Well      06/17/2019

Wood impregnations and methods of protecting wooden buildings in the country. How to treat a wooden porch on the street Wood from moisture and rotting

Wood - first construction material on the ground. Huts and huts were built from it. It can be given any shape.

But with all the advantages of the material, it is necessary to mention the disadvantages - instability to fire and rotting. The main method of protection is impregnation of wood from moisture and rotting.

Before you go to the store and purchase wood treatment products, it is important to find out what causes rot. Among the most common reasons are high humidity and lack of fresh air. In such a situation, fungal spores actively spread. Just a little time, and the walls or floor beams will be “decorated” with white or gray spots, often with a velvety effect.

Other reasons also contribute to the appearance of mold and rotting on wood:

  • the temperature indoors or outdoors changes dramatically. Wood fibers are quickly destroyed and cannot resist the development of fungal colonies;
  • wooden surfaces and parts are continuously exposed to water: tap water or rain;
  • interaction with soil. This concerns. The soil contains not only a sufficient amount of wood-boring beetles that can destroy the structure of the material in the shortest possible time, but also bacteria and microorganisms that act on cellular level. With a sufficient level of humidity, rot and mold spread over the entire surface;
  • cold snaps. Some types of wood, without proper treatment, absorb significant amounts of water. At sub-zero temperatures moisture freezes and expands, cracks and rot appear.

What is the danger of rot?

The most obvious answer is that the structure of the wood is destroyed, delaminates, and falls into pieces in the shortest possible time. Elements of the porch, fence, and building will have to be changed. The consequence is moral discomfort, an unfavorable indoor microclimate, and additional costs for repair work.

The main reason that forces a person to fight mold and rot on wood is the spread of numerous respiratory diseases, including asthma. It is easier to eliminate putrefactive stains than to spend years on treatment.

How to get rid of rot

Most effective method The solution to a problem is its prevention. It is better to take measures to prevent rot from appearing than to fight it later. The main way to combat this is to conduct annual checks and inspections of all wooden surfaces. This will help to promptly identify contaminated areas and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Basic means of combating rot

The industry offers consumers several types of products to combat wood rot. When choosing one option or another, consider the main type of impact:

  • to protect against rain, snow, moisture from the soil of gazebos, pergolas, verandas and terraces, it is better to choose special paint and varnish compositions;
  • Vapor and waterproofing membranes and films will protect against the appearance of condensation and its destructive effects. This option is ideal for baths, bathrooms, rooms with permanent high humidity;
  • High-quality drying, but without artificial heating, will help remove excess moisture from any source. It is important to emphasize that the effect will be very short-lived.

The only advantage is minimal investment of money;

  • one percent solution copper sulfate, if it does not completely eliminate rot spots, it will slow down their development for several months. It will have to be processed at least once a year.

Antiseptics and varnishes are the main means of combating rot

Antiseptics are suitable for use regardless of the cause of mold and mildew. They are recommended for use both at the construction and design stage, and during operation, when fungus has already appeared and they need to be preserved.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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When choosing an antiseptic, it is important to consider whether it is for external or interior works it is intended. The point is not only in the number of working components, but also in the toxicity of the composition.

Varnishes and paints. Not only protect wooden crafts from the formation of mold, but also give an attractive appearance, emphasize the structure of the material. The disadvantage is the high price and long time processing taking into account drying and the need to apply several layers.

Using antiseptics for wood processing

If you give comparative characteristics varnishes and antiseptics, then using the latter is more profitable financially. In addition, varnishes and paints do not remove existing stains, but only preserve them. Antiseptic compounds eliminate those that already exist and prevent the appearance of new ones.

How to choose treatment products

The antiseptic market is filled with products from both foreign and domestic manufacturers. The former are more expensive, but do not always guarantee quality. Which composition to choose is decided only by the buyer, based on his own preferences, characteristics of the drug and financial capabilities.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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In Russia, it is worth paying attention to Sarus products. It not only gets rid of existing rot, but also prevents new fungal colonies from appearing. Important advantage- low price.

If rot covers a significant part of the surface, you should pay attention to the drug Neomid 500. The good power of the drug is “compensated” by its high price. Among cheaper analogues with the same characteristics, the drug Liga Bioshield stands out.

To treat very rotten areas, water-based Senezh products are used, which penetrate deeply into the structure of the tree. They are recommended for both primary and re-processing, and for work in damp, cool places, such as cellars. The only exception is that surfaces must not be painted oil paint. When choosing a drug from a series, consider the specific task.

The drug Drevosan Profi will help prevent the development of putrefactive processes. Recommended for processing fences, window frames, and small architectural forms. An additional advantage is the death of not only mold and rot, but also insects that destroy the wood from the inside.
Do you want to save money and buy one product for both exterior and interior work? Invest in the antiseptic Bitsidol-100. An important advantage is that the composition not only forms protective film on the surface, but also penetrates the wood structure without changing it. During the entire period of operation, the tree will be under reliable protection from both water and fire. Disadvantage - the color of the tree will change to green. If you want to avoid this, pay attention to the modification of the drug "Bicidol-500". Preservation of the original color is guaranteed.

You should choose a treatment product only after careful study technical characteristics, composition, operating principle and side effects. No less important is the method of application - using a brush or spray bottle. Some formulations require that the product must be completely immersed in the solution.

Expiration dates of drugs

The combination of constant humidity and high temperatures creates favorable conditions for the appearance and development of rot. A quality drug will delay this moment for 12 years or more. Antiseptics protect against both fungus and fire. The maximum validity period is no more than 7 years. Water-resistant compounds are intended for treating buildings, design elements, and fence posts. Then for 30 years or more you won’t have to worry about repairs or replacements. Ideally, the drug contains components that protect against cracking.

When choosing a finish, the vast majority of craftsmen give preference to compositions made from natural ingredients, primarily oils. There are many options for how to impregnate a new board, but practice shows that the most effective solution in this matter is to use Vaseline oil, which is not difficult to find in a pharmacy.

An alternative to petroleum jelly can be vegetable analogues, in particular nut or flaxseed oil. But, despite the environmental friendliness and simplicity of such finishing, over time it can transmit to food that comes into contact with wooden board, unpleasant rancid odor. When covering the product with linseed, Vaseline or any other oil, you will have to periodically renew the impregnation, which will wear out as the board is used.

How to oil a cutting board?

Oil for impregnation is applied to a well-polished and dried surface. Having evenly distributed a generous amount of finishing composition using a brush or swab, it is allowed to absorb into the wood structure (15-20 minutes), after which the excess is wiped off by running the swab along the fibers.

New wooden cutting board process in at least two or three layers. Each fresh layer of oil is applied after the previous one has completely dried. This is not very convenient, since vegetable oils are quite low. Drying the boards must be done in a well-ventilated area.

Are other finishing compounds hazardous to health?

This question still causes heated debate, despite the fact that clear and authoritative answers have long been given to it. To finish wood products in contact with food, you can use any finishing compositions, including oil-based, polyurethane and nitrocellulose varnishes, shellac coatings and linseed oil. These materials are completely harmless to health, but only after complete drying. This is a very important point!

Before you start using kitchen board, which you decide to paint with one of these compounds, you need to make sure that the coating has completely hardened. Remember that the presence of a surface film does not mean that the composition has completely dried inside the wood.

How to maintain the attractiveness of the finish?

By following these simple instructions, your cutting board will retain its visual appeal for many years.

  1. Wash the product well after use warm water, if possible with minimal use detergents. Wipe off excess moisture without special zeal and do not allow the board to remain in water for a long time.
  2. The finishing of the kitchen board needs periodic updating. The outer layer is “refreshed” as it wears out, usually once every 4-5 months, depending on the intensity of use of the product. By controlling the condition of the protective layer, you will protect the board from cracking, swelling, and mold formation, while maintaining its visual appeal.
  3. When the working side of the board is severely damaged by knives, it is sanded and the finish is reapplied.

Turning a cutting board into an eye-catching decor

Inspired by the ideas in our gallery, you can create a product that will turn from ordinary household utensils into original decor for your kitchen. Such an expressive and functional piece of furniture will be a spectacular gift that no housewife will remain indifferent to.

Wood is soft but durable, a favorite material for many to build houses on summer cottages. Even if the building is built of brick or foam blocks, logs, beams or boards are used to build a bathhouse, garage, gazebo, veranda. Can't do without wooden decor– well, benches, swings, bridges. Fences and fences are also made of wood. To avoid rapid destruction of the material, effective protection of wood from external factors: excess moisture, fire, insect pests.

If the moisture content of the material exceeds 15%, the structure of the wood begins to collapse: swell, delaminate, and then shrink. As a result, the products change their shape, cracks and gaps appear. Almost all wooden elements are susceptible to high humidity, with the exception, perhaps, of sisal and rattan, since they come from the tropics.

The experiment showed that water does not penetrate the pores of a block treated with a water-repellent composition, while it is quickly absorbed into unprotected wood

There are special solutions that protect wood from moisture. They are divided into two groups:

  • penetrating;
  • film-forming.

The first group provides a more reliable barrier against the penetration of liquid into the wood structure. The process of treatment with compounds of the second group must be repeated over time. Let's look at two products that resist high humidity.

Aidol Langzeit-Lasur is a medium-viscosity impregnating composition, excellent for covering the walls of a house, country furniture, balcony and terrace railings, fences. The azure is so safe that it can be used to cover children's toys and buildings. It has many decorative shades: silver-gray, teak, ebony, dark oak.

If wood is treated with Aidol Langzeit-Lasur impregnation coniferous species, it should initially be primed. This rule also applies to products damaged by fungus or mold.

Belinka Interier Sauna includes acrylic resins, water and additives. This is a colorless glaze, ideal for processing wood in baths or saunas. Two layers of the solution are applied with a roller, brush or spray.

Belinka Interier Sauna does not mask the natural texture of wood, but only makes it more silky and shiny. A 2.5 liter jar of azure costs 950-1000 rubles

Methods of protection against rotting

Temperature changes, precipitation, and solar radiation lead to untimely rotting of wood. The first signs of decay are the appearance of mold and mildew. Large areas indicate that the material can no longer be saved. If wooden products or buildings experience atmospheric disturbances, high humidity from precipitation and condensation, it would not be amiss to carry out preventive work that will protect the wood from rotting.

The best helpers in this matter are antiseptics, which are pastes or liquid solutions. Some of them are universal, that is, they protect the material not only from moldy fungi, but also from beetles. Examples of such compositions are two popular products.

PINOTEX IMPRA is used for treating wooden surfaces that are not subject to further decoration. Usually these are beams, roofing straps, sheathing parts, that is, hidden parts of buildings. Impregnation has green color. The appearance of mold, blue stains, fungus and rot is excluded on wood coated with it.

Antiseptic Pinotex Impra goes on sale in large-volume containers. Product price: 3 l – 1100 rubles, 10 l – 3350 rubles

Senezh Ecobio is used both as an independent coating and as a primer for varnish or paint. 2-3 layers of the product protect wood from rotting for 30 years.

If the wooden surface was originally treated with varnish, paint, drying oil or other water-repellent agents, SENEZH ECOBIO is useless

Fire retardants - reliable fire protection

To protect wood from fire, there are fire-resistant solutions - fire retardants. For residential buildings they are mandatory. Under the influence of a flame, the substance with which the wood is impregnated turns into a thin film that can prevent the flame for some time. Coatings come in different forms:

  • solutions;
  • plasters;
  • paints;
  • coatings.

Sample of fire retardant - NEOMID 530, impregnation for external and internal use. Guaranteed service life – 7 years. Reliably protects wooden walls, ceilings, doors and window blocks, partitions. The composition of the fire retardant does not change the structure of the wood. Varnishes, paints, and primers can be applied over the fire retardant solution.

It should be borne in mind that when applying fire retardant NEOMID 530, slight tinting of the material occurs, depending on the type of wood, so it is recommended to carry out testing before starting work

Pirilax is a biopyrene that protects wood from fire and localizes fires. The prefix bio- means that the product is also a barrier to mold and insects. The solution provides effective protection inside and outside the building, safe for treating poultry and livestock buildings.

Pirilax for external use is not washed out by precipitation for 13-15 years. Indoors it provides protection for 25 years

Insects - no chance!

Tiny beetles can turn wooden furniture, walls and floors of your home into dust. Borer beetles, longhorned beetles and weevils, together with their larvae, slowly but surely destroy untreated building material. Only protecting wood from harmful insects will save the situation.

Much easier and cheaper to accept preventive measures than replacing damaged logs and beams. Insecticidal solutions will drive established pests out of their shelters and block the way for newcomers. You can use folk remedies - a solution of tar in turpentine, chlorophos, paraffin or a mixture of kerosene and carbolic acid. But formulations for professional processing are more effective.

Aqua-varnish Bor saturates the surface of the wood, protecting it from any negative manifestations from the outside, including beetles. They cover window and door blocks, baseboards, stairs, railings, fences, wooden walls of houses. Transparent impregnation does not distort the texture of the wood, it only changes its color to the desired one. The varnish can be diluted with water, but its percentage should not exceed 10%.

The number of layers of Aqua varnish applied depends on the location wooden elements: two are enough indoors, at least three outside

Antiseptic Tonotex serves both to protect wooden surfaces and for decoration. Its composition emphasizes the texture of wood without changing its properties. A range of different shades allows you to give ordinary wood the color of one of the valuable types of wood.

Tonotex is a universal composition that is used for wood processing on site. summer cottage: it will protect against both atmospheric hazards and biological threats

Comprehensive protection of residential buildings

If we compare country house, built in the middle of the last century, and a modern country cottage, you can see big difference. It concerns the appearance of the wood. Old houses had practically no additional protection, so after a few years the logs became porous, gray, covered with cracks and small holes. Now, thanks to the comprehensive processing of all wooden parts and structures, the appearance of houses does not change over time.

Construction supermarkets offer a wide range of wood protective compounds: both affordable domestic ones and more expensive foreign ones.

Various impregnations, solutions, azures, varnishes and paints contain substances that protect wood from insects, rapid wear and decay. Using protective compounds When building a house, you can make it truly impregnable, reliable and safe.

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and safe housing that will never lose popularity. Natural wood does not emit toxic hazardous substances, has a pleasant forest aroma and promotes rapid oxygen exchange. In such a house there is always fresh air, a comfortable environment and a cozy atmosphere.

The logs are easy to lay, which reduces installation time. Due to their light weight, they do not require a deep, expensive foundation. And thanks to the natural beauty and aesthetics of the materials, serious and expensive finishing is not required.

However, wooden houses also have a significant disadvantage. Wood - natural material which is exposed negative influence environment. Sun rays, moisture and precipitation, insects lead to the fact that the material gradually darkens and collapses. Mold, cracks and fungus appear, and the structure loses its original appearance. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to treat the log house inside and outside using various means.

Why do you need to treat the outside of the log house?

  • Protects wood from destruction;
  • Retains the original appearance of a bathhouse or log house for a long time;
  • Prevents the appearance of fungus and rot;
  • Prevents insects and moisture;
  • Increases service life wooden house or baths;
  • Improves the aesthetic qualities of logs; if necessary, you can change the appearance of the facade, obtain the desired color, shade or shine;
  • Fire retardant treatment is required for log house, since fire is a significant threat to wood.

Which means to choose

Today the market offers a lot of products for treating a log house outside and inside. It is important that they are environmentally friendly and preserve the natural properties of wood. In addition, the products must perform the protective functions of the tree from moisture, insects and other negative factors. Of great importance are also decorative properties. There are four main groups of products that will be needed to treat the outside of the house:

  1. Antiseptics are deeply absorbed into the wood, increasing the resistance of logs to moisture and microbes. Antiseptic agents include wax, protective varnish and oils. They destroy mold and blue stains.
  2. Fire retardants prevent the spread of fire. At elevated temperatures, the composition of the product comes out of the log and forms a protective film. Such products prevent instant ignition and resist open fire for several hours.
  3. Preservative solutions and impregnations keep wood in good condition. Special impregnating materials maintain the smoothness and evenness of the surface and prevent the appearance of cracks. And film-forming compounds also create a water-repellent barrier. Primer or wood oils are suitable for these purposes.
  4. Protective and finishing agents are mainly intended for decorating wood. These are paints and varnishes for wood. They protect wooden surface from fading and dirt. There are also special bleaching compounds that will prevent the wood from darkening over time.

Do not choose one product that will immediately protect against mold and rot, insects and fire, while also performing decorative functions. Practice proves that such impregnations are not very effective. To achieve high-quality and durable results, it is better to use fire retardants, antiseptics and decorative paints and varnishes separately.

Top best products for external wood treatment

Brand Characteristic Price
Senezh (Russia) Difficult to wash out compounds high class in 20 types, including whitening and renewing compounds, antiseptics for the bath, home and gazebo; protect from fire, pests and moisture, provides protection for more than 10 years! from 380 rubles (5kg)
Belinka (Slovenia) Natural and safe, highly effective products that protect against ultraviolet radiation, moisture, insects and fire, a wide range of products from 400 rubles (1l)
Pinotex (Estonia) Polymer-based products protect against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstand sudden temperature changes, therefore they are optimal for external processing from 280 rubles (1 l)
Neomid (Russia) Effective impregnation for home, bathhouse and wooden floors, protects the surface from moisture for 5-7 years, produced special means for processing ends, good combination price quality from 200 rubles (1 l)
Tikkurila (Finland) Moisture-resistant products, create a thin protective film and provide reliable protection from precipitation, are distinguished by high quality and positive reviews from 250 rubles (1l)
Aquatex (Russia) Available in the form of a primer and impregnation, colorless and tinted versions (15 colors), protects against fungus, ultraviolet radiation and moisture, suitable for middle-class wood from 200 rubles (1 l)
Sitex (Russia) Suitable for any type of wood, protects logs from moisture, preserves the appearance of the structure for 10 years, colorless and tinted options (12 colors) from 200 rubles (1 l)

How to properly treat the outside of a log house

  • For the first time, the log house is treated with antiseptics inside and outside immediately after assembly. Pay special attention to processing the ends and logs in contact with the foundation. Antiseptics are applied in two layers;
  • Primary treatment should not be carried out at temperatures below 10-12 degrees!;
  • The next treatment is done after the log has completely dried and the frame has shrunk. This takes 6-12 months. This finishing implies a final complex and multi-layer treatment of the house, which will ensure the protection of the log for long term. It is important to apply antiseptics to a dry and clean wood surface!;
  • Before processing, the logs are sanded to remove the top layer in which fungus and microbes have accumulated during shrinkage. It will remove defects in the log and level the surface. Sanding wooden walls is a must for an old house, as it is important to completely remove the previous coating;

  • Processing with a brush will take a lot of time, but it will be of the highest quality, effective and durable. To speed up the process, spray guns are used. But for processing ends, corners and hard-to-reach places, take only a brush;
  • First of all, antiseptic agents are applied in two or three layers. After drying, the wood is treated with fire retardants in one or two layers and also left to dry. The next layer is primer. It will protect the wood from cracks and level the walls;
  • Carefully process the ends. These parts of the logs absorb moisture faster than others and are therefore more susceptible to rotting. To avoid this, each end treatment is done in 4-5 layers;
  • The final stage is a decorative coating that will preserve the appearance of the house and protect the surface from sun rays. With the help of colored paint and varnish materials are seeking a certain color or tint, matte or glossy sheen. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, use transparent paints and varnishes.

What and how to paint the outside of a log house

Painting is the final stage of processing a log house outside and inside. Today there are a lot various colors and varnishes. For exterior painting, choose rough and durable compounds. Let's consider the popular types of funds:

  • Glazing transparent varnishes will retain color and emphasize the texture of wood, protect the surface from moisture, mold and rot;
  • Opaque topcoat varnishes will help achieve the desired shine and shade, protect against insects, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Oil paints penetrate deeply into the structure of the log, keeping the surface from moisture and dirt. But they take a long time to dry (two weeks) and lose color over time!;
  • Acrylic paints and varnishes on water based- natural, safe products that provide a dense, elastic coating. They protect against moisture, cracking and fungus. Such compositions allow the tree to “breathe”, but are expensive;
  • Alkyd varnishes form a hard and flat surface, retain color for a long time and provide protection from moisture. However, such products do not allow the wood to “breathe,” which over time causes the log to dry out and crack;
  • Yacht varnish is suitable for places with high humidity and large amounts of precipitation. This reliable protection from moisture, which is not affected by weather and temperature changes. This varnish does not fade and prevents yellowing of the wood, but when painted it emits an unpleasant odor;
  • Wood stain - affordable and cheap way finishing log house inside and outside. It protects against fungus and pests, does not disturb the wood grain and makes the color more saturated. However, stain requires subsequent varnishing;
  • Oils and wax are environmentally friendly, safe products that are deeply absorbed into the wood and protect the logs from moisture and dirt. The wax will give the surface a translucent matte shine.

To properly paint a log house, wait until the primer is completely dry. Stir the mixture thoroughly before painting. First, paint is applied in two or three layers. Before applying each new layer, wait until the previous one is completely dry. Use a roller for painting, and a brush for hard-to-reach places, corners and ends.

When using a spray gun, it is not always possible to achieve an even and smooth coating. In addition, there may be unpainted areas. Apply the final coat of paint in a thin layer from top to bottom.

After the paint has completely dried, apply varnish in two or three layers. For an even coating without layering, allow each layer to dry and apply the product in long, even strokes. For decorative covering You can use only varnish or only paint. However, the use of both means will consolidate the result and enhance the effect, enhance protection and increase the service life of the wood.

If you don’t know which product to choose for treating the inside or outside of your home, contact the MariSru b company for help. The company's specialists will help you choose necessary materials, will efficiently and quickly process and paint a wooden house or bathhouse!

If you are lucky enough to buy wooden cutlery at a fair, or with your own hands , then, following the joy of new things, you will think about what and how to process wooden utensils for food?

Various types of stains and varnishes are no longer needed; they are not at all suitable for processing wooden cutlery, as they can be harmful to health.

In any undertaking, it is better to rely on the advice and recommendations of craftsmen for whom the procedure of impregnating wood products has already become “native”. In the process of mastering different methods, you will probably settle on the one that is most suitable for you, or you will be able to develop your own unique method.

No matter how the processing recipes differ among different craftsmen, two main impregnation methods can be distinguished:

  • Treating wooden utensils with oil (vegetable or linseed)
  • Impregnation of wood products with mastic (oil mixed with beeswax)

Vegetable or flaxseed?

If you are a beginner, then your first wooden spoon or the spatula can be soaked in vegetable oil. Take better oil refined, it has less odor. But still, “experienced” craftsmen eventually switch to linen. It does not give a rancid taste, is better absorbed and is healthier. And if we look at our wise ancestors, they coated all wooden kitchen utensils with linseed oil.

Recipes for oil soaks with herbs

For the most sophisticated people who enjoy the constant search for something more, there are several recipes for oil infusions. They are made from different types medicinal herbs and roots:

  1. Peppermint oil. Pre-dried mint needs to be ground well. The powder from dry leaves should be approximately 100g. Pour it into a glass bottle, add 0.5 l linseed oil, seal and shake thoroughly. Let it sit for about 2 weeks. Don't forget to shake the infusion every day. Then we filter the resulting mint impregnation through cheesecloth.
  2. Oil with dandelion roots, or with angelica roots. The preparation procedure is the same as in the first option with mint, but in this case the roots of the plants are finely chopped and poured in the proportion of 1 part root to 5 parts oil.
  3. Collection of seven roots. This oil infusion is good for its strong concentration of tannins contained in plant roots. These substances remain in the oil, and when impregnated with wood, they perfectly strengthen its upper layers. We take burdock, dandelion, elecampane, cinquefoil, meadowsweet, and comfrey roots in equal proportions. The infusion process is exactly the same.

If you want to play a little with color, you can try different food vegetable oils. For example, pumpkin and sea buckthorn oils give a beautiful golden hue to a wooden product.

How to oil a wooden product

It is better to take freshly pressed flaxseed oil from trusted sellers; if the technology is not followed, flaxseed oil may have a bitter taste and not a very pleasant smell.

The best solution is to heat the oil in a water bath. To do this, place the container with oil in a larger saucepan with water and put it on fire. There is no need to bring the oil to a boil; it is enough to heat it to a temperature of 60-65 C. When heated, the density of the oil decreases, and it is absorbed much better into the wood.

Dip a wooden spoon into the warm oil and wait until all the oxygen bubbles gradually leave the product. Take it out, wipe it with a dry cloth and put it out to dry in the sun. sunlight accelerates oil polymerization. In linseed oil, this process occurs at a natural level, unlike vegetable oil, to which a drier is added. A spoon or spatula dried in this way becomes very water resistant and will serve you for many years.

Impregnation with mastic

Before treating wooden utensils with mastic, make sure that the products are well dried. The mastic itself is made from a mixture of linseed oil and wax. The proportions here may be different, it all depends on how hard the mastic you need. For soft wood species, a harder composition is needed (2 parts oil to 1 part wax), for hard rocks softer mastic (3 or 4 parts oil to 1 part wax).

Both ingredients are also cooked in a water bath until the wax is completely dissolved in the oil. After this, pour the composition into glass containers with a wide neck and let cool. The mastic is ready for use.

Before polishing with mastic, it is good to soak the wood product twice with oil. Remember to dry the spoon after each procedure. If the wood requires it, sand it as fine as possible. sandpaper. After this, take a piece of felt and use it to rub your product with the prepared mastic.