Mixer      06/17/2019

Plants for gardens and parks: Red Compress derain. Derain shrub: types, planting, care Derain compress cultivation and care

Cornus alba L. = Swiden alba

One of the most common species in culture. In nature, it is found in floodplains, among bushes almost throughout Russia, as well as in China, Korea, and Japan. Grows in the undergrowth of dark coniferous, often swampy forests, shade-tolerant hygromesophyte, mesotroph.

Shrub up to 3 m tall, with thin flexible, mostly coral-red branches, less often red-brown or black-red. Young shoots usually have a bluish bloom. The leaves are dark green, bluish-white underneath, broadly ovate, somewhat wrinkled, up to 10-12 cm long, turning purple-red in autumn. The flowers are small, white, collected in numerous corymbose inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter. It blooms very profusely in the first half of summer and again in early autumn, when simultaneously with the flowers you can see mature, spherical, berry-shaped fruits white with a bluish tint. It begins to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 2-3 years.

Cornus alba "Ivory Halo"
Photo by Andrey Ganov

In GBS since 1938, 5 samples from Khabarovsk, Bryansk, Copenhagen, reproductions of GBS. Shrub, height up to 2.6 m at 20 years, crown diameter 300 cm. Vegetates from 1.V ± 6 to 12.X ± 4 for 163 days. Blooms and bears fruit from the age of 3. Blooms from 4.VI ± 3 to 16.VI ± 4 for 12 days. Fruits ripen 28.VII ± 8. Weight of 100 fruits is 26 g. Weight of 1000 seeds is 26 g. Winter hardiness is complete, seedlings do not need shelter. Seed viability is 100%. Produces garden reproduction plants from seeds. Seeds sown in spring (IV) after 2 months of stratification sprout within a month. 100% of cuttings root when treated with a 0.002% solution succinic acid. Seed germination lasts 2 - 3 years.

Very winter-hardy, heat-resistant, grows on various soils, shade-tolerant, tolerates city conditions well. Propagated by seeds, layering and cuttings. Used to create undergrowth, forest edges, large groups and hedges. Can be grown in standard form. If the bush form is not trimmed, the bush becomes bare at the bottom and does not look neat. Therefore, low pruning of old bushes in early spring makes the bush more luxuriant. Young shoots appear quickly.

It deserves the widest distribution in green construction in the central and northern zones of Russia, not only for its frost resistance and unpretentiousness, but also for its high decorative effect. The beautiful foliage is whitish-gray in summer; red and dark purple in autumn; In summer, the foliage goes well with red shoots, especially decorative in winter against the backdrop of snow and dark conifers. Looks good in single and group plantings, as a forest under the canopy of trees with an openwork crown. Extremely effective as an edge and in the undergrowth of birch groups. In culture since 1741.

Decorative forms: silver-edged(f. aigenteo-marginata) - leaves with a creamy-white border, carmine-red in autumn. Red bark, height 2-3 m; Kern(f.Kemii) - leaves with yellow spots; Siberian(var. sibirica) - a low-growing form with bright red shoots, light green, and brown-red leaves in autumn; Kesselring(var. Kesselringii) - shoots are black-red, or purple-black.

"Argenteo-Marginata". In GBS since 1938 there are 6 samples (29 copies), almost all vegetative reproductions of GBS. Shrub, at 40 years old, height 4.6 m, crown diameter 300 cm. Vegetates from the end of April to the second half of October. Blooms from the first ten days of June to September. Bears fruit annually, the fruits ripen from the first ten days of August until frost. Full winter hardiness. Decorative with variegated leaves, quite often used in landscaping in Moscow.

Cornus alba f. Spaethii (autumn color)
Photo by Nadezhda Dmitrieva

"Elegantissima"("Argenteo-marginata"). Shrub height up to 3 m. Very winter-hardy. Red shoots are spectacular, especially bright in winter. The leaves have a wide creamy-white border of uneven width, as well as spots and stripes. The variety is similar to "Sibirica Variegata "by the size of the bush and the color of the shoots, but its leaves have more white color, and therefore it looks lighter, and also has an autumn color. It grows quickly.

"Gauchaultii". The leaves of this shrub (height 1.5 m) have white, yellow and pink spots. Very often this form is confused with the form of "Spaethii". Unlike the leaves of "Spaethii" in this shrub they are medium in size, slightly drooping, with pink shade.

"Sibirica". In GBS since 1949, 1 sample (16 copies). Shrub, height 3.5 m at 17 years, crown diameter 440 cm. Vegetates from the second ten days of April to the second ten days of October. Blooms and bears fruit annually. Blooms from the end May to early September. Fruits ripen from late July until frost. Full winter hardiness.

"Sibirica "Aurea". A shrub 1.5-2.0 m high, with leaves of a pleasant soft yellow color that grow on erect reddish shoots. The flowers are creamy-white, sometimes it blooms a second time in the fall, and then both flowers and bluish-white fruits hang on the bush at the same time.

"Sibirica Variegata". This medium-sized (up to 2 m tall) shrub has leaves with a wide creamy white border, spots and stripes. In the fall it also acquires very interesting shades. At this time, the white border surrounds not the green, but the purple middle of the leaf. In winter, the shoots of bright , deep coral-red bark. Very similar to the form "Elegantissima", but has less vigorous growth and is therefore well suited for small gardens. Fruiting is weak.

"Spaethii". Shrub up to 2.5 m tall. Interesting autumn violet-purple color of the leaves, with which the clusters of white fruits contrast effectively. In winter, the stems are deep red. Leaves are 5-7 cm long, unevenly bordered along the entire perimeter with a wide golden stripe, with spots and stripes. This color lasts throughout the entire growing season. In the spring, when blooming, the leaves have a beautiful reddish-orange tint. In GBS since 1964, 2 samples (6 copies), seedlings were obtained from Winchester (England), there are plants of vegetative reproduction of GBS . Shrub, at 8 years height 2.3 m, crown diameter 200 cm. Grows from late April to early October. Blooms from early June. Fruits are not set. Partially frosts in winter. 100% of summer cuttings take root.

There is also the variety "Aurea Elegantissima" - a yellow-variegated form.

White dogwood, or svidina, is the unpretentious plant, which is loved by amateur gardeners and professional landscape designers. Everyone is attracted by the decorativeness of the unpretentious shrub, the variety of its shapes and varieties, as well as the ease of crown formation.

Description of the tree

(Cornus) belongs to the family Dogwoods (Cornaceae). Not all of its types ( C. capitata, C. controversa, C. florida, C. kousa, C. nuttalii) are adapted to our climate. It is better to grow them where there are no such long and frosty winters as in middle lane Russia. When purchasing planting material, you should pay attention to this. I was once driven by the desire to buy a wonderful bush of a species unknown to me, flowering derena (C. florida). Its branches turned black immediately after the first frosty winter. In our harsh climate, several winter-hardy types of derain grow and bear fruit well. The most popular of them is white derain (Cornus alba). It is also called white pig, or white dogwood. White derain is popularly known as red-faced.

During the season there are two peaks of flowering: in May–June and in August–September. At this time, the bush is decorated with numerous corymbose inflorescences of white or cream flowers. Individual inflorescences appear throughout the summer. It is worth taking a close look at the derain flower. This is a real tiny laboratory in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Crawling and flying insects work in it. They are responsible for cross-pollination. When the supply of nectar runs out, the nectar disk at the base of the style turns red. Pollinating insects receive a signal: the flower no longer needs their services. For self-pollination, a backup option is provided in which the stamens of one flower come into contact with neighboring flowers of the same inflorescence.

Derain white (C. alba) is the most popular species, adapted to the conditions of our climate zone. This is initially a large shrub with spreading flexible branches of red, brown or brownish-red color. In nature, redwood can be found along roadsides, on the edges of forests, along the banks of lakes and rivers. Among the bushes there are some beauties with dazzling red bark. In autumn and winter time such bushes are clearly visible from afar.

Species turf looks beautiful at any time of the year. The plasticity of the intertwining branches is admirable. White round fruits (berries up to 8 mm in diameter) decorate the bush at the end of summer along with newly appeared flowers. Very little time passes, and the foliage changes color to autumn. It becomes bronze-raspberry, orange or burgundy.

White dogwood care

White dogwood is a frost-resistant, undemanding shrub. It can feed for a long time on the supply of organic matter and minerals that were previously added to the planting pits. The shrub responds well to feeding wood ash and watering. Svidina withstands spring stagnation of water. Many varieties cope even with occasional drought. The best place for white dogwood (especially variegated varieties) - a bright sunny area.

Reproduction of white dera

White dogwood is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. Usually the shrub blooms and begins to bear fruit at three years of age. Seed viability is approaching 100%. Freshly harvested seeds are sown in the fall, and stratified ones are sown in the spring. On my site, dera seedlings appear in the most unexpected places; the culprits are most often birds. They spread the seeds of several bushes growing on our site, and those bushes in the hedges with which the neighbors have “fenced themselves off”.

It is better to propagate decorative forms by vegetative methods so as not to lose them best qualities. Rooting of green cuttings is not always successful; in addition, they often freeze out in the first winter. But the rooting rate of cuttings from lignified shoots is almost one hundred percent. Even pegs and supports for gartering plants, made from fresh or slightly dried tree branches, come to life. This happens because the plant has an amazing feature: the root buds are located under the bark along the entire shoot and are ready to awaken as soon as they find themselves in suitable conditions. Ease of propagation allows you to get even varietal varieties for free planting material. Ask your neighbors for at least one twig or pick up a few shoots left over from trimming your neighbor's bushes. Our huge bush of a species of white tree with red bark was grown from a shoot of a bush found on the edge of a forest near Moscow. True, we had to hunt for such an elegant tree.

Formation of the white derain crown

Derain is a real find for gardeners. You can perform miracles with it. A wide range of decorative forms and varieties of white wood allows you to use this shrub to decorate the site one hundred percent. Here are some tips for a gardener who picks up a pruner or saw.

In order to form the backbone of the bush, old branches that have lost their shine are cut down. Remove excess growth, broken and ugly branches sticking out to the sides. In summer, pruning corrects the shape and limits the growth of branches in an undesirable direction. The shape of the bush must be maintained by regular pruning. It can be done practically all year round, excluding a short period of active sap flow. Of course, winter is not the best time to form a crown, although it is not forbidden to cut off a certain number of “extra” branches. Svidina tolerates pruning painlessly. The shoots grow quickly, which allows you to correct mistakes made during the previous formation, or give the bush a new shape.

Column. On our site there is a four-meter high column made of a species of pigweed (with green leaves and scarlet bark). This shrub grew from a cutting. If you look closely at those derain bushes that grow on river banks, in undergrowth, on the slopes of ravines, along roads and in many other places, you will see that they are all a little different. Among them there are shrubs with very bright red bark. Even a single rooted shoot of such a shrub eventually turns into beautiful bush. The species tree has a desire for unbridled growth. If I left it to its own devices, then there would be no room left on the site not only for other plants, but also for us. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to restrain the growth of viable shrubs.

I leave only strong branches pointing upward and part of the growth, so that the bush takes on the appearance of a column. It is important not to overdo it here, as a too-high narrow “column” may collapse. It rests on powerful old shoots that have not yet lost the shine of their bark. The backbone of the bush is a good support. The column is filled with young shoots and shoots.

Arc. Long branches of a species tree, bent into an arc, make beautiful green arches. Sometimes in the summer I create such an arch, bending down those tall young shoots of the “column” that are 1.5 m from the fence. The arch between the bush and a two-meter fence not only decorates the site, but also provides shade on a hot summer day. This option of using a tall tree can be played up by decorating the area with arches between neighboring bushes or between a bush and some kind of structure, a fence.

Hemisphere. The turf, shaped like a hemisphere, looks beautiful. For this purpose every year in early spring or in the fall, cut off two-year and three-year-old shoots at a level of 10 cm from the ground. This technique stimulates the rapid emergence of new shoots and rejuvenates the bush. In addition, low pruning (especially of old bushes) at the very beginning of spring is necessary so that the bush does not become bare from below and has a lush crown. Some winter-hardy variegated varieties, for example, the low (about 1.5 m) variety "Ivory Halo", are simply designed to form them into a hemisphere. Without pruning, the shrub becomes bare from below over time and looks worse than when formed.

Ball, cube and other figures. We have two spectacular derain bushes on our site. One - Gouchaulty (Gouchaultii). It is a medium-sized bushy bush with green leaves bordered by an uneven, wide yellow line with a faint pink tint. Another - Elegantissima (Elegantissima). Each year, with the help of large garden shears, they alternately turn into either a cube or a ball. This allows you not only to decorate the area with living “figures”, but also inhibits the uncontrolled growth of shrubs. You can beautifully shape the shape of a bush variety Sibirika Variegata (Sibirica Variegata). At the end of the season, all its foliage turns purple-red. Several domestic companies offer white dogwood seeds Caranthus. Judging by the photo and description printed on the seed packets, it is very similar to Sibirika Variegata.

Popular white derain Elegantissima = Argenteomarginata (Elegantissima = Argenteomarginata) - up to three meters high - has foliage decorated with a wide, uneven white stripe. The variety is also suitable for creating spectacular bushes in the shape of a ball or cube.

Standard forms. White dogwood, formed into one trunk, can be turned into a low tree, a “broom” or a ball “on a leg”. To do this, select one shoot, which is destined to become a standard. The remaining shoots are cut out at the root. The trunk is regularly cleared of buds and emerging branches. It is better to tie it to a support. To form the crown, shorten the top and all new upper branches. The directions of the buds at the ends are taken into account in order to create a crown of a certain shape with geometric accuracy. It is necessary to monitor the standard all the time. To do this, the buds are blinded and the shoots are cut off. Variegated white turf is ideal for growing in standard form. Ivory Halo (Ivory Halo).

Hedges. When creating green hedges, dried and broken branches are regularly cut out, thinned, the width and height of the hedge are adjusted, and the line is corrected. Spectacular “fences” are made from pork Elegantissima (Elegantissima), a tall (up to three meters) winter-hardy shrub with white-edged bluish leaves and red bark of branches (in winter). The hedge looks good from Aurea Elegantissima (Aurea Elegantissima) with yellow-variegated leaves. Without regular pruning, a beautiful and neat hedge from any tree over time turns into impenetrable thickets, taking over new spaces.

Row decorative varieties dal derain white Siberia (Sibirica, Koralle, Westonbirt). It grows in damp places, often along rivers in Siberia, Manchuria and northern China. In autumn, the light green leaves turn violet-red or dark purple. This is a tall (up to 3 meters) deciduous shrub with strong, long, erect shoots. There is always a lot of growth and creeping side shoots around the bush. In spring, the bright red bark turns slightly green, and before the onset of winter it turns red and becomes shiny again. The dark green leaves have a light bluish color underneath. Creamy white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter. They appear in May - early June. Flowering continues for a long time. Later, the bush is decorated with white pea-shaped fruits with a slightly bluish tint. Hedge This tree needs regular pruning. Without it, the bush will lose the scarlet color of its branches in winter. For a medium-height hedge I can recommend Sibirika Variegata (Sibirica Variegata) is a dense compact bush with large leaves decorated with a wide white uneven border.

Ideal for hedges that require minimal trimming, white turf Shpeta, or swine Spati, dogwood Shpeta (Spaethii). This is a bush about 2.5 meters high with leaves bordered along the perimeter by a wide golden-yellow stripe and with red-brown bark. White dogwood Shpeta is the most “yellow” variety, in which the blossoming leaves appear bronze. Later, a wide golden stripe and spots appear. Some leaves remain completely yellow. The Spati hedge is suitable for a sunny place and needs good watering. Unfortunately, in the northern regions in winter it can partially freeze. Instead of this variety, a shorter (1.5 m tall) variety is often sold Gauchaulti (Gauchaultii, Froebelii) with slightly drooping leaves. They have a narrower and less “golden” border strip. Such misgrading in a tall hedge can cause unsightly failures. Fans of yellow will also like white derain Aurea (Aurea) with plain soft- yellow leaves. The height of the bush (1.5 - 2 m) is also suitable for a hedge.

White turf feels great in hedges Kesselrings (Kesselringi) 2 - 3 m high. It is necessary not only to regularly shorten the lower branches, but also to ensure that the top line of its fast-growing shoots is level. The bright green leaves turn purple in the fall.

Natural form. Most amateur gardeners are faced with the fact that they do not have the time (strength or desire) to engage in regular tree trimming, which is necessary to maintain a given shape. For lovers of the natural form of trees and shrubs, we can recommend a fairly winter-hardy Argenteomarginata (Argenteomarginata) with light green leaves decorated with creamy white spots and edges. From a distance the bush appears silvery. The hand does not rise to trim its beautiful branches. In this case, gentle pruning is suitable, in which only damaged shoots are removed and the dimensions of the bush are kept in check. Derain white Aurea (a medium-sized shrub up to two meters high with a bushy crown) also looks great in its natural form. Its leaves have so much yellow that they appear golden in a sunny or lightly shaded position.

Variety Kesselrings (Kesselringii) also looks great in its natural form. This tall, dense bush sometimes needs to be thinned out so that the intense color of the dark brown-red bark is better visible. Most of shoots point upward. The lower shoots form a “skirt” that a lawn mower can handle. To rejuvenate the bush, it is cut “to the stump”. A tall single bush can decorate the area.

Grows for some time without pruning and variety Gauchaulti (Gauchaultii) up to 1.5 meters high. His freedom ends as soon as he begins to crowd neighboring plants and interfere with the passage.

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White dogwood or svidina is a unique decorative garden plant, which will decorate your site in any season. In the summer it will delight you with its magnificent flowering, which over time turns into stunningly beautiful white-blue berries, in the fall - with charming foliage in purple shades, even in winter its red branches look very impressive against the background of white snow. It is often used to create hedges. Look at the photo how successfully you can use white turf in landscape design.

Today we will talk about the features of caring for white dogwood, its propagation, and talk about existing varieties and varieties. This knowledge will be enough for you to grow such an amazing plant on your own site.

White dogwood: varieties and varieties

The plant has durable wood. Depending on the species, the turf can be a shrub or a tree. It is characterized by opposite dark green leaves and beautiful white flowers collected in inflorescences. Its height can reach 3 m, and the bushes sometimes grow up to 5 m in width. In addition, svidina blooms twice per season: in early summer and early autumn. You can admire the beauty of this amazing plant in the photo.

Derain is a beautiful shrub that attracts not only with its flowering, but also with its interesting leaves.

There are three main types of wood:

  • white;
  • blood red;
  • proliferous.

The variety of their varieties is very large. The most famous varieties White tree trees stand out:

  • Atrosanguinea (has green leaves and crimson shoots, reaches about 1.5 m in height);

Atrosanguinea variety

  • Argenteo-marginata (it is characterized by red-burgundy shoots, leaves with a wide white border and spots);
  • Alleman’s Compact (characterized by bright green foliage and red young shoots);
  • Aurea Elegantissima (can reach up to 2 m in height, with yellow-pinnate leaves);

Variety Aurea Elegantissima

  • Blood good (quite a tall variety, its representatives reach 2-3 m in height, this is the brightest of the red-coral varieties);
  • Budd’s Yellow (variety with green leaves and olive-yellow tint of shoots);
  • Gouchaultii (shoots have a blood-red hue, leaves are slightly drooping, with characteristic red, white and pink spots);

Variety Gauchaultii

  • Ivory Halo (has red shoots, a spherical crown, and foliage with a green center and white border);
  • Sibirica Ruby (this variety reaches 1.5 m in height, its shoots have a coral-red color and rounded leaves, which are dark green in summer, bright green in spring, and purple-red in autumn);
  • Sibirica Variegata (coral shade of shoots and leaves with a white border);

Variety Sibirica Variegata

  • Spaethii (this variety is characterized by foliage with a wide golden border).

Features of planting white dera

There is probably no more unpretentious and beautiful plant than white dogwood. Planting and caring for it is quite simple and will not cause you any difficulties at all.

Derain grows well in shaded areas

Best suited for him open areas or those located in partial shade. Svidina prefers moist soils rich in humus.

Attention! Provide the plant with good drainage system so that the water does not stagnate.

Before planting, the seedling is immersed in water for a couple of hours. IN landing hole don't forget to add compost and humus. Upper layer the soil needs to be mulched. This procedure will protect the still young and fragile plant from harmful weeds and excessive drought in the summer.

How to provide the plant with proper care?

As mentioned earlier, svidina will delight you with its ease of care and its unpretentiousness. Mulch the soil around plants with organic materials. Do not forget about timely moderate watering during the dry period, loosening the soil, and weeding. No less important point When caring for white dogwood, pruning is essential.

Tree trimming before wintering

The nature of this procedure will depend on the climatic conditions of growth and on your personal preferences. If you want to see beautiful red shoots in the winter season, then prune them in early spring. In this case, you should cut off the branches close to the ground. Over the summer the shoots will have time to grow. Such pruning of the tree will make it more lush, but will reduce the abundance of flowering and the number of berries on the plant.

If you prefer its flowering and growth in height, then carry out formative pruning in the fall. Simply shorten the branches to the desired height. Such pruning will contribute to a neat appearance and the creation of a harmonious shape.

Advice. To renew old, overgrown plants, every few years it is necessary to prune to the very root.

Reproduction, feeding and fertilizing of plants

Svidina accepts two methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

White deer seeds will not ripen at the same time, so collect them one at a time. They remain viable for up to 5 years.

White derain berries

Before boarding seeds plants must undergo several months of stratification. A mixture of moss, peat, sand and sawdust is layered with seeds and stored at a temperature of up to 5 degrees Celsius.

Sowing seeds in open ground produce late autumn or early spring. For each square meter area it is necessary to sow 10-15 g of seeds. The planting depth should be about 5 cm. The bushes will grow to their usual size only after 5-8 years. When propagated by seed, the turf will germinate only in 2-3 years.

Rooted cuttings of dogwood

Reproduction method cuttings will be more productive and faster. To do this, you need to cut green, slightly woody cuttings from a large bush. They are planted in June. Before autumn, they have time to develop their root system. In winter, young shoots are insulated or transferred to basement, and in the spring they are already planted on permanent place. The process of planting a plant in the ground, when propagated using this method, you can see in the next photo.

Feeding the white tree is not necessary, but it will make it healthier, more beautiful and blooming species. It wouldn’t hurt to add it once a year spring period mineral fertilizing, and in summer - organic.

Dangerous diseases and pests

Mature, strong plants are rarely susceptible to various diseases, which cannot be said about young shrubs. They may be attacked by powdery mildew (fungal infection). This infection appears on the leaves as white plaque, drops of liquid and, most often, occurs in early spring. As a result, the turf stops blooming, and its foliage becomes pale and dry.

Comma-shaped scale

To avoid powdery mildew, the plant must be watered at the root, and the root system must be thinned in spring and autumn. In already infected bushes, diseased branches are removed and sprayed with special solutions.

Most dangerous pests Comma scale insects (damage leaves) and aphids appear.

Decorative shrub for the garden - derain: video

Types of derain: photo

(Cornus alba)

White dogwood is a deciduous shrub that retains its attractiveness not only in summer, but also in winter thanks to its red shoots. It is unpretentious to growing conditions. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. Has high frost resistance. Grows quickly. Used in single plantings, groups, hedges.

(Cornus alba Argenteomarginata)

White dogwood Argenteomarginata is decorative with its variegated foliage. Not picky about soil. Grows well in sufficiently moist places. It is shade-tolerant, but does not lose its decorative value when grown in the shade. Frost-resistant. Tolerates pruning well. Decorative at any time of the year thanks to its variegated leaves and red shoots, especially bright in winter, it is often used in urban landscaping. Recommended for single and group plantings, as an accent in decorative compositions, and for creating hedges.

(Cornus alba Aurea)

White dogwood Aurea is a deciduous shrub with matte yellow leaves and burgundy shoots. It prefers damp planting sites, although it is a fairly drought-resistant plant. Has high winter hardiness. Used in single and group plantings, when creating hedges, tree and shrub groups, and mixborders.

(Cornus alba Gouchaultii)

White dogwood Gouchalti is decorative with its variegated, yellow-green foliage. It is unpretentious to growing conditions. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. Has high frost resistance. Grows quickly. Used in city and park areas as a color accent.

(Cornus Alba Kesselringii)

White Kesselring's dogwood is a deciduous shrub with bright green leaves and purple-black shoots. Unpretentious. Withstands haircuts very well. Frost-resistant. Shade-tolerant. It is very decorative in winter when planted with a tree with yellow or red shoots. Used as a hedge, in single and group plantings.

(Cornus alba Cream Cracker)

White dogwood Cream Cracker is a fast-growing shrub with thin decorative shoots. The bark on young shoots is blood red. Leaves with creamy white stripes. Young growths with bright golden leaves. Unpretentious, shade-tolerant, winter-hardy. Very resistant to damage by diseases and pests. Used for group plantings, creating tree and shrub groups. Looks great as a background for low groups of shrubs and flower beds, unshaped hedges, and for winter-spring effects in the garden.

(Cornus alba Sibirica)

White Siberian dogwood is a deciduous, vigorous shrub. Young shoots are bright coral-red in color, erect. Unpretentious, tolerates pruning well. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. Has high frost resistance. Effective as an edge and in the undergrowth of birch trees.

(Cornus alba Sibirica Variegata)

White dogwood Sibirika Variegata is a deciduous shrub with variegated, green-white leaves with a pinkish edge. It is not picky about soil, but prefers sufficient moisture. Resistant to diseases. Tolerates haircuts well. In winter it is decorative with its shoots, which turn bright crimson in cold weather. Tolerates urban conditions well. Used for hedges, in single and group plantings.

(Cornus alba Spaethii)

Shpet's white dogwood is interesting for its autumn violet-purple color of the leaves, with which the clusters of white fruits contrast effectively. In winter, the stems turn deep red. In summer, the leaves are yellow-green. Grows quickly. Not picky about soil. Shade-tolerant. Frost resistance is average, young shoots are partially frozen, but quickly recover in the spring. Used in single plantings, groups, hedges. Can become beautiful color accent in every garden composition.

(Cornus alba elegantissima)

White dogwood Elegantissima is a large, spreading shrub with variegated leaves and red decorative shoots. The growth rate is fast. Winter-hardy. Tolerates urban growing conditions very well. Drought resistant. Used for hedges, in single and group plantings, as a lining for tall trees.

(Cornus canadensis)

Canadian dogwood is a creeping shrub no more than 20 cm high. The leaves are green, collected in corollas of 4 - 6, from the core of which small green flowers with large white bracts. After flowering, bright red fruits are formed. It grows slowly. Likes slightly acidic, moist soil with good drainage. Can grow in partial shade. Pairs well with rhodedrons and azaleas. It grows well in heather gardens, as well as under tree trunks, allowing you to create a beautiful and unusual carpet.

(Cornus mas)

The male dogwood is a large deciduous shrub that blooms profusely before the leaves appear. Its other name is common dogwood. Its berries are not only decorative, but also edible. Not picky about soil. Sun-loving, but tolerates partial shade. Drought resistant. Frost-resistant. tolerates urban conditions well. Responds well to haircuts. It is used in single and group plantings, hedges, and as undergrowth in sparse plantings.

(Cornus stolonifera Kelsey)

Kelsey's offspring dogwood - small bush, producing a large mass of shoots. Annual shoots are thin, red-brown, very decorative in winter. The leaves are bright green, slightly convex, turning bright yellow to orange-red in the fall. May suffer from late frosts, but recovers quickly from frost damage. Not picky about soil. Prefers moist planting sites. It grows very widely due to rooting shoots. Recommended for trimming taller bushes.

Sprout grass Flaviramea is a deciduous shrub with a dense crown. In spring and autumn the shoots are yellow-olive in color. Used to create tree and shrub groups, mixborders, hedges, and decorative compositions. Not picky about soil. Prefers moist planting sites. Winter-hardy, light-loving. Recommended for creating tree and shrub groups and hedges.

(Cornus sibirica)

Siberian dogwood is a large deciduous shrub. It is not picky about soil, but prefers moist planting sites. Drought-resistant, but grows better in moist soils. Loses leaves early in autumn. Tolerates pruning well. Used in groups and single plantings, in undergrowth and forest edges. Suitable for constructing hedges, for securing the banks of reservoirs and ravines.