Toilet      07/02/2020

The difference between colostrum and mature milk. Colostrum and breast milk: composition, functions, differences. Prematurity analysis

Milk is a favorite product for both adults and children, as many different dishes can be prepared with it. What is colostrum, only a separate category of gourmets knows. It is not sold in stores and supermarkets, therefore it is not so popular among consumers. So what is colostrum? The benefits and harms of this product will be discussed in our article. And also we will talk about how to cook it properly and whether it is worth including in the diet.

What is colostrum

Colostrum is milk that is secreted from the mammary glands of a cow immediately after the birth of a calf. Its release ends approximately on the fifth day. Colostrum is a thick, creamy or yellow color, which has a unique composition and tonic properties. The taste of the product has a slightly salty taste, it is released in small quantities, and therefore it has such a high value. There is no product in nature that has a composition similar to colostrum.

What is in colostrum

As described above, cow colostrum has a unique composition and contains vital substances. It contains:

  • Immunoglobulins, among which the percentage of IgA immunoglobulin is 90%.
  • Lactoferrin is an iron-bound protein that prevents the growth of microorganisms and has a powerful antiviral effect.
  • Substances that stimulate tissue growth.
  • Cytokines are substances that strengthen the immune system and increase the production of immunoglobulins.
  • Prebiotics are special substances that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lysozymes are antibiotics of natural origin.
  • Interferon is a substance that protects cells from the action of the virus.

Colostrum: calories

Colostrum is not considered a high-calorie product, however, provided that sugar was not used during its preparation. The calorie content of cow colostrum depends on what day after the birth of the calf it was collected. On the first day after childbirth, colostrum is the most caloric, 100 ml contains 150 kcal. On the second day, colostrum has a calorie content of 110 kcal per 100 ml. For the third - 80 kcal, for the fourth - 75 kcal, for the fifth - 70 kcal. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in 100 ml of bovine colostrum is as follows: 27.63 g of protein, 1.70 g of fat and 13 g of carbohydrates. There are a lot of proteins in the product. Their advantage is that they are easily digestible, since they are whey and are absorbed in the body in a couple of hours.

How is colostrum different from milk

When comparing two dairy products, you should first compare the calorie content. Colostrum has more calories (150 kcal) than milk (46 kcal) and contains more protein. In addition, colostrum contains more:

  • Vitamin A and carotene - 2-10 times.
  • Vitamin C - 2-3 times.
  • Salts - 1.5 times.

Immunoglobulin in colostrum is contained in large quantities, it is he who saves the calf from various dermatological and immune diseases.

Colostrum contains much less fat and lactose than milk.

Benefits of Colostrum

Colostrum is a dairy product that has a regenerating, rejuvenating and regenerating effect. For this reason, it should be eaten by both children to strengthen immunity and adults, since the product has a positive effect on the work of all internal organs without exception. For a calf, colostrum has a huge nutritional value, because thanks to it, a strong immunity is formed in the animal. All antibodies to infections that a cow has had during pregnancy pass into colostrum. Cow colostrum has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, in addition, the product supports growth function and stimulates the immune system. This is especially true with age, when the immune system begins to weaken and the body becomes more susceptible to the action of bacteria, helminths, viruses and fungi.

Since cow colostrum contains immunoglobulins, its regular use prevents the development of malignant tumors and other negative processes.

What diseases should colostrum be used for?

There are a number of diseases in which the use of bovine colostrum is indicated. These are diseases such as:

  • Respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis.
  • Viral diseases: otitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis.
  • CNS diseases: depression, Alzheimer's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, frequent headaches, multiple sclerosis.
  • Dermatological diseases: skin irritations, allergies.

In addition, bovine colostrum is recommended for use when diabetes, candidiasis, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. The dairy product is recommended to be consumed with great physical and mental stress, autoimmune diseases and in case of premature aging, since colostrum has a pronounced anti-aging effect.

Harm of colostrum

Before we talk about how to prepare colostrum, let's consider whether it has contraindications. Although the product has many useful properties, yet its use can bring harm to the body. So, in case of individual intolerance to the product or its components, it is impossible to use colostrum in any case. It is also worth considering that if you use this milk product constantly, the digestive system may not be able to cope with the absorption of immunoglobulins, and in this case, an allergy may appear. Therefore, like any food, primary milk should be consumed in moderation.

Also, people who suffer from excess weight, it should be remembered that the product has a high calorie content, therefore, its excessive use, especially as a sweet pudding, is highly discouraged.

Colostrum Cooking Secrets

Colostrum is a product from which very tasty desserts are obtained, incredibly useful for young children, since they contain a lot of useful substances. They bake it either in the oven, or in the oven, or in the slow cooker. How to prepare colostrum? It is very important to follow the cooking recipe and do not put soda and a lot of eggs (three is enough), otherwise it will turn out to be too hard.

When pouring colostrum into a dish, it is very important to ensure that at least two fingers remain to the edge of the container, as the product begins to rise slightly under the influence of temperature. Before you get the finished pudding, you need to let it stand after turning off the oven for at least another half hour. If it settles a little, it's not scary - it should be so.

You can also cook colostrum in a slow cooker, the only thing is that it will not get such a golden crust as the one that is baked in the oven. However, the dessert will retain its delicate taste and porous structure. If you hold colostrum in a slow cooker for more than 40-50 minutes, you get a delicate biscuit; 40 minutes is usually enough to make a soufflé.

Colostrum recipe in the oven

Cow colostrum can make an incredibly tasty milk pudding, very similar to a soufflé and having a soft creamy color. The recipe for colostrum in the oven is quite simple. In order to prepare it, you need 200 g of sugar, half a spoonful of vanillin, two liters of colostrum and 3 eggs. Pour the colostrum into a saucepan and beat the eggs and sugar separately. After the sugar has completely dissolved, you need to mix the colostrum and the egg-sugar mixture. After the resulting pudding base should be poured into a baking dish and put in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes. Bake colostrum until milk oozes out of it. This is very easy to check, just pierce the pudding with a match. Colostrum pudding is very tender and tasty, with a beautiful ruddy crust.

The baking time depends entirely on how thick the pudding is and what the temperature in the oven is. Optimum temperature baking no more than 200 degrees.

If you wish, you can add more sugar to the pudding. If you want homemade colostrum to get a delicate rich milky taste, you should add a little bit of butter. Bon appetit!

It may be hard to believe, but a breastfeeding mother's milk varies depending on the gestational age, time of day, and age of the baby. Some pregnant women already at the 16th week of pregnancy notice that milk is coming out of the breast in a gruel. Then the question arises, how to distinguish colostrum from milk in women.

general information

This is the physiology associated with hormonal changes during this period of pregnancy. In general, there is an opinion that if this happens, a woman will have less milk after childbirth. Do not panic, however, because this is not true. If it bothers you, just insert your bra pads and don't get nervous.


Colostrum can appear in the third trimester of pregnancy and only within 3-4 days after delivery. Displaces its transitional milk. Those who wondered how to distinguish colostrum from breast milk should keep in mind that the first is yellowish, sticky and looks like some kind of slurry coming out of the breast in a small volume.

Do not be upset that the child does not eat enough. For him, this amount of food is enough. Colostrum is scarce, but highly nutritious. It contains a lot of protein, minerals, enzymes, antibodies that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The difference between colostrum and breast milk is that the former acts as the mildest laxative, helping the baby to acquire the first stool. It's basically a baby vaccine. Colostrum coats the walls of his gastrointestinal tract, preventing harmful bacteria from multiplying. It has many more benefits that are currently under research. So the differences between colostrum and milk will only be established in the future.

transitional milk

The next type of breast milk is the transitional form. At this stage, the woman feels that her breasts are swollen, heavy. If she is wondering how to tell postpartum colostrum from transitional milk, she should keep in mind that the latter will be more watery. It has a transparent color.

Milk of this form contains a large amount of antibodies and protein. It is then that mothers most often begin to fatten their children, thereby violating lactation. During this period, children are more likely to reach for the chest.


Mature milk stabilizes from 2-6 weeks after birth. And at this stage, the woman stops wondering how to distinguish milk from colostrum. This is a mature variety with a bluish tint. This liquid contains less protein. We often hear: if you leave breast milk in a container and cream is not formed from it, then the liquid is not thick enough, the baby does not eat up. This is a false belief. It must be remembered that human milk is intended only for a small child. The female endocrine system throughout pregnancy has adapted it quantitatively and qualitatively for the baby.

Line-up change

Mother's milk changes during one feeding. Milk of the first phase is very watery, contains more proteins, lactose, sugars, mineral salts and water. And milk of the second stage includes, in addition to the components of the first phase, much more fat.


Mother's milk is the best source of nutrients for the child for development and growth. This liquid is best suited to the needs of the baby. It affects hormonal balance and the immune system. The absorption of nutrients from mother's milk is much higher than in the case of formula feeding. The composition of human milk is not constant and varies depending on the stage of lactation, the time of feeding, the duration of feeding and the suction power of the infant. For this reason, women often wonder how to distinguish milk from colostrum.


Colostrum is a thick, yellowish liquid, sometimes transparent. This is the so-called first milk. Colostrum looks like cream and is rich in protein, vitamins and immune bodies. It destroys pathogens. Contains immunoglobulins against polio, influenza, salmonella bacteria and numerous viruses. During the first day after childbirth, its amount can reach 100 ml.

Those who are wondering how to tell milk from colostrum should keep in mind that mature milk appears about a week after birth. It contains much more, and the calorie content of food is the most important characteristic at the end of feeding.


The main component in breast milk is casein. It is completely and quite easily absorbed by the body of the child. Due to the fact that casein is quickly excreted, babies become hungry faster than children who are artificially fed. In the first days of lactation, women's milk contains a lot of cystine and taurine, which are necessary for the development of the brain of a newborn. The protein content in milk decreases during the entire feeding period, therefore, around the sixth month of life, the child should begin to give a little complementary foods.

The composition of this liquid provides the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. It helps to maintain the structure of cell membranes and nerve cells in good condition, and contributes to the development of the vision of a newborn child. Breast milk is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for proper brain development, as well as increasing the child's resistance to infections. The concentration of fat is the smallest at the beginning of feeding, and increases at the end of suckling by the baby of the breast. Long breaks between feedings reduce the amount of fat in milk.

Milk sugar, lactose provide the child with energy. Breast milk contains much more lactose than, for example, cow's milk. Lactic acid bacteria during breastfeeding provide the best protection against infections in the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.

Formula milk contains many more compounds than breast milk, which is why bottle-fed babies are prone to fluid retention. Trace elements from the mother's food are optimally absorbed by the child. Breast milk contains little iron, and the lactoferrin involved in it binds the elements in an optimal way so that the baby can absorb them. Lactoferrin is not observed in mixtures, therefore, an excess of iron in the body can contribute to the development of bacteria. In the first three months breastfeeding Vitamin K should be given to the infant.

The immune forces of the child in the first year of life are still immature. Antibodies obtained after childbirth decompose quickly. Mother's milk is for the baby the best protection from infections. Colostrum contains a large amount of antibodies that protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and urinary tract. Therefore, those who wondered how to distinguish milk from colostrum should not worry. Nature has provided virtually everything.

Colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal phenomenon that almost all expectant mothers face. Doctors agree when it occurs and what character it is, largely depends on individual characteristics female body. Colostrum usually appears on early dates but sometimes at other stages of pregnancy. It is important for every woman to understand when there is cause for concern, and when not, and to know what hygiene procedures can be applied.

Colostrum is a clear liquid that is secreted from the nipples of a pregnant woman. It has a sweetish taste and a characteristic, not pungent smell. Simultaneously with the beginning of the production of this substance by the mammary glands, their increase and increase in sensitivity occur.

The chemical composition of colostrum includes many components that are beneficial for the unborn baby. The main ones are:

  • food enzymes
  • lactobacilli
  • bifidumbacteria
  • lactose
  • vitamins of several groups
  • iron
  • fats and carbohydrates
  • immunoglobulin
  • other.

Due to such a rich composition, colostrum is considered a high-calorie product, 100 ml contains about 150 kcal. How is colostrum different from milk? To put it simply, its richness and the number of components. Colostrum is immature milk, which indicates that the body future mother preparing for the upcoming lactation. That is, it is a sign that everything is normal.

Colostrum color and texture

What color is colostrum in a pregnant woman? Outwardly, this liquid is very similar to serum, that is, it is translucent, has a slight white and / or yellow tint. These characteristics are present in colostrum produced during the first trimester.

At 21 weeks and later, the color and consistency of discharge from the mammary glands changes. They become thicker and harder to squeeze out. The discharge contains a large amount of vitamin A, which gives it a light orange tint. The color of colostrum before childbirth becomes like milk - bright white.

Colostrum formation during pregnancy

After the process of fertilization of the sperm in female body there are many changes, and some of them affect the mammary glands. The formation of colostrum occurs throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Some experts believe that its appearance during the first trimester is normal, others - in the later stages. There is no exact answer to this question. There are differences depending on whether a woman gives birth for the first time or the second.

In primiparous women

Before the first birth, preparation for lactation begins a little later than before the next. The hormonal background of the expectant mother begins to change dramatically, and these changes occur for the first time, so they do not go smoothly. The course of pregnancy for the first time always has a risk of complications.

At the same time, the released fluid is formed under the influence of many processes and changes inside the woman's body. Therefore, the presence of a first or subsequent pregnancies is not a decisive factor.

In women who give birth again

The body of women who have already given birth knows what to prepare for and how to behave. The hormonal background becomes more flexible, it perceives any changes faster. The consistency of colostrum before delivery usually becomes immediately thicker, especially if a little time has passed since the birth of the previous child.

Colostrum can appear at different stages of pregnancy. Factors such as:

  • nutrition for the expectant mother
  • frequent visits to baths, saunas, hot baths
  • having sex
  • transferred infectious and other serious diseases
  • frequent stress
  • too intense change of emotional background (both positive and negative emotions)
  • wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear.

As for the specific time, it is impossible to predict when colostrum will be released and whether it will happen at all.

First trimester

In some cases, breast discharge is the first sign of pregnancy. Even if the test is negative, there is no evidence of conception, the body begins to rebuild the hormonal background. Therefore, colostrum can be secreted from the first weeks and even days of pregnancy.

As a rule, during the first trimester, the amount of discharge is small, so this does not cause any particular inconvenience. If the liquid comes out in small droplets, then the woman may not feel it at all.

Second trimester

Starting from the thirteenth week, the process of colostrum production becomes more intense, so that it cannot go unnoticed. The secreted substance looks like serum, becomes sticky. There are yellow stains on clothes.

The amount of discharge can be different, from a few drops to several milliliters. Usually their appearance is not associated with the time of day. They can be released daily or periodically.

third trimester

During this period, the amount of colostrum is individual. Most often, there are no special differences from the second trimester, but for some it may stand out more intensely, while for others it may stop altogether for a while. The liquid may become similar to milk, but it can still be distinguished.

The release of fluid from the chest is accompanied by a number of inconveniences, especially if it is intense. Therefore, some pregnant women begin to express colostrum. Doctors do not advise doing this for two reasons:

  1. Usually, the release of colostrum is accompanied by a slight itching, sometimes painful sensations occur. When pressing on the chest, they will only intensify, which will affect the general condition of the expectant mother.
  2. When pressing on the chest, the uterus is stimulated. Depending on the gestational age, this can provoke either premature birth or involuntary miscarriage.

If there is a lot of discharge and there is an urgent need to get rid of them, the doctor may allow pumping. But he will definitely teach you how to do it right. For example, you need to squeeze not the nipple, but the breast itself. Colostrum after childbirth is usually allowed, especially if the baby cannot feed on its own. By this time, it has already turned into milk.

Deviations from the norm

Normally, the secreted fluid has the following characteristics:

  • no smell
  • yellow tint
  • viscosity
  • no impurities
  • painless during discharge (slight itching and tingling is allowed).

Any deviations from these factors are an alarm signal in which a woman needs to see a doctor. Colostrum without pregnancy is also considered dangerous, its causes may be diseases of the mammary glands, severe inflammatory processes in the body and other factors.

A small amount of blood impurities is not a serious abnormality if it occurs in late pregnancy. If this happens constantly, and painful sensations appear, this is already an alarming sign. Also, there is always a cause for concern if there is a lot of blood coming out.

More often, colostrum with blood is a sign of an inflammatory process. Its focus can be both in the mammary glands and in other internal organs. It is important to pay attention to the well-being of a woman, which in such cases deteriorates sharply.

Also, blood in the colostrum can be a sign of neoplasms in the breast. Most often, it first flows from one mammary gland, and over time from the second. Education can be both benign and malignant. The sooner the expectant mother turns to the doctor, the sooner he will diagnose and take action. Usually, if blood is a symptom of neoplasms, there is also a change in the shape of the breast, the appearance of tubercles or depressions, redness of the skin.

Lack of colostrum during pregnancy

The absence of colostrum is not a deviation, in some women it does not appear at all during pregnancy. This does not mean that there is a threat to normal lactation. Usually, in the first days after childbirth, milk begins to stand out, and feeding takes place in the usual way.

According to statistics, there are about 5% of women in the world who cannot breastfeed. This is usually associated with concomitant pathologies and diseases of the reproductive and / or endocrine system of the body. In such cases, the lack of colostrum is one of the signs that milk will not begin to be produced. In modern clinics, this problem can be detected almost immediately after conception.

Sometimes women have a desire to massage their breasts, especially if they swell and itch. This cannot be done, since the mammary glands become so sensitive after conception that any wrong movement can affect the condition of the expectant mother and baby.

The chest needs special care. Compliance simple rules hygiene, such as wearing special underwear and pads, performing firming procedures and applying cosmetics, will help not only monitor colostrum, but also general condition glands.

Underwear and pads

Ordinary bras that a woman wore before conception must be hidden for the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Only underwear is allowed to be worn. natural materials, it should not have bones. You will have to change bras as your breasts increase so that there is no discomfort. You can also buy underwear with an adjustable size.

Bra pads are designed to protect clothing from nipple discharge, including colostrum. They are disposable, so they need to be changed regularly. At least three pads must be changed per day, and if the discharge was intense, then more. This is important to prevent bacterial growth and infection.

Firming procedures

  1. Wash breasts several times a day warm water without using any funds. It is important to do this after each change of pads.
  2. Take a contrast shower. With the help of this procedure, you can strengthen the entire body, it has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system. Take a shower carefully, without strong temperature changes.
  3. To do exercises. A gynecologist may recommend certain exercises that will strengthen the breasts and prepare the body for the upcoming birth. They are especially useful for last dates pregnancy.

Care cosmetics

Cosmetics for pregnant women is different from the usual, it should contain minimal amount chemical substances. The chest is recommended to be lubricated with moisturizing creams, giving Special attention nipples. You can use baby nourishing cream, the movements when applying it should be smooth.

If cracks or other signs of skin irritation appear, the gynecologist prescribes the use of ointments with antiseptic properties, but their use should be strictly as directed.

Colostrum during pregnancy is a common occurrence that you do not need to be afraid of, but for which it is important to be prepared. Each future mother has its formation and selection individually. It may appear on different terms, have a different volume, or may not appear at all. It is only important to know what consistency, color and smell the liquid should be in order to immediately consult a doctor if there are deviations.

The cultivation of high-quality replacement heifers and heifers, as well as high zootechnical and economic efficiency in the fattening of young cattle are unthinkable without knowledge of the physiological effect and nutritional value of the feed used.

In feeding calves, dairy feeds and their substitutes, concentrated and voluminous feeds - hay, silage, haylage, roots - and tubers, green fodder, mineral supplements are used.

In the first 5-7 days of lactation, the mammary gland secretes colostrum. It serves as the first and obligatory food of all newborn mammals. Colostrum is a thick yellowish liquid with a density of 1.04-1.06 g/cm3. Compared to milk, colostrum contains more dry matter, protein, vitamins and mineral salts. In terms of protein composition, it approaches blood, as it contains a lot of albumin and globulin. The latter is the carrier of all antibodies present in the blood of the mother's body. So, with colostrum, a newborn animal receives passive immunity from the mother against the group of Escherichia coli. Due to the high content of albumin, colostrum coagulates when boiled. Compared to milk, it has more phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Thanks to magnesium salts, colostrum has a laxative effect on the intestines, which helps to cleanse it of the original feces (meconium). The composition of colostrum on the 5-6th day after calving gradually approaches the composition of normal milk (Table 1).

Colostrum has an acidity of 40-50°T. Such high acidity creates an unfavorable environment in the stomach of newborn calves for the development of putrefactive and opportunistic microflora. The brown-yellow color of colostrum is due to the high content of carotene. It is 50-100 times more in colostrum than in
I. Changes in the composition of colostrum in red steppe cows (according to I. S. Popov)

natural milk, and vitamin C - 10 times. 1 kg of colostrum of the first milking contains 4 mg of vitamin A and 2.1 mg of vitamin E. The complex of vitamins contained in colostrum is vital for a young organism, since vitamins are necessary not only for newly formed cells and tissues, but also for intensive metabolism substances, and the young organism does not yet possess the ability to synthesize some vitamins. On average, the nutritional value of 1 kg of colostrum is 0.38-0.43 feed units, and immediately after calving - 0.78 feed units.

The composition of colostrum and its nutritional value largely depend on the duration of the dry period and the feeding conditions of the pregnant cow. After a short dry period and insufficient nutrition in terms of protein, minerals and vitamins, colostrum contains less globulin, immune bodies, vitamin A and carotene; its acidity also decreases, and it loses its specific properties faster than usual.

The structure of diets has the greatest influence on the quality of colostrum and the duration of its preservation of specific properties. In the experiment conducted by V. N. Mikhailova and V. K. Kosmachev during the grazing season, the task was to find out the influence of the feeding conditions of pregnant cows on the quality of milk and their milk productivity. Group I cows received alfalfa grass while grazing in paddocks, and group II cows received grass from a mixture of cereals on a sown pasture during free pasture. Both groups of cows, in addition, received a cereal-bean mixture in the form of green top dressing. The difference in feeding significantly affected the quality of colostrum of newborn cows. The acidity of colostrum of cows of group I on the first day was 53°T, and in cows of group II - only 44°T. Subsequently, the decrease in acidity occurred equally in both groups, but on the 10th day in cows of group I, this indicator remained higher, in addition, they had a higher fat content of colostrum. In terms of vitamin A content, the advantage in group I was short-term, and by the 3rd day, its content was the same as in cows in group II.

The composition of milk is significantly different from colostrum. Milk has a characteristic odor and taste, which can be changed to some extent under the influence of feeding. Cow's milk contains an average of 87.7% water, 3.36% protein, 3.53% fat, 4.7% milk sugar and 0.71% ash, i.e. 12.3% of dry matter - The dry matter of milk contains on average 27.3% protein, 28.7% fat, 38.2% milk sugar and 5.8% ash. The energy nutritional value of 1 kg of natural milk of average composition ranges from 2850 to 3020 kJ, or 22,333-23,590 kJ per 1 kg of dry matter.

The nutritional value of 1 kg of milk with 3% fat corresponds to 0.31 feed units, milk with 3.5% fat - 0.34 feed units, with 4% fat - 0.37 feed units.

The density of milk fluctuates within the limits of 1.028-1.036 g/cm3 at a temperature of 15°C, inverse - 1.032-1.042 g/cm3. The reaction of milk of herbivorous animals is close to neutral (pH about 6.6-7). The acidity of fresh milk is 16-18°T and is due to the presence of proteins, carbon dioxide and mainly phosphate salts in milk. Milk is the most biologically complete food for growing calves, because its high nutritional value is due to the favorable ratio and physico-chemical state of nutrients and biologically active substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, etc.). The substances that make up milk are easily digestible and quickly absorbed by the body.

Within the same animal species, the composition of milk varies. The breed, conditions of detention, lactation period of animals, food, season, air temperature, etc., play on it. 2 is given chemical composition milk of some breeds of cattle.

2. The composition of milk in cows different breeds on average per lactation, % (according to I. S. Popov)

A comparison of the composition of milk and the growth rate of newborn animals shows that the young of those animals whose milk contains the largest number proteins and mineral salts, mainly calcium and phosphorus, necessary for building the skeleton. The less proteins, phosphates, calcium and more chloride salts in mother's milk, the slower the animal grows (Table 3).

Thus, the energy nutritional value of 1 kg of milk in cows is on average 2720 kJ, in pigs - 7140 kJ, respectively, doubling the live weight of calves occurs 47 days after birth, and in piglets - after 14 days.

Milk contains about 100 different substances, including about 20 vitamins, 30 trace elements, 20 amino acids, 23 fatty acids.

Of the constituent parts of milk, proteins occupy a special place. Milk proteins include casein, albumin and globulin. Casein accounts for about 85% of all proteins in milk. In milk, it is found in compounds with calcium (caseinates). The main difference between casein and other milk proteins is the ability to give a dense clot (ferment) under the influence of acids and rennet. This property is used in the production of cheese, cottage cheese, lactic acid products, etc.

Albumins make up about 15% of milk proteins. They are soluble and therefore remain after precipitation of casein in whey in an amount of about 0.5-0.7%. Globulins in milk are contained in small amounts (about 0.1%). Albumins and globulins do not form a clot under the influence of acids and rennet. Partial coagulation of albumin is observed when milk is heated to 60...65°C.

Since proteins in animals are formed from feed amino acids and partially from amino acids synthesized by the symbiotic microflora of the rumen, it is important that the diets are biologically complete. According to Table. 4, we can conclude that the ratios of amino acids in milk protein and in the body of calves are quite close.

Milk protein is absorbed by the body of the calf by 91-95%. In its composition, a significant place is occupied by essential amino acids, the amount of which in summer milk proteins is 73 more than in spring milk, and the content of lysine, aspartic acid, serine, glycine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine and leucine especially increases.

Milk protein is the most digestible and indispensable nutrient for preruminant calves.
4. Amino acid composition of cow's milk protein and calf's body, % (according to I. S. Popov)

Along with protein, important integral part milk are carbohydrates. Experimental studies have established that young animals from carbohydrates early age absorbs only glucose and galactose (lactose). This is explained by the fact that the activity of the lactase enzyme, which is necessary for the digestion of milk sugar, is very high during this period, and the amount and activity of the amylase and maltase enzymes required for the use of other types of carbohydrates are insignificant. Thus, in the first weeks of life, calves satisfy their need only at the expense of lactose, which is contained in colostrum, milk and skim milk. Starch, which is the main carbohydrate of plant feed, or its breakdown products - dextrins and maltose - are almost not absorbed by calves up to a month of age.

An essential component of milk is fat and r. It is an ester of glycerol and fatty acids. Specific gravity milk fat 0.93. The predominance of unsaturated fatty acids in it - oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic - determines its low melting point (25 ... 30 ° C).

Milk fat, which is a concentrated form of available energy, is especially needed in the first days of the life of young animals, when the body

not yet able to digest polysaccharides. Each gram of fat, burning or oxidizing in the body, releases 39 kJ of energy, while 1 g of proteins - 23.9 kJ, and carbohydrates - 17.6 kJ.

Milk contains a small amount of phosphatides (lecithin, cephalin) and cholesterol. The lecithin contained in milk (0.1%), breaking down in the intestines, forms choline (vitamin B4), which is necessary to prevent fatty liver. In addition, phosphatides promote the formation of phospholipids in the intestinal wall, which stimulate fat absorption. Cholesterol, the content of which in milk is not more than 0.1%, is a structural component of the nervous tissue.

Neutral fats and fat-like substances of milk are easily absorbed by the body of young animals. Installed important role fats containing unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic), in the prevention of certain disorders of cholesterol metabolism, in ensuring the normal function of the skin and growth of animals.

The secretion of colostrum is considered absolutely normal. It occurs in the early stages before the delay, but in some cases it occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy, almost before childbirth. Why this happens, even doctors cannot say. They refer to the fact that this is purely individual and depends on the characteristics of the woman's body. Many expectant mothers are interested in when pregnant women get colostrum and what it looks like. We will answer this question in this article.

The composition and purpose of colostrum

When colostrum appears, women immediately notice how their breasts increase. At this point, a liquid is produced that looks like a sticky, yellow or almost transparent consistency. Its composition is as follows:

  • t-lymphocytes;
  • immunoglobulin A;
  • neutrophils;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • minerals;
  • beta carotene;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • water;
  • simple proteins, fats and carbohydrates (lactoferrin, lactose, etc.).

Many of the components mentioned are designed to strengthen the baby's immunity. Most of them (lactoferrin, immunoglobulin A) are not digested, therefore they remain in the stomach, where they are able to fight allergens and other harmful substances.
In addition, colostrum has a number of other beneficial properties for the child. These include:
reducing the risk of oxidative stress;
influence on the development of intestinal microflora;
acceleration of the excretion of the first feces, which fill the intestines of the baby;
enrichment of the child's body with vitamins and beneficial substances necessary for the formation and development of organs.
According to studies, it is also known that secretions from the mammary glands are effective against various bacteria (E. coli, salmonella, streptococcus, etc.). In addition, colostrum actively fights viruses, for example, rotaviruses or polio and herpes viruses.

At what time does colostrum begin to be produced and appear?

No specialist can give an exact answer to how much colostrum occurs, when and in what month it appears. Some believe that discharge should be expected at 30, 32 and 35 weeks of pregnancy, that is, in the third trimester and closer to the onset of labor. Other doctors believe that the secret from the nipples appears at the beginning of the 1st trimester before the delay or from the day of conception. Although in such cases, pregnant women do not notice this, since at first the appearance of colostrum is evidenced only by a slight itch and a barely perceptible tingling in the chest area.
Don't get upset or ask for medical care if colostrum does not appear at all. The lack of fluid during pregnancy is also considered the norm and depends on the characteristics of the body. As a rule, in such women, discharge occurs after childbirth for one or several weeks.

What should be the colostrum (color, taste, texture, amount of discharge)

What colostrum looks like can be judged by various photos and video on the internet. In the early stages of pregnancy, it has the appearance of a thick yellow consistency, reminiscent of milk in structure. Colostrum tastes a bit sweet.
Closer to childbirth, at about 32 or 35 weeks, breast milk comes to replace it. The consistency thins, loses its usual color and becomes almost transparent.
If we compare colostrum with breast milk, then it is more high-calorie due to the presence of many proteins and fats. In addition, it contains more substances useful for the child's body, such as beta-carotene, vitamins A and E, zinc, etc.
Colostrum production begins around the second trimester. During this period, the liquid "comes out" a little and it can not be squeezed out or decanted.

Do I need to express colostrum?

Some pregnant women have too much colostrum, especially before or after childbirth. Of course, this causes some discomfort in the form of wet linen, slight itching or discomfort in the chest area, but there is no need to express the liquid. Some doctors even forbid doing this, because after pressing the breast, the uterus is stimulated, which, for example, provokes spontaneous abortion.
In the postpartum period, pumping is allowed, but only in certain situations. For example, if a baby is weak or sick from birth, his reflexes have not yet developed and it is difficult for him to get milk, then bottle feeding is a must.

Discharge from the chest as a sign of pathology

There are a number of symptoms that can tell if colostrum is a sign of some disease or complication. These include:

  • Pain sensations. Quite often, this indicates the development of some kind of inflammatory process in the chest, for example, purulent mastitis. When discharge from the nipples during pregnancy is also accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, in the back, then this indicates an increase in the tone of the uterus. This is due to the excessive production of hormones that stimulate labor. Not timely treatment of such symptoms increases the risk of preterm birth.
  • An admixture of blood. Very rarely, discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy occurs along with blood. This only means that the woman has inflammation of some organs. In addition, the appearance of benign or malignant neoplasms should also not be ruled out.
  • Bad smell. If colostrum has bad smell, this indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. If at the same time a woman has pain in the mammary glands, the body temperature rises and weakness is felt, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. In the event that an unpleasant odor occurs after childbirth, then breastfeeding is strictly prohibited and replacement of mother's milk with infant formula is required.

The presence of at least one of the mentioned signs is already considered a deviation from the norm. It is possible that at this moment in the body of a woman there are any inflammatory processes that can adversely affect the unborn child.

What to do if colostrum appears: breast care rules

In the event that the first consistency appeared during pregnancy, women are strictly forbidden to massage their breasts. Any stimulation of colostrum production will result in the production of hormones responsible for uterine tone. This, in turn, threatens to increase labor activity or spontaneous abortion.
If colostrum begins to appear, it is necessary to wash the skin of the breast regularly. clean water without any personal hygiene products. You can also use special breast pads, which are designed to absorb any liquid, including the secret of the mammary glands. In addition, such products have antiseptic properties. In other words, their use prevents infection and bacterial growth.

We found out when colostrum appears in pregnant women, how it looks and how it is useful for the child.