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How to remove old paint from a door. How to remove old paint from doors. How to remove paint from a metal door

Wooden painted doors that are not of high quality may sometimes require restoration, which means removing a layer of paint that may bulge, crack, or have other damage.

Updating an old door is a good thing that should be approached with all responsibility in order to create a new masterpiece. Therefore, you should be patient and get down to business.

There are several ways to remove old paint:

Method No. 1

You need to take a deep container, pour water into it and pour caustic soda in such quantity that the resulting mixture looks like liquid sour cream.

It is worth adding oatmeal to this mixture, which will help make a homogeneous paste or a kind of “scrub”.
This very “scrub” should be applied in a thick layer to door leaf and leave for a certain period of time, approximately 10 to 30 minutes. As soon as you notice that the paint begins to soften, this signals that it is time to begin the next process.

Using a flat spatula, without pressing on it, you need to remove old layer paints. It is worth remembering that you need to work in the direction in which the wood fibers are located.
Using a triangular spatula or a regular razor, you can remove paint from hard-to-reach places. After that, you should wipe the structure well and cover it with white spirit.

The door leaf must be left until completely dry, only then can you repaint the door.

Method No. 2

If your door has a fairly thin layer of paint, no more than 1 cm, and it is swollen, you can purchase a special product in the store that softens the paint. All you need to do is apply it to the surface of the structure, as indicated on the packaging, then wait a little and remove the paint with a scraper.

Method No. 3

You can use old-fashioned method, proven over the years. Worth using blowtorch heat the paint, then scrape off the old layer using a spatula. Next, everything is sanded using sandpaper and coated with white spirit. It should be noted that this is not a very convenient method, which provides a lot of inconvenience.

And in order to avoid such time-consuming processes, you need to purchase high-quality wooden ones that last for many years. The company "DM-Service", which operates in the market door designs for more than 6 years, can offer just such options, which, moreover, will have affordable price and wonderful design.

There are several ways to remove paint from the surface of a door. This task is not easy: you will have to make a lot of effort. And yet, armed with tools and knowledge, you can do even very complex work.

It will be problematic to restore the door during repairs, or simply refresh the color of the canvas if the surface is not prepared. Most often, the sash is covered with several layers of old paint and has noticeable unevenness and smudges. Even using the most expensive paint, the finish may not be what you want.

In addition, the old coating may react with the new one, because it is not always possible to understand which chemical composition had a previous dye. Therefore, it is better to remove the old layer, otherwise it will lead to cracking, swelling and the formation of bald spots on the coating.

Will have to be removed carefully old paint job and if the old coating had dark color, and now light light shades have been chosen for the product. It will be difficult to cover the previous layer: the dark color will show through. As a result, the canvas may acquire a completely incomprehensible shade, or you will have to use several layers of paint. It should be noted that painting in several layers has another disadvantage - the doors will close worse, as the layers begin to accumulate at the ends. It is not necessary to remove the paint on the upper and lower ends; it is enough to simply sand them, but only if the shade of the old paint material matches the new one.

Sometimes it is necessary to remove the old coating partially, from the ends or from the side where the door is lined with leatherette. Unfortunately, this is a complex process and it will take a lot of effort to achieve the desired result. Used to remove paint from wood special means, and the metal door is prepared for new painting in a different way.

Removing paint using chemicals

The chemical method is quite effective. Special liquid can be purchased at any hardware store. Only the product must be suitable for the corresponding coating. For example, the composition will not work if it is removed oil paint, and it was intended for metal coating. It is worth warning that the products are unsafe for health. Solutions are sold in dry, liquid, paste form.

When choosing a product, you need to carefully study the instructions for use. The liquid can be very toxic, and working with it will require a respirator and work gloves. There is no point in recommending a specific product, so it is best to purchase the one that is available. Paste and gel are most often used on uneven surfaces. In addition, you need to buy mineral kerosene to remove the product and particles of old paint. Additional treatment with a solvent may also be required if this is written in the instructions.

After application, the product may not act immediately, but only after a few hours. Therefore, in order not to say that it did not work, you need to study the instructions before applying. Over time, the product will soften the old paint coating to the base. Then you can remove the old layer using a spatula or wire brush.

It is worth noting that before applying the reagent, the surface must be prepared, namely, cleaned of peeling layers. To reduce the consumption of the product, it is applied to a durable layer of the painted surface. For work you will need special clothing, goggles, a respirator and rubberized gloves.

Removing old paint from a metal door

A metal door that has been painted many times will no longer look attractive, especially when exposed to temperature changes. To renew the surface, it must be cleaned, for which special or improvised means are used. For example, they use a grinder or special tools with various attachments.

Before the procedure begins, the door is removed from its hinges, then the fittings and decorative trims are removed from it, and taken out into the yard for processing. The easiest method of getting rid of paint is to use a hair dryer, kerosene, paint remover, spatula and an encryption machine.

Without using the necessary remover, it is almost impossible to remove paint from the surface with just a spatula, as you can damage the smooth surface of the metal. After removing the paint, it is recommended to sand the surface with a machine or sandpaper.

The sanding machine effectively removes the old layer, but for this you need to choose the right attachment. If there is not a wide variety of nozzles, then use a nozzle with medium spraying, treating the surface with low power. To make the work more efficient, the tool head must sometimes be cleaned of paint that gets clogged there.

A hair dryer can also be used to remove paint. The process consists of melting the paint under the influence of hot air pressure, after which the layer is removed with a spatula. In addition, when processing you need to be careful, since the surface of the door gets very hot, so you need to be careful not to touch it with parts of your body. It is best to remove the paint after it has warmed up, when it begins to bubble. This method can only be processed metal surface. If this method is used for wooden door, then you can burn it. Glass inserts must be removed in advance to prevent them from melting. It is also worth noting that during processing there will be a burning smell, therefore the procedure must be done outside.

Cleaning a wooden door

Wood differs from metal and stone surfaces in its texture, which can be easily damaged by sharp objects. Therefore, processing must be done carefully so that the fibers maintain their integrity, and the spatula must be tilted along the pattern. When using chemical reagents, you must protect yourself with a respirator, goggles and rubberized gloves. To prevent the product from getting on your skin, you need to open the jar and apply it carefully. If the substance gets on your skin, wash it immediately, and if irritation persists, consult a doctor.

With any processing method, it is best to carry out work outdoors. When using a grinder, do not turn it on at maximum power. To ensure the effectiveness of the nozzle, check it at the upper and lower ends of the door. If the attachment rotates very quickly, it can damage even very strong wood.

When using the thermal treatment method, any tool will not work to heat the surface, because it can easily burn through the wood. It is permissible to use a hair dryer as the hot air temperature heats the paint without damaging the wood.

At the end of the work, you need to clean the surface. Before applying a new coat of paint, the doors are carefully sanded. The resulting cracks and chips must be puttied. Only after the above procedures can you begin to paint the door.

Objects that have age have a special charm. if you have old door made of wood, but it has peeled off dye, it's very easy to give it to her new life. It seems like there’s no need to dig around if you can easily buy a new one: a wide range is offered at points of sale of construction and finishing goods. But is it necessary to replace a good-quality wooden door with a modern product made of thin, medium-density wood-fiber panels, hollow in the middle and finished with a laminate covering, even a Milanese walnut? An existing product can be restored with my own hands. First you need to remove the paint from the wood. doors.

We remove paint that is already outdated

Why repair the door?

Before considering ways to remove paint from doors and choosing the most the best option, let's figure out why we should spend time and energy.

  1. Old wood doors are of high quality. They are made of solid wood, quite often the material for production was oak, even if the door is coated with paint.
  2. Original old door panels. Apartments with an old layout often have old doors, high, double-floored, paneled. You can’t buy these in a store, and making them to order will be expensive.
  3. The door is beautiful. If you are lucky enough to be the owner of a door leaf richly decorated with carvings, it would be blasphemy to throw it in the trash.
  4. Art object. If you creative person, capable of creating a creation of decorative and applied art with his own hands, then the wood panel is a wonderful field for art.

From the points described above, it is clear that there are many reasons for reconstruction and repair, and you may have your own.


In theory, there are three ways to free yourself from outdated paint:

  • Thermal. Thermal method built on heating outdated paint until softened.
  • Mechanical. The coating is removed using various scrapers and sandpaper. You can do the work manually or using a power tool.
  • Chemical. Dye gets off chemicals, softens and removes.

In theory, everything is simple, but as practice has shown, it is very often necessary to use all three methods, due to the fact that chemistry does not dissolve all types of paint coatings, heating cannot remove the layer in the depressions, and the mechanical method, even using an electric tool, is very a complex and dusty process. Thanks to this, there is no need to rely on any one option. It’s better to stock up on as many devices and tools as possible.

To carry out the plan for updating the doors, you will need to stock up on some devices and patience, because the fastest way is to quickly remove the paint that has already become outdated from the wood doors, even after looking at the video for detailed instructions, it won’t work.


A construction hairdryer is a very necessary thing to remove outdated paint. It looks and functions almost like a traditional hair dryer. But the air temperature is from 100 to 600°C. Therefore, handle it carefully so as not to get burned, and under no circumstances use a hair dryer instead. And vice versa: if you don’t have a hair dryer, then you shouldn’t try to use an ordinary one to style your hair. You won't achieve results.

In addition to a hair dryer, you can use other thermal treatment options: a soldering lamp or an atmospheric burner. These instruments require special care when handling. You can easily overheat an area and damage not only the paint, but also the wood itself. In addition, these devices have an open flame, so please follow safety regulations. An infrared lamp is also used to heat the coating.

A cycle is a scraper with a metal blade and handle. If you couldn’t get a specialized scraper, a spatula or any other identical tool will do.

Will need sanding paper with a wide variety of grains. Apart from paper, specialized abrasive sponges are the most practical, especially if there are reliefs on the surface, for example, carvings. It’s great if you have a grinding machine at your disposal - using it significantly speeds up the process.

It can be manual or in the form of an attachment to a drill. You may need both options. Drill attachments come in the shape of a disk or a cup.

  • brushes and brushes;
  • paint remover;
  • Remedies;

An apron or clothes that you don’t mind damaging, gloves – ordinary, fabric and rubber, a respirator, goggles. There is no need to neglect the use of protective equipment: you want to remove paint from iron or wood doors, and not the skin from your own hands.


Rags for removing dust, polymer ethylene to protect furniture and other objects, tape - it’s hard to say right away what it might be useful for, but it’s a fact that it will be useful for something.

There are different washes on sale for outdated paint. Try to identify the type paint and varnish material and select the appropriate chemistry.

Let's start working

The work ahead is quite dirty, and in the process, no matter how the coating is removed, quite bad odors arise. If you plan to do work indoors, cover the room furnishings with film for protection and check whether there is a chance to ventilate the room.

Start the cleaning process outdated paint using a hair dryer. Many models have temperature adjustment - it must be selected experimentally. Hair dryers are often equipped with additional attachments. Among them there is a scraper attachment, it allows you not only to direct a stream of hot air, but also at the same time to scrape off softened paint.

Where it is impossible to remove the coating with a hairdryer, use other options.

When the coating has been mostly removed, the surface of the door leaf is additionally sanded to remove remaining areas of the coating and scratches from the scraper.

Remove dust and inspect the surface. It may be necessary to putty the imperfections in certain places. Before filling chips and dents, inspect the door to decide whether to paint it. new paint, or if the wood is in good condition, you may decide that a varnish coating will add more charm to the product.

Now you know how to remove paint that is already outdated doors. The covering, which is already outdated, is removed, and we proceed to the planned cladding.

Restoration of doors and furniture

Painting doors is one of the options for updating them. And the most common one.

The design of painted doors can be quite different, the main thing here is to do everything correctly so that the coating looks new for a long time. Today we will decide whether it is possible to paint the doors water-based paint, as well as how to paint doors correctly.

The video in this article will show the entire process of completing the work and from the photo you can see its individual stages.

Painting a door is done in three stages, each of which is quite important and will affect the final result. Let's immediately see what we have to do and evaluate the amount of work.

Stripping the door Door painting begins here. The surface will also depend on the correct removal of the previous coating. It should be clean and smooth. you will find out below.
Primer Doors primed for painting correctly will only contribute to the correct distribution of the dye and the quality of the joint. This largely determines the service life of the entire structure. Doors are painted only on a primed surface.
Applying dye Coloring paneled doors and any others are fundamentally different. Liquid is simply applied to primed doors for painting. But we’ll look at how to properly paint doors with a roller or other tool a little later.

Choosing material

If the paint on the door has chipped or you are completely restoring it (see), you will need to choose the right dye. There are some a large number of in retail trade.

The range of different compositions for coating wooden doors is quite wide. In order to make a worthy choice, you first need to determine what exactly you want to see as a result: to emphasize and preserve the natural beauty of the wood, or to create a coating that will completely hide the original structure.

Depending on this, a person can buy:

  • Polyurethane, alkyd, acrylic, oil or perchlorovinyl based paint, as well as opaque enamel.
  • Tinted and clear varnish, stain, oil impregnation. They will give the natural color a different shade or more brightness.
  • If you need odorless door paint, then you should pay attention to acrylic ones. He won't be here. Just again, look at the photos of the colors and choose the desired shade. It is also worth knowing that when applying the coating it will differ slightly.

Experts in this matter advise choosing:

  • Acrylic dyes having water base, because they spread well and cover the surface, and they also have a convenient enough consistency to work with a brush.
  • Paintwork alkyd materials– their main advantages are high water-repellent properties, good drying speed and resistance to temperature changes.
  • You can also choose varnish for the coating. To paint doors, the color of the varnish should be chosen correctly; it should match the overall interior.

In order for the painted ones to be attractive and of high quality, experts recommend choosing materials belonging to the second group.

This is due to the fact that they have better resistance to various negative factors, which are abundant in the bathhouse. In addition, such materials can be used to paint interior and entrance doors.

Attention; Painting compositions made on the basis of alkyd resin must be applied to a surface that is completely dry. Otherwise, if the paint is applied to wet wood, it will begin to peel off due to bubbles appearing on it.


  • Painting wooden surfaces is not carried out at once; several layers will be needed. It often happens that there is a need to use two different formulations.
    First, an impregnation with a tinting effect is used, and only then a decorative layer is applied. It is extremely important to choose compositions that would work in a duet. For example, before applying varnish, you cannot use drying oil. Only stain is suitable for varnish.
  • If your plans are only to refresh the color of the doors using oil impregnation or stain, you will still need to apply at least two layers. How many of them will be needed in the end will depend entirely on the surface of the door. You can apply up to ten layers until the result that a person wants is achieved.

Step-by-step instructions for painting wooden doors

Tools required for work

After choosing the paint, you need to take care of the tools:

  • Gloves.
  • Rags.
  • Paint brushes.
  • Roller.
  • Small spatula.
  • Emery cloth.
  • Paint tray.
  • Masking tape.

Since doors consist not only of canvas, but there are also other components, the first step that must be taken in order to successfully paint wooden doors is to properly prepare them. You can, of course, paint only the canvas, but in this case the difference between the box and it will be noticeable to the naked eye.

So, painting the doors must begin with the following steps:

  • We remove the door from its hinges and place it on trestles, stools or a table. If you decide to use alkyd products that have a pungent odor, then all work is best done outside.
  • If you cannot remove the canvas, then it must be blocked with wedges. They are placed in such a way that a file brush can be used to reach all surfaces. The lock should also prevent the doors from closing, which would inevitably damage the applied paint layer.

Attention: Experts still advise removing the canvas, but if this is impossible, then resort to the second option described above.

Then we begin to remove the fittings. If the handles and hinges are not removable, then we seal them with tape or wrap them in paper, but foil is most suitable. We recommend securing and sealing the lock with tape.

Preparing the door for painting

This is very important stage work, which includes several stages. Treat it carefully and with special care. In this case, painting the doors will be one hundred percent successful.

Preparation takes place according to the following scheme:

  • At the very beginning, we remove all layers of paint, putty or primer that are present. As a result, the wood should be completely clean.
    For these purposes you can use grinder or do homemade device from a block, wrapping it with sandpaper. If you have a hair dryer, it is best to use it; the process will be much easier.
    Layers of paint will bubble when heated and are then removed with a spatula. You can also buy a special remover designed for wood. But such a product is not cheap. How to remove paint from a door different options, you can read on the pages of our website.
  • Then we carry out the first grinding, which helps eliminate minor defects: scratches, remnants of old coating or dents. To do this, use sandpaper or a machine that is connected to a vacuum cleaner.
  • The next stage of work will be putty. Existing significant defects must be treated with a special wood putty of the desired color if the coating is ultimately transparent.
    If the doors are painted with an opaque composition, the color will have absolutely no meaning. Do not forget about the gaps that exist between the lintel, the jamb and the elements of the canvas.
  • After the time specified in the instructions has passed, sand the entire surface again. First, we use an abrasive cloth that has a medium grain or a machine attachment, and then we use a fine grain.
  • If the door has deep flaws, fill them with auto filler that does not contain fiberglass. This option can be used if painting is carried out with opaque paint.

If in the process of arranging or renovating your home you have a desire to update, give freshness or completely change appearance high-quality pieces of furniture made of wood - doors, floors, window sills, frames, trims, cabinets, tables or chairs, then in this case there arises urgent need First of all, remove the old paint from the wood, that is, prepare the surface for all subsequent work.

And if in the case of a new surface the situation is quite simple: it needs to be sanded and then primed, then an old wooden surface will require much more time and effort to bring it into proper shape. The matter is also complicated by the fact that wood is relatively soft material, and when removing paint from it there is a risk of damaging its surface.

Is it necessary to remove paint from a wooden surface? This is perhaps the first question you ask yourself when deciding to undertake some kind of restoration work. Indeed, in some cases it really does not make sense to remove old paint from the surface, and it is quite possible to apply a new layer of paint on top of the old one.

In this case, you should take a closer look at the surface being treated: if the layer of old paint is thin, the paint does not lag behind the surface and there are no cracks on it, then a minimal treatment with sandpaper will be enough, after which you can begin repainting.

  • the previous layer of paint is too thick;
  • the surface has already been painted several times;
  • there are cracks in the old paint layer;
  • the previous layer bubbles and lags behind the surface;
  • you are going to use a different type of paint finish than the previous one.

How to remove old paint from wood

There are three main ways to remove old paint from a door or other wood surface:

  1. Mechanical
  2. Temperature
  3. Chemical

A mechanical method of removing an old layer of paint from a wood surface

This method involves mechanical action on a previously painted surface. This is the first method that is tried to clean the surface of a door, floor, window sill or any piece of wooden furniture from old paint. In this case, it is simply scraped off using the appropriate tools:

  • spatula;
  • metal brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • chisels;
  • scraper

In addition to simple hand tools that require significant physical effort, you may need more serious power tools: an electric drill with a special attachment for grinding and cleaning, Grinder or a grinder with a disc for grinding and cleaning.

The mechanical method of removing old paint is justified if the paint layer is already very old and the paint easily peels off in layers from the surface. It's also a good idea to clean off old paint. mechanically With smooth surfaces, or surfaces small area, for example, window frames.

However, if we are talking about uneven decorative surfaces, for example, twisted, carved and curved elements on doors, furniture or trim, simple mechanical removal will be too complex, time-consuming and ineffective. Another negative aspect of sanding is the impossibility of removing the paint entirely, since it usually only makes the paint layer thinner, and hard to reach places the paint usually remains.

Temperature method for removing old paint from wood

An effective way to remove the old paint layer with your own hands is to heat it and then remove the peeling paint with a spatula.

How to remove old paint using a hair dryer? To do this, you need to direct a stream of hot air from a hairdryer onto the paint surface being treated. When exposed to heat, the paint softens and begins to swell, after which it is removed using a spatula, scraper or chisel. If there are depressions on the surface, the paint can be removed from them with a triangular spatula. In the absence of one, you can use a shaving machine.

But remember that this process requires accuracy and caution, since if you mishandle a hairdryer and spatula, you can get hurt or damage wooden surface. You also need to keep in mind that it is difficult to remove oil paint using a hairdryer, since, unlike other types of paints, when heated, it does not peel off, but melts, turning into a greasy soft substance that is difficult to remove with a spatula.

How to chemically remove old paint from wood

You can make a product for cleaning old paint from a door, frame, trim or furniture yourself or purchase a ready-made one. Home remedy in this case it is a caustic soda solution. This method requires great care and appropriate protection of exposed areas of the body, meaning thick rubber gloves and unnecessary clothing must be worn. Next, you need to pour a solution of caustic soda into an unnecessary container and apply it with a brush to the painted surface. Continue application until the old paint begins to bubble. After this, you need to clean off the paint with a spatula, scraper or chisel, and apply any degreaser to the treated surface, or at least wipe it with water.

It is much easier to remove old paint from wooden objects by purchasing a ready-made chemical agent, designed for a specific type of paint in combination with a wood surface. When using them, it is very important to pay due attention to the protection of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract: protect your eyes with goggles or a mask, your hands with gloves, and be sure to open the window while working.

If you cannot determine what kind of paint was used in this case to paint, for example, a door, you can choose a universal chemical agent for all types of paint. The selected solvent is also applied to the surface using a brush, roller or spray gun, and after 10-15 minutes, the paint is easily removed with a spatula or even just a rag moistened with kerosene or water.