Mixer      07.03.2020

Walls in the children's room. The decor of the children's room is a delicate matter! How to paint the walls in the children's room

Space for a child is always a whole field for creative imagination. "President Mobility" offers a variety of interesting ways make it bright and unique. This article will focus on drawings for a children's room, which you can easily create with your own hands with a minimum of material costs. Let your imagination run wild and turn interior decorating into exciting game with your baby!

Do-it-yourself drawings for a children's room: visiting a fairy tale

One of the most unusual and spectacular solutions that will surely please your child is drawing on the wall. Anything can serve as a reason for inspiration: kids under three years old will certainly like their favorite characters from cartoons and fairy tales, older children will love images associated with their hobbies. Drawings for a children's room are best done in bright, saturated colors, so that they contrast with the rest of the surfaces in the children's room. The background can be plain wallpaper in pastel shades or high-quality hypoallergenic wall paint.

To make the drawing beautiful and neat, it is worth arming yourself with several tools at once. The contours of the image can be immediately applied to the wall with a simple pencil, or you can use a pre-prepared stencil.

For registration you will need:

  • self-adhesive film;
  • mounting tape;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • pencils and markers;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • foam sponges.

The contours of the pattern for the children's room are applied to self-adhesive film and cut with a clerical knife so that the areas for painting remain empty. The resulting stencil is glued to the wall with mounting tape, paint is applied over it. To do this, it is most convenient to use a foam rubber sponge with the minimum amount water. Small parts drawn with a thin brush. Now it remains to let the paints dry (this will take 3-4 hours), remove the tape and apply the final touches with a marker, giving the composition a finished look.

To choose the most suitable pattern for a child's room, just think about your kid's hobbies. Fairy tale characters are a win-win option for the little ones. Future travelers will love the map of the world, transferred to the wall in the form of an appliqué pattern. A real family tree can also “grow” on the wall: just attach photos of family members in beautiful frames to the painted branches. Interesting options an infinite number!

If putting a large image on the wall seems like a big project for you, don't rush to get upset. You can turn a child's room into a real art gallery! Classics of the genre - images hung on the walls in bright frames. These can be illustrations from books, pictures printed from the Internet or fashion posters with inspiring inscriptions.

Picture gallery of do-it-yourself drawings for a children's room

But the most interesting thing will, of course, look the fruits of your own creativity. Ideal drawings for a children's room are those created by the hands of the child himself! Decorate the walls with them or hang them on a rope using colorful clothespins. By the way, it's time to remember your own childhood: the baby will surely be happy to look at the touching pictures created by mom or dad at his age.

Picture gallery of do-it-yourself drawings for a children's room

Drawings on the walls in the children's room: the dream of little artists

And finally - an option for the most daring and creative parents. Let your child show their creative imagination to the maximum and decorate the room with their own hands!

Set the rules of the game: ideally, only one wall should become the canvas for creating future masterpieces. A little trick: it can be painted in two or three layers with a special matte paint, which will make the surface look like a slate board.

Then the drawings for the children's room can be applied with multi-colored crayons and washed off when you want the children's room to look completely new even every day. We wish you inspiration and bright ideas!

Decorating the walls in a child's room is a creative and exciting process that will give you and your baby a lot of pleasant moments. Let your imagination run wild or use our tips! Look for inspiration in this article.

Decorating the walls in the children's room is an interesting and creative process that can captivate you and your child. Today, designers and manufacturers offer a huge range of paints, wallpapers, vinyl stickers, paintings and other wall decoration options for a nursery. Let's study this issue in more detail together and see a lot of photos. beautiful interiors for toddlers and teenagers.

These tips will help you make right choice at the time of buying finishing materials for the children's room.

  • Consider the opinion of the future inhabitant of the room. Your child, like no one else, knows in which interior it will be comfortable for him to live.
  • When choosing wallpaper for the walls of a children's room, look at their environmental friendliness. Paper wallpapers - great option, but you can focus on other material. The main thing is that the wallpaper is breathable.
  • If you decide to paint the walls in the children's room, you should carefully study the composition of the paint and ask the seller for a quality certificate for its products. Save the rest of the paint - most likely, you will have to eliminate the consequences of children's creativity pretty soon.
  • Choose a way to finish the walls in the child's bedroom, which will be easily cleaned. Even better if the wall covering is washable.
  • Do not spend a lot of money on decorating the walls in the room of a child under 10-12 years old. Often, children paint, stain, spoil and scratch the coating, so repairs in the nursery have to be updated quite often.

Wall color in the children's room

Paintable wallpaper is one of the most common finishes. Low price, environmental friendliness and ease of renewal make them good decision for decorating the walls in the nursery.

Plain wallpaper or a large geometric print is also good for a baby's room. Do not choose too colorful or bright patterns - they can irritate the child and get bored very quickly.

Light walls in the nursery

In order to calm a hyperactive child, you can resort to such tricks as a light design. A children's room, the walls of which are painted in white, beige or any other light pastel shades, calms the violent temper and makes the child more attentive, focused and balanced.

Important: Children need bright accents in the interior, color spots on which the eye focuses. Such spots can be hand-made pictures and placed on the wall in the children's room. Drawings on the walls allow children to concentrate, increase attentiveness and have a positive effect on vision.

The light walls in the children's room for a boy can have a bluish, gray or pale green tint, then the furniture should be chosen from natural wood. For a girl, walls of pinkish, peach or yellow color, A white furniture harmoniously complement the fresh interior.

Pastel wallpaper with a discreet pattern can be complemented with brighter textiles with a repeating pattern.

Bright walls in the nursery: pros and cons

Too bright walls in a child's bedroom are not the best idea, and red is generally strictly prohibited by child psychologists. Saturated colors can irritate the baby, distract attention, make the child more capricious and depressed. However, highlighting one wall with color is an excellent technique that will allow you to zone the room and make the interior more multifaceted, modern and interesting. Usually, the wall behind the bed is chosen for this purpose, but you can implement your own option.

Wall decor in the children's room

Painting the walls in the nursery or pasting the room with plain colors paper wallpaper it may seem boring to some, but in fact it turns out to be the most advantageous design solution, which allows you to further unleash your imagination and create a truly stylish and modern interior children's.

Wall mural

Wall mural in the nursery is a great option to create an accent on one of the walls. A geographical map, a mountain landscape, sea spaces, favorite cartoon characters, animals and even photos from the family archive - here you are limited only by your own imagination and the wishes of your child.

Nursery wall stickers

Wall stickers are a great option for decorating walls in a child's room. Funny images and inscriptions can be the highlight of the whole interior.

Great idea - zoning the room with stickers. Stick cartoon characters in the play area, letters and numbers, arithmetic and punctuation marks in the work area, and a cute story near the bed.

Today there are coloring stickers on which the child can write and draw. Such a tricky decoration option will allow you to protect the wall covering from children's art. The stickers themselves are easy to clean or remove.

Wall painting in the children's room

One of the most beautiful and unusual options wall decor in the nursery is a painting. Here you can show all your imagination and creativity. Entrust the plot to the child to choose, and you can bring it to life together.

If you do not know how to draw, you can always choose a simple drawing, a geometric landscape, or apply an image using special stencils.

When the repair is completed, I want to bring some individuality, something personal, pleasant and warm, like the sun in the palm of your hand. The walls in the children's room are decorated in different ways, using ready-made attributes or creating with your own hands. The walls are decorated before the appearance of the newborn.

Wall decoration options in the children's room

Leave the walls in the children's room or decorate different ways- the decision of the parents, but it will be much more interesting for children to see the manifestation of creativity and practice it in wall decoration with you.

1. The works of the young "artist" are still far from masterpieces - the hand still does not obey, there is not enough experience, but the hand still reaches for different walls. Whether their parents will forbid them or not - it doesn’t matter how to paint a suitable surface, they will draw anyway:

  • wallpaper for painting or paper rolls;
  • smoothly painted surface on any wall color;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • brick wall or tree.

Tip: Prudent parents have long come to the conclusion that it is useless to prohibit drawing on the walls and injuring the child's psyche. Instead of a panel, it is easier to leave a section on one of the walls (you can frame it), where the baby will practice in the arts. Fragments of white wallpaper are easy to replace, giving a new round to creativity. At the same time, it is important to inspire the child with the idea that we paint or draw only here.

2. And what if it is unrealistic to teach to draw in only one place? Do not repaint daily different walls or glue wallpaper! It is important to teach the child at least to the fact that "masterpieces" should not be born in other rooms.

Tip: Wallpaper for painting - perfect solution, they can be repeatedly repainted in any color you like.

3. The real joy of the appearance of fresh scribbles in the interior on the new wallpaper will be given by joint creative work. The walls in the children's room can be decorated in different ways:

  • an art gallery of bright children's drawings in frames;
  • funny collage with children's photos;
  • funny drawings on the walls in the form of fingerprints or palms (deer with horns, a tree with leaves, flowers, birds, dragonflies, etc.).

Tip: If your imagination is tight, you don’t know how and what to draw -
use good examples. Children willingly participate in such a “lesson” of drawing on the walls. If you don't know how to paint the walls or ceiling - ask the children, it's done for them!

4. What to do if parents do not know how to draw, but you want to radically change something in your personal space for a girl or a boy? And it is desirable, without making repairs, to somehow hide the inept scribbles on good wallpapers or a wall with a built-in bed! The best decision- use vinyl stickers. They are sold in ready-made, with a sticky back, and damaged fragments can always be replaced.

Tip: It is advisable to use colored "self-adhesive" in rolls, and make a pattern according to a template - the effect is the same. You can choose any drawing, including entire plots of their favorite cartoons or a specific theme. If you don't know how to decorate a wall with stickers, use our photos:

5. Decorate gray or nondescript walls original shelves. You can put anything on them:

  • children's books;
  • drawing supplies;
  • a collection of dolls or toys;
  • board games and children's musical instruments.

Tip: Often the shelves should be at a level where only parents can get objects, for example, so that the baby does not tear books on an impromptu shelving. You need to fasten them securely, but so that the baby does not fit on them. Teach your child to put toys on the lower shelves. You can use magnetic strips to place machines, craft scissors, and other items.

6. Wall decor made of fabric and paper - too a good option, any unnecessary flap, whatman paper and packing cardboard will do. Picturesque look butterflies flying away autumn leaves or snowflakes, consider how to arrange other items in the room.

Tip: Volumetric elements can change, for example, the “magic tree” painted on the wall will change its “outfit” according to the season:

  • voluminous spring flowers;
  • summer leaves and bird nests;
  • autumn fruits (apples, pears, acorns or chestnuts);
  • winter snow caps or frost cut from fluffy toilet paper.

Photo - 47 original design rooms

7. practical option- behind the decoration for the walls we hide the wires from the TV or under the night light on the wall. We have functional items with a bright children's design:

  • watch in the form of a smiley face or the sun;
  • hanger with cartoon prints;
  • coasters and corners;
  • sconces and original lamps.

Photo - 49 Drawings on the wall in the nursery

Tip: Ideas with lighting design look impressive - decoration with the help of lighting with garlands or diode tape. But it's suitable for children school age who are familiar with safety precautions. Don't forget to ask for their opinions on what to hang or paint on the walls. good examples- on the picture.

Beautiful multi-colored garlands are easy to make with your own hands from double-sided colored paper, cardboard or hard fabric. Cut out hearts, circles, rhombuses, stick them on strings and hang garlands anywhere in the room. The advantage of this decor is that it can be changed at least every month.

2. Hang letters / quotes

Letters in the nursery are always great. In the design, start from the fact that first the baby, and only then the words and sentences. When the child is very small, it is enough to decorate the walls with bright letters. different sizes and if your child is already in school, write quotes from good books on the walls.

Let these quotes bring up goodness in the baby or inspire him to do the right thing. For example, phrases like:

  • “You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “The Little Prince”),
  • “Maybe she doesn’t always know how to behave decently. But she has a good heart, and this is much more important ”(Astrid Lindgren,“ Pippi Longstocking ”),
  • "Since you have best friend, you can’t throw it ”(Astrid Lindgren,“ The Kid and Carlson ”).

3. Collect drawings

Of course, all parents cherish the first drawings of their children. To show your child how serious you are about their talents, hang pictures all over the room. You can put them in beautiful frames and from time to time change the images to later or seasonal ones (in winter, New Year, in the summer - about).

4. Paste coloring wallpaper

Children love to paint the walls, but usually their art does not go well with wallpaper. Try to decorate the walls of the nursery with special coloring wallpapers. Trust me, kids and adults alike will love them! More felt-tip pens, pencils - color to your health.

5. Hang the slate

Another one good idea for a small artist's room - hang a slate board for drawing with chalk (or a magnetic marker). Until the age of 7, the child will create in a free style, and in school years the board will come in handy for him. For example, you can write on it English words, formulas or complex terms.

6. Come up with stories from stickers

Interior wall stickers are now in many stores (especially a lot of them on Aliexpress). Trees, birds, flowers, animals, clouds, houses - come up with a creative composition and create a whole story. For long evenings, you and your child will be able to dream up the adventures of a wall-mounted giraffe or monkey.

By the way, if in the nursery vinyl wallpapers The stickers are easy to remove and leave no residue.

7. Stick photo wallpaper or paint the walls

If you are just planning a renovation in the children's room, then immediately select one wall for beautiful photo wallpapers. These can be stories from cartoons, comics, favorite characters, animals, fabulous landscapes, original paintings. Materials for photo wallpapers are highly durable, practically do not fade, and some wallpapers can even be washed.

In addition, thanks to the perspective of the image, photo wallpapers can visually expand the space of small rooms. Can't find the perfect photo wallpaper? Call a professional artist and he will paint the wall acrylic paints exactly according to your wishes.

8. Make a family tree with photos

In the children's room, you can collect a family tree with photos of the baby, mom, dad, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Firstly, it looks very creative, and secondly, it brings up respect for ancestors and instills family values.

Making a tree is easy: stick a vinyl sticker on the wall and decorate the branches with photo frames.

9. Use stencils

A very simple and budgetary way to decorate walls is to make drawings using a stencil. You can invent it yourself, find suitable option online or buy in a store.

Take the stencil, choose a place on the wall (remember that the surface must be dry and free of grease), carefully attach the stencil to the wall (you can use tape if the surface allows) and paint over the stencil with a spray can or roller. After the paint has dried, remove the template.

You can instill in your child a love of geography with the help of a large and colorful map of the world on the wall. In your free time, explore countries, capitals, seas and oceans together.

If your child has their own space in the house - that's just fine. Your job is to help the child settle in this space so that he always wants to return there and maintain order there.

A good children's room is a place where the child is warm, comfortable, safe and interesting to live - and where all the opportunities for harmonious development are provided.

And good children grow up only in nurseries, in the design of which parents have invested a little more than money. Not enough to buy everything necessary materials and make a beautiful renovation to your liking - have you forgotten that this is not your room?

The design of the room, which pleases only your eye, is necessary only while the child is so small that he generally does not care what surrounds him - as long as you are nearby and in a good mood. And even then - it is known, after all, that even babies are influenced, for example, color solutions premises.

If your baby is worried and does not sleep well in this "nursery" - maybe you should remove too "aggressive" wallpaper with a sharp pattern? Yes, and that picture with a grinning tiger, too?

Is the child already at the age when he can quite clearly operate with the concepts of "like - dislike"?

He already has hobbies, even if they are very small, but hobbies, favorite characters of cartoons and fairy tales, and do you know that he likes to play Lego and draw, but does not like to sculpt and play with a ball?

From now on, all ideas for a children's room can and should be discussed with its owner!

This is a good practice also because communication with the child takes place in the format that your little person will certainly appreciate: they don’t give him ready-made and don’t impose his own, they consult with him, he can decide something!

It means that he is big, his opinion is valued, he is respected! Any most stupid and frivolous jumper from such an attitude immediately seems to grow on his head!

Let's talk about how to decorate a nursery with your own hands - after all, no one knows your child better than you. And let him certainly help you to the best of his ability - even if all the help looks like "crooked pasted one flower out of twenty."

Children's room zones and their combination

To make it easier for you and the growing person to keep order in the nursery, it is easiest to immediately delimit it into zones for each type of life activity.

The room should be visibly divided into sections for:

  • study,
  • clothing storage.

Why is it necessary?

An adult person is a fairly organized being, he himself even involuntarily divides the space around him into zones convenient for him and does not violate their boundaries.

You can, of course, eat at the computer and read in the toilet, but every adult knows that the plate from the computer must be removed later, and it’s better not to tell malicious friends about meetings with a book on a white throne. Of course, if he has order in his head and he is not the mythically chaotic Isadora Duncan from Heart of a Dog, who, according to the protagonist's assumption, "dines in the office and slaughters rabbits in the bathroom."

The real Isadora, of course, bathed in the bathroom, slept in the bedroom, and in the study, if she had one, she read, wrote letters and checked accounts.


The child is still too "spontaneous", he is in such a hurry to live, play, learn about the world that disorder is formed around him in a natural way. And this is perfectly normal - but for the time being.

That’s what growing up is for, to become more and more rationally organized person (for each, this process occurs in its own way, but it is inevitable).

Now we are touched by a carpet stained with paint - the child draws with paints for the first time! He has learned! Is some unfortunate rug worth a creative impulse!

But it’s unlikely that a 15-year-old forehead that eats chips and at the same time repairs a skateboard on a bed with a clean bedspread and freshly made linen will cause the same tenderness, right?

And the child himself is much easier to navigate in the living space if he clearly sees and knows: his toys are in this box, and books are on that shelf over there.


And you will not hear the constant and more demanding cries of your child with age: “Ma-am, where is the plasticine, panties, pink elephant, my iPhone, that blue miniskirt ...”

As the child grows up, the zones will change their meaning and functions - if for a baby almost the whole world is placed in the sleeping area, then the teenager’s play area will be replaced by a work area (where he will engage in his hobbies), and the study area may well spread to the sleeping area ...

The colors of his life

The color design of the children's room is an important and subtle moment. When choosing wallpaper, you need not only to look, but also to feel what exactly you are buying. And, of course, if the child is already involved in creating the interior of the room with you, it is worth making a purchase with him.

Probably, it is not worth dwelling on the fact that some colors will not only drive a child - an adult into melancholy, if not into depression. It is not necessary to decorate the walls in such a way that the nursery resembles the scenery for the play "Children of the Underground".

But also go to the other extreme - as bright and colorful as possible! - do not do it. It is interesting to look at Kandinsky's paintings - but to live in this riot of colors and geometric shapes ...

You simply will not understand why your child can never go to bed peacefully, why he is agitated when it is absolutely unnecessary. Yes, and the child's eyes will get tired of the bright color combinations and this contributes to general fatigue.


View selections of photos of the children's room in different options color design. Note what you liked right away, and what causes irritation, if not intelligible. And don't reproduce it on your walls.

And do not forget to ask the child - maybe he already has a favorite color associated with something pleasant. Even if this color gives you a slight shock - for example, orange - you can still find a compromise.

After all, there are more than just walls in a child's room, right? Even a very bright and wild color can be “calmed down” with the help of well-chosen interior items and decor in other colors.

And do not forget that the impact of each color on each person is individual. Someone will feel cheerful and collected in a room, say, with a light blue color of the wallpaper - and for someone this color causes fits of despondency or aggression.

Children's room decor

How to decorate a children's room - let the child tell you again. Create for him that fairy-tale world in which he would like to live! The walls of the children's room look dull even with the most beautiful wallpaper if there is nothing else on them.

Vinyl stickers? Glowing in the dark? In the form of stars, letters or your child's favorite little animals? His own drawings? Posters of his favorite cartoon characters? Collages that you will create with him together? Unusual hours?

Do not forget about the design of the window: curtains or blinds? What colour? Maybe with a picture?

Boy's room: warrior or explorer?

A minimum of extremely functional furniture - boys are often very active, and for any activity they need space, "where to turn around."

And decide who is growing with you? If a guy is fond of sports, active games, he cannot sit still for a minute - make him a sports corner so that there is something to put irrepressible energy.

But there are also calmer boys - always studying something of their own, making something out of something, some kind of regular atomic reactor inventing. Collectors, lovers of placing physical and chemical experiments- not warriors, but explorers.

Such people need not a mini-sports ground, but something like working area where they can safely disassemble, assemble, repair, study something.

The former, most likely, will need some kind of place or device for storing sports equipment, the latter - space for storing tools, collections, incomplete models ...

Both of them may not hide from the eyes at all, but organically fit in and become part of the interior of a boy's room.

Girl's room: princess or Amazon?

Girls are different too. Conditional "princesses" who are passionate about dolls, their outfits, quiet games and needlework - and "Amazons" who prefer much more active entertainment.

These girls love different things - and it's stupid for the "Amazon" to equip a kind of lace mini-boudoir in delicate tones. Likewise, the gentle "princess" has nothing to do among the "Amazonian" tennis rackets, soccer balls and dog training equipment.

Do not try to insist on your own and subordinate the interior of the room not to the interests of the child, but to your ideas about what these interests should be.

Let the first girl at least cover the whole room with stickers with her favorite beautiful fairies and little ponies, and the second one demands to buy her a plastic sword and a steering wheel with pirate ship. In both cases, the room can be decorated in a very original way and to the liking of the child!

The same rule applies to both boys and girls: only the child who can choose is happy. Friends, hobbies, a picture on a T-shirt or wallpaper ... “But we didn’t choose!” “You weren't allowed to. “Nothing, let him rejoice at what they give!” “Listen, are you sure you mean your favorite child and not your personal slave?”

Decorating a small children's room

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to provide a child with a room of a sufficiently large size.

Depressingly little space - this is not a reason for frustration, especially since the child is happy with absolutely any personal space, but that it belongs to him.

Remember the favorite games of very young children in the device of "houses" - under the table, in the corner, from sofa cushions. The child needs personal space - this is a sign of his normal development. And if it seems too small for you...

You look with adult eyes. The child can find the limited space of the room quite natural ("I'm small - and my room too"), and besides, imagine anything.

One talented child, whose room was a little more than a pantry, inspired to play a variety of games with the participation of this little room: it became a fox hole (the child himself was a fox, of course), then a hobbit's house ...

Light and cold colors help to visually enlarge the space, but again you need to focus on the feelings of the child: does he find such a room uncomfortable?

Think about which areas of the room can be functionally combined with each other. modern furniture with its capabilities allows you to combine, for example, a bed and a play, play and study area.

Wait a minute to be indignant on the topic: “Here he will play instead of lessons!”. It will not happen if it is right to agree: the game box is pulled out of the table only when all the tasks are done. And not before. Otherwise, the game box ... generally disappears from the table! Until someone learns to do business first, and then have fun.

Don't clutter up already small space floors that can be safely and even tastefully placed on the walls. Several very well nailed capacious shelves at such a height that the child can safely use them will greatly “unload” the floor.

Photo of the design of the children's room with their own hands