In a private house      06/13/2019

Arrowroot - leaves with amazing coloring. Arrowroot: medicinal properties, signs and superstitions

Hello my dear readers. There are so many beautiful plants in the world that feel great in our apartments. I especially like arrowroot, caring for which at home is not entirely easy, therefore, it is better for beginners not to start this plant, but to start with something simpler. Although, if you really like this plant and are willing to put in a little effort, you can try to buy this flower.

There are several types of arrowroot and each of them has an attractive leaf color. In appearance, they are also a little similar, only there are some differences in the shape and color of the leaves, almost from white to dark green (almost black).

Regardless of what type of arrowroot you bought, caring for them at home is almost the same. It is important to follow some rules: ensure air humidity, protect from direct sunlight, protect from drafts, etc.

Maranta has one quality: at night the leaves of the plant curl, which is the reason why arrowroot is also called the prayer tree.

How to care for arrowroot

  • What temperature does the plant need?
  • Lighting for arrowroot;
  • How to water;
  • What air humidity should be;
  • Transfer;
  • Reproduction of arrowroot;
  • Possible difficulties when caring for arrowroot.

We provide the arrowroot with the required temperature

The arrowroot flower came to us from the tropics. And many gardeners naively believe that normal development requires high temperatures. However, this is a misconception. In fact, in the tropics, in addition to high temperatures, humidity is also high, which cannot be said about our conditions.

In our conditions high temperature The dryness of the air also increases, which has a bad effect on the plant. Based on this, it can be understood that moderate temperatures are most favorable for arrowroot, when it is not very hot, but not too cold. Optimal temperature for the plant 22-25C in summer.

In winter, the plant can be kept at a cooler temperature, but not less than 12C.


It would seem that all variegated plants love when there is plenty of light. But this has nothing to do with arrowroot. On the contrary, the plant prefers partial shade. With too much light, arrowroot leaves lose their attractive color and the leaves turn pale.

You should also avoid direct sunlight on the leaves of the plant. IN winter time the plant needs good lighting, but even during this period of time you should not place the plant in direct sunlight.

Watering for arrowroot

As for watering, this is probably the most difficult moment in caring for arrowroot. It is important that the soil is always moist. It is not recommended to allow it to dry out. However, an excess of moisture is more dangerous than a lack. If you cannot control this process, then you can water the arrowroot when it dries out a little upper layer soil. In winter, watering is reduced. During this period, you can not be afraid and water when the soil dries out (top layer).

Air humidity

I have already mentioned above that in the tropics the air humidity is high, therefore, at home it is important to create similar conditions. And since this can be difficult to do, some problems arise. Due to the fact that the plant is difficult to provide with high humidity, it is not recommended for beginners to start it.

Although in fact, not everything is as complicated as it might seem at first glance. You can achieve increased humidity by spraying the flower several times a day. If spraying several times a day does not work, then you can use another method.

You can place a flower pot in damp peat, or you can place a container of water or wet pebbles around the plant.

Transplantation and propagation

An adult arrowroot is replanted once every two years. Best time for transplantation in spring. Take a little pot bigger size than the previous one. It is advisable to take a wide pot rather than a deep one, since the root system of a flower develops not in depth, but in width.

In mranta, the root system has a tuberous shape. When the roots are damaged or die, these nodules produce new roots, making the plant highly resilient.

During replanting, the plant must be carefully inspected and all diseased and damaged leaves must be trimmed. It is also recommended to inspect the root system for the presence of rot or disease. Cut off all suspicious parts and sprinkle the cut areas with crushed activated carbon.

If you want to get several copies of your favorite arrowroot, you can do this during transplantation by dividing the bush into several parts. Make sure that each part of the plant has several leaves and 2-3 roots.

After new seedlings have been planted, it is advisable to cover them with film to provide increased humidity.

You can propagate arrowroot by cuttings, but this is very difficult to do, since the cuttings are very reluctant to take root. But if for some reason you cannot take part of a bush, then try cutting off a leaf. The cutting must be taken with the “knee” (the knee is the part that is attached to the shoot) and placed in water. You need to cut the cutting 1-2 cm below the knee.

Cuttings take a very long time to take root, at least 1.5 months. If you are lucky and your cuttings sprout roots, you can transplant them into the ground.

Arrowroot flower - common difficulties

The tips of the arrowroot leaves dry out and become Brown, growth slows down

Often the cause of this phenomenon is too dry air. In this case, you need to direct your actions to increase humidity. Spider mites can also be the cause of this phenomenon. Examine the plant carefully and if you find this insect, treat the plant with special preparations.

The leaves curl and become covered with spots and turn yellow.

As in the previous case, the reason is too dry air or insufficient watering. It is important that the soil is constantly moist, and do not allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

If the leaves start to fall

Usually common cause The air is too dry, therefore, it is important to provide the arrowroot with high humidity. I wrote above how to do this: spray at least twice a day, or place containers with wet pebbles or water around the plant.

Leaves wither and rot

This usually happens if the room is too cold, or you have overdone the watering.

The leaves have lost color or began to dry out

If your arrowroot leaves begin to turn pale, it means that your plant is in too bright a place or is exposed to the sun. In this case, it is better to place the plant in partial shade.

Well, I told you a little about this interesting plant, like arrowroot and now you know what kind of care this plant needs, I hope my recommendations will help you grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

If you want to talk about your experience, tell us how to care for arrowroot, then I will look forward to your comments.

Arrowroot (Maranta) belongs to a genus of popular plants from the Maranthaceae family, and grows under natural conditions in the tropics of America. This flower is valued not only for its decorative appearance, but also for its medicinal properties.

Characteristics and homeland of the plant

Perennial herbaceous plant It has a very characteristic tuberous rhizome for the species. The plant's homeland is swampy forest areas in Central and South America, so the roots of arrowroot are quite well adapted to humidity. Under natural conditions, the plant most often has foliage that is basal or located on the stem part in two rows. Many varieties of decorative foliage indoor plant have characteristic venation.

Indoor flowers have small leaves. When creating the maximum comfortable conditions for growth and development, arrowroot blooms in the summer. The indoor plant is not very attractive and blooms for a relatively short time, which makes the plant very popular in indoor floriculture if you are allergic to flowering crops. The flowers are asymmetrical, collected in apical spike-shaped inflorescences. After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of a single-seeded capsule. Some varieties of arrowroot are cultivated as starch-bearing plants.

It should be noted that the flowering process significantly depletes indoor ornamental plants, so many amateur gardeners use a method of removing flower stalks in advance. Among other things, it is important to remember that after flowering, some varieties shed all their foliage and are able to enter the so-called dormant stage for several months.

How to care for arrowroot (video)

Medicinal properties

Indoor culture is popular not only due to its highly decorative appearance. Also well known and studied medicinal properties arrowroots. This type of ornamental plant, including tubers, is characterized by containing a sufficient amount of cellulose and starchy substances. The flowers of the ornamental plant are used in traditional medicine as a dietary and general tonic. Dietary products for baby food are made based on the arrow-shaped root.

Such products are used to feed babies suffering from various carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Also, preparations from the arrow-shaped root reduce the risk of blood clots and are widely used in the prevention of thrombophlebitis. Generally, Arrowroot has no contraindications. However, one should take into account the fact that plant raw materials cannot be consumed if there is an individual intolerance to the components of this flowering crop.

Signs and superstitions

There are some signs and superstitions associated with the cultivation of arrowroot, and many gardeners know the ornamental plant as a “prayer flower.” Almost all beliefs characterize this type of decorative culture positively. According to esotericists, arrowroot is capable of attracting wealth and good luck into the house, and also protects the room and its owner from negative energy.

In any case, the indoor arrowroot plant brings comfort and tranquility to the house, thanks to its very attractive appearance, so the positive meaning of the flower is difficult to overestimate. Reviews from domestic flower growers also indicate the unpretentiousness and visual attractiveness of the decorative crop. The main condition is to keep the soil moist, and the plant should be watered exclusively with warm and settled water.

How to water arrowroot (video)

White-veined arrowroot (M.leuconeura)

White-veined arrowroot grows in natural conditions in tropical forest areas with high humidity. The root system is tuberous. The stem part is up to 25-30 cm high. The foliage is rounded-elliptical, with a heart-shaped base. A red or bluish-green color is observed on the underside of the leaf blade. The surface of the leaves has a light green pattern and white veins, clearly visible against the rich green background. In home floriculture, the Massanja variety of arrowroot is especially popular, and the tricolor or red-veined arrowroot.

How to plant arrowroot (video)

The variety is characterized by the formation of a low herbaceous plant with oval leaves located on relatively short petioles. The surface of the leaves has a bright green color. There are quite large brownish spots, having an ocellate or feather-like shape. A white stripe runs along the central vein. On the underside, the foliage has a reddish or bluish tint. Blooms with small white flowers collected in medium-sized inflorescences.

Domestic flower growers-lovers of arrowroot massanga are also very well known as black arrowroot. By external characteristics This variety has many similarities in characteristics with the Kerchoveana variety. The main difference is the presence of grayish-green foliage, as well as a leaf surface with characteristic silvery veins and olive-brown spots.

The variety is also called arrowroot fascinator and has oval leaves of light green or dark green color, with a lighter peripheral zone of the leaf blade. The lower part is crimson colored, velvety. There are distinct red veins on the surface of the leaves, and along the central vein there are medium-sized spots of light yellow-green color.

The lateral veins are decorated with feather-like dark green spots. Flowering is relatively long, with light lilac small flowers. Caring for this variety can be fraught with some difficulties, but its resistance indicators are much higher than those of calathea.

Bicolor arrowroot is a tuber-forming species and is characterized by oval leaves with slightly wavy edges. The green foliage is attached to shortened petioles and has brownish spots located near the central vein. The lower leaf blade is covered with short hairs and has a decorative reddish tint.

In indoor floriculture, the species is not found very often, and not experienced flower growers M.bicolor is often confused with Kerkhoven's arrowroot. Despite the great similarity, bicolor arrowroot has foliage on the reverse side of a characteristic purple color.

Reed arrowroot is a shrub plant reaching a height of one meter. The root system is tuberous and fairly well developed. The foliage is ovate, with a slight point at the apical part. The lower leaf blade is dark green, with short, frequent hairs. Reed-like arrowroot blooms quite rarely, with whitish flowers.

Growing technology

Care at home involves following basic agrotechnical practices, as well as maintaining temperature conditions and providing plants with comfortable humidity levels.

Landing capacity

The not very developed root system of the ornamental plant requires cultivation in medium-sized flower pots. The best option for cultivation are plastic planting containers with a diameter equal to the height of the decorative crop. A flower pot must have very high-quality drainage holes to prevent moisture stagnation at the root system.

Arrowroot cuttings (video)

Soil for growing

For good growth and development of arrowroot, as well as timely flowering, it is recommended to use for planting and growing an ornamental crop a nutritious soil substrate based on leaf soil, peat chips, high-quality humus and coniferous soil with the addition of a small amount of medium-grained sand and crushed charcoal.

Transplanting a plant

It is advisable to replant arrowroot no more than once every three years. The plant does not tolerate transplantation very well, so it is considered optimal to carry out the event in the early spring period. The dimensions of the flower pot should allow the root system of the ornamental plant to occupy a horizontal position. During the replanting process, it is imperative to conduct a thorough inspection of the root system and above-ground parts of the plant, and, if necessary, remove damaged or wilted leaves and roots. It is imperative to fill in a relatively high layer of drainage based on broken bricks, charcoal and coarse sand.

Feeding and watering

Arrowroots need timely application of fertilizers. Usually, Fertilizing of decorative foliage crops is carried out from early spring to the last days of summer. For this purpose, ready-made mineral fertilizers are applied twice a month, which are recommended to be alternated with organic matter.

Irrigation measures are carried out as the top layer of soil in the flower pot dries out. In the autumn-winter period, it is advisable to alternate watering with spraying. Well-settled water is used for moistening. room temperature. Good result gives the use of melted or boiled water.

Temperature and humidity

In the room for growing ornamental plants, arrowroot should be provided with comfortable temperature and air humidity. The optimal condition for cultivating a houseplant is temperature regime at the level of 20-25 o C in the spring-summer period and about 18-19 o C in the autumn-winter period. Maranta is very difficult to tolerate the negative effects of drafts, therefore, the location of the indoor culture must be chosen very carefully.

The botanical features of arrowroot and the characteristics of the natural growing conditions of this ornamental plant suggest creating air humidity in the growing room at a level of 85-90%. To create such indicators, you should combine regular, fairly abundant irrigation measures and periodic spraying of the aboveground part of the plant. However, it is important to completely eliminate stagnation of moisture in the soil, since in this case rotting of the root system of the crop may occur.

Disease Prevention

If cultivation is not carried out correctly and care technology is not followed, the foliage may be affected by brown spot, and the roots of the plant may suffer from rotting. In this case, the plant is treated with a weak solution based on potassium permanganate and replanted with soil replacement.

In conditions low humidity leaf curling and drying are noted c, and to correct the situation, mineral fertilizing and increasing air humidity are carried out. Also, amateur gardeners quite often encounter rotting and wilting of flower stalks as a result of exposure to low temperatures or excessive soil moisture in a flower pot. Among other things, ornamental crops may require shading on days that are too sunny, which will prevent the foliage from getting burned.

Differences from Calathea

Both calathea and arrowroot are bright and popular representatives belonging to the arrowroot plant family. Despite many differences from a botanical point of view, inexperienced and novice amateur gardeners quite often confuse these two genera. To insure yourself against error and truly purchase indoor arrowroot, it is very important to know the basic the most pronounced differences from calathea:

  • calathea is a slimmer and taller plant with long, well-developed petioles;
  • in indoor floriculture, the height of calathea often reaches 60-100 cm, while arrowroot is characterized by more restrained growth and the maximum height of this squat ornamental plant rarely exceeds 20-25 cm;
  • calathea has oval or elongated leaves, and some varieties have foliage 28-30 cm long;
  • arrowroot foliage is more rounded, ovoid, no more than 10 cm long, and the main difference from calathea is its two-row arrangement;

  • the calathea leaf blade is thin and delicate, there is no more than one fully developed leaf in the rosette, while arrowroot has from four to six well-formed leaves;
  • A feature of arrowroot flowering is the formation of small and inconspicuous inflorescences, while calathea belongs to the category of decorative flowering indoor crops.

Calatheas and arrowroots are decorative indoor plants of amazing and exquisite beauty, but it should be noted that calathea is a more demanding crop that requires proper care at all stages of the growing season.

Feng Shui meaning

IN Lately growing indoors is becoming increasingly popular ornamental plants according to the eastern teachings of Feng Shui. From the point of view of this teaching, all indoor flowers are divided according to their energy characteristics and, taking into account the energy of the decorative crop, the gardener has an excellent opportunity to correctly determine the most suitable place arrowroot location. In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, it is arrowroot that allows you to find meaning in life, and also reveals talents and helps you decide on the choice of profession. Also, a houseplant promotes communication and strengthening family ties.

How arrowroot reproduces (video)

The arrowroot or prayer plant lifts and folds its foliage at night, as if cupping its palms in prayer, so the appearance of this popular ornamental plant is soothing and peaceful, making it ideal for placement in relaxation rooms or bedrooms. The decorative crop is very undemanding and is great for beginner gardeners. Propagation of arrowroot in home floriculture is carried out by vegetative methods, which facilitates the fastest and easiest production of young plants, and experienced amateur gardeners recommend planting a decorative indoor flower directly during the next planned replanting.

Arrowroot is a perennial herbaceous plant. Although arrowroot refers to flowering plants, but their flowers attract less attention than their leaves. This unpretentious shade-loving plant is suitable for growing at home and in offices. Arrowroot comes in the following types: Kerkhoven arrowroot, Masanzha arrowroot, white-veined, reed arrowroot, two-colored and three-colored or red-veined. But such a diversity of species does not affect general care behind the flower, it is the same for everyone.


Although this plant is shade-loving, it does not sunlight it will wither away quickly though. For arrowroot, diffused light is preferable. Excess sunlight can cause its leaves to change color and become much smaller. Arrowroot has several common names - it is “praying grass” and “ten commandments”. It received the name “praying grass” due to the fact that if the plant is not illuminated enough, its leaves acquire a vertical position, folded like the hands of a praying person. The second name was given to it because there are ten white spots on the leaves of one of the varieties of arrowroot. The British think this good sign, and try to purchase this particular type of arrowroot.


The flower is quite heat-loving, so at normal room temperature it will be very comfortable. In summer, the air temperature in the room where the plant is located should not exceed 22-25 degrees; overheating of the plant can lead to its death. It will also be important to monitor the temperature of the soil in which the plant is planted; the temperature should not exceed 18 degrees. Between October and February, the plant enters a so-called dormant period. During this period, the plant will feel comfortable at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. The only thing this plant should be protected from is sudden changes in temperature.


Like most plants, arrowroot needs moderate watering, in the phase active growth You need to water more often, but do not overdo it. At this time, ideally the ground should be moist all the time, but not soggy. This flower needs to be watered somewhat less when it has a dormant period. However, the frequency of watering at this time is significantly influenced by the air temperature in the room. For irrigation, you need to use water at room temperature, and it is better if it is soft.

Air humidity

Maranta loves moist air very much. Therefore, along with spraying, you need to give it a shower, but only the plant itself needs to be washed; the pot with soil is covered with a bag. But sometimes this is not enough, and the tips of the leaves of the flower begin to dry out. If this does happen, you need to place the flower in a mini greenhouse.

Top dressing

For better growth the flower must be fed with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Feeding is carried out during the period of active growth of arrowroot, i.e. twice a month. Mineral and organic fertilizers should be used alternately, while when using organic fertilizers they are bred several times less than the norm. It is also not advisable to use highly concentrated mineral fertilizers.


The plant is replanted in the spring. Arrowroot is replanted once every few years. When replanting, damaged and dried leaves are removed from the plant for better growth of young shoots. Since its root system is not very large, you should not use too large pots. It is enough to use small and wide pots. But the pot must be either plastic or glazed clay. To replant the plant, you need soil with an acidity level of pH-6. Such land can be purchased in a store or assembled yourself.

For self-assembly you will need:

  • Leaf soil – 3 parts
  • Peat – 1.5 parts
  • Coniferous soil – 1 part
  • Dry mullein – 1 part
  • Sand – 1 part
  • Ash – 0.3 parts
  • Drainage

Another one of effective ways Growing arrowroot is hydroponics. Hydroponics is the growing of plants in an artificial environment, without the use of soil. Thanks to this method, the plant can be replanted, watered, fed quite rarely, and the effect will exceed all expectations. Thanks to this method, the plant will acquire a healthier and more beautiful appearance.

Arrowroot propagation

Arrowroot is propagated in two ways: division and propagation by cuttings. When propagated by division, the plant is divided into several parts, being careful not to remove the roots. Then they are planted in peat-containing soil and thoroughly watered with warm water. The flower pot is placed in a plastic bag and tied loosely to create a greenhouse effect. Keep it in a bag until new stems and leaves appear on the plant. Reproduction by division must be done only when replanting the plant. Propagation by cuttings is carried out in summer or late autumn. To do this, cut off the top with 2-3 leaves from new shoots and place them in water. After the root system appears, and this will happen in 5-6 weeks, I plant the plant.

Diseases and pests

If watering and natural humidity are disturbed, arrowroot can be damaged. But if you maintain high humidity all the time, it is unlikely to settle on this plant.

South American tropical plant short in stature with decorative oval leaves is called arrowroot. Its leaves have spectacular shades of green: from light to rich dark. Bright spots, dots or veins are located symmetrically against their background. The stems of arrowroot, while it is young, point upward and begin to spread later if it is grown without support. At home, caring for arrowroot must be correct, then it will bloom. Flowers collected in spikelets, inconspicuous and small, appear in late spring or summer.

The beautiful plant is named after the 16th-century botanist and doctor from Italy, Bartolomeo Maranta. The seeds came to Europe with the help of the American statesman W. Houston, who was also a planter. He first discovered the plant near the city of Santa Cruz and exported its seeds to European countries. The unusual flower immediately caught the fancy of their residents and took its rightful place in greenhouses and greenhouses. They tell a lot of interesting things about him:

Types of indoor arrowroot plants and photo selection

The arrowroot family has about 25 varieties. Here are some of them:

Arrowroot two-color. From a biological point of view, this is a separate species, quite similar to Kerkhoven’s arrowroot. On a small reddish petiole there are oval leaves 11–15 cm long with slightly wavy edges. They are pubescent below, with a reddish ornament; on top, the pattern is represented by rich green and brown spots. This species does not form tubers.

An unusually effective variety. The rich background of tricolor arrowroot leaves fades a little at the edges. Along the central red vein there are yellowish or light green spots. Along the edges of the leaf they turn into feather-like patterns of dark green color. Red veins clearly visible from above inside the leaves turn pale and acquire a pinkish tint. It is difficult to explain why tricolor arrowroot is compared to fish, but it is also called “red ridge herring.”

Arrowroot Kerkhoven - it is believed that this species is the hardiest

The plant has oval leaves (on short petioles) and small white flowers. The lower part of the leaves is colored from bluish to red. The upper one is decorated with a central light stripe and feather-like or ocellated spots of dark green color. This species is considered hardy and the plant can be found even among inexperienced gardeners.

Unlike the above, it has dark spots on the leaves (from brown-olive to black) and a light central stripe. The plant is compact. Compared to others, this species is the most demanding to care for.

Grows in Mexico, Central and South America, and the island of Trinidad. The leaves of the plant are ovoid, the flowers have the shape of a panicle.

The most common plant. The leaves are grey-green with silver veins and colored patterns. The stem is small (up to 30 cm). The leaves are heart-shaped (length - 11 - 15 cm), below are reddish and bluish-green. The root of this type of flower is tuberous. White-veined arrowroot reproduces easily and is unpretentious.

A tall, compact plant (up to 1.3 m) with thick tuberous roots. The leaves are elongated, dark green with a bluish tint. Their shape is ovoid, with a sharp tip. The leaves are pubescent underneath. The flowers are small and white.

How to care for the South American arrowroot beauty

This plant loves warmth comfortable temperature for him it is considered 20-26 degrees

Watering. Arrowroot in nature grows near bodies of water in damp areas. Therefore, in summer you need to moisten it often (every other day) so that the soil is always slightly moist. If watered irregularly, the plant may dry out. In winter, it is advisable to reduce its frequency (once every 5–7 days). The surface of the substrate should be allowed to dry a couple of centimeters. Excessive soil moisture can cause the root to rot. When watering, you need to prevent water from getting on the leaves, so as not to cause problems. fungal diseases. It is necessary to moisten the plant only with soft water (boiled, rain or settled).

Temperature. Maranta loves warm air, + 20 – 26 degrees in summer and + 16 – 18 in winter. It does not tolerate temperature changes and drafts. For this reason, it is not recommended to take the plant outside in summer.

Air humidity

  • If the flower is located in a room with dry air, spray it a couple of times a day (in summer) and 1 - 2 times every 7 days in winter.
  • Put flower pot into an external container, which you first fill with wet peat.
  • You can place the pot on a tray with wet moss, sand, pebbles.
  • Wash the plant regularly in the shower, covering the pot with a bag to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged.

Despite all the measures taken to humidify the air, room conditions The tips of the leaves of the flower dry out, but in the greenhouse the plants feel great.

Place the plant so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight

Lighting. Direct Sun rays Doesn't like indoor arrowroot. In bright light, the leaf blade becomes smaller and the leaves lose their bright color. In an unlit (dark) place color shade the leaves also turn pale. Arrowroot prefers bright, diffused light (partial shade) and grows best under artificial lighting (16 hours a day) with fluorescent lamps.

Indoors, the optimal place to place a flower is a stand in the center of the room. In winter (due to lack of light), the plant can be moved to the windowsill.

Soil composition. Air-permeable loose substrate - is the basis for successful cultivation plants. If you grow it in peat, you need to add a little dolomite flour to the mixture. You can also use soil mixtures for arrowroot from the store.

It's quite easy to make your own substrate. There are 2 ways to prepare it:

  • Peat (2 parts).
  • Leaf soil (2 parts).
  • Sand (1 part).

Second way:

  • Humus (1 part).
  • Leaf soil (4 parts).
  • Peat (2 parts).
  • Sand (1 part).

To loosen the substrate, sphangum moss, charcoal, pine bark, and light soil from a coniferous forest are added to the mixture.

Throughout spring and autumn, the plant must be fed with mineral fertilizers.

Feeding and fertilizers. From spring to autumn, the flower is fertilized every 2 weeks with a special (for indoor decorative foliage plants) mineral fertilizer (2 grams per 2 liters of water). You can alternate it with a highly diluted organic one. However, we must remember that the plant is sensitive to overfeeding.

In winter, arrowroot is fed with highly diluted fertilizer no more than once every 28-30 days.

Replanting and caring for the plant. Arrowroot older than 3 years of age is replanted in the spring (once every 2 years), a young plant - annually. To do this, take a not very deep, but wide pot, slightly larger than the previous one, because the root system of the plant is small and develops horizontally.

It is necessary to remove diseased and old leaves from the plant, and a layer of drainage (charcoal, broken brick, coarse sand, expanded clay). It should be approximately 5 cm.

To make a lush bush from arrowroot, you need to cut off all the shoots at the root. As a result, new fresh shoots and young leaves are formed on the plant again.

Propagation of the arrowroot plant

Arrowroot is propagated by seeds, cuttings and division.

Cuttings. In May - September, a cutting 8 - 10 cm in size with a pair of internodes and several leaves (2 - 3) is cut from an arrowroot bush, treated with a growth stimulator and placed in a container with water. After 32 - 45 days it will send out roots. After this, it is planted in a peat soil mixture and watered well. Cuttings take root well in greenhouses with high humidity and temperature.

Division. The bush is removed from the pot, the rhizome is carefully cut into 3-4 parts so that each tuber has a good root and several leaves. Each root is planted in a separate pot with loose soil mixture and covered with a transparent bag for better survival. Keep in a warm place.

Propagation by seeds. You can grow a flower from seeds. It is better to sow them at a temperature of 15 - 19 degrees and maintain it throughout the growing season.

Arrowroot flowering. The plant blooms profusely; flower shoots appear on it throughout the summer. However, the flowers themselves are rather inconspicuous: small pale pink, light yellow or white flowers are collected in a spikelet on the arrow.

At home, arrowroot flowering occurs very rarely, and flower growers consider it a significant event.

Plant diseases and pests

Arrowroot is susceptible to a lot of diseases and pests, so it is necessary to monitor the plant

Mealybug. This pest focuses on leaf petioles. It should be washed off with a soap solution (20 g per liter of water). Don't forget to remove soap scum from the arrowroot afterwards. If washing is not effective enough, spray with Actellik solution.

Scale insects. Brown plaques appear on the surface of leaves and stems. The leaves dry out, fall off, and lose color.

Control measures

The leaves are cleaned by wiping them with a sponge soaked in soapy solution(20 soap per 1 liter of water). Then the plant is sprayed with Actellik solution (1 – 2 ml of product per 1 liter of water). The treatment can be repeated several times until the pests are completely destroyed.

Red spider mite. The most dangerous pest of indoor arrowroot is the spider mite. It usually settles on the underside of leaves growing in a dry, warm room. Leaves on a damaged plant lose color - they become pale and fall off prematurely. Whitish spots form on their surface, and a thin cobweb appears on the underside of the leaves.

Control measures

Washing the leaves with a weak tobacco solution and soap. Removing damaged ones. Pollination (in the fresh air, outdoors) with ground sulfur or spraying with actellik, fitoverm, fufan, derris.

As usual, arrowroot leaves curl due to insufficient watering

Folk recipes for killing mites on plants

Pass unpeeled garlic or onion through a meat grinder and dilute in 1 liter of water. Leave for 24 hours, then strain. Add 5 g of soap. Pour in water at a rate of 1:1. Treat the plant. You can also infuse dandelion and yarrow.

Slow growth, dry and brown leaf edges

It happens when the air in the room is very dry. Moisten the plant regularly. And be sure to check whether the flower is affected by pests. If necessary, you will need to apply an insecticide.

Leaves curl and spots appear on them

This happens when there is insufficient watering. The soil mixture should always be slightly damp.

Yellow-brown leaf edges

With a lack or excess of nutrients in the soil.

Leaf fall

With excessive watering or extremely dry air in the room. The soil should not be soggy, but slightly moist.

Rotting, limp stems

Low temperature with high humidity.

Leaves dry out and lose their bright color

This happens when sunlight is too intense.

Arrowroot pruning

Remove elongated plant growths as they appear. This encourages new young shoots to actively grow from the center.

Bottom line: Arrowroot is native to the humid, diffused light, warm South American tropics. In order for the plant to feel as good as at home, it needs to be provided with comfortable warmth, frequent spraying and diffused light. And then the flower will constantly delight you with its bright, beautiful leaves.

Good luck growing your arrowroot.

The arrowroot plant is a very beautiful perennial, herbaceous, decorative deciduous plant, belonging to the arrowroot family. Its natural growing conditions are considered to be tropical swampy forests in Central and South America. It appeared in the European part in the sixteenth century, and was named after the famous botanist Barthalomeo Maranta, who lived in Venice at that time.

These indoor flowers reach an average of thirty centimeters in height. Their wide, oval leaves are decorated with picturesque paintings and are about fifteen centimeters long. Depending on the variety they can be different colors from light green to almost black with spots in the form of peas or feathers. The lower surface of the foliage may be reddish, blue or green. The petioles are low and in young plants are directed upward; over time, if they are not provided with support, they creep. Small arrowroot flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of panicles or spikes.

People also call arrowroot a prayer plant because of its specific reaction to light. If it is dark in the room or, for example, at night, it lifts the foliage to the top and its outlet is completely closed. As the light increases, the foliage turns back to a horizontal position. Scientifically, this is based on the fact that the leaf plates of the plant have special pads filled with water, due to which these turns occur. In the wild, arrowroots grow at the very bottom of dense forests, so they need to somehow receive at least some amount of light through the canopy of bushes and trees.

What does the arrowroot flower bring to the house?
It is believed that this plant combines the Sun with Mars and Mercury, which is why it has a hot character. Being indoors, it creates protection against colds and other diseases that are caused by hypothermia. Also its powerful energy normalizes sleep, calms nervous system and dissolves blood clots in blood vessels.

The bright Sun is responsible for creativity and leadership, energetic Mars is for increasing activity, and mobile Mercury is for connecting people. Thanks to this, arrowroot neutralizes aggressive and negative energy, relieves tense situations and eliminates frequent quarrels and conflict situations in your home or office.

The presence of the plant improves the ability to learn, communicate and do business. A person begins to easily make the necessary contacts, study complex sciences, quickly makes a profit from chosen projects and favorite activities, and thereby improves his financial situation. At the same time, he becomes less fussy, grumpy and silent. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to keep arrowroot at home is almost always positive.

  • Cats love to eat arrowroot; there is nothing dangerous for them in this, since the plant is not poisonous. But, of course, this can cause significant damage to the flower itself.
  • According to some information obtained during excavations, certain species were specially bred many centuries BC to produce starch. Arrowroot is still considered a valuable plant, from the roots of which a flour called West Indian arrowroot is produced.

    Popular types of indoor arrowroot plants
    White-veined (arrowroot white-veined)

    The photo shows what kind of foliage the white-veined arrowroot flower has. The white-veined arrowroot is native to Brazil. It has tuberous roots. The foliage has a rounded-elliptical shape up to fifteen centimeters in length and up to ten in width. The outer surface is dark green in color, decorated in the center with a stripe with a silver tint, light green patterns run across the entire leaf blade, and the lateral veins are white.

    The lower surface may be blue-green or reddish in color. Petioles are no more than two centimeters long. How cultivated plant White-veined arrowroot is rarely found; its varieties are usually grown.

    Tricolor (red-veined arrowroot, tricolor arrowroot)
    Arrowroot tricolor has oval foliage up to thirteen centimeters in length and up to six in width. The main color of its outer velvety surface can vary from light green to dark green. Distinct red veins appear on it, light green or yellowish-green spots run along the central one, and a feather-like pattern along the sides.

    As can be seen in the photo, the lower surface of the tricolor arrowroot foliage has a crimson color and pink veins. The flowers are usually light lilac in color. The common name of the tricolor arrowroot is quite strange, and sounds like a red backed herring. The varieties of the plant include an interesting variety of arrowroot, Fascinator.

    Two-color (arrowroot bicolor)
    Arrowroot bicolor is a less common plant. It has oval foliage that is slightly wavy at the edges and is up to fifteen centimeters long. Along the green top there are dark green and brown spots near the middle vein. The leaves below are pubescent and have a reddish color, as well as the petioles on which they are located. Unlike other varieties, bicolor arrowroot does not form tubers. The bicolor indoor arrowroot flower is also shown in the photo. Arrowroot tricolor, grown at home

    Kerkhoven's arrowroot is a low plant, no more than twenty-five centimeters. The oval foliage grows up to fifteen centimeters and has low petioles. On top it has a basic bright green color and a dark green or brown pattern in the form of peas or feathers.

    There is a stripe of white color along the central vein. The bottom of the leaf may be red or blue color. The white flowers are quite small and are collected in groups of two or three in small inflorescences. Apparently, Kerkhoven's arrowroot is popularly called a frog because of its color.

    How to care for arrowroot at home
    When growing arrowroot at home Due to its origin, it behaves quite capriciously. This is a plant from the tropics, and if you do not provide it with the appropriate conditions, it will not forgive any mistake, and it will not be possible to grow a flower healthy and beautiful.

  • The most hardy in the conditions of our apartments is Kerkhoven's arrowroot, so if you do not have time to care for arrowroot, or lack experience, then it is better to breed this particular variety.
  • Lighting
    Arrowroot is a fairly shade-tolerant plant, so you should not place it on south-facing windows or create fairly good shading. In bright light, it will lose its decorative coloring, and the size of its foliage will decrease; the same can happen in low light, the lack of which can be determined by the leaves constantly raised up. The flower reacts positively to artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps for sixteen hours.

    Air temperature and humidity
    Arrowroot is a heat-loving plant, so in summer it must be kept at a temperature of twenty-two to twenty-five degrees, and in winter, when it is in a state of relative rest, it can be lowered to fifteen degrees, but not lower. Drafts and sudden temperature changes are also dangerous for her. The air humidity in the room should be high, about ninety percent. Therefore, daily spraying of the leaves with well-purified water is recommended. If lime is present in it, the leaves may become covered with white spots. A monthly warm shower is also beneficial for arrowroot.

    Watering and fertilizing
    The photo shows the flowering of Kerkhoven's arrowroot. Watering the arrowroot should be done with warm and well-purified water. The soil should always be slightly moist in spring and summer. In winter you need to let it dry out between waterings. Curled leaves can indicate a lack of moisture.

    Fertilizing of arrowroot begins in April and ends in early September. It is carried out using liquid complex mineral fertilizers twice a month according to instructions. It should be remembered that the plant is very sensitive reacts to an excess of nutrients in the soil.

    If arrowroot remains in normal conditions in winter, you need to fertilize it once a month and dilute the fertilizer by half. If it is placed in resting conditions, then this should not be done.

    How is arrowroot propagated?
    You can propagate arrowroot by dividing the bush at spring transplant, or using apical cuttings.

    To plant or transplant arrowroot, you need to purchase ready soil for arrowroot.

    The container for planting should be wide but shallow, preferably plastic, which retains moisture longer. However, holes must be made at its bottom and a drainage layer must be laid to prevent prolonged stagnation of water, which will lead to rotting of the roots.

    Reproduction by dividing the bush
    To propagate arrowroot by dividing the bush at home, you need to remove it from the pot and divide it into no more than three parts. Moreover, those species that form tubers should have them in every part, and those that do not have them should have several well-developed roots, as well as leaves. All divisions are planted in separate pots, slightly moistened and covered with plastic bags. The air temperature in the room should be about twenty degrees. The cover must be periodically removed for ventilation, watering and spraying. When the plants take root, it must be removed completely.

    Propagation of arrowroot by apical cuttings
    Rooted arrowroot cuttings used for propagation If the flower has produced many long shoots, then you need to cut them so that they are at least ten centimeters long and have three or four leaves with a node at the bottom. Then they are planted in a moist substrate of peat and sand in equal quantities, covered glass jars or plastic film and sent to warm room. You can use mini-greenhouses with high air humidity.

    Also you can place the cuttings in water with activated carbon and growth stimulator. After about a month and a half, they will begin to form roots. When they grow to two and a half centimeters, young plants can be transplanted into the ground, also creating shelter for them, and placing them in a warm place for rooting.

    Replanting and pruning
    Arrowroot should be replanted every two years in the spring. To do this, you need to take a pot with a diameter not much larger than the one in which it grew. At the same time, dried and wilted foliage is cut off from it. In order for new shoots to grow better and the bush to be lush, you need to trim the root system a little and several cuttings with nodes that can be used for propagation.

  • If you prepare the soil for replanting yourself, you need to make sure that it does not contain lime, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the arrowroot.

  • When replanting, there is no need to strongly compact the soil around the bush. In the first month after planting, you should not feed the plant, placing it in a shaded place without drafts or temperature changes. You can cover it plastic bag to preserve moisture and better rooting, which must be removed periodically. After the formation and growth of new leaves begins, the arrowroot must be transferred to permanent place growth.

    Young arrowroot has the most attractive appearance. Therefore, many experienced gardeners advise cutting it off completely every year, and within a month and a half after this it is restored, since it has a very strong root system and acquires its original appearance, and the leaves become more decorative and bright. You can also prune in the fall and send the plant to a dark place, watering it infrequently.

    Arrowroot diseases and methods of their treatment
    Dangerous pests for flowers spider mites, fungus gnats and mealybugs. They usually appear at low air humidity. If they are detected, you need to treat the flower with an insecticide solution or use folk remedies.

    Dryness in the room caused yellowing of the rose leaves. Among diseases, the plant can be affected by chlorosis. This is expressed in a decrease in the size of the leaves, their yellowing and falling, the tops of the shoots dry out and the roots gradually die off. This can be caused by viruses or fungi, too low soil acidity or lack of nutrients. It is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and water the arrowroot with acidified water or add the missing fertilizers.

    If foliage gets frequently exposed to water Various fungal infections may develop. Small weeping spots begin to form on it, then it turns yellow, and necrosis begins to develop. In this case, you need to treat the plant with a fungicide solution.

    Problems when growing arrowroot
    If the leaves of the flower have turned yellow, curled and dried out, it means that the room where it is located has fairly dry air. It is necessary to put moss or expanded clay in the tray, which needs to be moistened, and also increase the number of sprays of the arrowroot itself and the space around it. Arrowroot also turns yellow when the soil is waterlogged; in this case, you need to reduce watering.

    If the shoots of arrowroot wither and rot, it means that the room where it is kept has low temperature and high humidity. And if the tips of the leaves become yellowish-brown in color and dry out, this indicates an excess or, conversely, insufficient amount of nutrition, you need to adjust the application of fertilizers.

    The leaves begin to curl and become stained - insufficient watering. The substrate should be kept slightly moist, but not over-moistened. If arrowroot foliage loses its original decorative color, you need to pay attention to the lighting of the plant.

    Having got this beautiful plant in your home, you need to be prepared for the fact that it must be regularly and proper care. Then it will answer you in kind, it will grow correctly and delight you with its beautiful decorative foliage.

    The following video clearly shows how to care for arrowroot: