Well      06/16/2019

How to deal with cherry slimy sawfly. How to get rid of the pine sawfly: the main types and control measures. Sawfly control measures

When a plant is healthy, insects do not cause much damage to it. Diseases should be recognized on the tree and pests should be dealt with.

The damage done to the tree is visible to the naked eye.

Cherry diseases

Disease Symptoms Treatment

(or gum treatment)

Transparent amber drops flow from the trunk, branches, fruits and freeze. So the plant tries to heal itself. Homoz appears as a result of plant injuries, improper care, frostbite or when attacked by pests. If the cause of the infection is known, it must be eliminated:
  1. Get rid of insects with insecticides and herbal infusions.
  2. In winter, protect the plant stem from frostbite with special compounds and covering material.
  3. Properly care for cherries, regularly cut shoots, fertilize and loosen the soil.
Anthracnose The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. On fruits infected with anthracnose, dull spots appear, which gradually coarsen and become covered with a pink bloom. When the fungus has completely infected the fetus, it mummifies. In wet weather, the disease spreads faster. In a short time, up to 80% of the crop dies. The spores of the fungus die under the influence of the drug "Polyram". It is produced in granules, diluted in the proportion: 20 g per 10 liters of water. Trees are treated with a solution before flowering and after harvesting.
Moniliosis Appears on branches and fruits white coating, damaged areas appear burnt. Moniliosis appears after flowering. From the disease, gray growths also form on the bark of the tree, the fruits do not ripen or rot and fall off, frozen drops of gum appear on the branches. Affected branches with fruits are cut and burned. Fallen leaves are also destroyed. A diseased tree is treated with fungicidal solutions: Kuprozan, Oleocuprit, Kaptan. This should be done several times: during the swelling of the kidneys, during the flowering period, after harvesting, before wintering.
rust on leaves Spots appear on the leaves that look like rust. At the initial stage, the affected area is small, but as the disease progresses, it constantly expands. The tree becomes weaker, reacts worse to temperature changes. Yield drops sharply. Affected and fallen leaves are burned. The tree is treated with copper oxychloride: 40 g of the drug per 5 liters of water. Spraying is carried out twice: before and after flowering. IN preventive measures after harvesting, the tree is treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.
coccomycosis The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. Pale or bright red spots appear on the outer side of the leaves, white-pink spores of the fungus are visible on the inside. Greens and buds quickly turn yellow and fall off. Fruits lag behind in development, do not ripen and crumble. Infection of cherries comes from spores of a fungus that lives in fallen leaves, so they need to be burned in the fall. Digging the earth around the tree before wintering is a must. Spraying with Polyram is carried out during the period of bud swelling, immediately after flowering and after harvesting.

Some experts are sure that it is pointless to fight coccomycosis and moliniasis, because the diseases will reappear on the tree. It is better to plant a young hybrid tree that is resistant to these diseases.

Cherry pests and their control

To maintain the attractiveness of the garden for many years and to harvest a bountiful harvest every year, you need to protect the trees from pests. By recognizing the disease and the type of pest, you can easily get rid of the problem. Folk methods and insecticides will come to the rescue.

Butterfly pale Brown, capable of laying eggs in cracks in the bark or on the buds of a plant. During the period of active vegetation, in the spring when the buds open, the cherry shoot moth hatches from the eggs. She eats the buds and destroys the young leaves, the shoots dry up. After flowering has passed, the caterpillars crawl onto the soil and pupate. This period lasts no more than a month, butterflies appear from the pupae, which lay new eggs.

Due to their cold hardiness, the eggs of the cherry shoot moth remain on the branches and bark until the onset of spring. After harvesting, you need to additionally spray the plants with insecticides. This will kill the eggs and reduce the possibility of re-infection.

How to deal with this pest:

  1. During the swelling of the kidneys, spray the trees abundantly with insecticides. Effective solution: 1% aqueous emulsion of DDT.
  2. Re-treat with drugs during caterpillar hatching: Karbofos 0.2% or Chlorophos 0.2%.
  3. Loosen the soil under the trees during the pupation of the cherry moth (first half of summer), this has a detrimental effect on the larvae and pupae.

The adult moth

This pest in appearance resembles an ordinary house fly. Its length does not exceed 4 mm. They have white longitudinal stripes on their backs and green eyes. The back of the head and thighs are yellow. Winters in top layer soil and last year's foliage, in a yellow cocoon, shaped like a barrel.

It hatches in the spring, feeds on the excrement of the cherry aphid until the fruit ripens. After the appearance of the berries, it drinks their juice and lays eggs in them. The process of development of the larva is short, no more than 20 days. Adults feed on fruit pulp before pupation. When the time comes, they crawl out. And the fruits that served as their home dry up or rot.

These are common pests of cherries, and the fight against them is not difficult, for this you need:

  1. Plant early varieties of cherries, treat them before flowering with insecticides.
  2. In the summer months and at temperatures above 15`C, loosen the soil around the trunk, spill the ground with Karbofos (0.2%) or Chlorophos (0.2%) preparations.
  3. Spray insecticide several times a season. The last spraying should be done two weeks before harvest.
  4. In autumn, dig the ground around the tree to a depth of 1020 cm.

Use liquid baits to attract flying pests. Arrange cans of kvass or beer under trees or hang them on branches. The liquid will begin to ferment, and its smell will attract flies. They will fall into a trap from which they will not be able to get out.

Common pest of cherry trees

Tube Roller

A small bug, which gnaws holes in the buds, climbs inside through them, eats out the pistil and stamens. The larvae of the cherry pipeworm disfigure the fruit and eat the seeds. As a result of the attack of this pest, the crop is reduced by at least 40%.

Adults of the cherry pipeworm have golden-green elytra, light yellow larvae.

When the crop matures, female weevils hatch from a cocoon in the soil and gradually rise up the trunk to fruit. There they gnaw holes in the pericarp and lay eggs. The caterpillars eat the flesh of the seeds, having satiated themselves, crawl out and fall to the ground. There they pupate and hibernate, this is repeated every year.

Weevils (cherry tubers) - dangerous pests cherries and their control is carried out with the help of industrial insecticides. Folk methods can only be used for preventive purposes.

The fight against these pests consists of several stages:

  1. Before the flowering period, the soil around the trees is dug up or plowed up. Weeding depth - at least 20 cm. A conventional aerator is not suitable for this, you need to dig it up manually.
  2. When the buds swell and bloom, trapping belts should be hung on the trees. Which from time to time need to be cleaned of adhering beetles, shaking them off on a plastic sticky film spread around the tree.
  3. After the end of flowering, after a few days you need to treat the plant with insecticides. It is best to use a 0.3% solution of Karbofos.

Pipework loves to feast on buds and cherry fruits

black cherry aphid

Such cherry pests can completely destroy a tree. The aphid colony settles on inside leaves, eats them out, multiplies rapidly. On the affected trees, the leaves turn black, curl and dry. Aphids also eat fruits in search of food. A large colony before flowering can damage young shoots, causing them to freeze and die.

To get rid of black cherry aphids you need:

  1. Attract as many people as possible to the garden ladybugs. They are natural enemies of aphids.
  2. Spray the leaves with a strong soapy solution (1 piece per 10 liters of water) or infusion of ash (1 kg of ash per 6 liters of water).
  3. Deal with aphids garden ants. You can burn the anthill or pour boiling water into it. Ants do not tolerate soda; you can spill the entire area with its solution.
  4. In summer, during the ripening of the crop, spray regularly natural remedies(infusion of herbs or potato tops).
  5. Treat with the drug "Spark" or "Commander", if other means do not help.

Aphid damages cherry leaves

Slimy sawfly

The larva is greenish-black in color, covered with mucus. Favorite habitat - fruit bushes and trees. The slimy sawfly builds small nests inside a tree or soil, at a depth of 5 to 15 cm. In spring, it pupates and crawls out. Lays eggs on the outer surface of the leaves, the hatching larvae of the slimy sawfly eat them. In autumn, the pupation process is repeated. The presence of the sawfly is immediately visible: the leaves of the plant are covered with ulcers and holes.

How to deal with this insect:

  1. In early spring and autumn, weed the ground around the trees to a depth of at least 15 cm.
  2. Spray with insecticides: Trichlormetafos (10%), Karbofos (10%), Chlorophos (3.8%).
  3. Apply soda and soap solutions for spraying every 2 weeks.
  4. Whitewash trees.
  5. In spring and autumn, water the kidney with Chlorophos (3.8%). In March, before the buds open, and in early September, after the last harvest.

winter moth

She lives in the soil, and can fly to the site from a nearby forest. The winter moth is a nondescript beige moth, with transverse dark lines on the wings. He is able to completely deprive the crop.

Large green-yellow caterpillars with a brown head gnaw out buds, destroy ovaries and flowers, braiding them with cobwebs. After that, they descend into the ground and pupate. So the winter moth waits for autumn. In September, October, butterflies hatch from the cocoon, which lay their eggs near the kidneys.

The winter moth is a frost-resistant insect, it can tolerate night frosts down to -15 `C.

It is necessary to deal with winter moth in a complex way:

  1. After harvesting, dig up the soil around the plant. This will kill the unformed butterflies.
  2. To clean the bark of cherries from neoplasms and moss. Remove ovipositors in the cracks of the branches, apply trapping belts, whiten the base of the tree.
  3. In the spring, before bud break, spray with a broad spectrum insecticide. It is best to use the funds "3ov" and "Dnok".
  4. After bud break, treat with additional means: Lufox, Calypso, Aktellik.

The moth destroys the foliage of the cherry

codling moth

This type of pest pupates in the spring shortly before the formation of the ovary. Codling moth butterflies lay their eggs on cherry leaves, and the caterpillars that hatch after a few days bite into the fruit and climb inside. They eat the pulp, make longitudinal moves and leave excrement. Having reached maturity, the caterpillars come to the surface, hide in the bark of a tree and hibernate.

Damaged fruits are sluggish, they show purple spots with leaking gum. They are not suitable for further processing and consumption.

For pest control effectively:

  1. Spraying with insecticides "Chlorophos" and "Karbofos".
  2. Loosening the soil around the tree during pupation.
  3. Destruction and collection of missing fruits.

Lime slimy sawfly ( Caliroa annulipes. Family Tenthredinidae- real sawflies). The name of the pest is the lime slimy sawfly, but this does not mean that it affects only lindens. Its voracious larvae, at the same time similar to both slugs and leeches, gnaw through the leaf plate, leaving an openwork skeleton from it. Usually, young trees suffer from this pest; it rarely attacks strong adult specimens.

Found everywhere

On the territory of Russia, the lime slimy sawfly is found everywhere. The larvae feed on oak, birch, willow, beech and blueberry, gnawing tissue between leaf veins, skeletonizing them. This pest settles on trees in thinned plantations, on the southern well-lit slopes. Prefers the leaves of the upper tier of the crown and its southern part, the extreme branches, well-lit single trees, does not occur in the center of the plantation.

It causes the greatest harm in young stands, nurseries, parks, squares, field protection and roadside strips and street plantings.

Older trees are rarely damaged, while isolated well-lit branches are predominantly populated.


Adult larvae do not descend along branches and trunks to the ground to cocoon, but always fall from leaves. Imago (adult insects) fly in the first decade of June. Male and female are small, 4 to 6 mm long, with two pairs of transparent wings. The body is black, shiny, the antennae and legs are black. Females lay their eggs scattered between the veins on the lower surface of the leaf blade, under the epidermis of the leaves, in cuts made with the help of the ovipositor in the parenchyma of the underside of the leaf - the so-called pockets. The masonry is clearly visible and looks like small brown swellings. Females lay 10–30 eggs in one leaf, and their fecundity is 50–70 eggs.

Linden leaves damaged by the slimy sawfly
Lime slimy sawfly larvae
The lime sawfly prefers the leaves of the upper tier of the crown

Life of a larva

Embryonic development lasts 1-2 weeks. When hatching, the larvae gnaw holes in the dome of the egg pocket through which they pass out. On one leaf blade there can be from 2 to 28 eggs, more often 9–14.

Hatching larvae are soon covered with transparent yellowish mucus. They are small at first, but can reach a length of 12 mm. The duration of the larval stage is 15–20 days. The body of the larvae is translucent, dark green, covered with translucent mucus secreted skin. The anterior part of the body is greatly expanded, the larvae are more like small leeches. Previously, entomologists called them slug sawflies. The head of the larvae is rounded, light brown. There are 7 pairs of ventral legs, the last pair of legs on the 10th segment is underdeveloped. During the development period, the larvae molt 5-6 times.

Larvae younger ages they gnaw out the pulp of the leaf from the underside between the veins in small spots, and the older one skeletonizes the leaves completely, leaving only the network of veins intact. The larvae are inactive and hold tightly to the leaves. Leaving in the soil begins at the end of June. The larvae pupate in dense oval cocoons from the ground at a depth of 5–15 cm.

In most regions, two generations of sawfly develop over the summer. Larvae of the second generation can be found until mid-September.

High resistance to lime sawfly large-leaved linden (Tilia platyphyllos Scop.) and l. felt (T. tomentosa Moench.).

Control measures

When larvae are found on the leaves, the plants are treated with an insecticide included in the list of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use on the territory. Russian Federation in the current year.

Along with other pests, sawflies cause severe, sometimes irreparable damage to horticultural and horticultural crops. These insects damage fruit bushes, fruit trees, some species settle on cereal crops, destroying agricultural land. Every gardener needs to know how to deal with the sawfly in order to secure their crops.

Cherry slimy sawfly: pest control measures

The cherry slime sawfly is a shiny black hymenopteran insect that is up to 6 mm long. The larvae are greenish-yellow, have a pronounced thickening in the front. From above they are covered with black mucous secretions.

The wintering of the larvae takes place in the soil near the tree at a depth of 15 cm. Insects fly out in late May - early June. Females lay their eggs in leaf tissue, resulting in a brown tubercle on its upper side. After two weeks, larvae are formed that feed on the pulp of the upper part of the leaf.

With mass pest invasions, only veins remain from the leaves. The trees look burned out.

A month later, the larvae go to wintering in the soil. In dry years, they can stay there for several years without coming to the surface.

The main measures to combat the cherry slimy sawfly are spraying trees with chamomile infusion. To prepare it, you need to mix 800 g of dried and carefully chopped grass and 150 g of chamomile inflorescences. Pour mixture 10 l warm water, insist for a day, strain, dilute 15 liters of water, dissolve in the infusion 15 g grated on a coarse grater laundry soap. Spraying should be carried out 3 times a week with a break. Processing must be stopped 2 weeks before harvest.

Pear sawfly weaver: photo and control measures

The pear weaver sawfly is an insect with a black head and a reddish belly. The body length of the pear sawfly sometimes reaches 14 mm.

Look at the photo: the wings of the weaver sawfly are covered with dark stripes. Caterpillars are orange-yellow, up to 20 mm long, with two processes at the end.

The pear sawfly-weaver damages mainly the pear, but is sometimes found on hawthorn and other fruit trees.

The wintering of the larvae takes place in the soil near the tree at a depth of 10 cm. The sawflies fly out in early June. Females lay up to 70 eggs on the underside of leaves. Then larvae appear from them, which are first located in groups in common spider nests, eating away the flesh of the leaf. Later, they are found singly in leaves folded and wrapped in cobwebs, eating them.

With the invasion of the pear sawfly, all the leaves of the tree can be destroyed. In autumn, insects go to winter in the soil. In dry years, they can stay there for up to several years without coming to the surface.

To combat the weaver sawfly, it is necessary to collect and burn spider web nests with its larvae.

Fight against yellow gooseberry sawfly

Caterpillars of the yellow gooseberry sawfly cause significant damage to plants in a short time. They destroy the leaves of the red currant and, completely eating them out. As a result, only thick veins remain, and bushes can be completely devoid of leaves. In addition, the growth and development of fruits stop - the berries remain small, wither and fall off. The plants themselves, affected by the pest, do not tolerate winter well and may die.

What the gooseberry sawfly looks like in the photo, you can see below:

During the pupation period of sawflies, it is necessary to carry out autumn digging of the soil and loosening.

To protect plants from pests, infusions and decoctions of insecticidal plants (garlic, wormwood, tobacco) are also used and sprayed with infusion of ash. In addition, control measures for the gooseberry sawfly include manual collection insects, as well as shaking them from the bushes onto newspapers or cloth.

For getting good harvest gooseberries should be created on the site from the very beginning favorable conditions for the development of plants so that they themselves can resist pests and.

It must also be remembered that it is much easier to bring pests such as aphids or sawflies, as well as pathogens of various diseases, to the seedling site than to get rid of them. Therefore, before landing, it is necessary to carefully check the planting material.

Measures to control the yellow plum sawfly

This insect is a yellow-brown Hymenoptera insect, whose body length is 5 mm.

As you can see in the photo, plum sawfly larvae are yellowish-brown, up to 9 mm long.

The wintering of the larvae takes place in the soil near the tree at a depth of 10 cm, where they then pupate.

Sawflies fly out about 5 days before the flowering of plums, cherries, sweet cherries, cherry plums, apricots and other stone fruits that they infect.

Females lay eggs in buds and flowers. After a few weeks, larvae appear that feed on the pulp of the ovary. Inner part damaged fruit is filled with watery excrement of larvae, which have a sharp bad smell. Each plum sawfly caterpillar can damage up to 6 fruits.

After about a month, the feeding period of the larvae ends. They go to winter in the soil. In dry years, the larvae can remain in the soil for several years without coming to the surface.

One of the effective measures to combat the yellow plum sawfly is spraying with infusion of marigolds. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour 15 cups of dry crushed marigold flowers into 8 liters of boiling water, add 20 g of laundry soap previously grated on a coarse grater, mix, leave for 18-20 hours. Spraying with infusion should be carried out 2 times a week, preferably in the morning. Processing must be stopped 10 days before harvest.

How to deal with the slimy sawfly and a photo of the pest

The slimy sawfly damages the leaves of stone fruits. Adults have a shiny black body, as well as two pairs of transparent wings, the span of which is 8-9 mm. Body length - 6 mm. The greatest danger is the larvae.

Pay attention to the photo: the slimy sawfly has a greenish-yellow body (up to 10 mm long) with a thickening, the front of which is covered with black mucus.

With the onset of spring, adult insects leave earthen cocoons and lay pale green eggs on the underside of leaves. fruit trees. After hatching, the larvae begin to damage the flesh of the upper side of the leaves.

In the process of how to deal with the slimy sawfly, it is imperative to dig up the soil in the fall. This event contributes to the destruction of the larvae that have fallen into it.

Cherry sawfly fight

The cherry sawfly is a black insect with yellow-white stripes. The body length of the cherry sawfly is up to 10 mm.

Look at the photo: sawfly larvae up to 12 mm long, dark green, with a dark stripe on the back.

Caterpillars of the cherry sawfly damage the leaves of cherries, sweet cherries and other stone fruits.

The wintering of the larvae takes place in the soil near the tree at a depth of 25 cm. Insects fly out during the blooming of cherry buds. Females lay up to 70 eggs on the underside of leaves. By the beginning of June, larvae appear, which at first are in common web nests, eating the flesh of the leaf. Then they live singly in folded and web-wrapped leaves, eating them.

With mass invasions of the cherry sawfly, all the leaves of the tree can be destroyed.

By August, the larvae pass to wintering in the soil. In dry years, they can stay there for up to two years without coming to the surface.

To combat the cherry sawfly, the soil near cherry, sweet cherry and apricot trees should be dug up. It is necessary to collect and burn spider nests with cherry sawfly larvae.

Apple fruit sawfly: photo and control measures

The apple fruit sawfly belongs to the Hymenoptera order, it reaches 6-7 mm in length. Body color yellow below, black above.

As you can see in the photo, the wings of the apple sawfly are transparent with a grid of dark veins. The female lays one egg in the receptacle of a flower or bud, having previously cut through its skin with her abdomen. The larvae of the apple sawfly are caterpillars up to 10 mm long, pale yellow in color, outwardly resembling caterpillars of the codling moth.

Caterpillars of the apple sawfly pose the greatest danger to gardeners, since the pest settles in the ovary of the plant immediately after flowering, after which it destroys the seed chamber. The resulting space (usually in the center of the fruit), the apple sawfly larva fills with its brown gelatinous secretions that have a characteristic smell.

The main measure to combat the apple sawfly is spraying the trees with chamomile infusion. To prepare it, you need to mix 800 g of dried and carefully chopped grass and 150 g of chamomile inflorescences.

Pour the mixture with 10 liters of warm water, insist for a day, strain, dilute with 15 liters of water, dissolve in the infusion 15 g of laundry soap grated on a coarse grater. Spraying should be carried out 3 times a week with a break. Processing must be stopped 2 weeks before harvest.

The fight against the pale-footed gooseberry sawfly and a photo of the pest

The caterpillars of the gooseberry sawfly eat gooseberry leaves, red and white currants to the veins. Adult larvae overwinter in dense web cocoons. They burrow into the soil under bushes to a depth of 15 cm. In early spring, they pupate. After the leaves bloom, butterflies appear, which lay their eggs along the veins on the underside of the leaf. One female can lay up to 150 eggs.

Pay attention to the photo: caterpillars of the pale-legged gooseberry sawfly have ten pairs of legs. The larvae are green with a conspicuous brown head.

During the summer, 2-3 generations of sawflies appear.

To combat the pale-footed gooseberry sawfly, it is recommended to dig and loosen the soil under the gooseberry and currant bushes, rake and remove fallen leaves in time.

You can shake sawfly caterpillars into a bucket and then destroy them.

With a massive invasion of pests, it is recommended to spray with infusion of calendula and dandelion roots. To prepare it, you need to mix 400 g of calendula flowers and 150 g of dandelion roots. Pour the mixture with 10 liters of boiling water, leave for at least 2 hours, strain. Spraying with infusion should be carried out immediately after its preparation. The first spraying should be carried out from the moment the buds open until the buds are isolated, and the second - immediately after flowering. If new sawfly larvae appear after harvest, another spraying can be done.

The plum sawfly gives gardeners a lot of trouble. He meets on fruit crops ah the entire European territory. You can meet the pest in Central Asia. The object of defeat are all kinds of plums. At the same time, imago pests in the form of hymenoptera insects are safe for the crop, they eat juice and pollen of inflorescences. The larvae, on the other hand, damage the fruits, in which ideal conditions for development are created for them: constant humidity and a stable temperature sufficient for growth.

Pest types and damage

Plum sawfly - photo of a sexually mature female

Black plum sawfly or Haplocampa minuta appears during the swelling of plum flowers that have not opened their petals. Once they start to color pink color, a black insect flies out with a brilliant shade of color. The adult sawfly has webbed wings. Translucent with brownish veins. The larvae overwinter in the ground - yellow or pale green color of the caterpillars, hidden in cocoons.

Pupation occurs in spring, when the soil warms up to a depth of 50 mm at 8°C and above. At favorable climate(+15°С and warmer) sawfly females lay eggs one at a time in cuts in buds (up to 30 eggs). As soon as the ovary begins to form, the larvae hatch. In search of food, they penetrate the fruits. The food of the caterpillars of the first age is the pulp of the ovary. For offspring of the second and third age, the segment of the fetus directly at the bone serves as a nutrient medium. A spoiled plum falls off.

The yellow plum sawfly (another name is Hoplocampa flava L.) also feeds on the fruits of cherries, cherry plums, sweet cherries, apricots, and blackthorns. The name justifies it appearance: in the coloring of the abdomen, chest and head, a yellow and light brown hue predominates. Yellow color mustache and legs. Females are somewhat larger than males: 6 mm and 5 mm, respectively. Years of yellow sawflies fall on flowering early varieties plums, plums Just as dangerous to the crop as the black "relatives". Adults live in communities in cobweb nests in tree foliage, while pupation takes place in the soil layer.

Attention! The degree of danger to the harvest of sawflies can be judged from statistical data. One pest spoils up to 6 fruits. In an unfavorable period, with a mass attack by insects of fruit crops with different fruiting periods, they can destroy 60% or even 80% of the crop. In this case, the best plants are affected.

Prevent spread

Knowing how to deal with the plum sawfly, you can minimize the risk of damage to fruit crops. characteristic feature considered to be focal damage by a pest, as well as a reduction in its number in places with dry soil litter. The sawfly is least present in artificially irrigated gardens with a natural arid climate.

The gardener must be careful - it is important to notice the sawfly in a timely manner

  • If you still have to make a breakdown of the garden, you need to choose a place for it with good natural drainage of groundwater and precipitation, as far as possible from a wild forest belt with fruit trees.
  • An effective preventive measure is loosening the soil in the root zone, within the radius of the projection of the tree crown. Deep digging of soil between planted trees late autumn And in early spring. So destroyed most of prepared for wintering pupae, larvae.
  • You can reduce the number of insects by preliminary shaking the tree and collecting pests on a film, oilcloth, tarpaulin previously spread under the tree. This is done in cloudy weather before flowering. The collected living "material" is destroyed by burning, boiling, burial in the soil to a depth of at least 0.5 m.
  • Periodically revise the fruits, removing the damaged ones, with the same shaking. Or pick off deformed, disproportionate in size, with a ribbed texture of the berries, preventing the appearance of larvae.
  • Abundant watering of the soil layer during the flowering period is practiced with the following composition: dilute 50 g in 10 liters of water wood ash. Or, treat the soil under the tree, like it itself, with the composition: dissolve 0.7 kg of urea in 10 liters of water. This is how pests wintering under the plant in the ground are destroyed even before their mass summer. But it is necessary to do the processing before bud break, so as not to damage the delicate greenery of the crown.

some chemistry

Chemical irrigation of crops is carried out zonal, in places of the greatest accumulation of insects. The preparations Metaphos, Karbofos (10%), Benzophosphate (10%) are used. The first treatment with insecticides against adults is performed two days before the start of flowering, at the stage of changing the color of the buds: they turn pink and begin to open. Rogor, Gardona, Cidal will be effective. The second time the attack is carried out against the larvae, when the petals have fallen (Tarzan, Insegar, Novaktion). For the third run, Metaphos or Phosphamide are used in such a way that the plum crop will be harvested no earlier than a month after the application of the preparations.

By the way. For large lesions chemical methods fight can be repeated. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Herbs to help the gardener

The fight against the plum sawfly is not only about the use of poisons. Do not underestimate herbal formulations.

Each processing method is effective in its own way. Insecticides, so not loved by many gardeners, during the period mass destruction trees as a pest come to the fore in the fight for the harvest. But if you start it on time, you can get by folk remedies and simple agrotechnical measures. We must not forget about the birds. Top dressing in the winter, arranging houses in early spring helps to trap insects. It is necessary not to miss the time, to inspect the gardening more often. Then the pest with the formidable name "sawfly" will not become a threat to the crop in the garden.

The cherry slimy sawfly is distributed throughout the non-chernozem zone. It damages cherries, sweet cherries, less often plums, pears, mountain ash, bird cherry, hawthorn. An adult insect (5 - 6 mm) is black in color, with two pairs of transparent, slightly darkened wings.

Larvae are greenish yellow(9-11 mm long), covered with sticky black mucus. They look like small leeches with a thickened front part of the body ( tab. 48).

The larvae overwinter in the soil at a depth of 2-3 cm., under the crown of a tree, at a distance of about 1 m from the trunk. In June, the larvae pupate in cocoons, and in July, adult insects fly out.

The female makes an incision with the ovipositor from the underside of the leaf and lays an egg in it. A swelling is formed at the place of egg laying, and a brown tubercle is visible on the upper side of the leaf.

Tab. 48. Cherry Slimy Sawfly:

1 - an adult insect;
2 - egg;
3 - a cocoon with a chrysalis inside;
4 - caterpillars, skeletonizing leaves;
5 - caterpillar

After 1-2 weeks the larvae hatch., which skeletonize small areas of leaves on the upper side. In this case, the soft parts of the leaf are eaten away and the veins remain intact. Damaged leaves turn brown and from a distance give the impression of burnt fire.

In September the larvae go into the soil to a depth of 2-15 cm. In the conditions of the non-chernozem zone, the sawfly develops in one generation.

As a result of damage by larvae, the leaves dry out. and fall off. With a strong overeating of foliage, the trees are weakened, the laying of flower buds for the next year's harvest decreases.

Damage to young trees leads to a decrease in shoot growth. Sawflies are most dangerous for young seedlings.

How to deal with the cherry sawfly

1) loosening and digging trunk circles in autumn and spring for the destruction of wintering larvae;
2) spraying with infusions of tobacco, shag, wormwood, soda ash(70 g per 10 l of water) or 50% trichlormetaphos-3 (10 - 20 g per 10 l of water), 10% or 30% karbofos (75 - 100 or 25 - 30 g per 10 l of water ) with the mass appearance of larvae, which usually occurs after harvesting cherries.