Mixer      06/12/2019

Ways to start a fire without matches. Breeding a fire by chemical means. Interesting video: bow drill at work

You will need:

The most ancient and complex method is the extraction of fire by friction. There are various techniques for this process, but the most important thing is to choose the right type of wood for the plank and rod. For this role, poplar, juniper, aspen, cedar, willow or walnut will fit. Of course, for effective ignition, we need dry wood.
The rod is placed in a small hollowed out recess in the plank and clamped between the palms. You need to quickly twist the stick around the axis, creating friction. In this case, the tree will begin to smolder, a spark will appear, and the resulting coals are already being used to further kindle the fire.

hand drill

Another primitive and rather heavy method.

In addition to a stick and a plank, we need tinder. Collect dry leaves, grass, bark in a pile, build something like a bird's nest - this material will help us get fire from coals.

In the plank, you need to cut a v-shaped hole, and next to make a small recess, under which to place pieces of bark.

Mark a rod about 60 cm long in the recess and begin to rotate it between your hands until signs of smoldering appear in the hole. Carefully fan the fire to red coals, then transfer them to the tinder and, adding dry twigs, cones, try to kindle a full-fledged flame.

Let's say right away: the two options described above are a long, laborious process that requires great patience. But it may happen that you have nothing else at hand. In this case, the forest and this knowledge will help out.

The method is similar to the previous one, but much more efficient and simpler. If you do everything right, then you will very quickly reach the required speed and pressure, allowing you to get the coveted coals and make a fire even in a wet forest.

Your task is to make a bow drill. To do this, prepare planks, a rod, a deck and a bow. Now about everything in order.

Look for a deck or stone that we will need to put pressure on the rod. The tree must be from more hard rock than a rod.

For the bow, use a strong and resilient vine, about the length of your arm. As a bowstring, a rope, lace, leather belt and other durable material that is resistant to tearing is suitable. Pull the string over the rod.

Next, prepare the board for ignition. Make a funnel and place tinder under it. Then pull the string over the rod so that you end up with a loop. Place one end of it into the cavity on the board, and press the other end with a block.

Now, actually, the process itself, which will help us make fire. Move the bow back and forth as if you were sawing. Rotate the rod quickly until embers appear. Dump the embers onto the tinder and blow gently.

Going on another trip, take a flint and flint with you. If you do not have such a device, make it yourself - quartzite and a knife with a steel blade will be enough!
Also look for charcoal. Its main purpose is smoldering when a spark hits. But for this purpose, any fabric and even moss that can smolder for a long time without fire will do.

How to use the flint? Hold the flint between your fingers so that its tip protrudes 6-8 cm forward. Hold the ignition material between the flint and your thumb. Now take a knife and hit the stone with it a couple of times. As a result of your actions, sparks will fall on coal or fabric and begin to smolder. Put them in a tinder nest and blow. Then you can safely build your fire.

jar and chocolate

Everything is extremely simple here. Run a bar of chocolate along the bottom of an aluminum can of drinks or canned goods. Then wipe the bottom with a regular cloth. Chocolate is the perfect polish and your jar will shine like glass. You can use toothpaste instead of chocolate.

Once you've completely polished the bottom of the jar, the sun's rays can bounce off it and create a focal point.
This principle is similar to the operation of a telescope. Again, turn the surface towards the sun and direct them to the made tinder, located 3-4 cm from the focal point. Soon there will be a flame.

True, the downside is that an aluminum can is not always at hand. And we certainly eat a bar of chocolate before the fire appears!

This is the easiest way to get fire, but it will only work in sunny weather. Many of you must have melted the soldiers or set fire to the newspaper with it in your childhood. Now, using a lens, magnifying glass, magnifying glass, glasses or binoculars, let's try to make a fire.

Moisten the surface with water to speed up the process.

Place the lens at the angle of sunlight, focusing the beam at one point. Put the tinder in this place and wait just a few minutes.

As we have already understood, the easiest way to make fire is with a lens. Unfortunately, it may not always be at hand, but a condom may well be lying around in the inside pocket of a real man. The same method can be taught to a child by using a balloon.

Fill the condom with water so that it fits easily in your hand and is shaped like a sphere. Do not forget to tie the product tightly.

Then squeeze the ball in such a way that a direct beam of light passes through it. As a result, you will get two lenses of small diameter. The focal length will be shorter than real lenses, so you need to keep them at a distance of 5-7 cm from dry objects that should catch fire.

With the help of ice

Water and fire seem to be two completely opposite elements. However, it is quite possible to make a fire from a piece of ice. This method is especially relevant in winter weather.

It is advisable to use clean water to keep the ice clear. If it contains motes, then you simply will not succeed.

An icicle or a piece will do pure ice from the river. You can also draw water from a reservoir or pre-melt snow in your hands.

Let the liquid freeze in a container. The size of the resulting ice should be about 5 cm. Then cut out the lens in the center of the ice, polish and shape it. Point the lens at sunlight and wait for the result.

  1. For the first method, you will need a piece of foil - from chewing gum, chocolate, a pack of cigarettes, etc. Cut a short and narrow strip - about 1-1.5 cm - from the foil. Then give it a crescent shape so that the wide ends are only at the edges of the ribbon.

    The lower the battery power, the narrower the strip should be!

    In the battery next to the pressing point, scrape a little of the surface down to the adhesive layer and fix one end of the foil on it. Place your hands over the tinder and press the other end of the strip against the contact - the paper will ignite instantly.

  2. Another method will require a piece of animal hair. Form a strip of it 1 cm wide and about 15 cm long and rub it with a battery on the side where the contacts are. Ignition will occur quickly, so prepare tinder and wood for the fire in advance.

Spoon and toilet paper

Surely any tourist will find these items, namely: a spoon, a bowler hat and toilet paper.

Roll the paper into a tight bundle 3-4 mm thick and roll it between your palms to make something similar to a cigarette. Then coat one tip with soot from the pot.

Now let's move on to the spoon. It needs to be bent a little inward towards the handle, and the bed should be flattened a little so that your reflection inside does not have strong distortions.

Catch a beam of light with a spoon and place the paper directly above it from the side of the soot. After a few seconds, the tourniquet will begin to smoke. Wait until intense smoldering begins and start building a fire.

When extreme situation Autonomous existence can be of great benefit if a fire is lit on time. It will make it possible to warm up at low air temperatures, prepare hot food and drink, which is especially important if there are wounded in the group. A bonfire is also a purely psychological calmer, from which one breathes hope, confidence in the successful outcome of the case. In a word, it is very important to be able to make a fire in any place and under any weather conditions.

But there are situations when none of the victims has lighters, matches, or they are hopelessly damp, i.e. one of the elements of the "triangle of fire" is missing (see 1.3). In this case, you will have to make fire in one of the ways indicated in Figures 140-144.

The easiest way to make a fire is by inflicting glancing blows on a hard rock (silicon, sulfur pyrite, etc.) with a flintlock. As an armchair, you can use metal objects: a file, reverse side knife blade, ax blade. The direction of blows should be such that sparks fall on

tinder - flammable or smoldering material (Fig. 140). The success of the business depends on its quality. Therefore, tinder can be prepared in advance and carried with you in an airtight package.

You can make tinder from a piece of medical cotton wool by soaking it with a concentrated solution of potassium nitrate and drying it well. Tinder can also be made from a piece of pure wool or cotton fabric. It is dried over low heat until it starts to burn around the edges. Without letting the fabric ignite, it is removed from the fire and placed in a sealed package.

If there is no pre-prepared tinder, then it can be made in an extreme situation, using fine dry birch bark, primary pine or cedar bark, wood dust from a trunk eaten by insects, reed and bird fluff - in a word, everything that begins to smolder or ignite when sparks hit them.

If possible, tinder can be moistened with gasoline, alcohol, or some other combustible material before use.

Several other methods of making fire are based on the effect of heat generation from friction. The most productive of them is the drilling method. To do this, it is necessary to make a bow, a “drill”, a support and a thrust bearing (Fig. 141). A bow can be made from any branch about a meter long, with a diameter of 2 - 3 cm. As a bowstring, it can be strong rope, a narrow strip from cut-

leg belt. To make a support, you need to split a block of hardwood in half (the best material is dry larch). It is desirable to make a “drill” from the same type of wood. For this, a dry branch with a diameter of 1 - 2 cm and a length of 15 - 20 cm is suitable. The upper part of the "drill" should be turned into a sphere or cone with an angle of about 60 °, the lower one - in the form of a cone with an angle of 30 °. At the same angle on the surface of the support, 1.5 - 2 cm from the edge, a small depression is made, where the “drill” is inserted with the lower end. The “drill” is pressed against the support with a thrust bearing. Therefore, it should also be made of hardwood, or better, use a stone with a slight indentation. After that, the “drill” is overwhelmed with a bowstring.

To rotate the “drill”, moving the bow back and forth, it is necessary at first slowly, gradually increasing the speed. In this case, the “drill” is not pressed too hard through the thrust bearing to the support. First appears in the place of deepening of smoke. But the work must be continued for some time, until a certain amount of brown powder appears in the recess. The heated powder may flare up along the edges of the recess. If this does not happen, then you should carefully inflate the powder, attach a pre-prepared tinder to it. Working together (Fig. 142), you can do without a bow. The rest of the workflow remains the same.

The simplicity of this method does not guarantee quick success. And it depends on many factors: correct selection wood, tinder quality, pressure force on the "drill", weather, etc. As a rule, this method can only be successful in summer in dry weather.

If the victims have a gun, you can set fire to the tinder with a shot. To do this, a bullet or shot is removed from the cartridge, as well as part of the gunpowder. The sleeve is clogged with cotton wool, dry moss, a ball of fabric or small birch bark. A shot is fired at the ground next to

laid tinder. You can pour some of the gunpowder onto tinder and try to set it on fire, carving sparks with flint.

If during an accident vehicle the battery or batteries remain intact, then they can be used to produce fire (Fig. 143). Shorting the positive and negative contacts will give a powerful spark that can ignite the tinder.

The task is greatly simplified in clear sunny weather. Using a lens from a camera, binoculars, glasses, you can focus the sun's rays on tinder and thereby ignite it. Focusing the rays on the tinder, the lens should be kept still (Fig. 144). To do this, you can pre-prepare some kind of emphasis for the hand.

There are also chemical methods of making fire, based on the spontaneous combustion of various mixtures. In the event of a vehicle accident, you can use antifreeze (radiator coolant) and potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), which should be in the car's first aid kit. To do this, pour a teaspoon of potassium permanganate onto paper or cloth, drip 2-3 drops of antifreeze onto it. After that, the sheet must be tightly rolled up, put on the ground, put tinder on top. During the oxidation process, a large amount of heat is released that can ignite the paper and set fire to the tinder. Do not pour a lot of liquid - this slows down the heating rate. The heating rate also decreases when the paper is loosely folded.

The same effect is given by the combination of potassium permanganate with glycerin, which can be found in a medicine cabinet as a tool used to soften the skin and mucous membrane in case of its illness. In this case, potassium permanganate is poured onto a dry surface, a few drops of glycerin are dripped onto it. After the appearance of smoke, a few more drops of glycerin are added, which may turn out to be critical - a bright flash occurs, from which the cooked tinder is set on fire.

In all cases of making fire, one must first carefully prepare. To do this, it is necessary to prepare tinder, small kindling, small and large branches for the subsequent fire after the tinder has been ignited. A place for a fire must also be prepared.

When lighting a fire, one must take into account the weather conditions and try to eliminate their negative impact as much as possible. With the wind, you need to find a quiet one, closed place or build a windbreak. It is difficult to start a fire when it rains, because the humidity of the air is very high and the tinder cannot be kept dry. In such a situation, the methods of making fire by friction become ineffective, and if it is not possible to use another method, then it is worth waiting for the rain to stop.

Building a fire without matches requires skill, a lot of patience, and sometimes this process takes quite a long time. Once having kindled a fire, one must try to keep it for the entire period of autonomous existence. So did our ancestors, regarding the preservation of fire as a sacred duty. Keeping a fire in place is easy. Constant duty is required to maintain it (firewood should always be at hand). At night, you need to collect smoldering firebrands and coals in a heap, cover them with a layer of ash, and heat dry earth from above. In case of rain, you can cover the fire place with an awning. In the morning, it is enough to rake up the earth and ashes and inflate the firebrands. After that, it is easy to re-light the fire. Care must be taken that in the evening firewood is used that gives good coals, and does not burn out completely. You can use a knotted log or the root of a small tree for this.

It's harder to keep the fire going if the group (or one person) is on the move. Smoldering coals covered with ashes can be carried in a pot, bucket or tin can. In the absence of containers, another method is used. The bark is removed from the birch for its entire thickness - to the wood. A layer of dry earth is poured onto the straightened bark, then a layer of ash. On the ashes it is necessary to lay smoldering coals and cover with a layer of ash, then earth. After that, the birch bark must be carefully rolled into a roll, tightly tied and the ends of the roll closed with birch bark, wooden plugs (Fig. 145). It is necessary to transfer such a roll in a vertical position, protecting it from shaking.

A torch is also used, in which thin splinteres are shifted with dry moss, tightly wrapped in bark. Such a torch, up to 15 cm thick and 70 cm long, will keep the fire for about 6 hours.

You never know what surprises life will bring to you. Therefore it is worth it. We present to your attention the post of Boris Zak - a lover of travel, trail running and running in general (who, by the way, has already told us about his own). Today Boris will tell you about 10 ways to start a fire. Some of them will seem useful to you, and some will surely surprise you. :)

A bit of theory. What is fire?

Fire is the main phase of the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of light and heat. Fire may occur in different reasons: heating, chemical reaction, exposure to electricity.

So, to kindle a fire, we need combustible materials, oxygen and high temperature.

Method 1. Start a fire with a condom

The condom is truly a unique thing, I think that all travelers have long appreciated this multi-purpose item. So, take a transparent condom and fill it with water.

Lighting a fire with a condom

We use it as a lens, focus the beam on pre-prepared dry grass or paper, a little patience, and now smoke appears.

Method 2. Pepsi can

We polish the bottom of the can and use it as a reflector. We direct the beam onto a sheet of paper or dry grass.

The bottom of the can is an excellent reflector

Method 3. Photo frame and cling film

Take a photo frame and wrap it with cling film.

Frame wrapped in cling film

We put the frame on a stand and pour water.

Pour water carefully

Everything, the installation for kindling the fire is ready.


Method 4. Steel wool and mobile phone battery

Steel wool is an interlacing of a very thin fiber of steel, in appearance it resembles ordinary cotton wool from a pharmacy. The steel itself consists of 98% iron and 2% carbon, the proportions may vary depending on the type of steel. We prepare a “nest” from dry leaves and grass, put cotton wool into it and run the battery contacts over the cotton wool several times.

Lighting a fire with steel wool and a battery

Method 5: Battery and chewing gum foil

AA battery and chewing gum foil

Cut off a strip of foil, fold in half and sharpen the fold with scissors.

We apply the ends of the strip to the poles of the battery, and the main thing here is not to burn your fingers.

The same manipulations, only more clearly, are presented in the video.

Method 6. An interesting but expensive way to start a fire with IKEA products

Method 7. Ice

This method requires patience. You will not only make a fire, but also keep warm. We take a piece of ice and with light movements of the knife we ​​give it a shape into lenses. Then we polish the surface of the lens with our hands.

Smooth ice works like a lens

Well, how to kindle a fire with a lens - every child knows.

Method 8. Chemical reaction

Sodium is a silvery-white metal, plastic, even soft (easily cut with a knife), a fresh cut of sodium glistens in air and easily oxidizes to sodium oxide. To protect against oxygen in the air, metallic sodium is stored under a layer of kerosene.

Sodium reacts very violently with water: a piece of sodium placed in water floats, melts due to the heat released, turning into a white ball that quickly moves into different directions on the surface of the water; The reaction proceeds with the release of hydrogen, which can ignite. This experiment is also called "dancing fire".

sodium + water

Method 9. Flint and steel

With the help of a fire starter, sparks are cut. The tool is compact, lightweight and can be used in any weather. On the Internet, you can find a wide range of fire starters. Which one you get - does not matter, the main thing is to learn how to use this gadget correctly.

It's easy to strike sparks, you just need to prepare a good tinder. To do this, use a dry flammable material.

Method 10. Fire Piston

This pneumatic lighter was invented around 1770. It works on the same principle as a diesel engine. With strong compression, the air in the cylinder is heated to a temperature of over 300 ° C, which leads to the ignition of the tinder located at the end of the piston.

Fire Piston

In order to reach high temperature, you need a strong blow.

Do you consider yourself a modern person? Do you really think that you can handle any complexity and problem? In principle, it can be assumed that this is the case. That's just, as practice shows, the average person can be proud of his omnipotence only as long as he does not leave his usual habitat. Let's check?

Section 1. How to start a fire without matches? Relevance of the issue

21st century in the yard. We have learned to fly to the moon, with the help of the Internet you can find almost any information, and foreign languages You can already study without leaving your computer. All this is called scientific and technological progress.

But what about simpler, but such vital things? Have you ever wondered if you could modern man survive, say, in the wild? Does he know, without matches, or how to build at least a temporary shelter from the rain? Sadly, the answers to these questions are likely to be negative.

In general, if we look at the statistics, it turns out that most of urban residents cannot light a fire even with a lighter, but about various ways the production of fire and do not guess at all.

That is why you should not forget about the school of survival. You never know where and when it can come in handy. There is an opinion that every man should know how to make fire without matches, but women should also heed our today's advice. This, you see, is the most important skill for survival.

Section 2. We list the main ways to solve the problem

How to make fire without matches in the forest? Is it even possible?

It is absolutely clear that any moisture or dampness will spoil all undertakings. Here, it would seem, there is nothing to argue about. Even a junior schoolboy guesses that in order to get a fire in the forest without matches or when using them (on this stage this is not so important), you will need dry rags or leaves, by the way, ropes, gauze, chopped bark or dry moss, etc. will be useful. Let me note that this is only a minimal set of components. So to speak, the most accessible to a simple man in the street.

WITH scientific point of vision, there are four main methods to solve the problem:

  • chemical;
  • textbook (using a lens);
  • using friction force;
  • solid.

Now let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Section 3. Chemical method

Probably, from school, some of us remember that a flammable mixture can be caused by the reaction of potassium permanganate and glycerin. If you have access to these components for "cooking" a fire, go ahead! In this case, you can easily solve the problem of how to light a fire without matches in field conditions. Just 1 g of potassium permanganate, poured onto pre-prepared rags, and a couple of drops of glycerin is enough. But I would like to warn you right away: as soon as you drop the glycerin, quickly remove your hand, because the fire will immediately begin to devour the offered “gifts”.

Section 4. How to start a fire without matches. Long, but reliable - a textbook way

With the help of a lens from glasses, binoculars, a telescope, a convex bottle, an aquarium or other figured glass, you can focus Sunbeam to create a fire. For example, Robinson Crusoe from a well-known and beloved book from childhood, before getting fire without matches (what matches and a lighter can be on an island?!?), diligently used watch glasses.

Section 5. Ready to work hard? The tedious way

You can build a fire, although this is a very tedious and not always fruitful task. To begin with, a bow is made from soft woods, but a rope will perfectly perform the role of a bowstring. A "drill" will be any pointed stick. The support should be made of dry hardwood logs, such as pine or oak.

The source material is first cleaned of bark. Then it is required to drill a hole in it 1-1.5 cm deep and carefully cover it with tinder. The drill must be wrapped with a bowstring, inserted with one ring into the hole, tightly laid tinder around. Only after that, firmly pressing the drill with the palm of your hand, you need to use right hand move the bow quickly. This should be done perpendicular to the drill. Important: in order not to damage the palm, a fabric gasket is placed between the drill and the hand, it can be replaced with tree bark. After the tinder smolders, it must be well inflated and put kindling, which is prepared in advance.

Section 6. The hard way

For this method, any stone can serve as a material. It is convenient enough to knock out a spark with a steel knife or other metal objects. It is difficult to predict the success of such an activity, because it all depends on luck and a very dry basis for a fire.

Section 7

It should be immediately warned that making fire by friction is the most difficult method. It's definitely not for the faint of heart.

In general, there various methods, allowing you to get fire by friction. However important aspect is the type of wood used for plank and spindle.

A spindle is a stick that you will twist to create friction between it and the board. Juniper, cypress, aspen, willow, cedar, walnut are considered the best materials for plank and spindle. In order to use a tree for making fire by friction, as, in principle, with any other, the wood must be taken exclusively dry.

Section 8 Hand Drill Method

To be honest, it is the most primitive, but at the same time the most basic and difficult. All that is required in this case is a tree, tireless hands and determination.

Build a tinder nest. As tinder, a material ignited by a single spark, it is best to use:

  • birch bark;
  • dry grass;
  • pine needles;
  • wood shavings;
  • tinder fungi (crushed and dried mushrooms);
  • wax paper;
  • fluffy cotton;
  • burnt cotton fabric;
  • fir cones.

Make an incision by cutting a small indentation on the plank. Under this cut, it is worth putting bark to catch the ember that arises from friction. Start turning by placing the spindle in the recess. As a general rule, it needs to be about 50 centimeters long for this method to work properly. Rotate the stick between your palms until an ember appears.

As soon as a spark appears, quickly transfer it to a pre-prepared tinder nest. Carefully blow on it, everything is ready - the fire is burning.

Section 9

Considered the most effective way extraction of fire, which is based on friction. In this case, you will need the use of a bow and drill.

Make a tight bow. To do this, pull a rope, belt, lace onto a stick. Then make a hole in the dry wood. Next, quickly and for a long time twist the shaft in the hole with a bow. As a result, you should get a black powder. As soon as a spark appears in it, it must be transferred to tinder.

Section 10. Flint and steel

In general, it should be noted that this is an old and reliable fallback for those who do not know how to make fire without matches in the forest or in the open.

Basically, good idea- this is constantly taking flint with you on a hike. After all, matches can get wet and be useless. And so you can still get a spark from a piece of flint.

The ideal option is a fire starter. In addition, you can always improvise with quartzite and a steel blade of any knife.

But that's not all. According to experts, you will definitely need a charred piece of fabric, which can be replaced with a dry piece of mushroom, birch bark.

  1. Take stone and cloth.
  2. Place a piece of stone between the large and index fingers, while its edge should protrude by 7 centimeters.
  3. Hold the fabric firmly with your thumb and flint.
  4. Start sparking. To do this, hit the flint with steel or a knife blade several times, you will see that sparks will fly away to the fabric, thereby causing a glow.
  5. Place the sparkling cloth in the tinder and blow gently to start the fire.

Section 11. Using the lens

In general, all methods based on obtaining fire with the help of lenses are considered the easiest. Before starting a fire without matches, you just need to focus the sun's rays on a specific place.

Also suitable for this purpose:

  • magnifying glass;
  • glasses;
  • binoculars.

By the way, if you add a little water to the lens, the light beam will become more intense. Try to tilt the glass in such a way that the rays are focused to a point with the smallest possible diameter. Put tinder in this place, soon you will be able to get fire.

The only drawback of this method is that it only works when there is sun. And at night, you will have to use other methods.

Section 12. Creative approach

Don't know how to start a fire without matches? Try to do it in an original way - and have fun yourself and surprise your friends.

So, in addition to the traditional ways, there are three completely unusual, but quite effective methods, which are based on the refraction of rays.

  1. Balloons and condoms. If fill balloon or a condom with water, they will turn into a lens. True, they should be kept at a smaller distance from the tinder - 1-2 cm.
  2. Fire from ice. Get fire from a piece of ice. This method is extremely useful for winter camping. But for the method to work, the ice must be completely transparent and about 5 centimeters thick. Then shape the ice into a lens, polish it with your hands to a smooth finish, and use it like a traditional lens.
  3. Coca-Cola and chocolate. You will also need chocolate. Moreover, the bottom of the first should be polished with the second, it will also work toothpaste. After grinding it will parabolic mirror. It remains only to catch the sunlight and put tinder where the rays are focused.

In the field, there is no way without fire: it will warm, feed and give you a hot drink, dry shoes and clothes, and help send a distress signal. And for this you need to know how to light a fire , so that it burns as long as possible and gives maximum heat.

Getting fire by traditional methods

The main sources of fire were and still are matches and a lighter. Matches are included in any survival kit. There are the following types:

  1. Resistant against wind and moisture (hunting).
  2. Having a long piece of wood.
  3. Grindless options that give fire from friction on any surface: stone, wall. They can be recognized by the double coloration of the heads.

To matches did not let you down at the right time, you need to do some simple recommendations:

  • Store properly: in sealed containers. To avoid ignition, eliminate their friction and strumming.
  • For economical use, the match is split in half and fire is made by pressing the sulfur head against the ignition surface.
  • A damp match can be dried by rubbing it over dry, clean hair.
  • A candle will help to make a fire and save matches at the same time.
  • With a spare box of matches is always calmer.
  • Ordinary matches must be further processed, otherwise it makes no sense to take them with you on a hike.

Lighters, in turn, can be:

  • alcohol;
  • gasoline;
  • gas.

You can take any of them, but, most importantly, not cheap. With the latter, the bonfire will be delayed, and "you won't cook porridge." A couple of flints in reserve will also be useful. They are suitable for making a "fiery pencil" that gives a spark from friction on any hard surface.

The procedure for making a fire

  1. Prepare tinder or any flammable material:
  • reeds, especially its top;
  • dry grass;
  • paper;
  • textile;
  • cotton wool;
  • small birch bark;
  • crushed tinder fungi;
  • needles;
  • fir cones.
  1. Gather brushwood and prepare firewood.

The first option ignites easier and faster, however, it does not burn for a long time. Wood is the main fuel. First, dry and thin ones are used, and after that it is already possible to put raw ones, the excess water will evaporate from the heat, and the fire will not go out.

  1. Prepare a place for a fire.

It is necessary to avoid options near dry trees, tents, sleeping bags. The selected area with a diameter of 1-1.5 m is cleared, you can dig a small hole for making a fire. If the ground is wet or covered with snow, make an elevation from fresh branches, earth or stones.

  1. Build a "frame" of the structure.

Whatever type of fire a person chooses, several rules should be observed:

  • leave fire access to oxygen;
  • use the most dry materials;
  • use brushwood to light firewood.
  1. Get fire and light a fire.

The spark falls on the tinder, then small brushwood ignites and, as it burns, sets fire to thicker branches and firewood. If necessary, a weak flame should be maintained by slowly fanning.

How to make fire with a lens?

The sun is a limitless source of energy. In cloudless weather, you can start a fire even with a small piece of glass. The main thing is to concentrate the sun's beam at one point. Tinder placed in focus in the form of a paper napkin or a nest of dry grass will give a flame that remains only to develop.

Also suitable: a mirror, the bottom of an aluminum can, glasses, a piece of clean ice. The lens can be made from plastic bag or a condom by filling them with water, which refracts light. It remains to give water containers with your hands desired shape so that the sunbeam can be focused on one point.

You can also start a fire with a piece of ice. The main thing is to give it the shape of a biconvex lens with the warmth of your hands. It works on the same principle can. Only it does not refract the sun's ray, but reflects it. The bottom of the jar can be sanded before use, but it is important not to overdo it so as not to damage the outer shell.

How to build a fire by friction?

Even ancient people noticed that solid surfaces heat up during friction. On this principle, many home-made and industrial devices for making fire. One of them - flint. In the modern version, this is a rod made of an alloy of iron, silicon and some metals. Flint is not afraid of moisture and wind. It is durable, unpretentious, does not need refueling and maintenance, does not break. The resulting sparks have a temperature of 3000 °C.

The lack of flint and flint - it is useless in the absence of dry tinder, which is difficult to do in certain weather conditions (rain, snow). The fire starter can be manual or semi-automatic. Working with the latter variety frees one hand. Those wishing to make a fire with a flint and flint should know that:

  1. Better sparks are struck from alloyed steel.
  2. You should not use the blade of your knife instead of a flint. The latter will either become dull or burnt out, and one cannot do without a reliable knife on a campaign.
  3. In the absence of an armchair, you can use the part of the hacksaw or knife closest to the handle.

You can light a fire with bow drill. To do this, you need a flat piece of wood as a base. It is necessary to make a groove in it, where the rod will be inserted. A drainage channel is drawn from the groove for the outflow of friction products and coals. A dry and strong branch no more than 1 cm thick is suitable for the rod. A bow is made from another branch up to 1 m long and 2 cm in diameter, tied with a bowstring from a shoelace or a strip of a cut belt. The rod twists the bowstring. They insert it into the groove and begin to move the bow so that the rod spins slowly at first, then faster and faster. This creates friction between the base and the rod. This does not injure the hands. At the required pace of movement, smoke appears, and then powder Brown or coals. Placed in tinder, they will allow you to make a fire without matches.

You can start a fire without a bow, but then you have to rotate the rod together.

For the next method, you will need a regular wire with a diameter of 2 mm or more. The handles will be 2 sticks fixed along its edges. Having wrapped a log with wire, they try to saw off a piece from it. From the lit tinder it is already possible to make a fire.

The simplicity of the method is not a guarantee of instant success. There is a dependence on the weather, tinder, wood species. In the summer, this technique will work for sure.

From the first time, making a fire using the methods described above may not work. It will take repeated training to develop the appropriate skills.

Building a fire chemically

You can kindle a fire using the thermal effect of chemical reactions in which the reactants are:

  • Potassium permanganate and sugar (9:1).
  • Bertoletova salt and sugar (3:1);
  • Potassium permanganate and glycerin (1-2 drops). When smoke appears, an additional drop of glycerin is applied, causing the mixture to ignite spontaneously.
  • Potassium permanganate and antifreeze. 1 tsp is poured onto the paper. permanganate, add 2-3 drops of antifreeze and, tightly folding the paper, put it on the ground, covering it with tinder. The kindling of fire occurs due to the reaction of slow oxidation, accompanied by the release of heat. A large number of antifreeze will slow down chemical reaction. Loosely folded paper will also reduce the temperature inside it.

Someone considers the chemical method of making fire strange, but in real conditions it works and helps someone.