Shower      03/08/2020

Heating of the bathhouse from a sauna stove. Heating the bathhouse from a boiler in the house. Electric heating system

Visiting a Russian bathhouse has become a family tradition for many. Many owners of private houses want to install personal plot bathhouse building, but they often face the problem of arranging heating. There are several ways to heat a modern steam room and other rooms located in the bathhouse.

The choice of the type of heating structure depends on the financial capabilities and wishes of the owners. Since the steam room is used from time to time, therefore, before heating the bathhouse, it is necessary to decide how this building will be used.

If you plan to not only steam in it, but also do laundry and take a bath, then using a conventional stove for heating will not be entirely convenient.

Modern methods to provide heating in a bathhouse all year round, are varied, among them the most popular are:

  • electric floors;
  • installation of water heating;
  • installation of a “warm floor” system and others.

Using a heater

When the room is small in area and it is used only for its intended purpose, the heating of the bath in winter and at other times of the year can be provided by an ordinary heater. Usually, in this case, they purchase a ready-made unit, having previously decided on its power. In this case, you can use the stove for a bath and heating at the same time, which is very convenient.

The stove-heater shown in the photo mainly works on wood - traditional and inexpensive form fuel. There are other options for heating, among which, for example, the use of electrical energy, gas, diesel fuel, etc.

Electric heating

When deciding how to make heating in a bath, it must be borne in mind that the cleanest option for creating a heating system is the use of electricity. Application modern equipment allows you to provide heat to the building in an autonomous mode in the desired thermal regime.

To make it work electric heating baths, you need to install a boiler that runs on electricity. At the same time, there is no need to equip ventilation and build a chimney (read also: ""). This option will be the best solution, if the region has an uninterrupted supply of electricity. Otherwise, you should choose another heating method.

Modern electrical units are characterized by a high degree of safety, their package includes:

  • expansion tank;
  • coolant pressure sensors;
  • filters for water purification;
  • valves

Gas heating of the bath

Advantages of gas heating:

  • environmental Safety;
  • use of equipment that is easy to operate and maintain;
  • cheap way heating.

Gas boilers for heating baths even in winter time in case of prolonged non-use, they are able to heat the room to the desired temperature within a few hours, depending on the area of ​​​​the room.

Operation gas oven similar to the operation of an electrical structure. Gas burns in special camera, located under the stones. As a result, not only they heat up, but the room and the water in the tank also warm up.

Water heating design

Convenient and sufficient effective way Providing heat to the bathhouse is considered to be the installation of water heating. Wood, gas, electricity can be used as fuel for this heating method, as it depends on the modification of the fuel boiler to be installed.

The best choice of a thermal unit would be a cast-iron boiler for a liquid coolant. Water is heated in it, through the pipes it enters the radiators installed in the bath building, and after the heat is released, it returns to the boiler. The water system allows you to evenly and efficiently heat any room. In the same way, you can organize the heating of a bathhouse from your home.

Warm floor system

This bath heating option refers to modern methods, which in last years used often. Installing special equipment without the appropriate experience is quite difficult.

It is much easier to install an electric floor system and you can do this work yourself:

  1. First of all, lay the hydro insulating material, on which a layer of solution is placed.
  2. Next comes the installation of thermal insulation.
  3. An electric cable is mounted on top of the thermal protection layer and the screed is poured again.

The technology for creating a floor with water heating is similar, but in this case they do not use a cable, but lay pipes for circulating a hot coolant.

Heating from the central heating main

When the household is connected to the heating main, then it is possible to connect the bath building to it. This method of heat supply is the most effective and economical.

Before heating the bathhouse from home, you will need to install this room additional circuit. This type of work is best done by a professional with special equipment and relevant knowledge. Before connecting to a centralized heating main, it is necessary to develop project documentation and obtain permission, which is issued by the relevant authorities.

Independent arrangement of heated floors

Pre-prepare the base of the floor, then pour the screed using cement mortar. Next, they waterproof the rough base using a special mastic. Then a thin layer of mortar is laid and carefully leveled.

When the mixture is completely dry, install thermal insulation material. Take a heating cable or mat and spread it over the floor surface, connect it to power and test the functioning of the system.

If the structure works, a thin layer of solution is placed on top of the cable. After it dries, proceed to finishing floor surface.

  1. To ensure optimal and efficient heating heating the bath from the stove in the steam room is done as follows: the firebox is placed in the dressing room, the heater is in the steam room, and the tank with warm water in the washing department.
  2. Non-flammable material is placed between the stove-stove and the wall, and when using firewood as fuel, it is placed in front of the door the right size a metal sheet.
  3. When a steel heater is purchased, then the room will warm up quickly, but to maintain the required temperature, you need to constantly add firewood to the firebox, since it does not retain thermal energy well.
  4. Stone stoves, despite the fact that they take a long time to warm up, remain hot for a long time and gradually release heat into the room. like this heating structure The bricks must be laid by a master. If a metal stove warms up a room in about 2 hours, then a stone stove warms it up in 5 hours.
  5. When a residential building has small area and is located near the bathhouse, then a bathhouse stove can be used to heat a house, for example, a country house.

The choice of fuel often depends on the individual wishes of the owner of the building. Some of them prefer firewood, since during its combustion in the steam room there is a pleasant aroma, but we must not forget that heating the stove with their help is a labor-intensive process. It may be easier to install an electric or gas heating unit.

The key to a good bath is a properly built stove-stove. This is perhaps the most important attribute of a bathhouse. It is this heating in the bathhouse that will allow you to heat the room, heat the water for bathing and create steam in the steam room. To heat large sizes bath, you can install a heating stove. If you do not know how to make heating in the bath, but decided to build a steam room, the best option there will be a stove-stove.


On summer cottages they build family-type baths for themselves, in which one stove-heater is enough. This type of heating in the bath will take over all the basic functions. This is precisely why it is important to observe all the details when building a furnace. The stove-heater is better to make a small one. This will save space. At the same time, its heating time will be minimal, and it will give off heat for as long as possible. But the most important thing is what fuel it will be heated with. It is best that the fuel is cheap. Popular - water heating baths.

Steam room - the main room of the bath

High heat capacity will allow you to get good steam for a long time. Besides, dry heat will go to heat the room and water for washing. To ensure that everything suits you, when heating a bathhouse with your own hands, take into account the ratio of the size of the stove, the room and the purpose of the bathhouse. Make sure that your stay in the bathhouse is as safe as possible for you and your family.

Think through to the smallest detail what materials you will use when building a bathhouse and stove so that they are not flammable. Responsibly approach the issue of ventilation. Whether it is gas heating in a bathhouse or electric, this will allow you not to get burned from combustion products.

Operating principle of the furnace

Let's talk a little about how the bathhouse heating system will transfer heat to the outside. If the heat radiation is at its maximum, you risk overheating or getting burned. Also, excess heat adversely affects the condition of the skin. To ensure comfortable conditions in the bathhouse, the stove must release heat using the principle of convection. Hot air comes out of the furnace, and cooled air is supplied.

To achieve this result, the temperature of the furnace walls will be lower. But build the walls of the bathhouse from materials that will reflect infrared rays as much as possible. Heat accumulates well in the wall and in the stone backfill. In order to bake the maximum long time gave off heat, build its walls thicker.

Types of ovens

Heater stoves, which are used to heat baths in winter, can be divided according to the type of operation into two categories: continuous and periodic.

A continuous furnace is characterized by a small wall thickness and a small volume of stones. This type of stove has the ability to regulate the temperature both independently and automatically. In this case, the maximum temperature reaches 350 degrees. To heat this type of stove, it is enough to connect it to electricity. Gas is also suitable as a fuel.

If you decide to use electric heating for the bath, you can adjust the current strength in the heating elements yourself. Do not forget that when installing the stove you are required to install an automatic safety system. If the temperature of the walls exceeds the permissible values, the heating of the bathhouse with electricity will automatically stop supplying electricity.

Also, stoves-heaters of constant action can be heated with coal or wood. Whatever you use to heat your stoves, be it water heating in a bathhouse, remember that it is important to separate the combustion chamber and smoke channels from the backfill.

To do this, you can use a steel sheet or lay a cast iron tile. This way, you will prevent combustion products from entering the bathhouse. It is also an excellent protection for stones from soot deposits. The latter, in excess, pollutes the air in the bath.

Periodic heater stoves are represented by thick masonry and a large volume of bricks. Thick walls will protect the surfaces of the stove from overheating, and the stove will give off heat for a long time.

Such heating in the bath allows you to heat the lower part of the furnace up to 1100 degrees. Working under such conditions high temperature, there is no soot settling as it burns. To save fuel, they use the principle of “black” combustion. In this case, smoke gases pass through the sauna. This option heating is very dangerous. The surface of the stove and walls is covered with soot. As for the “white” version of the firebox, the firebox compartment is covered with a damper. It is allowed to open it after complete combustion of the fuel.

The most ideal fuel for heating a bathhouse can be firewood. It is not advisable to resort to using coal for heating. It is quite difficult to sharply reduce the temperature, which leads to destruction internal surfaces in the oven. And this already violates safety regulations.

To achieve economical use of fuel, it is important that it burns completely.

The shutter is closed during combustion, special attention is paid to the air supply. When it enters, water vapor and carbon dioxide are formed. If there is no air supply, soot deposits will form, resulting in low heat output. The risk of poisoning from combustion products increases. You can also increase the heat transfer coefficient by heating a larger surface. The stove-stove must be heated until the walls are heated to maximum temperature, and will not start giving off dry steam.

What types of stoves are there? Here are a few of their designs. There are solid fuel stoves that are heated with coal and wood. Liquid fuel, kerosene or fuel oil is suitable as fuel for them. There are models of gaseous fuel stoves. To operate them, you need to have liquefied or natural gas - heating the bathhouse with gas. As well as electric heating ovens.

If you are setting up a bathhouse in your yard and deciding how to heat the bathhouse, you must remember that the stove can perform several functions. It is intended not only to produce steam in the steam room and heat water, but is also used for heating all rooms. If this is not enough, then other heating options can be provided.

Types of heating

The main types of heating are:

  1. oven;
  2. electrical;
  3. gas;
  4. liquid fuel;
  5. mixed.

In areas where people live permanently, heating is often carried out from the house to the bathhouse in such a way that it is warm all the time and does not freeze in frosty weather. This is very convenient if gas is supplied to the house.

When choosing one heating model or another, you must proceed from its availability to you and the cost of the fuel used in each option.

The main points can be noted:

  1. Heating with wood is quite troublesome, but it follows tradition. The crackling of wood in the stove creates a person great mood, sets the mood for relaxation;
  2. using electricity to heat a bathhouse is very convenient, you can heat floors, you can heat water, you can come up with a lot of things, but all this is quite expensive;
  3. the use of liquid fuel stoves, for example, with diesel fuel, is very dangerous and is not recommended for the private sector;
  4. natural gas - perfect solution tasks, but not always possible, since it is not supplied everywhere, and the use of a balloon option is not always effective.


Gas systems are economical, efficient and allow you to create a constant comfortable environment in the room. There is no need to think about hot water for washing, since it is also heated with gas.

For device gas heating in the bath, separately or together with home heating, a competent project is needed. The initial costs of designing and laying the system will be offset by the convenience during operation.

When using such a system, you must follow safety rules. Instructions for using the equipment should always be at hand. And it is advisable to study it thoroughly.

Important. A bath that is heated with gas must be equipped with automatic equipment that stops the gas supply if the flame suddenly goes out.


The most common option for obtaining heat is. From sauna stove While it is heating, all rooms of the bathhouse are also heated.

The wood-burning stove for the sauna and heating of the locker rooms are classics of the bath tradition. If the bathhouse is located far outside the city, and there are no other sources of heating in it, then firewood is the most versatile and affordable fuel.

Wood stoves provide even air heating as well as fast heating required quantity water. They are very compact, which makes it possible to use them in a small steam room space.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

You can equip water heating in the bath yourself, starting from the manufacture of a home-made boiler, laying out wood stove from brick and ending with the installation of a “warm floor” system. The main thing is to strictly follow the technology at each of these stages.


The issue of heating the bath must be dealt with after insulation work, before interior decoration. In compact buildings, it is easiest to build a heater, the power of which is enough to heat the steam room, washing department and the dressing room. In large rooms, it is necessary to install full-fledged heating using a pipeline.

Types of fuel for a bath with water heating

To simplify the task, you can install water heating in the bathhouse from home. In winter, you can maintain in this way optimal temperature in construction. However, in this case, the equipment of a separate circuit is still required for its heating in the summer.

Water heating baths can be carried out on different types fuel:

  • Gas. In this case, to warm up the boiler, it is necessary to connect to the general gas supply system and install the appropriate equipment. But many settlements nowadays are not gasified. And the use of liquefied fuel in cylinders is a fire hazard.
  • Electricity. To heat in this way, it is important to correctly calculate the required boiler power. The main advantage is the possibility of installation without a chimney. Disadvantages include high cost and the need for three-phase network for boilers with power from 12 kW.
  • Firewood. Such a stove is capable of heating all rooms as efficiently as possible. Wood is a traditional fuel for steam rooms. However, the process of collecting firewood and lighting the stove is quite labor-intensive.

Liquid fuel is not economically profitable and is very flammable. Requires special precautions. Not recommended for heating a bath.

Once you have decided on the type of fuel, select the appropriate stove. The market offers many production models of varying quality in a wide price range. However, if you wish, you can build it yourself.

The most efficient and high-quality way to heat a bathhouse is with a wood-burning stove. Traditionally, a steel or brick structure is installed. In the first case, due to the high heat transfer and the thickness of the walls, the rooms warm up faster. Firebox brick oven takes more time, but heat is stored longer due to the ability of the brick to accumulate it.

Manufacturing a water boiler for heating a bathhouse

For these purposes, you can use ordinary cast iron radiators M-140. We will need 12 sections. Each of them has a capacity of 1.5 liters and an area of ​​0.254 m2. The total volume of the structure will be 18 liters, and the area will be 3 m 2.

To use, you need to convert the radiator according to the following instructions:

  1. We take out the cardboard spacers between the sections.
  2. Prepare a mixture of drying oil and graphite. We impregnate the asbestos cord with it and lay it instead of gaskets. This will prevent burning at high temperatures.
  3. We wash each section with a six percent solution of hydrochloric acid, and then with a large amount of ordinary water. This is necessary to remove dirt and rust.
  4. We assemble the individual parts into one structure in the reverse order, using nipples with right and left threads on the sides for fixation. The sections will be attracted by scrolling the nipple.
  5. When the distance between them reaches two centimeters, we wind the cord with impregnation and make the final tightening of the fasteners.
After assembling the structure and waiting for the drying oil to dry completely, you need to apply liquid under pressure and check the tightness of the joints for efficient and durable operation of the structure.

Wood-burning stove for a sauna with water heating

It is advisable to consider the location for installing the stove at the construction stage. Due to the large weight, an additional foundation must be poured under the stone structure.

We carry out work on the construction of a wood-burning stove for a bathhouse with water heating in the following sequence:

  • We dig a pit about 0.7 meters deep. We fill a sand cushion 15 cm thick, spill it with water and tamp it thoroughly. Make a layer on top broken bricks or rubble.
  • We install wooden formwork along the walls of the pit. We mount the frame from the reinforcement and insert it into the recess.
  • Pour the concrete, leaving 15 cm to the top.
  • We dismantle the formwork and fill the resulting space with sand.
  • We cover the top part with rolled waterproofing in two layers. The best option- roofing felt.
  • We check the horizontalness of the foundation. Small irregularities can be covered with intermediate dry brickwork.
  • We make a solution of clay and water, the consistency of thick sour cream. When completely dissolved, add sand in a one to one ratio with clay.
  • We wet the bricks with water and lay the first row tightly, checking the corners and horizontality.
  • On the third row, we fix the blower door with galvanized wire or a steel strip.
  • On the fourth, we set up an ash well.
  • On the sixth, we finally secure the ash door.
  • On the seventh, we install grate bars. The size of the firebox must be calculated taking into account the installation of the boiler. On the first row of the firebox we form a special side and install a corner. We leave 2 openings in the side walls for pipes to exit. It is better to choose doors for the fuel compartment from fireproof durable cast iron.
  • On the eighth row we build a partition to connect to the chimney and continue this installation until the fourteenth, on which it is necessary to install channels.
  • We place the halves of bricks from the fifteenth to the eighteenth rows at an angle. This will become the basis for the dividing wall.
  • On the next row we make a door for steam exhaust and lay thin metal strips that connect the twentieth and twenty-first brick rows. After this, close the door frame.
  • We begin installing the chimney pipe from the 23rd row, forming channels for heat dissipation.

Please note that the wall inside the fuel compartment and chimney should be as flat and smooth as possible. Every five rows you need to wipe the inside surface.

Installation of a boiler for water heating of a bath and pipe routing

The cast iron structure must be placed behind the firebox chamber. It will be heated not by the flame, but by the gas. To install the equipment correctly, we follow this procedure:
  1. We place the radiator on pre-made corners, maintaining a distance to the walls of about 5-6 mm. The gap will compensate for the thermal expansion of the structure.
  2. If the selected pipes for connection to the boiler have seams, then additionally weld them before installation.
  3. We connect the inch water supply and return pipes diagonally. In a place with a right-hand thread, simply screw in the product. On the left, we use a coupling with a squeegee and a nipple for fixation.
  4. We install the water supply pipe perpendicular to the floor at the top point, and equip the return pipe at underground space and connect from below. This is necessary for improved circulation.
  5. We close with plug two extra holes products.
  6. When welding pipes together, we remove the chamfer along the cut contour to ensure that the weld seam fills the entire thickness with a high-quality weld and securely fixes the parts. If the steam room warms up infrequently in winter, you can add antifreeze to the system instead of water.

Installation of a water heated floor in a bathhouse with water heating

Although this device will be more expensive, it is capable of heating the room as quickly and efficiently as possible. Heat flows throughout the entire perimeter of the room, rather than from one source. In this case, the heated air rises.

You can install heated floors in a water-heated bathhouse yourself in the following order:

  • We level the surface and carry out insulation work.
  • We lay it on the rough surface aluminum foil, with a reflective coating upwards, overlapping by 15-20 cm. We glue the joints with reinforced tape.
  • We install the manifold cabinet by cutting a hole of 0.6x0.4x0.12 meters near the surface of the flooring.
  • We insert supply and return pipes into it, and attach metal shut-off valves to them using compression fittings.
  • Connecting circulation pump and a splitter. The latter is better equipped automatic system air vent and drain valve.
  • We lay around the perimeter metal-plastic pipes with a diameter of 2 cm in a parallel or spiral manner in increments of about 0.3 meters. For these purposes we use clips and clamps. Maintain a distance of 7 cm from the nearest wall.
  • Connect one end of the pipe to common system heating (supply manifold). We connect the second edge to the return device.
  • We let in water under pressure one and a half times higher than the working pressure. If the system holds up and the temperature is uniform everywhere, then we proceed to pouring the cement-sand screed.

The assembled manifold cabinet can be purchased at appropriate stores. It is necessary to choose quality pipes from reputable manufacturers.

Watch a video about water heating of a bath:

Water heating in a bathhouse is one of the most effective methods heat supply. It is popular in large steam rooms. You can equip it yourself, but the process is labor-intensive and requires strict adherence to the rules. And the combination of such a system with the high heat output of a wood-burning heater will allow you to maintain the optimal temperature in the room for a long time.