mainly due to the fact that they cope well with low temperatures. The maximum model is capable of delivering a voltage of 23 V. The resistance indicator will be at the level of 3 ohms. The temperature difference reaches a maximum of 10 degrees, and the efficiency is 65%. It is possible to lay conductors between sheets only in one row.

Manufacturing of generators

You can make a generator using a Peltier module (element) with your own hands. The performance of the device will rise by a total of 10%. This is achieved due to the greater cooling of the motor. The maximum load of the device is 30 A. Due to the large number of conductors, the resistance can be 4 ohms. The temperature deviation in the system is approximately 13 degrees. The module is attached directly to the rotor. To do this, first of all, disconnect the central shaft. In many cases, the stator does not interfere. To prevent the rotor winding from heating up from the inductor, ceramic plates are used.

Cooling the video card on the computer

To cool the video card, you must prepare at least 14 conductors. It is best to select copper models. Their heat transfer coefficient is quite high. Non-modular type wires are used to connect the device to the board. The model is mounted near the video card cooler. To fix it, they usually use small

To fix them, you can use the usual nuts. The appearance of excessive noise during operation indicates that the device is not working properly. In this case, it is necessary to check the integrity of the wiring. You also need to inspect the conductors.

Peltier element for air conditioner

In order to qualitatively make a Peltier element with your own hands for an air conditioner, double plates are used. Their minimum thickness should be at least 1 mm. In this case, you can hope for a temperature deviation of 15 degrees. The performance of air conditioners after equipping the modules increases on average by 20%. Much of this situation depends on temperature. environment. You should also take into account the stability of the voltage from the network. With small interference, the load of the device is maintained by approximately 4 A.

When soldering conductors, they should not be placed too close to each other. In order to properly complete the Peltier modules with your own hands, the input and output contacts must be installed on only one of the two plates. In this case, the device will be more compact. A gross mistake in this situation would be to connect the module directly to the block. This will lead to the inevitable breakage of the element.

Installing the module on the capacitor

To install with your own hands, it is important to evaluate the power of the capacitor. If it does not exceed 20 V, then the element should be mounted with conductors marked "PR30" or "PR26". In order to fix the Peltier module (element) with your own hands on the capacitor, use small metal corners.

It is best to install four of them on each side. In terms of performance, the capacitor is ultimately able to add plus 10%. If we talk about heat loss, then they will be insignificant. The efficiency of the device is on average 80%. Modules are not designed for high-voltage capacitors. In this case it won't even help. a large number of conductors.