Shower      06/16/2019

Caring for lilacs: basic rules and mistakes. Lilac in autumn: care and preparation for winter Caring for common lilac

Lilac care requires knowledge of basic simple rules. beautiful bush Every gardener wants to have lilacs. The basic work of pruning the bush, applying fertilizers, loosening the soil and watering is described here. The desired periods for carrying out these works to care for lilacs are indicated.

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lilac care

In order to ensure annual flowering of lilacs, it needs constant growth. The latter circumstance depends on soil care, fertilization, pruning and timely whitewashing of the trunk.

Soil care and watering

The basis of soil care is to regularly loosen it and destroy weeds. Loosening is carried out mainly throughout spring period at least once a week.

In the first half of summer, the frequency of this process can be reduced, and in the second half it can be stopped altogether, limiting ourselves to weed control.

At the end of July, the growth and maturation of the lilac bush usually ends. The process of laying flower buds occurs. At this time, watering the bush is stopped or, in the case of an extremely dry summer, minimized.

Otherwise, the growth and ripening of flowers may be delayed. It should be clarified that excessive watering is harmful to lilacs in general.

Every autumn, before the first frost, it is necessary to dig up the soil around the bush to a depth of 12–15 cm. When digging up the soil, you should be careful, because You can inadvertently damage the roots.

There is no need to level the dug up soil in winter. It is better to postpone this procedure until spring, thereby ensuring timely replenishment of the root with melt water.

At the same time, in early spring necessary whitewash bush trunks with lime.


Fertilizer application

Fertilizers are applied to lilacs in the fall. Preference should be given to organic matter.

Of the inorganic fertilizers, those whose phosphorus content does not exceed 30% are preferable. Lilac roots are located in surface layer soil.

Therefore, for lilacs, they are added from above, followed by digging. It will be better if about a week passes between fertilizing and digging.

Timely pruning

Timely lilac planting is another important step in caring for this plant. It is necessary to remove faded inflorescences and prevent the development of young growth around the main trunks of the bush.

Timely pruning of fatty shoots is also necessary. All other types of pruning are carried out in special cases, which depend on the condition of the lilac bush and its shape.

For example, if a bush has grown too large and lost its shape, then it is necessary to shorten its old elongated branches, as well as branches growing inside the crown. However, this should be done in early spring, before the buds swell.

lilac pruning

Rejuvenating lilac bushes

You should not neglect the rejuvenation of the lilac bush. Essentially, this process is similar to pruning, but is performed either in winter.

Pruning, in this case, is done short, regardless of the thickness of the branches. At the same time, excess shoots are removed, and the desired direction of growth of the bush is set.

The cut areas must be covered with oil paint or garden varnish. After rejuvenation, the lilac bush blooms actively, usually in the second or third year.

Compliance with these simple rules lilac care will provide the owner of the personal plot with annual flowering and long life lilac bush.

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Bush blooming lilac- a luxurious decoration for anyone summer cottage! At first glance, it seems that the plant does not need special care. Indeed, lilac is unpretentious, but requires some care and attention.

Correct fit lilac

It is advisable to plant lilacs either in sunny areas or in light partial shade. The plant cannot be placed in the shade.

The planting hole should be deep, with rotted loose soil. The plant does not tolerate close groundwater, so low areas are unsuitable for it. It is better to plant lilacs either in early spring or in late summer - early autumn; September is most suitable for this. If you decide to start planting in the spring, then buy seedlings in a container so that the root system is covered. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the lilac will not take root well or will die.

After you have planted the shrub, be sure to water it. You can add any drug that stimulates root formation to the water for irrigation. It is advisable to cover the top layer of soil with hay with a layer of 6-8 cm, which will protect the soil from drying out and weeds, and then, turning into humus, will be food for lilacs.
This plant can grow in one place for a long time, sometimes its entire life.

Caring for lilacs after flowering

  1. Lilacs need regular pruning. In the 3rd year, the bush has strong, numerous shoots. They will subsequently form skeletal branches.
  2. Exactly pruning after flowering determines how well the plant will bloom.
  3. Lilac responds favorably to fertilizers. Every spring the bushes need to be fed with nitrogen. Feeding from ash and organic fertilizers during the formation of buds and during flowering is well absorbed.
  4. It is better to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in the fall once every 2-3 years. They are placed on top of the soil under the lilac, followed by digging. This is done due to the fact that part of the root system of the shrub is located in top layer soil. The best fertilizer is considered to be rotted manure (horse and cow).
  5. Remember, fertilizing for lilacs is necessary, but you should not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, including organic ones, because of them the plant will bloom poorly and be more difficult to tolerate frosts.

How to prune lilacs after flowering?

  • In early spring, select 6-10 strong shoots on the bush that are furthest apart and create the outline of the plant. Cut off the remaining branches, and cut out the small ones directed inside the crown completely, and shorten the stronger ones a little.
  • Such thinning and sanitary pruning of lilacs must be carried out every spring, when the buds have already begun to grow.
  • Pruning is mandatory, otherwise the shoots under the faded flower clusters will weaken. Therefore, as soon as the lilac fades, it should be pruned. The sooner you do this, the better the new shoots will develop and the flowering will be especially lush.

  • It should be borne in mind that pruning sometimes causes the bush to bloom after a year. Lilacs are formed with pruning shears, and large branches are cut down. The cut areas must be covered with paint.
  • The basic principle of pruning is to remove all small branches. They do not bloom and can take a lot of energy from the plant.
  • If the branch has small and thin shoots, you need to remove it completely. Inflorescences must be removed immediately after flowering (only inflorescences without branches are removed).
  • Never break off a bush; this will damage the buds, which will not bloom next year.
  • All shoots need to be removed, leaving only healthy shoots that will replace the old ones in the future.
  • To care for lilacs during flowering, you need to cut branches from abundantly flowering bushes.
  • After the plant has finished blooming, all dry inflorescences must be carefully cut off.
  • Be sure to carry out sanitary pruning in spring and autumn with the removal of diseased and drying branches growing inside the bush of shoots. Don't forget about formative pruning, in which you need to make sure that the kidneys remain.
  • Before you cut and put flowers in a vase, you need to know some tricks so that lush inflorescences will delight you with their aroma and beauty longer:
  • Freshen up the slant cuts by making new ones with a sharp knife under water. The best way– crush the ends of the shoots with a hammer.
  • It is better to cut lilacs from young bushes than from old ones.
  • Add a little lemon or lemon juice to the water in which the lilac bouquet stands. acetic acid(but not sugar).
  • To preserve the inflorescences in the bouquet longer, a significant part of the leaves must be removed.

The lilac bush is unpretentious, but despite this, it looks impressive. Anyone, even a beginner, can handle planting and care. By following the rules of planting, watering and pruning, you will grow a luxurious plant that will decorate your summer cottage.

When planting lilacs in the spring, the inflorescences in the current season must be removed so that the bush forms more powerful growths.

In order to quickly get a well-developed lilac bush, you need nutritious, moderately moist soil, preferably with a neutral reaction (pH 6.0-7.0). The main thing is that it is not acidic (pH less than 5.0).

Lilacs should be illuminated by the sun most of the day. It is also advisable not to plant it in a place constantly blown by cold, harsh winds. Although this is a winter-hardy, even very winter-hardy crop, in this case the flower buds may freeze, and in the spring the new young growth sometimes suffers. Therefore, it is better that the place is protected.

Of course, this is not as important as for heat-loving crops, but you still shouldn’t plant lilacs on the top of a hill, where they will be exposed to all the winds. A flat area or a gentle slope, oriented in any direction except north (preferably southeast or southwest) is what you need.

Boarding time

The best time for planting is September. The lilac is already practically at rest. It’s easy enough to plant, water it once, and you don’t have to do anything else. The bush, naturally, will be covered in leaves, since leaf fall in lilacs begins only in November, but this is not a cause for concern: if the specified deadlines are observed, everything will be fine.

If for some reason lilacs have to be planted in the spring, this should be done as early as possible - before the buds open. Unfortunately, in middle lane Russia in right time As a rule, it is impossible to dig a hole - the frozen ground does not yet allow this. You can, of course, prepare it in the fall, but the difficulty is that lilac is an ornamental plant, not a fruit plant, which is planted according to a strict pattern. And with beautiful bushes It often happens like this: when planting, it turns out that a given plant looks better if it is moved a meter to the right or left, back or forward. When planting at the end of the season, no problems with the hole arise.


In places where lilacs are planted, the level groundwater should not exceed 1.5 m. It should not be planted in lowlands or at the foot of a slope where melt water flows. If the area is flooded for quite a long time when the snow melts or during prolonged rains, the lilac dies from lack of oxygen in the root zone.

Nevertheless, you can plant lilacs in the spring - you just need to be on time. In addition, you will have to take care of her. If May is dry, which is not uncommon in our area, it must be watered. During the summer it is also necessary to control moisture: if the leaves are wilted, the plant needs watering. Spraying with water won't hurt either. It is also advisable to use root formation stimulants. Planting lilacs in the spring and going on vacation will not work - you need to constantly monitor them. Otherwise, there is a risk that when you return, you will find only her “corpse.”

All these recommendations apply to lilacs with an open root system. Older and larger seedlings have negative consequences spring transplant may be more pronounced. For small bushes that can be dug up with a clod of earth without damaging the roots, replanting is not dangerous at any time. The same applies to seedlings in containers.

On a note

When planted in spring, lilacs begin to grow, but at the same time they must take root. Flowering also occurs around this time. As a result, the plant spends energy on the development of the above-ground part, while the root system should grow. A kind of conflict arises, as a result of which the crown develops worse and rooting is not as active. Therefore after spring planting The lilac is “sick” for quite a long time and produces weakened growth for several years.

Which can be found on almost every personal plot. In addition, the plant is planted in public gardens, parks, and on the streets of cities and towns. Will help extend the flowering period proper care for lilacs. In spring and the first half of summer, the plant will delight you with unusually beautiful flowers and their delicate aroma.

Shrub growing conditions

There are certain favorable conditions for the growth and full development of the plant. Every gardener who decides to start growing lilacs should know about them.

Firstly, the shrub is light-loving. It will also grow in the shade, but in such conditions it will not be possible to achieve vigorous flowering of the plant. However, you need to remember that lilacs also do not like hot midday rays.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the area where shrubs are supposed to be planted. Lilac does not tolerate only heavy types of soil with an acidic reaction and those areas where stagnant water accumulates.

Unpretentiousness to living conditions makes caring for lilacs easier. In the spring, the gardener needs to ensure that the thawed and superficial ones leave the area where the shrub grows as quickly as possible.

Planting lilacs

Due to the fact that the plant begins to grow very early in the spring, it is recommended to plant it in the fall. Optimal timing- it's September. Compliance with this condition will greatly simplify caring for lilacs in the spring.

However, planting lilacs in the spring is also not excluded. You just need to remember that this needs to be done before the sap flow begins. The earthen lump present on the roots of the seedlings does not need to be removed. Preserving it will help the plant take root faster and undergo transplantation painlessly.

It is also possible to propagate lilacs by cuttings. The method is labor-intensive, but quite effective. Most often it is used by specialists involved in landscaping large areas.

Feeding the bush

There is a whole range of work that can be described as caring for lilacs in the spring. Feeding bushes is one of these activities. If fertilizers were applied during planting, then fertilizing will not be required for the next few years of its life.

The hole for planting lilacs should be at least 70-80 cm wide, and its depth is about 60 cm. When planting, the hole must be filled with soil, mixing it with well-decomposed manure or compost. It can be used as an organic fertilizer - up to 2 kg per plant. Subsequent application of organic matter can be carried out only in the fourth year of bush growth.

Ash is used as a fertilizer containing. 250 g of fertilizer is diluted in ten liters of water. The resulting mixture is applied to the root system of the bush.

Pruning lilacs in spring

This type of shrub care, such as pruning, creates conditions for abundant flowering lilac, helps to form a bush required forms and size. All this is very important in decorative landscaping.

Lilacs should be pruned in spring before the buds open. This type of shrub care is aimed at removing weak, dry, damaged shoots. In addition, branches that thicken the bush are cut out. Old shoots worsen appearance plants, so they must also be removed with a hacksaw or

Pruning will also help create a spectacular crown of the bush. It must be carried out regularly and must be included in the complex of works that ensure proper care of lilacs. In spring, pruning carried out to form the crown is most acceptable. At proper operation By autumn, the lilac bush will have the shape and size the gardener needs.

Following some rules will help even a novice gardener:

  • after planting lilacs in the spring, the first pair of buds must be immediately removed from a young shoot;
  • after pruning, a three-year-old bush should have no more than ten of the strongest, well-placed shoots left, while the main one must be shortened;
  • the resulting shoots require constant removal, otherwise the crown will thicken.

If you want to grow lilac as a tree, you need to leave only one main shoot, and at a height of about 80 cm there should be no more than six pairs of buds on it. The rest of the branch is removed with pruning shears.

Protection from pests and diseases

High-quality care for lilacs involves taking measures to destroy harmful insects and prevent the development of plant diseases.

Pests of many garden and vegetable crops can also harm lilac bushes. The most common and dangerous include moths, hawkmoth caterpillars, and moths. To combat them, agents such as Decis or Fufanon solution are considered effective. The mixture prepared according to the instructions is sprayed using a sprayer. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after about a week.

Bordeaux mixture is the most popular remedy for treating diseases that can affect lilacs. In the most severe cases, it is best to consult with specialists who can recommend other medications.

Caring for shrubs at other times of the year

Proper care of lilacs in the spring ensures the growth of a beautiful, healthy plant. But do not forget that the shrub requires attention throughout the growing season. Loosening the soil under the bush, removing weeds and young growth - types of work that should be carried out from early spring to late autumn. During the period of active flowering, abundant watering of lilac bushes will be useful.

Lilac - perennial shrub with curvy bright inflorescences. Since the elegant plant is highly decorative and absolutely unpretentious in care, it can be found in almost every yard. But in order for it to turn from an ordinary bush into an exquisite plant strewn with flowers, it needs to be cared for not only in spring and summer, but also in autumn.

In this article you will find answers to the questions: is it necessary to prune lilacs in the fall and how to properly care for the plant.

Features of care in autumn and preparation for winter

Caring for lilacs in the fall and preparing the bush for winter is very important. The following activities must be carried out correctly.

Watering. Lilac is not very demanding of moisture, so it tolerates long-term dry weather well. At the same time, experts recommend periodically watering the plant in dry autumn conditions so that the perennial will delight you with voluminous flowering next season.

Feeding. Horse manure and rotted mullein are used as fertilizers for lilacs. Organic fertilizing stimulates the growth of shrubs and improves its flowering. Particularly effective is the application of rotted horse manure, which is considered the best fertilizer for garden crops and garden plants.

You can also fertilize liquid mixture organic-based: mix a pre-prepared solution of manure (1:10) and mullein (1:5) in equal quantities, then add diluted slurry (1:8). Fertilizer is applied at the root in an amount of 10 to 30 liters.

If there is no manure, you can use compost: apply 10-15 kg of the mixture under an adult bush.

Important! Lilacs are fed no later than 10-14 days before the onset of stable cold weather.

The plant does not like to live in an acidic environment: the bush grows slowly and stops blooming. To reduce the acidity of the soil, the tree trunk circle, fenced off with an earthen roller, is covered with dolomite flour, chalk, ash, crushed eggshells.

After adding the nutrient mixture, the soil is dug up: near the root collar, the shovel is buried 5 cm, and at a distance of half a meter from it, 10 cm.

Note! To feed lilacs in the fall, only organic fertilizers. Mineral mixtures are applied under the plant in spring or summer.

Trimming. Like all shrubs, lilacs need to be pruned for normal development and abundant flowering. Depending on the need, formative or rejuvenating pruning is carried out in the fall. When carrying out this or that pruning, you must carefully adhere to the technology for carrying out the selected garden manipulation, since incorrect actions can affect the abundance of flowering and general condition plants.

Important! You need to prune lilacs in the fall according to certain rules; a thoughtless procedure will have a negative impact on the bush.

Mulching. To prevent freezing of the soil and death of the roots of young lilacs, the tree trunk circle is covered with a layer of dry organic material: straw, leaves, hay, sawdust, peat.

Shelter. Despite the fact that lilac has good cold resistance, young specimens need to be protected from the cold, since the slightest freezing will lead to a slowdown in development and deterioration in flowering. The thickness of the plant cover varies depending on the climatic conditions of the planting region.

Pruning in autumn

For any shrub, pruning is very important stage, which strengthens the plant and improves its flowering. Before you start cultivating your favorite shrub, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of manipulation so that the care does not harm, but will certainly bring benefit. Caring for lilacs in the fall may also include pruning. But it needs to be done correctly! Let's figure out how.

Why prune lilacs?

Regular pruning is necessary in order to:

  • the bush bloomed luxuriantly: regular pruning causes the formation of flower buds;
  • give the bush a beautiful shape;
  • prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, the risk of which increases significantly on heavily dense plants;
  • equalize the splendor of flowering of old and young branches.

When is it better to prune lilacs - in autumn or spring?

Beginners and inexperienced gardeners often wonder when it is better to prune lilacs, in spring or autumn. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to prune in March or May after flowering has ended. The manipulation stimulates the formation of flower buds, which will be fully formed by winter, and the lilac will bloom magnificently next season.

So is it possible to prune lilacs in the fall? It is not advisable to prune in autumn or winter: there is a high probability that shoots with flower buds will be removed along with unnecessary branches. If you prune incorrectly in the fall, then next year it will bloom very sparingly.

Important! You need to be especially careful when pruning lilacs in the fall, and if you have very little or no experience in cultivating shrubs, it is better to postpone the manipulation until spring.

Video: how to properly prune lilacs in the fall.

Timing for pruning lilacs in autumn

As a rule, the timing of pruning plays an important role. When do you prune lilacs for the winter? You can prune the plant in the fall at any time. The main condition for starting manipulation is dry and cloudy weather.

How to properly prune lilacs in the fall - instructions and diagram

In order to give lilacs a beautiful shape, it is necessary to regularly trim protruding branches. How to prune it correctly in the fall? It is necessary to follow the following sequence of actions during formative pruning of lilacs:

  1. Dry, diseased and damaged shoots are trimmed, as well as shoots whose growth is directed towards the center of the bush.
  2. The bush is thinned out: out of two closely spaced branches, only one is left.
  3. Remove shoots growing near an adult plant.
  4. During the second formative pruning, the skeletal branches directed to the center of the plant are cut off, and all other shoots are shortened by 1/3.
  5. For 3-5 years from the beginning of crown formation, the same manipulations are carried out.
  6. In subsequent years, after establishing the shape of the crown, old and diseased branches, as well as some of the branches, are cut out of the bush.

Video: diagram of how to prune lilacs in the fall.

Important! You can begin to form a lilac crown only 3 years after planting.

Pruning old lilacs

To bring old lilacs back to life, you need to prune the overgrown bush in the fall. As a result of rejuvenating pruning, young shoots will receive more moisture and nutrients, and the plant will take on a more beautiful appearance.

How to prune old lilacs in the fall? Pruning an old plant is done as follows:

  1. Old shoots covered with cracked bark are trimmed. Even those branches that have living shoots must be removed.
  2. If the plant needs to be given a bush shape, only 3-4 shoots are left, directed in different directions.
  3. If you want to get a tree with a ball-shaped crown from a spreading bush, trim everything side shoots, and next autumn they cut off part of the top. In all subsequent years of growing the trunk, the shoots that form on the trunk are cut off.
  4. In the following seasons, after pruning, excess branches are cut out of the bush.

Video: old lilac that needs pruning.

In the photo below you can see a diagram of rejuvenating pruning of old lilacs in the fall:

Important! Regardless of the type of pruning, during manipulation you can remove no more than 15-20% of the branches from the original number.

Video: lilac pruning diagram.

Care after pruning: feeding and fertilizer

Due to the characteristics of lilac and large diameter After cutting, the resulting wounds take a very long time to heal. Therefore, in order to block the path of pathogenic bacteria into the trunk, they need to be treated with garden varnish.

To prepare the mixture, melt rosin and wax (1:2) over low heat in one bowl. As soon as they acquire a liquid consistency, pour in 2 parts of oil. After mixing thoroughly, remove the mixture from the stove and slowly pour into cold water. Then the water is drained and the brew is left to dry slightly. The resulting mixture is used to treat cracked sections.

By the way! Instead of garden varnish you can use oil paint or green stuff.

After pruning is completed, a multi-component organic solution is applied under the lilac (the recipe is given above).

Covering lilacs for the winter

An important element of caring for a plant in the fall and preparing it for winter is shelter. Warming is very important for young lilacs. Before mulching the soil, wipe the trunk of the bush with a rag to remove dead scales and accumulated dirt. To prevent diseases and pests, cleaned wood is bleached.

Is it necessary to cover lilacs for the winter?

Young and transplanted bushes are not yet strong enough to withstand the winter cold, so they need to be insulated before winter. Otherwise, plant flower buds and roots located close to the surface may freeze. Mature bushes are endowed with good frost resistance, so they do not need shelter.

How to properly cover lilacs for the winter

After the temperature drops to -5 C at night, the tree trunk circle of the bush is mulched with a 10 cm layer of straw, sawdust or dry leaves. As a result of a short stay in moderate frosts without shelter, the young plant will harden and acclimatize to new weather conditions. The trunks of the trunks are wrapped in burlap folded in half.

What are the features of preparing for winter in different regions?

Depending on the climate, young lilac bushes are covered in different ways. The severity of the shelter also depends on the shape of the plant: boles are more susceptible to damage by frost, and bushes - by mice.

In the middle zone (in the Moscow region)

In order for the plant to overwinter well, ordinary shelter is enough for it.

In the Volga region

The plant is mulched with a 15 cm layer of spruce branches or straw or replaced with boards that are laid around the perimeter of the rhizome. If the bush is planted in a windy place, it is wrapped in dense material.

In the Urals and Siberia

The thickness of the mulch layer increases to 15-20 cm, and young bushes are wrapped in agrospan. In the northern regions, lilacs can be damaged not only by severe cold, but also by hungry mice. To protect the root collar from damage, the bush is covered with snow and then thoroughly crushed. To protect against rodents, the trunk is tied with spruce branches.

Important! To prevent lilacs from dying out, the shelter must be removed immediately after stable warming has been established.

Typical autumn care mistakes

There are typical mistakes that gardeners make when caring for lilacs in the fall and preparing them for winter.

Errors include the following:

  • After fertilizing the soil in tree trunk circle dig too deep. Due to damage to the upper roots, the shrub forms weak shoots, and the number of buds decreases several times, and they are all located on the most illuminated branches.
  • During pruning, shoots with flower buds are removed. Removal large quantity of such shoots leads to liquid flowering or its complete absence.
  • The bush is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, which is why the plant does not overwinter well and produces few flowers.
  • After pruning, do not treat wounds. As a result, the plant begins to hurt, and in the event of a rainy autumn, the wood on the cuts begins to rot.

Lilac is a perennial shrub that is covered in lush fragrant flowers in spring. To grow such beauty on your site, you need to pay very little attention to the plant, giving appropriate care in the fall, and then the result will exceed all expectations.

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