Well      03.03.2020

Heating radiators for the Kermi apartment. Kermi heating radiators: specifications and prices. Aluminum heating radiators

Work on arranging the heating system in a private house can be done independently if you have primary skills in working with the tool and the tool itself, or you can order it from a specialized organization.

But, in any case, do-it-yourself heating wiring in a private house begins with a theoretical part. You will need to decide which heating system wiring diagram you choose, how the coolant and boiler will circulate in it, what brand will be installed in the system to heat the coolant.

Today, a person planning such work as laying heating pipes in a private house on his own, equipping a heating system, has the opportunity to choose one of the four most commonly used options for these purposes:

Variant of the beam method of wiring the heating system

The layout of the heating system in a private house, made according to the indicated option, has the following feature: the supply pipe is led to the highest point of the house (usually, to the attic), here each pipe is supplied with its own beam.

We get a kind of sun with rays of hot coolant supply to the radiators. (Another analogy is a fountain).

Collector heating system

The heating pipe layout for this option is classified as the most efficient and productive. The basis is a collector assembled in the attic, through the pipes of which the coolant is distributed. Proper wiring of heating pipes and shut-off valves installed in the manifold make it possible, if necessary, to cut off any of the circuits without stopping the operation of the entire CO.

It is this system that is considered the most convenient CO model. The coolant is supplied to the radiators through the collector. Control elements are also mounted in it, which makes it possible to regulate the temperature value in any room, as well as to replace and repair a failed unit without turning off the entire heating system.

A significant disadvantage is the high consumption of materials during the installation of CO according to the above scheme, as well as the requirement for the mandatory installation of a manifold cabinet.

The wiring diagram for heating a private house, assembled according to a single-pipe version

This option is quite simple to implement, it will require minimum expenses for the purchase of components and installation work. All this makes it today the most popular option for installing heating systems in private residential buildings and on other objects.

The heating pipe layout in this version allows the coolant to pass sequentially from one heater to another. Moreover, in each subsequent, the temperature will be lower than in the previous one. Very often, the coolant reaches the last radiator already at a low temperature, which is clearly not enough for heating.

The layout of heating pipes in the house according to the specified version practically excludes the possibility of adjusting the system, because. blocked batteries do not let the coolant go further. And if there is a need to repair any heating device in such COs, the entire coolant is drained.

Two-pipe house heating system

It will cost much more than the previous version, and in terms of time it will require more time for assembly and adjustment. However, it will allow you to get a serious gain in the quality of heating, system performance and efficiency.

Do-it-yourself heating wiring in a private house according to the indicated scheme warms up the object much better. Here, without fail, there are two pipes that are brought to each radiator. Proper wiring of heating pipes ensures the following movement of the coolant. The hot coolant flows through the top, and the cooled coolant is discharged through the bottom.

Advantage of the scheme: parallel connection all heating appliances. The wiring diagram for heating a private house according to the specified version allows you to repair a failed element without turning off the entire CO.

Heating plan according to the method of circulation of the coolant in the system

In all currently functioning COs, the coolant circulates according to one of the following options.

Natural circulation, another name - gravitational

The coolant in this case is moved by using the difference in the density of the liquid, which has various temperatures. Hot has a lower density, so it rises to the top of the system. Cold is heavier, respectively, it goes down.

In order to facilitate the movement of the coolant in such systems, pipes are mounted at small angles horizontally to promote gravity flow.

The main advantages of such a system are complete autonomy and maximum ease of assembly. Cons: the need for a large number of pipes of large diameters. The inability to install in such CO modern models radiators with small sections and a strict requirement for the slope of the line.

forced circulation

In this version, the coolant is moved by a running circulation pump. And its excess, formed when heated to high temperatures, is displaced into expansion tank.

In most variants of CO tanks are made closed, which ensures its protection from evaporation. Mandatory closed tanks are used in systems where any of the glycol solutions acts as a coolant.

Such systems are necessarily equipped with manometers. When installing these systems, you will face additional costs: you will need to buy thermostats, a pump, a pressure gauge, a tank, etc.

The advantages of this variant of CO, which the distribution of heating of a two-story private house according to the indicated variant has, are as follows: minimum volume of coolant is required, smaller required pipe diameters, structurally implemented possibilities for adjusting the heating temperature of radiators, etc.
Minus: depends on the availability of electricity to operate the pump.

Heating scheme according to the wiring technique and the location of pipelines

When choosing this version, it is better to entrust its installation to professionals, since it is quite complicated.

According to the type of installation, there are:

  • Horizontal CO. It is quite convenient in that it does not require the installation of risers for subsequent branching to existing premises.
  • Vertical CO. They do not have air pockets and are easy to install.

In the direction in which the coolant moves, they distinguish:

  • Direct-flow. The coolant moves from the boiler through CO to the boiler.
  • Dead end. They move away from the heat source in the opposite direction.

Heating schemes for a private house, in which the piping is made according to one of the above options, requires the contractor to perform high-quality preliminary calculations and carefully selected equipment.

It, in the future, will need to be mounted strictly according to the design scheme, otherwise, the assembled CO may not work well.

How to choose the best option for heating distribution for a private house?

When determining the required CO option, several initial parameters must be taken into account:

  • The total area of ​​​​the room that will be heated by the specified system;
  • Number of floors;
  • The power of the heating boiler, which is planned to be installed in the system;
  • What scheme of circulation of the coolant is planned to be taken as a basis.

The unavailability of central heating makes you think about installation. With it, you can create comfortable conditions inside the building at any time of the year. Most choose water heating of a private house. Do-it-yourself schemes of the most complex circuits can be mounted by almost everyone. We offer you to get acquainted with the distinctive features of water heating and the nuances of implementation installation work.

Read in the article

Advantages and disadvantages of water heating systems

Water heating has a number of advantages:

  1. Possibility of installation at any stage of construction of a private house. If necessary, it is possible to develop and install water heating with your own hands after the building is put into operation.
  2. Available coolant. With its high thermal conductivity, water has a low cost.
  3. Versatility. Water heating allows the use of running on various types fuel.
  4. Choice of suitable design. Pipe layout is selected individually depending on the quadrature of a private house, the capabilities and preferences of the owners.
  5. Ability to control the temperature in each room due to the installation of special shut-off valves.

The disadvantages of water heating include:

  1. Low efficiency.
  2. Uneven heating of the coolant in the pipeline.
  3. The need to install an expansion tank.

Coolant and its properties

Water is widely used as a heat carrier. This is facilitated by its main properties. It is not able to have a negative impact on a person even if the heating circuit is damaged. Possesses high level heat transfer. The viscosity of water makes it a suitable option for any modern water tank.

The disadvantages of water include:

  • freezing at zero temperature;
  • an increase in volume when the state of aggregation changes, which can cause a pipeline rupture;
  • salt content, which leads to the appearance of a precipitate on inner surface.

Attention! To prevent the formation of deposits on the inner surface, only distilled water should be poured into the heating circuit.

Often used instead of water. Such substances are not afraid of low temperatures, but they cannot always be used in a traditional water heating system. They are toxic and can Negative influence on human health in case of depressurization of the system.

Norms and requirements for autonomous heating

Requirements for the heating system are set out in SNiP 2.04.05-91. The standards contained in this document are designed to create a comfortable microclimate. Some recommendations are given in SNiP 31-02, which regulates the rules for the construction of single-family houses.

The requirements for the used . Its temperature should be in the range + 60 ÷ 80ºС. The maximum heating is limited to +90ºС. Wherein outside surface heating elements, access to which is not restricted in any way, should not be heated above +70ºС.

When deciding how to make heating in a private house, you should pay attention to possible ways heating installation. Preference may be given to:

  • open. The pipeline is laid along building structures. Clamps and clips are used for fastening. Are used . The choice in favor of polymer products is made only if it is possible to protect them from mechanical and / or thermal effects;

  • Hidden. The laying of the water circuit is carried out in specially prepared channels and strobes hidden behind various ones. Relevant for buildings that are planned to operate for at least 20 years. In this case, the service life of the pipes should exceed 40 years.

Attention! The open laying method is a priority.

Features of the water heating system

Such a system became a direct continuation of . It allows you to heat several rooms at the same time, while a traditional stove cannot cope with this task. To do this, heating devices are installed in each room, the layout of which is worked out for each private house individually.

The liquid coolant, heated in the boiler to the desired temperature, enters the pipeline. Moving through the pipes, it begins to give up its heat to the heaters, which can be either a circuit. The heaters, in turn, transfer heat to the surrounding space. The cooled coolant is returned back to the boiler, heated to a predetermined temperature, and the cycle is repeated. Thanks to the continuous movement of the coolant through labor, it is possible to maintain the temperature in a private house at a comfortable level.

The main elements of the water heating system

Learning how to properly make heating in a private house, you should get acquainted with the basic elements. They can be of various designs or made from different materials. The service life of water heating and ease of use will depend on the choice made.


This element maintains the performance of water heating. It generates heat that heats the water to the required temperature. Manufacturers offer heating boilers working for:

  1. . Optimum in terms of safe operation. Such equipment does not impose increased requirements on the installation site. Does not emit combustion products. However, high operating costs and reliance on power supply forces other options to be considered;
  2. . A popular option if a gas pipeline passes near a private house. Low operating costs and a fairly high efficiency make such equipment very popular. Do-it-yourself installation is not possible;
  3. liquid fuel. It is close in design to, but is equipped with a different type of burner. Installed in a separate room. Due to the large amount of combustion products, it needs regular cleaning;
  4. . The best option for the private sector. Installation can be done by hand. During operation, it is necessary to constantly put fuel into the furnace and remove combustion products.

Attention! Manufacturers offer combined boilers capable of operating on various types of fuel.

When choosing a suitable model, you should focus not only on the type of fuel used, but also on. On average, 1 kilowatt will be enough to heat 10 square meters in a private house located in the southern regions. IN middle lane this figure will increase to 1.5 kW, and in the northern ones - up to 2.0. Experts recommend adding another 20 ÷ 30% to the obtained value. To facilitate the calculations, our team has developed a handy calculator.

Related article:

In the publication, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of boilers, how they work, what types there are, how to do it yourself, and also introduce popular models and manufacturers.

Calculator for calculating the required boiler power


For the heating circuit, products made of various materials, each of which has its own characteristics. Preference can be given to pipes:

  • steel. Such products have relatively recently enjoyed the greatest popularity. However, in the construction of private houses, they are currently used less frequently. The reason lies in the tendency to corrosion of steel surfaces;

Advice! Having decided to give preference to steel pipes, it is worth buying galvanized products or made from of stainless steel.

  • copper. Copper piping is able to resist high temperatures and pressures. It is typical for him long term service, however, the high cost of copper elements significantly limits their use;

  • polymeric. Products made of metal-plastic, the basis of which is aluminum, covered with a layer of plastic, or from, additionally reinforced with aluminum, have a number of advantages. They are not afraid of corrosion, have sufficient strength, prevent the appearance of sediment on the inner surface. Installation of water heating does not require significant financial investments, as it can be done by hand without the use of special equipment.

Attention! Due to the high coefficient of thermal expansion of polymers, there is a high probability of damage to pipes during freezing of the circuit.


The efficiency of water heating largely depends on the characteristics installed. Manufacturers offer batteries made from:

  • become. Such products are affordable. However, the tendency to corrosion significantly reduces the possible duration of their operation;
  • . Products are characterized by high resistance to corrosion processes with low resistance to pressure drops. Given that in private homes the pressure is usually stable, aluminum radiators able to last long enough;
  • steel and aluminium. Bimetal radiators have the advantages characteristic of products made either from aluminum or from steel;
  • . The large weight of the battery places increased demands on the fasteners used.

Water pumps for heating a private house

Used to provide continuous heating circuit. The stability of the heating operation largely depends on its characteristics. Manufacturers offer different types of water pumps for heating a private house.

The first parameter can be calculated as follows: the power of the system is divided by the temperature difference of the coolant at the inlet and outlet and the heat capacity of the water. The pressure is chosen in such a way as to ensure the normal flow of the coolant at each point. Especially for our readers, we have prepared convenient calculators for calculating productivity and head circulation pump.

Calculator for calculating the performance of the circulation pump

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Calculator for calculating the required pressure of the circulation pump

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Expansion tank and make-up system

Part of a closed heating system. Allows you to compensate for the difference in the volume of the coolant during heating and cooling. consists of two parts: water and air. The pressure in the latter is regulated in such a way as to ensure hydrostatic balance when filling the air part to a certain level.

As the chamber fills up hot water the pressure rises, and the liquid begins to push through the membrane, increasing the pressure in the air chamber. After the coolant cools down, excess pressure squeezes the liquid back. There are various types and volume. Below you can use a handy calculator to determine the required volume of the expansion tank

Calculator for calculating the minimum volume of the expansion tank

The choice of heating devices

When choosing a boiler for water heating, one should focus on its power, installation features, geometric parameters and the type of fuel used. The most practical are considered, which, if necessary, can replace or. The operating costs of a solid fuel boiler are much lower than the electric model. The latter will become the best option for a small private house.

When choosing heating device you should consider how to install a heating boiler in a private house. The absence of a separate room significantly narrows the list of suitable models.

Types of water heating systems

Before you start to figure out how to conduct heating in a private house, you should get acquainted with existing species systems. Each of them has its own distinctive features, defining the possible area of ​​\u200b\u200buse and the procedure for performing installation work.

Water system "Warm floor"

Most often used in conjunction with other types of heating systems. Installation is quite complicated and requires careful compliance with the requirements. The main advantage is a large heating area. Due to the fact that the floor is one large radiator, it is possible to provide heat exchange in optimal mode. The heated air rises from the bottom up, filling the space. At the same time, the water temperature in the circuit is reduced to +55ºC.

The disadvantages of the water system include the need to perform installation work at the stage of building a private house. In the finished building, it is quite difficult to implement the project. After laying the pipeline, the height of the ceiling is reduced.

Skirting heating systems

Heating elements of water heating have a shape that outwardly resembles the construction counterpart of the same name. Inside the heater are elements that include copper tubes. The strong deaf metal box provides a good heat dissipation.

Heating elements are mounted around the perimeter of the room, thanks to which it is possible to maintain the temperature at a given level. As the coolant passes through, sequential heating occurs copper tubes, metal box, air, walls. As a result, the air in the room warms up not only due to heat transfer, but also the walls along which they are mounted.

The most rational is the installation of water heating in places directly bordering the street. This is a suitable option for a balcony, terrace or veranda. The advantages of the plinth system include:

  • formation of a comfortable microclimate without active air circulation;
  • insulation of places where mold most often appears;
  • ease of installation work;
  • the ability to select elements with a suitable design;
  • availability.

The disadvantages include the limited (up to 15 meters) length of the circuit. Often 2÷3 circuits are mounted in one room. Another negative point is the impossibility of installation along horizontal elements, as this will reduce the efficiency of water heating.


A heating scheme is a graphic document on which, with the help of symbols all elements of the heating system are presented, as well as the connections between them. The choice of the scheme means the choice of the method of connecting heating devices, their location, as well as the choice of the direction of movement of the coolant.

In a small private house, a heating scheme can be developed independently. To do this, you need to know what. In its primitive form, it can be represented as a ring of pipes, along which hot water(heat carrier) moves from the boiler, enters the heating devices, lingers in them for some time, while giving off reserves of thermal energy environment and then re-enters the boiler. Then the cycle repeats.

At the same time, they say that water, also called a coolant, circulates along the contour of the heating system, which includes the following components:

  • Boiler
  • Radiators (batteries)
  • Connecting pipes
  • Expansion tank
  • Valves and gate valves
  • Circulation pump (only for systems with forced circulation of the coolant)

The movement of the coolant in the heating circuit can be:

  • Gravity, occurring due to natural convection. In this case, they speak of a gravity-flow heating system and the natural circulation of the coolant.
  • Forced, occurring due to the operation of the circulation pump. In this case, they talk about a heating system with forced circulation of the coolant.

Pros and cons of a gravity heating scheme

In a gravity heating system, the water heated in the boiler rushes up, and then enters the heating devices, passes through them, giving off heat, and flows into the return pipeline, through which it is sent back to the boiler. The movement of water is also ensured by a slight slope of the supply and return pipelines, as well as the use of pipes of different diameters, larger for the return and smaller for supplying hot water.

For reference: return or return pipeline through which the cooled coolant enters the boiler. The supply is the pipeline through which hot water exits the boiler.

A distinctive feature of a gravity heating system is the presence of an open expansion tank that communicates with the atmosphere, installed at the very top of the pipeline. It is designed to collect part of the coolant when it is heated, which is inevitably accompanied by an increase in the volume of liquid. With the help of an expansion tank filled with water, a hydraulic pressure is created in the heating circuit, which is necessary for the movement of the liquid.

As the coolant cools, its volume decreases. In this case, part of the liquid from the expansion tank re-enters the system, ensuring the integrity and continuity of the circulating coolant flow.

Among advantages of a gravity system heating should be distinguished:

  • Uniform heat distribution
  • Sustainability
  • Independence from electrical network
  • Alas, the disadvantages of such a system are much more than advantages:
  • The complexity of the installation: it is necessary to observe the angle of inclination of the pipelines
  • Long pipeline length and the need to use pipes of different diameters
  • High inertia of the system, which reduces the ability to control the heating process
  • The need to heat the coolant to high temperatures, which prevents the use of modern materials
  • Large internal volume of the system
  • impossibility

Forced movement of the coolant in the house

In a private house, you can also use heating circuits with forced movement of the coolant created by a circulation pump connected to the electrical network. For its implementation, you can use any pipes, including polypropylene, as well as any method of connecting heating devices.

In systems with forced movement of the coolant, a closed expansion tank is used, which can be mounted anywhere, but in most cases it is installed in close proximity to the boiler. Such heating systems of a private house are also called closed, in contrast to systems with natural movement of the coolant, called open.

It should be noted that the radiator connection diagram in closed systems can be anyone.

Schemes for connecting radiators in a private house

Two-pipe vertical scheme

This principle of connecting heating devices is most often used in multi-storey buildings. Hot water is supplied through a vertical pipe up (down the riser), passes through the radiators, and then flows down. The scheme is applicable in systems with forced and natural circulation of the coolant, but is more efficient in the presence of a circulation pump.

Its undoubted advantage is the possibility of separate regulation of heating of heating devices. To do this, a control valve is installed on the supply pipe, which allows you to change the flow rate of the coolant. Shutoff equipment on the return pipe is not installed.

The disadvantage of this wiring is the double consumption of pipes for supply and return.

For one-story private houses, two-pipe horizontal schemes are more acceptable.

Collector heating circuit

In it, the coolant is distributed to the radiators through the collector, which ensures uniform heating of the premises, and also allows you to heat houses of almost any configuration and area. The collector circuit also allows you to adjust the degree of heating of heating devices, changing the flow rate of the coolant and the speed of its movement using shut-off equipment.

One-pipe heating scheme

This method of distributing the coolant is the simplest and at the same time effective. The scheme is simple to implement, but its disadvantage is the uneven heating of the room. The fact is that the coolant cools down as it moves and is supplied to the last heater with a much lower temperature than to the first.

You can correct the situation by adding a bypass (bypass) line of smaller diameter and installing an adjusting valve on each heater. Such a system is often called "Leningrad".

Video review - types, types of radiator heating at home

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Gone are the days when the only way to warm a private house there was an oven. It was precisely because of the lack of full-fledged heating and hot water supply that many did not want to live outside the city, moving to comfortable high-rise buildings. But the benefits of civilization have reached country houses. Modern technologies and materials allow you to equip the heating of a private house with your own hands, so as not to endure hardships anymore. Now the amenities in a country house will be no worse than city ones. There are several ways to make heating in a private house, which differ structural elements and energy carriers. We will talk about them in the framework of this article.

What can be the heating system of a private house

First of all, heating systems differ in the type of coolant, which directly heats the premises, giving off heat. There are water systems, steam, air, electric and open fire. The latter are implemented in fireplaces, Russian stoves and coarse. In rooms where heating is implemented in this way, heat is distributed unevenly: cold air near the floor, hot near the heat source (stove), and cold air at a distance. In principle, a small house can be heated quite well with a stove, but we will not focus on these systems, but will talk about those that can provide more uniform heating of a large house.

The water heating system is a closed loop through which hot water circulates. The boiler acts as a heating element, pipes diverge from it throughout the house, radiators are installed in each room, through which hot water passes and gives off heat. Having given off heat, the water returns to the boiler, where it heats up, and the cycle repeats.

For a water system, a boiler using any available fuel is suitable. The most common are gas boilers because they are economical. Heating in a private house using natural gas is possible only if a gas main is connected to the house. Another disadvantage is that gas boilers require regular maintenance and control by special services. Nevertheless, gas heating is in great demand.

If the area is not gasified, you can use solid fuel boiler(coal, firewood, pallets). In this case, the heating will turn out to be completely autonomous and independent of the energy supply. But for storage solid fuel you will have to equip a convenient and dry storage.

Oil boilers, for example, diesel, can also be used for water heating. This method has a number of disadvantages: diesel fuel is very expensive, heating is uneconomical, fuel storage requires a tank buried in the ground, which, despite all the precautions, is a fire hazard.

electric boiler, connected to the central power supply, will also perform its functions well. But if you have already decided to use electricity as an energy carrier, it would be more expedient to install electric radiators in order to directly convert electrical energy into heat without the mediation of water.

For complete furnishing autonomous heating you can use alternative electricity, solar and wind converters, mini-hydro stations and more.

The power of the boiler is selected depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. Approximate characteristics can be seen in the table.

In a water heating system, both water and antifreeze can circulate. Also, the system may have additional elements for its adjustment. The expansion tank is used to collect excess fluid, thermostats are needed to control the temperature in front of each radiator, a circulation pump for forced water movement is not always used, as well as an automatic air vent, shut-off and safety valves.

If you are interested in how much it costs to heat a private house, then you can calculate it yourself. First you need to decide on the type of energy carrier. We will consider the option with a gas boiler. So, we need to purchase a boiler, pipes, radiators for each room, an expansion tank, taps, fittings, all the necessary related materials. But before you buy all this, you should draw up a heating scheme for a private house, which will accurately indicate the location of the boiler and radiators, the length of the pipeline, and more. Design work "will cost a pretty penny", permits, approvals, plus installation. As a result, heating in a private house will cost about 9000 - 11000 USD.

The cost of equipment for the heating system will largely depend on the materials. For example, radiators are cast iron, steel,aluminum, stainless steel. The cheapest cast iron, they are also the heaviest and short-lived. Stainless steel is the most expensive, few can afford to install them throughout the house. Pipes for laying a heating pipeline also come in various materials: steel(stainless steel, galvanized steel), copper, polymeric(metal-plastic, polypropylene, polyethylene). The most reliable are copper pipes, as they withstand large temperature differences, and the connection is made by soldering with silver solder. Although polymer pipes are easy to install and are not afraid of corrosion, they have a significant drawback - they are afraid of temperature changes and lose their strength if they are bent. steel pipes in Lately are used quite rarely, although stainless and galvanized are not afraid of corrosion, durable and firmly connected.

The cost of materials and work on installing heating in a private house is also affected by the type of water heating system, which can be one-pipe, two-pipe and manifold. We will talk about this below.

The water heating system has several disadvantages: complex and time-consuming installation, regular system maintenance and boiler checks, but it is very popular among country residents compared to other systems.

Steam heating of a private house

The steam heating system is implemented according to the following principle: the boiler heats water under pressure to a boiling state, the resulting steam goes to the radiators through the pipeline, where it gives off its heat, condenses back into water and returns back to the boiler. Air is forced out of the system by hot steam. According to the principle of condensate return in the boiler, two types of systems are distinguished: open (open) and closed (closed). IN open systems there is a tank in which condensate accumulates, and then enters the boiler. In closed systems, the condensate returns to the boiler on its own through a wide pipe.

Important! Steam heating is not used in private residential buildings. "Steam" is mistakenly called "water" heating. In fact, a steam heating boiler is a huge unit, the size of a room, it is very difficult to operate, and also dangerous. Such heating is used only in enterprises where steam is needed for production needs. Even in this case, the heat-releasing elements are carefully isolated from the person, since the steam temperature is 115 ° C.

An air heating system can be installed in a house only at the construction stage; this is not possible in a finished residential building.

The principle of operation of this system is as follows: the heat generator heats the air, which then rises through the air ducts into the premises and exits under the ceiling in such a way as to displace the cold air that has accumulated near the window or door. Cold air is forced out into the air ducts leading to the heat generator. This is how circulation occurs, which can be gravitational or forced.

Gravity circulation occurs due to the temperature difference when the volume warm air large enough, it displaces the cold towards the air ducts. The disadvantage of this method is that when windows or doors are open, circulation is disturbed.

For forced circulation A fan is used to increase air pressure.

The figure shows the heating of a private two-story house with the help of air.

The heat generator can burn natural gas, kerosene or diesel. At the same time, natural gas can be both from the main line and bottled. The products of combustion go into the chimney.

To freshen the air, the system is mixed fresh air, the fence of which can be carried out outside the premises.

Air ducts can be made of metal, plastic or textile, and also have a round or rectangular shape. According to the structure, air ducts are rigid and flexible. Air ducts adjacent to external walls or unheated rooms must be thermally insulated. To correctly calculate how the system should be located air heating at home, what should be the size of the air ducts, what is the topology of the network, you should contact the experts. The arrangement of such a system for a two-story house can cost 11,000 USD.

Electric heating of a private house

Heating a house with electricity can be implemented in several ways: using electric convectors, underfloor heating systems, infrared long-wave heaters(ceiling).

Heating a house with electricity cannot be called economical. Sometimes they even equip a water heating system and connect it to an electric boiler. This method has a significant drawback: high energy costs and heat loss. Therefore, it is advised to install an electric boiler as a spare in addition to the gas one (subject to the presence of a gas main).

But if there is no other available energy source, you have to use what you have. Then it will be more economical and expedient to use not a boiler, but immediately electric convectors.

To calculate the number of necessary devices, you should know the volume of the room and the degree of its thermal insulation. For example, for heating a house of 100 m2, with a ceiling height of 3 m, the volume is 300 m3, if the room is poorly insulated, its heating demand is 40 W/m3. In total, we multiply the volume of the room by the need, we get 12,000 watts. This need can be met by installing 4 convectors of 2.5 kW each and 1 convector - 2 kW. The cost of equipment is approximately 1300 - 1500 USD. This is much less than the arrangement of water heating with a gas boiler, but it is much less economical when paying for energy.

The disadvantage of using electric convectors is the uneven heating of the room: it is cold near the floor, and hot air accumulates near the ceiling. To evenly warm the room, you can additionally install a "warm floor" system.

Scheme of the heating system of a private house with a liquid coolant

The water heating system can be single-loop or double-circuit. Single-circuit is used only for heating, and double-circuit for heating and heating water for household needs. In practice, in private houses, two single-circuit systems are most often installed: one - purely for heating water, the second - for heating. This is also convenient because the second boiler does not work during the non-heating season.

According to the principle of water movement in the system, one-pipe, two-pipe and collector systems are distinguished.

One-pipe water heating system

In a single-pipe system, water passes sequentially from one radiator to another. At the same time, in each subsequent radiator, the temperature of the coolant will be lower and lower. In the latter, it may not be enough to heat the room. This system is practically not amenable to adjustment, since by blocking access to one radiator, water access to all the others will be blocked. Also, if one radiator fails, you will have to completely turn off the system, bleed water, and only then change it to a new one or repair it.

Two-pipe water heating system

A two-pipe system is able to heat the house more efficiently, since two pipes fit each radiator: one with hot water, and through the other, cooled water leaves. In this case, the hot water pipe is connected to all radiators in parallel. If you install taps in front of each radiator, you can turn off any radiator from the system. The last radiator to which the hot water pipe is connected will have a lower temperature than the first one, but the losses will be negligible compared to a single pipe system.

Collector system of water heating

Collector system implies that pipes go from the collector to each radiator separately: one with hot water, the other cooled water returns. This system allows you to regulate the temperature in any room, as well as easily replace or repair any part of the system without turning off the heating. The collector system is the most progressive. Its only drawback: additional installation manifold cabinet and high pipe consumption.

Installation of a heating system for a private house

First of all, you should decide which heating system is best done in concrete house. The most optimal solution would be to install the system, the energy carrier for which is more accessible and economical, economical heating a private home is very important for many. For example, if gas is supplied to the house, then you can install water system heating with two boilers: one - gas (main), the second - electric (spare) or solid fuel, in order to be completely energy independent in case of force majeure.

At the next stage, you should contact the design bureau, where they will make the appropriate calculations, draw up project documentation and drawings of heating a private house. Only then can you buy necessary equipment and materials.

The first step is to install a heating boiler. For any boilers where there will be combustion products, except for electric ones, it is necessary to equip the boiler room. This is a separate room, or a room in the basement, in which good ventilation. The boiler is installed at a distance from the walls to provide free access. The floor and walls around the boiler are lined with refractory material. A chimney is taken out from the boiler to the street.

Further installation of heating in a private house consists in installing a circulation pump (if necessary), a distribution manifold (if provided by the system), measuring and control devices near the boiler.

Only then do pipelines lead from the boiler to the installation sites of radiators. To pass the pipes through the walls, you will have to make holes in them, which, after the pipes are stretched, must be covered cement mortar. The connection of pipes is made based on the material of their manufacture.

The radiators are installed last. They are installed on brackets necessarily under the window opening. If the radiator is not large enough to cover the opening, two radiators should be installed or sections should be added if possible. The distance from the floor should be 10 - 12 cm, from the wall 2 - 5 cm, and from the window sill to the radiator - 10 cm. We install shut-off and control fittings and temperature sensors at the inlet and outlet of the radiator so that you can regulate the temperature and block the movement of water.

After installation of all structural elements, the system is pressure tested. The first start-up of the boiler is possible only in the presence of a representative of the gas organization.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is better to choose a heating system taking into account two factors: the availability and low cost of an energy carrier and the autonomy of the system in case of force majeure. Installing a heating system in a private house is such a responsible and complicated matter that it is not recommended to do it yourself. At least the most important thing - calculations, diagrams and the project must be performed by professionals. And to save money, you can try to install the elements of the system yourself, but under the strict guidance of the master.

The heating system assumes that heat losses are minimized, and heat transfer remains maximum. You also need to take into account the amount of materials used, the model of the boiler and the type of batteries when designing the system. To carry out such a project yourself, it is not necessary to have the appropriate training, it is enough to know some rules, following which you can successfully prepare and install heating in a private house with your own hands.

Before buying materials and getting ready to work, first decide what type of heating system you will use, select a suitable boiler and radiators for it. After that, it is necessary to draw up a project and only then proceed to the acquisition of materials and installation.

IMPORTANT! This article discusses the water heating system, which includes a boiler, pipes and radiators. This design is the most simple, reliable and less expensive to operate. The system works like this: water is heated in the boiler, it enters the radiators through pipes, the latter give off the received heat to the room. The cooled liquid through the pipes (return) enters the boiler again, and the process is repeated.

Schemes for installing a heating system in a private house

In practice, two types of systems are used - schemes (or types of piping), namely:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and is used in different cases.

Single pipe system

This type of wiring is cheaper and simpler. The system is built in the form of a ring - all batteries are connected in series with each other, and hot water moves from one radiator to another, then enters the boiler again.

As can be seen in the figure, all batteries are connected in series, and the coolant passes through each of them.

This heating scheme is very economical in its design, it is easy to install and design. But it has one significant drawback. It is so weighty that many refuse such wiring and prefer the more expensive and complex - two-pipe. The problem is that as the coolant advances, it will gradually cool down. Before last battery the water will come out a little warm. If you increase the boiler power, then the first radiator will heat the air too much. Such an uneven distribution of heat makes it necessary to abandon a simple and cheap one-pipe system.

You can try to exit difficult situation, by increasing the number of sections of the last radiator, but this is not always effective. This suggests the conclusion that single-pipe wiring can be used when the number of batteries connected in series is no more than three.

Some get out of the situation as follows: they connect a pump to the boiler, thereby forcing the water to move forcibly. The liquid does not have time to cool down and passes through all the radiators, almost without losing temperature. But in this case, you are waiting for some inconvenience:

  • the pump costs money, which means that the cost of installing the system is growing;
  • electricity consumption increases, since the pump is powered by electricity;
  • if the electricity is cut off, there will be no pressure in the system, which means there will be no heat.

Conclusion. A single pipe system is only effective for small houses with 1-2 rooms, where a small number of radiators are used. Despite its simplicity and reliability, it does not justify itself in country houses, where you need to install more than three radiators for the entire living area.

Two-pipe system

Hot water is supplied through one pipeline, and cooled water through another. This ensures even distribution of heat across all batteries.

Such a heating layout in a private house will be much more efficient and better than a single-pipe one. Although it is more expensive to perform and more difficult to install, it allows you to evenly distribute heat across all batteries, which will help create comfortable conditions. Unlike a single-pipe, in this wiring, a pipe with hot water is supplied under each radiator, and the cooled liquid descends through the return line into the boiler. Since the coolant is supplied immediately to all batteries, the latter heat up equally.

This system is not much more complicated than the first, you will have to buy more materials, since you will have to bring pipes to each radiator.

A two-pipe system can work in two ways:

  • collector;
  • ray.

The beam version of the wiring is older. In this option, the supply pipe is installed at the top of the house, after which the pipes are routed to each battery. Thanks to this design, the circuit got the name - beam.

The first scheme works as follows: a collector must be installed in the attic ( special device, consisting of many pipes), which distributes the coolant through the heating pipes. In the same place, you need to install shut-off valves, which will cut off the contours. This design is quite convenient, it facilitates the repair of the entire line and even a separate radiator. Although the circuit is reliable, it has one significant drawback - complex installation with a large amount of materials ( shut-off valves, pipes, sensors, control devices). The collector wiring diagram for heating pipes is similar to the radial one, but more complex and efficient.

Unlike a single-pipe system, a two-pipe system does not require additional forced circulation of the coolant. It shows high efficiency even without a pump.

Choosing equipment for heating a private house

In places where there are interruptions in the supply of the main type of fuel, it is recommended to install universal heating boilers.

There is a huge range of boilers on the market. Even hybrid boilers have appeared, capable of operating, for example, both on gas and wood. So, the choice depends purely on your preferences and needs. Of course, boilers with a full set of automation and hybrids will be more expensive. The former will more than pay off with their high efficiency, and the latter with their versatility.

Can't advise specific model because different devices have different power. Choose the device that best suits your needs, however, try to select the boiler so that its operation is not costly. If you use wood, then it is better to choose a model on wood. If gas is connected, then use the gas model.

We draw up a heating project

To conduct heating in a private house with your own hands, you need a project. It must be compiled in the following order:

  1. First make a sketch of the house.
  2. Then carry out zoning of the house and determine the degree of comfort of each room.
  3. Calculate the heat loss for all rooms separately.
  4. Design the placement of batteries in each room.
  5. Determine the number of sections required for each radiator.
  6. Select a heating scheme.
  7. Calculate the power of the boiler, required amount materials (pipe footage, number of tees, valves, automation, etc.).

There shouldn't be any problems with the sketch of the house, so let's go straight to the comfort zones.

IMPORTANT! It is extremely difficult to do the entire amount of work on your own, so we recommend that you find out the prices for installing heating in a private house in various companies. So, it will be easier for you to figure out which work can be given to the masters, and which is better to do yourself.

Zoning premises

Proper distribution of heat will not only make you feel comfortable at home, but can also save some money. So, what temperature is better to withstand in different rooms:

Properly plan the thermal zones of your home for a comfortable stay in it.

  1. The overall comfort temperature should be between 20-24 degrees.
  2. For the bedroom, it is better to slightly increase the temperature and set it within 22-25 degrees.
  3. For the bathroom, bathroom, guest room and rooms where you are most time, the temperature range will be from 21 to 24 degrees.
  4. For the dining room, kitchen, study, it is better to reduce the temperature to 18-22 degrees.
  5. For the hallway, garage and walk-through zone, you can set a limit of 12 degrees.

Calculate heat loss

The calculation can be simplified without taking into account the internal heat transfer between rooms. When calculating, it is important to determine the number of external walls and corners, it is there that the greatest losses occur. The amount of loss can be calculated by taking the data from the table below and multiplying it by the thickness of the wall.

By thermal resistance

Wall material and thickness Rt
Brick wall 3 bricks thick (79 cm) 0,592
Brick wall 2.5 bricks (67 cm) thick 0,502
Brick wall 2 bricks thick (54 cm) 0,405
Brick wall 1 brick thick (25 cm) 0,187
Log cabin diameter 25 cm 0,55
Log cabin diameter 20 cm 0,44
Log house from a bar 20 cm thick 0,806
Log cabin from a bar 10 cm thick 0,353
Frame wall (board + mineral wool + board) 20 cm 0,703
Foam concrete wall 20 cm 0,476
Foam concrete wall 30 cm 0,709
Plaster 2-3 cm 0,035
Ceiling (attic) ceiling 1,43
wooden floors 1,85
Double wooden doors 0,21

According to the given heat losses

Specific heat loss of building fencing elements (per 1 m 2 along the inner contour of the walls) depending on the average temperature of the coldest week of the year

Fencing characteristics Outside temperature, °C Heat losses, W / m 2
Window with double glazing -24 117
-26 126
-28 131
-30 135
Solid wood doors (double) -24 204
-26 219
-28 228
-30 234
Attic floor -24 30
-26 33
-28 34
-30 35
Wooden floors above basement -24 22
-26 25
-28 26
-30 26

IMPORTANT! A large number of heat escapes through the windows.


The choice of radiators is very important. Not only the durability of the heating system depends on this, but also the degrees of heat in your home. There are only 4 types of batteries:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.

Bimetal radiators consist of strong steel pipes and an aluminum jacket that gives off heat well.

Best of all they give off heat, they last the longest - cast-iron radiators. But they are difficult to install due to their significant weight. An excellent choice would be bimetallic batteries . They are durable, give off heat well, but are more expensive than other options. It is better not to install aluminum and steel, as aluminum is short-lived, and steel will not be able to cope with the heating of rooms in severe frost.

To correctly calculate the number of radiator sections per room, you need to multiply the number of heat losses by 1.2 (the safety factor) and divide by thermal power battery sections. The value must be rounded up.

On a note! Alternative option. In order not to complicate yourself with calculations, you can calculate the number of sections like this: for every 2 sq. m of a room (with a ceiling height of up to 3 m) one section is needed. If the heat loss is high, then take a couple of sections in reserve.

The principle of operation of the "screen" for the battery.

Batteries are best placed under a window. Such a move will somewhat reduce heat loss through the window opening. But in this case, the battery will give off some of its heat to the wall, which you do not need at all. That's why we recommend to mount a "screen" on the wall where the radiator is installed. It is usually made of foil and serves as a heat reflector. The warm stream is reflected and returned to the room, while heating the air, and not the wall.

After all the calculations, you need to choose the heating scheme, which was already mentioned earlier. Our choice is unchanged - we recommend a two-pipe.

Boiler power calculation

It is worth noting that it is better to take the power parameter with a small margin, so you protect yourself in severe frost. The heating device will calmly cope with an emergency.

To calculate the power, you need to add up the power of all radiators (and possibly other devices that will be powered by the boiler), multiply this value by 1.4 (this is a coefficient that takes into account heat loss for ventilation). The resulting figure must be divided by the power utilization factor and the efficiency of the boiler. Then choose the boiler from the table that best matches the resulting value.

Latest blanks

When all the calculations are done, you need to measure all the distances in order to buy the right amount of pipes, tees. Take everything with a small margin. Buy a boiler, coordinate everything Required documents, purchase radiators and other consumables.

We carry out heating installation in a private house

One of the options for a properly planned boiler room.

The heating system is installed in several stages. First of all, you need to equip the room for the boiler. It must be well ventilated, treated with refractory materials.. The boiler itself is not mounted close to the wall, but with a slight indent. You also need to retreat from the ceiling, floor and other walls. Hang the appliance so that it is easy to reach.

After installing the boiler, proceed to connect the pump (if needed) or install the collector (if provided). Also fix all regulating and measuring instruments near the boiler. Only after the above actions should proceed to the arrangement main pipelines. Here you can not do without a perforator, since for laying the line you will have to punch holes in the walls.

Important! The slope must be at least 5 mm per meter - it is very important to withstand the slope. The absence of such a negative impact on the operation of the entire system as a whole, so take this issue responsibly.

Schematic representation of the correct slope in the heating system. Water flows by gravity into the radiators and is sent back to the boiler by gravity.

Radiators are installed last. Before installation, you need to mark the wall, then drill holes where the brackets are installed. When marking, observe the following distances: from the floor to the underside of the battery - at least 10 cm, from the wall to rear wall- at least 2 cm, and from the window sill - at least 10 cm. It is advisable to install valves on all inputs and outputs of the batteries, which will simplify replacement or repair.