Mixer      03/31/2019

Venus flytrap predatory plant. Venus flytrap care at home what to feed wintering

Under natural conditions, the flycatcher is found in the eastern United States of America, in pine forests in the middle of peat bogs.

She prefers to grow in humid temperate climate, near the Pacific coast.

The soil in this region has few nutrients, so Dionea adapted in her own way to the proposed living conditions, learning to hunt insects and extract the necessary components from them.

Venus is a low plant (in natural conditions - twenty centimeters in height, in apartments - ten - twelve). It has four to seven leaves growing from a small underground stem, invisible to the eye.

The long leaves consist of two parts. The lower green part of the leaf feeds on light, and the upper trap provides living food. It consists of two slamming doors with sharp teeth on the edges of each. Inside each valve you can find three setae, as well as scarlet glands that produce insect-dissolving liquid.

The appearance of the plant depends on the time of year: In summer, the traps become large and are painted a bright burgundy color. This is necessary to attract potential victims; insects, seeing the red color, think that the plant has nectar and fall into a trap.

In winter, the predatory flower is in a calm state, so the traps die off, and it seems that the plant has dried up and died.

REFERENCE! The mechanism of eating insects is worthy of attention, although it is quite creepy to watch.

To attract prey, Venus secretes fragrant nectar. When an insect descends into the trap, it touches one of the three bristles. The mechanism does not work immediately, this is a kind of protection against the empty slamming of the doors if, for example, a speck gets into them.

When the insect touches the bristles for the second time, the trap slams loosely, and when it touches the bristles for the third time, it closes completely, not giving the victim any chance of freedom. After this, digestive juice is secreted, which dissolves the insect within one to three weeks.

IMPORTANT! The stronger and more active the insect tries to get out, the tighter the Venus flytrap will squeeze the death trap.

In late spring and early summer, Dionea blooms with gorgeous snow-white flowers.

Venus flytrap can survive up to twenty years, functioning well.


Look further at the photo of the flowers of the Venus flytrap:


How to care for a Venus flytrap at home?

Exotic plants are increasingly being grown at home. Any person is interested in observing a unique and unique natural organism. Increasingly, the predator flower “Venus flytrap” can be found in ordinary hypermarkets that also sell flowers.

ATTENTION! The Venus flytrap is a very capricious plant for which it is not easy to create suitable conditions.


She demands special care at home. It is recommended to place Dionea on well lit place. If she can enjoy four or five hours a day sunlight, the traps will develop well, reaching the maximum possible size and becoming intensely colored.

ATTENTION! The plant is shaded from direct sultry rays.


Under natural conditions, Dionea lives at the following temperatures: summer range nine to twenty-six degrees Celsius, and in winter - no higher than seven degrees.


Dionea is watered not from above, but through a pallet, using distilled, melt or rain water. The earthen clod must not be allowed to dry out. In summer, watering is also carried out as follows: for twenty to thirty minutes, lower the pot into the water.

ATTENTION! If the grower collects rainwater, then he must keep in mind that it cannot be long time store in metal containers, because it absorbs metal salts that are harmful to Dionaea.


Must comply high level humidity for the plant. Air humidification includes periodic spraying and placing a container of water or moistened fabrics next to the pot. In any season home Venus protected from air currents.

The soil

Inexperienced flower growers can plant a flycatcher in universal primer. This is a fatal error, which will eventually lead to the death of the plant.

For landing you need mix horse peat and perlite(proportion 1:1 or 2:1). Before planting, the mixture is well moistened.


Venus at home feeds on any insects that are trapped. There is no need to feed a flycatcher located in an open room with insects, but, if the need arises (for example, there are no insects in the room at all), you can introduce a live mosquito, spider or fly into the trap (it will not react to a dead creature).

You cannot feed the plant with worms, caterpillars, larvae, bloodworms and meat products.

IMPORTANT! The usual fertilizers applied to the soil by flower growers are not required for the flycatcher.


Venus is transplanted once during one or two years. It is better to perform manipulations before flowering (in late spring). The pot is selected deep, a good drainage layer is installed on the bottom.


Propagated by cuttings, division of the bush and seeds.

Seeds can be obtained from your own specimen by hand pollinating each flower in early spring. Before boarding seeds are soaked in "Epin" or carry out stratification. Then they are planted in prepared soil and a greenhouse is organized, providing sufficient light and high air humidity.

After the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are aired. One to two months after the detection of seedlings, the sprouts are planted in pots.

Easily propagated using bulbs. In the first month of summer, the main plant produces babies. When their roots grow, you can simply plant them out.

You can learn more about the conditions of keeping the Venus flytrap and the features of care at home in the video below:


The benefits are obvious: the plant clears the surrounding area of ​​mosquitoes and flies, which may well be carriers of infection.

Diseases and pests

Pests practically do not bother the flycatcher, although sometimes it can be attacked aphids and spider mites.

Yellowed and fallen leaves indicate insufficient watering.

Yellow but not falling leaves indicate that the water is too hard.

If the sun has caused a burn to the leaves or the grower has introduced mineral fertilizers, will appear on the leaves brown spots.

Useful video

You can visually see the process of eating insects by a Venus flytrap in the video below:

Fans of the exotic will love Venus; its presence will create a unique atmosphere at home.

The Venus flytrap is a plant belonging to the sundew family. This name is unscientific, according to the official classification it is called “Dionaea muscipula”. Under natural conditions it grows on poor soils in several US states. The lack of nutrients necessary for life in the ground led to the fact that the plant adapted to catch and digest insects.

Dionea flycatcher is a low plant with a shortened stem and a rosette of modified leaves, similar to the valves of a mollusk shell with long teeth along the edges. On internal surfaces The “flaps” contain hairs that respond to the movements of insects. When sufficiently stimulated, the leaves close with intersecting teeth, like a zipper.

A special digestive fluid begins to be produced by the glands immediately after this. Digestion continues for up to 3 weeks. When the valves are subsequently opened, only the chitinous shell of the victim may remain between them. The “peculiar trap” is capable of digesting up to 3 victims. After this, its functions are considered completed, and it dries up. When simulating the swarming of an insect, for example, if you move a brush inside the valves, they will slam shut, but after a day they will open, recognizing the deception.

From the center of the rosette of leaves, peduncles eventually appear on which inflorescences develop. The Venus flytrap flower is a large white five-leaf clover. The fruit is a capsule in which shiny black seeds ripen.

A Venus flytrap at home needs bright lighting (without shading) with sunlight for several (at least 4) hours a day. A supply of fresh air is also necessary. In the summer season it can be moved to open balcony or into the garden, where she will have the opportunity to catch insects. The location in relation to the light should not be changed; the plant does not tolerate it well (it is convenient to make a small mark on the pot).

The Venus flytrap should overwinter at a temperature of about 7 degrees and sufficient lighting. Home care during this period will consist of minimal watering. A long period of rest is needed - approximately 3.5 months. Without lowering the temperature, the predator plant will not live long.

The Venus flytrap requires non-nutritious soil. Home care involves moderate watering with warm distilled or boiled water. There must be air access to the roots of the plant. The container for planting should be small.

Fertilizer feeding is not required for a plant such as the Venus flytrap. Home care in this matter consists of delivering live insects to the leaf flaps, if she herself does not have the opportunity to lure and catch them. A few pieces per season will be enough.

It is advisable to replant annually, optimally after wintering. Universal commercial soil cannot be used as a substrate. It must be prepared independently from high acidic peat and perlite. The components must be mixed in approximately equal quantities.

The Venus flytrap reproduces by flower stalks and the separation of daughter bulbs. Care at home consists of separating overgrown nests during transplantation. They are cut off using a sterile instrument and dusting the damaged areas with charcoal. After flowering, the peduncle must be removed without waiting for the seeds to ripen, if they are not intended to be used for propagation. It can be planted in suitable soil, covered with a bag with small holes. Even if the peduncle dries out or turns black, you should not throw it away; after 2 months, young shoots should appear.

The Venus flytrap is a difficult plant to care for, but it is worth making friends with it, if only because it is rarely found in our homes. The surprise and admiration of your guests will be guaranteed.

Plant Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)– a predator, it belongs to the sundew family (Droseraceae), genus Dionaea. The plant received its name in honor of Venus, the goddess of love, and if translated literally the name means “Venus mousetrap.” This is a relatively small plant (its height is no more than 20 cm), consists of 4-7 heart-shaped rosette leaves, painted in a beautiful yellowish-green color. At the tips of the leaves there are traps with teeth, which slam shut when insects touch them. The size of the leaves varies depending on the time of year: from 3 cm in winter to 7 cm in summer. The stem of the Venus flytrap is underground and has the shape of a bulb. IN room conditions It is very difficult to grow this plant, because even if all the rules are followed, it does not live very long. To prevent the Venus flytrap from dying, it must be fed either with live insects or with very small pieces of meat.

The Venus flytrap is the only representative of its kind. But cultivated varieties of this plant have already been developed.


Step one: buying a bulb. The most the easy way To grow a Venus flytrap is to order from a company that deals with indoor plant bulbs. There are several types of flycatchers, which may vary in color and shape.

Another method that is used very rarely is to grow from seeds. But this may take about 5 years. Seeds can be ordered online. They need to be planted in deep pots with a nutrient medium. It is necessary to wrap the pots with plastic bags, and as soon as the seeds germinate, replant them.

Step two: choosing a container. The best option is a glass container, due to the fact that the Venus flytrap requires a considerable amount of moisture. If you live in a cold climate zone, then it is better to think about planting the plant in a terrarium. If the climate is warm, then a regular pot with holes for drainage will do.

Step three: preparing the earth mixture. As a rule, the Venus flytrap grows on infertile soil and mostly gets its nutrients from feeding on insects. Suitable soil for this plant there will be a mixture of one part sand and two parts sphagnum moss.

In ordinary soil, the Venus flytrap will not germinate due to the considerable amount of nutrients it contains. In no case do not feed the plant with fertilizers.

Step four: landing. The bulb must be planted upside down. To do this, you need to make a small depression and place the bulb so that the upper part of the flytrap is level with the soil. When growing from seeds, the seeds that have sprouted must be planted so that the green stem is exposed.

Location and lighting

The Venus flytrap needs well-lit places where the sun will not heat the plant. A wonderful place to place a flytrap is a window sill, which receives the morning rays of the sun in summer and afternoon rays in winter. If there is no place with a similar description, the plant must be artificially illuminated. You can place the flytrap in a greenhouse, terrarium or on a glassed-in loggia in a closed glass vessel. Some plant experts and lovers have been able to grow Venus flytraps in their outdoor gardens.

Pot size

The size of the pot for a Venus flytrap will directly depend on the size of the plant. It should not be too large relative to the size of the plant itself, but a pot that is too small will not work, because then the plant will not be able to develop. An excessively high pot will also not work, due to the fact that the Venus flytrap needs to be watered from a tray.

The soil

The Venus flytrap grows in North and South Carolina in marshy areas and prefers acidic, poor, and moist soil. At home, you can recreate such soil by mixing sphagnum and perlite (hydrated obsidian, which looks like small grains of white sand). Sea sand cannot be used because it contains a lot of salts. Perlite helps retain moisture in pots. A mixture of sphagnum moss (5/10), silicate sand (3/10) and perlite (2/10) may also be suitable. Thanks to silicate sand, the mixture becomes breathable. The use of universal soil mixtures, fertilizers and enriched industrial soils is strictly prohibited. All this burns the roots of the plant and it dies.


The best time to transplant this plant is spring period and the beginning of summer. During warm climatic periods, the Venus flytrap adapts most well to soil replacement and replanting in general. Transplantation of the Venus flytrap should occur depending on the quality of the water with which the plant is watered. This is due to the fact that the water contains salts. Accordingly, if the water is bad, it is better to replant the plant annually. If the water quality is good, then approximately once every few years.

The Venus flytrap has roots in the form of bulbs, so replanting the plant will not be difficult. It is necessary to very carefully take the plant over the bulb and place it in the pot. Afterwards, earth is added from the sides and the bulb should be deepened so that the whitish parts and it itself are located in the ground. To avoid causing harm, try not to touch the traps.

24 hours before transplantation, it is advisable to treat the flycatcher with a drug called Epin in the proportion of 2-3 drops of the product per 200 ml of water. It awakens the protective qualities of the plant so that it can safely undergo transplantation. During replanting, it is necessary to water the soil with Ribav-extra. It helps the plant bulb and root system to develop and improves plant survival.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Mineral compounds are not suitable for fertilizing the Venus flytrap. You should also not deliberately feed the plant with insects (2-3 pieces per season are quite enough). If there are no insects indoors, you need to find small size live insect. It must be remembered that closing the traps of the Venus flytrap requires a huge amount of energy. Frequent slamming can kill the plant.


It is necessary to carefully monitor the moisture content of the soil in which the plant is located. It shouldn't dry out. Watering the Venus flytrap should be regular and moderate. The pot with the flytrap should be kept on a tray of water so that the water covers the drainage holes in the pot. The water must be clean and changed frequently. Filtered, distilled or rainwater. In winter, you should not leave the plant on a pallet for a long time. Avoid excess moisture. This is detrimental to the plant.


The air temperature in the environment where the flycatcher lives in summer ranges from +9 to +26°С, and in winter – no higher than +7°С. It is necessary to provide the plant with the same conditions in which it grows in nature.

In winter, the flycatcher inevitably slows down its growth rate or completely disappears from the surface. There is no need to be afraid of this. The plant did not die. As soon as spring comes, the flycatcher will begin to grow with renewed vigor. After hibernation, the plant must be tamed to the sun again. This should be done gradually. In summer, the flytrap can be safely taken outside or placed on the balcony. It is worth remembering the temperature preference of the plant, making sure that it is not exceeded. It is also necessary to shade the flytrap from harmful direct lines sun rays. Another important fact, this is something that the plant categorically does not tolerate frost.


This plant requires high humidity, ranging from 50 to 70%. The flytrap needs to be sprayed from time to time, and small containers filled with water or moistened fabrics should be placed in close proximity to it. In summer, this condition is extremely important.

No streams of dry or warm air, for example from an air conditioner. This condition must be observed regardless of the season.


This plant does not require pruning.

Pests and diseases

Pests that can appear on the Venus flytrap can be spider mite and aphids. Aphids can take up residence in crooked or misshapen newly formed plant traps. An aerosol containing any anti-aphid substance will help get rid of it. A fairly common problem is spider mites. It can settle if the plant is kept in a warm and dry place. It is necessary to treat the Venus flytrap with anti-mite products.

An example of the most common diseases of the described plant are gray rot and black sooty fungus. Black sooty fungus is formed, as a rule, when the plant remains in an overly humid or wet environment for a long time. Overcoming this disease is not difficult. It is necessary to change the growing environment, in this case reduce the humidity and apply the appropriate fungicide. Botrytis, or more simply put, gray rot, can form on a plant due to a fungal infection. This disease can be identified by the appearance of a cannon on the plant. gray. To get rid of rot, it is necessary to eliminate the infected areas, and then treat the soil and the plant as a whole with a systemic fungicide.

Another scourge is bacterial infection. It is not a disease. This is largely a manifestation of physiological costs. As a rule, this happens due to the fact that the undigested insect begins to slowly decompose and the process can spread to the trap, and subsequently the entire plant dies. If such an incident occurs, it is necessary to promptly eliminate the affected trap.


The Venus flytrap blooms in the spring. Incredibly beautiful white flowers appear on its peduncles reaching approximately 20 cm in length.


Venus flytraps can be propagated using bulbs, cuttings or seeds. Over time, the plant develops so-called daughter bulbs. They must be carefully cut off from the mother and transplanted. Cut bulbs already have well-developed roots. To avoid rotting of the mother bulb, it must be treated with crushed coal.

When the flycatcher is propagated by seeds, at the height of the flowering period it is necessary to independently pollinate each flower that appears. After ripening, the seeds must be placed under film for a period of 3-4 weeks and watch their germination. Seeds should be exposed to light for approximately 17 hours. When the first shoots appear, you must carefully ventilate them, trying not to damage them.

At the last stage of life, the flycatcher does not give a large number of growth points. These growth points are the material for plant propagation using cuttings. To do this, you need to cut off the cutting near the very base of the leaf. The next step is to replant it in soil specially prepared for this, cover it with film and provide maximum lighting. When propagating by cuttings, an air humidity of 100% and a constant temperature within 25°C are required.

rest period

During the winter, the Venus flytrap goes into a dormant state and stops growing. But there is no need to worry, it is gaining strength to flower and form seeds. The main thing is to eliminate dead traps and leaves during the dormant period.

Beneficial features

TO beneficial properties Plants include cleansing a person’s living space from flies and mosquitoes, and, accordingly, from the infections they carry.

Until recently, the indoor plant market was not pleased with its diversity. Now you can find anything you want. It is not always possible to properly care for a plant, especially if it is very unusual. For example, such as the Venus flytrap, a plant that feeds on insects.

Predator at home

IN Lately demand for exotic food is growing houseplants. Many gardeners are no longer interested in growing ordinary violets and ficuses, so it is not surprising that “predators” are increasingly appearing in homes. Insectivorous plants look very unusual, and some of them are also quite unpretentious. In addition, a predatory flower is very strange even for those who are indifferent to the exotic. So what is a hobby like growing carnivorous plants, clearly characterizes a person as a person with extraordinary interests.

Venus flytrap

One of the most popular predator plants for home keeping is Dionaea. Its second and more popular name is Venus flytrap, and its Latin name is Dionaea Muscipula. Moreover, an annoying and extremely funny mistake crept into it. The fact is that the plant “flytrap” in Latin should be called muscicipula, but it is believed that the botanist who gave the name to the flower did not add one syllable, resulting in a “moustrap”. And this caused confusion.

The homeland of Dionaea is peat bogs North America, however in last years Its habitat is steadily shrinking. This plant was first described in 1759, and, of course, it amazed everyone. A carnivorous representative of the flora - for that time it was a real fantasy. Leaves unusual shape, reminiscent of a trap and slamming shut when touched - what could be more surprising? The seemingly absurd hypothesis that insects caught in a trap serve as food for the plant has been confirmed. Subsequently, marsh flowers already familiar to botanists were caught on a meat “diet”. But it was Dionaea that opened the eyes of scientists and allowed them to take a new look at the seemingly harmless world of greenery.

By the way, this is a flytrap - a plant, the photo and description of which inspired science fiction writers, animators and screenwriters to create giant carnivorous flowers that even devour people. Dionaea looks very predatory and dangerous even for humans. In fact, according to scientists, predator plants acquired this feature as a result of growing in very nutrient-poor soils. To get what they needed, they were forced to develop an unusual survival mechanism.


Despite the diversity on the market, the species Dionaea muscipula is the only one that has no close relatives. But breeders have developed a large number of different varieties, so the flytrap houseplant is a choice of several colors and sizes. And yet, it is usually a small flower, its leaves are collected in a rosette and can be positioned both horizontally and vertically. With a sufficient variety of varieties, they have one thing in common - predatory tendencies. Despite the fact that the flytrap plant has been grown at home for quite a long time, it has not lost this trait, valuable for gardeners.


Seeing Dionaea for the first time and not knowing about its features, you might think that this is an ordinary flower with amazing leaves. But observing his feeding procedure makes it clear that everything is not so simple. This can be compared to the process of hunting among predators in the animal world. At first, she seems to be waiting for an opportune moment when the victim can no longer escape. The trap quickly slams shut, and it is no longer possible to get out of it, because the leaves are compressed more and more, forming a dense “bag”. Within a few days, digestive enzymes dissolve the victim’s body, leaving only a chitinous shell. After the meal is finished, the trap will open again, allowing the wind to carry away the remains.

All this looks so exciting that it seems as if Dionea has intelligence. In fact, all processes are determined chemical reactions. In response to irritation of special villi, the cells react by releasing certain substances, under the influence of which the geometry of the leaf changes and the trap slams shut. This very interesting process studied in detail using modern technologies, therefore, the fact that Dionaea does not have the cunning of a predator is for sure. But still, when watching the hunt, it is sometimes difficult not to forget that the flycatcher is a plant.

How to care?

Many gardeners are hesitant to take on the care of Dionaea, because it seems that it is extremely capricious. In fact, the flytrap plant grows well at home if you know what conditions are important for it. And there are only two of them - light and water, which will be discussed a little later. Otherwise, Dionaea is extremely unpretentious: air humidity can fluctuate over a very wide range, and temperature is also not very important. The Venus flytrap may turn out to be much less capricious than many common plants.

Another difficulty is that it cannot always be found on sale. Of course, you can plant flytrap seeds, which are easy to purchase, but it can take quite a long time for them to develop into a full-fledged plant; it is easier to buy a seedling. And you still need to know when to do it and what to do next.

This is an unusual Venus flytrap plant. How can you care for her if she doesn’t look like a peace-loving flower at all?

Purchase and transplant

Buy a flower better in spring or early summer. Of course, this can be done in late autumn, but then the plant’s chances of survival are minimal. The fact is that Dionaea falls into a kind of hibernation in winter, when its above-ground part dies off, and it requires certain conditions. If you skip this period, then death from exhaustion is almost inevitable. This is the reason for the recommendation for the time of its acquisition during the period when the flower enters the active growth phase.

As a rule, Dionaea is sold immediately in the required substrate, so there is no need for its urgent transplantation. If you still need it, you need to opt for peat, even pure peat - it will do just fine.

Light and water

Dionaea has special requirements for the amount of sun and quality of watering. There should be a lot of light - ideally it should be in direct rays. This may seem like it will cause burns on the leaves, but it won't. The scorching sun, destructive for most plants, is only beneficial for the flytrap.

The second condition is water. It should be not just pure, but distilled. Unfortunately, the liquid that flows from water tap, contains too many impurities, and dionea requires gentle watering through a pan. This should be done often, but not too much - the substrate should always be moist, do not forget that the flytrap is a marsh plant.

Flowering and reproduction

Although the growing season is often of little concern to those who keep a flytrap at home, it can be interesting. Flowering occurs in the spring - buds bloom on long vertical stems in anticipation of pollinators. Later the fruits and seeds ripen. After collecting them, you can try to germinate them, but seedlings can only be expected in about a month.

The most popular method is dividing the bush. The fact is that as the flytrap plant grows, it grows daughter bulbs, which can be separated from the main one when they have developed sufficiently. This should be done immediately after leaving the winter dormancy period. Another method is cuttings, but it requires a huge amount of light and 100% humidity.

Other features and difficulties

Some people perceive Dionaea as fun - they touch the leaves, causing them to slam, catch and try to feed flies to it - after all, the hunt is spectacular, everyone wants to see with their own eyes how the plant eats an insect. But for the flower this is unnecessary stress, and active interference in its life and attempts to feed it can only lead to its premature death.

Contrary to rumors, the flytrap plant does not need protein food so much that it needs help. There is no need to put pieces of meat or other protein products in the leaves. If necessary, Dionea will cope with this task herself. If no insects are observed at all, then it is better to simply feed the flower with well-diluted organic fertilizers.

Blackening leaves are not always a bad sign. Of course, this may indicate the need to reduce watering, but more often this is simply the death of old shoots.

Wintering and leaving it

One of the most difficult stages of caring for a flycatcher is sending it into hibernation and awakening in the spring. It is during this period that domestic specimens die most often. The fact is that during wintering the flytrap plant needs a certain stable temperature conditions, humidity and a small amount of light. Those who have dealt with bulbous plants will cope with this task easily, but it will not be easy for inexperienced gardeners.

The fact is that during this period the flytrap plant requires a minimum but stable positive temperature, fairly high humidity and a small amount of light. At the same time, the transition to new conditions should not occur too abruptly. Often gardeners during this period place it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. It is worth remembering that in this case it is necessary to ensure air circulation and prevent the soil from completely drying out, as well as rotting. Feeding is not necessary during this period, and it simply won’t work, because during hibernation the above-ground part will die off so as not to waste extra energy on maintaining it.

With the onset of sunny days, it is necessary to begin leaving the winter hut by returning the dionaea to a bright windowsill and gradually increasing watering. If necessary, a transplant can be made. If everything is done correctly, it will start very soon active growth new leaves and traps.

Of course, caring for dionaea has its difficulties, and one of them is the correct entry and exit from the dormant period. But if this was successful, then other problems with the flycatcher will not be terrible.

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Making a shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner couldn't be easier! This breakfast contains almost everything necessary products, which will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch, without adding extra centimeters to your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after, perhaps, the classic cucumber sandwich. This breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch.

Modern ferns are those rare plants antiquities, which, despite the passage of time and all kinds of cataclysms, not only survived, but were also largely able to preserve their former appearance. Of course, it is not possible to grow any of the fern representatives indoors, but some species have successfully adapted to life indoors. They look great as single plants or decorate a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is Azerbaijani pilaf, which differs in the method of preparation from traditional oriental pilaf. All ingredients for this recipe are prepared separately. Rice is boiled with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately until golden brown, and pumpkin slices as well. Separately prepare the onions and carrots. Then everything is placed in layers in a cauldron or thick-walled pan, a little water or broth is poured in and simmered over low heat for about half an hour.

Basil is a wonderful universal seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads- well known to all lovers of Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil turns out to be a surprisingly versatile plant. For several seasons now, our family has been happily drinking aromatic basil tea. In a flowerbed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, bright spice plant a worthy place was also found.

Thuja or juniper - which is better? This question can sometimes be heard in garden centers and markets where these plants are sold. It is, of course, not entirely correct and correct. Well, it’s the same as asking what is better - night or day? Coffee or tea? Woman or man? Surely, everyone will have their own answer and opinion. And yet... What if you approach with an open mind and try to compare juniper and thuja according to certain objective parameters? Let's try.