Mixer      04/20/2019

Projects of houses and cottages combined. Combined private house: construction technology

Qualitative combined house It’s not difficult to do it yourself if you follow all the rules recommended by the technology. However, as the experience of home-grown builders suggests, it is better to leave some stages of the process to professionals or order a full range of turnkey services. For those who want to dare, below brief instructions for the construction of a house from different materials.

Manufacturing technology of a combined house. Stages

So, how to build a combined house with your own hands? Before construction begins, future owners are required to take several steps to begin the process. Namely:

  1. Come to a consensus on appearance object.
  2. Order the project and related documentation.
  3. Obtain a building permit.
  4. Prepare the site - clear the area of ​​vegetation and organize storage facilities. Leaving material in the open air is fraught with damage and theft, especially if the object is not guarded.

If such conditions are not met, the city or town services will have the right to independently decide the fate of the new facility. That is, it will be very easy to demolish the building.

  • The construction of a combined house with your own hands begins with the usual action for all objects - installing the foundation. The choice is predetermined by the project and, most likely, is a slab or a monolithic strip. Its construction is simple - a ditch, shock absorption, waterproofing, insulation, reinforcement, filling.
  • After the allotted time for shrinkage, the first floor is erected. Since the elements have regular geometric shapes - bricks, blocks - the laying begins from the corners, using a mooring cord for this.

It is convenient to use to check for level compliance. In addition to corners, wall intersections are laid. From ready-made elements walls lead.

  • Classic mortar should be used for masonry only when using bricks. Blocks must be connected special adhesives. Thus, it will be possible to reduce heat loss through the seams.
  • Having brought the walls to the desired height, they begin the stages of building a house with their own hands, associated with interfloor ceilings. To do this, grooves are left on the walls in advance for ceiling beams. The ends of wood with a cross-section of 150 mm or more are wrapped in several layers of roofing felt.

It is necessary to act in such a way that the pieces of material lie freely on brick walls. It is not advisable to tar the bitumen - the bitumen will completely clog the wood channels, and rotting will happen quickly.

In this way, the first, framed crown is protected from dampness. Larch timber is laid on a layer of rubber or roofing felt - this guarantees that moisture from temperature changes will not get on the wood.

  • Next, the construction of a private house with your own hands continues as follows - the previously prepared crowns are lifted up and secured using the appropriate method. For this, dowels are used - wooden clamps similar in shape to shovel handles.

They can also be square in cross-section, the main thing is that they fit into the holes prepared in advance with difficulty. They hammer them in with a mallet. Don't forget about the inter-crown seal.

  • Sometimes, instead of solid wooden walls, the process involves installing a frame and covering the resulting sectors with sip panels or other material. In this case, the help of lifting equipment is necessary - such elements are quite heavy for installation on their own.
  • Rafter system for combined objects differs only in a large number of dressings and reinforcements. The pediments can be assembled on the ground and installed with shields in certain places. Rafter legs should “travel” outside the house, focusing on the lower level of the first floor, so that the draining moisture does not linger on the blind area or basement.
  • There is no need to wait for the entire structure to shrink - finishing the first floor can begin immediately. For external surfaces, clinker tiles that imitate brick can be used as cladding. It looks great, especially if unpresentable cinder blocks or similar raw materials were used in construction.

As a result of using imitation as cladding, combined do-it-yourself chalet-style houses are obtained. There are a lot of trends - country, Russian hut, Scandinavian motifs.

That's the whole process described briefly. Any item has many nuances, and you should definitely study the relevant information on this topic.

Experience from professionals

This section will tell you about common mistakes when building yourself:

  1. The materials of the first and second floors must match each other. You cannot use homemade blocks and heavy logs that are similar in weight to a monolith. It would be stupid to wait for a fortress then.
  2. Considering stone to be unaffected by moisture, a home-grown builder is sorely mistaken. Everyone knows that water wears away even cobblestones, so it is worth protecting it from penetration and accumulation of vapors or precipitation. If the owners want to leave pristine beauty, the appropriate composition should be applied to construction raw materials.
  3. If it is decided to clad the first floor with bricks rather than tiles, then a separate foundation is made for it, a reinforced mesh and special fastenings are purchased. Otherwise the masonry will simply blow away.
  4. Window and doorways the second floor is cut out after the wood shrinks, unlike the first floor, where they are taken into account by the design. If you do them right away, then over time, the double-glazed windows will simply be crushed, despite the compensation gap - the peak of shrinkage occurs in the first year of the box’s existence. It is worth meeting this period rather than spending it on new frames later.
These are not all the nuances of objects of this type. Building a combined house with your own hands will give home-grown craftsmen invaluable experience - they will teach you how to handle two types of raw materials at once. If the owners are frightened by the stages of construction, then the work of professionals is always at their service.

It is not the gods who fire the pots. Once upon a time in Rus' it was considered common to build a house for your own family. Now, with all the variety of materials and technologies, it would be a sin not to take advantage of the knowledge gleaned from various sources, including this article.

Modern houses are diverse architectural styles and provide a wide field of activity for unusual design solutions. Nowadays, low-rise houses and cottages are very popular. For those who strive for exclusivity and sophistication in the construction of their home, there is an excellent solution - a house combined type.

History of the chalet

A combined stone house combines environmental friendliness, strength and individuality. They can combine wood and stone, timber and brick. They are very practical and sometimes even cost-effective.

Combined buildings have been used for a very long time. Their ancestors are the houses of alpine shepherds or so-called chalets. These buildings had a stone bottom, and the superstructures and terraces were made of lighter materials or wood. Now such structures are firmly entrenched in our lives.

Advantages and advantages of combined buildings

Projects of combined houses built from mixed materials are very practical. Their advantage over other housing options exceeds all expectations. Typically, the lower part of a combined house is built of stone and is considered fireproof. This is, first of all, excellent fire protection.

In this part, premises that require reliable protection from fires: kitchen, garage, sauna, bathhouse and household premises, such as a laundry room or boiler room. In addition, stone and wood are environmentally friendly building materials and have high strength, which ensures the durability of the building.

Another advantage of the combined type of construction is heat conservation. The lower floor, made of brick, will keep you cool even in hot weather; in winter, warmth is maintained by heating system. The upper tier of the building is made of wood and, according to the laws of physics, will always remain warm, even in the absence of heating, since wood retains heat perfectly, and it usually goes up.

But the main advantage of such buildings is their low cost, because the materials used for construction can be purchased in your region and without delivery from other areas, which significantly reduces their cost, and construction does not require the use of special equipment and the time for their commissioning is significantly reduced.

In addition to all these advantages, the combination diversifies the architecture, allows for free planning and individual solutions in the decoration of facades and interiors.

Selection of material for construction

In the construction of combined houses, stones of natural origin can be used, but their cost will be very high. To reduce the cost of construction estimates, foam blocks, bricks, or poured stones are usually used in the construction of the first floor. monolithic concrete, since it is this tier that will bear the main load.

In the construction of the second floor, a lighter material is usually used - natural timber coniferous trees or aspen. Most often, to reduce the cost, a house is built from combined timber. This is not inferior in design and quality to buildings made from natural materials.

Thanks to special manufacturing technology, a building made from this material will last even longer than one made from natural wood.

Combining materials during construction

Brick and wood play the same role as finishing materials, so they can be easily combined. Construction of a house from combined brick may not require additional finishing of the facade, since the wood-brick combination itself looks attractive, the main thing is to choose the right architectural style.

It is not necessary to design a building according to the scheme: the first floor is stone, the second is wood. It is possible to provide a frame for the second floor not made of wood, but of metal, then in the construction of the second floor there will be elements of masonry or panoramic glazing, which will give the cottage a more interesting architectural option.

If a combined house has three levels, then it is most reliable to carry it out according to the project: ground floor– concrete monolith; the first is a brick, and the second is wood, timber or metal carcass followed by display glazing.

Finishing of the combined facade

The combined building does not have a specific style in the design of the facade. When choosing a building project, it is important to decide on its finishing. This may be designed in the same style, which will remove the external difference between the first and second floors.

Options for such finishing can be different: masonry with facing bricks, panel design or decorative plaster. Alternative option design can be a combined facade of the house. This is the difference in finishing for the lower and upper parts of the house.

The first floor can be faced with brick, natural or decorative stone, ceramic tiles. If the second floor is made of timber, then it can be left in its original form, simply varnished, or it can be lined with clapboard or wall panels.

Disadvantages of combined houses and choice of project

Having made a choice in favor of a combined building, one must also take into account its disadvantages. We must not forget that stone will last longer than wood and the service life of the first and second tiers is not the same. Therefore, when choosing a material, you need to carefully study what technologies were used to produce it, and make a choice in favor quality wood, and to assemble the frame it is better to contact specialists.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct installation of communications in order to avoid moisture getting on the wooden base and the quality of sealing of all wooden structures.

Before starting to build a house, it is important to decide on its external architecture, make a choice of design and design of the structure itself. To do this, you can contact construction companies, study photos of combined houses, get advice from experienced designer and then the dream of a two-story cottage will become a reality.

Photos of combined houses

The construction of combined houses meets modern trends. People are trying to make their homes reliable, durable and environmentally friendly. Structures made of stone and wood fully meet these requirements. They are very practical and are becoming increasingly popular among private developers. Experts tell us what you need to know before drawing up a project, what are the pros and cons of houses of this type.

Combined houses: what is it?

This type of building is not know-how. Even in the times of Kievan Rus, it was noticed that such houses are strong, light, more resistant to fire and better conserve heat. With the development of technology, there are more variations in the combination of materials for combined houses. However, stone and timber remain closest to the ideal.

Two-part houses, as a rule, have 2 floors. The basement level is built from durable stone, which is resistant to fire, strong winds, precipitation, groundwater and abundant sun. In addition, the stone base of the house becomes an excellent support for the second floor, which is assembled from wood. The timber helps to increase the energy efficiency of the structure, adds coziness, beauty and convenience. It can be of several types, depending on the purpose:

Houses made of stone and wood are warm and reliable

  1. Glued. One element consists of many thin glued lamellas made of softwood.
  2. Unprofiled. Regular timber, obtained after processing a log at a sawmill. The cheapest option for construction.
  3. Profiled. It has grooves and bulges for reliable fixation and improved thermal insulation at the joints. Has clearly defined parameters.

Among the projects of composite private dwellings, the chalet style is in demand - Swiss shepherd's houses with characteristic strongly protruding eaves overhangs. The cottage got its shape for a reason. It allows maximum transformation Sun rays V thermal energy. Second wooden floor such a house is an attic.

Attention! Other options for combination with wood: concrete, foam blocks, expanded clay blocks or reinforced concrete.

Pros and cons of combined houses

The popularity of such cottages is explained by the large predominance of positive characteristics over negative ones. This type of building is actually quite practical. Its advantages:

  • lightweight construction, reduced pressure on the foundation (compared to a conventional stone or brick house);
  • the possibility of construction in a place with close groundwater;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of construction using modern eco-materials that are safe for the environment;
  • a wide selection of design solutions along with high aesthetics;

  • efficiency;
  • higher fire safety (compared to buildings made only of wood or modern combustible materials);
  • increased protection against moisture;
  • The function of the second floor is a thermos: in hot weather it will be cool there, in cold weather it will be warmer.

Attention! Environmental friendliness of materials is not a fiction. It has been proven that living in a wooden environment improves sleep and normalizes nervous system and prevents the development of respiratory tract diseases (if the timber is made of coniferous trees).

There are not many disadvantages of two-part houses:

  • wood lasts less than stone;
  • Stone and wood have extremely different physical and technological properties, which is why difficulties may arise after use in severe frost or heat;
  • even in combination with a non-flammable neighbor, the timber remains a flammable material.

Stone is not as light as foam blocks or expanded clay building materials. Such a house should be additionally strengthened against subsidence with a high foundation. Nevertheless, combined housing is a solution for those who cannot afford it. two-story cottage. Architects also recommend this type of structure when, due to heavy load, the foundation of a 2-story brick or stone house may burst or cause distortion. In fact, an ordinary foundation for a 1-story house is sufficient for the construction.

The design approach to the arrangement of rooms can be anything, but usually fits into the natural concept. The facade of the house is also usually not additionally covered - the more natural the texture looks, the better. The stone part can be additionally decorated in a rural or other direction, and the timber can be decorated with carvings.

There are exceptions when, with the help of modern facing materials both floors lead to unified style registration But in this case, do not forget about the different characteristics of the materials. On one, after a few years, the cladding will still look good, on the other it will no longer hold up.

When drawing up a project, the size of the home does not matter. In the photo you can see cottages that are completely different in size and design. The condition of the soil is also unimportant. The main thing is that the ground is not swampy and can support a one-story stone house.

The construction of such a building takes relatively little time. The main period will be spent pouring, drying the foundation and raising the stone walls. A lightweight wooden level develops much faster: it does not require finishing. At least at first you can live with naked people wooden walls while you decorate the lower floor. Even before picking up a spatula or facing panels, carry out communications. They are advised to be located only on the 1st floor.

Attention! The combination of premises for business and life in a 2-story combined house is quite in demand. Downstairs the owners are setting up a commercial area, and upstairs they live themselves, making a separate exit and communications.

The combination of materials in housing construction opens up ample opportunities for its styling. You can make a home to suit every taste. To avoid disappointment with the result, work only with experienced builders.

Private, beautiful spacious house, built with your own hands, attracts many. But it's one thing to dream about own home, and it’s completely different to erect a structure from the foundation to the roof. Today, residential buildings made of stone and wood are very popular.

The chalet style is gaining momentum and becoming a fashionable trend in construction. Designers offer a variety of designs for combined houses belonging to the elite, middle and economy classes. In most cases, future owners of private housing are interested in inexpensive projects combined houses made of stone and wood.

In addition to low cost, combined chalet houses made of stone and wood attract many advantages. Among these, it should be noted:

  • Durability of the structure.
  • High level of wear resistance and strength.
  • Fire safety.

Plus, wooden structures are cozy and heat-preserving. And in combination with brickwork, such a structure looks beautiful and solid. To ensure that the materials used are not wasted, craftsmen recommend thinking in advance in what way they will be used. The most popular is the project of a combined house in the chalet style.

Not good options

Designs of combined houses are different. Reviews from masters claim that not all of them are successful. For example, an option in which a brick structure is first built and then lined with wood paneling can ultimately lead to damage to the materials. Let's not forget that brick and wood have different coefficients of thermal expansion. If brickwork When clad with wood correctly, sufficient distance must be left between the materials. But over time, insects and rodents may appear in this space.

The reverse option is also possible, in which wooden structure lined with brick. But rearranging the sequence of materials used does not change the essence. Between layers of materials, mold, mildew, and bark beetles can form.

Best projects

Reviews about turnkey combined houses made of stone and wood claim that the most optimal combination of materials is floor-by-floor, as shown in the photo. For example, a project for such a structure might look like this:

  • First floor - brick building, in which they are located utility rooms– kitchen, dining room, boiler room, guest room with fireplace.
  • The second floor is made of wood. A bedroom, a nursery, and guest rooms are located here. The delicate aroma of wood will promote relaxation and tranquility.

Reviews from craftsmen claim that to create an ideal combined house project, it is necessary to take into account the requirements and wishes of the customer. In any case, the master must warn the future owner that it is better to place engineering Communication on the first floor. Considering the lightness of wood, there is no need to build from of this material first floor. The supporting walls must be made of stone so that the house as a whole is strong and reliable.


Combined house stone wood turnkey economy class, can be built from concrete monolithic foundation, ceramic bricks and pine wood. Since the house is two-story, stairs inside the structure are a must.

An excellent choice is wooden stairs inside the house and monolithic ones outside. A magnificent addition to the building is the attic on the second floor, which has decorative finishing similar in color to the decoration of the walls of the first floor.

Economy-class projects of combined houses made of stone and wood in the chalet style must necessarily include a spacious terrace. This element of the structure is a distinctive feature of such housing. Another mandatory element of a successful chalet-style project is the presence of a flat roof with a wide wingspan. Thanks to this solution, the wood part of the structure is protected from moisture and precipitation.

As the title suggests, in the article we will touch upon not only projects of combined houses made of brick and timber. Its topic is broader - combining different materials in private housing construction. So, let's go...

Combined materials

Let's start with those cases when two different materials are combined in one structural element.

I-beam from OSB

The shape of the I-beam is designed to provide maximum rigidity with respect to a bending load directed in a certain direction. With much less material consumption, it practically does not differ in strength from solid timber of the corresponding section.

However, if any shape can be cast from metal, then the economic feasibility of producing an I-beam from solid timber is questionable: yes, we will lighten the structure, but it will go to waste most of quality wood.

One solution is a glued structure made from a strip of oriented strand board and two small cross-section bars. OSB provides bending rigidity, and the timber provides ease of installation.

Please note: in addition, the bars do not allow the OSB strip to curl under load.

The basis of the ceiling is a combined I-beam.

SIP panels

Another example of an extremely successful combination of dissimilar materials is sip panels. If in frame house The sheathing is devoid of load-bearing functions and rigidity is ensured, then two layers of OSB glued together and a layer of extruded polystyrene foam form a rigid structure. Note - a structure with excellent load-bearing capacity.

Advantages building material quite numerous:

  • Low price. The panel is slightly more expensive than a set of two OSB boards and insulation; but we save significantly on the frame.
  • Easy DIY installation. The instructions for assembling the wall are ridiculously simple: just insert the timber into the grooves of the ends of adjacent panels and tighten the OSB to it with self-tapping screws. Additional reliability and tightness of the connection is ensured by preliminary foaming.
  • Structural strength. The practice of using houses in regions with frequent hurricane winds has shown that they can withstand the violence of the elements without fatal destruction.
  • Unlike frame structures.
  • Excellent thermal insulation qualities. Of course, the claim that a house made of sip panels can be heated with a couple of candles is a fiction. However, the consumption of thermal energy to maintain a constant temperature in the building actually decreases from what is considered a standard 100 to 35-40 watts per square meter area.

Combined timber

This material is in some way a development of the idea of ​​sip panels, adapted to the aesthetics of wooden architecture. Combined laminated veneer lumber is two lamellas made of high-quality wood of low humidity with a layer of extruded polystyrene foam glued between them.

Conventional laminated veneer lumber and combined timber have noticeably different properties in favor of the latter:

  • Combined is noticeably cheaper. The difference in price reaches a third: after all, foamed polymer is much cheaper than high-grade wood, especially taking into account the costs of its drying and processing.
  • It's lighter. The density of expanded polystyrene is much lower than the density of any wood, not excluding light spruce, pine and cedar. From a practical point of view, the lower weight of each crown means not only easier installation, but also less load on the foundation. Therefore, you can also save on it.
  • Finally, the main thing: and here we get where better thermal insulation, allowing you to do without additional insulation walls and significantly save on heating.

Combined buildings

Brick or wood? This question haunts many generations of independent builders. There are many compelling arguments in favor of both solutions.

Advantages of brick

  • The masonry is extremely durable. IN brick house there is no need to fear unauthorized entry from the outside (at least through walls); He is not afraid of hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. Even a flood in a brick house will only force the walls to dry out, but a beam or log will most likely leak.
  • The brick wall is a reliable foundation for the massive upper floors. In this case, the builder does not need to worry whether the mass of the floors will become excessive for load-bearing walls load.

Advantages of timber

In favor construction timber No fewer arguments can be given:

  • It has much better thermal insulation qualities. With the same thermal resistance of the wall, you can make it 2.5 - 3 times thicker.

  • Construction will be much faster: after all structural element has much larger linear dimensions.

It is worth clarifying: we are talking about construction from dry timber. The material is so called natural humidity requires at least six months of preservation for shrinkage.

  • The walls have excellent vapor and air permeability. IN wooden house It's never stuffy or damp.
  • Finally, the tree is simply very beautiful material. Thanks to high-quality surface treatment, glued or profiled timber can easily become an independent design element.


The solution to the problem of choice can be quite simple: combined houses made of brick and timber are buildings in which the walls from the foundation to interfloor covering built of brick, and above the ceiling - wooden or reinforced concrete - rises a made one.

The photo shows a combined house under construction.

As a rule, there is a functional division of floors:

  • In the brick part of the building there remains a garage, a dining room, a kitchen, a boiler room, a sauna and other premises for purely functional and technical purposes.
  • Bedrooms and recreational area - living room, children's room, etc. - migrate inside the wooden part of the house.

What is the result?

  • A combined house made of timber and brick is not afraid of floods. In any case, the damage from them will not be comparable to the scale of damage in a solid wooden house.
  • Brick walls can become a reliable foundation for a monolithic or slab reinforced concrete floor, which in a number of parameters is more convenient than any flooring on wooden beams.
  • At the same time, the inhabitants of the house are provided with maximum comfort: they have all the advantages of a wooden structure.


As usual, the video in this article will demonstrate at least useful information. Good luck in construction!