Shower      03/30/2019

Installing a stall in the bathroom. Key points for installing shower cabins. Video, showers in small baths

A shower stall in a small bathroom can become the best option arrangement of this small space. Such a decision may small room combine a bathroom and a washroom. In this case, the space will not be overloaded, and it will be possible elegant design. An aesthetic appearance and comfort can be ensured by purchasing a ready-made shower set, or you can do everything yourself.

Air conditioning in the bathroom

Maybe so and maybe not. Therefore, it is recommended not to do this, and if you lose it, you risk losing the device. It may seem strange or "luxurious" to most people, but air conditioning in the bathroom is very common, especially in shared spaces such as shopping centers, restaurants and hospitals.

Many residences already exist. Because the truth is that we want and need it in every part of the house. It's not cool to get out of a hot bath in the summer, and it doesn't get any better than taking a hot tub in the winter. warm shower in an environment with a pleasant temperature. Of course, there are other heating or cooling options for your bathroom, but none of these options are as efficient as air conditioning.

The essence of the problem

A small bathroom combined with a toilet is not considered very rare in our time. This “legacy” of the Soviet era sharply reduces comfort, and washing machine there's just nowhere. It’s difficult to even turn around in such a room.

You don't need a huge room to feel at ease. When playing on lighting, colors and space, small bath I room can reveal its full potential. make mistakes to avoid in your small bathroom layout. In a small room, despite the limited space, it is important to be able to circulate freely. Interior architect Sarah Camus Boinha advises against having “eyes bigger than your stomach” and choosing appropriate sizes. This can fit through 70cm wide shower trays: the lowest rib for this type of equipment.

The question arises as to whether a small sitz bath is needed. If in such conditions you install a shower stall instead of a bathtub, then this small room will visually expand, and the washing process will be much more comfortable.

There are the following positive aspects to using shower cabins for small bathrooms:

  • creates the possibility of installing additional equipment (bidet, washing machine);
  • the tightness of the cabin prevents water from splashing, which reduces the moisture content of the floor covering;
  • modern shower cabins are capable of performing additional functions, such as hydromassage, contrast shower, aromatherapy;
  • you can install cabins with a deep tray, which can be used as a baby bath;
  • The water consumption in the shower is less than when swimming in the bath;
  • standard designs eliminate the risk of injury due to slipping of bare feet;
  • creates the opportunity to decorate the room in an elegant design.

It is also recommended to change the bathtub to a narrower and glazed shower. On the side of the vanity, choose smaller but deeper cabinetry. Architect Stefanie Bertina Minel advises that it be customized for the shower, like the Italian one, or for the sink, to adapt to the configurations of the place.

In a small bathroom, every centimeter counts and needs to be optimized. Avoid storing and toileting on the floor, as well as carpets. Prefer hanging cabinets and shelves that make the room easier to clean and ventilate. To create the impression of space and depth, feel free to extend the floor tiles directly into the shower to create a block in the bathroom.

When deciding whether to install a shower instead of a bathtub, you should take into account the disadvantages of such a system:

  • the absence of a bath implies restrictions in the washing procedure: in such conditions a hot or medicinal bath is impossible;
  • with low pressure, thieves in the main line limit the additional functions of the shower;
  • shower cabin requires more careful, daily care and cleaning.

The installation of a shower stall depends on the habits of the owners. If a person cannot imagine life without lying in the bathtub, then, of course, he will give preference to it even at the expense of space. However, modern fashion has a strong tendency to use the shower.

Mistake 2: Putting white in the bathroom

Forget about swimming pools with low furniture, often very deep and taking up floor space. Instead, place your stake in an open area under one shelf. Niches or built-in storage within the thickness of the wall allow them to save a lot of space.

If sometimes White color useful for highlighting colors decorative elements, it does not have to be systematic. White walls on white tiles can quickly give a side "hospital". In a small bathroom, warm colors or pastels can bring warmth and compensate for the lack of light or cramped room.

As a rule, in a small city apartment, owners try to install a shower stall purchased from a specialized store with manufacturer’s guarantees. These multifunctional systems provide comfortable hygiene and proper design. However, the cost of such structures, even in small-sized versions, is high and beyond the means of many owners of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings.

On the other hand, moderation is necessary to avoid many colors in one room. Choose a color that will show off the rest. At the very least, the color allows you to customize and bring a little more to your bathroom. In some cases, it is even interesting to take the side of staging technical elements rather than hiding them.

Mistake 3: Neglecting ventilation and heated towel rails

Good to know: To create the impression of height to the ceiling, Stephanie Bertina Minelle advises placing a colored frieze or other motif in the middle of the wall to emphasize the feeling of height.

This is important, especially if you have low ceiling. This allows for good paint retention, which can quickly penetrate when moisture builds up.

You can reduce costs by making shower stalls in small bathtubs with your own hands. Overall technology self-made simple and accessible to anyone. A right choice facing material allows you to provide elegant decoration of the room.

Due to ventilation problems in a small bathroom, a heated towel rail is also very useful. On a simple heated towel rail, the fabric has a good chance of drying out or remaining damp. Sarah Camus Boinha even believes that this equipment is part of minimum requirements to a small, comfortable bathroom.

Mistake 4: Divide the space in a small room

In small bathrooms, stop with opaque partitions, which can quickly overwhelm the room. If you're not keen on opening up rooms, opt for a partially glazed door. This allows natural light into the room next door, especially if your bathroom doesn't have a window. You can also choose a glass shower door or an opalescent curtain that allows you to let the light shine through. Sliding door Provides more space in the room.

What options are used?

In small baths, there are 2 main types of showers: closed and open. The last variety is lightweight design, because Instead of walls, curtains are used that are drawn only when taking a shower. Closed type It is a permanent structure that is completely isolated from the room, and the entrance inside is through the door.

Mistake 5: Dead ends on bathroom mirrors

By reflecting light, mirrors have the ability to give the impression of enlargement and depth to a small bathroom, so it would be a shame to do without it, especially in a small room. To optimize space, architects recommend taking them quite large and placing them opposite or at an angle. Mirrors bounce off each other to increase space and bring depth.

Mistake 6: Overloading a small object

The accumulation of items on walls or furniture tends to shrink and clog your bathroom. Visually, you'll be able to hide your objects rather than piling them up or displaying them all over the place. Architects are unanimous in their preference for mirrored cabinets to store some of their beauty products. niches to create small shelves, hang small shallow furniture, or use the door to put on hooks and hide your towels or robes.

According to the installation method, the following options differ: corner and wall-mounted cabins, as well as a structure not connected to the bathtub wall (free-standing). Small bathroom The square type is most often equipped with a corner type of shower. It is better to equip rectangular, elongated rooms with a wall structure that rests on a flat section of the bathroom wall.

Mistake 7: Choosing low lighting in the bathroom

The idea is to stay smart and adapt your needs to the space, keeping only the basics. This will allow you to avoid the accumulation of unnecessary objects while enhancing the most interesting visual sound.

To add warmth and lightness to your bathroom, multiply the points of light. Play in the spotlights ceiling lamps or around the washbasin to illuminate your face.

Small rooms with a free-standing shower are extremely rare. may differ from all listed options when mounted in niches. In this case, you only need to arrange the entrance to the shower room, and the walls are already ready, but after the mandatory application of waterproofing.

Sarah Camus Boignat advises against choosing a ceiling just because it highlights areas of shadow that are unflattering when you want to fill. For ambient lighting, use discrete luminance with light bulbs that are more conducive to a relaxing atmosphere.

Be sure to comply with standards when using your lighting more than 60 cm from a tap or shower to avoid possible short circuits. The installation of this equipment can be done without the intervention of a professional. Follow this guide to find your way. It is most often installed in a small bathroom, toilet, room without ventilation or in the kitchen. The eastern one is always distinguished by an exhaust throat with a diameter of 80 mm. All materials needed for this installation may be offered as a kit or in detail at DIY stores and shops.

How is the size of the cabin selected? This choice is influenced by the dimensions and shape of the room, the presence of a bathroom and its location, and the placement of technical communications. When installing the cabin, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • the free space in front of the shower must be at least 65x80 cm in size;
  • the distance between plumbing equipment (sink, toilet) and the shower should be more than 0.3 m;
  • When placing the shower stall on a wall with a door, the distance to it must be at least 20 cm.

This last option turns out to be more interesting. This is a mechanism that consists solely of releasing air from the bathroom and depending on the various openings in the house to replenish the shower clean air. This system is recommended if you live in a geographic area that is not exposed to very cold temperatures. For installation you will need.

Vibration measuring instrument. . A dual flow system is more beneficial if you live in an area that experiences large periods of cold weather. With dual flow, you'll have a legacy exhaust system and clean, heated air distribution. Equipment required for this installation.

The minimum dimensions of the cabin are determined based on the following conditions: free entry and placement inside, freedom of movement of the hands when washing, the ability to tilt the body. The most popular are small-sized cabins measuring 80x80 and 80x90 cm. In very small rooms, structures measuring 70x70 cm are installed. However, all family members should check their placement in them.

Here are the installation tools. To complete this installation you must. Find where to place the caissons, install the caissons on the foam insulation mat, find the location of the exhaust air in the bathroom and install the mouth in question, find the location of the air outlet in the most cold room home and install the mouth, connect all the necessary channels, take care of the roofs, make electrical connections, install the switch. In addition, doors should always be closed to prevent large drafts.

Structural elements

Shower cabins different types may differ significantly in shape and design, but all include the following mandatory elements: water supply inlet, sewer drain, plumbing equipment (shower sprayer, faucet, function control panel), drainage tray, walls with waterproofing.

When you have a small bathroom, you sometimes have to get crafty to optimize the space. Even if everyone square meter it is believed that the location should remain convenient and convenient! There's only one thing you can't disguise: towels. If you can store clean towels in your closet, what can you do on a daily basis? All our tricks so they don't overwhelm you unnecessarily!

Use the smallest angle to hang towels

Place small, space-saving shelves on the walls that you can roll a few small towels on for a nice “hotel” look. If you have space above the door, invest in a small shelf to store your own towels. Provide a safe place: folded, your towels will not clutter your closets.

Wall-mounted cabin options, as a rule, have a rectangular shape or a slight rounding front side. Corner structures should have a configuration that allows optimal use of the corner of the room. The most common shape is a quarter circle. In rare cases, square and triangular varieties are used.

Practical and original heated towel rails

You will also find it very practical to hang behind your bathroom or shower door! Are your toilets in the bathroom? Feel free to install shelves on top! Clever, the back of the chair becomes a ladder to hang your towels on! Today, designers are creating pleasing designs that are space-saving. Some of them consist of different swivel hangers hung on the wall or in a shelf that can accommodate 4 showers.

For an even more original touch, a trapezoid hung above the bathtub or modern magazine holder will find its place in the corner to store a few towels! Finally, why not recycle a wood wine box or two by hanging them on the wall as a shelf? Towels will find their place, with toilet paper and some cosmetic products!

The design of the pallet also plays a significant role. Its side can have different heights. Thus, a tray with a high side, when closing the drain hole, can serve as a bath in which you can wash your feet or bathe a child.

The cabin door can be a stumbling block. If you use swing option, then it requires extra space in front of the shower. Sliding or folding doors allow you to save bathroom space. Used frequently sliding system, when a door in the form of one or two leaves moves to the sides along the walls along special runners. Folding door leaves folds like an accordion.

Principles of cabin placement

The question of how best to position the shower stall is decided separately in each case. The installation location depends on the bathroom configuration. However, in any case, the shower stall should be located near communications: water supply, sewerage, ventilation system.

In a small square-shaped bathroom, a corner cubicle design is best suited. The most typical schemes are:

  • at location front door in the middle part of the wall, the shower cabin can be mounted in one of two corners on the opposite wall;
  • when the door is pushed to the edge of the wall, the best location for the shower is a corner on the same wall.

An elongated rectangular bathroom with a shower has a slightly different appearance. In this case, a wall structure is often installed, for example, measuring 70x90 or 80x90 cm. So, when the entrance door is located in the middle part of an elongated wall, the cabin is mounted along shorter walls. When the door goes to the edge of a short wall, 2 schemes are most often used: corner design on the opposite side or a wall booth along the farther extended wall.

Finishing elements

A small space in a room has nuances that should be taken into account when designing the overall interior. Important role plays the right choice finishing materials. The main task of arranging a small bathroom with a shower is to visually expand the space, for which the following options can be recommended:

Relatively small dimensions standard bathrooms are forced to “conquer” every square centimeter of free space, so shower cabins quickly gained particular popularity. Of course, the installation of a shower cabin is carried out not only because of the lack of space in the bathroom, but because of the special obvious operational differences and advantages of different models of cabins.

Differences between showers

Installing a shower instead of a bath is mainly relevant due to a number of advantages:

The cabins generally have a corner arrangement, which, even with the significant sizes of the various models, frees up significant room space.

Shower cabins have various modifications, from the simplest ones, consisting of a simple tray with curtain walls, to the most complex cabin complexes with steam installations, i.e. You can easily choose the model you like based on size and functionality.

The water spray system in shower enclosures allows for significant savings in water consumption while maintaining efficiency.

Simple sanitary care of plumbing fixtures, because... Remaining moisture quickly flows down the cabin walls and evaporates due to excellent ventilation.

Possibility of gradual improvement of individual models, i.e. You can purchase a model that is not fully equipped, but install it over time. These models include cabins with a massage shower or steam.

Despite the difficulty individual designs, the installation of a shower cabin, instructions for which are necessarily included in the kit, can be done independently.

Key points for installing shower cabins

Installation of a shower cabin in a bathroom is carried out according to general principles:

Before installing the cabin, the capital or Maintenance with all facing and waterproofing works, i.e. water supply and sewerage communications must be designed and installed taking into account the location of the cabin itself, and the lining ceramic tiles must be completed earlier, taking into account the drying time of the adhesive solution and grouting of thermal expansion joints.

Before directly installing the cabin in the bathroom, it is recommended to carry out a trial assembly in a free space in order to carefully study the sequence of stages and identify possible shortcomings in the configuration. This event is highly recommended, because... A “training” event often reveals the need to refine the design.

Installation of a shower cabin is carried out independently in two stages, while for objective reasons it is recommended to carry out all installation work together:

1. Assembling the pallet structure, which includes installing a metal frame to the polymer pallet, consisting of cross-shaped posts that are screwed to the pallet with self-tapping screws. Metal carcass carries a hollow load, so the integrity of the polymer pallet depends on its quality. When fastening the frame cross, pay attention to the points of contact between it and the pallet; to do this, “load the pallet with a partner” to see all the deformation bends of the polymer. It may be necessary to increase the number of support points using additional fasteners of pads between the pallet and the metal frame. It is also worth paying attention to the ability of the metal frame itself to withstand loads, i.e. the metal should not bend much under loading, much less deform, otherwise you will have to purchase or manufacture a reinforced frame. After checking the reliability of the structure, a siphon is installed, which is recommended to be installed using plumbing sealant.

2. The design of the cabin can be different, but in any case there is no special connection to the pallet, so the initial collection is carried out simply on the floor. Before assembly, be sure to check all functional components separately: connect the mixer, electronics and, if equipped, the steam generator. The curtain system, as a rule, consists of two frame sidewalls and two movable curtains. First of all, the frame of the stationary curtains is assembled, fastened with tightening bolts. Then the glass is installed with unreasonable tightening of the fasteners. Roller awnings are mounted to the movable curtains strictly according to the instructions; however, it is unacceptable to over-tighten the fastening fittings. To check the functionality of the curtains, they are hung on the cabin structure with temporary adjustment of the rollers.

Do-it-yourself installation of a shower cabin in a permanent place is also done in stages:

Usually assembled structure The tray easily fits into the bathroom door, so it is simply brought into the room and installed in the planned place with the connection of the sewer line, maintaining a horizontal level in all directions.

Economy cabins do not have rear walls, and the structure itself is simply installed on a pallet under its own weight and attached to the wall on the “ quick installation» due to special metal profiled “clips” included in the kit. Install a shower cabin with your own hands of more expensive designs with back walls and a shower panel is also not difficult. The frame is assembled on site with parallel connection plumbing and electrical communications. Fixing to the wall is also carried out for “quick installation”, but very often bulky structures are not attached at all, because They hold up well due to their own weight.

The glass walls and curtains are mounted last with extreme care, and silicone gaskets are always used, and to ensure the tightness of the seams and eliminate vibrations, it is recommended to use silicone sealant.
It is quite possible to install a shower cabin with your own hands if you follow the instructions from the manufacturer and the assembler has basic knowledge and skills in assembling structures.