Mixer      26.08.2020

Emergency contraception through. Emergency postcoital contraception. Groups of emergency contraceptives

During sexual intercourse, something unforeseen may happen, it may occur in spite of circumstances, or a woman, preparing for it, will forget to use contraceptives. All these events require urgent action, especially if they occurred during the period when the lady had an ovulation phase. Emergency contraception as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy fully justifies its name and is used quite often. The main requirement for her is the use of contraceptives no later than three days after sexual contact.

When is EC needed?

Fire, as it is also called, contraception must be truly operational. The sooner a contraceptive is used, the more likely it is that an unwanted pregnancy can be avoided. In addition, its methods must be used strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the desired effect may not be achieved.

Contraceptives, which belong to emergency contraception, contain a critical dose of hormones that actively affect the woman's body. They do not allow the sperm to enter the uterine cavity, and the egg creates unfavorable conditions for attachment to the endometrium.

The great advantage of such funds is their availability, the absence of the need for a prescription and the constant availability in the assortment of pharmacies.

Urgent use of contraceptive drugs for special purposes is required if:

  • people did not plan sexual contact and were not ready for it;
  • the man's condom broke;
  • the woman forgot about the daily intake of contraceptives;
  • her IUD or cervical cap fell out;
  • the partner failed to cope with himself, using the tactics of interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • ejaculate for various reasons still got into the genital tract of a woman;
  • the numbers on the calendar were mixed up;
  • there was a spontaneous peeling off of the contraceptive patch;
  • missed another injection of the drug;
  • there was a rape, etc.

All these unpleasant circumstances may well lead to an unwanted pregnancy, and if the partners are not spouses or are not related by love, then in the event of the birth of a child, an exorbitant burden will fall on them.

It also happens that a husband and wife do not yet plan to expand the family for housing or financial reasons and are preparing for parenthood a little later.

For women who have recently become mothers and are breastfeeding, it is advisable to avoid the use of such methods of EC. And yet, if they are necessary, they can only be used once. But in this case, you can continue to give the baby a breast only after a day or another period of time for the complete removal of the drug from the body.

Although such contraceptives are not the method of choice for preventing unwanted pregnancies, they are still preferred over abortion. Therefore, it is better to use them at the right time.

Better yet, be careful, do not enter into casual relationships, carefully monitor the phases and the intake of daily contraceptives.

In addition, do not forget that most methods of emergency contraception are not able to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

The absence of conception also does not guarantee the occurrence of negative reactions of the body. Therefore, after using such drugs, it is still advisable to donate blood for infections, make a smear for microflora, and also undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Methods and methods of EC

Are used various options protection from unwanted pregnancy. The first type of contraception contains levonorgestrel. These drugs must be taken once no later than three, maximum four days that have passed since the intimate meeting. Such an option is also possible when a lady drinks one tablet twice every twelve hours. This is enough reliable method contraception that suppresses the ovulation phase.

This method of protection against unplanned pregnancy is reliable in about seventy percent of cases. How faster woman will take the necessary emergency contraception, the greater the certainty that fertilization will not occur.

These drugs are quite safe, they have a minimum negative influences on the body. But they do not pass for permanent use. Excessive passion for them can lead to a failure of the menstrual cycle and a change in hormonal levels.

The second type of contraceptives is an intrauterine device with high content copper. It must be urgently implanted no later than five days after intercourse. The installation of the Navy may become in the future reliable protection from unwanted conception.

The action of the intrauterine device is reduced to the chemical contact of the ions of the substance with the vaginal mucus. They have a negative effect on both the ejaculate and the egg. This method of protection is almost one hundred percent effective.

After the IUD is installed, a woman can use it for three to five years, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. After that, she herself will decide whether to continue using the spiral or choose another method of contraception.

This emergency method cannot be used if pregnancy has already occurred. In addition, individual intolerance to copper must be taken into account.

The third type of contraception is the use of daily combined oral contraceptives containing the hormones estrogen and gestagen. They should be taken according to a certain scheme: drink two tablets immediately after sexual contact and two more after twelve hours.

When taking these drugs, various adverse reactions in the form of nausea or even vomiting. Therefore, if this happened within an hour after taking the contraceptive, then you need to drink another pill. It is better to immediately endure the discomfort, as they will soon pass and do not create additional stress on the body.

Means and preparations for emergency contraception

You can take a closer look at these effective methods for EC.

The use of pharmacological preparations includes pills that dramatically change the hormonal background of a woman. For urgent protection against unwanted pregnancy, contraceptives are used that have Levonorgestrel or Mifepristone in their composition.

Drugs with a predominance of Levonorgestrel(Postinor, Escapelle or Eskinor F):

  • stop the process;
  • prevent the appearance of an egg formed from the follicle;
  • affect the composition of the vaginal and uterine mucus.

These effects make it possible to create unfavorable conditions for the fertilization process.

In addition, they do not allow the egg to gain a foothold in the thickness of the endometrium. The fallopian tubes stop actively contracting. The internal structure of the mucous membrane of the organ also changes, which leads to its rejection. After taking Postinor or Escapel, uterine bleeding immediately begins, which does not stop for several days. Sometimes it coincides with the onset of menstruation.

If the sperm has penetrated the uterine cavity and managed to get to the egg, then it still will not be able to attach to the endometrium. Embryo development will not follow. The cells will die or remain immobilized and come out with the onset of bleeding.

Contraceptives containing mifepristone(Zhenale, Miropristone, Mifegin or Pencrofton) also effectively suspend the ovulation phase, affect the epithelium lining inner surface uterus, do not allow him to interact with the egg, and also create conditions unsuitable for fertilization. The organ itself significantly increases its tone and enhances contractility, which makes it impossible for pregnancy to occur.

Combined contraceptives taken according to the relevant recommendations (Logest, Marvelon, Mercilon, Microgynon, Miniziston, Novinet, Regulon, Rigevidon or Femoden). They actively influence the general hormonal background of a woman, thereby making the process of fertilization absolutely impossible. These pills are somewhat less effective, with about eighty percent reliability. In addition, they have whole line probing actions.

About application high copper intrauterine device has already been detailed. It should be introduced no later than the fifth day following the occurrence of sexual contact. ions chemical actively affect the secret secreted by the female genital organs, preventing possible fertilization. It is better not to use this method of contraception for women who do not yet have children, and even more so for those who suffer from any diseases. For healthy giving birth to the fairer sex, this method of protection is recommended due to the least number of side effects.

Whether the contraceptive worked can be understood by some characteristic signs. These include such important factors:

  • menstruation did not appear three days after using EC;
  • instead of them, weak spotting appeared;
  • breast enlargement began with swelling of the nipples;
  • the woman tends to sleep all the time;
  • she has a pronounced weakness, etc.

These signs indicate an incipient pregnancy. Therefore, before using any drug, you must carefully read the instructions for use attached to it. Any minor mistake can lead to the implementation of fertilization.

Folk remedies EC

Many women quite effectively use home methods of protection against unwanted pregnancies. They were used by our distant ancestors, when there were no methods of contraception.

Folk remedies especially indicated in cases where it is not possible to perform any other procedure for protection against fertilization (partners are in a distant village or the woman has many contraindications).

Of course, it is desirable to use more reliable methods of protection, but in such cases you have to get out of the situation on your own.

TO folk ways emergency contraception most often include:

  • Vaginal microclyster with citric acid. The solution is prepared as follows. A glass of boiled water is mixed with freshly squeezed juice or a teaspoon of the substance. After that, the jet is directed into the vagina and the agent should remain there for at least ten minutes. Then you need to wash well so as not to get a burn of the mucous membranes.
  • The use of manganese Dissolve a small amount of powder in a glass of water and douche. The solution should be pink, otherwise severe damage to the internal cavity of the organs is possible. acidic environment hinders motor activity spermatozoa. In this case, also after the procedure, it is required to wash thoroughly with a large amount of soap, which creates an alkaline environment.
  • Peel the lemon fruit, separate one slice and place it in the vagina. A sharply acidic pH will create extremely unfavorable conditions for conception. After applying this method, it is also necessary to influence a large number soap.
  • In a similar way, an Aspirin tablet introduced into the genital tract of a woman acts, which also creates a sharply acidic environment, neutralizing the activity of spermatozoa.
  • Immediately after sexual contact, a quarter of a piece should be placed in the vagina laundry soap after wetting it first. It should remain there for about half a minute, then it is removed and thoroughly washed with plenty of water.

It is not recommended to use these methods all the time. They can be used no more than three times a year. But, as a one-time emergency remedy, they are quite reliable. All of them have side effects, negatively affect the mucous membrane of the female genital tract. In addition, they can cause severe allergic reactions.


Emergency contraception, as already mentioned, should only be used in the most extreme cases. But even so, there are a number of contraindications to it.

The most common of these include:

  • liver failure;
  • cirrhosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • varicose veins;
  • mastitis;
  • myoma;
  • early adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • allergy;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • individual intolerance to substances that make up contraceptives, etc.

These diseases do not allow you to quickly remove drugs from the body of a woman, provoke an exacerbation of her chronic diseases and increase the symptoms of inflammation.

In addition, even healthy ladies should not use EC all the time, and even more so take it into service as a daily contraceptive. This method can cause a number of complications in the body. Even a single use of it is permissible only in case of emergency, and for regular use it is completely unsuitable.

Side effects

However, even those women who use emergency contraception only occasionally can experience a number of negative body responses. Among them, the most common failure of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of bleeding in its middle, a significant delay or too early onset of the next menstruation. The process itself can also undergo strong changes. Allocations can become extremely scarce or too plentiful, completely pass within three days or drag on for ten days.

The duration of the menstrual cycle also changes in any direction, and there is also a loss of its regularity.

EC, as already mentioned, should be used only in the most extreme cases. And women should not forget at the same time that spermatozoa are capable of sufficient long time stay in the genital tract, so after the expiration of these contraceptives, nothing will prevent the possibility of fertilization.

In addition, the time factor is of great importance. The faster a certain drug was applied, the more reliable the result.

Despite the presence of a large number of side effects, women actively use emergency contraception. It is better to choose such contraceptives in advance by consulting a gynecologist and have them in the house only for extreme case. Sometimes it becomes the only means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, the fair sex take this risk in order to avoid even more severe consequences in the form of an abortion.

After using emergency contraception, a woman needs to think about choosing a permanent method of protection that more reliably protects against the possibility of unexpected conception, as well as having a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Photo: CITAlliance/depositphotos.com

Emergency or postcoital contraception is intended to prevent pregnancy as a result of unprotected act and includes various methods and drugs. Its essence boils down to preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and starting to develop. The effectiveness of this method directly depends on the time of taking the remedy - the sooner the drug is used after sex, the higher its effectiveness.

When is emergency contraception needed?

If emergency contraception is taken within 24 hours of intercourse, the effectiveness will be about 95%. If the tablet was taken after 25-48 hours, then the effectiveness is reduced by 10%. If the remedy was consumed after 49–72 hours, then the result is 55–60%.

This method is very rarely used. In no case should it be used as a permanent protection against unwanted pregnancy.

If a woman is breastfeeding, emergency contraception can be used in exceptional cases. To do this, you need to cancel breastfeeding for one day until the drug is completely eliminated from the body. The use of emergency contraception is justified after physical abuse and in cases where pregnancy may threaten the woman's health.

Types of drugs

These funds differ in composition and method of application.

Combined oral contraceptives

Taken no later than three days after sexual contact. Preparations based on ethinyl estradiol (Marvelon, Minisiston, Microgynon, Femoden, Rigevidon) are usually taken several times. Means based on ethinylestradiol (Non-ovlon, Bisekurin, Ovulen, Ovidon, Anovlar) must also be taken several times with an interval between doses of 12 hours.

Progestin-only oral contraceptives

Drugs are taken no later than two days after sexual intercourse. Now it is not difficult to buy escapelle and postinor at the pharmacy. Both drugs contain a large dose of the hormone levonorgestrel. The drugs differ in the number of tablets: in the escapelle - one, and in the postinor - two.


Mifepristone is not hormonal. Its action is aimed at suppressing the female hormone at the level of receptors in the uterus and increasing the contraction of its muscles.

Mifepristone - effective remedy emergency contraception. It blocks the egg so that it cannot enter the uterine lining, and also stimulates its rejection. It is used to terminate unwanted pregnancies in the early stages. Mifepristone can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Intrauterine devices

T-shaped copper-containing intrauterine devices are inserted no later than five days after sexual intercourse in the gynecologist's office. If a woman is assigned an intrauterine device as emergency contraception, then her individual characteristics, contraindications to the use of this method.

Effects of emergency contraception on the body

Doctors do not advise using this type of contraception all the time, as this has a bad effect on the woman's reproductive system. In the future, this can lead to impaired ovarian function.

With the constant use of purely progestin or combined contraceptives, the woman's body receives small doses of the drug, designed for the entire menstrual cycle. Taking a hormonal drug does not violate the duration of the cycle, its usual cyclicity, ovarian functions become better. It also eliminates hormonal problems, if any.

If a woman takes the same drug for emergency contraception, then the body receives a dose of a hormonal drug that is many times exceeded. As a result of the constant use of such contraception, the menstrual cycle will become anovulatory (without the formation of an egg), which threatens infertility.

Violation of the normal function of the ovaries leads to the development of a syndrome of metabolic disorders. It is expressed in an increase in blood sugar, an increase in blood pressure, and the appearance of excess weight.

As for douching with various solutions, this method does not have the desired effect, since spermatozoa penetrate the cervix within 1 minute after intercourse. In addition, too frequent douching can lead to vaginal dryness and disruption of the microflora.

Cons and side effects

Emergency contraception is completely useless while the egg is attaching to the uterus. The effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives can be observed only if the drug is used no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

The first dose of progestin-only oral contraceptives should be taken no later than 48 hours after sex. The effectiveness of intrauterine contraception will be if these funds were introduced into the uterus within 5 days after the act. The drug Mifepristone should be taken only in a polyclinic under the supervision of a physician. Another disadvantage of Mifepristone is its high price.

Emergency contraception should be used only in exceptional cases, if there is simply no other way out. It is desirable that it be used no more than three times a year. The less often, the better.

The most common side effect of these methods is uterine bleeding, which occurs 2-3 days after ingestion. And in some women, on the contrary, there are delays in menstruation with a strong violation of the menstrual cycle.

Other side effects such as dizziness, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea, various allergic reactions are infrequent.

There may be chest pain, rashes on the arms, legs, feet and shoulders, a cloudy look, shortness of breath, vomiting 2 hours after taking the tablet. This indicates the wrong dose of the hormone.

When using Mifepristone, there is often discomfort in the lower abdomen, vomiting, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and body temperature rises noticeably.

When using intrauterine contraceptives during the first few days, there may be severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen, an increase in the amount of discharge during menstruation. In addition, there is a high risk of an ectopic pregnancy due to a violation of the contraction of the fallopian tubes and the movement of the egg through them. Less often, spontaneous prolapse of the intrauterine device, damage to the uterus during its introduction, may occur.

Contraindications for emergency contraception:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • previous hepatitis;
  • diseases of the biliary tract or liver in severe form;
  • puberty;
  • ensuing pregnancy.
  1. The time of taking the dose of the drug should be chosen so that it is convenient to take the next one (for example, 21:00 and 9:00).
  2. To avoid discomfort (vomiting, nausea), emergency contraceptive pills are best washed down with low-fat milk.
  3. In the period before the start of the next menstruation, you need to use additional means of protection (barrier method).
  4. Emergency contraception is suitable for single use. For permanent protection, you need to choose another method of contraception with your doctor.
  5. In cases of menstruation that has come with a delay of a week or more, you should consult a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy.

Popular remedies

Among the most famous drugs for emergency contraception, postinor and escapelle take the leading place.


Postinor is a popular drug that helps prevent unwanted conception. At correct reception this means, as a rule, it is possible to avoid unwanted conception. The tablets contain a synthetically created analogue of the hormone levonorgestrel.

This hormone is also part of drugs that are intended for planned contraception. However, its content in postinor is much higher than in planned oral contraceptives.

Postinor should be taken at intervals of 12 hours. There are two tablets in the package, one of which is drunk after sexual intercourse, and the second after 12 hours. This medicinal product able to prevent unwanted conception within three days (72 hours). Sometimes two doses are required. This is possible if vomiting occurs after taking at least one of the tablets and the drug is not absorbed. It is advisable to take these tablets after meals. This will reduce the risk of vomiting.

Postinor does not interrupt an existing pregnancy, it can only prevent its development. This suggests that it will not work to use the drug for abortion. The advantage of postinor is that it does not harm the fetus, and the child can be saved.

Postinor does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. If you have been physically abused or have had unprotected intercourse with an unverified person, seek immediate medical attention.

The drug, like other emergency contraceptives, may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. An ultrasound will show the location of the fetus if in doubt.


Unlike Postinor, one Escapel capsule contains 150 mg of the hormone levonorgestrel. Therefore, there is only one tablet in the package. The remedy is most effective if taken on the first day after unprotected sex. The drug can cause nausea and even vomiting. If vomiting occurs earlier than three hours after ingestion, then you need to re-use the escapelle.

The tool can provoke disruptions in the menstrual cycle, contribute to the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina, cause a delay in menstruation, as well as chest pain. If your period is more than five days late, a test is recommended to determine if you are pregnant.

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Emergency contraception is considered the only way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. There are several types of it, and each has its own positive and negative sides.

When can emergency contraception be used?

After an unprotected intercourse, to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It can be tablets and other means.

The main condition for their use is a strict time frame - no later than 3 days after unprotected sex.

Mandatory action should be the passage of a pregnancy test. In the case of a positive result, doctors strongly recommend that you stop taking emergency contraceptives. They can provoke the development of pathologies of the reproductive system.


Emergency methods of contraception are divided into several types, depending on how they affect the body.

Intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices include the installation of a spiral. It can be regarded as late contraception. Since the spiral is allowed to be installed within 5 days after sexual contact.

The method is not suitable for all women. In the presence of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, the likelihood of an existing pregnancy and STIs, intrauterine emergency contraception is contraindicated. It is undesirable to use a spiral for young girls who have not given birth.

The main advantage of the method is that the hormonal background remains normal. Ideal for new mothers as emergency or long-term contraception while breastfeeding.

The disadvantages of the intrauterine device are:

  1. High risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Painful and prolonged adaptation of the uterus after the insertion of the coil.
  3. The risk of developing endometritis, because the cervix remains ajar.
  4. An increase in the duration and abundance of menstruation with the introduction of non-hormonal spirals. After installing Mirena, periods become scanty or stop completely.

Hormonal drugs

Medical contraception is the most common. There are many names of pills for unwanted pregnancy, which are taken after intercourse. All of them have one thing in common - they contain large doses of synthetic analogues of the progestogen or prostaglandins, which can affect ovulation and prevent the implantation of the embryo.

Hematopoietic disorders;

Maintaining a pregnancy after using emergency contraception

Preservation of pregnancy after the use of emergency contraception is possible in several cases.

  • If the coil is installed incorrectly. In the best case, the pregnancy will proceed normally, it is only necessary to remove the spiral. At worst, the egg is implanted in one of the fallopian tubes, and surgery will be necessary.
  • Contraception was used after 3 days after sexual intercourse or close in time to the ovulation phase. In this case, fertilization occurs without any pathologies, nothing threatens the fetus.

special instructions

Means of urgent hormonal contraception is not recommended to use more than 1 time in 3-5 months. There is a possibility of a severe disruption of the reproductive system, followed by a long period of rehabilitation.

Gynecologists warn that unauthorized and unreasonable use of drugs can lead to serious failures of any organs or organ systems.

The best solution is an early visit to a specialist who, having studied the anamnesis, will be able to choose the safest method of emergency contraception for the future.

Emergency contraception during lactation should be chosen with great care so as not to harm the baby. Young mother will suit:

  1. Installing an intrauterine device is the safest method. A break in feeding is not needed. In the future, the spiral can become a long-term method of protection.
  2. The use of hormonal drugs based on gestagens. Such emergency contraception during feeding is permissible under one condition - a break in feeding for 24 hours after taking the pill. At this time, it is necessary to express milk regularly, and feed the baby with a mixture.

Contraceptives for emergency contraception were invented specifically for emergency cases. It doesn't matter what happened - whether the condom broke, she forgot to take the pill, or intimacy was undesirable for the woman. One thing is important: if for some reason sex was unprotected, and pregnancy was unwanted, you should think about protective measures right now, in the next three days - before it's too late. 72 hours - this is the period given for the use of pills for emergency contraception. How to use such drugs correctly and what should you know about the mechanism of their action?

Can you get pregnant if a condom breaks?

The answer to this question depends on what day of the cycle the unplanned sexual intercourse happened:

  • Intimacy in the first 7 days of the cycle is unlikely to lead to an unwanted pregnancy. During this period, the mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected, and monthly bleeding occurs. The maturation of the follicles has not yet begun, and the spermatozoa live in the genital tract of a woman for no more than 7 days. With a standard 28-day cycle, the risks are minimal. The shorter the total duration of the cycle (21-27 days), the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child with intimacy during these days.
  • Sex in terms close to ovulation (7-14 days), with a high degree of probability, will lead to the conception of a child. During this period, the maturation of follicles and ovulation occurs. The egg that came out of the ovary has every chance of meeting with the sperm, and fertilization will occur.
  • Sexual intercourse in the second phase of the menstrual cycle (14-28 days) does not threaten unwanted conception of a child. The egg cell dies 24 hours after leaving the ovary. After the death of the egg, a corpus luteum is formed. It is impossible to conceive a child during this period.

Does this mean that after unprotected sex in the second phase of the cycle, you can not drink and not worry about possible pregnancy? Yes, but only if the woman is sure that she has already ovulated, and more than 24 hours have passed since then. Women who use natural methods of contraception (fertility recognition method) probably know the date of ovulation. In other situations, it is quite difficult to catch the moment the egg leaves the ovary. Any failure of the cycle can lead to the fact that ovulation will be postponed indefinitely, and all calculations on the calendar will be incorrect.

When in doubt, it is better to take an emergency contraceptive pill than to have an abortion in case of a confirmed pregnancy.

How often can I take emergency contraceptive pills?

The instructions for preparations for postcoital contraception indicate that such drugs can be taken no more than once a month. Practicing gynecologists point out that such recommendations are incorrect. Emergency contraceptives are ambulance in case of emergency, and not a routine method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Experienced doctors do not advise their patients to get involved in such drugs that cause significant harm to reproductive health.

One gynecologist, when asked "How often can I take postcoital pills?" answered categorically: "Once in a lifetime!". There is some truth in this, because the more often a woman drinks such drugs, the higher the risk of complications in the form of menstrual irregularities.

When should you take emergency contraception?

  • Unprotected intercourse, when contraceptives were not used at all.
  • Cases of sexual violence where a woman was not able to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy.
  • Situations in which there is reason to believe that the contraceptives used were ineffective.

On the last point, they highlight:

  • Missed an appointment more than twice in a row.
  • Pass more than 3 hours.
  • Delayed administration (the timing depends on the specific drug).
  • dropout or .
  • Displacement or damage to the diaphragm or cap on the cervix.
  • Rip or slip.
  • Attempted coitus interruptus, ending with ejaculation in the vagina or on the external genitalia.
  • Incomplete dissolution of spermicide before intercourse.
  • Incorrect determination of safe days when using natural methods contraception.

When is it too late?

Emergency contraceptives must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. The optimal effect is achieved if the tablet was taken on the first day after intimacy. There is evidence that postcoital contraceptives remain effective for 120 hours, but drug manufacturers do not guarantee the desired result.

To protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, you need to drink pills strictly according to the instructions.

When can I take the postcoital pill again?

The scheme of application depends on the chosen drug:

  • Postinor should be drunk twice. The second tablet should be taken 12 hours after the first.
  • Escapelle and Mifepristone are prescribed once. Repeated administration of the drug is not needed.
  • The Yuzpe method uses COCs as emergency contraceptives. The first dose is taken 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The second dose is given 12 hours after the first tablet intake.

As for the interval between repeated use of emergency contraceptives, here the opinion of doctors is unambiguous: the more the better. At least a month should elapse between taking postcoital tablets.

Which emergency contraceptive pill is best?

All postcoital drugs are effective in their own way, if you take them on time and strictly follow the instructions for use. IN Lately in gynecology they are leaving Postinor, giving priority to new drugs - Escapel and Mifepristone. These drugs need to be taken once, and thus there is no risk of insufficient effect from a forgotten second pill.

All of these tools have a large number side effects, so it is quite difficult to distinguish among them the safe one.

How much do pills cost after unprotected intercourse?

The price of the drug depends on its type and manufacturer:

  • The average cost of Postinor and Escapel is 300-500 rubles.
  • Preparations based on mifepristone will cost 350-600 rubles.

Can COCs be used for emergency contraception?

Such a scheme was developed in 1977, but it is not very popular. According to the Yuzpe method, you should:

  • Drink the first dose of the drug within 72 hours after sexual intercourse.
  • Take the second dose 12 hours after the first.

For emergency contraception, 8 tablets of a low-dose COC (containing 30-35 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel) taken in two doses (4 tablets of the drug) are used at once. Such means are suitable: Microgynon, Rigevidon.

Such a scheme is not popular in Russia, as there are more convenient and affordable means.

Do emergency contraceptive pills protect against sexually transmitted infections?

No, these drugs only protect against pregnancy, but do not protect against infections. Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate the female genital tract and cause dangerous diseases. The following remedies will help reduce the risk of infection to some extent:

  • Hexicon (candles).
  • Betadine (candles).
  • Miramistin (spray).

Antiseptics should be used in the first hours after unprotected intercourse. These drugs do not provide 100% protection and practically do not protect against the penetration of HIV infection and viral hepatitis.

What happens if you get pregnant while on emergency birth control pills?

Women using mifepristone for postcoital contraception should know: if there is no effect, you need to think about terminating the pregnancy. Against the background of the use of the drug, there is a high risk of congenital malformations in the fetus.

Means based on levonorgestrel (Escapel and Postinor) are contraindicated in pregnancy, however, data on the adverse effects of drugs on the fetus have not been identified.

Can breastfeeding mothers drink emergency contraceptive pills?

According to the instructions, drugs for postcoital use penetrate into breast milk and are considered unsafe for the child. Nursing mothers are not allowed to drink such drugs. If there is an urgent need to take a contraceptive, you need to stop breastfeeding:

  • for 24 hours for drugs based on levonorgesterl (Escapel, Postinor);
  • for 14 days for mifepristone.

Are emergency contraceptive pills abortive?

The answer to this question depends on when the drug was taken:

  • In the first phase of the cycle, postcoital contraceptives inhibit ovulation and interfere with the release of the egg. Conception in this case becomes impossible, and there is no talk of an abortive effect.
  • In the second phase of the cycle, the tablets prevent the implantation of the ovum into the uterine cavity. In this situation, a miscarriage occurs for up to 7 days. This is considered an abortive effect of the drug.

Important! After the onset of implantation, emergency contraceptive methods are not used.

The effectiveness of drugs used after unprotected intercourse is 85-95%. Despite all the possible disadvantages, such funds are considered the best alternative to abortion. Even if the drug leads to an abortion as a result of a violation of the implantation of the ovum, this will be the best outcome for the woman. In this situation, abortion will occur for a very early term and will pass with minimal consequences for reproductive health. On the contrary, termination of pregnancy at a later date (after a delay in menstruation) threatens with serious health problems, including infertility.

In contact with

Unplanned pregnancy today is an urgent problem not only for young girls, but also for women who have long reached adulthood. Most of the fair sex, in order to avoid the occurrence of such a problem, take care of a possible pregnancy in advance, resorting to the use of contraceptives. However, it is not uncommon for a lady to take emergency contraceptive pills.

When to Use Emergency Contraceptive Pills

The harm of such drugs is undeniable, but, despite the fact that most women are informed about this, they still remain quite popular in the modern world. Moreover, in certain cases - this is really the only way out of this situation. It is worth noting that in any case, before using them, it is necessary to consult with a professional gynecologist. It is worth considering the most common cases of emergency intervention:

  • sexual intercourse was performed without the use of protective equipment;
  • sexual intercourse was untimely interrupted;
  • during intercourse, the condom turned out to be defective and torn or slipped at the wrong time;
  • the girl was forced to have sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives.

By the way, this problem very relevant for mothers who have recently given birth to their baby and are still breastfeeding. In these situations, you can use emergency contraceptives, but only if you stop feeding for about a day. During this time, all substances of the drug that are dangerous to the health of the newborn must be removed from the blood.

Names of emergency contraceptive pills and other rapid contraceptives

It is worth taking a closer look at the most effective, affordable and popular means for instant protection of women from unwanted pregnancies.

  1. Escapelle. This is a fairly new drug that performs the role of emergency contraception. The effectiveness of its action is determined 96 hours after unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take the pill, the more chances to eradicate the problem on initial stage. One of positive qualities given medication- high content of levonorgestrel, which causes no need to take the pill again
  2. "Postinor". Until now, it has not lost its popularity, but today it is the drug with the largest number of side effects. As a rule, after unprotected sexual intercourse within 48 hours, it is necessary to drink the first tablet of the remedy, and after 12 hours - the second. Moreover, the effectiveness of the medicine directly depends on the timely adoption of the second pill.
  3. "Ginepriston" and "Zhenale". They are one of the most widely used and available drugs today. It is worth noting that they are used not only as a means of emergency contraception, but also as contraceptives, immediately before the onset of sexual intercourse. Professional specialists in the medical field consider them absolutely harmless.
  4. When observing pregnancy up to 6 weeks, after a woman has a delay in the menstrual cycle, Mifegin is used. It is worth considering that this drug can only be administered by a licensed gynecologist.
  5. Finally, after the first 5 days after unprotected intercourse, it is quite effective to insert an intrauterine device into the woman's vagina. In no case should a spiral be inserted if the girl was forcibly forced to have sex, as the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases increases.

For many ladies, the question is relevant: will they affect birth control pills emergency action (urgent) on the formation of the fetus of the baby, in the event that the pregnancy was interrupted with their help, still failed? Most professional doctors agree that these drugs do not have any effect on the health of the unborn child, and there is no need for an abortion. True, if the pills are taken when the fetal cell division has entered the active phase, there is a high probability of a miscarriage.

It is worth noting that if the name of emergency contraceptive pills is unfamiliar, in any case, you should not take them without consulting your doctor - a gynecologist - this can seriously affect the health of a woman's body. emergency contraceptives and tablets are by no means recommended for use in the following situations:

  • with severe and chronic diseases liver, kidneys, and biliary tract;
  • after suffering jaundice;
  • at the moment when the pregnancy has already occurred (there is a high probability of a miscarriage);
  • in case of allergies to certain components of the drug.

When a woman takes rapid birth control pills, she often has side effects. It is worth highlighting the most common of them:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle for approximately one week;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • feeling of tension in the mammary glands;
  • severe headaches accompanied by dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea;
  • unpleasant pain in the abdomen (in the lower part).

Even when taking medications such as instant contraceptive pills on your own, without consulting a doctor, you should not be shy or afraid to come to a gynecologist for an examination. The fact is that pregnancy, as such, cannot be called a disaster. A serious problem will be if the girl is also infected with some kind of venereal disease.

That is why, after unprotected intercourse, you should donate your blood for analysis, so that professional medical workers carefully check it and give an appropriate conclusion. However, in any case, it is necessary to protect yourself from pregnancy in advance, if this phenomenon is undesirable for a woman, so that later you do not take emergency contraceptive pills and do not harm your body.