Shower      06/13/2019

How to feed fruit trees. Tree feeding methods. Typical top dressing of fruit-bearing fruit and berry

Fertilization and irrigation of trees, shrubs and plants. For growing high and large fruit crops fruit trees needs to be fertilized annually. Fertilizers are introduced into the annular near-stem grooves. They are dug on the periphery of the crown, closer to the trunk by 25-40 cm. Fertilization is combined with irrigation.

Basic fertilizer make in the fall, usually in the second half of October. The ditch is dug to a depth of 25-35 cm. 0.9 - 1 kg is placed on its bottom (depending on the length). full mineral fertilizer, 15-30 kg are placed on top. manure or humus (for peaches 30-40 kg of manure), and on top - leaves, tops of vegetable plants, which are covered with a layer of earth 8 - 10 cm. Keeping the groove deepening.

Autumn - best time for the use of fertilizers: feces, chicken manure and composts. Feces are brought in at 2-3 kg, droppings - at 8-10 kg, compost - at 20-30 kg. on a tree.

Fertilizing trees with humus.

How to fertilize trees with humus?

apple trees, grafted on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks require more nutrients when densely planted than those grafted on seedlings. This is due to the nature of the root system - in weakly growing rootstocks, it is fibrous and lies shallow, while in vigorous rootstocks, the roots are branched and go deep. Therefore, trees on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks must be planted in the presence of watering.

The yield of fruit trees is greatly influenced by
humus fertilizers, which not only provide the needs of plants for nutrients, including trace elements, but also contribute to the improvement physical properties soil. With prolonged application of only one mineral fertilizers the acidity and density of the soil may increase, the composition of the root microflora may deteriorate.

Once every two or three years, manure can be used as organic matter (two or three kilograms per square meter) - best in the fall for plowing or digging. You can replace it with compost made from various plant waste. Can be used as organic fertilizer bird droppings: 200-400g per square meter m.

It is better to make them into the annular grooves, they can be made one or two around the tree, depending on its age, with a depth of 20-25 cm and at a distance of 30-40 cm from the trunk. soil 3-4 cm.

These fertilizers are applied in autumn. Nitrogen fertilizers are given in the spring for watering. The number of those and others directly depends on the age of the trees. So, for example, under a two-year-old tree, 10-15 kg of manure or compost, 80 g of granulated superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt I could be applied before winter, and 36 g of amselitra or 26 g of urea in spring.

Tree 3-4 years old already requires 15-20 kg of manure or compost, 60 g of amseltra, 128 g of granulated super-1 phosphate and 50 g of potassium salt. Under a tree 5-6 years, diameter trunk circle which is three meters, it is recommended to apply in the fall 20-30 kg of manure or compost, 179 g of granulated superphosphate, 70 g of potassium salt, and in the spring - 84 g of amseltra or 60 g of urea.

Tree 7 years old 30-40 kg of manure or compost is required, 114 g of amseltra, 246 g of granulated superphosphate, 95 of potassium salt. Under a tree 9-10 years old, with a trunk circle diameter of 4 meters, it was necessary to apply in the fall 40-50 kg of manure or compost, 318 g of granulated superphosphate and 125 g of potassium salt, and in the spring either 150 g of ammonium nitrate or 109 g of urea .

Along with the main fertilizer carried out in the fall in the garden, foliar top dressing is used in spring and summer. First spraying the aboveground parts of the trees are carried out in late May - early June, the second - two to three weeks after the first.

Foliar top dressing can be done with a 0.5% solution of urea (50 g per 10 liters of water). And you can take 200 g of single superphosphate, 50 g of amnitrate, or 40 g of urea, 50 g of potassium if, 1 g for 10 liters of water boric acid and 2 g of zinc sulfate and manganese.

Watering trees.

Watering the tree is done in the deepening of the groove in three steps: the first time 5-6 buckets, after 7-8 days 8-10 buckets, and then after 8-10 days 10-15 buckets of water. The amount of water for irrigation depends on the size of the trees. After the last watering, the soil is lightly mulched with dry earth or film, keeping a recess for precipitation in autumn.

In summer, root and foliar top dressing held from the end of June to the end of July. Trunk grooves are dug to a depth of 20-25 cm, 0.3-0.5 kg of mineral fertilizer and 8-10 kg of manure, humus or compost are placed on the bottom. Watering is carried out in two doses of 5-10 buckets of water with an interval of 2-3 days. The trunk grooves near the trees are covered with plywood, cardboard, and 1-2 days after the second watering, the grooves are leveled. The second feeding of late varieties is carried out in late summer (August) - early September.

In dry spring apricots, cherries, sweet cherries are watered in the second half of May, the rest of the trees - in the first half of June. If there is little precipitation during the summer, apple trees, pears, quince, plums are watered 2-3 times (except for top dressing watering). In gardens where there is no running water, to save watering around the tree, it is necessary to bury old drain or asbestos pipes (4-6 pieces) around the perimeter at a distance of 80-120 cm from the trunk to a depth of 30-40 cm and water through them.

adults not fruitful trees with good development, do not fertilize and stop watering. Under such conditions, the development of growth shoots is weakened, fruit buds are laid, and growth end buds on twigs and annelids eventually turn into fruit buds.

Trees in some periods of the growing season are especially in need of replenishing their nutrient reserves. For this purpose, foliar top dressing is carried out, introducing nutrients into plants by spraying trees.

Foliar feeding of trees.

Foliar top dressings are especially effective, if for some reason the main fertilizer was not applied in the fall. Foliar feeding increases the yield and quality of fruits, increases the amount of nutrients located in plant tissues.

During the growing season of trees, 2-3 foliar top dressings are carried out: the first - before or after flowering, the second - in June after the excess ovary has fallen off (at the time of laying fruit buds), the third - in September.

especially foliar feeding is important urea solution (500-700 g per 10 liters of water) before leaf fall, it increases the nitrogen content in the buds of trees and plants, destroys fungal diseases on leaves and shoots.

With foliar top dressing, macroelements (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen) and microelements (zinc, cobalt, manganese, boron) are introduced. Sulfur, copper, iron fall on plants partially when trees are sprayed against diseases and pests.

For spraying apple trees a solution is used, which includes 20-30 g of saltpeter, for pears 10-20 g, for all fruit species 150-200 g of superphosphate and 40-50 g of potassium chloride, 2 g of zinc sulfate, 2 g of manganese sulfate, 2 g of cobalt sulfate, 2g of boric acid or borax per 10l. water. All these elements are mixed with a solution of pesticides when spraying against pests and diseases (the toxicity of pesticides is not reduced). If the dosage of the elements is incorrect, there may be cases of leaf burn.

Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is extremely important for seedlings in the first years of their life. Usually not very fertile soil is allocated for gardens, so fertilization is the only way to improve the quality of the soil. In soil rich in nutrients, planted crops are more likely to take root, grow and develop better. On initial stage growth plants absorb a lot of organic matter, micro and macro elements. Fertilizers during this period should be applied intensively and be varied so that the plants do not lack any element. Only complex feeding of young trees will help to grow healthy crops, which will further affect their fruiting and crop quality.

What are the seedlings missing?

If the soil was filled correctly, then in the first year after planting, the plants do not need any top dressing. Proper filling of the soil involves the application of organic or complex fertilizers, which contain all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities. Most of all, planted plants need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus - these substances must be added additionally, since initially they are few in the soil. No less important for planted trees are carbon, oxygen and hydrogen - these components are absorbed by plants from the soil, but on poor soils they may be deficient. Relatively little plants require calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, copper and other elements at the initial stage of growth.

The need for fertilizer also depends on the type. fruit crops. For example, quinces and pears consume more nutrients, and preferably of organic origin. Stone fruits (plum, cherry, apricot) are less picky - they can be fed with both organic and mineral mixtures. And at the same time, the lack of any element will not significantly affect their development.

Unfortunately, it often happens that plants after planting cannot take root for a long time, start to hurt, and may even die. You can determine which element is missing for the harmonious development of young trees by the following external signs:

  • a lack of nitrogen is indicated by a pale color of greenery, weak stems and small leaves;
  • a lack of potassium can be determined by the spotty, yellow or brown color of the foliage, the leaf plates become wrinkled, dry out along the edge;
  • with a lack of magnesium, the formation of chlorophyll is disrupted, the leaves become light, and then turn yellow and die (fall off);
  • a lack of phosphorus is indicated by small, dark, almost black, drying leaves, the problem most often begins to develop from the lower part of the plant;
  • iron deficiency is manifested in the drying of the edges of leaves and shoots; seedlings of apple, pear, plum, raspberry and grape trees are very sensitive to iron deficiency;
  • the lack of copper is indicated by the whitened tips of the leaves, the greens lose their elasticity and then die off.

Informative video in which you can hear helpful tips for fertilizing young plants.

nitrogen fertilizers

The need for seedlings in nitrogen occurs 2-3 years after planting, provided that this element is sufficiently introduced when planting the plant. Nitrogen for the most part applied in the spring, when the vegetation process is particularly active, and in a small amount late autumn. Spring top dressing is carried out at the rate of 20 g / m. sq. near-stem circle, for fertile soils it is enough to apply 10 g / m. sq. You can fertilize the soil with nitrogen using the following means:

  • - granular fertilizer containing up to 35% pure ammonium nitrate and up to 14% sulfur, due to which the mixture is well absorbed by plants. You can feed the plants with saltpeter both in dry and liquid form: when embedding granules in the soil around the trunks, the norm is 15-20 g / 1 sq. m, to prepare an aqueous solution, you need 20-30 g / 10 l of water;
  • urea (carbamide) - a mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen in an easily digestible form - plants in the second year after planting can be fertilized with a dry mixture by embedding in a near-stem circle, also planted trees can be fed with a liquid solution at the rate of 0.5 kg of urea / 10 l of water (solution crown and trunk are sprayed).

It is not recommended to fertilize weak and not strengthened seedlings after planting at the end of the growing season and in the fall with nitrogen preparations - this will prolong their growth period and reduce frost resistance.

Phosphorus-potassium mixtures

Potash and phosphate fertilizers are recommended to be applied in the fourth year after planting trees. Potassium, phosphorus and complex mixtures containing these elements are introduced mainly in autumn, as they contain substances that are difficult for plants to digest. Only fruit-bearing crops should be fertilized with phosphorus and potassium in the spring. If by the fourth year the tree begins to bear fruit, then it must be fed during the formation of the fruit ovary. Potassium fertilization can be carried out by applying the following fertilizer:

  • potassium salt - contains 40% potassium, is a universal fertilizer for all crops, applied to the soil in autumn;
  • - contains 50% of the main substance, is used as the main fertilizer for fruit crops, due to the absence of chlorine, the drug can be applied in the spring.

Phosphorus top dressing can be carried out using the following mixtures:

  • superphosphate - granular fertilizer contains up to 20% phosphoric acid, as the main nutrition, the mixture should be fertilized at the rate of 30-40 g / m. sq.,
  • phosphate rock - depending on the type, it contains from 15 to 35% phosphorus, any fruit crops can be fertilized with the product by embedding in loose soil, it has a neutralizing property on acidic soils.

You can also fertilize fruit crops with complex preparations: nitrophoska (contains potassium 12%, phosphorus and nitrogen), diammophoska (potassium and phosphorus 26%, nitrogen - 10%), special mixtures "Autumn", "AVA", which, in addition to potassium and phosphorus, contain some trace elements.

Products based on organic substances

The universal and most valuable fertilizer for seedlings of fruit crops is the manure of animals and birds. It is introduced into the soil in the third year after planting at the rate of 5-6 kg/m. sq. circumferential circle. Bird droppings, especially chicken droppings, are most useful. It is applied as a fertilizer to the soil in the spring. To feed fruit crops, litter should be diluted with water in the proportion of 1 kg / 10 l of water, then insist for several days. Dry manure is recommended to be applied in autumn at the rate of 0.3 kg/m. sq.

Fresh manure from cows, horses, pigs is not recommended. For fertilizing seedlings, only humus (rotted manure) should be used. Fertilizing with manure is carried out in the fall no more than 1 time / 2-3 years; on poor soils, plants can be fed more often.

Peat as a fertilizer is not as effective as manure, but when applied for digging, it improves the structure of the soil and increases air permeability. Furnace ash contains phosphorus, potassium and lime. It lowers the acidity of the soil, so podzolic and soddy soils are recommended to be fertilized with ash. Ash is added at the rate of 100-120 g/sq. m. It can be mixed with any other organic top dressing, or prepare an aqueous solution for root application.

Fertilizer with compost

Compost is considered a very valuable organic fertilizer. It enriches the soil with humus, improves aeration, helping to increase soil fertility. In addition, compost contains a large amount of trace elements and nutrients necessary for the growth of young trees. Using high-quality compost for feeding the garden, you can completely do without the use of mineral preparations and mixtures.

Most gardeners prefer to fertilize seedlings exclusively with their own compost. Everyone knows that when planting seedlings, the soil should be well fed so that the plants do not experience a lack of nutrients at the start of their development. That's why experienced gardeners prepare for the landing of young animals in advance. Since autumn, they have been digging holes into which various organic wastes intended for compost are poured: dry leaves, peat, sawdust, dry tops and other materials. Then sprinkle the pits with a small amount of earth, cover, and leave until spring. Over the winter, the waste will turn into compost, which will serve as a good organic fertilizer for the planted trees during the first year of life.

In the future, it is recommended to apply compost for crops in the third year after planting, but with a lack of humus in the soil, it may be necessary to apply it in the second year. It is necessary to make compost for seedlings in the fall (from mid-September to early October) - it is still warm at this time, so part of the nutrients will be absorbed by the crops from autumn, which will help them adapt and survive the winter. Fertilizer should be shallowly dug into upper layer soil near the trunk circles. Alternatively, you can simply spread it around the trunk and sprinkle it a little with earth.

Trees continuously consume nutrients from the soil, therefore, over time, the soil under them is depleted. Because of this, the yield of the garden is reduced, and young plants develop worse. Even if the soil was fertilized in the fall, this does not mean that it does not need to be fed in the spring. After all, with melted snow, many useful elements, including nitrogen, go away. It is in the spring, during the resumption of active plant growth, that the soil especially needs additional fertilizing.

Spring feeding of fruit trees - essential condition their rich fruiting. Therefore, gardeners, with the onset of heat, should take maximum care of fertilizing their garden, otherwise the prospect good harvest it will be very vague for them.

spring fruit trees need to be fed with mineral and organic means.

organic fertilizers

The advantage of organic fertilizers is availability and also environmental friendliness. With regular use of organic fertilizers, the soil becomes looser and absorbs water better.

Compost is rotted plant debris. Its introduction promotes better digestibility of minerals. Poorly rotted compost is undesirable to use, weed seeds can be preserved in it.

Manure fresh mullein or horse manure is used. It should be used with caution due to the high ammonia content, which can harm the rhizome of the plant. To prepare a liquid composition, 10 liters of liquid will be needed for 1 kg of manure. When manure is applied during digging, it will need 10 kg per 1 sq.m.

bird droppings contains large amounts of nitrogen, which stimulates rapid and balanced plant growth. It must be applied carefully, strictly observing the proportion, in order to prevent burns of the rhizome.

In the form of a liquid fertilizer for an apple tree in the spring, litter is used in the following proportion: 100 g of litter / 15 liters of liquid. Moreover, the solution is insisted for 5-10 days. Dry manure is used for digging.

wood ash valuable high content various chemical elements and is an excellent replacement for potash fertilizers. It is used as a soil protection against insects, rot and fungal diseases.

Bone flour has a high content of nitrogen and calcium, is used to deoxidize the soil. Currently, bone meal can be purchased in specialized stores.

Mineral fertilizers

It is widely believed among gardeners that such fertilizers can harm both human health and the plant. But at rational use mineral fertilizers and strict adherence to dosages, this risk is reduced to zero, and the benefits are enormous. The use of mineral fertilizers is most desirable for microelement-poor and depleted soils.

nitrogen fertilizers(ammonium sulfate, urea, ammonium nitrate). Promote rapid growth and positively affect the quality and volume of the crop. Sandy soils are more in need of such top dressing.

Phosphate fertilizers(superphosphate, phosphate rock). They contribute to the strengthening and growth of the root system. They are introduced into the soil and buried closer to the roots. Such fertilizers are not washed out of the soil, they stay in it for a long time.

potash fertilizers(potassium sulfate). They increase cold resistance and drought tolerance of plants, help fruit crops produce sugar. Potassium has a positive effect on the formation and growth of side shoots. In spring, it is especially necessary for young trees. But it is not recommended to use it in its pure form. It is better when it is included in mixtures, for example, potassium salt or potassium magnesia. Contains a lot of potassium wood ash. In peat or sandy soils, potassium accumulates worse than in chernozems.

Microfertilizers contain the most necessary trace elements for plants: boron, zinc, iron, manganese, sulfur, copper, manganese).

It is best to fertilize fruit trees in the third year of cultivation. By this moment, the crown grows enough, obscures the near-trunk circle, and green manure does not cope with the task. Fruiting trees are fertilized several times a season. This raises the yield well, replenishes the supply of nutrients in the soil.

First feeding of fruit trees

Experts advise feeding fruit trees for the first time at the very beginning of spring. You should not wait until all the snow has melted, but the ground should thaw a little.

For top dressing during this period, use nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, urea).

Scatter them around each trunk over the snow, which, during melting, will deliver nitrogen and other important chemical elements to the root system of fruit trees with shrubs. Moreover, it is necessary to apply fertilizers at a distance of about 50-60 cm from the trunk with the obligatory loosening of the soil.

During such top dressing, it is important not to overdo it, as an excess of nitrogen will harm the crop. Having received an extra portion of this element, the tree will begin to develop its crown and root system so actively that it will leave very little strength for the setting and good development of the fruit. How to calculate the amount of feeding? Very simple - for one young tree use approximately 40 g, for an adult about 100 g.

If you are a fan of organic fertilizing, wait until the ground has completely thawed. Prepare a nutrient solution by adding 300 g of urea, 1.5 liters of manure or 4 liters of manure to a bucket of water. For reference: use 3-4 liters of top dressing per tree.

Second feeding of fruit trees

During flowering and leaf formation, fruit trees especially need potassium and phosphorus. Potassium is necessary for the formation of new shoots, increasing the level of sugar in fruits, as well as for the resistance of crops to diseases and adverse conditions. external factors. Phosphorus helps to strengthen the root system of trees.

Experienced gardeners say that it is better not to purchase mineral fertilizers containing both substances at once, but it is better to apply them separately to the soil. First, phosphorus, which has the name "superphosphate", - 60 g per adult tree. A little later, potash (potassium salt, potassium magnesia, potassium sulfate, ash) - 20 g per tree.

A special mixture is popular among Ural gardeners, which is prepared in a large barrel. The proposed amount of fertilizer is designed for 3 trees:
. 400 g potassium sulfate
. 0.5 kg superphosphate
. 2.5 liters of bird droppings (you can replace 250 g of urea or 2 bottles of Effekton)
. 100 liters of water

All components must be diluted in water and let it brew for a week. Then fertilize the trees with the infused mixture in the root zone (50-60 cm from the trunk). Approximately 5 buckets of top dressing are spent on one fruiting apple tree.

Third and fourth feeding

It is very important to feed fruit trees in the spring after flowering for the full development of fruits. During this period, organic is best suited. Of the organic fertilizers, gardeners especially liked compost. They are watered the root zone of flowering garden plants pre-diluted with water.

During the period of development of the fruit that has begun, it is advisable to once again feed garden crops with organic matter (mullein, compost, biohumus). If this is not possible, then purchase a special mineral mixture, with a slight predominance of nitrogen in the composition. Fertilizer is either embedded in the ground or mixed with mulch.

Foliar top dressing of fruit trees

In the spring, you can fertilize the garden not only by enriching the soil, but also by a foliar method. A weak solution is prepared from the mixture for feeding and the green crown is sprayed with it.

The leaves absorb substances well, the tree gets faster necessary elements. This method is considered an emergency aid to plants. It is often used to stimulate shoot growth or if the root system or trunk is damaged and cannot fully utilize the nutrition from the ground.

For foliar feeding, both organic and mineral mixtures can be used. Spraying trees with microfertilizers gives a good effect. For example, boron contributes to more abundant flowering, zinc serves as a disease prevention, manganese increases the sugar content in fruits and increases yield.

In order for the fruits to have enough calcium, in early spring fruit trees should be sprayed with a Bordeaux mixture (4%), at the same time this will serve as protection against diseases and insect attacks.

At foliar fertilizer very low concentrations of solutions are used so as not to cause burns of leaves and wood.

For spraying the crown of pears or apple trees, you can use a solution of manganese sulfate or zinc sulfate at the rate of 0.2 g per liter of water. If two trace elements are used at once, then their dosage is halved.

Stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, cherry plums) will grow and bear fruit better if they are treated with urea diluted at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water in the spring. Spraying is repeated a couple of times at weekly intervals.

The result will be better if you use this method alternating with the classic root top dressing. It is the soil that is able to retain the substances necessary for fruit crops for a longer time.

Do not fertilize young one-year-old seedlings. It is better to start fertilizing them from the second year after planting.

Young fruit trees are fed in the spring with both organic matter and mineral preparations.

Organic fertilizers (urea, manure) are diluted with water in the proportion: 300 g of urea or 4 liters of liquid manure per 10 liters of water. One young tree should receive about 5 liters of liquid top dressing. For a tree that grows less than 5 years old, it is enough to add about 20 kg of humus to the root zone.

Any liquid fertilizer is applied to moist soil, otherwise it can burn the roots of the plant.

In the first few years, the effect of applying fertilizers under the trees is hardly noticeable. It manifests itself more strongly with the approach of fruiting.

Adult fruiting apple trees for full growth and fruiting must be fertilized in the spring at least three times.

Features of feeding an apple tree

In the spring, a fruiting apple tree needs organic and mineral feeding.

An apple tree aged 5 to 9 years needs about 30 kg of humus, an apple tree older than 9 years needs at least 50 kg of fertilizer.

Slurry is diluted in a ratio of 1:5. A tree that has not reached 8 years old needs 30 liters of such top dressing, older than 8 years - about 50 liters.

The application of mineral fertilizers has a positive effect on the apple tree: ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate, magnesium sulfate. Their norm is calculated according to the instructions in accordance with the age of the tree.

Read more about feeding apple trees in THIS article.

Features of feeding pear

Spring pear dressing is similar to apple tree dressing, but has some differences.

Humus is necessary for a pear in large quantities. It is mixed with the soil in the spring during digging. A three-year-old tree needs about 20 kg of humus, and every year its amount is increased by 10 kg. After 11 years, the trees are fed every 2 years, applying 100 kg of fertilizer.

In the spring, a fruiting pear is sprayed with a weak solution of urea. The first time at the end of the flowering period, the second time is repeated after 10-15 days.

Pear responds well to spring top dressing mineral solutions: superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride.

Features of feeding apricot

Throughout the spring, apricots are fed several times. First, nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Then after flowering organic. More often, urea, saltpeter, slurry, chicken manure are used for this.

Features of feeding plums and cherry plums

Humus for plum and cherry plum is applied at 10 kg if the tree is under 6 years old and at 20 kg if the tree is older than 6 years.

Plum prefers alkaline soil, so fluff lime or wood ash is often added to the composition of fertilizers for it.

Features of feeding cherries and sweet cherries

Under trees up to 4-5 years old, humus is added every spring. It is scattered around the trunk, with a radius of about 0.5 m, with a layer of about 4 cm. For trees older than 5 years, one feeding with humus for 3 years is enough.

Urea, ammonium nitrate should be fed to trees in early spring and late May.

In the feeding of garden plants in the spring there are some features that every gardener must know:
. carrier chemical substances water comes out of the top dressing to the roots of a tree or bush, therefore, after applying dry fertilizer, careful watering is necessary.
. Liquid top dressing should not be applied to dry ground, so that burns do not remain on the roots.
. Garden crops do not need to be fertilized during the first year after planting.
. Fertilizer is best done in the evening.
. When carrying out top dressing, it is important to take into account that the root system of an adult tree extends beyond the boundaries of its crown by about 50 cm.

Important! An excess of nutrients is just as dangerous as their lack. Therefore, follow the measure in everything, and your fruit trees will thank you for your care with a generous harvest.

There are two things to keep in mind when feeding trees. important aspects: soil growing conditions and their age. In the first 3-4 years, there is no need to fertilize if a sufficient amount of substrate was applied when planting the tree. Too zealous with top dressing is undesirable, since oversaturation with nutrients entails a decrease in fertility.

Based on the type of soil, it is determined which fertilizers for fruit trees, and in what quantity, will be most effective. For example, chernozem contains a sufficient amount of nitrogen, so treatment with nitrogen fertilizers is not recommended. But with sandy and clay soils, the situation is reversed.

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Timely top dressing of trees is extremely important for their proper growth, friendly flowering and abundant fruiting. You can fertilize the garden in the spring, after the snow melts, and if necessary, repeat the application of nutrients in the summer and in the fall.

When feeding is required

Fertilizers should be applied in the garden depending on the type of soil and varieties of trees and shrubs. However, there are several general principles. The most important thing for trees in spring - active growth, which fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, such as manure, can provide. However, never use fresh. Decomposed manure or compost should be applied to tree trunks for digging.

Other sources of nitrogen can be mineral fertilizers - ammonium nitrate or urea. Three to four weeks after nitrogen fertilization, mineral fertilizers with a high potassium content can be applied to the soil. It should be borne in mind that the introduction of additional nutrients into the soil is not as important for young trees and shrubs as for fruit-bearing ones. Although both will be grateful for extra food after a particularly cold winter.

Feeding methods

Tree feeding can take place different ways: you can fertilize the ground, providing root nutrition, or you can apply microfertilizers through the crown. The second method is often combined with pest control. The first use of fertilizers occurs when laying the garden. Humus (or compost, or rotted manure), superphosphate, ash, and mineral compounds are introduced into the pit for the seedling. In the first year after such top dressing, additional fertilizers can not be applied.

In the second year of growth, as well as before fruiting, you can feed the tree with manure. Settled manure diluted in water is one of the most the best fertilizers For orchard. It is usually not recommended to use fresh manure for top dressing - it is preferable to scatter it in the garden in the fall for digging, and then in winter it has enough time to decompose enough to useful material passed into the soil in a form convenient for assimilation by plants. However, for liquid dressings You can also use fresh manure. To do this, it is dissolved in water, in a ratio of one to five, and left for a week under a tight lid. This fertilizer should be applied after watering the trees. Such top dressing can be repeated in the summer, but no later than in the second half of July.

Video "Overview of the most popular tree dressings"

Video review of the most popular top dressings for, as well as useful tips on their use.

Through the roots

This is a traditional way to apply any fertilizer, both mineral and organic (manure, peat, compost). This method is based on the natural life cycle of any plant. The basic rule of root dressing of the garden is in rainy weather fertilizers are used in dry form, and in a dry tree, you first need to water it well and only then feed it.

Under apple trees in spring, you can apply (about 4 kg per tree), or bird droppings diluted in a ratio of 1 to 15. Having opted for mineral fertilizers, you can make up for the lack of nitrogen in the soil with the help of ammonium nitrate - 30 grams per square meter. A little later, apple trees will need potassium, which can be obtained from - 10-20 grams per square meter.

For the growth of pears, it is good to make organic fertilizers once every two to three years, depending on the condition of the soil. The pear menu in spring is similar to the apple tree - 4 kilograms of rotted manure or compost and one hundred grams of superphosphate must be embedded in the soil. Stone fruits (cherries, plums) should be properly fed with organic fertilizers every two to three years, with autumn digging. In the spring, you can prepare a nutrient solution with nitrogen-containing compounds for them.

Through the crown

This method of applying fertilizer can be compared to an ambulance. Foliar top dressing can be relevant if you need to urgently fill the lack of nutrients. Foliar top dressing should be carried out after the end of flowering. They can be repeated several times - a week after the end of flowering, a month after the first time, and in the summer, but no later than three weeks before harvesting - so all the nutrients will be absorbed, but will not be in excess.

It is necessary to apply fertilizer for foliar feeding in dry, but cloudy and cool weather, it is correct to do this in the morning or evening hours, this way you can guarantee the absence of burns on the leaves. For apple trees, you can use a solution of urea (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) - spray both on the leaves and on the branches and trunk. You can also spray the trees with ash solution, which is a good source of calcium, phosphorus and potassium. To prepare top dressing, you need a glass of ash to insist in 2 liters hot water, then dilute the resulting suspension in 10 liters of water. You can use liquid manure for foliar feeding - dilute half a liter in a bucket of water, then strain.

The pear is a more delicate tree compared to the apple tree. It can also be fed with urea, but it would be right to reduce the concentration - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Kostochkovs need a little more nitrogen fertilizer for optimal growth. Therefore, the concentration of urea for foliar feeding should be higher - 3-3.5 tablespoons per ten liters of water. Also for the growth of any fruit trees and berry bushes micronutrient supplements are needed. To do this, you can use a solution of complex mineral fertilizers.

How to understand that the plant is missing something

If the tree does not grow well, is covered with small leaves, the fruits do not set or do not ripen, then it is time to fertilize. By appearance plants can sometimes determine which elements in the diet it lacks.

Pale green, yellowish or white leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen, especially in sandy soils. If the plant does not grow well at the same time, flowering is delayed - it is necessary to add manure or compost. With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves may turn dark green, bluish or purple hue. After detecting such a problem, it is necessary to apply superphosphate, nitroammophoska or phosphate rock. When a plant lacks potassium, the leaves wrinkle, curl, flowers crumble, even from young trees. This problem can be solved by using potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate. Well-nourished trees will create a well-kept garden that will delight both winter and summer.

Often gardeners mistakenly believe that the best time to feed fruit trees and shrubs is spring, because the plants were exhausted by a long winter and require a large number nutrients. Actually, it is not. In order to survive the long cold winter, our garden needs less strength. Autumn top dressing much more effective than spring, because plants exhausted by fruiting are in dire need of nutrients. In addition, fertilizers increase the resistance of trees to diseases and ensure a high yield in the next season.

When to fertilize under trees and shrubs in autumn

Autumn feeding of trees begins in August and continues until the end of September/beginning of October. It is during this period that the fruiting of shrubs and fruit trees ends, which allows you to start work on preparing the garden for winter.

What to fertilize

You can enrich the soil with nutrients using both mineral and organic fertilizers. Which one to give preference to depends on the composition of the soil and the desired results.

Mineral fertilizers

It increases the immunity of plants to diseases and pests, improves the quality of the soil, saturating it with mineral compounds. Ash is an effective fertilizer for fruit trees and shrubs, as it increases the acidity of the soil, which has a positive effect on its fruiting.

Autumn soil fertilization with ash should be carried out no more than once every three years. To add ash, you should dig a ditch 10 centimeters deep around the roots of fruit trees and shrubs, pour 100 g of ash into it and fill the hole with soil.

Used to loosen the soil. In no case should wood waste in its pure form be used to feed plants. This impoverishes the soil and binds some of its useful elements.

To turn sawdust into fertilizer, you need to make them rot. Under natural conditions, this process can take up to ten years. Therefore, on the basis of sawdust, by composting it, it is possible to prepare a nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer.

To do this, sawdust is stacked in a pit or pile, weeds, ash, and water are added to them. Also, compost can be prepared using cow manure and. The finished fertilizer should look like peat.

Sawdust also makes an excellent mulch for fruit trees and shrubs. This cover is able to protect the root from freezing, and the plant from death. A layer of sawdust laid around the root in autumn protects it from the cold without disturbing air circulation. Another plus of sawdust mulching is that weeds do not grow through them.

Complex top dressing

TO complex fertilizers include top dressing, which includes two or more batteries. The advantages of these top dressings are that their rich composition makes it possible to almost completely satisfy the plant's need for nutrients at all stages of the growing season.

These fertilizers can be double or triple, as well as complex (several elements are included in one chemical compound), mixed, which consist of a mixture of simple fertilizers, and complex mixed, in which several chemical elements are part of different chemical compounds.

The most common complex top dressing:

  • nitroammophoska;
  • ammophos.

Features and norms of feeding

Among the huge variety of fertilizers for feeding fruit trees and shrubs, not all are suitable. By fertilizing, gardeners pursue certain goals - to increase productivity, extend the fruiting period and increase resistance to diseases and pests.

fruit trees

Each type of fruit crops requires compliance with certain norms of top dressing, which is applied to the soil of the near-stem circle to a depth of about two centimeters.

Peaches. For top dressing, a mixture of potassium salt and superphosphate is used in a ratio of 1: 2.

Did you know? The soil in French vineyards is considered precious, workers mustscrape it off your shoes to get it back.

Pears and apple trees. For top dressing, a mixture of (200 g) and 300 g of magnesium and superphosphate is used. Manure must be added to the mixture of mineral fertilizers.
Plums, apricots and cherries. These trees get their best nutrients from water solutions, which are prepared by dissolving 3 tablespoons of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. To fully provide the plant with nutrients for the winter, four buckets of solution are needed for each tree.

berry bushes

For many shrubs, you can take the same fertilizer composition, consisting of 4-5 kilograms of compost, 10-15 g of potassium sulfate and 20-30 g of superphosphate (based on one adult bush). This mixture should be applied in mature form, after it has settled for two weeks.

Black currant. Top dressing is applied under the bushes shallowly and dug up by 8-10 cm.

Raspberries. The mixture is applied with a tape under the bushes and covered with sand.

Gooseberry. In the case of this shrub, compost should be replaced with ammonium nitrate (10-15 g), since gooseberries do not tolerate acidic and waterlogged soils. The mixture is scattered in the root zone and the earth is hoeed no deeper than 8 centimeters.


The introduction of phosphorus and potassium, a mixture of which can simply be poured between the rows, will help to significantly improve the yield of this crop next season. It is prepared from the calculation: 30 g of phosphorus and 15 g of potassium should be added per 1 square meter.

From organic dressings for fertilizing strawberries, you can use slurry prepared from 1 liter of manure and 8 liters of water. After a short infusion, the liquid is ready for use.

Video: how to use organic fertilizers in the garden Autumn feeding of the garden is a responsible event that requires time and certain knowledge. Despite the fact that fruits and berries have already been harvested, it is in autumn that the time comes to take care of the next season. Treat this responsibly - and the plants will thank you with high yields.

How to feed fruit trees: reviews

When top dressing, the tree will not tie more color and will not bring more fruits to maturity.

But when irrigating in August-September, provided that there are a lot of apples and heat without rain, then the crop is much larger, because. then the tree does not drop the crop.

We again had a mega-dry summer, in August-September I poured SS from a hose under a tree at night 2 times a week, my grandfather-neighbor did not fill it. His SS dropped everything at the end of August (but maybe because of the codling moth, and not just because of the heat, his grandfather is lazy and doesn’t splash it), I didn’t dump it at all.

I will tell you - there is no worse thing than seeing the Northern Sinap crumbled (the earth is not visible because of the apples) from gouging at the end of August. Then, on the 20th (!!!) of September (!!!), I look - my grandfather walks around the tree and tears the few remaining apples with a puller on a stick. I laughed outright. A typical example is that if you plant the best Russian variety of apples for a fool (my deceased grandfather planted SS in 1992 both for himself and for his neighbor) - a fool = a lazy person will not be able to get a harvest.

I confess: for the first time in 25 years this year, I took pity on Northern Sinap and took out several wheelbarrows of rabbit manure under it and dug up several wheelbarrows of rabbit manure - anyway, the tree will walk, since this autumn the leaves were not visible because of the apples.

By the way, with regards to watering: I vowed to continue watering young trees: Last summer, Ligol gave an increase of 1-1.5 meters from watering and ... And not a single apple on all three trees.

Common man

in the fall fertilize with potash fertilizers (nitrogen at a minimum). According to science - it was necessary in September. But even now it is not too late. I overslept too correct timing I'll have some fun this weekend.


If fertilizers were applied during planting, then it is enough to apply phosphate and potash fertilizers in the fall, this must be done before loosening the soil. On one square meter, you need to pour 2-3 matchboxes, or one matchbox of phosphate per square meter. In spring, it is best to fertilize with urea. 1/3 part matchbox in April, before loosening the soil, the same amount in May during the period, the same amount in May, before the trees bloom, in order to improve the number of fruit sets and 1/3 of a matchbox in June during the active flowering period.

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