Mixer      04/21/2019

DIY Chinese chandelier. DIY chandelier: we make it from improvised materials

Indoor chandelier is not only lighting fixture. Without exaggeration, we can say that she is the main decoration of the room. Handmade items are considered especially valuable. This allows you to highlight the special taste of the owners of the home, as well as an outstanding and creative mind. Of course, this type of work is quite complex and requires increased concentration. But at the same time, when creating decorations for your home, you can find many interesting and extraordinary solutions in it!

This article presents some ideas for decorating a chandelier with your own hands, as well as instructions for them. Everything is written so simply and clearly that anyone can do what they have planned at home.

In order to make a chandelier, sometimes they use the most unusual materials. For example, everyone is already familiar with glass or wood, plastic, and so on. But sometimes, when you want something completely “unusual”, both wooden skewers and glass bottles out of wine, and cans, and all kinds of tree branches, and cardboard, and even straw. You need to choose depending on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe creator and on the wishes of the owners of the apartment. It is also necessary to take into account the general interior of the room where the finished product is supposed to be placed.

An interesting idea for a chandelier made of plastic spoons

Plastic disposable spoons are one of the simplest and most readily available materials for creating a chandelier for a room. Their advantages are low price, variety colors and will serve such material for quite a long time. To create such an extraordinary chandelier, you will need a minimum of investments, both physical and material.


  • empty bottle of drinking water, 5 liters;
  • plastic spoons (their number depends on the size of the bottle);
  • glue for plastic;
  • old chandelier(or rather, a cartridge from her);
  • sharpened knife.

Process of creation:

  1. First you need to prepare a plastic bottle for the next steps. Remove the label in advance, cut off the bottom, dry well.
  2. Then you need to get the plastic spoons out of the package and carefully cut off unnecessary handles with a knife, leaving about 2-3 centimeters above the level of the "scoop".
  3. You need to glue the “scoops” blanks to the base of the bottle. On the left "tail" apply a large number of glue and press it to the surface (the convex side of the spoon out). It is necessary to cover the entire bottle in a circle until the entire perimeter is occupied by plastic "spoons". It is advisable to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern and slightly move them together. This will leave fewer "free spots".
  4. From the old unnecessary chandelier you need to remove the cartridge, and then place it in an already glued and dried bottle and fix it on the frame.
  5. A decorative bowl can also be made from plastic spoons: stick "scoops" around the neck of the eggplant.
  6. Install and connect the chandelier, check its operation.

Note! The option of decorative painting or painting of spoons in absolutely any color is possible. Thus, your product will look even more beautiful and more original!

Chandelier made of plastic bottles in the form of leaves

Another unusual option a chandelier made in the form of leaves will serve in the interior. It is created from simple plastic bottles, the variety of colors of which allows you to work in the most unusual colors and embody the most daring ideas.

Process of creation:

  1. Cut plastic bottles on blanks shaped like future leaves.
  2. Each blank has to finally fix the shape of the sheet.
  3. With a soldering iron with a thick tip and a one-sided bevel, you need to slightly fuse the sections of each leaf in order to give the future product the greatest effect.
  4. In the same way, thanks to the soldering iron, you need to give the blanks a sheet structure. You need to act very carefully and accurately, because you can easily make a hole in the plastic. Such a leaf with outlined contours of veins and slightly fused edges will look complete.
  5. With a hot needle at the "leg" of each leaf, you need to melt several holes in order to attach them.
  6. Thanks to a thin wire, form branches and screw them to a steel wire frame.

Also great idea will be manufacturing new chandelier in the form of a ceiling lamp for a floor lamp or a lamp on the table. Thus, it will be a great addition to the previous product!

Chandelier with paper butterflies

The most common version of the product is a chandelier with butterflies. And this is no accident. To begin with, this option looks luxurious and expensive, and secondly, its manufacture does not require special physical costs. Thus, even a child can participate in the creation of a chandelier.

Process of creation:

  1. The basis is either an old chandelier or a similar frame. If this is not available, then you can take the simplest wooden or metal rim. If there is no such material, then, as an option, you can take a thick wire and make about 2-3 skeins, so that a circle forms.
  2. Cut paper butterflies according to the pattern. You need to take a butterfly template and fit it to the desired size. The option also looks very unusual when butterflies of several sizes are located on the chandelier at once (again, depending on desire). Transfer the outlines to paper and carefully cut out, preferably with a sharpened clerical knife, or small non-rounded scissors. The material for the templates themselves is better to use dense, not very dirty and does not attract dust. For example, velvet paper is very bad for a product, because in the future you will need to vacuum the chandelier quite often.
  3. Take a thread from a nylon or a transparent fishing line and attach butterflies to it. You can attach it in two ways: either pierce the bodies of butterflies, or stick them on silicone glue.
  4. Next, we attach threads with butterflies to the base of the frame and decorate it.
  5. You can also try an interesting variation if you make a wire ball! It should be based on a suspension from a chandelier and placed on it with the help of glue gun several patterns of butterflies.

fabric chandelier

This chandelier is also based on the frame. As in the previous version, either old metal frames or dense wire are suitable for its manufacture.

After you have pre-prepared the base, proceed to cutting out the fabric from which the lampshade will be made in the future. How long will it be ready product, depends on your desire, however, it should be borne in mind that the width of the fabric must be the same as the diameter of the frame! Once you have finished the pattern, you need to try on.

Another nuance is that the top of the fabric will need to be sewn directly on the frame, which means that it (the frame) must be solid. Otherwise, if it is possible to thread it directly into the fabric, then you should first fold the upper edge of the pattern and stitch it, and then iron it. Then we sew a seam on the side of the product.

In order for the lampshade not to lose its shape, due attention should be paid to the material. If the fabric is too light, "airy", then the bottom of the product should be weighted. To do this, you can use cardboard or fishing line.

A neatly sewn fringe, lace or braid will also look beautiful. But do not "overload" the product! The process of making a fabric chandelier is similar to making a lace chandelier. So you can safely experiment with materials that are located on the frame.

Plafond of threads and a balloon


  • dense threads, such as woolen, cotton, or jute rope - at least 1 meter;
  • cartridge;
  • petrolatum;
  • PVA glue;
  • a brush to apply glue and petroleum jelly (it is desirable that the brush does not shed);
  • 1 or 2 pieces balloons(the first in order to work with it, and the second in order to check the finished product, if desired);

Process of creation:

  1. Inflate the balloon to a certain size, secure. Remember that the finished work will exactly repeat the shape of the ball! With a marker, draw a couple of circles at the top and bottom, in order to determine the boundaries of winding threads.
  2. Using a brush, smear the ball around the entire perimeter with petroleum jelly.
  3. Pour PVA into a plastic container and thoroughly process the threads with it (It is not advisable to apply glue to the entire length of the threads at once! Treat them as you wind them around the ball!).
  4. Given the borders that you applied with a marker, wind the threads around the ball. Do not forget that depending on the density with which you wind, the future appearance products.
  5. After winding, you need to leave the product for a day until it dries completely; After complete drying, you need to burst the ball and remove it through the holes.
  6. Cut a place at the top and insert the cartridge.
  7. In order to be completely sure that the product turned out to be strong, you can insert a ball into it and inflate it. Similarly, you can check the flexibility and reliability of the lampshade.

Alternatively, you can paint the structure with a spray can or acrylic paint, attach all kinds of decorative ornaments such as butterflies, artificial flowers or beads. It's also a great idea to arrange a few balloons in the form of a bunch of grapes and fasten them together.

Wine bottle chandelier

This version of the chandelier is a little more complicated than the previous ones. Making a chandelier for this is quite difficult, the manufacturing process will require accuracy and care. However, you will love the result!


Process of creation:

  1. First you need to prepare the bottle itself for further manipulations with it. The first step is to draw a straight line around the perimeter at the level you need. This is required in order to cut off the bottom of the bottle with a glass cutter;
  2. In order not to cut yourself on the glass, you need to grind sharp edges sandpaper;
  3. Pull the wire through the neck of the bottle and then connect the cartridge;
  4. Attach the bottle to the frame.

You can also decorate the bottle with all kinds of decorative items, or leave it in its original form. In any case, it will look original and spectacular.

The number of products on the frame depends on your desire. You can either leave one bottle, or fix four or more bottles at once.

Chandelier idea from laserdiscs

This idea is great for those who have a large number of laser discs left in the house, and the hand does not rise to throw them away. It is immediately worth noting that the manufacturing options and the result can be very different. It all depends on your imagination and creativity!


  • two round wooden planks of different thicknesses, and which are slightly larger in diameter than the disks;
  • racks made of metal or wood;
  • Fluorescent Lamp;
  • magnetic switch;
  • disks.

Process of creation:

  1. Make a hole in a board with a greater thickness and install a starter with a switch in it.
  2. Then connect it all to the lamp.
  3. String disks on the lamp.
  4. Install the racks around the discs and secure the top.

The finished product will delight its owners for a long time, and it does not require special care. It is not advisable to place this type of chandelier in the children's room so that the child cannot harm himself (only if the chandelier hangs out of reach).

Shabby chic chandelier

To create spectacular lighting in the room, you can also make a chandelier from fabric or beads. The result is a kind of chandelier or ceiling in the style of "shabby chic".


  • a finished metal or wooden frame (or it can be made from an old hoop, garden basket, thick wire);
  • cartridge and lamp;
  • chains and threads for decoration;
  • all kinds of beads and beads.

Working on such a ceiling is not difficult, but it is a very painstaking task. Such chandeliers usually consist of two or three levels of rings, which are located one above the other. It all depends on the size of the selected bases. If you take rings of the same diameter, then the finished product will be made in the Art Nouveau style.

One of important points consists in the fact that before starting the design of the chandelier, you need to paint and wrap the frames with decorative materials!

The approximate consumption of beads is:

  • For the lower part of the lampshade - 16 mm beads, about 15-17 pieces per thread;
  • For the upper part of the lampshade - 12 mm beads, about 35 pieces per strand.

Naturally, when stringing beads on a thread, you can increase or decrease their number or the degree of thread tension. But it is still desirable to stock up on materials in excess of the norm.

The essence of the work is to hang threads with beads "waterfall" or "cascade" so that they flow down the structure.

In order to make the effect of "muting" the light, you can sheathe the frame with a thick fabric.

A handmade chandelier will definitely bring a fresh touch, originality and beauty to the interior. You will immediately notice how the room will sparkle with new colors, and your guests will sincerely admire your creativity, diligence and original taste!

90 photos of DIY chandelier ideas

I've always been amazed at how inventive people can be! I myself have no illusions about my ability to transform old things, but I can appreciate the work of others. The main danger of any handmade is that you can create an interior Frankenstein, which will be scary to look at, but you won’t raise your hand to throw it away, because you have invested so much time and mental strength in it ... So, here you need to be objective: homemade things can be stylish, or they can be bad. It is important to soberly evaluate the result and understand whether it decorates your interior or not. We have collected for you 10 worthy ideas for transforming old things into chandeliers. With proper performance, they will not be painfully ashamed, but, on the contrary, you will proudly tell the guests: “I made this luxurious lamp. Yes, yes, you heard right!

Bottles and jars

Many things, especially glass ones, have an intricate fate. First, they store drinks or jams that make people a little kinder, then they are sent for processing, and they start traveling again. You can break this cycle by turning champagne bottles into a stylish chandelier. Many designers have already guessed to do this and are now selling their creations for very large sums. We offer you some examples homemade chandeliers from cans and bottles. Maybe they will inspire you for interior experiments?


This is my favorite of the entire collection. He is incredibly stylish and youthful. There is only one problem: the bicycle wheel is, in principle, not too small, and, of course, such a large chandelier is only suitable for apartments with high ceilings. Otherwise, there is an option that you will touch her head. Agree, when a wheel passes over the head - it's very insulting.


A very popular idea for lamps. Chandeliers look best wooden hangers in eco style. Such homemade lamps can also decorate the Scandinavian style.

Kitchen appliances

In all the following examples, starting with this one, need to use led bulbs as they heat up much less than traditional incandescent bulbs. For fixtures where paper or metal parts are present, this is a prerequisite that will help you avoid fires and your own burns if accidentally touched. Lamps from kitchen appliances look fun and unusual. You can make your own, or you can buy ready-made ones. True, such a chandelier made of silver spoons will cost a quarter of a million rubles. In my opinion, design option can serve as an inspiration.

Plastic spoons

Very simple and a budget option a lamp for which you will need a base, a light bulb, a glue gun and a large package of disposable spoons that will have to be dissected. If you paint the resulting creation in yellow, you get a pineapple, if in brown - a cone, and if you leave it white, it will glow the brightest.


Another option that calls you with interest and attention to look around your kitchen in search of things for creativity. The usual kitchen grater, as we have already told, can be a great stand for jewelry, and it also casts such beautiful reflections of light!!! A grater lamp is ingenious, and the way it looks in combination with wood and plants is a perfectionist's paradise.


A strange, unusual and definitely very creative lamp made of colored straws for cocktails. It is necessary to cut long tubes into several parts and attach them with glue to the lampshade base.


You have already finished school a long time ago and, perhaps, even traveled half the world, and the globe is still on your shelf somewhere idle? Make a lamp out of it! Here is a tutorial on this topic. The globe can hang alone, or it can form whole line planets as shown below. Such a solar system is simply mesmerizing.

Problems with the choice of fixtures are familiar to many. Lamps are purchased last, so combining them with all other interior elements can be difficult. But you should not despair. After all, spectacular lamps can be made independently, without spending a lot of time and money.

1. New Year's decor on the chandelier

Plastic beads, which can be purchased in the department New Year's decor, you can decorate the finished lampshade. Bright colors and shine will turn the lamp into a real decoration of any interior.

2. Urban landscape

The outlines of city roofs, cut out of dark paper, are glued onto a light lampshade. Such an application will easily transform a boring plain lamp.

3. The whole world at a glance

In every house there are old cards that lie unused for years. From them you can make a lamp with your own hands. Just wrap a piece of the appropriately sized card around the old lampshade. For a neater look, the paper can be coated acrylic varnish.

4. From papier-mâché

For the manufacture of original lamp with your own hands you will have to remember the papier-mâché technique, familiar to everyone since childhood. The paper must be torn into small pieces and left for a couple of hours in an aqueous PVA solution. Then the object is covered with paper pulp layer by layer. desired shape- for example, inflated balloon. After the papier-mâché has dried, the lampshade is ready.

5. The second life of old newspapers

Just pasting a lampshade with a newspaper artificially aged with tea or coffee is too simple a solution. Cut out circles from it and glue them so that they partially cover each other. An interesting play of light and shadow is guaranteed. Additionally, it is better to varnish the lampshade.

6. Eternal lampshade

From an old metal basket or ordinary wire, you can make a lamp with your own hands, which will become a champion in strength and durability. In addition, such a lampshade is also completely fireproof.

7. From bright cocktail tubes

A lamp made of cocktail tubes looks democratic, but at the same time spectacular. Just glue the tubes of one of the sides onto the old lampshade with silicone glue. If you cut the tubes in half, the lamp will turn out to be smaller.

8. Chic and shine

Beads that have not been used can be used to decorate the lamp. Thread them onto thin jewelry wire (available at craft stores) and attach it to the metal base of the lampshade.

9. Clear geometry

Cocktail tubes, painted in gold or silver, will become the material for making a lamp with your own hands. Between themselves they are fastened with a threaded thread.

10. Lace patterns

Just cover or glue a plain lampshade with contrasting lace. In the first case, it is better to use elastic lace: they will fit snugly against the surface of the lampshade and look neater.

11. Paper Chaos

Ordinary white paper rolled into tubes becomes the raw material for original lampshade. Glue them together in a chaotic manner, moving from bottom to top.

12. A cozy lamp for needlewomen

All buttons that do not find a use for themselves can be used to make a cute lamp. String the buttons on strong threads, and fasten them to the top of the lampshade.

13. In harmony with nature

A branch of an intricate shape will be an excellent basis for an unusual lamp. In addition to it, you will need several light bulbs in cartridges. Just wrap the wires around the branch.

14. Almost edible chandelier

The base from an old lampshade, decorated with cutlery, looks quite brutal. Such a lamp will perfectly fit into the interior of a country-style kitchen or loft.

15. Delicate textile petals

For the manufacture of such a lamp, a fabric is selected whose edges do not crumble. The petals cut out of it are attached to the lampshade with glue.

16. From decorative rope

Generously smear the base for the future lampshade with a thick one and wrap it tightly with a rope with a rough texture. It is not necessary to use as a basis old lamp. Suitable even old crockery such as glasses or bowls.

17. Lamp in a skirt

Translucent textiles, for example, tulle from old curtains, can find a second life. Having collected it in the upper part in folds, fix it on a boring lampshade.

18. Patchwork

A lot of multi-colored shreds are tied on the basis of an old lampshade. The more of them, the better.

19. From favorite postcards

Often postcards and photos, even those that you like, lie idle for years. Paste them over a boring lamp, and it will instantly change.

20. Our whole life is a game

A deck that is missing a few cards should not be thrown away. Thick glossy paper with a contrasting pattern is an excellent material for decorating a lampshade, practical and beautiful.

So, the lighting problem is solved. It's time to familiarize yourself with

A chandelier in any room has long been not only a device for lighting. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the piece of furniture that acts as the main decoration in any room.

Of course, a do-it-yourself chandelier will be especially valuable thing. This will not only highlight the special taste of the owners of the house, but also their creative mind.

Despite the fact that deciding to make a lampshade with your own hands for a chandelier, you will need to spend a lot of effort, because the process requires special concentration - for sure, the time of work cannot be considered wasted, since the work will bring incredible pleasure and even a pleasant aftertaste will remain after, and in the future you will definitely want to repeat this kind of work.

If you are thinking about how to make a chandelier, then you have probably already seen that today you can use the most various materials and sometimes quite unusual. For example, very often the ceiling for a chandelier is made of wood or glass.

However, if you want something even more incredible, then you can also use cardboard, wooden skewers, and even wine bottles. The choice here depends solely on the ideas that the creator has, as well as on various kinds of wishes from the owners of the apartment.

In addition, a chandelier made from improvised materials must also be created taking into account the general interior of the room.

Chandelier made of plastic spoons

Disposable spoons, which most people are used to using exclusively for a picnic, can actually also be one of the simplest and at the same time easily accessible materials for everyone to create an interesting chandelier option for any room.

If you look at a photo of a chandelier of such a plan, you will first of all be struck by the variety of colors, and in the future it will be easy to understand that the material will last a long time.

In addition, in order to create such an interesting piece of furniture, you will need a minimum of financial and material investments.

What materials will be needed?

  • Any empty plastic bottle. The only condition is that its volume cannot be less than five liters.
  • Any plastic spoons. Their number depends solely on the chosen size of the future chandelier.
  • Glue that will allow you to glue the plastic together.
  • Cartridge from an old, no longer working chandelier.

The process of creating an original chandelier

Prepare a plastic bottle. First of all, you need to get rid of the label and the bottom, as well as dry it properly.

Remove the plastic spoons and use a knife to remove any handles that are not needed. The only thing to do is to leave a couple of centimeters above the so-called “scoop” level.

Glue the blanks to the base of the prepared bottle. On the “tail” that remains, you need to apply as much glue as possible and then press it to the surface.

It is very important to continue to cover the entire bottle in this way directly in a circle until the entire prepared perimeter is “occupied” with plastic spoons.

It is best to arrange them in a classic checkerboard pattern and move them together a little.

In this way, it will be possible to reduce the number of "free spots" to a minimum.

  • The cover is removed from the old cooked chandelier and placed in a dried bottle.
  • If there is a desire, then decorative more often can be done in a similar way.

That's all. It remains only to install the chandelier in the chosen place, and also check its operation by connecting it to the power supply.

Another interesting option chandelier is a chandelier with decorative butterflies. It is worth noting that, having gone to almost any master class for making a chandelier, designers always offer to learn how to create it, which is not surprising, because it can fit perfectly into almost any room interior.


Besides that this option looks really luxurious and expensive, even a child can make it with the help of an adult, so its popularity is easily explained.

DIY chandelier photo


In this article, we offer step-by-step master classes on how to make do-it-yourself table lamps from improvised means that are always in the house. It would seem at first glance ordinary and unnecessary things, but from them you can make original and designer lamps for desktop.

The most popular and simple improvised materials are: glass bottles and jars, cardboard and paper, plastic vessels, water pipes and cement. How to make lamps out of this we will show and tell in this article.

With a simple and elegant table lamp from copper, you can decorate any corner of your house, making it with your own hands. She will fit in perfectly modern interior from loft style to rustic. Prostate and conciseness - this is the main trump card of this table lamp.

For this you need tools:

  • Roulette, marker
  • Pipe cutter and washcloth
  • Wire stripping and stripping tool
  • Pliers and a thin flat head screwdriver
  • crosshead screwdriver

M materials:

  • Copper pipes
  • Acetone and super glue
  • Copper corners 90 °, 7 pcs.
  • electrical wire
  • Plug and Electro chuck
  • Switch and light bulb

Table lamp assembly technique

To get started, take a tape measure, marker, pipe cutter, rag, copper pipes and acetone.

Marking and cutting tubes

  • Use a measuring tape and a marker to mark where you will cut the copper pipes.
  • Do this carefully, accurately measuring every millimeter, because if the details are different, then in the end result they will not be as large as they should be.

  • Point the pipe cutter and adjust the diameter of the pipe with the nut. Look at copper tube, gradually readjust diameter with nut, so that the closure goes on until the pipe is cut.
  • After, with acetone and a rag, you can wipe the markings from the pipe.

TIP: Our parts have: 3 cuts of 15 cm, 1 cut of 20 cm, 1 cut of 45 cm, 1 cut of 25 cm. We used 12 tubes. When designing your luminaire, please note that the size of the copper cubits will be added.

While the cable is inside, we connect the parts

Paste the pieces together and glue super glue. In order to avoid problems in the future, it is better to glue each part and put it together.

Despite the instantaneous effect of the adhesive, it is preferable to wait a few minutes before proceeding to make sure the pieces are glued perfectly.

Tip: It will be more convenient to apply glue if you use a brush. If you want the lid to be at the very top, install it first. So the first part will be ready, and the cable will go in the other direction.


  • Wire stripping and stripping tool
  • incisors
  • thin flat screwdriver
  • crosshead screwdriver


  • fork
  • electro chuck
  • switch
  • Copper pipes
  • electrical wire

Install electrical system

  1. Open the faceplate of the cover and start by stripping the insulation. Connect ground ( Blue colour) and phase (brown, gray or black) using the two screws you find inside.
  2. Repeat the same process in the plug and switch.
  3. In the switch you will find two pairs of small screws, a cable that you must cut to the height you want the switch at and connect to the appropriate sockets by going inside the small screws.
  4. All you have to do is screw in the light bulb to make your copper table lamp.

Finally, put the lamp in a corner or place you like, and you will see how it will become a wonderful addition to your interior, illuminating the space!

Master class: Table lampfrom paper

When I first saw the Robert Delta table lamp, it was love at first sight! The shape is amazing, it comes in a variety of bright colors, just the way I like it. Recently I thought, since the accessories were amazingly durable, why not use them for the lamp?

Here are all the materials used:

  • old lantern or lamp kit
  • template and thick cardboard or paper, you can take polypropylene sheets
  • glue and putty
  • sanding block (medium + fine)
  • wood block (add weight to base)


  • artistic tapes
  • metal ruler / xacto knife
  • drill (can optionally replace xacto knife)

Lamp manufacturing technology

  • First, print the pattern (6 of each triangle) (1 of each hexagon).
  • Cut out the shapes so that they fit snugly on the board. Then use glue to attach the pieces to the back of the mat.
  • Using a metal ruler and a Xacto knife, cutting board, cut each shape.
  • Put them together.

  • Next, glue the bottom (shapes 2 + 4) to the base (shape 6). The triangles fit together nicely and if you did everything right, they will just fall into place.

Then use small pieces of art tape to stick them together and wait for the glue to dry completely.

TIP: Use super glue, it dries instantly (we used Aleene). Apply glue lightly, and wipe off excess.

  1. After gluing the lower half (forms 2 + 4 to the base, turn the form 6 upside down (open end down), place the square on flat surface and let it dry overnight, this will help keep its area.
  2. The next day, start working on the top of the lamp. Glue the 1 + 3 shape, leaving a little hole to insert the lamp inside. The top one (form 5) was glued along with the art tape, but it is not glued to the form 1 + 3 yet.
  3. Then reinforce the seams with glue from the inside.

Then start working on the base of the lamp.

The level at the bottom of the lamp needs to be made a little larger, so cut a few 1×4 pieces to raise it a bit. Additional weight will also be added, which will give it more stability. Use screws to attach 1×4 to existing metal base. (We swapped the existing stem with one from another lamp to get it to the correct height).

Next, drill a hole for the cord and insert the plastic sleeve from the old lamp. The lamp should be disassembled, and pull the cord and wire through the threaded rod of the hole in the new base. Glue it in the center inside the lamp.

At the top (form 5), mark the center and drill a hole for the center rod. Then glue it in place.

  1. After applying the adhesive, wipe off excess and, if necessary, lightly and apply a second coat after sanding.
  2. Medium-grit putty and fine sandpaper, finish with a sanding block. IN this moment, you will notice its strong base.

When you've finished removing the dust, apply paint! To cover the top of the threaded rod, use the top of an old lamp - it just slides over the rod. Then return back to the nest!

Everything, a handmade table lamp is ready.

Bottle table lamp

Tin lamp

Such a lamp is perfect for a home desktop, both for a student and a schoolboy. Boys will especially appreciate it, it looks more like a transformer and a robot from the future. You can paint or decorate the jar itself with paper, thread, or make it more embossed. How right.

Table lamp made of plastic bottles

Plastic bottles can always be found on the farm, so decorating an old table lamp is not difficult. Usually, when restoring old lamps, the bases are left and plastic is used for the lampshade. The lampshade mount is usually used the old one. When working with plastic bottles, remember that cutting them is easier paper cutter or construction knife. Glue is used for rubber or special for plastic.

Table lamp made of branches and cuts

Wood in the interior is always a classic - it is always fashionable and relevant. Decorating a table lamp with a cut of wood or old driftwood with your own hands, you will receive designer item which simply has no price.

  1. To do this, we need to pick up any piece of wood we like, process it properly namely, dry it, apply impregnation from pests and cover it with varnish.
  2. The second stage is to mount the top from the old floor lamp into the base. If this is not the case, it does not matter, in stores everything for light usually sells bases for lampshades.

Other original ideas

The basis for a table lamp, in principle, can serve as any object that you do not need: these are children's toys, Sewing machines, unnecessary socks and so on. Experiment and create beauty!