Mixer      04/17/2019

Zoning the room with partitions. Ideas for zoning the living room and bedroom, photos of successful layouts

How to divide a room into two zones- this question is often asked by the owners of studio apartments and open-plan apartments, but it is also relevant for small apartments where you need to combine 2 perfectly different zones, in the same room.

If the interior of the room is designed in the same style, then it is quite difficult to place 2 zones in it with different purposes. But designers advise not to give up, because even in small room you can create an interior in which they will harmoniously combine, for example, and.

A radical way of dividing into two zones

You can divide the room with a partition. Not required to do brick wall(unless you need extra soundproofing between rooms), you can divide one room into two with drywall mounted on a metal frame.

However, you should consider that this solution is not suitable for small rooms. A small area, divided into 2 even smaller parts, will deprive your rooms of functionality, make them uncomfortable and more reminiscent of technical rooms than the residential part of the apartment.

This solution is not suitable for most studio apartments, since the charm of such apartments is precisely in the absence of additional walls. You "steal" valuables from yourself square meters but you won't get good results.

The main methods of zoning an apartment

If you want to install a partition in a large room, then pay attention to the windows. It is advisable to install a partition so that at least one window remains in both zones.

In some situations, such a solution is impossible, and one of the rooms is left without natural light. In this case, it is best to make a partition of colored or frosted glass, which can isolate the room, but will let in light.

Mobile partitions for zoning

The advantage of this method of zoning space is that you can always make redevelopment in accordance with your desires and needs. Partitions are different. So, for example, partitions on an aluminum frame can completely delimit the space from floor to ceiling (at the same time, they are not “tightly” attached to the base, which allows them to be moved or removed). You can choose the design of the partition yourself, making it more transparent - glass or “deaf” from plastic and even laminate. Partitions with photo paintings will be an excellent interior solution. This stylish element design will not only help to zone the space, but also give your room an unusual look.

If you want to enclose part of the room so as not to reduce its size, then use a screen. Since the screens come in different heights, you can choose one that will cover the second area (usually the sleeping area), but at the same time leave free space from the end of the screen to the ceiling. Thus, it is this uncovered part that will allow the room to look whole.

You can make a suitable screen with your own hands, it's not difficult at all. The screen caracas must be made from slats of suitable length, fastening them together with nails and corners. Paint the slats and connect them together into a screen, fastening them with hinged loops. You can stretch absolutely any fabric on the frame: plain or patterned, silk or linen. The choice of fabric, color and pattern depends on the interior of the main room. Don't forget the legs for your screen.

Shelving for room zoning

This method of zoning rooms is very popular among designers. The installation of shelving helps not only to clearly distinguish between different zones, but also adds functionality to the room. On the shelves of the rack you can place books and flowers, vinyl records and your favorite magazines. There is a place for photographs and souvenirs brought by you from different countries. Try to choose unusual shape, then the boundary between the zones will not seem so sharp.

Color for dividing a room into two zones

Zoning space with color is perhaps one of the simplest and at the same time complex techniques. It is available at the stage of apartment renovation. The main problem that owners face is the selection suitable colors. Do not forget that the colors should be not only contrasting, but also well combined with each other. If you have chosen 2 colors from a cold and warm scale, then you will need more effort to achieve harmony between them.

In order for the zones not to look too “torn off” from each other, you can use various accessories. So, for example, choosing a warm orange color for dining area and cool sky blue for the living room, try to achieve the perfect combination between them. Place accessories in orange shades in the living room. It can be sofa cushions or a big fluffy carpet, desk lamp with a lampshade or even a picture with beautiful orange flowers. Appropriately, it is worth doing the interior design of the dining area. A blue tablecloth or dishes, a chandelier located directly above the table, chair seats - all these elements will connect two different zones into one beautiful room.

Room zoning by height

Space can be zoned not only with the help of flowers, visual zoning is also possible with the help of the height of the interiors. This method is also available exclusively at the stage of repairing the premises, as it requires thorough work. You can make two-level ceilings, each of which will correspond to a specific area. On the border of the zones, also draw a section on the floor. This is quite easy to do with a combination different materials(tiles in the kitchen and laminate flooring in the dining area, for example). A more expensive, but also much more effective way is to create podiums. Such drywall constructions can transform a room beyond recognition.

But be careful not to use podiums in apartments with low ceilings, because they take away the height, and you risk making the room very "short".

Not everyone can boast of having spacious and free housing with three rooms or more, where each family member can find their own personal place and space. Many young families start their lives in the same or two-room apartment. Small apartments need competent planning so that a single room can perform several functions at the same time. Most often this is a living room-bedroom. This article will discuss common ways to zone a room into a bedroom and living room.

Zoning features

Each person faces a rather difficult task: to connect public place with private space. In fact, there are many different ways combining a bedroom and a living room in one, even a small room. If we talk about modern premises, then we should mention a studio apartment in which the common space is divided into several zones at once, which is more difficult.

With clear planning and precise execution of work, you can achieve the desired result - creating a comfortable and functional environment. In such a room it will be possible to receive guests or hold meetings with friends at any time and at the same time fully relax from a hard day's work. It is important to carry out zoning correctly, that is, the room must be clearly divided, while maintaining a certain commonality of the stylistic decisions used.

When planning to divide, consider a few nuances:

  • the bedroom area should be deaf, therefore, in most cases, the farthest part of the room is assigned to it;
  • it is desirable that natural lighting be present in the bedroom;
  • the living room is located closer to the exit, artificial lighting is used as much as possible.

When developing zoning, the shape of the room, the number of window and door openings are taken into account. So, a rectangular room will be easier to divide than a square one.

Stationary partitions

This type of partitions include sliding doors and structures made of glass blocks and drywall, as well as podiums and arches. Drywall installation will good option only if there are several windows on two walls in the room. Thanks to this, natural light will fall into each zone.

To solve this issue, experts recommend supplementing the design with mirror or glass inserts that will give the interior lightness and will not block the way. sun rays deep into the room. Such structures are called false partitions: they perform the function of zoning and at the same time do not separate the zones from each other. Most often they are used in the loft style.

A significant drawback of the method is that if you want to change the layout of the room, it will be quite difficult to implement.

Mobile partitions

If you are interested in how to zone one-room apartment quickly and easily, then the right decision will be precisely mobile partitions. In addition, the benefits include:

  • simplicity;
  • a large assortment;
  • universality;
  • mobility;
  • attractive design.

You can create such a partition with your own hands using the instructions and recommendations. If necessary, you can remove the divider, fold the screen and hide in the closet.

The easiest and most common way to quickly divide a room on a small budget. Curtains or curtains can be made from a variety of materials, ranging from dense to light - translucent. In addition, combined options will look interesting, for example, weightless organza and heavy satin.

To do everything right, you need to choose the right fabrics. The main thing is that they are in harmony and combined with colors curtains on the windows. In addition, other materials can be used instead of textiles:

  • beads;
  • bugle;
  • beads;
  • decorative threads;
  • tapes;
  • bamboo.

Such curtains are not suitable for every interior, so it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail.

Curtains that are located at different levels look original.

Designers consider such furniture ideal for decorating a combined living-bedroom room. These include:

  • bed-wardrobe;
  • mattress bed;
  • chair-bed.

There are many options. For example, manufacturers easily connected an ottoman and coffee table, which is transformed with a slight movement of the hand. If you fill the room with just such furniture, then at night it will easily turn into a place to relax, and during the day - into a cozy living room.

Remember that no sofa can replace a full-fledged bed with a high-quality orthopedic mattress that will give good vacation and healthy sleep.


Even a slight elevation of 10–20 cm will visually divide the room. An addition to the podium for the bed will be a false partition or a canopy. The design of the podium must be properly planned, for example, to provide boxes inside in which various things and clothes will be stored.

The bed mattress can be placed directly on the podium without using a frame, which will reduce the bulkiness and occupancy of the room.

If you are a happy owner of an apartment or house with high ceilings, then it is better to give preference to vertical zoning, that is, to place sleeping area right under the ceiling. A non-standard solution is rarely found in a modern interior, but it can still be appropriate, as the list of advantages is impressive:

  • the bedroom area does not require additional separation by partitions or screens;
  • you can fully relax upstairs, even if there are awake family members downstairs;
  • you can spend time in solitude at any time, for example, go upstairs to read a book or listen to music;
  • increase in usable area of ​​the room.

In the presence of low ceilings, there is also a similar solution that designers and designers came up with. We are talking about a bed that is raised to the ceiling during the day, and lowered down in the evening using the automatic mode. Under the bed in the daytime, a work area can be located. There is a significant drawback - the high cost.

Most apartments have a balcony or loggia, which can also be rationally used, for example, to equip it with a cozy and small bedroom. This distribution will allow organizing almost two different rooms, which will be separated by a stationary wall. But for the implementation of this project, insulation and glazing will be required, which will entail additional costs. It is very important to get approval from the relevant authorities in order not to have problems in the future.

visual zoning

It is possible to divide a room into several zones in other ways, for example, by correctly using colors and textures in decoration. This approach will be interesting to look both on its own and in combination with the above methods. The whole idea is enough simple solution: different decoration of the living room and bedroom area. Despite the simplicity, it will be very difficult to achieve both separation and combination, that is, harmony.

Also, as a visual and simple partition, use:

  • tall indoor plants;
  • aquarium on a stand;
  • high decorative elements (a vase with flowers);
  • long bookcase and others.

To avoid cluttering the room, you only need to turn on necessary items furniture or use transformers.

Summing up, we can say that the design of the living room combined with the bedroom should be planned carefully, considering and studying all the options. Everything will depend on such criteria as the total area, the linear dimensions of the room, the height of the ceilings, the presence of a balcony or loggia, as well as your own preferences. The main thing to remember is that every person can create an interesting and multifunctional interior. Even the minimal division of the room will improve your rest, as well as save you from unnecessary quarrels with loved ones.


Below you can see photo examples of zoning:

Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room is often done in two cases: when the room is too large and it needs to be visually made smaller and more comfortable, and vice versa, when the room is too small, but it needs to accommodate both the living room and the sleeping area. In either of the two options, the solution to this problem is space zoning.

Zoning space can be done in several ways:

  • Usage various materials for additional walls. Most often in such cases, drywall is used. It is quite easy to use and it is relatively simple and easy for them to arrange additional partitions or fences;
  • Wall decoration with different colors and textures. This technique allows you to visually divide the room into zones using painting, plastering and wallpapering;
  • Separation with furniture.

Such a multifunctional interior, which includes both a bedroom and a living room, can be represented in two types: studio bedrooms and transforming bedrooms.

The project of a combined bedroom with a living room is easy to convert into a studio bedroom, which is one space that includes a bedroom, living room and kitchen. All partitions from such a room are removed. Everything is zoned various design walls and furniture. So, the walls in the kitchen area are decorated with tiles, smoothly turning into plastered and painted in colors that are in harmony with the color of the tiles. The plastered and painted area can serve as a living and dining area. Better placed in the center round table and a hanging lamp above it. In the corner of the same room is a large corner sofa and TV. Here you can both lie down, watch TV, and sleep. It turns out such a peculiar bedroom and recreation area at the same time.

Making a bedroom with a living room in the style of a transformer is possible when the room itself has small size. Then all furniture should be equipped with transformation mechanisms. So, in the morning, the bed should easily turn into a closet, and back in the evening. A small sofa with one movement becomes an armchair. Usually such pieces of furniture are placed on a special podium, with the help of which everything is easily transformed. To further define the living room, you can place a fireplace, a small coffee table and a couple of chairs here.

This design option for a bedroom with a living room is more suitable for young people, because not everyone old man able to fold and unfold the bed daily.

Separation of the bedroom and living room with a partition

Using a ready-made or home-made partition for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room is perhaps one of the most common ways. Even a small partition will save you from the need to design full wall V right angle rooms.

Depending on the material, partitions have a lot of advantages. Plastic options convenient from a decorative point of view: a lot of stylish partitions of different colors and shapes are sold.

A glass partition will not change the perception of free space: your room will be perceived as light and free. And partitions made of more durable materials are useful in that they can also be used as a place for storage: they often make niches and shelves for books and accessories.

Remember! The selected partition should not distort the brightness of the room. If it blocks the fixtures, consider installing additional light sources. In some cases, it will be appropriate to mount fixtures inside the created structure.

A universal way - zoning a room into a living room and a bedroom with drywall - is suitable for everyone. Since this material is quite light, such partitions can even be moved around the room. Drywall can be cut to right size, as well as round or cut to a shape that matches the overall design.

Often, drywall is wallpapered or decorated with imitation materials, such as brick, to make the bedroom and living room look even more unusual.

Take a look at the photo of the room zoning 18 sq. m glass partition. On such a surface, it is not necessary to draw or cut out patterns: even solid transparent glass will perfectly complement any modern interior. In addition, glass is in harmony with all materials and colors.

High ceiling solution

If you are lucky - and your room has high enough ceilings, the bedroom area can be designed on the mezzanine. But this method is one of the most costly and difficult to implement, since you will not only have to create a solid and reliable foundation for the bed, but also build a ladder leading up.

However, in modern interiors The popularity of this method of zoning is only growing. Moreover, it is now possible to design each zone in its own way: differences in styles or colors will not be striking, but everyone will appreciate the creativity of the idea.

Remember! When highlighting the bedroom area on the mezzanine, it is necessary to consider the lighting features. Ideally, the light should turn off from several points at once, so that you can adjust the lighting from both above and below.

Color zoning

To create stylish design zoning the room into the bedroom and living room, do not forget about the combination of shades. Moreover, this method is also often used to decorate rooms with different purposes.

Color zoning can be ensured by choosing harmonious Decoration Materials. Most often, wallpaper or paint is used for these purposes. Since each zone of the room will have quite small area, it is better not to give preference to too dark tones.

Decorate in blue, brown, gray, dark red and other saturated shades that are popular, you can only one or two walls to create an accent.

On the rest of the surfaces, you can use colors such as yellow, pink, blue, light green, white, lavender, beige and many others related to the pastel palette.

To make each zone of the room immediately catch your eye, choose colors from the same palette with varying degrees of saturation or focus on contrasting options: green and brown, blue and blue, red and white are well combined.

Advice: to make color zoning more successful, reinforce the effect with partitions or other structures.

When zoning a room with wallpaper for the bedroom and living room, it is important to observe uniform style. For example, wallpapers with large classical ornaments will not be combined with modern abstraction, but they will look spectacular when complemented with a stripe.

Do not use an excessive amount of patterned wallpaper in the interior: make one of the zones plain.

Another example of zoning a room into a bedroom and living room is the use of furniture of different colors. For example, a sofa, coffee table, wardrobe and other elements of the living room interior can be decorated in natural colors close to brown, and the bed can be decorated with a bed of a more saturated shade.

Furniture placement options

Immediately decide what pieces of furniture you need to place in each of the functional areas. The standard "set" for a bedroom is a bed and bedside tables with lamps. The living room will accommodate a sofa or armchairs, large appliances, bookcases and wardrobes. Each of the listed furniture options can be used for zoning.

For example, if you are thinking of zoning a square room into a bedroom and a living room, visually separate each space using a bed with high back. It is this back that will serve as a kind of partition between the rooms.

Many people prefer to put the sofa right in front of the bed, even if it does not have a back. This method is also great for interiors of all shapes and sizes. In addition, it will allow you to watch TV without getting out of bed.

If you are looking for a radical solution to isolate the bedroom area, use any large wardrobe. Sliding wardrobes are best deployed with doors to the bed, as they will play the role of a dressing room.

Bookcases are most often rotated the other way or made hollow so that books and other items can be reached from both the bedroom and the living room.

Advice: a plasterboard partition with many niches will serve as an excellent alternative to expensive cabinets.

You can also visually separate the bedroom and living room with the help of a small table placed in the center of the room. But most often in interiors that combine several functions at once, there is not enough space for such furniture.

Your personal comfort will depend on the chosen zoning method, so immediately think about how your interior will look after the reincarnation.

You don't have to be a professional designer to learn how to use space efficiently and take advantage of any room layout.

Now you know how to approach the creation of a harmonious and stylish studio room that combines a bedroom and a living room at the same time.

To increase the functionality of a room in an apartment with an insufficient amount of usable area, zoning is used. We will consider what methods of zoning are used in the bedroom and how to rationally use them.

The main reasons for zoning the bedroom

Zoning rooms is one of the most important methods in arranging room design. It implies the process of separating from the general atmosphere of the room, its individual parts or functional areas, which will help to effectively solve any problems. Zoning does a great job of dividing one room into several, such as a bedroom and living room. It is also possible to divide the room into several zones that differ in functional features: a place to sleep, a work area, a relaxation area.

Zoning is used in such cases:

  • to divide the common space into zones that differ in functionality: visual division of the zone in which it is located computer desk from the bed or from the TV;
  • in order to divide the room into two zones: common and individual or private, for example, separating a bed from a guest reception area;
  • for a functional change of space depending on the time of day, for example, during the day the room serves as a dining room or living room, and in the evening it is used as a bedroom;
  • to create optical illusions, and thereby increase the attractiveness of the interior, for example, visually reduce or increase the size of the room.

Let's get acquainted with the universal ways that help to zone any room:

1. Arched division - classic version. Dividing the room with an arch allows you to increase the privacy of each of the zones. The arch must be made in general style interior. The arch is an elegant design that does not take up much space, therefore it is used for zoning both large and small rooms. The combination of an arch with plasterboard constructions allows you to achieve an even better visual effect.

2. A larger solution for zoning a room is the construction of a decorative structure, which, unlike an arch, takes up little space on the floor. In this case, illuminated niches, glass or plasterboard shelves are used, it is possible to install an aquarium or a fireplace.

3. Zoning with a podium is not only beautiful, but also practical. After all, various things can easily fit in the podium space. In some cases, a small bed is stored in the podium. The height of the podium depends on the total height of the room and ranges from five centimeters to twenty or even thirty. It is possible to place a recreation area on the podium or working area, highlighting is used to create a clear separation boundary.

4. The use of a false partition is another zoning technique. This method is appropriate in studio apartments and helps to separate the bedroom from the kitchen or recreation area. A false partition creates the illusion of a lightweight wall that gives privacy to areas.

5. Usage sliding doors, which are installed in closets perfectly helps to zone the room. If there is a separation of a small section of the room in which unnecessary things are hidden, it is better to use blind-type doors. Otherwise, transparent or translucent doors are also suitable. This method perfectly helps to separate the dressing area in the bedroom.

6. More in a simple way zoning favors furniture. Properly organized space with the help of furniture will help divide the room into zones. Perpendicular installation of the sofa will separate the seating area from other areas. It is possible to use a tall cabinet as a partition. To divide the kitchen space, use the installation of a bar counter.

7. Zoning the bedroom with curtains - is another fairly simple and economical way. Curtains help not only hide the dressing area, but also help in highlighting a separate and cozy corner in the room.

Bedroom zoning photo:

If there is a division of the general space of the room into two zones opposite in terms of functional features, it is better not to use traditional overhead lighting at all. Since the location of the chandelier will be any in only one of the zones. For example, if you install a chandelier in the work area, and in the sleeping area someone wants to sleep at that time, then this will bring him inconvenience. Therefore, it is better to divide the room with lamps, sconces or floor lamps.

If the bedroom space is small, it is forbidden to use too bright wall or floor decoration. It is not recommended to paint the floor in different colors. Since a plain floor can visually enlarge the space. Avoid monochromatic contrasting patterns on the walls, it is better to choose a light monochromatic wall finish. Using a multilevel or stretch ceiling will increase the space.

In a small room, it is possible to divide it into zones by installing multi-level ceiling in one part of it, and the installation of the podium - in the other.

But before you start zoning, think carefully and weigh all the details down to the smallest detail. It is not recommended to divide the room into more than three zones, as it will turn out to be just a chaotic pile of objects that will make it tasteless and uncomfortable.

Living room bedroom zoning ideas

The most popular technique in dividing a bedroom is its zoning into a bedroom and a living room. This issue is especially relevant for owners of small apartments.

There are several ideas to help resolve this issue:

1. Using a closet as a room divider - a large closet will create the illusion of a wall while serving as great place to store things.

2. The use of a canopy or curtains - will separate the sleeping place from the reception area and at the same time make the sleeping area a more intimate area.

3. The podium compartment will allow you to install a mattress on the podium and serve as a bed, and containers for storing things can be built into its lower part. Successful lighting will make the interior more spectacular.

4. The use of transformer furniture, which during the day is folded into a closet or on the same podium, and in the evening acts as a bed.

5. Most in an inexpensive way in the separation of the bedroom and the living room is the use of multi-colored wallpapers, which visually indicate a place to sleep and relax.

6. Gypsum board construction with an aquarium built into it, it will perfectly divide the space of the room into a sleeping area and a living room.

7. Another zoning option is to arrange a bed on a low podium, only two or three steps, and separate it from the space of the room with a false partition.

8. Ceiling - also capable of dividing a room into several zones. Properly chosen lighting. The central lamp should be located above the living area, and additional lamps will perfectly embellish the atmosphere of the bedroom.

Zoning options for the bedroom and nursery

Most common cause, which requires zoning the room into a bedroom for adults and a children's room, is the lack of space, in terms of living in small apartment. Another factor in the zoning of the nursery and bedroom is the reluctance of parents to live separately from the child, especially if he is still very small.

Before developing a zoning plan, you need to take into account the interests of all family members so that each of them is comfortable living in this room.

The bedroom and nursery should have at least three zones: a bed for parents, a crib for a child and a place for games. When arranging common room you should proceed from the age of the child, it is better if the children's area is located away from the door. Thus, if the parents need to go somewhere, they will not disturb the child. Moreover, adults go to bed later and get up earlier.

One of the most popular ways of zoning a room is to use a multi-level ceiling or podium. If placed on the podium, a crib for the baby, the parents will constantly see her, and he will be under their supervision. But, this option is more suitable for infants and children under the age of six.

When arranging a room for adults and a child school age there is more need. When organizing a bedroom for parents, it is enough to create an individual sleeping place for them, which will be fenced off from the common space with a closet, false wall, sliding door or drywall partition. For a child, you will need to equip several corners: a recreation area, a work area and a place to sleep. Mandatory requirement such zoning is good lighting in the working area for the child.

To make more rational use of the space of the room, install shelves and racks in the room to accommodate the baby's school supplies.

If the space of the room does not allow you to install a recreation and study area separately, buying an attic bed would be an excellent solution. On its top shelf, the child will sleep, and below it will fit a desktop and other accessories.

The separation of the parents' bedroom and the teenager's children's room has different rules. Since such children are increasingly in need of privacy and require personal space. Great solution will be the use of a plasterboard false wall, which will help create almost separate rooms for parents and a child. If there is no window in the room or there is not enough light, then it is better to use a frosted glass partition or glass blocks.

Another option for zoning the nursery and the parents' bedroom will be the installation of sliding doors that draw a clear boundary between these zones. Using mirror doors you will increase the space of the room.

To give the room lightness and weightlessness, use tulle or curtains, This option perfectly divides the space in the open position, and if they are closed, the room becomes a single whole.

If you wish not to overload the space, it is enough to use ordinary screens, which, firstly, will decorate the interior of the room, and secondly, they will perfectly delimit the bedroom areas for parents and for the child.

If the child is still small, and a clear distinction between these zones is not required, then use various wallpapers that easily and naturally divide the room. It is recommended to use lamps, carpets and other interior items that will help separate the nursery from the bedroom. For example, lay a soft rug in the children's area, and parquet or carpet is perfect for adults.

Bedroom design zoning: basic secrets

In the process of arranging a bedroom, the first criterion is its location. The bedroom should be far from the bathroom, kitchen and front door.

The main areas of the bedroom are the zone of sleep and rest. But the main one is the sleep zone. The area in which the bed is located should occupy at least half of the bedroom. It is better to place it in the central part of the room or at the entrance. If there are additional zones, their separation should take place using an invisible wall. This term refers to the division of space with furniture, wall decoration, lighting, etc.

The main principle of dividing the bedroom into zones is their locality. Each zone should have its own design and functional features.

Consider the main stages in the zoning of the bedroom:

1. The presence of the total area of ​​each of the zones. This rule involves the designation of each zone with a certain space, on which elements will be located that allow this zone to function.

2. The purpose and functions of each of the zones. To get the desired result, in the development of a bedroom zoning project, the functional features of each of the zones should be clearly defined. The main zone - sleep, should occupy half of the room, and the rest of the remaining space. The most popular options for dividing a bedroom are its zoning into a bedroom and an office, a bedroom and a children's room, a bedroom and a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen.

3. After the functions of each and zones are determined, a list of furniture that will be located in the room should be compiled. Then divide this furniture according to its functional purpose and place it in the appropriate zones.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methods of zoning the bedroom:

1. Single zoning involves interior design in a common style, as a single recreation area.

2. Parallel zoning is the location of the recreation area opposite the window, and the workplace is located near the window.

3. Zoning with a section - dividing a room into two equal parts, in accordance with the section of the corners. The zone located at the door is a recreation area, and the second acts as a workplace.

4. Zoning with a double section - is used if necessary to combine a recreation area with two additional zones. Corners help to divide the room into four zones. A bed is placed in the center of the room, and the side zones are arranged based on personal preferences.

5. In the island zoning, the recreation area occupies more than 70% of the total space, and the necessary additional zones are located near the walls.

The island zoning method will be an excellent option for combining a bedroom for parents and a nursery for an infant. In the part of the room where there is more light, it is recommended to install a children's bed, and on the other side - a bed for adults.

In addition to the standard division of the bedroom into a living room or a nursery, we will consider a few more options for zoning the bedroom.

Bedroom and boudoir - dividing the bedroom into a sleeping area and a cosmetics area is quite popular. An excellent option for separating the boudoir is to install a screen. The installation will perfectly help to combine and complement the boudoir and bedroom area. large mirror or lighting.

Bedroom and work area - it is better to separate them with furniture and contrasting walls. A mandatory rule for separating these zones is the location of the working area near the window.

To increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with the help of zoning, use light shades, a minimum of furniture. Zoning great option to create a cozy, spacious and comfortable bedroom. If you install a round or semicircular bed, you will get the effect of a spacious and airy room.

If there is a balcony, the main zone will be in the room, and place the additional one on the balcony, if it is insulated. Of course, if you plan to divide the bedroom into a children's and parent's room, then this option will not work. But, in the case of dividing the bedroom into an area for sleeping and for work or a boudoir, then a balcony is a great solution.

When dividing the bedroom into zones, do not forget about the preferences of each family member, as well as the fact that the room should be cozy, spacious and comfortable.

One-room apartments are not uncommon. And two-room apartments in which more than two people live - for example, a family with a child. Often you have to combine a room for receiving guests with a bedroom. How can a medium-sized living-bedroom, 18-20 square meters, be equipped?

Planning and zoning options

Before starting the design, you need to determine two things for yourself: what pieces of furniture you can’t do without and what style of interior you want. From magnificent historical styles - baroque, rococo - it is better to refuse immediately: abundance decorative elements and accessories litter the living room, reduces usable space to zero both visually and actually.

Everything else is possible:

  • classic;
  • antique style;
  • Gothic;
  • modern;
  • high tech;
  • minimalism;
  • Japanese style;
  • Scandinavian;
  • country, including Provence;
  • retro;
  • Art Deco;
  • loft;
  • vintage and so on.

In our case, the room will be divided into two functional areas if you do not plan to combine it with a kitchen or a balcony to increase the footage - most styles allow this, and in loft design such redevelopment is welcome.

The wall between the hallway and the living room-bedroom, for obvious reasons, should not be demolished. And if demolished, then you need to install in its place sliding partition. So the border of the zones between these two rooms will be in any case.

Important! Most likely, the municipal authorities will not allow you to remove the fundamental intra-apartment walls: this reduces the bearing capacity of the house. Without the permission of the serving construction organization, such things cannot be done. At your discretion, you can only dispose of drywall partitions.

The principle of zoning any room: the decor is done in a common style. A single color scheme, a set of accessories, a type of pattern.

How can I draw a border between zones:

When designing lighting, consider the configuration of the room. For a square bedroom-living room, central lighting may be enough, but for an elongated one it will definitely not be enough: the corners will remain dark.

Color spectrum

General rules for color selection:

  • basic shades - no more than three;
  • dark and bright colors visually narrow the space. In a small dark room, there can be no more than half, and bright details are used only as accents;
  • in a room with windows to the north, warm colors are preferred, to the south - cool;
  • horizontally oriented ornaments visually expand the room, vertical ones make it higher;
  • an overly colorful pattern, an excess of decorativeness clutters up the room and reduces its volume.

Since we have two different zones, general combination colors should be the same, and the predominance of tones should be different. For the bedroom, it is better to use soothing pastel and muted colors, the living room is decorated more cheerfully. For example, in the bedroom - plain textured plaster or wallpaper with a discreet pattern, and a fragment of the wall in the living room can be lined with clapboard, panels or tiles under stone, brick.

Good decision - mirrored walls or ceilings, this technique expands the space and improves illumination. But the ceiling of mirror panels can only be installed above a room with light walls. If the base color in your living room is black or dark brown, the mirrored ceiling will be dark and the overall impression will be oppressive.