Mixer      06/12/2019

When can peonies be replanted? Transplanting peonies in spring to another place. Preparing the soil for autumn replanting of peonies

Decoration of any garden, flower bed or personal plot are flowers. People are trying to diversify their beautiful plants. The most common flowers in our country are peonies. They come in different colors: pink, white, red, burgundy. Therefore, a real gardener should know how to replant peonies in the fall. After all, proper care of the plant is the key to beautiful and abundant flowering.

Amulet from evil spirits

Homeland of lush and bright flower is China. In this country, peonies have always been and remain held in high esteem. Since ancient times they have been considered noble flowers. Peonies are a symbol of masculinity and love; they also protect the house from evil spirits, and people from various ailments. A bouquet of these flowers can be safely presented to a loved one for any occasion. Peonies symbolize glory and achieving goals.

The Greeks also had great respect this flower. For them, peonies had a special meaning. Translated from Greek language paionios - “healing, or doctor.” People added their root to their drink, they believed that such a miraculous potion could cleanse the body of evil spirits.

Preparing peonies for planting

Every person tries to plant plants that will delight him for many years. Peonies are just perennial flowers. Before planting peonies in the fall, it is important to prepare the soil. The abundance of flowering will depend on this.

  • First, you need to dig up the ground where you plan to plant the plant.
  • Secondly, you should fertilize the soil: peonies consume potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. It is important not to forget about this when preparing the soil. The flower simply needs these microelements vitally.
  • Thirdly, no weeds should grow on the site - peonies do not accept their proximity.
  • Fourthly, the soil needs to be well loosened so that it allows as much liquid as possible.
  • Fifthly, it is important to constantly and regularly weed the soil.

Also, a new location plays an important role for peonies. Flowers cannot stand staying in one area all the time. After some time (4-5 years), they should be transplanted to another place.

Peonies, which are best planted in autumn, do not like fresh manure. It is best to apply peat fertilizer directly into the hole. The hole for planting needs to be dug deep, approximately 0.5 meters.

Peonies planted incorrectly in the fall will not please their owner. abundant flowering. All steps must be strictly followed. Only then will the plant produce lush and bright flowers. It is worth remembering which crops will favor the lush growth of peonies subsequently planted in their place. These are all legumes.

Caring for peonies

Now we need to consider the following questions: “How to replant peonies in the fall?” and “How to care for them?” First and foremost important rule care involves regular weeding and loosening. After heavy rain or watering, you need to cultivate the soil. As weeds appear, you need to carefully weed them out, since excess grass takes away nutritious minerals, water and contributes to the spread of diseases that will injure the peonies. Caring for these flowers in the fall is very important. Their flowering next year will depend on it.

You need to loosen the soil to a depth of about fifteen centimeters. Avoid the formation of a rough crust on the soil. During the first three years of growth, loosening and removing weeds is the basis of caring for peonies. Subsequently, it is necessary to trim the buds on the stems, leaving only one or two central ones. This approach will help the flowers become large.

Plant propagation

So, how to replant peonies in the fall so that they bloom as profusely as possible in the spring? These noble flowers need to be propagated from August to November. It is better to choose cool weather (cloudy would be good). The abundance of flowering in the spring will depend on how to replant peonies in the fall.

First, you need to fill the bush of the plant well with water and carefully dig it up with a sharp shovel. You should pull it out carefully so as not to damage the peony roots. Then you need to put them on flat surface and inspect for diseases. With a well-sharpened knife, the roots are cut and damaged ones are removed. It is worth dividing so that there are 4-5 live buds left on each part.

Then you need to lower planting material into prepared wells. The buds are left on the surface of the soil and covered with fertile soil (the mound should be five centimeters high). After these steps, the peony bush should be watered well. Before the onset of cold weather, it is worth adding water somewhere else two or three times, this will help the plant to take root better. Peonies that were replanted in the fall according to all the rules will certainly bloom profusely in the spring. You also need to know that if the plant reproduced at a fairly late time (for example, in November), then it is better to cover it with leaves, peat or compost. This is done for a more comfortable and safe wintering of the flower.

Pests of peonies

Each flower is subjected various diseases, some more, some less. Peonies belong to the latter. They are not very susceptible to disease. This is a big plus for the plant.

The most common disease of peonies is ringed mosaic of leaves and gray mold. Rust is less common. The peony buds themselves are eaten by bronze beetles; they should be collected by hand every morning.

The plants are sprayed against the diseases listed above. You can use one percent Bordeaux mixture or other copper-containing preparations. It is best to spray in the spring, before the buds form. Subsequently, after 10 days, repeat it again. Also, sometimes there is a need to treat bushes from harmful ants or beetles.

Already in mid-autumn (October), peonies need to be cut to ground level. Remove the stems and water the remaining part in the soil with water.

Feeding and watering

If you take proper care, then in the spring beautiful and beautiful flowers will bloom in your flowerbed or garden. lush peonies. Transplanting in the fall is very important aspect. During this period, the plant takes root as much as possible and has a better chance of producing abundant flowering in the spring.

Peonies in the summer, especially in extreme heat, need to be watered regularly. It is best to do this not on the leaves, but at the root.

When flowers are just planted, they should not be fertilized in the first year. The soil has enough minerals. Already in the second and third years of life, peonies need to be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. For example, urea or crystalline, mullein solution or a pinch of boron.

If you implement proper care and replanting peonies, then every year the flowerbed will be full of large and bright flowers.

Who among us doesn’t know what peonies look like? These bright fragrant flowers have been decorating our flower beds and front gardens for quite a long time to become a completely familiar part of the landscape. And although these flowers are quite unpretentious, they still do not tolerate negligence in care. This is especially true for such an important operation as transplanting peonies. Our article will be devoted to how many years you can not replant peonies and at what time it is better to replant them.

When should peonies be replanted?

Properly planted and receiving regular care a peony bush can grow and bloom safely in the same place for 10-15 years. But if the bush is planted incorrectly, for example, too much or not deep enough, then it will need replanting in the near future. The florist will receive a signal about the need for a transplant. appearance bush - an incorrectly planted bush will wither, get sick, grow poorly and, most importantly, you won’t get flowers from it.

At what time should peonies be replanted?

Long-term practice of growing peonies in domestic conditions shows that the best time to transplant them is the end of summer. In the last ten days of August, peonies already accumulate enough nutrients to lay flower buds and growth buds for the next season, and direct their forces to the growth of the root system. It is at this time that transplanted peonies have the greatest chance of taking root safely and getting stronger before the onset of cold weather.

Can peonies be replanted in other summer months, such as July? Experienced flower growers We are sure that peonies should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary during this period. The fact is that the processes occurring in peonies in the first two thirds of summer are quite comparable with pregnancy - peonies accumulate nutrients and form buds. Therefore, they no longer have the strength to acclimatize in a new place.

Peonies growing in open ground can be replanted in June and July only in cases of extreme necessity, for example, when their roots have become a victim of a mole or rodents. At the same time, there is a high probability that the bush will not survive such an untimely relocation. But let’s make a reservation right away that the above applies to bushes growing in open ground. Peonies purchased from flower shops growing in pots, can be transplanted into open ground immediately after flowering ends. In this case, they need to be planted together with the earthen ball in which they are in the pot.

It is also possible to spring transplant peonies, but at the same time the bush remains weakened for a long time, which means it needs more careful care and attention. In addition, peonies transplanted in spring do not bloom in summer.

Ideally, the bushes should be replanted in early September, when the rhizome begins to actively produce shoots - when replanted, they will become the key to good survival of the bush in a new place.

But, if it was not possible to dig up a bush in the fall, gardeners replant the plants in early spring, when the ground is still full of moisture, and the bushes are just emerging from wintering. You just need to wait for the first green branch to appear. Gardeners know that the first sprouts of peonies are bright red, as soon as they begin to form into a green branch, it is time to “move.”

Photo: Kathrin Ziegler/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Two weeks to prepare

Transplanting peonies begins not with digging up a bush, but with preparing a place for future planting. The fact is that the flower does not like unstable soil, so a hole for it must be made in advance. A couple of weeks before digging, you need to form large holes for the bushes and fill each with small pebbles or coarse sand. From above, into a hole half a meter deep, you need to pour half a bucket of a mixture of sand and turf soil. This filling can be replaced with the following composition:

A glass of bone meal;

Humus and peat in equal parts;

A glass of ash;

50 grams of superphosphate.

In every hole, regardless of natural humidity Soil should be poured into a bucket of water and left for a week for the mixture to shrink.

The transplanted plant needs to be covered with spruce branches; it will protect the peony from frosts on the soil, which can happen in spring and early autumn.

Photo: Manuela Schewe-Behnisch/EyeEm/Getty Images

How to “move” correctly

In autumn, the plant needs to be tied and the leaves trimmed, leaving no more than 10 centimeters of the stem. Dig up the soil around the bush and pour plenty of water. And you can dig it up only the next day.

There is one more subtlety here: you need to dig up the plant with a pitchfork, because the shovel often crushes the rhizome severely, and the flower suffers for a long time. When replanting in autumn, the root of the flower must be cleared of soil, and sometimes - if the soil is highly acidic - even washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In spring, the soil cannot be removed; on the contrary, the lump around the root should be as large as possible.

Place the peony rhizome in the prepared hole in the center, this will allow the young roots to spread faster and begin to nourish the plant. You need to water the peony from above and only then sprinkle it with soil so that there remains a noticeable hole in which water will initially accumulate.

It is important to remember that the buds of the plant should not go underground more than 5-7 centimeters, otherwise they may rot.

Flowers peonies (lat. Paeonia) belong to the genus of herbaceous perennial plants and deciduous shrubs and subshrubs. In the wild, peonies grow in the subtropical and temperate zones North America and Eurasia. Peonies received their name in honor of the mythical doctor Pean, who treated the Olympian gods and people from wounds received in battles, and this name is fair, since the medicinal peony, the first species introduced into culture, has long been famous for its healing properties. In the sixth century AD in China, there were already thirty expensive species of this flower, but the cultivation of peonies was allowed only in the gardens of the emperor. Today, about five thousand varieties of peonies are cultivated, and people value them for their beautiful flowering, amazing aroma and lush greenery.

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Planting and replanting peonies (in brief)

  • Landing: at the end of August or beginning of September.
  • Bloom: in May.
  • Lighting: in the morning – bright sunlight, in the second - bright diffused light or light partial shade.
  • The soil: slightly acidic loam.
  • Watering: regular, plentiful: 2-3 buckets of water for each adult bush.
  • Feeding: 1st - in early spring, and from the second week of May, peonies are treated monthly, leaf by leaf, with a solution of organic or mineral fertilizer.
  • Reproduction: often by root cuttings, sometimes by seeds.
  • Pests: sod ants, bronze beetles, root-knot nematodes.
  • Diseases: septoria, gray rot, rust, root rot, brown spot, viral mosaic.

Read more about growing peonies below.

Peonies flowers - description

Peony is a monotypic representative of the family, numbering about forty species. For the most part they are herbaceous, but there are also tree-like peonies, which are subshrubs or shrubs. Almost all modern varieties are descended from peony officinalis and peony lactiflora. The herbaceous peony is a plant up to one meter high with several stems. The large, powerful peony root has cone-shaped thickened shoots. The leaf arrangement of the peony is regular. The dark green and sometimes bluish leaves are pinnately divided or trifoliate. Single flowers with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm with five or more petals come in white, red, pink, cream and even yellow color. The peony fruit is a star-shaped multi-leafed plant in which large, dark, shiny peony seeds ripen. Peony blooms in May. Today breeders are busy creating hybrids herbaceous peonies with tree-like ones. The tree peony reaches a height of 1.5-2 meters, its leaves are bright green, double-pinnate; there can be from 30 to 70 flowers on one bush at a time, and each of them reaches a diameter of 20 to 25 cm. The petals of the flowers are corrugated , dense. There are varieties with simple, semi-double and double flower shapes in raspberry, red, white, lilac and pink colors. The tree-like bush blooms for about two weeks, and if the weather is cool, even longer. Tree peonies are attractive in the garden because they retain their decorative properties even after flowering due to unusual shape leaves and fruits. Tree peonies are mostly frost-resistant, and if you still have to cover them with spruce branches for the winter, it is for two reasons: because of the likelihood of a snowless winter and because of the crows pecking out the flower buds.

Planting peonies in open ground

When to plant peonies

The best time to plant peonies is August and September. Sometimes you have to plant peonies in summer or spring, but such flowers often get sick, form few new roots and develop poorly. Therefore, it is better to plant and replant peonies in the fall. Try to find a sunny area with midday shade for the peonies. Peonies grow wonderfully in the shade, but they do not want to bloom. Peonies should be planted at some distance from buildings and trees so that they do not interfere with air circulation in the area. Avoid planting peonies where the groundwater is too close to the surface, as the flowers may rot their roots. The best soil for peonies is slightly acidic loam with a pH of 6-6.5. If there is too much clay in the soil, add sand to it, and in soils with a predominance of sand - clay. Too acidic soils are limed by adding 200 to 400 g of lime per m² of land.

Planting peonies in autumn

Find a sunny area for peonies with slightly acidic soil and deep groundwater. Before planting peonies, prepare holes for them, and it is better to do this in July so that the soil in the hole has time to settle before planting. Planting pits should be approximately 60x60x60 cm in size, and the distance between them should be at least 90 cm, and preferably a little more - 1-1.2 m, so that the air between the bushes can circulate freely. Discard the top fertile layer of soil with a shovel and remove the rest of the soil from the hole. Place 15-20 kg of peat, compost or rotted manure in the hole, add 300-400 g of bone meal or 150-200 g of superphosphate to it. Add half a bucket or bucket of sand to clay soil, and the same amount of clay to sandy soil. Add fertile soil to the fertilizers from the top layer thrown aside, mix it thoroughly in the hole with additives and compact it so that the hole is filled to 35 cm. Place a layer of sand 20-25 cm high on top. Then lower the roots of the seedling into the hole, straighten them and fill them with fertile soil so that the replacement buds of the peony are at a depth of 5 cm. If the buds are too deep underground, the peony will have problems with flowering, and if the buds are not deepened enough, the plant will get sick. After planting, peony seedlings are watered and the soil around the bush is mulched with peat. For the first two years, do not let peonies bloom; cut off all the buds. Only in the third year after planting, or even later, do peony flowers become what you expect them to be.

Planting tree peony

Tree-shaped peony is planted at the same time - at the end of summer. Be careful when choosing a place for a peony, since replanting is contraindicated for it. If you find a place for it, protected from strong winds, in partial shade and away from big trees, if the planting is successful and you are able to take good care of the peony, then it will grow and delight you, your children and grandchildren with its flowers for many years. After all, its lifespan is a century, and in China there are state-protected specimens tree peonies, which are already about five hundred years old!

If the groundwater in your area is below two meters, a hole for the tree peony is dug with a cone to a depth of 70 cm and the same diameter. Place a layer of 25-30 cm at the bottom of the hole for drainage. broken brick or fine gravel, then, if necessary, bring the soil with which you will fill the peony roots in accordance with the requirements of the plant: add 200-300 g of bone meal to the acidic soil (tree peonies prefer slightly alkaline soils). Mix clay soil with sand, sandy soil with clay to create something like loam. Add a glass of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and dolomite flour, mix everything thoroughly. Pour this part of the soil into the hole with a cone, lower the seedling onto it and immediately pour it into the hole a large number of water so that the roots of the seedling can straighten out on their own. When the water is absorbed, fill the hole with the second part of the soil, first mixing it with compost. The peony's root collar should be at soil level. Water the peony with four to five liters of water and, when it is absorbed, mulch the area.

If groundwater lies too close to the surface, you can plant a tree peony by building a hill for it.

Transplantation and propagation of peonies

When to replant peonies

As already mentioned, peonies planted in the fall take root much more successfully than those planted in the spring: over the winter, the peony root grows into new soil and, with the beginning of spring, intensively absorbs moisture and develops, so such peonies bloom next spring. And therefore, to the question of when to plant peonies, the answer will be the same - at the border of summer and autumn. If for some reason you did not have time to do this during the velvet season, then it would be better to wait until early spring. Peonies divided and planted in spring will take a long time to take root, reacting painfully to any weather changes, and will definitely not bloom this year, so spring planting or replanting peonies is justified only in an emergency - if the plant needs to be saved from moles or mice gnawing on its roots. But even in the spring, you can only replant peonies at the very beginning, because if the plant has time to grow before replanting, you risk damaging the fragile buds that could sprout next year.

How to replant peonies

To answer your question about how to replant peonies, we answer: replanting is carried out in the same time frame and according to the same principle as the initial planting. Two weeks before transplanting, prepare the holes as described above. If the soil on the site is not sufficiently permeable, place a drainage layer of sand or fine gravel 15-20 cm thick at the bottom of the holes and water the holes several times. Before planting, mix some of the fertile soil from the topsoil with fertilizers and pour it into the hole. For peonies intended for transplantation, the above-ground part is cut off, leaving stumps the height of a palm. Then they carefully dig up the bush with a pitchfork, not very close to the bush, trying not to damage the roots, remove the bush from the ground, wash it with a hose and carefully inspect it. If you find areas with rot, remove them with a sterile sharp knife and treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate, or even better, keep the entire rhizome for a quarter of an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then let it dry and plant in a new place, as already described. After replanting, a peony requires mandatory watering and mulching of the soil around the bush.

It is better not to replant tree peonies, but if there is such a need, then do it as during the initial planting.

Reproduction of peonies by division

Peonies are propagated by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. But it was during autumn transplant It is most convenient to divide the rhizome. Peony bushes can be divided when they reach three or four years of age, provided that they have already fully bloomed and that the number of stems in the bush is at least seven, and they do not emerge in a bunch from one point, and each of them grows from the ground at a distance of at least seven centimeters from other stems - this indicates that the rhizome of the bush is already sufficiently developed for division. Dividing and planting peonies, as well as primary planting, is best done from the end of August to the end of September. Dig up the peony bush with a pitchfork, having previously cut the stems at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground, wash off the soil from the rhizome, clean it, if necessary, of rot with a sterile instrument and cut the rhizome so that each part contains 2-3 renewal buds and the root is 5-10 cm long. Too small divisions will have to be looked after endlessly after planting, and larger ones do not take root well. Place the rhizomes of the divisions for half an hour in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then for half a day in a solution of heteroauxin (1 tablet per 10 liters of water). Dry the rhizomes and rub all the cuts with crushed coal. To prevent fungal diseases, you can dip the rhizomes of each division in a clay mash with the addition of copper sulfate at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water with clay. We have already described the landing process. After planting, water the peonies and be sure to mulch the soil around them with a seven-centimeter layer of peat. It will be possible to remove the mulch and loosen the soil only in the spring, when reddish peonies sprout through the peat.

If you had to replant a bush in the spring, you should not wash it, disinfect it with potassium permanganate, or divide it into parts. Simply immerse it in the prepared hole and complete the planting procedure already described. However, replanting a bush from place to place without dividing it into parts is pointless, since it will grow poorly in the new place, using the supply of nutrition accumulated by the rhizome in the old place. To develop new roots, the peony needs a stimulus or shock caused by division of the rhizome, otherwise it weakens and blooms poorly.

Dividing a bush of tree peonies is carried out according to the same principle as dividing a bush of herbaceous peonies. But to propagate this species, it is better to use the method of cuttings or layering.

Planting peonies in the summer is necessary so that the plants become stronger and can bloom the next year. Usually this process is carried out towards the end of the season, in the last days of August.

In addition to planting, during this period the bushes are transplanted and divided. This method is most often considered by gardeners as a method of propagating this crop. This allows the overgrown bush of a perennial plant to be thinned out, and the separated parts can be replanted and a new flower will grow from them.

Botanical description of peony

Peonies are the name given to 32 species of plants that belong to the genus of the same name. Among them there are both perennial herbaceous and shrubby ones, the height of which can reach a meter. The powerful roots of the plant are thickened and have a knobby appearance, due to this the rhizome itself, in general, turns out to be large and reliably holds the peonies on the soil.

Flowers grow singly, each of them consists of:

  • 5 leathery sepals, which can be either green or red;
  • fleshy disc-shaped base;
  • 5 or more petals, which are several times larger than the size of the sepals, the outer edges are often chipped;
  • many stamens;
  • pistils, their number can vary from 1 to 8.

After flowering, fruits appear on the plant in the form of a star-shaped multileaf. Hidden inside them are shiny, round-shaped seeds. Their color can vary from black to dark brown.

Flower propagation

Peonies can be propagated in summer in several ways.

  1. Dividing the bush.
  2. Using layering (pressing shoots to the ground).
  3. Through cuttings, they can be either root or stem.
  4. Pieces of rhizome with 2-3 buds on them.

The last 3 types of reproduction must begin in mid-spring, as they are quite long-lasting. A new plant may not produce flowers until half the season, or even more, since before this process it needs to strengthen and take root in a new place without a parent.

For the summer period, the first breeding option is best suited. Yes, in this case perennial will not bloom during the transplanting season, and this process takes place closer to the beginning of autumn. Due to this, the peony will gain strength and calmly survive the winter. And next summer, new peonies will be able to begin flowering without hindrance.

This landing occurs in 2 stages:

  1. Dividing the bush.
  2. Planting a separated plant.

This operation is quite simple to perform if you first study the short instructions.

Peonies can be divided in August. To do this, you need to dig up the entire bush, and then divide it with a shovel, however, this must be done correctly.

Before digging up the bush, cut off the outer stems, this will make it easier to pry it with a shovel and lift it above the ground.

After the flower is dug up, its rhizome must be shaken, getting rid of large pieces of soil. Smaller lumps must be washed off with water. This is necessary in order to determine the exact size of the rhizome. If it is large, then a stake is driven into its center for the convenience of dividing the plant into smaller parts. When dividing, it is important to take into account that each seedling has roots no more than 20 cm and they have 3 or 5 buds.

Rotten parts of the root system must be removed immediately, since weakened fragments separated from a plant with such a problem may turn out to be diseased or even die.

After the division is completely completed, planting can begin.

Planting peonies, preparing the soil

Like division, planting peonies can take place in the summer, towards the end of this season. Before you start replanting separated parts of the plant, you need to choose the right place where the peonies will feel comfortable.

First of all, it is worth remembering that flowers do not like overheating, which they can receive even when standing next to the heated walls of the house. Therefore, peonies should be moved away from buildings by at least 2 m. In addition, the place where the plant will need to be planted should not be in a windy area and at the same time most daylight hours should be in the sun.

Once the location has been chosen, you can begin planting the plant. When transplanting, no additional fertilizers are added to the ground. These flowers are unpretentious, so they can take root in ordinary garden soil. The exception is areas with clay soil, then before replanting it must be diluted with peat or sand.

However, it is still worth remembering that flower roots do not tolerate large amounts of moisture in the soil. Therefore, if there is groundwater, the level of which is higher than 90 cm from the ground level, it would be more correct to plant plants on raised beds to protect them from rotting.

In addition to preparing the soil, it is also important to properly dig a hole in order to plant the peony in it.

Pit parameters

First of all, it is worth pointing out the depth of the hole, which should not be less than 70 cm. This is necessary so that the plant can form a larger and more powerful root system. For the same reason, the distance between the recesses should not be less than 90 cm.

The length and width of the hole should correspond to its depth.

In order for the flower to settle down faster, the soil dug out of the hole should be thoroughly mixed with compost, humus or manure before backfilling.

At the bottom of the hole you need to place a layer of drainage. Old broken bricks or expanded clay may be suitable. After this, the drainage should be covered with earth. A flower is planted on top of the resulting cushion. At the end of the process, it is backfilled with the rest of the excavated soil.

The final stage is compacting the soil; this can be done using your own foot. After planting is completed, the peonies are watered, but you should not be overzealous with this, since the flower does not like large amounts of moisture and begins to rot.

Preparing plants for wintering

Since peonies are transplanted towards the end of summer and they are perennials, they must be properly prepared for winter so that the plant can easily survive the cold season.

You can start preparing from the landing itself. So, when caring for peonies in the summer, they should be given fertilizers with a high potassium content. This will allow the flower to strengthen in a short time, even before the first November frosts. The solution must be prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of fertilizer per 5 liters of water. It will be enough for several waterings of the plant.

For the winter period, as soon as the first frosts appear, the flower must be furnished with cardboard. Such an improvised “fence” will protect the plant from strong winds and at the same time preserve its own warmth.

In the spring, as soon as the severe frosts pass and the wind becomes warmer, the plant is opened. And in order to help it recover after wintering, the flower can be fed with solutions of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. The proportions of these solutions are identical to those that need to be given in autumn period: 2 tablespoons of substance per 5 liters of water.

Bottom line

Planting peonies at the end of the summer is necessary so that the plant can get used to wintering. In addition, a flower planted at the end of August begins to bloom much earlier than those planted in the spring.

The summer plant transplant itself is quite simple in essence. After all, the plant can be planted in almost any soil. The main thing is to know the correct procedure and a few small nuances. As a result, over the next few years garden plot will be able to appear beautiful flower, not requiring special attention.