Mixer      06/16/2019

Clematis grandiflora caper miss bateman. The most popular large-flowered clematis is Miss Bateman. Preparing for winter

Clematis – amazing plant, capable of turning anyone garden plot to a real tropical oasis. This unpretentious shrub abounds in many beautiful varieties, each boasting flowers of different shapes and colors. The delicate milky flowers that distinguish English variety clematis “Miss Bateman” (Miss Bateman, also spelled Missbateman).

The main characteristics of the shrub are presented in the table below:

Parameter Characteristic
Genus Clematis or Clematis
Growth form bush liana
Type Large-flowered
Group Patens
general characteristics Curly unpretentious plant resistant to diseases, colds and pests
Purpose Vertical gardening, decor
Life cycle Perennial
Reproduction methods Seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush, layering
Shoot length 2-3 m
Flowering type On the shoots of the current year, on the overwintered shoots of last year
Flowering time June August
Flower sizes 15-17 cm in diameter
Flower coloring Dairy
2nd (partial trimming required)
Frost resistance High (can withstand temperatures down to −25 ℃)
Sustainability Does not tolerate stagnant water. Resistant to viruses, fungal diseases and pests, moderately affected
Inclusion in the State Register of the Russian Federation Turned off


This one came out hybrid variety vines at the beginning of the 19th century and was named after the daughter of the eminent florist James Bateman. In the Russian interpretation, you can often find two spellings of its name: the familiar “Miss Bateman” and the one closer to the original English version “Miss Bateman”.

Like many clematis, this shrub is highly resistant to negative factors. environment, is slightly susceptible to disease and is unpretentious in cultivation. Its shoots reach 2-3 m in length, and the plant begins to bloom profusely already 3 years after planting. At proper care Flowering of the vine can be observed twice per season. The color of clematis buds is soft milky, with white or light green stripes along each petal. The flowers are large, reaching 15-17 cm in diameter. The saturation of inflorescences depends on the number of elements falling on them sun rays– the less light, the paler their color.

Landing Features

Clematis is an unpretentious plant, but requires certain conditions for rapid growth and abundant flowering. The first thing you need to pay attention to when planting a shrub is right choice places. Many gardeners advise giving preference to spacious, sunny areas. It is also important to ensure that the vine is not constantly exposed to the scorching rays of the sun.

The soil for planting should be loose and breathable. Clematis does not tolerate stagnant water and increased soil acidity. In addition, we should not forget that the vine does not tolerate drafts. That is why it is better to plant it in windless areas.

The hole for planting should normally be at least 60 cm in length, width and depth. To ensure that the plant does not spread across the site, but grows in a vertical direction, a support with a height of at least 2 meters is immediately installed near the hole. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the hole to avoid stagnation of water in the ground. A little planting mixture is poured on top, the composition of which depends on the condition of the soil. To reduce the acidity of the soil, ash is added to it; to increase it, pine needles or fresh sawdust are added. Organic and mineral fertilizers are also applied during planting.

Sometimes before immersing a plant in a hole, it is necessary to slightly soak its root system. To do this, vine roots are immersed in ordinary water for 2-3 hours. Many gardeners also advise dipping the clematis rhizome in a clay mash before planting. After the bush is immersed in the hole, it is covered with earth up to the level of the neck and mulched with peat, sawdust or dry leaves.

Shrub care

In order for the shrub to grow quickly and delight its owners with abundant flowering, it needs to be looked after. Caring for clematis "Miss Bateman" consists of watering, fertilizing and pruning its shoots.

The plant should be watered frequently, about 3 times a week. In this case, it is recommended to loosen the soil a little after watering - this will prevent a dense crust from forming around the roots of the plant. The vine is usually fertilized three times a year: during budding, after the first flowering and after sanitary (spring) pruning. Both organic and mineral components are excellent as fertilizers. The first fertilizing after planting is usually applied to young clematis in the spring. Organic is best suited for these purposes.

If buds begin to appear on the bush in the first year, they are advised to be removed so that all the powers of the bush are directed only at its growth.

Trimming group

Clematis "Miss Bateman" has a second pruning group. Experts do not recommend radical pruning of shoots for the winter so that last year’s shoots will bloom in the spring. Only in the first year of life is one shoot left on the bush for the purpose of active development of lateral shoots in the next season.

Usually in the summer the shoots of the vine are pruned from the previous year, removing branches on which flowering has already completed, and before the onset of cold weather the entire bush is shortened, based on climatic conditions. In warm regions, where the bushes do not need to be covered, the stems are shortened minimally (only the part that has bloomed is cut off). In areas with cold winters, more severe pruning is done. This is due, firstly, to the need to bend and cover the shoots before the onset of frost, and secondly, to the later onset of warmth in the spring. If it turns out that the clematis did not survive the winter, there is no need to dig it up and throw it away immediately. There is a possibility that after some time the old root system will produce new shoots.

Diseases and pests

“Miss Bateman” gets sick quite rarely and may be susceptible to fungal diseases.

The plant may also suffer from some pests. Methods to combat them are listed in the table below.

Liana "Miss Bateman" with sufficient care does not create any trouble and beautifully decorates the garden. Therefore, this type of clematis remains one of the most popular among gardeners.


Snezhana, 29 years old, Irkutsk

In the first years, my clematis did not bloom at all. At first I was very upset, but then I reconciled myself and completely forgot about the bush. Last summer I was very surprised to see dozens of large white flowers on it. I didn’t even expect it to bloom like this (by the way, twice in a season). True, the second time is still not as abundant as the first. Now I'm still waiting to see how the flower will behave this year.

Inna, 40 years old, Orenburg

I planted my shrub in the garden among the roses. I process it together with roses copper sulfate, in the spring I regularly apply nitrogen fertilizers. It has been blooming thickly for several years now. In summer the site is incredibly beautiful. Red roses go very well with white clematis flowers, and also protect its base from overheating.

Yana, 34 years old, Lensk

In my area, winters are quite cold and few plants can survive them. Previously, I planted flowers in flowerpots and brought them indoors in the fall. And clematis have become a real find on my site! I really like the variety 'Miss Bateman' with its delicate cream flowers. The bush survives the cold well. For the winter, I simply remove its vines from the supports, trim them and cover them well. It has been successfully wintering in the garden for several years now. I highly recommend it to residents of the northern regions!


You can learn more about this beautiful shrub from the following video:

From early childhood she spent a lot of time working in the garden; knows firsthand how to properly care for most crops. He prefers to devote his free time from work to relaxing outside the city. Dreams of construction own home. I read a lot of books about caring for garden plants. He willingly shares his knowledge with readers.

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Do you know that:

One of the most convenient methods for preparing a harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries is freezing. Some believe that freezing causes loss of nutrients and beneficial properties plant products. As a result of the research, scientists found that the decrease nutritional value when frozen it is practically absent.

You need to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the contents useful substances they are as high as possible. Flowers are supposed to be picked by hand, tearing off the rough stalks. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattered in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins. How to do it? They put everything in a heap, hole or large box: kitchen scraps, tops of garden crops, weeds cut before flowering, thin twigs. All this is layered with phosphate rock, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with film. During the process of overheating, the pile is periodically turned or pierced to bring in fresh air. Typically, compost “ripens” for 2 years, but with modern additives it can be ready in one summer season.

Natural toxins are found in many plants; Those grown in gardens and vegetable gardens are no exception. Thus, the seeds of apples, apricots, and peaches contain hydrocyanic acid, and the tops and peels of unripe nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) contain solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments in cloning several varieties of grapes grown in cold regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

From varietal tomatoes you can get “your own” seeds for sowing next year (if you really like the variety). But it is useless to do this with hybrids: you will get seeds, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have “negative calorie content,” that is, more calories are consumed during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves taste qualities vegetables and fruits. They are very similar in properties and appearance, but they should not be confused. Humus - rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a higher quality fertilizer; compost is more accessible.

Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. It is prepared like this: the manure is piled up in a heap or pile, layered with sawdust, peat and garden soil. The pile is covered with film to stabilize temperature and humidity (this is necessary to increase the activity of microorganisms). The fertilizer “ripens” within 2-5 years, depending on external conditions and the composition of the feedstock. The output is a loose, homogeneous mass with a pleasant smell of fresh earth.

Clematis Miss Bateman is an artificially bred variety of liana-like plant, part of the large Patens group. This perfect option For decoration local area. This variety of clematis is valued by gardeners and landscape designers for its decorativeness, ease of care, and high resistance to negative external factors.

History of selection

Purposeful breeding of hybrid varieties of clematis began in the 19th century in England. The first selection variety was Jackmanii, which received the highest rating at an exhibition in Kensington in 1963. On its basis, other hybrid forms were subsequently bred, including Miss Bateman's clematis. To date, this variety of clematis is not officially listed in the State Register.

Description of clematis Miss Bateman

Clematis has over 300 varieties, among which there are wild and selected forms. They differ mainly in the size and color of the inflorescences. A small part of the available assortment of clematis is common in garden cultivation. Among the popular ones are: hybrid clematis Miss Bateman (photo), impressive with the splendor and colorfulness of the buds.

A general description of clematis variety Miss Bateman.

  1. A liana plant with climbing shoots stretching up to 3 m in length. It requires vertical support.
  2. The leaves of clematis are large, open, of a ternary structure, about 13 cm in diameter.
  3. Miss Bateman is a large-flowered clematis. The inflorescences are flat, eight-petalled, 15-16 cm in diameter. The dominant color is milky, with a visible path in the center. In contrast, the staminate core stands out, rich burgundy in color.
  4. The plant of this variety attracts bees and is therefore considered a honey plant.
  5. Miss Bateman's unique trait is her ability to change color shade depending on the degree of illumination: in the shade the petals turn pale, in the light they shimmer like mother-of-pearl.
  6. With proper pruning, Miss Bateman's clematis blooms in waves, in 2 bursts: in June - on last year's shoots, in early August - on new ones.
  7. The plant is unpretentious in care and adapts to any weather conditions without problems.

Important! After planting, Miss Bateman blooms for 2-3 years. In a loose state it flaunts until late autumn, until a serious cold snap.

Frost resistance, drought resistance

Clematis Bateman is surprisingly frost-resistant variety, for which it is popular among gardeners. Under light protection, Miss Bateman quietly winters at temperatures down to -25 ° C. Suitable for growing in the Urals and regions middle zone Russia, which includes the Moscow region and the Leningrad region. In the northern regions, the plant needs careful shelter for the winter.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Mrs. Bateman's clematis are endowed with strong immunity, so they are rarely subject to fungal diseases and attacks from harmful insects. The only thing is that the plants do not tolerate excess moisture.

Methods for propagating clematis

Clematis Miss Bateman is more easily propagated by cuttings, but it is also possible to obtain a full-fledged plant from seeds, but without preserving the original varietal characteristics. The latter option is labor-intensive and unproductive, therefore less common among gardeners.

Miss Bateman resorts to cuttings from clematis in the summer, during the formation of buds. Cut sections from green shoots, 15-20 cm long, with at least one living node. It is recommended to use side vines left over from last year - no more than 3-4 pieces from one planting. Miss Bateman's leaves are pruned to one-third to one-half of the total area.

The preparations are buried in a garden bed with fertile soil. Cover the top with a glass or plastic cap to create a greenhouse effect. In the future, regularly moisten, ventilate and remove condensation accumulating inside.

Planting and caring for clematis Miss Bateman

Clematis are considered long-lived, as they are able to grow in one place for up to a quarter of a century. In this regard, it is necessary to plant permanently, observing all plant preferences. Mistakes when planting Miss Bateman will inevitably lead to delayed flowering and stunted development.

For clematis with a closed root system, planting dates are not strictly regulated - the entire warm period is suitable. If the seedlings have closed roots, then you should not delay planting. They begin the procedure in the spring, as soon as the threat of sudden night frosts has passed. The main thing is to be in time before the sap flow begins.

Attention! It is permissible to do this in the fall, but a month before the first frost. This is necessary so that Miss Bateman’s clematis plantings have time to fully take root.

Choosing a suitable location

Hybrid clematis Miss Bateman does not tolerate dampness. Relying on this fact, the site is selected on a hill to avoid contact of rhizomes with high lying groundwater. When planting, drainage is laid.

Good lighting is welcome, but with slight shading from the midday heat. Growing Miss Bateman's clematis in constant shade will cause the foliage to fade. Drafts are not allowed, so it is useful to plant close to tall garden plants that will serve as a protective barrier.

Selection and preparation of planting material

It is recommended to buy the plant at specialized sales points. Usually, grown two-year-old planting material and rooted cuttings (one-year-olds) are sold. Available in containers and individually. In the first case, pay attention to the condition of the above-ground part, in the second - to the roots (strong, undamaged, with at least three dormant ovaries).

Landing algorithm

For rooting planting material Fertile, breathable soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline environment is required.


  1. Dig a hole 60 cm deep and of a similar diameter.
  2. A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom: broken brick, crushed stone, gravel.
  3. Immediately dig in a vertical support, to which the plant must be tied in the future.
  4. To fill, prepare a soil mixture: humus, river sand and peat. Everything is taken in equal shares. Additionally they contribute wood ash, in the amount of 120 g and the same amount of mineral supplements.
  5. The hole is filled halfway, a hill is formed in the center, and a seedling is placed on it. The roots are carefully straightened into the free space.
  6. They bury it to the bottom bud and leave a small depression in the root zone, into which a bucket of water is poured.
  7. Mulch with peat composition.

Over the course of the summer, the hole left is gradually filled.

Subsequent care of clematis (pruning, tying, preparing for winter, watering, fertilizing, protection from rodents)

Miss Bateman's large-flowered clematis is not particularly picky, but this does not negate basic agrotechnical care measures.


This variety is watered once a week, more often during drought. It is important that the soil layer is fully saturated to a depth of half a meter in order to saturate the roots of the plant. Use settled water - a bucket for each bush.

Top dressing

The first year after planting this variety, no fertilizing is needed; the plant only needs what is added. From the second year they are fed with organic matter diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. An alternative can be mineral fertilizer complexes (diluted according to instructions).

During the growing season, 3-5 feedings will be required, especially during budding and flowering. It is advisable to add mineral and organic additives alternately.

Mulching and loosening the soil

The root zone of the plant should be mulched regularly, which will retard the growth of weeds and help retain moisture in the soil longer. For mulch, decomposed peat or aged horse manure is suitable. In the absence of this, they use: bark, straw and other unusable plant material.

They rarely loosen near clematis of this variety if there is a mulch layer. If other annuals grow in the neighborhood, then they resort to loosening after each moistening.

Clematis pruning Miss Bateman

In the fall, thorough pruning of clematis of this variety is not carried out, since the first wave of dissolution of clematis begins in early spring and occurs on last year’s shoots. It is enough to shorten the tips of the vines, leaving about a meter in length.

Miss Bateman Clematis Pruning Group

Clematis varieties Miss Bateman are characterized by the 2nd pruning group.

Preparing for winter

In late autumn, before the first frost, Miss Bateman's clematis are prepared for wintering.

  1. The base is covered with garden soil.
  2. Water with a fungicidal solution for disinfection and sprinkle with ash flour.
  3. Remove the vines from the supports, carefully fold them into a compact bundle, and place them on a flat base (foam plastic).
  4. The top is insulated with fallen leaves and spruce branches.

Sheltering shrubs for the winter

Sheets of roofing material or slate will serve as shelter for clematis of this variety during cold weather. It is unacceptable to cover it with polyethylene, since in sunny weather it begins to become damp from the inside, and the plant may rot. With the first snow that falls, a snowdrift is thrown over as auxiliary protection.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Clematis of this variety are susceptible to fungal pathologies: rust, powdery mildew, wilt, root rot. For the sake of prevention, it is recommended to systematically thin out the bushes, remove weeds and avoid flooding. Copper-containing fungicides, which are sprayed on plantings, help in the fight against such diseases.

Of the insects that are especially dangerous for Miss Beitma's clematis: aphids, spider mites, slugs and nematodes. Acaricidal agents are used to combat ticks; insecticides are used to combat other pests. Periodically appearing slugs and snails are removed manually.


Clematis Miss Bateman is in demand in garden decoration - it looks luxurious both individually and in various compositions. They usually decorate wicker fences, gazebos, entrance groups. This variety ideally harmonizes with bright roses and other colorfully blooming ornamental plantings.

Most reviews of Miss Bateman's clematis are positive, which explains the high demand for this type of plant. When deciding how to decorate the space around the house, gardeners often lean toward this option.

Clematis is pretty beautiful plant, which will certainly decorate any garden.

There are many types of this garden vine. One of them is the Miss Bateman variety of clematis. Clematis miss beitma does not belong to large-flowered, spreading, climbing flowers and is very often used in landscape design.

General description of the plant

This wonderful flower, part of the group climbing plants, has some similarities with d and growing specimens, such as garden anemone or buttercup. There are many varieties of clematis. There are approximately three hundred of them and they are distributed throughout the world.

Like other varieties of this plant, clematis missbateman belongs to the woody type. This means that after about two or three years, the seedling's stem becomes stiffer and more fibrous. When this flower blooms, many bees flock to it. Moreover, they are no longer attracted bright flowers, but lighter shades.

Even this variety divided into several varieties. Some bloom for only a week, while others, which mostly have double flowers, can bloom for twenty days. It should be noted that the brightness of clematis flowers depends on how illuminated the place in which it grows is. It is better that enough light falls on the place where the flower grows, otherwise its petals may become too pale.

Miss Bateman - hybrid plant , which got its name in honor of James Bateman's daughter. He became famous for growing orchids.

Lianas have a similar appearance, which can reach up to two and a half meters in length, its leaves have a complex trifoliate shape, the petals are quite large in size, however, no more than 12 cm in diameter, and are well open.

Clematis flowers of this group are very beautiful and often come in two shades. The usual shade dominates, and the second shade is represented by stripes of a darker color.

It often blooms twice per season. However, you need to keep in mind that for more abundant flowering, clematis needs pruning.

It is popular due to its relative unpretentiousness and the fact that it can easily adapt to environmental conditions. It is frost-resistant and also resistant to of various kinds pests and diseases, and this makes it even more attractive for gardeners.

Planting and requirements for it

It is necessary to remember that although the plant is not picky, it loves fairly bright places, so you need to think about this when planting.

As for the ground, then it is better to choose loamy and loose soil type, which will allow water to pass through well and will not stagnate for a long time. It should also be noted that it is better not to plant clematis in soil with high acidity. In addition, it is worth saying that soil with high salinity also not a good option. Thus, when preparing to plant clematis, it is worth meeting some conditions:

  • choose the most illuminated area of ​​the garden;
  • choose soil with low acidity and salinity;
  • the plant will grow better on a loamy soil type or in loose soil.

Usually seedlings planted in early spring, but you can do this at the beginning of September. At this time, the rooting of the shrub is more successful.

Since clematis is part of the group of climbing plants, it is better to take care of the plant’s support, which is very necessary during growth, even before planting. The support must be at least two meters in height. There is no need to place the structure too close to the house.

Before planting, it is necessary to check the condition of the vine’s root system. If its roots are quite dry, then they can be soak in water for a couple of hours.

Then the soil is prepared. You can make the necessary mixture yourself. To do this, peat, sand and humus are mixed in equal parts. You can add about 1 kg of ash to the mixture as fertilizer.

Then a hole is dug, half of which must be filled with the prepared mixture. The remaining part will be needed to cover the roots of the plant up to the root collar. It should be noted that the larger the clematis, the deeper the planting hole needs to be made. This will help protect it from frost.

After planting, the plant must be thoroughly watered and mulched. Peat is suitable for mulching.

What care is needed for clematis miss bateman

Like all plants, for good growth and active flowering, clematis needs proper care. The soil around it needs to be loosened from time to time, weeds removed, and watered regularly.

In the first year after the plant has been planted, the soil should not be fertilized. In addition, if the first buds begin to appear at this time, they must be removed so that all the forces of the bush are directed only to its growth.

One of the important parts of plant care is pruning. Usually it is necessary to prune those branches that for some reason have become dry, as well as damaged branches. Pruning is very important autumn period because it plays a role in the future appearance creepers. That is, one of the main types of pruning is sanitary pruning.

Clematis variety miss bateman is considered a fairly frost-resistant species and can overwinter without shelter. However, in areas where winters are too harsh, it is still worth covering.

To begin with, it is treated and then covered with covering material. It is very important that it has good breathability. So, the plant will not rot. You can also put an additional layer of dry leaves, sawdust or peat on top of the shelter.

If it still seems that the clematis has not survived the winter, there is no need to dig it up and throw it away right away. Usually, after some time, the old root system begins to produce new shoots.

Clematis propagation

To propagate clematis with large flowers, it is best to use the vegetative method. It is the simplest and quite effective. Clematis can also be propagated:

  • by dividing the bush - usually such a seedling quickly takes root and begins to grow actively;
  • propagation of layerings. In this case, in the spring it is necessary to separate the side branches and cover them with soil, securing them in place. After a year, the branch takes root and can be cut off from the main bush and planted separately.

If you need to propagate clematis on a large scale, then it is better to do it by cuttings. They can be cut off both from the woody part and from young shoots. You need to take them from the middle part of the branch. The bottom cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, and the top cut can be made straight. One cutting should have no more than two nodes. For better rooting, they are planted in greenhouses, because there optimal temperature and humidity.

Clematis are beautiful inhabitants of the garden, which not only transform it beyond recognition, but also create a special tropical charm on the site. These vines quickly climb fences, grow willingly if they have enough sun, and actively bloom, striking the eye with their beauty. A worthy representative of this group of plants is the Miss Bateman clematis.

There are more than three hundred varieties of clematis. There are many wild and hybrid forms that have small and large inflorescences different shades. Only a few dozen clematis are popular in cultivation, and among them Miss Bateman stands out for the exquisite beauty of its large inflorescences.

This variety of vine is considered woody. This means that in adulthood (over 3 years), clematis stems become dense, fibrous and acquire a rigid structure over time.

Varietal features of Miss Bateman include:

  • The Miss Bateman flower is a gorgeous hybrid that was named after the daughter of the famous florist James Bateman.
  • Clematis shoots Miss Bateman reach 2-3 m with proper support.
  • The clematis foliage of this variety is open, large, trifoliate, maximum size in diameter 12 cm.
  • Miss Bateman is a large-flowered hybrid. The color of the petals is dominated by a milky tint, which is diluted by a pale lilac tint.
  • The dull color of the petals of the Miss Bateman vine strongly attracts bees, which is why it is an excellent honey plant.
  • The variety is distinguished by its ability to change the intensity of the color of the petals. The less light it gets, the paler the color of the inflorescences becomes.
  • At correct pruning Clematis blooms twice during the summer season.
  • Liana Miss Bateman exhibits fairly high winter hardiness and is rarely susceptible to disease.
  • This type of vine is unpretentious to growing conditions and adapts to the environment without any special whims.
  • Miss Bateman forms quickly and blooms 2-3 years after planting.

Clematis Miss Bateman, propagation

Large-flowered vines reproduce quite easily. The most acceptable and simplest method is cuttings. However, Miss Bateman's clematis, according to reviews from gardeners, can also be grown from seeds, although this activity is more troublesome and often ends in failure.

In summer, the Miss Bateman vine is taken from cuttings using green shoots.

  • During the budding process, when the shoots are most saturated with nutrients, cuttings are cut. At this moment there is the highest chance of rooting them, so you shouldn’t skip it. It is also important to ensure that the buds do not have time to open.
  • It is advisable to cut side shoots, which appeared after last year's pruning. You should not cut more than three cuttings from one vine.
  • After this, the resulting shoots are cut into cuttings, each of which should have a knot.
  • The cut is left straight, the cutting should be no more than 3 cm above the node, and up to 10 cm below it. The leaves are shortened by half.
  • Prepared cuttings are rooted in any nutrient soil in the garden bed. A greenhouse is built on top from plastic bottle and water the cuttings regularly.

Important! You can prepare cuttings in the fall. To do this, lignified shoots are cut, immersed in a box with peat-sand soil, moistened and covered. In the spring, the box is placed in greenhouse conditions and watering begins.

Clematis Miss Bateman, planting features

Liana Miss Bateman is a plant, although not capricious, but it requires the creation of certain growing conditions. When choosing a location, the main thing you pay attention to is lighting. The site should be spacious, sunny, but without direct scorching sun.

The soil for the vine is loose, breathable, and loamy. It should readily allow water to pass through, but not create stagnation. It is also important to note that all vines do not grow in acidic substrates.

Given these features of Miss Bateman's clematis, it is important to follow the planting rules:

  1. Select a sufficiently lit part of the garden for the vine.
  2. Create alkaline soil for it, without excessive salt concentration.
  3. In order for the rooting of the vine to proceed without complications, planting work begins with the arrival of spring, or no later than September.
  4. Since the Miss Bateman vine is actively creeping up, a support is built for its normal growing season. It must be at least 2 meters. Access to the vine from all sides is also important, which will be required during the pruning period.
  5. When planting a dormant vine, it is necessary to slightly soak its woody root system. To do this, just soak the roots for 2-3 hours in plain water.
  6. At this stage we begin to prepare landing pit. The depth of the hole is made in accordance with the size of the plant: the older the vine, the deeper the hole will be needed.
  7. Prepare a mixture of humus and peat, and also add a little sand and ash.
  8. Then the prepared soil is brought into the dug hole, the rhizome of the vine is immersed and covered with the remaining soil to the level of the root collar.
  9. After planting, the vine is watered and mulched with peat.

How to care for Miss Bateman vine

In order for the vine to grow quickly and bloom annually, it needs to be looked after. Care is quite easy and includes watering, pruning and regular feeding.

Clematis Miss Bateman, watering and fertilizing

  • Irrigate the soil in tree trunk circle needed often. The level of moisture penetration should be at least 50 cm. After watering, the soil is slightly loosened so that a crust does not form. Mulching with sawdust or peat is encouraged.
  • The first feeding after planting is carried out the next year before wintering. The root area is dug up along with organic fertilizers or mineral salts.
  • In the spring, during the growing season, nitrogen supplements or lime milk (a mixture of water, slaked lime and chalk) are added.
  • Complex mineral supplements for flowering crops are applied three times: at the time of budding, after the first spring flowering, after pruning.

Clematis Miss Bateman, pruning and wintering

Clematis Miss Bateman pruned to shape beautiful view and stimulation of abundant flowering. Pruning is carried out superficially without radically shortening the shoots. If you prune the plant too much, there is a risk of its death.

Pruning begins in the summer as the shoots fade. Some Miss Bateman vines bloom twice, so they need to be pruned late autumn in front of the shelter. During the pruning process, the shoots are shortened to 1.5 m above the ground. Annual shoots are shortened by a quarter, and all spoiled shoots are completely removed. After pruning, the vine is removed from the support, laid and covered with covering material.

Clematis Miss Bateman, diseases and pests

Liana Miss Bateman gets sick relatively rarely. But if care rules are not followed, the plant can be susceptible to viral and fungal diseases.

  • The most dangerous is viral mosaic. It is impossible to get rid of it, so for prevention, clematis is treated with Karbofos.
  • To prevent fungal diseases, it is necessary to ensure normal humidity regulation. For preventive purposes, you can use Fundazol.
  • Among the pests on clematis, aphids can be seen. Its colonies massively devour leaves, worsening the decorative appearance of the plant. Fitoverm or celandine infusion will help get rid of pests.
  • Invasion is also possible spider mite. It develops in conditions where the air is too dry. To prevent infection, clematis needs to be sprayed. Actellik is used to kill ticks.

Liana Miss Bateman, with sufficient care, does not create any trouble and beautifully decorates the garden. Therefore, this type of clematis remains one of the most popular.