Water pipes      06/23/2020

Double storey bathrooms. Two-story baths from a bar Inexpensive interesting projects of a two-story bath

When you decide to build a bath, the question inevitably arises: “Maybe it’s worth making it a two-story one?”. If the budget allows and there is a desire, you can build two floors: with a slight increase in cost (by about 25-30%), you get almost double the area. Why almost? Because a considerable piece - at least two squares - will be "eaten" by the stairs. However, by moving the relaxation room to the second floor, you can make the rest of the bath rooms more spacious. But such a solution has a minus: legs from habit after running up the stairs can “buzz”. Because, probably, the rest room on the second floor is located infrequently. Usually there are residential or guest rooms.

For each best project- mine. We all have different habits and ideas about how to properly steam in the bath. Someone prefers a dry-air sauna and needs a small steam room: it heats up faster. And someone prefers a non-hot Russian steam room, and it’s good to work with a broom. There should be more steam room here.

The same goes for washing. There can only be a shower and a pouring bucket, and then a large area is useless. And sometimes they install in the washing room, some even of considerable size. There are also washes high temperatures- about 30-40°C. They then put wooden trestle beds, such as shelves, and rest in the humid and warm air, without going out into the cool (relative to these rooms) rest room. Then the areas should be appropriate.

How can you change the layout based on your preferences. This is a 6 by 3 bath project, and in large sizes even more opportunities

But there are a few rules that are universal:

  • If you plan to use the sauna in winter, the front door should not lead directly to the rest room. There must be a closed vestibule. It can be attached, shielded on the veranda or in the rest room. The dimensions are quite small - open the doors and go in, but so cold air gets into the room much less.
  • Doors in the steam room and washing room should open outward.
  • For the Russian bath. That's right: two windows. One is opposite the door measuring 50 * 50 cm, the second is small under the shelf. These windows are needed not so much for lighting as for ventilation. Between visits to the steam room, it is necessary to open the main window and the doors to the steam room, ventilate. Then again prepare the steam room. And the window under the shelves helps to ventilate the problem area itself after the bath, where problems usually begin.
  • The washing window is also necessary. It also serves for ventilation, and also for evacuation. So here the dimensions should be slightly larger. If you are embarrassed that they will look into them, put patterned or opaque glass. And the problem is solved.
  • On the second floor, when planning the premises, you first need to determine where the chimney will pass, and how to enclose it.

Based on these rules, you can make your ideal bath plan from any project that is more or less suitable for you.

The project of the first floor of the bath 6 by 6 + terrace

In this version of the layout of the bath, the vestibule is already fenced off. It will be possible to make or put a storage cabinet in it outerwear or bath accessories. The ladder is in the far corner of the rest room.

Ground floor plan two-story bath from a bar

The areas of the premises are as follows:

  • steam room 5 m 2;
  • washing 5.8 m 2;
  • vestibule - 2.4 m 2;
  • rest room 16 m 2;
  • terrace 12 m 2 ;

Plan of a two-story bath 6 by 6 with two entrances

An interesting bath project, suitable for placement on the wide side of the site. There are two porches with attached vestibules. One is used as a boiler room - it is heated from there, the second is for entering the rest room. The only negative in this layout is that the washing room from the steam room is located through the vestibule. Not the most The best decision: having undressed, you will have to go through the room naked, and even the room is cold. To eliminate it, you need to make the boiler room longer, and move the vestibule to the washing place. This will also eliminate the possibility of a strong draft coming from two opposite doors.

An interesting project of a 2-storey bath with two entrances

In this layout, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is as follows:

  • steam room 5 m 2;
  • washing 5.6 m 2;
  • vestibule 1 - 3.9 m 2;
  • vestibule 2 - 2.5 m 2;
  • rest room 21 m 2;
  • terrace 12 m 2 ;
  • bedroom on the second floor - 34 m 2;

The layout of the bath from a bar 5 to 5

Due to the fact that 20 cm is spent on creating joints in the corners, the "pure" size interior spaces it will be 5 by 5 meters, and on the outside, for the foundation - 5.4 * 5.4.

In this project, the steam room has a decent size - 2.4 by 2.2 meters. In this embodiment, you can put a corner wide shelves. One person can lie down and two more can sit. The stove is heated from the rest room, one of the walls goes into the washing room. The rational arrangement allowing to heat all rooms. The only thing is that the power of the furnace will need to be taken with a decent margin.

The project of a two-story bath

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises in this version of the bath:

  • steam room 5.3 m 2;
  • washing 3.6 m 2;
  • vestibule - 3.6 m 2;
  • rest room 15 m 2;
  • bedroom on the second floor 25 m2

Features of two-story baths from a bar

Before starting the construction of a two-story bath, you will have to think through not only the standard set of questions about insulation and waterproofing, but more new ones will be added:

The second floor of timber or logs does not have to be done completely. Having driven it to a certain height, the rest can be “acquired” by the roof. Get a bath and a half floors ...
  • How to make heating the second floor. The most common option is from a pipe sauna stove. But this stove is heated only from time to time, so a second source of heat is needed. This may be a second wood-burning stove, but already a heating one. Moreover, the chimneys must be separate, otherwise the smoke from the upper furnace falls down. As a result, both floors are smoky. Often used as a heat source electric heaters, but this is if there are no power outages.
  • Consider a ventilation system or a sealed hatch. If you have a Russian bath, both are better. The steam rises. It must either not be allowed into the second floor (hatch) or effectively removed (ventilation system).

And you will also have to decide whether you will make a full-fledged second floor - expel the walls to their full height. After all, you can make an attic - part of the wall will be made of timber, and part will be covered with a roof. The first option is more expensive, but the second floor is the same area as the first. The second - with an attic - is more economical, but the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises due to the slopes of the roof will turn out to be less.

If you decide to make an attic, you can also do it in different ways - lay a few crowns - three to five, and "get" everything else with a roof. But then the roof should have a more complex broken structure. The second option - one and a half floors - is when a wall of a meter and a half is erected from a bar, and only then does the roof go. Here you can do the usual gable roof, but with a greater slope.

There are even more economical option: make the first floor from a log house, the second -. And there will be a tree in the bath, and the load on the foundation will not be so big. And it will be warm. An excellent, and even inexpensive option for a 2-storey bath.

Another advice based on practice: it is better to make frame partitions inside. In any case, the one through which the stove will pass (if it is heated from another room). Otherwise, the entire beam will be cut into small pieces, because most often the doors to the steam room go further. As a result, the entire partition consists of small segments, and fastening them so that the fasteners do not interfere with shrinkage (making a casing) is still a hassle.

Layout of a two-story bath

According to the experience of many bathhouse owners, the most optimal size wooden bath- 6 * 6 meters. The point is the size of the lumber: it is six-meter bars, boards and other lumber that are considered the standard. Therefore, there are no problems with materials. And the waste is also minimal.

The second plus of such a bath is that the rooms will turn out to be more or less spacious. It only at first glance seems that there will be a lot of space. In real life, putting everything on paper on shelves, taking into account the thickness of the walls and partitions, finishes, you will be amazed that the rooms turn out to be quite miniature.

When developing the layout of a soy bath, do so. Draw a large scale plan of the bath. On the same scale, draw piers and walls, enter a staircase, draw a stove. And then calculate how much "in pure" form the area will remain. So that it would not be an unpleasant surprise for you upon the fact of construction.

But not everyone can financially “pull” such a construction site. Then, based again on the size of the material, there will be less waste in a bath from a 6 * 3 m beam. There are projects for this option, only in this case you will either have to make a combined steam room with a washing room, or transfer the rest room to the second floor.

On the other hand, you can save on building materials if you build, for example, a 6 * 4 or 6 * 5 bath. All sawmills that are shorter than 6 meters are considered non-standard. But this length is also obtained quite often. And this non-standard is sold at prices much lower. What is characteristic, the quality of the wood does not deteriorate.

However quality material non-standard length must be sought. If you are not afraid of the need to conduct searches, you can quite significantly save. Just one point: it is advisable to buy a standard and a non-standard at the same sawmill - the parameters of the timber or board will be the same. It's no secret that there are certain errors in the geometry of lumber, not all manufacturers can withstand the dimensions with an accuracy of a millimeter. So if part of the material is purchased from one enterprise, and part from another, there may be problems with docking.

Today, many summer residents and owners of suburban areas prefer not only to wash and steam in the bath, but also to relax. A full-fledged leisure is impossible without comfortable conditions- Availability of a bathroom, kitchen, living room. Projects of two-story baths involve the combination of several functions.

More recently, baths have come into fashion, where on the first floor there is a complete bath complex, a bathroom and a kitchen. And on the second full-fledged living quarters - bedrooms and a living room. Why build on plot two one-story houses and leave less free land for a garden and orchard when one can be built.

The advantages of two-story baths

Starting construction, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the project. If the area of ​​​​the site does not allow the installation of several outbuildings and a residential building, then a two-story bath is an excellent way out.

It has a number of advantages:

  • Occupies less space on the site, but it is more functional and accommodates more rooms;
  • Low costs for heating the second floor - hot air from the steam room rises and heats the rooms;
  • The building has a presentable appearance;
  • You can install a small pool inside, it's easy to find a place for it.

Numerous projects of a two-story bath suggest the presence of a full-fledged communication system. That is, you can live in the house, if not permanently, then for a short period of time, including in winter.

Features of the placement of communications

System engineering communications very different from that applicable to an ordinary bath or home.

Many factors are important here:

  • Organization of ventilation of the second floor;
  • Installation of heating - most often used radiators, evenly installed in the rooms. They can work either electric boiler or from the sauna stove when not in use;
  • The drawing should suggest the presence of a boiler room.

The project of a two-story bath with a terrace provides that the bath complex, located on the ground floor, is adjacent to the garage and has a common wall with it. An obligatory element is an internal staircase between floors.

Note! To get rid of wastewater, you must install a septic tank or connect to a collector. If sewage waste is located close to a source of drinking water, it will pollute it with waste.

Stages of construction of a two-story bath

Once the plot is selected appropriate place, it's time to start multi-stage construction. It must be approached very seriously and responsibly, strictly observing the technology. After all, the bath is not built for one year and must be assembled correctly.

Construction includes the following mandatory steps:

  • Design . The durability of the structure will depend on compliance with all norms and requirements;
  • Holding preparatory work and selection building materials . The wood for the bath should be well dried and processed. protective compounds, not have resinous areas and knots;
  • Foundation construction - strip or columnar. It is laid to the depth of freezing of the soil, the type depends on the material. Two-story project frame bath due to the ease of construction, it requires, for example, a simple columnar foundation made of asbestos pipes;

  • Assembling a log house on the site. The work is carried out according to the numbering indicated on the logs, profiled or glued beams;
  • Preparation and installation of the roof;
  • with the help of jute, hemp or linen;
  • Installation of the chimney, while taking into account such indicators as corrosion resistance and fire resistance. It is also important to ensure full traction;
  • . For safety reasons, all doors must open outwards;
  • Treatment of the bath with an impregnation that prevents the occurrence of a fire, the appearance of insects that can damage the wood;
  • Interior decoration of premises - installation of a heater, finishing.

Bath two-story of foam blocks

The project of a two-story bath 5x8 from foam blocks

The instruction to the building material says that it is not necessary to build a powerful foundation. A tape version is suitable, since the design is light in weight. To protect the structure from moisture coming from the soil, roofing material is used. External walls buildings definitely need finishing, since foam blocks do not belong to decorative materials.

Note! A foam block stove is suitable for any stove. You can buy ready-made in the store or fold the heater yourself from bricks.


Double deck bath great option for those who want to combine comfortable rest and hygiene procedures in one place. No shower cabin can replace bath procedures.

Why build two separate buildings on the site, when everything can be combined in one, and even arrange a pool inside. The video in this article will more fully demonstrate the information on this topic, look!

From time immemorial, the bathhouse was only a bathhouse - they bathed in it, washed and occasionally rested. Today, more and more summer residents are choosing a project in which the construction of a steam room combines two functions: a bathhouse and a residential area. And for this, a second floor is often built, on which rooms for rest and sleep are located, taking the first one only for a steam room and a washing room. In the course are also a terrace, gazebos and extensions. The result is only one structure, which has several purposes at once. To build such a structure is both cheaper and faster than several one-story buildings on one site. In addition, a two-story bath is perfect for temporary accommodation of guests, as well as for arranging a personal workshop, which is separated from the house.

Two-storey project wooden house baths can mean the second floor as extra bed for relax.

Projects are presented as a gallery at the end of the article -.

Projects of two-story baths, and even with extensions, are much more complicated. But it’s easy to build a steam room on them yourself. The main thing is to choose the most successful project of a two-story bath, which will take into account all the features of the area, all the wishes of the household and will guarantee ease and low cost of maintenance. On our website you can find many options for designing a two-story bath. But first, it is important to understand some points for yourself.

Dimensions of the future bath

The dimensions of the bath directly depend on how many people will operate it. If this is a family of 4-5 people, then a small two-story log bath is quite suitable. But if you plan a periodic vacation with friends or you will need to live in such a house for more than one day, it is better to immediately choose a project for a more spacious bath, where even on the second floor there can be several rooms at once: a bedroom, a relaxation room, a fitness room ...

Appointment of the second floor

The second floor of the bath can be arranged in the form of a bedroom, or a billiard room.

Based on how exactly the second floor of the bath will be used, and you need to choose a project for construction. On the first floor, it is more expedient to leave only the steam room, the washing room and the dressing room. The rest room can be equipped either on the terrace or on the second floor.

The premises of the second floor can be disposed of as you like: make it a billiard room, a gym, a tea room, a summer bedroom. But it is becoming more and more popular to make a mini SPA-salon in such a room, which becomes a great addition to the steam room and washing room. For this, special interior design, aromatherapy with healing odors are used, various vibratory massagers are installed. Therefore, if a two-story bath project was chosen for construction small sizes, just such a SPA-corner can be equipped in it, turning an ordinary steam room into a whole complex for home improvement.

Pool availability

The pool in the bath is made in a separate annex.

In large two-story baths, a pool is often built - this allows the area. Such a pool can have any measurements and forms, but it is important to remember that evaporation of moisture also comes from plain water, and therefore waterproofing of the ceiling will also be needed in this sector - so that the living quarters on the second floor do not turn out to be damp.

If the two-story bath is small, then you can choose a bath project with a pool in a special annex. To do this, a special room is built like a veranda next to the bath, using one of its walls as a common one. The walls of this design can be completely glass - it is fashionable even today. But there is another option - a pool under the terrace. To do this, special, strong racks are placed in the ground, on which a canopy is attached. And already under a canopy the pool is established. Thus, you can enjoy cool water after a hot steam room in the fresh air, but not in the open air.

drainage system

If the bath is residential even only in the summer, then it is important to take care of a good drainage system. If drainage well is close enough to a source of drinking water (main well or shallow well), then all waste and harmful substances from sewers can easily get through ground water to a normal water source.

Well, if there is a collector nearby - it is easy to cut a pipe into it. IN last resort, can be carried out sewer pipe as far as possible from the bath in a special ditch, but it is better to take a special permit from the local authorities.


When choosing a project for a two-story bath, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the design of the stairs. If visiting the bath is planned to be frequent, the more convenient the stairs, the better.

The most compact options that save space are ornate stairs. But climbing them often is not always comfortable. More bulky standard steps. But the most unfortunate option, albeit significantly saving space in the bath, is the stairs from the outside of the walls. After staying in the steam room, walking through such a structure can even be dangerous due to drafts. Therefore, initially it is better to choose a project with a solid and durable staircase that will not become a strain on the spine, and most importantly, will not slip.

Heating system

For a two-story bath of small size, the ideal heating option is a brick oven. It will warm up slowly enough, but evenly and for a long time it will give off heat. Temperature stability will be observed in the steam room, and living quarters on the second floor will not overheat. For them, there is not even a need to carry out special heating - the pipe coming out of the first floor will warm up the entire room well. It will be enough only to insulate the walls with high quality.

But for a two-story bath of a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bone furnace for winter heating the whole structure will be small. For this you need additional heating, and not the worst option - gas type.

foundation type

Two-story baths have a larger total mass than one-story ones, and therefore require the construction of a more powerful and deepened foundation. Especially if the bath is built from a fairly heavy material.

Baths of two residential floors today are a tribute to the modern world, which is increasingly striving for practicality and comfort. And build with my own hands you can almost any kind of two-story baths: we have projects and clear instructions on our website. It remains only to purchase the necessary building material and furniture. After all, such buildings have long been erected by the owners themselves - without the expensive services of construction companies.

We bring to your attention some projects:

A bath project with a second floor, built in accordance with this sketch, can easily fit even in a small area. The layout of the attic level is residential and involves the placement of two bedrooms in it. The dimensions of the building are 5.4 x 5.4 meters. The plan of the first tier includes a vestibule, a washing room with a sanitary unit, a steam room and a spacious rest room. In the attic there are bedrooms for guests and a small pantry. The project of a bath with two floors can be perfectly used as summer house where you can enjoy spending time outdoors.

We propose to consider a photo report of the felling of a log house according to this sketch.

The cost of construction from a log is 690,000 rubles (under an ax).

The cost of building from a log is 740,000 (for a planer).

The cost of construction from OCB 240 mm is 710,000 rubles.

The price of the kit includes:

  • solid log cabin conifers(pine, spruce), the diameter of the log in the upper cut is 22-26 cm, the cutting of corners “into a bowl”, the processing of the log house with an electric planer, the height of the well is 2.5 meters, the rise of the walls attic floor 1.5 m, floor beams, ceiling beams with a step of 0.6 meters. The height of the cutting of the terrace is 1.2 meters;
  • installation on a ready foundation with laying of roofing material under the mortgage crown, manufacturing of a truss system, roof lathing, temporary roofing with roofing material. The assembly is made on moss / jute;
  • lumber and components: board 50 × 150 mm per truss system. The pitch of the rafters is 0.6 meters. Edged board 25 × 150 mm for the manufacture of roof lathing. The roof is double pitched. The pediments are chopped;
  • loading and unloading kit and lumber. Delivery to the construction site within a radius of 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
  • consumables (staples, nails, roofing material).

- treatment of the mortgage row with an antiseptic - 6,000 rubles.

The cost of the foundation is 197,000 rubles.

  • tape monolithic reinforced under all external and main walls, porch;
  • height of monolithic plinth + 500 mm from existing level soil, width 400 mm, laying depth - 500 mm;
  • sand compacted cushion, 300 mm thick from medium-grained sand;
  • reinforcement AIII Ø 10 mm with an overlap of bars of at least 300 mm and a bend at the corners / intersections of the main walls;
  • prefabricated concrete grade M - 300 (B 22.5);
  • ventilation of closed underground spaces - PVC pipe 150 mm.

Bath project with second floor

The project of a bath with a second floor can easily be accommodated in a small area. The project of a bathhouse with a second residential floor can be used as a summer house..

Bath with second floor

Bath with second floor

What could be better than a Russian banya? What is a complete rest without a hot steam room with birch and oak brooms? And if the bathhouse is also located in a summer cottage outside the city, then this is generally a fairy tale.

Photo: Bath with a second floor

Yes, a Russian person cannot even conceive of his life without a good bath. And still without nature and communication. Combine all this can construction on the site two-story bath. Well, the bath is understandable. She is always needed, and even more so in the country. This is a great place not only for swimming, but also for treatment and recovery. In the bath, we get incomparable pleasure and gain strength for life.

Why the second floor, and even above the bath?

Believe me, there will be an excellent additional place that can be used constructively and in a variety of ways. If desired, there can be made an additional living space for guests and friends. very appropriate for the second floor of the bath there will be a recreation room or a billiard room. In this case, you will get a whole health and entertainment complex. But the most popular option is the construction of a full-fledged residential building on the second floor, and office space, including a bathhouse, is usually located on the first floor. It seems that there are enough arguments in favor of a two-story bath. But where to start building? There are a lot of nuances that should be considered when starting to build a two-story bath.

The first step towards the construction of a bath with a second floor will be a building project.

What does the project depend on?

  • Firstly, this is the purpose of the second floor.
  • The number of people who can fit in the bath at the same time.

The size of the bath depends on how many people the bath is designed for. The cheapest bath project with a second floor is designed for 5 people. That is, quite enough for the average family.

We define goals

you can sunbathe or just relax. This option for building a two-story bath is not only optimal, but also quite economical.

If desired and available Money on the second floor of the bath you can arrange a gym, solarium or massage room. Such a pastime also deserves attention.

It is advisable to use every corner of the second floor. Experienced designers and space designers will help you with this.

Bath projects with a second floor

Photo: Bath with a second floor

You can build a two-story bath yourself, or you can buy a finished log house. Projects of frame baths are very popular. They are not only convenient and functional, but also economical, because. do not require a large consumption of building material. In any case, you will understand that you did not lose by building a bath with a second floor. After all, you get not only additional space, but also a great place to relax. What else does a person need in nature?


Even when thinking about building a bath with a second floor, be sure to choose a good place for it. After all, it will depend on the location of the building whether the bath will warm up enough and the degree of dampness in the room. There are several criteria that must be followed when building a bath in a summer cottage:

  • You can not place a bath near water bodies. The distance between the water and the bath should be at least 30 meters.
  • Try to choose a more elevated place.
  • Place the bath in the west or southwest of the site. Then you get the maximum sunlight and warmth.
  • Consider the direction of the wind so that the room is not smoky.

If you have provided for all the little things and build on your site bathroom with second floor, then you are the happiest person who loves to relax in comfortable conditions.

Residential bath: projects with photos

A residential bath should provide the possibility of a comfortable stay in it on a permanent basis for at least two or three people. It can be both year-round residence and seasonal. In the first case, you will have to take care of an efficient heating system and equip high-quality thermal insulation of all rooms. If the building is designed to stay in it only during the warm season, thermal protection and heating will not require a significant investment of effort and money.

The project of a frame bath 6.7x5 m with living rooms

This bath has two floors, the first of which includes all the functional premises required for comfortable living, as well as a steam room. On the second attic level there is a spacious bedroom that can accommodate a large double bed and a small sofa. Together with a sleeping place downstairs, on the ground floor, the building is quite suitable for a small family of three. And if necessary, it can accommodate one more guest.

The building basically has a shallow strip foundation with bored piles. The wall box is made of wooden frame sheathed with OSB (OSB) boards. Insulation along the walls is made of 150 mm thick basalt wool, the ceiling of the first floor has a heat-protective layer of 200 mm. The attic is also insulated for winter living.

This is what all the rooms inside the structure look like. As you can see, despite the compact dimensions, there is a lot of living space in the bath. The kitchen is equipped with a breakfast bar that separates the cooking space from the comfortable sofa.

In the photo of the attic you can see an option for a family with a small child.

The steam room is finished with clapboard classical style and equipped wooden door with glass insert. A stove from the Teplodar plant called Siberia 20 LK heats up a small room. Leaving the steam room, you can immediately go to the bathroom, where you can go into the shower and cool off after bath procedures.

The building is used throughout the year and has a water supply from centralized system, fed from one well, installed on the entire village. A bath of such dimensions is successfully heated by a 3 kW boiler, and domestic water is heated by an electric water heater.

Frame residential bath 6.5x6.5 m for a large family

Such a project will be an excellent choice for a family of several people who are going to live in a bathhouse with the opportunity to have the most comfortable living conditions. Three bedrooms on the attic level plus living rooms the lower tier can easily accommodate a family of four. And if necessary, they will easily provide additional space, which is enough to accommodate friends or relatives who have arrived for a short stay.

The dimensions of the free area of ​​the first floor allow you to install in the dining room with dimensions of 4x2. kitchen furniture with dimensions not available in most modern apartments. The convenience of cooking for the hostess of the house is guaranteed, and the dimensions of the countertops can accommodate any amount of modern household appliances. A large room (hall) 4x5 meters adjoins the kitchen.

The steam room 2.x2.7 meters goes into a small washing room 2.7x1.6 m, where a comfortable shower cabin is installed.

Heating in winter is provided by a stove located in the steam room. For this, the Harmony PS-7 2014 model from the Feringer plant was specially chosen.

The project of a log house from rounded logs 6x9 m

The original appearance of this bath looks great on the site, and the material of the walls looks rich and attractive, being at the same time a good choice for both building a private house and bath building.

The internal partitions are finished with a wooden block house, creating an overall log pattern with inner surface building box walls.

The second floor is designed for one spacious room, which is most suitable for a bedroom. The brick chimney in the center of the room is the chimney from the steam room, which will be moderately warm during the heating of the stove.

Residential bath 6x6 with an attic

Another frame building successful layout. The first floor meets a spacious living room combined with a kitchen. At the same time, almost opposite front door there is a passage to the washing room, from which you can immediately get into the steam room.

The second floor is designed in such a way that going up the stairs a person enters a large walk-through bedroom with a double bed. The adjoining room is also quite spacious and can serve as a children's room or a guest room.

The area of ​​the first floor is quite sufficient to accommodate a comfortable kitchen, a small sofa with a dining table. A significant amount of space has also been given to the steam room, and with dimensions of 2.5x2.1 meters it can be considered a full-fledged room for taking bath procedures. Adding convenience to the layout is the fact that the designers managed to place the toilet and washing in separate rooms.

Residential bath: projects with photos - frame bath with an attic

A residential bath should provide the possibility of a comfortable stay in it on a permanent basis for at least two or three people. It can be both year-round residence and seasonal.

How to build a bath with a second floor - what is important to consider

Since ancient times, the bath had a limited set of tasks: a person came, steamed, washed himself and went home. To date, the baths are rebuilt in two floors, and the upper level is made residential, but how the construction work is carried out and the further operation of such buildings will be discussed in this article.

Individual features of two-story baths

Modern construction trends are such that a bathhouse with a second floor is represented by a washing room and a steam room on the first floor, and a kitchen block and a living room are located on the second.

This placement has a number of advantages:

  • the bath can be used not only for the sake of taking procedures that are beneficial to health, but also as a temporary residential facility. Such a combination becomes especially expedient under conditions suburban area where it is not possible to make two buildings separately due to lack of free space;
  • the construction of one two-story building is more economical and takes less time than the construction of several separate buildings;
  • It is possible to build such a building both for seasonal living and for year-round use.

Considering standard projects baths with a second floor, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • linear dimensions of the building;
  • type of foundation;
  • availability and characteristics heating system;
  • characteristics of the water supply system and sewer outlet drains;
  • type of installed stairs;
  • purpose of the second floor;
  • the presence in the construction of a swimming pool or bathing room.

Let's consider each of these parameters in more detail. It should be understood what the design of the two floors of the bath should be in order to get a comfortable, reliable and safe building during construction.

Optimal linear dimensions of the building

First of all, when determining the size of the future bath, it is necessary to take into account the estimated number of people who are inside at the same time. For example, if a washing room is needed for a family of 3-4 people, and it will be used only at the end of a couple of weekends, then there is no need to make a huge room at all. And vice versa, if a bathhouse with a residential second floor will be used all year round, as a full-fledged country-type house, then its dimensions should correspond to a modern cottage.

In such a building it is worth adhering to the following rules internal layout:

  • on the ground floor there is a steam room with a shower room (bath, pool or other washing room), but they can be supplemented with a separate relaxation room, technical rooms or even a small fitness room;
  • the distribution of rooms on the second floor remains with the owner, but, of course, there should be a bedroom, a kitchen block, possibly a separate dining room and a common living room. But here the owner of the future bath is not limited and, if desired, a balcony or terrace from the street side can even be completed.

Rules for creating a foundation

Choose right foundation for a two-story building is very important, since the total weight of the entire structure will be very large, which means that the base must be more massive and immersed in the ground than in the case of one-story buildings.

Experts do not recommend paying attention to the columnar foundation, even in cases where a minimum load will be created on it (when building from a foam block or profiled timber). Such a foundation cannot withstand a more significant load, and therefore it is better to take care of safety and pour a concrete monolithic reinforced strip foundation, laying it to a depth below the soil freezing level.

Features of the heating system

If you can heat a one-story bath with a standard stove-heater, then for a two-story building this becomes impossible. It is necessary to create an individual design that will heat the upper level of the building.

It is best, of course, to use gas heating if there is access to a centralized gas supply. In this case, you can use a gas boiler with the ability to connect two heating system circuits to distribute heated water through pipelines and heating radiators. However, do not forget about bathing traditions by placing a stove-heater in the steam room and bringing its firebox into the dressing room.

Since the article earlier dealt with the construction of a two-story bath on suburban area, then, most likely, there will simply be no opportunity to supply gas. In this case, you can use a solid fuel boiler in one of its many modifications.

Water supply and sewerage equipment

More on initial stage when two floors of the bath are being designed, care must be taken to include information on the implementation of the water supply and drainage system into the plan.

A two-story building on a suburban area can be provided with water:

  • by connecting to the central water supply system;
  • from a drilled well or a dug well, from which a pump will pump water into the building.

If precipitation often falls in the region and various spontaneous weather manifestations occur, then it would be reasonable to place a well or a well in a closed structure. It is even possible to create them inside the building at the ground floor level, but then a separate area will have to be allocated for this room.

To divert sewage, it is most reasonable to use a septic tank. Its advantage is that wastewater are cleaned and can be further used for agricultural purposes.

Types of stairs

In a two-story building, of course, one cannot do without a convenient staircase, which will allow you to quickly and freely move around the floors.

There are two options:

  • external staircase suitable only for seasonal use of the bath, since moving around it can become difficult and unsafe when wet, iced, etc .;
  • internal staircase is the best option for year-round operation of the building, as it is located indoors and is not exposed to adverse weather conditions.

Purchase of building materials

It is worth saying that a two-story bath with a balcony or terrace can be built with your own hands. However, this becomes possible only after right choice building materials. One of the most popular materials are foam and cinder blocks.

These materials have significant advantages:

  • their light weight provides a minimum load on the foundation;
  • blocks can be easily processed: sawed, cut, stabbed or drilled;
  • the cost of the material is low, and therefore the cost of the entire building is also reduced;
  • blocks are an environmentally friendly material, and therefore completely safe for humans;
  • holding speed construction works high, since the individual blocks have precise linear dimensions that simplify their installation.

It can also be used as a building material profiled timber or logs. To date, a bath from a bar with a second floor is really an elite building, but carrying out construction work with lumber is much more difficult and requires special skills from the worker.

The only drawback (condition) in the operation of wood is its immunity to high humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out competent processing of the material and monitor the operating conditions in order to avoid deformations in the first months of the operation of a wooden two-story bath.

Wood also has its positive qualities:

  • ecological purity of natural material;
  • light weight;
  • reduced thermal conductivity;
  • ease of processing;
  • reliability and long term operation at proper processing various formulations protecting from natural and other negative factors.

Thus, a two-story bathhouse made of timber or foam block will ideal option for the organization of living and leisure in the suburban area. If such a site is planned to be visited more than 1-2 times a month (exclusively for recreation), then you need to take care of the construction of a full-fledged two-story building with all life support systems: heating, water supply, sewerage, etc.

If desired, you can entrust the construction work to specialists who will take responsibility for all stages - from the purchase of building materials to installation and putting the bath into operation.

Bath with a second floor: a two-story project, a bath from a bar with a residential floor, a two-story bath

Bath with a second floor: a two-story project, a bath from a bar with a residential floor, a two-story bath

A bath on two floors can be used not only for its intended purpose. Often, billiard lounges, studios and even bedrooms are equipped on the second tiers. In any case, if you have planned such a construction, each square will be used for its intended purpose. The photos below show various projects.

The layout of the first floor was made without prejudice to any premises. All rooms are spacious and comfortable.

The second floor is slightly smaller, but there is enough space for arranging two living rooms.

The layout of the first floor includes a thoughtful spacious lounge, steam room and shower room.

The space on the second floor is quite enough for additional rooms.

On the first floor there is enough space even for arranging a pool, and on the second there are two cozy bedrooms and access to the terrace.

The large terrace on the ground floor allows you to create functional area recreation. Inside there is a spacious hall and compact rooms for bath procedures.

The second floor is designed for living rooms with a private bathroom.

Complete residential complex bath rooms on the ground floor and living quarters on the second floor.

On the ground floor there is a terrace, inside at the entrance there is a large relaxation room, a steam room and a washing room with a small font.

The second floor is designed as a large studio with a pool table and lounge furniture.

Spacious bath on two floors with a terrace.

A large room rest at the entrance. By right hand shower room through which you can go to the steam room. The entrance to the boiler room is on the other side of the building. Separately, it should be noted the presence of a storage room.

On the second floor there is a spacious hall, on both sides of which there are two large bedrooms.

Convenient layout of the room allows not only to take a steam bath, but also just to relax. On the ground floor there is a living room combined with a kitchen. On the second, a spacious attic with a balcony.