Mixer      06/13/2019

Monstera: the interior queen with a quirky look. Houseplant monstera home care reproduction and transplantation photo species

Monstera is a rather large plant, the peculiarity of which are dissected leaves and peculiar aerial roots. It comes from the tropical forests of the South American continent, but it can be found even in Asia. The flower takes root well in apartments and houses, and because of its unpretentiousness and beauty, it is very popular.

To properly grow it, you need to know how to care for the monstera at home. This will be discussed in this article, and the presented photo will give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis luxurious plant.

Features of an exotic flower

There are quite a few different myths associated with this plant that make some flower growers doubt whether it is worth acquiring. But you should know that monstera has a large number of useful properties, which favorably affect the human body and the microclimate of the room. During the day its large leaves release a lot of oxygen and contribute to the evaporation of moisture, thereby moistening the air. In addition, this tropical plant well absorbs harmful electromagnetic waves, absorbs formaldehyde fumes and ionizes the air in the room.

At the energy level, Monstera helps people in making any important decisions. It puts thoughts in order, absorbs chaotic vibrations and in the most favorable way affects the nervous system, bringing the state of mind into harmony. Develops intellectual abilities and strengthens the human immune system. Thanks to this, Monstera is indispensable in the office and office, living room and library. It helps to calm down, focus and tune in to work.

The only place where you should not place it is the bedroom. plant at night no photosynthesis takes place, so it begins to absorb a large amount of oxygen, and this is unacceptable for a bedroom.

Monstera: home care

This plant at home is easy to grow and propagate. In order for it to grow healthy, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the flower.

Lighting and space

In nature, monstera loves shady, but well-lit places. The scorching sun can burn its leaf plate, and too deep a shadow does not allow the flower to grow, even stopping its development completely. From this, he will not die, he will lose his beauty and attractiveness. Foliage in low light loses its decorative, acquiring a monochromatic green color.

Monstera grows very fast and grows strongly. In height, it can reach 5 meters, so it is necessary to find a room for it so that it is not cramped. The plant does not like to be moved from place to place, it may even stop its growth.

Temperature regime

Flower care involves observing the temperature regime, which should be within from +10 to +24 degrees. Monstera tolerates sudden temperature changes quite easily. High rates contribute to its intensive development, the main thing is that the air is sufficiently humidified. Too low air temperature causes the monstera to stop its growth and will be at rest until the degrees rise to a certain point.

Watering and feeding

Caring for a flower also involves watering and fertilizing it. The plant prefers moist tropical air. Since its leaves are able to evaporate a lot of moisture, they need to be moistened regularly. To do this, the leaf plates are wiped with a damp cloth, and to make their glossy surface shine, a little milk is added to the water.

During the growth of a flower, it should watering vigorously enough so that the earth does not dry out. At rest, this process should be minimized.

In order for the monstera to grow well at home and not lose its decorative effect, it should be periodically fed with fertilizers consisting of organic and mineral substances. In summer, top dressing is carried out once a week, and in winter - once every 2 to 3 weeks.

Aerial Root Care

A feature of this plant is its aerial roots, which are necessary for its additional nutrition and hydration. Since they do not look very attractive, they are collected and tied to the trunk or wrapped in wet moss. When watering a flower, the roots should also be moistened. Thanks to this additional nutrition, the plant begins to grow well.

Transplantation and rejuvenation

Until the age of 4, it is recommended that the monster be transplanted every year, with an older flower, this process is carried out once every 2-3 years using the pot every time bigger size. Its roots are quite powerful, requiring a lot of space, so the container must be wide and deep. Close space leads to his death.

The pot is 1/3 covered with high-quality drainage, and for the soil use a mixture of the following components:

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand.

You can also use ready-made soil mix.

Since the monstera flower, the photo of which can be seen in this article, begins to lose its former attractiveness with age and drops all the leaves from the lower part of the trunk, it is necessary to rejuvenate it. To do this, in the spring, a top about 30 cm long is cut off from the plant, which gives impetus to the growth of side shoots. The top is dipped in water so that it gives roots. As soon as the container is completely filled with them, it is transplanted into a pot, and in further care carried out as for an ordinary flower.

Monstera breeding

Propagate this plant at home possible in three ways:

  • Seeds. To do this, they are sown in the soil and left in a bright and warm room. In a month they should already sprout. After 2 years, the flower has about 9 leaves.
  • cuttings. For this purpose, take stem or lateral processes, plant the stalk in a pot and cover with glass. It is recommended to water it twice a day. After the flower gives roots, it is transplanted into a larger container.
  • Air layers. This method of reproduction is considered the simplest. To do this, take a layer with a leaf and aerial root, which is planted as an independent plant.

Diseases and pests

Most often this flower at home the following pests affect:

The main diseases of the monstera are associated with excessive humidification of the air and wrong temperature setting. If the leaves begin to dry out, this indicates a lack of fertilizer or moisture. Highly moist soil can spoil the roots of the plant, and the leaves begin to turn yellow. With insufficient lighting, the leaf plates begin to develop weakly and become small.

Thus, we found out what a monster is, a photo of which can be seen in the article. Propagating it at home is quite simple, as well as caring for it. As a result of proper care, the flower becomes luxurious, delighting the owner with its chic leaves.

Monster care at home

Monstera, or philodendron, is a beautiful ornamental plant, which has a large number of aerial roots and beautiful shiny leaves. The unique properties of this plant are associated with the ability to predict rain. Before the appearance of precipitation, large drops can be seen on the leaves of this plant. However, the monstera is associated with a large number of myths and legends. For example, many people are convinced that this plant should not be grown at home.

Why can't you keep a monstera at home?

Many believe that the plant is able to absorb energy. This has certain advantages and disadvantages. If you place a pot in the bedroom, you may encounter a negative effect. At the same time, many people believe in signs that the monstera successfully heals - just lie down a little near the plant.

This flower should be grown in rooms where a negative atmosphere reigns. Thanks to the monster, it will be possible to improve the energy in the room. If everything is fine and calm in your house, it is better to refuse to grow a plant.

It is also not recommended to keep the flower in the bedroom due to the fact that it consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide at night. In fact, most signs and myths are associated with appearance flower. Thanks to its large leaves and curved roots, the monstera resembles a mystical plant.

Growing monstera at home

Watering and fertilizing

Since Monstera has rather large leaves, the area for evaporation of moisture is quite large. Because the flower needs regular moisture. To do this, it must be constantly sprayed with water. room temperature. Of no small importance is the control of the condition of the leaves. If dust accumulates on them, it must be removed with a soft cloth.

Monstera should be watered systematically, especially in spring and summer. In this case, watering should be plentiful enough and carried out after the top layer of the earth has dried. Monstera needs to be watered with settled water.

In autumn, the number of waterings must be reduced, and in winter this must be done a couple of days after the earth has dried. Although the plant is very fond of water, it should still be watered sparingly. An excess amount of moisture will also negatively affect the state of the monstera, as well as its deficiency.

Monstera fertilizer is of no small importance. Bring in special means you need it in spring and summer, and do it a couple of times a month. In this case, it is worth feeding only an adult flower, while young plants do not require fertilizer. For monstera, you should choose products from organics and minerals.

How to propagate by seeds and cuttings

Monstera breeding should be carried out at the beginning of scales or summer. This process requires several steps. To do this, you need to take the lateral processes, which are located at the bottom of the stems. Cuttings from the upper or middle part are also suitable. Slices are best sprinkled with a powder obtained from charcoal.

The stems should be planted in small pots, and expanded clay drainage should be performed at their bottom. The shoots should be placed in a pot and covered with a glass flask. The room temperature should be 25 degrees.

To propagate the monstera by cuttings, you need to cut off a small cutting that has two buds from the main stem. Then it is laid in the ground and systematically watered. It is not recommended to sprinkle the stalk with earth - it is better to cover it with plastic wrap. After the roots appear, the cutting can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Plant transplant - video

A young monstera should be transplanted in the spring. Large adult plants need to be transplanted only once every 3-4 years. However, the top of the substrate should be changed annually. For this purpose, you need to choose a breathable soil with high content humus. To properly transplant a plant, you can watch the video:

Features of flower care

In its natural environment, Monstera usually blooms every year. When grown at home, many people do not even suspect how monstera blooms. If everything is done correctly, then a biennial plant can release the first inflorescences.

Monstera flowers are white or cream. A year after the end of flowering, fruits appear on it. Caring for a monstera during the flowering period is no different from another period.

At the same time, it is important to prevent direct influence sun rays, since the tips of the leaves turn black from this. As the monstera grows, she needs to provide good support. It is strongly not recommended to remove aerial roots. They provide good nutrition and adequate moisture. They are recommended to be sent to a pot for rooting.

Monstera does not like prolonged exposure to the sun. If you keep the plant in conditions with bright diffused lighting, its leaves become larger and more carved. Monstera should be protected from direct sunlight, as this can lead to blanching and yellow spots. In case of insufficient lighting, the growth of the plant is disturbed. In this case, the leaves become smaller and change their shape.

Monster should be placed away from batteries and opening windows. In winter, the temperature should not be less than 12 degrees, while rapid growth begins at 16-18 degrees. It is also allowed to increase the temperature up to 30 degrees, especially in conditions of high humidity and normal ventilation of the room.

Possible problems and diseases

During the cultivation of monstera, you may encounter certain problems and difficulties.

Leaves turn yellow and dry

Monstera first of all reacts to all errors in the care in the form of a change in the shade of the leaves. They may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • if it happens in winter time, this indicates excessive watering;
  • if other than yellow leaves, brown spots appear, this indicates insufficient watering;
  • if the leaves turn yellow and fall off strongly, this indicates high temperature and dry air in the room;
  • if the monstera becomes pale yellow, this indicates an excess of lighting.

Why is monstera crying

Sometimes drops appear on the leaves of the plant. This indicates excessive moisture in the coma of the earth. To cope with this problem, it is worth leaving the soil to dry out a little. It is also recommended to increase the intervals between watering.

The appearance of drops on monstera leaves is often observed before cloudy weather or the onset of precipitation.

Indoor flower does not grow

Some people are faced with the fact that the monstera stops growing. To stimulate these processes, it is necessary to provide the flower with sufficient lighting and optimal air temperature. It is also recommended to moisten its leaves - for this you can spray them regularly. The earth should be watered only after the top layer has completely dried, but it should be done very plentifully.

Types of monstera and their description with a photo

In the natural environment, there are quite a few types of monster. However, only two varieties are grown at home:

1. Delicious. In a greenhouse, the height of this plant can reach 12 m. At home, you can grow a flower about 3 m tall. With quality care, such a monstera can bloom annually, but you can get fruits only in a greenhouse.

There is also a variegated form of such a monstera. It is more demanding for care, but does not grow as fast as the main variety. Monstera Borsigiana is a very popular variety. It is also called borziga - this plant is not as big and strong as the original species.

2. Oblique. This plant is native to Brazilian forests and has beautiful lacy leaves. Their length is about 20 cm, and their width is 6 cm. The leaves have a solid structure, a short petiole and peduncle, as well as an unequal base. It should be borne in mind that in cultural conditions such a monstera does not bloom.

From this article you will learn how to grow a vine. A few years ago I planted a monstera, and it still makes me happy today. Liana is actively growing. If possible, place it in a separate room. An exotic culture does not need painstaking care, but do not forget about watering and transplanting! I present to your attention a photo of monsters.

Monstera is valued for being unpretentious in care. Exotic liana grows by 3 - 4 m in 5 years, for this reason - it needs a garter. The leaves of the monstera are whole with a large number of slits.

In addition to the main roots, there are aerial ones, they go deep into the soil, drawing nutrients from it. Liana, growing in natural conditions, gives great fruit. Australians eat them.

A shrub grown at home is unlikely to bear fruit; it blooms very rarely. My friends ask if monstera can be kept at home. Why not, if you live in a spacious apartment! I have been keeping the vine for the fourth year.

The problem is that it grows, respectively, takes up a lot of space. If you are not ready to share a room with this exotic beauty, give preference to another plant.

Monstera can be placed on a spacious veranda. There is an opinion that it takes energy from a person. But this is just speculation!

In order for the plant to form bright leaves with slits, it is necessary to keep it in diffused light (the sun's rays must pass through the curtain). In winter you can light up exotic beauty. When kept in the shade, it loses its zest.

Indoor plant(or "flower" as it is called in everyday life) feels good at temperatures from + 19 to + 27 degrees. In winter, Monstera has a dormant period, at this time I advise you to keep it at a temperature of + 12 - + 15 degrees. Liana does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes.

Home care

They ask me how to take care of it unique plant. I advise you to spray the shrub in warm weather, but you should not overdo it, otherwise spots will appear under the pot.

If you notice any, stop humidifying the air. Gray spots may appear after rain. I do not recommend spraying the plant in winter, it is better to wipe the leaf plate.

As I have already noted, Monstera responds well to top dressing. From the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn, I advise you to apply nitrophoska at intervals of 2 times a month.

With the onset of cold weather, stop feeding, resume at the beginning of the growing season.

How the picking is carried out

Caring for a monster involves picking. Liana takes root in light fertile soil. You can buy a substrate designed for violets in the store. Young plants should be transplanted once a year, older ones, for example, those who have reached the age of four, - once every 2.5 years.

Regardless of the timing of picking, I advise you to renew the soil every year. Remove a two-centimeter layer of the old and change to a new one.

Remember that the shrub grows very quickly. Before planting the monstera in a pot, drainage should be laid on the bottom. Picking is carried out by the transshipment method. Carrying out the procedure, carefully handle the roots. After planting, fill the pot with soil mixture.

Monstera needs a garter. Next to an adult plant, I advise you to install a support in the form of a tube filled with moss. What is moss for? It will retain moisture near the roots, respectively, will provide them with additional nourishment. Thanks to this natural material, all parts of the plant will develop better.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction at home is carried out in a generative and vegetative way. Let's consider the first one. Take moistened sphagnum moss, place in plastic bags, over natural material put the seeds, tie the bags and determine in warm room. Seeds "hatch" at a temperature of + 26 degrees.

After 15 - 17 days you will see seedlings, after a few more days - full-fledged seedlings. You will need to plant them in separate containers. Planting material takes root in a mixture of sand, sheet and soddy soil, taken in equal proportions. I advise you to keep it at a temperature of + 26 degrees.

Seedlings should be in bright light. You will need to repot them every year. Vegetative propagation always more reliable than generative.

In some cases, monstera seeds germinate for a very long time. Exotic liana can be propagated by cuttings from early spring to early summer.

To propagate the monstera by cuttings, you need to take branches on which there is one pair of leaves. They should be placed in warm water and keep in diffused light.

Cuttings quickly take root at an air temperature of + 25 degrees. In order to avoid rotting of the root system, it is necessary to change the water every 15 days. 10 days after planting in water, the roots will begin to grow, then the plants are transplanted into pots filled with soil for seeds.

When you see 3 - 4 pairs of leaves, add mineral fertilizers(1 g per 900 ml of water). I recommend keeping the seedlings under the film, create greenhouse conditions for it. Monstera is transplanted into a larger pot after 3 years.

Problems when growing a plant

The plant itself is resistant to diseases and pests, but with improper care it is exposed to shields and spider mites. Soap solution is used in pest control. It is gently applied to the leaves. If such a remedy does not help, apply Aktara insecticide. There are other problems when growing a plant.

  1. It happens that the monstera turns yellow. This indicates chlorosis. Iron chelate is used to restore the plant.
  2. If you do not regularly water the monstera, Fusarium or bacterial rot will overtake it. Such diseases are not treatable.
  3. Yellow spots on the leaves are a sign of waterlogging. Let me remind you that in winter the plant has a dormant period, at this time it is necessary to add water very moderately.
  4. If the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the humidity level needs to be adjusted. I advise you to spray the plant with a spray bottle.
  5. The leaves also turn yellow in conditions of temperature changes and if the air temperature in the room is too high.
  6. If the leaves of the creeper dry, then it does not have enough water. Wilting of the lower leaves indicates root rot. It is necessary to carefully remove the plant, cut off the affected roots, and process the sections with crushed coal. After that, you will need to transplant the vine into a more spacious pot.

Caring for a monstera at home will not take much time. Even a novice grower can grow an exotic beauty!

Monstera is a large tropical vine of the Aroid family. In the wild, it is found in tropical rainforests, the equatorial belt of America. Monstera also grows in southeast Asia, where it was introduced in the 19th century. In nature, the plant wraps around giant trees with flexible stems, has carved unusual shape leaves that resemble the palms of unseen creatures hiding behind trunks.

More about the flower

There are several options for the origin of the name of the plant. Some believe that it means a monster (from monstrum), while others - amazing and beautiful (from monstrosus). Florists highly appreciate the decorativeness and unpretentiousness of monstera, as well as the fact that the plant is a long-liver. If properly maintained, it can live up to a hundred years.

flower care

Room representative tropical creeper does not require any special conditions, special care activities. The unpretentiousness has made the monstera an ideal choice for those flower growers who cannot always take care of the colors on a daily basis.


Monstera feels most comfortable in a well-lit place. It is recommended to place the flowerpot near the window, but not under the bright direct sun that can burn the green mass. Often the liana is placed in dark corners, but this leads to crushing and loss of spectacular indentation by the leaves, the absence of new shoots.
For Monstera, there is no fundamental difference between natural and artificial lighting. The plant can be grown indoors where the sun does not penetrate. At a distance of 0.4-0.6 m from the vines, LED or fluorescent lamps, providing a day length of 12 hours.


During the dormant period, monstera provide moderate temperature regime, equal to from +10 to +20 degrees. These conditions of detention allow the plant to favorably endure the lack of lighting in the winter months. From spring to autumn, the temperature is raised to +25 degrees so that the flower wakes up.


Tropical liana does not tolerate drought well, but does not require excessive air humidification. It is enough to maintain the humidity level not lower than 60%. To achieve this, aerial roots are sprayed regularly. This procedure is much more useful for the monstera than installing a humidifier. If the air is too dry, the roots (aerial) sink into vessels filled with water. The leaves are periodically wiped with a damp cloth.


The plant needs abundant watering. Its periodicity is determined by the state of the upper layer of the substrate. When it dries up by 5-7 cm, watering is carried out. You can't fill the monstera. Stagnation of moisture in the soil leads to the development of fungal infections that affect the stem.
Poor and rare watering is also dangerous, because it provokes grinding, loss of turgor, the formation of yellowish-brown spots on the green mass. Water cannot be taken hard. Otherwise, the plant will stop growing, and the leaves will deform.


Tropical liana requires loose fertile neutral or slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.5-6.0. Among ready-made nutrient mixtures sold in stores, a substrate for Aroids is suitable. You can prepare the soil yourself from leafy soil, sand, peat, humus, taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, to which three parts of sod land are added. Sand can be replaced with perlite or vermiculite. A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the tank.


In early spring, the monstera is updated to stimulate the growth of new shoots. The top is cut off with an indent from the knot of the liana by 1-2 cm. The place of the cut is sprinkled with powdered charcoal. If the cutting is planned to be rooted, leave at least 3 knots, and pruning is carried out at an acute angle.

top dressing

During the dormant period, which occurs in the winter months, the flower is not fertilized. The rest of the time, soil enrichment with mineral complexes is carried out twice a month. Top dressing is prepared by dissolving 2 grams of the substance in 1 liter of water.


The change of the container in which the indoor monstera grows is carried out depending on the age of the flower. Young specimens are transplanted every spring, and adults three and four years old no more than once every 3 or 4 years. Be sure to sprinkle some fresh substrate.


Indoor monstera is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. The first method is used quite rarely due to the low percentage of germination, but it is he who is suitable for breeding a new variety. Seeds must be fresh. If they dry out, they won't sprout. germinate planting material on sphagnum, which is covered with plastic bags by 5%. Optimum temperature for germination is from 25 to 28 degrees. After 1-2 months, the seedlings are planted in a substrate of sand, leafy and soddy soil (1:1:1).
Monstera is much easier to propagate with side shoots. The cuttings are separated in the spring during pruning and planted in a container where drainage, peat or humus, and coarse sand are laid out in layers. The rooting of the shoot occurs at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Landing is kept in greenhouse conditions, covering glass jar or transparent polyethylene. In order for young shoots to adapt to environment carry out periodic ventilation. If rooting is successful, new shoots will appear.
You can grow a new specimen from aerial roots, which are wrapped in moistened sphagnum and a cloth, constantly moistened or dipped in a container of water. When small roots appear, the top is cut off and planted in a separate container or next to mother plant. Alternative option is rooting in water with a dissolved activated charcoal tablet. The fluid is changed once a week.

Monstera diseases and pests


Monstera is often affected by bacterial and fungal diseases:

Against rot and spotting, they are treated with a solution blue vitriol or Bordeaux mixture. Other ailments are treated antifungal drugs until the disease recedes, but first get rid of the damaged parts.


The natural enemies of room monstera, regardless of variety, are:

  • thrips;
  • spider mite;
  • scab;
  • mealybug.

The defeat of a tick, a worm, a scale insect leads to yellowing and falling off of the green mass. Pests are removed by daily wiping the stems and leaves soaked in soapy water sponge, periodic spraying with Aktellik.
With thrips, whose colonies are chosen reverse side leaves, it is much more difficult to fight. It is necessary not only to spray the indoor monster with an insecticide every day, but also to lower the temperature, while simultaneously increasing the humidity of the air.

Monstera varieties for home cultivation

Among indoor varieties, the following monsters are most popular:

There is no difference in care and maintenance between individual varieties of monstera. You can grow several different representatives of tropical vines at once.

Questions and answers

  1. How to achieve flowering monstera?
    IN room conditions not all types of tropical vines bloom. Annually, if provided proper care, blooms gourmet. It forms an ear with small flowers. In an enclosed space, the oblique monstera does not bloom. Fruits with seeds even in flowering varieties formed only in greenhouses.
  2. What to do if the leaves begin to dry out?
    Mass drying of green mass indicates insufficiently nutritious soil, if it was not waterlogged, or high dryness in the room. Often drafts and too small a container cause a problem.
  3. Have monstera roots rotted?
    You can not leave such a plant in the same flowerpot. It is removed, the rotten parts are removed, the sections are sprinkled with charcoal, the culture is transplanted into a new container. The pot is taken so that it is 3 cm from the roots to the walls, but no more. The first three days the monstera is not watered.

At the dawn of my floriculture youth, I had a desire to urgently get myself many, many large, very large plants, so that everyone could immediately see how much I love plants. Of the big, big ones, only ficuses, hibiscuses, and palm trees were almost available.

Only after some time, through trial and error, I came to the conclusion that it is not at all necessary to start immediately with a large and complex plant. It is quite possible to take a small cutting of an unpretentious one and grow your indoor monster out of it.

Try it yourself, and very soon there will be no place left for you in your apartment.

The monstera genus belongs to the family aroid, including approximately 110 genera and more than 1,800 species, distributed mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres.

About 50 species of monstera delicacy are known. This plant is native to Central America. Monstera grows in tropical forests, this vine wraps around the trunk of the host tree and forms powerful aerial roots.

In a room where there is never sun, you will never see large luxurious leaves with many holes, and the leaf blade can be completely whole, so the best option- place the monstera in a bright place without direct sunlight. In summer, the optimum temperature is not lower than + 21 ° С, and during the rest period, from October to March, it is somewhat cooler (+16 - + 19 ° С, but not lower than + 15 ° С).

Monstera, a child of tropical rainforests, also requires you to maintain high humidity around it. Spray, bathe, water. The soil should be constantly moist, but not wet.

In the tropics, some of the aroids are used in economic purposes. The culture of the vegetable plant taro has been known to the peoples of Southeast Asia and West Africa for several thousand years. Flour, alcohol are obtained from the tubers, after heat treatment, boiled and fried, they are eaten, like we are potatoes. Monstera Adanson and monstera dubious within their distribution are used by the local population as medicinal. And monstera dainty is cultivated in its homeland not for its decorative qualities, but for obtaining tasty, fragrant, juicy fruits that taste like pineapple.

From April to August, flower fertilizers are applied once every one to two weeks, and the rest of the time they are not fed.

To choose the right first flower pot, you need to decide what to transplant: a young rooted stem cutting or a medium-sized plant purchased commercially?

The stem cutting is placed in a flower pot with a capacity of approximately 3-4 liters. Of the ready-made soil mixtures, the Palma soil mixture is better than others. Good drainage is a must. The transplanted stem cutting grows and turns into a pretty monstera in three or four years, and sometimes even earlier.

According to some literary data, the name of the genus "Monstera" comes from the Latin monstrotus, i.e. amazing, bizarre. According to other sources - from the Latin monstrum - a monster, and is probably associated with the appearance created by large plants - bulks, completely intertwining 30-40-meter trees with their shoots. If you carefully look at the appearance of an adult plant, you can say this: "Amazing monster."

Second option. If you have purchased a Dutch monstera on a moss tube, then you should not rush to transplant, especially if the purchase did not fall on the spring-summer period. For the first time proper watering and enough food.

Do not make the following mistake, guided by the information of some publications: Monstera requires an annual transplant. Indeed, most aroids are good for frequent transplants, but for delicate aerial roots, a fragile stem frequent transplant- stress.

So, if a plant is grown from a small stem cutting, then one intermediate transplant into a flower container "for growth" is necessary, and the second is the final one. mature plant(with at least five or six leaves) are placed immediately in a large flower tub with a pallet.

It turns out that Monstera improves the microclimate of the room and enriches it with oxygen, ozone, air ions. Humidifies the air very well. In addition, monstera absorbs formaldehyde, a colorless gas found in chipboard, foam, etc. Good for people with disabilities nervous system, relieves headaches and heart rhythm disturbances. Monster is good to have where the situation is extremely random. It absorbs the vibrations of disorder.

An adult monstera plant, in addition to spraying, needs regular washing of the leaves with warm boiled water. If this procedure is neglected, then troubles cannot be avoided: dusty, unkempt leaves are a favorite object of pests. With age, the lower leaves lose their former attractiveness, and they should be removed.

If you cut off the top of the shoot for rooting, then do not immediately expect “perforated” leaves. The first leaf after cutting will always be with a solid leaf blade.

For 6-7 years of cultivation, subject to good lighting, humidity, additional nutrition in the form of regularly applied fertilizer and, finally, a large planting capacity, your monstera will be able to bloom, contrary to the established belief that monstera do not bloom outside greenhouses and greenhouses.

Problems and difficulties encountered when growing monstera

The leaves are crying.

The reason is too wet soil. Let the soil dry out and increase the intervals between waterings.

The stems are rotting.

The reason is stem rot. Usually this disease manifests itself in winter, when conditions of excess moisture and low temperature create favorable conditions for fungus propagation. Repot the plant in another pot, raise the room temperature, and limit watering.

The leaves turn yellow.

If a lot of leaves turn yellow, which also rot and wither, then the most likely reason is waterlogging of the soil. If there are no signs of decay or wilting, then possible reason- Lack of nutrition. If only the lower leaves turn yellow, pay attention to whether there are brown spots on them and how the new leaves look - if they are small and dark, then this is a sign of a lack of moisture. Pale leaves with yellow spots indicate an excess of sunlight.

Falling leaves.

The lower leaves always fall off with age. If several leaves suddenly die off at once, then a serious error in care may be the cause. Check the condition of the top leaves. If the leaves turn dry and brown before falling, then the reason is too high air temperature. This is a common nuisance in winter when plants are placed too close to the batteries.

Bare bottom trunk, small pale leaves.

The reason is that the plant does not have enough light. Monstera does not grow in deep shade.

Brown dots on the underside of the leaf.

The reason is the red spider mite.

Brown, papery tops of the lobes and leaf margins.

The reason is dry air. Spray the leaves or place the pot in damp peat moss. Similar symptoms may appear if the pot is too cramped. Brown tops are an indicator of waterlogging of the soil, however, in this case, the leaves also turn yellow.

There is no amateur grower who has never dreamed of growing a luxurious monstera. Another question is that not everyone can afford it for reasons of further placement of an adult plant, because. the climbing stem exceeds 6 m, and the diameter of the leaf blade reaches 60–100 cm.

A favorite of designers in the preparation of exquisite bouquets. Charming, unique, wonderful! And it's all about her - the beautiful monster.

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