Well      04/12/2019

Interior of a 1-room apartment. Interior of a one-room apartment - beautiful design ideas

Most designers argue that the larger the footage of the room, the less rationally it is used. It’s another matter when the room is small, but you want to fit as much as possible into it. Then the owners begin to look for the most practical design of a one-room apartment, thinking through the use of every living centimeter.

Those who really know exactly what “not enough space” means are the owners of one-room apartments.

A small living space should include a kitchen, a children's and work area, and a bedroom. At first glance, this seems impossible, but as practice shows, there are no unsolvable problems.

The design of a one-room apartment is the most difficult to think through, since often in one room you have to place a sleeping place, a living room, a kitchenette, and even a place for a child.

Let's list effective tips designers to create your dream interior

Minimalism style A suitable option for decorating a one-room apartment. There is no need to think that it is better to leave a table, chair and bed in the room. This implies the purchase of multifunctional furniture and interior items: a sofa with a built-in tabletop, big table, which folds and turns into a small one, magazine version. Modern manufacturers offer furniture in different sizes, so all these elements can be made to order in the required sizes.
Light, airy interior For visual increase spaces can be used with mirror surfaces, zoned using partitions made of light, translucent fabrics, thin, strong glass. If partitions are not needed, zoning can be done during renovation. Here important point is a competent selection of finishing materials. Paul in different zones should vary: in the kitchen - tiles, living room in laminate. You can lay a fluffy carpet in the sleeping area. Each zone should have individual lighting.
Placement of accents Do not use only dark or only dark colors in the interior of a one-room apartment. bright hues. There are 2-3 main accents. For example, dark shelves and light walls, or the walls and ceiling are light, and the floor is a rich, dark shade. But you shouldn’t use a lot of dark, it will visually make the room smaller.
Redevelopment Walls inside small room, make it even smaller, cut it. Therefore, if they are not load-bearing, it is better to disassemble them.
Multifunctional use of the pantry Older houses have a storage room that can be used in a practical way. It will perfectly serve as a built-in wardrobe or dressing room. There will be no need to install a “big box” in the main room.
High ceilings If the ceilings in the apartment are high, you can install the bed above the floor. It's called a loft bed. The base can be a great cabinet. Thus, 2 furniture elements are connected at once.
Proper application decorative elements and textiles Do not overload the interior of a one-room apartment with figurines and boxes different sizes. It is better to decorate windows with thin, light fabrics or roll version curtains

Making the interior of a one-room apartment practical is quite difficult.

The footage of the same type of Khrushchev is 26-28 square meters. m. Therefore, you need to organize the space as efficiently as possible. This must be done from the entrance. The hallway is usually narrow and small; there should be as little furniture there as possible. If you have a pantry, you can organize a closet there and hang 2-3 hooks on the hallway wall.

You won’t be able to speed up much in such an area, but there are several ways to still make the apartment comfortable.

To make the space visually wider, you can place a large mirror. The shoe rack model is narrow, with a seat on top. If there is no storage room, a small wardrobe is installed in the room. It is better not to place unnecessary details in the form of shelves or vases. It is better to place the main light element above the mirror.

The light source can be one or more.

A kitchen space in a Khrushchev-era building occupies no more than 6-7 square meters. m. When planning the design of a one-room apartment, you need to purchase furniture with built-in appliances for the kitchen.

Remember that the stove in such a kitchen must be electric and not gas.

The dining area should be arranged near the window; preferably, a table model that is attached to the wall and folds up if necessary. A window sill in a small kitchen is not for flowers. It must perform more serious functions. If the option is wide, it can be a table or an extension of the work area for cooking.

The set is located along one or two walls.

The most difficult thing is competent organization spaces of the main living room. The interior of a one-room apartment implies one stylistic solution. It can be minimalism, hi-tech, classic. But zoning will still have to be done.

Small but functional partition.

Bright color solutions there must be minimal amount, it is better to exclude frequent small patterns altogether. To prevent the interior from seeming gray and boring, you can add 1-2 accents. For example, with a bright pattern on one wall, the material is of a similar shade, but of different texture.

The most important feature of this layout is functionality.

If you don’t like bright colors, you can create zoning using the play of light or air partitions. For example, an open shelf from ceiling to floor.

The main task is to visually expand the space.

Kitchen decoration

If the apartment is in a new building, then redevelopment can be done without any problems. Most suitable option- Studio. Here, the element dividing the space can be a bar counter. Also serves as a dining table. Or additionally install a transforming table in the kitchen. It can serve as an element for eating or, when folded, as a coffee table.

The apartment should contain furniture that you really need.

The kitchen set can be placed either along one wall, if the size of the room allows, or along 2 walls. The window sill will be a great addition to the tabletop; it can be made of the same material. The oven is placed at eye level, the microwave oven is slightly higher, and a “dishwasher” or washing machine fits perfectly below.

You can make several narrow drawers for small items under the window sill, or use it as a table top.

Decoration of toilet and bathroom

If possible, it is better to remodel, minimize the space for the bathroom, separating precious meters for the main room. The toilet and bath are often connected. Standard furniture set: shower cabin or small bath, toilet, sink. If space allows, you can install washing machine. Most often it is located in the kitchen.

It is advisable to combine White color with some other soft color, like blue or beige.

Storage system

Competent interior design of a one-room apartment implies a multifunctional storage system. In new houses, the balcony is no longer relevant; it is connected to common room. In old houses this is more difficult, so all that remains is to insulate it and store common items there.

A balcony is not suitable for storing clothes, as foreign odors and dampness can penetrate.

A significant advantage of older houses is the presence of a storage room. There you can equip a spacious closet for clothes and shoes.

If there is no pantry, then when planning renovation work you need to determine exactly where the dressing room will be.

Hinged doors are undesirable, it is better in the form of a coupe. To make the space look visually larger, doors or partitions can be glass. Corner furniture elements occupy less space than standard ones, so they are preferable.

In a small room, floating or translucent furniture will look lighter than full-fledged and massive furniture.

If the width of the hallway is more than 300-350 cm, then a storage system can be built there. It is better to make a cabinet to order so that it fits perfectly into the interior and has the maximum comfortable height and width.

It is advisable to give preference to options for cabinets with mirrors.

The interior of a one-room apartment involves compact furniture elements. More often, they are sliding or folding. Sleeping area You can lift it onto a podium and install drawers for linen and things inside it. Currently, manufacturers offer a huge selection of transformable furniture.

Built-in or easily transformable furniture will save space and your room will not look crowded and cluttered.

The podium can also be built on the balcony; the majority of seasonal items will be stored there, replacing each other. It is better to hang shelves on the camps open type. Next to the bed you can put a table that can “grow” and move apart.

If you are accustomed to the fact that you can only work with a computer on your favorite sofa, then it is not at all necessary to purchase a computer desk for yourself.

Small apartment for a family with a baby

Each family has its own ideas about the ideal apartment. In fact, even a small one-room apartment can be turned into a comfortable paradise. When developing an apartment project, it is necessary to take into account the square footage, family composition, age of each of them, interests and hobbies.

In order to visually expand the interior, it is necessary to use light, soft and unobtrusive colors.

All furniture should be multifunctional. It is not necessary to install everything along the walls, strictly in one line. Dedicated islands and podiums are welcome here. There will be a loft bed for the baby ideal option. In the free lower part you can install a roll-out table or a small built-in wardrobe. It is not possible to provide a full bed for adults, only a sofa. But, if you look hard enough, you can buy a model with an orthopedic mattress.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the color of the walls, but also to the furniture.

The hallway must have shelves. If you install doors, then sliding ones. The color of the canvas should be similar to the color of the walls so as not to stand out, which can visually reduce the space.

It is possible to combine the bathroom and toilet, but this may not be suitable for some family members.

Therefore, you first need to consult with everyone.

Lighting secrets

With the help of proper lighting, even geometric errors in the room can be corrected. If you need to visually expand the space, then it is better to use devices with bright lamps in the design. If you direct the light of lamps, including spotlights, upward, they will “raise” the ceiling, it will seem higher.

Don’t forget about lighting, which should be not just a lot, but a lot.

Lighting by zones must necessarily combine the main light source (chandelier) and spotlights. General lighting can be a little muted, secondary lighting should be brighter, as they are intended to illuminate work areas.

In the sleeping area, the lighting can be dim and soft. If you like to read, you can hang a brighter light source on the bedside table or above your head.

It is advisable not to limit yourself to one lamp, but to purchase several lamps that will need to be placed in different functional areas.

In the bathroom, the main light is provided by halogen lamps, and the dressing mirror can be additionally illuminated.

In the hallway, the lighting should be general and bright, so that it is convenient to undress and dress, and fix your makeup before going out. If the room is small and narrow, you can add spotlights.

When there is a lot of bright light, the room visually appears larger.

VIDEO: 20 ideas for a one-room apartment.

To make your beloved, but small home functional and beautiful, we offer ideas for renovating a one-room apartment, described in all details. With our help you can turn it into comfortable spot for relaxation and life.

A one-room apartment is quite suitable for a full life, especially if you organize its layout well, highlighting functional areas.

They, or rather their size and quantity, will depend on the number of residents and the area itself. Also, when creating a particular zone, it is worth thinking about how to emphasize it, that is, how to zone it, highlight it against the general background, since we are dealing with only one room.

Ideas for renovating a one-room apartment from our portal

  1. Studio apartment.

If 1-2 people live in your one-room apartment, then this option will be for you great solution. A studio apartment means maximum space, minimum walls, proper division into zones and smart accents.

Lighting in a studio apartment

The kitchen requires the most varied and bright lighting. There's a lot to be concentrated here. lighting fixtures(several lamps above the dining table and bar counter, spotlights located in work area, ceiling flat lamps, wall sconces in the eating area).

As for the living room, here you can realize your fantasy by placing a chandelier on the ceiling, installing a lighting area near the armchairs and sofa. And highlight the shelves (for souvenirs, books) with the help of light points.

A bedroom in a studio apartment requires dim lighting: it requires soft light, which will be provided by sconces, floor lamps, and bedside lamps.

The kitchen or bedroom is located on the podium. In this case, only one of the zones of the entire one-room apartment should have a podium. Otherwise, the emphasis will be blurred, which will be a disadvantage.

Original ideas for a studio apartment

  • The bedroom is separated by a bookcase or screen.

  • A bar counter is one of the most popular ways to decorate a kitchen from a living room. So, you will create smooth transition between zones. Do you have room for a bar and dining table? Do not deny yourself this pleasure by placing both elements: for example, place a chair near the kitchen, and behind it a bar counter, which will be closer to the living room.

  • The flooring deserves special attention. If the kitchen should have practical materials (laminate, tiles, tiles), then the living room is the place for linoleum, carpet, parquet. In the bedroom you can lay a fluffy carpet or make a warm floor under the parquet.

Color is a convenient solution for dividing a one-room apartment into zones. For example, you can use light lamps to decorate your kitchen. Use rich warm colors in the living room, and choose your favorite color for the bedroom. It is important that the color combination is harmonious. If one of the zones is made in bright shades, then for the other two, transparent, pastel, unobtrusive colors are preferred.

  1. Let's do two-room apartment from a one-room apartment.

It would seem that such a solution is an unattainable fantasy for the inhabitants of a one-room apartment. It turns out that this is possible. To implement the idea, designers offer several options, which we will consider below.

Kitchen migration

Moving the kitchen into a pantry or hallway. You don't have to tear down the wall to do this. This option is perfect for a family of 2-3 people and for those who rarely cook.

Another way will become a reality if you share the bathroom. By moving the toilet into the bathroom, you will free up the necessary square meters. And the kitchen itself goes into the vacant room. If the combined bathroom does not have a large area, then it makes sense to expand it and use the hallway space. Such a bathroom can fit everything you need: a boiler, a washing machine, a bathtub, a toilet, and there is even room for a laundry basket and sink.

  1. Organization of the second floor.

This idea can be used by owners of apartments with a ceiling of 3 m or more. A study, bedroom, or library can be made on the second floor. A mandatory element is a staircase, which should take up little space.

  1. Space zoning: two rooms in one.

Another “economy option”, the implementation of which does not require large-scale redevelopment and dismantling of walls. It is enough to divide the space into two zones using visual techniques. This can be done using a partition or podium in one of the parts of the apartment.

  1. Get creative with the loggia.

This idea for designing a one-room apartment is suitable for those who have a loggia. Having insulated this part of the house, you can organize everything you want in it: a study, a bedroom, a kitchen, a children's room (especially when the loggia is located near ventilation pipe). If necessary, you can combine the loggia with the living space. Then divide the space into two zones: a living room and a bedroom or two separate bedrooms.

What color to use in the interior of a one-room apartment

Even a small apartment can be spacious, as can be seen from our photos. To do this, it is not at all necessary to expand the space by increasing the living space. It is enough to use the right shades. As a result, compact housing can be turned into luxury apartments.

The problem of cramped spaces does not depend at all on the number of meters, the main thing is the ability to organize the space. When designing a small one-room apartment, in order to make your home more spacious, you need to follow some rules. Interior design of a one-room apartment 40 photo ideas, see below.

When you independently create the interior design of a one-room apartment with a niche, you need to prefer soft, light colors that visually increase the space and do not “put pressure on your head.” This must be taken into account if you are choosing wallpaper and thinking about what color to paint it.

Watch the video: Design styles in the interior of a one-room apartment

Bright and huge ornaments or designs are not suitable for a small apartment. When you glue wallpaper, don't forget about this. Also, wallpapers with contrasting or dark color combinations are completely unsuitable.
You can also visually “raise” the ceilings if you choose wallpaper with vertical patterns, and wallpaper with diagonal patterns can increase the room space. Studio apartment interior design photo:

If you nevertheless decide on photo wallpaper, then keep in mind that in order to fully perceive the design on the photo wallpaper, you need sufficient space.
Design styles in the interior of a one-room apartment - with their help you can visually enlarge the room if you use the same materials in adjacent rooms.

Interior design of a one-room apartment with a niche

IN Lately The topic of interior design of a one-room studio apartment is becoming relevant. Many in such situations give their preference to professional workers, while others prefer to do it themselves. One-room apartment studio interior design photo.

Before you do any renovations, you should have an idea of ​​what you want your future apartment to look like, this is the most important thing. If you do not have such preferences, then you should definitely turn to professionals who will listen completely to your requirements and try to design the interior design of a one-room apartment with the niche you dreamed of. The choice is also a very difficult task. finishing materials, since many simply do not understand this.

Also design styles in the interior of a one-room apartment, the apartment project can be carried out in different types, for example, it could be a design in which everything will be selected to the smallest detail for your comfortable feeling. The job of a professional is that he will not only make your interior attractive and comfortable, but will also invest in the amount you give him and will completely adapt to you and your desires. Studio apartment interior design photo:

There is also a technique known as visualizing a room in 3D graphics. Before work begins, you will see your renovation from start to finish in special developments. If you don’t like the design styles in the interior of a one-room apartment, then you can fix everything. Happy repairs everyone.

European style of interior design of a one-room apartment

European interiors are characterized by natural and warm neutral shades. When it comes to materials, you should also turn to Mother Nature; wood, stone, and marble are good options. European interior design for a studio apartment is always characterized by both sophistication and warmth, making it modern and classic at the same time. European style can be divided into two color combinations
Greek (white, pink, turquoise). The walls and floors are usually neutral and plain, but the furniture can be made bright accent. This type of interior is also called Mediterranean.

Italian (warm bright shades using yellow color). Italy is a warm country, in such an interior everything should be saturated with sun. It is allowed to use patterns on the walls, and it is best to choose classic Darlino furniture. This kind of interior is especially relevant for cold climates, so that when you come home you want to relax and warm up. Studio apartment interior design photo:

As you know, Europeans are practical people, so furniture should be chosen that is simple and functional. It is also important to avoid large piles of furniture, but you can indulge in accessories; various vases, flower pots, flowers, and figurines will add life to your interior.

When finishing the floor, it is recommended to use tiles or laminate; natural carpeting is also not prohibited; the main thing is to use no more than two materials, then the interior design of a one-room apartment with a niche will look visually coherent and holistic.

To visually expand the space, it is good to install white doors and, at the same time, a high light baseboard of 10 cm or more. Such a baseboard will also help you protect the walls from dirt. IN European style Interior design of a one-room apartment can be done not only in the bedroom and living room. But also a kitchen and a bathroom. Studio apartments divided into zones look gorgeous in this style. After all, it was from the Europeans that this type of housing originated.

European youth lived in such apartments because they were inexpensive and comfortable. And now many people pay a lot of money to remodel a standard apartment into a studio. In general, European interiors are characterized by a minimum of partitions. Even if you have a standard apartment, you can make smooth interior transitions from one room to another, which will save your family’s time and budget. Studio apartment interior design photo:

Design of a one-room apartment - redevelopment, interior design styles, zoning options and fashionable color schemes. In our article you will learn everything about the interior design of a one-room apartment from 23 to 40 square meters.

How to increase space in a one-room apartment

The design of a one-room apartment most often comes down to making the most efficient use of every square meter (including all additional rooms, such as an entrance hall and a loggia or balcony), as well as the height space through well-thought-out storage systems.

To one-room apartment To arrange everything (from furniture to decor) conveniently, it is worth turning to popular design techniques in decoration, which have already been tested by specialists.

  1. Light colors have a positive effect on the perception of a small room

    In the interior of a one-room apartment, it is best to use light shades that visually expand the space.
    This feature is due to the reflection effect sunlight, making the apartment brighter and seemingly more spacious. By the way, dark contrasts also have a positive effect on general view a small room and the entire apartment as a whole, so you shouldn’t give them up.

  2. Open plan allows for more space

    If you can remodel a one-room apartment and turn the kitchen and living room into one room, don't miss this opportunity!
    An open plan kitchen-living room always looks good in a modern interior. The zoning element in this case can be a partition, sofa, table, chandelier, or even color accents.
  3. Mirrors to visually increase space

    Mirror finishing of walls, furniture and any details in the interior also allows you to increase the amount of light in the room, natural or artificial - at different times of the day. They can be either very small or occupy an entire wall. Use them so that they fit into the overall symmetrical composition of the interior (for example, on both sides of a bed or sofa) or place them along the entire length of a narrow wall (for example, in a hallway).
  4. Glass partitions and furniture, transparent acrylic furniture

    The addition of any transparent elements is welcome in the interior design of a small apartment, since they are visually invisible and therefore do not burden the picture.
    They look especially good glass partitions with matte or colored ornaments, they are very decorative.
  5. Venetian style furniture with mirrors

    Finishing furniture with mirrors was invented in Venice, where mirrors themselves were invented. Italian craftsmen know how to very skillfully decorate chests of drawers, console tables and entire wardrobes without. By the way, minimalist options are better suited for a small room.
  6. Kitchen island in a studio apartment

    A kitchen island will allow you to more effectively use the space that otherwise you would only give to a dining group, which is also used for culinary affairs.
    A kitchen island may contain elements such as: stove, sink, Dishwasher, as well as a bar counter and a built-in hood (or have a hood-lamp under the ceiling).
  7. Built-in appliances and electronics

    The more built-in appliances and electronics you can afford, the more comfortable the apartment will be. For example, it is better to build in a microwave and coffee machine than to take up space on the countertop with them.
    If the refrigerator is integrated into the set, then there will be one or two more storage shelves on top.
  8. Furniture with a glossy reflective surface

    Glossy and glossy furniture will help to visually expand the space, creating not just a beautiful and elegant image, but also glare, reflections of the sun from windows and other light sources.
  9. Built-in storage furniture

    Any furniture for storage, be it a wardrobe, hallway or kitchen set, must be built-in to make the most of every centimeter of space.
    This strategy will help you avoid unsightly gaps between pieces of furniture.
  10. Use a wall along the window

    Using a wall along the window is highly desirable. Here you can place the sofa with its back to the window, organize a soft corner, put desk. In this case, the transfer of the radiator must be agreed upon before the redevelopment.

Zoning options in the design of a one-room apartment

In a one-room apartment with an open or regular layout it plays very important role, since the living space is quite small, and to ensure privacy for different zones and all family members are simply necessary.
Below we will look at the most popular small apartments.

  1. Zoning partition up to 1.2 meters high

    This type of partition is decorative; it does not truly provide privacy on either side, but for the perception of the interior it looks logical and modern. Such a partition can also be used with books, decor and souvenirs.
  2. Kitchen island or dining group

    Zoning an island or table with chairs or armchairs is almost always a good decision. Typically, the culinary area is located strictly on the side of the furniture, and the bar counter is located on the side of the sofa or bed.
  3. Stained glass partition with glass

    To create a separate small bedroom in a one-room apartment, a stained glass partition with partial glazing is simply ideal. The more glass there is, the more natural light the room behind will receive from the bedroom window.
  4. Plasterboard partitions

    But plasterboard partitions with niches, built-in storage systems, electronics and lighting can become a replacement for real walls anywhere. By the way, plasterboard partitions are quite budget option zoning.
  5. Glass box or glass doors-sliders

    For placing a bed or nursery rooms In a one-room apartment, glass doors are often used, including sliding ones, as well as glass niche boxes.
    This option It's quite expensive, but it looks simply luxurious.

Trending styles in interior design

The design of a one-room apartment very much depends on the chosen style. Thus, the appearance of furniture, color schemes, decorative techniques and even textiles directly depend on the style or chosen theme.
Let's look at the most popular ones in 2018-2019. styles for interior design, relevant for small apartments.

  1. The interior of an apartment in style is always extremely laconic. Furniture in white, gray and black tones is often used here, as well as materials such as porcelain tiles imitating white and black marble and pale shades for parquet.

  2. An apartment in style always looks fashionable and very interesting, it has many textures, contrasts and embossed finishing materials. Often used here decorative brick, decorative plaster under concrete, rough wood and even stone.
  3. One-room design in Bauhaus style

    in apartment design it looks quite simple, but it is also easier to implement than other design projects.
    Most often, the cheapest finishing materials and simple furniture, but the interesting modern layout successfully plays with the space.

  4. in the design of small-sized apartments is now very popular. We are captivated by the light colors, the absence of expensive parts and furniture, and the feeling of spaciousness.
    Bright or pastel accents will add a certain atmosphere to a fairly inexpensive interior.

  5. in the design of a small apartment is more expensive than others, but looks luxurious.
    It is chosen by those who also love and, but in a small apartment they try to make luxury and chic suitable for a small square.
    Here you will find a lot of high-quality textiles (luxurious curtains, expensive trim with... upholstered furniture, fashionable carpets), mirrors, as well as trendy lamps and glossy decorative items.

Popular layouts and ideas for remodeling a one-room apartment

When furnishing their small apartment, every owner sooner or later thinks about redevelopment, since the architectural design of your home does not always correspond to the image ideal apartment.
We present to your attention the most optimal options redevelopments for one-room apartments ranging from 23 to 40 square meters. meters.

  1. Layout of a one-room apartment 23 square meters

    In the design of this small apartment with an area of ​​only 23 square meters, the layout simply delights in its rationality. The kitchen is located in the hallway, the living room is in the former kitchen area, and the bedroom is in the place of the living room. The bathroom was also enlarged at the expense of the living room.
  2. Layout of a studio apartment of 30 square meters
    The layout of a studio apartment usually accommodates only a sofa or only a bed, but with sufficient square footage (for example, 30 square meters) you can afford both.
    Look how well in the layout above the bathroom has been moved from the area with the hallway to the side so that the kitchen is located in the most successful way.
  3. Layout of one-room apartment 38 square meters

    When your one-room apartment has an area of ​​38 square meters (excluding the loggia), then you can even afford a separate dressing room. In this case, the designer decided to leave the kitchen as a separate room, but the living room has a sofa and a folding chair, and there is an office on the loggia.
  4. Layout of a one-room apartment 40 square meters
    Designing an apartment of 40 square meters can be quite difficult. On the one hand, the area is enough for two people to live, but on the other hand, there are only two windows. What should I do?
    In the apartment plan above, you will see that you should not sacrifice either the kitchen, the dining room, or the living room when decorating an apartment of 40 square meters. meters.
  5. Layout of a one-room apartment with a separate bedroom

    If you're considering remodeling a studio apartment to create a separate bedroom, take a look at this beautiful layout.
    Here, in place of the kitchen there is a bedroom, in place of the living room there is a living room, and in the corridor there is an open-plan kitchen.

Fashionable color schemes in apartment design

In the process of registering an apartment, you will have to take care of... This key moment in decoration and selection of furniture, since each item or material you purchase must be subject to a special order.
In 2018-2019 The most popular color schemes are beige-chocolate, coffee-gray, gray-white, snow-white with pastel accents.

  1. Beige-chocolate color scheme

    Beige and chocolate shades are very common in the design of a one-room apartment. They are traditional for decorating apartments in Russia, and are relevant for small apartments. Their advantage is that you can buy cheaper traditional furniture if you want.
  2. Chocolate and white color scheme

    One of the most modern color schemes for small apartment design is chocolate white and chocolate gray. They include a rich dark chocolate shade, which is commonly used in kitchen cabinetry and sofa designs, while other furnishings and finishes are often decorated in a light palette.
  3. Gray and white option for a small apartment

    This color scheme is often used for the interior of a one-room apartment in Scandinavian style, as well as Bauhaus and minimalism styles.
    The gray and white interior looks modern and at the same time is laconic enough so as not to visually burden the space with bright prints, colors and patterns.
  4. Snow-white with pastel accents

    This color palette usually based on white, one or two wood shades for furniture and pastel accents. The apartment turns out to be light, but due to the wood it is quite traditional, so it looks cozy.
  5. Black and white color scheme

    The black and white color scheme is ideal for all minimalist and laconic interiors. In addition, choosing textiles and decor here is very easy - just use one of two colors!

Fashionable color accents in interior design

Popular color shades, which will be discussed below, are usually used for accents in interior design. If you have already chosen the main one color scheme for your interior of a one-room apartment above, then you can move on to “coloring” it with beautiful and attractive accents. Below you will find out which shades will be fashionable this and next seasons.

  1. Dark blue-red: violet, lilac, plum

    Shades of the dark blue-red spectrum look simply magical in a light and modern interior.
    Use them for large details - upholstery on a sofa, curtains and carpet - to achieve a decent effect.
  2. Bright green-blues: turquoise and mint

    Two interesting shades - turquoise Mediterranean Lagoon and Pale Mint - ideal for modern interior. Both of them are more often used in interiors with a white or pale gray color scheme.
  3. Dark red: marsala, scarlet, burgundy

    Today, dark and rich red shades are in fashion, for example, such as: marsala, scarlet, burgundy, chestnut, Indian red.
    Bright shades of red are also popular - fuchsia, magenta, purple-pink and a delicate pale shade - ash of a rose.
    These shades are best suited for use in textiles.
  4. Rich blues: teal, Persian blue, azure

    Saturated blue colors most often found in minimalist interiors - pale gray, black and white or white and gray. They are used in the design of medium-sized furniture and small-scale decoration.
  5. Pale greens: light green, lime, chartreuse, pistachio

    Another fashionable line of shades is pale green. Charming chartreuse, fresh lime, traditional light green and delicate pistachio will look great in almost any bright interior.

In the design of a one-room apartment, the specific choice of furniture plays the biggest role. For small spaces and small rooms there is special furniture, for example, a kitchen set with a shallow countertop, modular coffee tables, folding sofas and much more.
The most best ideas we have compiled for you in the list below. You will be convinced that you can find something comfortable and stylish for a small apartment.

  1. Invisible furniture to match the color of the walls

    If the color of your furniture matches the color of the walls, then you will get an amazing effect - it will seem to become smaller. This primarily applies to kitchen units, wardrobes, chests of drawers and other large items.

  2. Bright in a bright kitchen kitchen apron creates a special effect - a focal point to which the attention of every guest is riveted.
    It turns out that your kitchen becomes a real work of art, and the lighting makes it absolutely stunningly beautiful!
  3. Minimalist kitchen set

    The more minimalistic and modern your kitchen set is (regardless of the chosen interior style), the more laconic and pleasant the interior of a small apartment you will get.
  4. Slider doors or sliding doors between rooms

    Slider doors will help protect the square meters of your one-room apartment from being completely cluttered with things. They take up no space either open or closed and look very modern.
    Use them not only between the main rooms, but also between the corridor and the bathroom, the room and the loggia.
  5. Expensive household appliances and electronics

    In the interior design of a small apartment, the overall image is very important. If you complement even inexpensive furniture with luxurious household appliances and high-quality electronics, you will get a presentable, high-quality and comfortable interior.
  6. Transformable bed, folding sofa

    Any transformable furniture saves space in a small apartment, but it’s even better if it’s a transformable bed or a folding sofa. They will save you from having to have two large pieces of furniture at once. main room apartments.
  7. Bed and folding chair for a child

    When decorating a one-room apartment for three (a couple and a child), it is best to make zoning plasterboard partitions. True, in this case there is a chance that the bedroom or children's room will turn out to be rooms without a window.
    If you live in a studio, it is best to place a double bed and a folding chair next to each other, in front of the TV.
  8. The washing machine can also stand on the loggia

    The placement of the washing machine is the cornerstone in the design of a small apartment. It can be placed under the sink in the bathroom (yes, this is possible!), under the countertop in the bathroom, on the loggia (if you supply water and drain it) or the washing machine can simply be built into the kitchen unit.
  9. The more built-in lighting, the better

    In the evening, the appearance of any apartment changes significantly. It is very easy in the design of a one-room apartment not to take into account such a thing as built-in spotlights, especially if you are saving your financial resources. However, know that the more there is, the better.
  10. A microwave shelf is never superfluous

    Small and affordable ideas like a microwave shelf, folding chairs from IKEA for guests or modular coffee tables will save a studio apartment from real chaos. Use them!

It often happens that there are a lot of square meters in an apartment, but they are used completely irrationally, which is why residents may feel that there is absolutely not enough of it. But when it comes to the interior of a one-room apartment, it is difficult to say that there is a lot of space, since there is definitely not enough of it and residents try to profitably use literally every centimeter of space. View photos of the design of a one-room apartment. This way you will certainly be able to evaluate and “correctly” plan your home while designing the interior design of a one-room apartment.

Design of a one-room apartment

Many people cannot independently think through the interior design of their own home. They have to turn to professionals in this matter. And even more so if we talk about small rooms that need to be arranged as functionally and comfortably as possible.

After all, there should be several zones, such as: for work, relaxation, children's space, for cooking, and in general, at least a little personal space. Don’t despair if you decide to design the interior yourself, without turning to professional designers. To get started, read this article, and also be sure to look at the photo designs of a one-room apartment that are offered below in our catalog.

  • Most best style for the interior of a one-room apartment - minimalism. The main task of furniture in this case is to perform several functions simultaneously. It’s better if it’s transformable furniture: folding table, transformable sofa. It is ideal to make custom-made furniture based on your own wishes. This will allow it to occupy only the necessary areas of the room, so that there is a maximum of unoccupied space.
  • Use “airy” interior design. It would be appropriate to use mirror surfaces, partitions or frosted glass (tempered). If there is no need to install partitions, then zoning of housing can be done using finishing materials. But it is very important to select and combine them correctly. As for the flooring, you can also make it different in each room. For example, you can use tiles for the kitchen, lay laminate flooring in the room, and lay a small rug in the sleeping area. Also pay attention to the lighting design.
  • You cannot use only dark colors or only bright ones in one home. The perfect solution– to place only accents. For example, the walls and floor can be painted snow-white, and the ceiling can be dark. Or vice versa. But keep in mind that small rooms love light shades, then they will visually appear larger!
  • It is also worth dismantling the walls if they are not load-bearing. After all, they make an already small apartment seem even smaller!
  • The Khrushchev-era apartments have separate storage rooms. Many people store various unnecessary junk in them. When working on a design project for an apartment of this type, you can make such a storage room yourself not just a wardrobe, but an entire storage system! Thanks to this, you will not need to install a separate closet in the room, so you will “win” in space.
  • If the ceilings are high enough, the sleeping place can be designed “in the air”. After all, nowadays everything is possible, but the option of an attic bed is an absolutely stylish and appropriate solution for the design of a one-room apartment! To make such a sleeping place durable, a closet can be built in below! In order not to worry about the strength of such furniture, it is better to turn to experienced and professional craftsmen who will make a custom-made loft bed based on your individual “parameters”.
  • No need to overload the room at all unnecessary things! To decorate windows, it is best to use light fabrics, and so that nothing is visible at all, you can install roller blinds made from dense fabrics. As for household appliances, it should be as mobile as possible. It is better to install the same TV on a swivel bracket, and install the acoustics in the ceiling.

In the interior design of a one-room apartment, use everything that is as functional as possible. Replace old bulky cabinets with modern, built-in ones, a transformable bed for a sofa, the same with tables.

Project of a one-room apartment in Khrushchev

The main components of the apartments are one living room, kitchen, bathroom, storage room and, if available, a balcony. And here, as a rule, there are only 28 square meters, into which everything needs to be “fitted” as functionally and comfortably as possible! But there is always a way out. So.

1. Corridor. As a rule, it is not only small, but also narrow. If there is a storage room, it needs to be converted into a fairly spacious and large closet. Hang several hooks directly on the wall on which you will hang your everyday clothes. A mirror in the hallway would also be appropriate, because it will not only increase the space visually, but also a very convenient and necessary item before leaving the house. For shoes, you can put a special narrow cabinet with a seat at the top. Or, as an option, put ottomans, inside which you can put things.

Based on the shape of your hallway, you should make a start when choosing a cabinet. After all, it can be quite compact, or angular. As for the mirror, it should be high, preferably full height! You shouldn’t clutter the room with decorations like vases. The design should be in light colors, this applies to finishing materials and well-thought-out lighting. A light source located near the mirror in the corridor will be very useful.

2. Next is Khrushchev’s kitchen. As a rule, it has only six square meters, which also need to be used rationally. And besides, there is absolutely no possibility of transferring communications to other places. Based on this, furniture must be selected with built-in appliances. Dinner Zone It would be appropriate near the window, and as for the table, it can be attached directly to the wall. Then you can unfold it if necessary. Also, be sure to use the window sill, for example, it can be made wide enough, which will allow you to use it as dinner table. You can place the set either along one wall or along both – as you prefer.

3. And finally, the living room. You can arrange it different ways. For example, decorate a living room with a bedroom, a relaxation and work area, or a living room with a children's room. The last option will be perfect for couples with children. It will be more difficult to make than the others.

Of course, it is important here that when designing an apartment project, one style is maintained for all rooms. But there is no way to do without zoning in the design of small apartments. Styles such as high-tech, minimalism or oriental would be appropriate. In principle, it is possible to arrange classic style. But then everything will be quite compact. Do not use many colors, different coatings with decorative design(the same small drawings). It is best to distribute zones using light or air partitions. Very stylish solution– open shelves (racks) “full height” - from the floor to the ceiling.

We invite you to view photos of the design of a one-room apartment.

Since the square footage of residential apartments can be different, their design can also vary, even when the difference is literally a couple of square meters!

Design of a one-room apartment of 30 sq. m

Look through our catalog of one-room apartment design photos.

But when decorating it in your apartment, take into account some features. Apartment with an area of ​​30 sq. m can be in old houses and in more modern ones. If you have new flat, it will be very easy and simple to arrange. The main thing to consider here is the functionality of everything.

1. The dining area can be equipped with a bar counter, which will also delimit the room. You can put a transformer table.

2. Sleeping space 30 sq. m apartments can be separated using a partition or screen. The most The best decision, the use of a transforming sofa.

3. In the guest room, instead of voluminous armchairs, use compact ottomans. To create coziness, place a rug on the floor. Make the TV hanging, on a swivel bracket, so you can watch it from any part of the apartment.

4. The work space in the design of a small apartment can be perfectly arranged in a modern way. To do this, the window sill needs to be made wider, and drawers underneath it. And be sure to make sockets nearby!

If you are thinking about the design of a one-room apartment of 30 sq. m, then take into account the layout of the balcony. After all, it can also be organized quite functionally. For example, equip it with the same workplace and then the living area will be much more spacious.

If you live in an old house, the balcony there, of course, is not so spacious. But it can be well “treated”, insulated and a whole storage system can be arranged in it. But things, unfortunately, can get damp in it in winter.

To make such an apartment cozy, use warm lighting.

Design of a one-room apartment of 40 sq. m

This area is very spacious. Moreover, even four people can live in it and not “disturb” each other too much. But here, as in other plans, it is very important to plan everything correctly, then you will have very comfortable and stylish housing.

Sliding wardrobes come in different designs; they would be very appropriate in such housing. Make the floor and ceiling levels the same throughout the entire apartment. Zoning can be done using different finishing materials, as well as color schemes.

Doors should not take up much space. It is best to install “compact” options. For example, folding (sliding).

The best assistant and friend in small apartments are options for compact and, of course, functional furniture.

If you have a child, then the children's bed should also have drawer, in which you can store toys and linen. Great option- This is a pull-out bed.

On the balcony you can arrange a storage system, shelves for preservation, etc. And if free space allows, create a workplace there.

Project of a one-room apartment for a family with children

It is difficult to give specific recommendations regarding the design of this housing option. After all, each person is individual, the age of children can be different, everyone has their own preferences and wishes, and the area of ​​the existing apartment is of no small importance.

You definitely cannot install a bed for adults here. The maximum that can be used is a folding sofa (transformer). To ensure that it serves you for a long time and is comfortable, choose an orthopedic mattress.

Design the pantry and hallway as bright and spacious as possible. Install sliding doors. If you definitely want hinged ones, then they should open “towards the walls.”

The bathroom needs to be combined. In the kitchen area, install a set with built-in appliances. Place the refrigerator behind the cabinet with a pencil case.

Repair work in your own apartment

Initially, you will need to work a lot to prepare the apartment for repair work. Then you will have a comfortable, cozy and functional living space.

The main stages in planning an apartment:

  • Change old communications, taking into account the new division into zones. For example, arrange the same sockets where they will always be needed.
  • Level the floor, taking into account the finishing height throughout the apartment, and it should be the same everywhere.
  • If there are plans, install new windows immediately, and also glaze the balcony.
  • Level the walls, build niches or partitions, then putty and sand.
  • It is also necessary to level the ceiling or install a suspended ceiling. To do this, you can hire a team of craftsmen.
  • After everything, you can start finishing work.
  • And, of course, spend general cleaning the entire apartment.
  • At the end of everything, arrange the furniture, connect all electrical appliances to the network.

That's all. Arrange the decorations, arrange your belongings and personal items and enjoy the updated interior of your apartment.