Toilet      04/25/2019

How to pay for heat using a meter in an apartment. Thermal energy consumption standard for heating: how the heat payment is calculated

Not long ago, Government Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011, related to the procedure for calculating payments for housing and communal services, underwent a number of important changes and, in particular, on the issue of how heating fees are calculated for Russians. In this article we will present current methods for calculating heating tariffs for a multi-storey residential building this year, and also show how to save on heating fees. thermal energy with additional benefits.

How are heating fees calculated in 2017?

Note that now the choice of method for calculating payment for heat depends not only on the presence (absence) of collective and personal metering devices that measure the volume of thermal energy supplied to the apartment building, but also on the estimated payment period.

This suggests that payments for heating can be made both during the heating season based on the service provided, and year-round in equal amounts.

The type of heating supply to a multi-storey residential building is also significant: whether it is supplied centrally through general building networks or locally produced on equipment that belongs to the joint property of the owners of the premises of the building.

The methods and calculation examples we have shown, which can be seen below, illustrate how heating fees are calculated in MKD apartments equipped with modern centralized heat supply systems.

The calculation of the payment amount for heating is carried out according to formula 3 (Appendix 2 of Rules No. 354 of 05/06/2011) provided that:

  • not all premises (residential and non-residential) have separate heat energy meters;
  • Payments for heating are carried out only in the autumn-winter period.

Formula 3:

where V D is the volume of consumed heat according to the readings of the collective meter;

S i – total square footage of housing (apartment);

S about – the total area of ​​all available premises in the apartment building;

The calculation of the payment amount for heating is carried out according to formula 3 (1) (Appendix 2 of Rules No. 354 of 05/06/2011) provided that:

  • the apartment building is equipped with a building-wide heat meter;
  • not all premises (residential and non-residential) have separate heat energy meters;
  • Heating payments are made every month throughout the calendar year.

Formula 3 (1):

P i = S i × V T × T T,

where S i

V T – average monthly heat consumption for space heating over the past year. This parameter is calculated according to the readings of the collective meter installed on the apartment building, the total area of ​​all premises of the building and the number of months in the year;

T T – regional heat tariff adopted for the service provider.

Note that when calculating the payment amount in this way (using last year’s average monthly readings of the collective meter), in the first quarter of the next year after the settlement year, the payment amount must be adjusted.

That is, before April 1, 2018 (during the first quarter), a recalculation must be made in the form of a write-off (additional charge) of the fee, taking into account the actual readings of the collective meter for 2017.

How is the heating fee calculated in this case? Used to adjust the payment amount formula 3 (2):

Pi = x Si / Sob - Pfn.i

where P kipr is the payment for the heating service, calculated on the basis of the readings of the joint meter available in the apartment building for the past year;

S i – total area of ​​housing (apartment);

S ob – the total area of ​​all available premises in the apartment building (residential and non-residential);

P fn.i – the total amount of payment for the supply of residential heating last year.

How to calculate heating fees without a meter

Let's look at how heating fees are calculated without a meter. The payment amount for heating is calculated using formula 2 from Appendix No. 2 of Rules No. 354 of 05/06/2011, provided that:

  • Payments for heating are made only in the autumn-winter period.

Formula 2:

P i = S i × N T × T T,

Where S i– total area of ​​housing (apartment);


T T– regional heat tariff established for the service provider.

The calculation of the payment amount for heating is carried out according to formula 2 (1) (Appendix 2 of Rules No. 354 of 05/06/2011) provided that:

  • the apartment building is not equipped with a building-wide heat meter;
  • Heating payments are made every month throughout the calendar year.

Formula 2 (1):

P i = S i × (N T × K) ×T T,

Where S i– total area of ​​housing (apartment);

N T– rate of consumption of thermal energy as public services;

T T– regional heat tariff adopted for the service provider;

K– coefficient of frequency of payments for heat supply, reflecting the duration of the heating cycle, including partial months.

Note that the coefficient TO(frequency of payments for utility services) is found as a quotient of the duration of the heating period (in months) and the number of months in the calendar year (based on Government Decree No. 857 of 08/27/2012). In this case, the fee for the supply of thermal energy is charged annually for each billing period.

What do residents of MKD pay for?

To understand how the payment for heating an apartment is calculated, let's talk about the concept of “temperature schedule”. It represents the parameters of the source supplying heat (boiler house, thermal power plant), calculated taking into account the permissible minimum temperature in the apartment and the average daily air condition in a particular locality.

Using this graph, the degree of water heating in the supply and return pipelines of the network is determined, taking into account the ambient temperature. In other words, the regulation of the supply of thermal energy from a boiler room or thermal power plant is most often carried out based on a single synoptic indicator - the temperature of the street air.

The vast majority of populated areas use high-quality central regulation, taking into account the temperature schedule for heat supply systems with a predominance of thermal load of ventilation and heating. The word “quality” should be understood as “changing the temperature of the coolant.”

When the DHW system is loaded, the temperature graph of the supply pipeline during unheated periods and warm days heating season straightened to create the required hot water temperature.

The methods for calculating and drawing up a temperature graph are quite complex. The functions of heating networks are different, and each of them requires an individual approach.

According to the applied methods, the schedule for adjusting heat supply is formed as the ratio of its average hourly consumption for hot water supply to the total consumption of thermal energy for the consumer needs of the entire region (settlement), where it is, in fact, calculated.

Taking into account this ratio, the following types of temperature schedules for adjusting heat supply are used:

  • an optimal heat supply schedule is possible for heating system circuits used only for the heating load of consuming objects, and is centrally regulated at the source itself (boiler house, thermal power plant);
  • the increased schedule is designed for closed systems heat supply that meets the needs of consumer facilities for hot water supply and heating;
  • the adjusted schedule is used for open systems heat supply. In this case, the coolant is taken from the heating system for the needs of the hot water supply.
  • the ratio of the average hourly heat consumption for domestic hot water supply of all consumers and the total estimated thermal energy consumption for heating the same audience;
  • ambient temperature;
  • temperature inside the building;
  • heating (t°) of the coolant in the forward and return pipelines;
  • heating (t°) of the coolant entering the building;
  • heat loss in heating and hot water systems.

It is with these parameters in mind that it is possible to ensure optimal (same) temperature maintenance for all consumers located at varying degrees of distance from the source (boiler house or thermal power plant).

How is the payment for heating with automation calculated: benefit or harm?

Typically, in apartment buildings, an elevator unit is installed to control the heating system, which maintains the pressure and temperature of the coolant at the level of design standards. It works simply: water is ejected from the “return” of the heating system, after which it is added to the supply coolant of the heating network line. There is no automation, so everything is trouble-free and simple - there is only a safety load valve. In addition, operating costs are almost completely eliminated.

When using high-quality fittings and an alloy steel nozzle, such a unit will last for decades without special care. Nevertheless similar device rarely combined with new heating systems that can maintain the desired temperature in each room, regardless of the weather and number of floors in the house. And if the heating system operates poorly, it does not provide protection against overheating.

An automated coolant supply unit in a building's communications is fundamentally different from an elevator. It supplies the system with a nominal amount of heat in any weather, regardless of the ambient temperature, and also eliminates overheating.

There are two types of automated nodes of this type. The first operates on the principle of automated mixing of water from the forward and return lines of the heating network, the second creates a closed circuit of the heating system.

Units with a mixing chamber automatically supply the required amount of heat to the heating system when the coolant format changes in any direction from the approved schedule. But this causes misregulation of the heating network itself, so RSO prohibits the use of such control units. And we will consider nodes of the second type.

We will show how the heating system of a building is isolated from the heating network. The coolant located in the network is cyclically supplied to the heat exchanger, warming up the water there, which is sent to the home heating system using circulation pumps. Due to automation with inverse coupling, water heating in the system is maintained at a level sufficient to create a nominal temperature in the premises, regardless of heat loss from the building. Circuit closed type eliminates the dependence of the maximum height of the building on the pressure created at the input of the heating network.

All automated units have pumps, plate heat exchangers, filters, heat meters, automation, instrumentation, fasteners, etc.

There are many old apartment buildings where the hot water system is controlled by special device TRZH (thermal liquid regulator). With its help, water is taken from the return and supply pipes of the heating network, mixed until the desired temperature is obtained and pumped into the house hot water system.

Modern houses are equipped with an automated water supply unit for hot water supply to the building. Such a unit, equipped with pumps, automation, heat exchanger and metering meters, forms an independent circuit. The water circulating in the heating network only heats the water in the heat exchanger for supply to the DHW system.

Such a system is usually designed together with ring pipelines. The supply of hot water is not affected by the height and number of floors of the structure, as well as the pressure in the heating and water supply networks entering the house.

A closed DHW system operates only on tap water, which corresponds to GOST P 51232–98 with the name “Drinking water”.

Water supplied from the direct line of the heating network enters the special camera for mixing. Water is pumped into the same device from the return heat main using a network pump. The coolant heated to the required temperature flows from the mixer into the heating system. This process is fully automated.

The control unit we considered is cheaper than its analogue with a heat exchanger, but it also requires high operating costs and uninterrupted power supply.

To choose the right control unit, you must first study technical specifications, issued by the heat energy supplier, that is, the heating network.

It should be recalled that automated control units (ACU) are designed by specialists taking into account the specifications developed by the heat supplier, as well as the consumer’s needs for hot water supply and heating (with specification of consumption conditions).

Automatic control units for domestic hot water or heating systems, produced in the factory, are a combination of technical components designed for connection to the heating network and automated control of domestic hot water and heating systems.

This node may have combined type and be equipped with independent control units for building heating and hot water supply on 1–2 frames. During the assembly process, spacing may be provided between parts and independent modules to facilitate maintenance and replacement of equipment, instruments and fittings.

Expert opinion

Technical necessity and economic feasibility

Veniamin Gassul,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Honorary Builder of Russia, St. Petersburg

I note that replacing a conventional elevator unit for supplying coolant to the heating system with an ACU is not a technical need. Firstly, automated devices are necessary for heating multi-storey buildings. Secondly, they are used to increase the living comfort of high-rise building owners in the autumn-winter period. Therefore, you should not hope that such a replacement will give you a tangible economic effect.

Enterprises that design and produce automatic control units for supplying coolant to the heating system often overestimate the economic effect of their use. This is caused by an inaccurate generalization of particular parameters, a discrepancy between theoretical data and reality, and a simple desire to attract a potential buyer with this product. Of course, in the case of MCD, a small effect is possible due to the localization of the overflow. At the same time, operating costs for maintaining an ACU increase the cost of maintaining an MCD.

Example No. 1 – negative experience

At the turn of 2008–2009, the operation of elevator units was tested in one of the residential high-rise buildings in St. Petersburg. During the heating season, the excess heat consumption in comparison with its design indicator reached: 8,558 rubles at one elevator node and 50,429 rubles at another. The average house figure was 29,493 rubles.

The high heat consumption in the second elevator block was caused by wear of the nozzle and, as a consequence, expansion of the outlet opening.

At that time, the automated control unit cost 1,300,000 rubles, and the maximum possible annual heat savings could be 50,429 rubles. The payback period of the unit is 20 years or more, and taking into account the average heat savings (29,493 rubles), which must be followed, it is over forty. Moreover, operating costs were not taken into account.

The efficiency of the heat exchanger is 90–95%, therefore, 7% of the heat that does not reach the heating system will still be paid for.

The old fittings with which buildings were equipped back in the USSR (cast iron valves, taps with double adjustment, plug and three-way models, intersectional DGI models) have largely fallen into disrepair. And some MKDs did not have this at all. During the overhaul of heating systems, modern type shut-off and control valves should be placed in front of each heating device. It will prevent unnecessary expenses by blocking excess heat from accessing the device and maintain a comfortable room temperature.

It turns out that from the economic side it is not rational to replace elevator units in heating systems with automated analogues (ACU).

Example No. 2 – positive experience

Since 2005, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny began modernizing the heating units installed in the apartment buildings, including transitions to closed circuit. During this time, 80% of residential buildings received ITP. According to a survey by OJSC Tatenergo, city-wide savings in hot water and heat have reached more than 20%. Now 75% of high-rise buildings have plate heat exchangers at their disposal to supply hot water. Such modernization pays off within four years.

During the implementation of the program “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of the Krasnodar Territory for the period 2011–2020” during 2012 230 apartment buildings the city of Sochi underwent modification of thermal units. They were equipped with IHP with weather-dependent adjustment and thermal energy metering devices. This led to a 34% reduction in heating payments for consumers and a 29.4% reduction in the cost of hot water services. It is expected that the payback period for this project will take six years.

Converting the TRZh to an automatic control unit for the hot water supply system is not at all technically inevitable, and from an economic point of view it is not even advisable. However, from the beginning of 2022, open centralized heat supply systems (DHW) will be prohibited, since the selection of coolant for hot water supply was stopped from January 1 of that year under Article 29 (clause 9) of Federal Law No. 190 of July 27, 2010 “On Heat Supply”.

In short, by the officially appointed date, all heating and cooling systems should be replaced with automated hot water supply units, without taking into account the economic feasibility of this project. The question rests only on the possibility of immediately including these measures in the list of repair work with amendments to the regional capital repair program.

Expert opinion

It is more profitable to “close” the heating system during a major renovation of an apartment building

Vyacheslav Gun,

Deputy Director of Thermal Automation Department at Danfoss

A comprehensive modernization of the heating system of a single apartment building in the presence of an existing heat metering unit pays for itself in a relatively short period of time. This allows you to attract third-party investments through a concession or energy service scheme. That is, the goal is achieved, and no one should bear the additional financial yoke - neither the local budget, nor homeowners.

When overhauling an apartment building, it is advisable to consider the possibility of installing automated control units.

The Heat Supply Law requires the replacement of TRWs with automated control units for the hot water supply system. Replacement of elevator units and TRZs with automated control units at the expense of the MKD overhaul fund is permissible if a constituent entity of the Russian Federation included this as part of the overhaul work.

If the owners of the premises decided to install an automated control unit instead of the elevator themselves, then this can be done through separate contributions.

Installation of an automated control unit in a heating system or hot water supply must be accompanied by the issuance of technical specifications by the organization supplying the heat resource.

ACUs for the heating system will not be able to normalize the temperature in the premises of a high-rise building if the heating of water in the heating network, established by the schedule, turns out to be insufficient. To create the required amount of heat supplied to the heating system, the water leaving the heat exchangers must have a specific temperature.

To achieve this, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient number of heat exchanger sections and a certain heating of water in the network according to temperature chart. If the water in the system overheats, the automation will reduce its supply to the heat exchanger. If the situation is the opposite (underheating), the heating system will receive an insufficient amount of heat.

It is obvious that the introduction of modernized control units into modern heating systems is necessary. This will completely eliminate moral and physical wear and tear of equipment, increasing its performance.

As a result of this, the heating system will first receive protection from overheating. The clogging of the hot water supply system with foreign matter will stop, and potable quality water will be supplied instead of network water. In addition, the risk of Legionella will be reduced.

How are heating charges calculated (per apartment)

Today, almost 80% of the municipal housing stock in Russia is heated from centralized sources (boiler houses, thermal power plants) and only 20% of buildings have apartment heating.

However, the latter is most beneficial to municipal authorities, construction companies and home owners themselves due to the steady deterioration of the hot water supply and central heating systems from year to year. According to calculations, the construction of buildings with apartment-by-apartment (local) heating costs the developer several times less than the constant repair of heating networks. Therefore, the number of housing constructions with the planned installation of individual boilers in each apartment is now growing.

Apartment heating (abbreviated as PO) implies autonomous provision of each apartment in an apartment building hot water, including for heating the room. This kind of heating is very popular in Europe. Let’s say that in Italy almost 14,000,000 apartments are individually heated. In our country this technology used in forty regions: Leningrad, Tver, Belgorod, Bryansk, Kaluga, Voronezh, Sverdlovsk, Kaliningrad, etc.

The very first 10-story apartment building with individual heating was erected in Smolensk (1999) and commissioned in the same year by Grazhdanstroy LLC.

“The main goal was to create a system independent of anything, because apartment-by-apartment heat supply is convenient because of its autonomy - the consumer himself turns the heating on and off at any desired moment,” explains V. Shpakovsky, director of LLC SSU Group of Companies “Grazhdanstroy”.

In addition to extraordinary comfort for residents, individual heating has another important advantage - it is much cheaper than centralized heating, so heating fees are very optimistic. “With apartment-by-apartment heat supply, a person pays 2–5 times less,” says S. Vatuyskikh, technical director of the Russian representative office of BAXI. “This value varies depending on the region, utility tariffs, features of the heating system (for example, the presence of heated floors) and other factors.”

Of course, the initial costs for a construction company to build a house are high, because each apartment needs to be equipped with a boiler. But there is an opportunity for residential development in areas without a developed heating network infrastructure.

Undoubtedly, the construction of high-rise buildings with software is also beneficial for local authorities to save money. In this case, heating plants and heating points are not required, and there is no heat leakage in heating networks. “For example, in Kaluga, at a meeting of the City Council several years ago, it was even decided that houses under construction should have priority apartment-by-apartment heating, since the budget did not have enough funds for subsidies,” reports S. Vatuyskikh.

But, despite the advantages, individual heating has its drawbacks.

Firstly, it is problematic to create a chimney. Since coaxial emission of combustion products (using the facade of a building) is prohibited in our country, there is a need to build a single common house chimney. Of course, this is a labor-intensive process that is expensive.

Secondly, there is an increased danger, since each apartment has a heating device that runs on explosive gas fuel. However, when quality equipment explosions and leaks are excluded. “In houses under construction we install Italian wall-mounted boilers thermal power of 24 kW (economy class) and 31 kW (comfort) simultaneously with a heating circuit and hot water preparation, says M. Kozlov, technical director of Grazhdanstroy LLC. – They have ionization control for the presence of a flame, turning off gas valve as soon as the fire goes out. This ensures that there are no gas leaks.”

When gas is supplied to the boiler, a piezo or electronic ignition is triggered. The spark ignites the igniter, which in turn ignites main burner, which heats the coolant (most often water) located in the boiler to the desired temperature. The burner then turns off automatically. When the temperature of the boiler contents decreases, the thermocouple (sensor) sends a signal to the valve to supply gas and the burner lights up again.

Construction organizations pay serious attention to the selection of heating equipment suppliers. According to professional developers, When selecting boilers, three conditions are taken into account:

  • quality level;
  • reliability of operation in Russian climatic conditions;
  • Possibility of service at the equipment location. Some boiler manufacturers reserve the right to technical maintenance, which causes a lot of trouble for developers and dealers. However, many companies organize training seminars for specialists at their own premises or at local partners and dealers. This allows trained construction workers to carry out service activities independently.

The first two conditions are closely related to boiler manufacturers and the choice of equipment (more precisely, circulation pumps) that are used in projects. Therefore, it is wiser not to save money and choose trusted manufacturers of heating devices. As usual, such companies are closely associated with leading manufacturers of pumping products, and the result is reliable and high-quality products. “Using a circulation pump, cooled water with the required pressure enters the heating circuit, and then into the heating riser and radiators. Afterwards the cycle repeats,” explains S. Vatuyskikh. – The durability and service life of the heating unit depends on the selected pumping equipment. The reliability of pumping equipment depends on its design features.”

“Using automation, you can set a mode in which the pump will turn on periodically. Consumers often use this mode during vacation, when there is no point in constant heat supply, but at the same time the room does not cool down, says K. Afromeev, chief engineer of the TEPLOWELL enterprise. “You can also set an operating mode in which each room will be heated separately: for example, the nursery will be warmer than the bedroom.”

Now many are concerned about the possibility of using individual heating for secondary housing. The answer will be positive if there are chimneys in the house for gas hot water heaters or the possibility of creating an independent chimney. The formation of an individual heating system is carried out only with the permission of the gas service.

Obviously, systematized apartment heating is more profitable than centralized heating. Construction companies do not need to create expensive heating networks; there is a prospect of developing areas without a developed communications infrastructure. Local self-governments, for their part, save budget money due to the absence of subsidies for heating fees in the apartment and losses of thermal energy in the networks. End consumers receive additional amenities– constant hot water and heating, regardless of planned outages, and a great way to save money.

Create a heating system in own home or even in a city apartment - an extremely responsible occupation. It would be completely unreasonable to purchase boiler equipment, as they say, “by eye,” that is, without taking into account all the features of the home. In this case, it is quite possible that you will end up in two extremes: either the boiler power will not be enough - the equipment will work “to the fullest”, without pauses, but still not give the expected result, or, on the contrary, an overly expensive device will be purchased, the capabilities of which will remain completely unchanged. unclaimed.

But that's not all. It is not enough to correctly purchase the necessary heating boiler - it is very important to optimally select and correctly arrange heat exchange devices in the premises - radiators, convectors or “warm floors”. And again, relying only on your intuition or the “good advice” of your neighbors is not the most reasonable option. In a word, it’s impossible to do without certain calculations.

Of course, ideally, such thermal calculations should be carried out by appropriate specialists, but this often costs a lot of money. Isn't it fun to try to do it yourself? This publication will show in detail how heating is calculated based on the area of ​​the room, taking into account many important nuances. By analogy, it will be possible to perform, built into this page, it will help to perform the necessary calculations. The technique cannot be called completely “sinless”, however, it still allows you to obtain results with a completely acceptable degree of accuracy.

The simplest calculation methods

In order for the heating system to create comfortable living conditions during the cold season, it must cope with two main tasks. These functions are closely related to each other, and their division is very conditional.

  • The first is maintaining an optimal level of air temperature throughout the entire volume of the heated room. Of course, the temperature level may vary somewhat with altitude, but this difference should not be significant. An average of +20 °C is considered quite comfortable conditions - this is the temperature that is usually taken as the initial one in thermal calculations.

In other words, the heating system must be able to warm up a certain volume of air.

If we approach it with complete accuracy, then for individual rooms in residential buildings standards for the required microclimate have been established - they are defined by GOST 30494-96. An excerpt from this document is in the table below:

Purpose of the roomAir temperature, °CRelative humidity, %Air speed, m/s
optimalacceptableoptimalpermissible, maxoptimal, maxpermissible, max
For the cold season
Living room20÷2218÷24 (20÷24)45÷3060 0.15 0.2
The same, but for living rooms in regions with minimum temperatures of - 31 °C and below21÷2320÷24 (22÷24)45÷3060 0.15 0.2
Kitchen19÷2118÷26N/NN/N0.15 0.2
Toilet19÷2118÷26N/NN/N0.15 0.2
Bathroom, combined toilet24÷2618÷26N/NN/N0.15 0.2
Facilities for recreation and study sessions20÷2218÷2445÷3060 0.15 0.2
Inter-apartment corridor18÷2016÷2245÷3060 N/NN/N
Lobby, staircase16÷1814÷20N/NN/NN/NN/N
For the warm season (Standard only for residential premises. For others - not standardized)
Living room22÷2520÷2860÷3065 0.2 0.3
  • The second is compensation of heat losses through building structural elements.

The most important “enemy” of the heating system is heat loss through building structures

Alas, heat loss is the most serious “rival” of any heating system. They can be reduced to a certain minimum, but even with the highest quality thermal insulation it is not yet possible to completely get rid of them. Thermal energy leaks occur in all directions - their approximate distribution is shown in the table:

Building design elementApproximate value of heat loss
Foundation, floors on the ground or above unheated basement (basement) roomsfrom 5 to 10%
“Cold bridges” through poorly insulated joints building structures from 5 to 10%
Input locations engineering communications(sewage, water supply, gas pipes, electrical cables, etc.)up to 5%
External walls, depending on the degree of insulationfrom 20 to 30%
Poor quality windows and external doorsabout 20÷25%, of which about 10% - through unsealed joints between the boxes and the wall, and due to ventilation
Roofup to 20%
Ventilation and chimneyup to 25 ÷30%

Naturally, in order to cope with such tasks, the heating system must have a certain thermal power, and this potential must not only correspond to the general needs of the building (apartment), but also be correctly distributed among the rooms, in accordance with their area and a number of other important factors.

Usually the calculation is carried out in the direction “from small to large”. Simply put, the required amount of thermal energy is calculated for each heated room, the obtained values ​​are summed up, approximately 10% of the reserve is added (so that the equipment does not work at the limit of its capabilities) - and the result will show how much power the heating boiler is needed. And the values ​​​​for each room will become the starting point for calculating the required number of radiators.

The most simplified and most frequently used method in a non-professional environment is to adopt a norm of 100 W of thermal energy per square meter of area:

The most primitive way of calculating is the ratio of 100 W/m²

Q = S× 100

Q– required heating power for the room;

S– room area (m²);

100 — specific power per unit area (W/m²).

For example, a room 3.2 × 5.5 m

S= 3.2 × 5.5 = 17.6 m²

Q= 17.6 × 100 = 1760 W ≈ 1.8 kW

The method is obviously very simple, but very imperfect. It is worth mentioning right away that it is conditionally applicable only when standard height ceilings - approximately 2.7 m (acceptable - in the range from 2.5 to 3.0 m). From this point of view, the calculation will be more accurate not from the area, but from the volume of the room.

It is clear that in this case the specific power value is calculated per cubic meter. It is taken equal to 41 W/m³ for reinforced concrete panel house, or 34 W/m³ - in brick or made of other materials.

Q = S × h× 41 (or 34)

h– ceiling height (m);

41 or 34 – specific power per unit volume (W/m³).

For example, the same room in panel house, with a ceiling height of 3.2 m:

Q= 17.6 × 3.2 × 41 = 2309 W ≈ 2.3 kW

The result is more accurate, since it already takes into account not only all the linear dimensions of the room, but even, to a certain extent, the features of the walls.

But still, it is still far from real accuracy - many nuances are “outside the brackets”. How to perform calculations closer to real conditions is in the next section of the publication.

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Carrying out calculations of the required thermal power taking into account the characteristics of the premises

The calculation algorithms discussed above can be useful for an initial “estimate,” but you should still rely on them completely with great caution. Even to a person who does not understand anything about building heating engineering, the indicated average values ​​may certainly seem dubious - they cannot be equal, say, for the Krasnodar Territory and for the Arkhangelsk Region. In addition, the room is different: one is located on the corner of the house, that is, it has two external walls ki, and the other is protected from heat loss by other rooms on three sides. In addition, the room may have one or more windows, both small and very large, sometimes even panoramic. And the windows themselves may differ in the material of manufacture and other design features. And this is not a complete list - it’s just that such features are visible even to the naked eye.

In a word, there are quite a lot of nuances that affect the heat loss of each specific room, and it is better not to be lazy, but to carry out a more thorough calculation. Believe me, using the method proposed in the article, this will not be so difficult.

General principles and calculation formula

The calculations will be based on the same ratio: 100 W per 1 square meter. But the formula itself is “overgrown” with a considerable number of various correction factors.

Q = (S × 100) × a × b× c × d × e × f × g × h × i × j × k × l × m

The Latin letters denoting the coefficients are taken completely arbitrarily, in alphabetical order, and have no relation to any quantities standardly accepted in physics. The meaning of each coefficient will be discussed separately.

  • “a” is a coefficient that takes into account the number of external walls in a particular room.

Obviously, the more external walls there are in a room, the larger the area through which heat loss occurs. In addition, the presence of two or more external walls also means corners - extremely vulnerable places from the point of view of the formation of “cold bridges”. Coefficient “a” will correct for this specific feature rooms.

The coefficient is taken equal to:

— external walls No (interior space): a = 0.8;

- external wall one: a = 1.0;

— external walls two: a = 1.2;

— external walls three: a = 1.4.

  • “b” is a coefficient that takes into account the location of the external walls of the room relative to the cardinal directions.

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Even on the coldest winter days solar energy still has an impact on the temperature balance in the building. It is quite natural that the side of the house that faces south receives some heat from the sun's rays, and heat loss through it is lower.

But walls and windows facing north “never see” the Sun. The eastern part of the house, although it “catches” the morning sun’s rays, still does not receive any effective heating from them.

Based on this, we introduce the coefficient “b”:

- the outer walls of the room face North or East: b = 1.1;

- the external walls of the room are oriented towards South or West: b = 1.0.

  • “c” is a coefficient that takes into account the location of the room relative to the winter “wind rose”

Perhaps this amendment is not so mandatory for houses located on areas protected from winds. But sometimes the prevailing winter winds can make their own “hard adjustments” to the thermal balance of a building. Naturally, the windward side, that is, “exposed” to the wind, will lose significantly more body compared to the leeward, opposite side.

Based on the results of long-term weather observations in any region, a so-called “wind rose” is compiled - a graphic diagram showing the prevailing wind directions in the winter and summer seasons. This information can be obtained from your local weather service. However, many residents themselves, without meteorologists, know very well where the winds predominantly blow in winter, and from which side of the house the deepest snowdrifts usually sweep.

If you want to carry out calculations with higher accuracy, you can include the correction factor “c” in the formula, taking it equal to:

- windward side of the house: c = 1.2;

- leeward walls of the house: c = 1.0;

- walls located parallel to the wind direction: c = 1.1.

  • “d” is a correction factor that takes into account the climatic conditions of the region where the house was built

Naturally, the amount of heat loss through all building structures will greatly depend on the level of winter temperatures. It is quite clear that during the winter the thermometer readings “dance” in a certain range, but for each region there is an average indicator of the lowest temperatures characteristic of the coldest five-day period of the year (usually this is typical for January). For example, below is a map diagram of the territory of Russia, on which approximate values ​​are shown in colors.

Usually this value is easy to clarify in the regional weather service, but you can, in principle, rely on your own observations.

So, the coefficient “d”, which takes into account the climate characteristics of the region, for our calculations is taken equal to:

— from – 35 °C and below: d = 1.5;

— from – 30 °С to – 34 °С: d = 1.3;

— from – 25 °С to – 29 °С: d = 1.2;

— from – 20 °С to – 24 °С: d = 1.1;

— from – 15 °С to – 19 °С: d = 1.0;

— from – 10 °С to – 14 °С: d = 0.9;

- no colder - 10 °C: d = 0.7.

  • “e” is a coefficient that takes into account the degree of insulation of external walls.

The total value of heat losses of a building is directly related to the degree of insulation of all building structures. One of the “leaders” in heat loss are walls. Therefore, the value of thermal power required to maintain comfortable conditions living indoors depends on the quality of their thermal insulation.

The value of the coefficient for our calculations can be taken as follows:

— external walls do not have insulation: e = 1.27;

- average degree of insulation - walls made of two bricks or their surface thermal insulation is provided with other insulation materials: e = 1.0;

— insulation was carried out with high quality, based on thermal engineering calculations: e = 0.85.

Below in the course of this publication, recommendations will be given on how to determine the degree of insulation of walls and other building structures.

  • coefficient "f" - correction for ceiling heights

Ceilings, especially in private homes, can have different heights. Therefore, the thermal power to warm up a particular room of the same area will also differ in this parameter.

It won't be a big mistake to accept following values correction factor "f":

— ceiling heights up to 2.7 m: f = 1.0;

— flow height from 2.8 to 3.0 m: f = 1.05;

- ceiling heights from 3.1 to 3.5 m: f = 1.1;

— ceiling heights from 3.6 to 4.0 m: f = 1.15;

- ceiling height more than 4.1 m: f = 1.2.

  • « g" is a coefficient that takes into account the type of floor or room located under the ceiling.

As shown above, the floor is one of the significant sources of heat loss. This means that it is necessary to make some adjustments to account for this feature of a particular room. The correction factor “g” can be taken equal to:

- cold floor on the ground or above an unheated room (for example, a basement or basement): g= 1,4 ;

- insulated floor on the ground or above an unheated room: g= 1,2 ;

— the heated room is located below: g= 1,0 .

  • « h" is a coefficient that takes into account the type of room located above.

The air heated by the heating system always rises, and if the ceiling in the room is cold, then increased heat loss is inevitable, which will require an increase in the required thermal power. Let us introduce the coefficient “h”, which takes into account this feature of the calculated room:

— the “cold” attic is located on top: h = 1,0 ;

— there is an insulated attic or other insulated room on top: h = 0,9 ;

— any heated room is located on top: h = 0,8 .

  • « i" - coefficient taking into account the design features of windows

Windows are one of the “main routes” for heat flow. Naturally, much in this matter depends on the quality of the window structure itself. Old wooden frames, which were previously universally installed in all houses, are significantly inferior in terms of their thermal insulation to modern multi-chamber systems with double-glazed windows.

Without words it is clear that the thermal insulation qualities of these windows differ significantly

But there is no complete uniformity between PVH windows. For example, a two-chamber double-glazed window (with three glasses) will be much “warmer” than a single-chamber one.

This means that it is necessary to enter a certain coefficient “i”, taking into account the type of windows installed in the room:

- standard wooden windows with conventional double glazing: i = 1,27 ;

- modern window systems with single-chamber glass: i = 1,0 ;

— modern window systems with two-chamber or three-chamber double-glazed windows, including those with argon filling: i = 0,85 .

  • « j" - correction factor for the total glazing area of ​​the room

Whatever quality windows No matter how they were, it will still not be possible to completely avoid heat loss through them. But it is quite clear that one cannot compare a small window with panoramic glazing almost the entire wall.

First you need to find the ratio of the areas of all the windows in the room and the room itself:

x = ∑SOK /SP

SOK– total area of ​​windows in the room;

SP– area of ​​the room.

Depending on the obtained value, the correction factor “j” is determined:

— x = 0 ÷ 0.1 →j = 0,8 ;

— x = 0.11 ÷ 0.2 →j = 0,9 ;

— x = 0.21 ÷ 0.3 →j = 1,0 ;

— x = 0.31 ÷ 0.4 →j = 1,1 ;

— x = 0.41 ÷ 0.5 →j = 1,2 ;

  • « k" - coefficient that corrects for the presence of an entrance door

A door to the street or to an unheated balcony is always an additional “loophole” for the cold

Door to the street or open balcony is capable of making adjustments to the thermal balance of the room - each opening of it is accompanied by the penetration of a considerable volume of cold air into the room. Therefore, it makes sense to take into account its presence - for this we introduce the coefficient “k”, which we take equal to:

- no door: k = 1,0 ;

- one door to the street or to the balcony: k = 1,3 ;

- two doors to the street or balcony: k = 1,7 .

  • « l" - possible amendments to the heating radiator connection diagram

Perhaps this may seem like an insignificant detail to some, but still, why not immediately take into account the planned connection diagram for heating radiators. The fact is that their heat transfer, and therefore their participation in maintaining a certain temperature balance in the room, changes quite noticeably with different types of insertion of supply and return pipes.

IllustrationRadiator insert typeThe value of the coefficient "l"
Diagonal connection: supply from above, return from belowl = 1.0
Connection on one side: supply from above, return from belowl = 1.03
Two-way connection: both supply and return from belowl = 1.13
Diagonal connection: supply from below, return from abovel = 1.25
Connection on one side: supply from below, return from abovel = 1.28
One-way connection, both supply and return from belowl = 1.28
  • « m" - correction factor for the peculiarities of the installation location of heating radiators

And finally, the last coefficient, which is also related to the peculiarities of connecting heating radiators. It is probably clear that if the battery is installed openly and is not blocked by anything from above or from the front, then it will give maximum heat transfer. However, such an installation is not always possible - more often the radiators are partially hidden by window sills. Other options are also possible. In addition, some owners, trying to fit heating elements into the created interior ensemble, hide them completely or partially decorative screens– this also significantly affects the thermal output.

If there are certain “outlines” of how and where radiators will be mounted, this can also be taken into account when making calculations by introducing a special coefficient “m”:

IllustrationFeatures of installing radiatorsThe value of the coefficient "m"
The radiator is located openly on the wall or is not covered by a window sillm = 0.9
The radiator is covered from above with a window sill or shelfm = 1.0
The radiator is covered from above by a protruding wall nichem = 1.07
The radiator is covered from above by a window sill (niche), and from the front part - by a decorative screenm = 1.12
The radiator is completely enclosed in a decorative casingm = 1.2

So, the calculation formula is clear. Surely, some of the readers will immediately grab their head - they say, it’s too complicated and cumbersome. However, if you approach the matter systematically and in an orderly manner, then there is no trace of complexity.

Any good homeowner must have a detailed graphic plan of his “possessions” with dimensions indicated, and usually oriented to the cardinal points. The climatic features of the region are easy to clarify. All that remains is to walk through all the rooms with a tape measure and clarify some of the nuances for each room. Features of housing - “vertical proximity” above and below, location entrance doors, the proposed or existing installation scheme for heating radiators - no one except the owners knows better.

It is recommended to immediately create a worksheet where you can enter all the necessary data for each room. The result of the calculations will also be entered into it. Well, the calculations themselves will be helped by the built-in calculator, which already contains all the coefficients and ratios mentioned above.

If some data could not be obtained, then you can, of course, not take them into account, but in this case the calculator “by default” will calculate the result taking into account the least favorable conditions.

Can be seen with an example. We have a house plan (taken completely arbitrarily).

Region with level minimum temperatures within -20 ÷ 25 °C. Predominance of winter winds = northeast. The house is one-story, with an insulated attic. Insulated floors on the ground. The optimal diagonal connection of radiators that will be installed under the window sills has been selected.

Let's create a table something like this:

The room, its area, ceiling height. Floor insulation and “neighborhood” above and belowThe number of external walls and their main location relative to the cardinal points and the “wind rose”. Degree of wall insulationNumber, type and size of windowsAvailability of entrance doors (to the street or to the balcony)Required thermal power (including 10% reserve)
Area 78.5 m² 10.87 kW ≈ 11 kW
1. Hallway. 3.18 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Floor laid on the ground. Above is an insulated attic.One, South, average degree of insulation. Leeward sideNoOne0.52 kW
2. Hall. 6.2 m². Ceiling 2.9 m. Insulated floor on the ground. Above - insulated atticNoNoNo0.62 kW
3. Kitchen-dining room. 14.9 m². Ceiling 2.9 m. Well-insulated floor on the ground. Upstairs - insulated atticTwo. South, west. Average degree of insulation. Leeward sideTwo, single-chamber double-glazed windows, 1200 × 900 mmNo2.22 kW
4. Children's room. 18.3 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well-insulated floor on the ground. Above - insulated atticTwo, North - West. High degree of insulation. WindwardTwo, double-glazed windows, 1400 × 1000 mmNo2.6 kW
5. Bedroom. 13.8 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well-insulated floor on the ground. Above - insulated atticTwo, North, East. High degree of insulation. Windward sideSingle, double-glazed window, 1400 × 1000 mmNo1.73 kW
6. Living room. 18.0 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well-insulated floor. Above is an insulated atticTwo, East, South. High degree of insulation. Parallel to the wind directionFour, double-glazed window, 1500 × 1200 mmNo2.59 kW
7. Combined bathroom. 4.12 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well-insulated floor. Above is an insulated attic.One, North. High degree of insulation. Windward sideOne. Wooden frame with double glazing. 400 × 500 mmNo0.59 kW

Then, using the calculator below, we make calculations for each room (already taking into account the 10% reserve). It won't take much time using the recommended app. After this, all that remains is to sum up the obtained values ​​for each room - this will be the required total power of the heating system.

The result for each room, by the way, will help you choose the right number of heating radiators - all that remains is to divide by the specific thermal power one section and round up.

When planning a heating system for our home, we are faced with the question of how to correctly calculate the heating. And the calculation in this case has two aspects: on the one hand, it is necessary to find out what devices should be installed to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room, and on the other hand, to calculate the amount that will need to be spent on paying for services.

Heating a private house

Boiler type and power

If we are planning the construction or reconstruction of a private house, then one of the most important design points is the choice of a boiler that is optimal in terms of power. If you install an insufficiently efficient boiler, then in the cold season it will work in forced mode, which will lead to its rapid wear. On the other hand, we don’t want to pay for power we don’t need either!

Note! Using a boiler with excess power leads to an increase in energy consumption by 20-30%

The first thing you need to decide is – this is the type of boiler itself:

  • Solid fuel– relatively inexpensive and economical, but have some inconveniences in operation. Such inconveniences include, for example, the need to periodically add fuel (in severe frost - up to 3-4 times a day).
  • Liquid fuel– have quite acceptable performance characteristics, but a large number of toxic combustion products makes their use insufficiently environmentally friendly.
  • Electrical– quite effective and easy to use. The main disadvantage of such boilers is the high cost of electricity.
  • Gas– the preferred option for most parameters, including ease of use and economical consumption of energy resources. The key disadvantage is the high price of the equipment itself and dependence on the availability of a gas pipeline.

Regardless of the type of installation used to heat the house, it is necessary to select its optimal performance.

There is a fairly simple formula for calculating it:

Wcat = Wsp * S / 10

In this case:

  • Wbot – minimum permissible boiler power.
  • Wsp is an indicator of specific power per 10 square meters.
  • S is the area of ​​the heated room.

Note! Specific power is a standard indicator and differs depending on different regions. So in Moscow and the Moscow region this parameter is 1-1.2, in the northern regions it can reach 2, and in the southern regions it is 0.7-0.9.

Radiator calculations

In addition to the boiler itself, it is also necessary to produce. Below we will tell you how the heating of the main area of ​​our house is calculated.

To calculate the number of batteries, use the following formula:

W = S * h * 41

  • W – radiator power sufficient to provide comfortable temperature in room.
  • S is the area of ​​the room.
  • H – height from floor to ceiling (excluding suspended structures).
  • 41 – rate of thermal energy consumption per cubic meter of internal volume.

The result of the calculation using this formula is the total power installed radiators. We divide the resulting figure by the heat transfer of one section of the battery (the instructions for the radiator should contain this information), and we get required amount sections. To ensure the best heating, it is better to round the resulting number up!

Naturally, after completing all the calculations, it is necessary to select the optimal radiator models and install them in such a way that heat loss is minimal. The technology for installing heating radiators is clearly demonstrated in video lessons posted on our portal.

Payment Calculation

Payment without a common house meter

No less important point is to calculate the payment for the heat supply of your apartment. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of utility services...” the payment for heating includes:

  • Payment for heating provided in your apartment.
  • Payment for heating common premises.

The calculation technology depends on whether your home is equipped with heat meters. In our article we will look at both options, which will allow you to perform calculations with your own hands in any situation.

So, how is the heating tariff calculated in a house in which a common meter is not installed?

Payment for heating the apartment itself, in which an individual heating meter is installed, is made according to the formula:

P i = V i * T k, Where:

  • V i is the amount of heat consumed according to the indicators of the individual metering device.

For example, the meter showed that you used 1.5 gigacalories of heat in a month. In this case, the total amount will be:

1.5 * 1400 (heating tariff) = 2100 rub.

If there is no counter, then another formula is used:

P i = S i * N t * T t , Where:

  • S i – room area
  • N t – consumption standard
  • T t—tariff set for the region

In this case, an example calculation looks like this:

  • The consumption standard is 0.025 Gcal per square meter.
  • The area of ​​the apartment is 75 square meters.
  • Tariff – 1400 rubles.

As a result we have:

77 * 0.0025 * 1400 = 2,625 rubles.

As you can see, a careful calculation shows the effectiveness of installing a heating meter in each apartment, because the savings are quite significant.

P i = V i * T k, Where:

  • V i is the amount of heat provided for general house needs during the reporting period.
  • T k is the tariff established by law.

For example, if 1 gigacalorie was spent on general heating, then the cost of payment will be 1,400 rubles.

  • With individual metering devices installed: 2100 = 1400 = 3500 rub.
  • Without individual meters: 2625 = 1400 = 4025 rub.

Payment with a common house meter

If a common metering device is installed in the house, then the calculation of individually consumed thermal energy is calculated as follows:

P i = V d * S i /S d *T t, Where:

  • V d is the volume of heat consumed during the period according to the indicators of the general building heating meter.
  • S i – apartment area.
  • S d - the area of ​​​​all premises included in the house (including residential, non-residential and utility).
  • T t is the tariff established in your region.

Payment for space heating common use is produced according to the same formula as in the previous case.

Another way is to use housing and communal services calculators. Today there are several similar calculators, and the data obtained as a result of their use provide sufficient accuracy of calculations.

In our article, we showed how to calculate the required power of heating boilers and radiators to heat your home, and also clearly demonstrated how to calculate the tariff for heating an apartment in different situations. We hope that the formulas and examples given here will be useful, because strict accounting is the most important condition for reducing costs!

Heat / Heating, heat supply - payment

With the beginning of each heating season, residents of apartment buildings again and again have a question: on what basis do we pay “for heat?”, “Is it too much?” and “how to check the correctness of heating charges?”

Also, heating fees are the most incomprehensible part of utility bills for citizens. The receipts we receive have the line “Heating”. It contains a meaningless unit of measurement - “gigacalories”. And the figure in the column “volume of services provided” is even less meaningful to us.

What services? How are they counted? What do calories have to do with it? And where does the number of them come from, which for some reason is attributed to your apartment? Let's figure it out.

But let's say right away - calculating the amount you have to pay for heat occurs according to rather complex rules. They involve a lot of formulas and take some time to figure out.

Therefore, we suggest you act this way: first, let’s look at the logic of the calculations as a whole, you will be able to understand which option applies to your home. And then we’ll go through the formulas used to calculate the heating fee in each specific option.

How are heating charges calculated? General logic

So, let's start with the “calorie”, or rather Gigacalorie (Gcal). These are units of measurement of thermal energy. It, thermal energy, is supplied to your apartments through a coolant - i.e. water heated to the required temperature.

Passing through the heating system of the house, the coolant gives up some of its energy and makes the radiators and risers in your apartment hot. Therefore, it is natural that the volume of heat that enters our house is measured in Gcal.

If you have a heat meter in your apartment, then answering this question is relatively simple. The amount the meter counted is the amount consumed. Plus, we need to add that part of the heat that goes to heating stairwells, elevator lobbies, etc. This is called heat for general house needs. We will indicate below how its volume is calculated.

In general, we can say that using an apartment heat meter, calculating the volume of your consumption is, of course, easier than that. The problem, however, is that heat meters began to be installed in apartments in high-rise buildings quite recently and few people have them installed now. However, there are such people, and the current legislation clearly describes how they can calculate their payment. We will look at this in detail.

A much more common case is when the heat meter is located at the “entrance” to an apartment building. Such a meter is called a common or collective meter. Its readings make it possible to understand how much heat has entered the house. Then you can calculate what part of this energy falls on each apartment.

The distribution in this case occurs in proportion to the area of ​​the apartments. This calculation seems quite logical. We provide all the necessary formulas below.

Well, what happens if there is no communal heat meter? We answer: the calculation is carried out according to heating standards. The standard in this case is the calculated amount of thermal energy that is needed to heat one square meter of housing for a month. They are measured in Gcal per square meter. meter.

Because the temperature regime Our winter in different parts of the country is very different, then heating standards are determined by regional authorities and differ in different subjects of the federation. In addition, for different types housing, different standards may be established. Which is quite logical - heat loss in an old barracks and a relatively modern 11-story building built in the 80s is, of course, different.

The algorithm for calculating heating fees according to standards is quite simple. The area of ​​your apartment is multiplied by the current standard, the result is the amount of thermal energy that (theoretically) is needed to keep you warm. Naturally, all these calculations are somewhat speculative and often do not correspond to the actual consumption of thermal energy.

Our government has been stubbornly struggling with heating fees according to standards for some time now. The installation of communal heat meters is recognized as mandatory. And if there is no common house meter (although there is a technical possibility for installing it), then the heating fee will be charged with “penalty” coefficients. From January 1, 2017 it is 1.5. Details of the calculation according to the standard are also given below.

For now, let's summarize. The figure that describes the amount of heat consumed on your bill may appear in one of three ways:

  • based on the readings of your apartment heat meter (plus your share of heat consumption for general house needs)
  • based on your share of the common house heat consumption (calculated using the common house meter)
  • based on heating standards, if your house does not have a communal meter.

Another important clarification: according to current legislation, heating fees can be calculated:

  • during the heating season only
  • throughout the year

Which of these options to follow is decided by regional authorities. If a decision is made to charge heating fees throughout the year, then special correction factors are used in the formulas for calculating heating fees. We will talk about them below, in the section where formulas are discussed.

Here we note one important thing regarding payments for heat throughout the year: if you pay for heat in the summer months, and your house has a communal heat meter, then you must make an annual adjustment payment for heating.

Just make a note of this, we will return to this in more detail below.

Now that we have generally figured out how the heat payment is calculated, let’s move on to the formulas that describe exactly what your payment should be.

How is the heating fee calculated if payments are received only during the heating season?

Currently, the cost of heating services is calculated on the basis of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011. The current version of this document.

To avoid confusion in the future, we will call this document more simply - “Rules”.

Let us clarify once again that if you are charged for heat only during the period October - May, then everything written in this section applies specifically to you. If, in your case, payments for heat come monthly, including in the summer, then.

Let's move on directly to calculating heat charges. Their algorithm, as we wrote above, depends on the following factors:

  • presence of a common house meter in the house
  • availability of apartment (individual) heat meters in all apartments and non-residential premises of the house
  • and also (we didn’t write about this above, but now we’ll bring you up to date) from the presence in at least 50% of residential (and non-residential) premises apartment building so-called "distributors»

Let's look at each of these points.

Option 1. A communal heat meter is not installed in your house.

In this case, the heating fee is calculated based on three parameters:

  • the heating standard approved in your region, how many gigacalories (Gcal) are needed to heat one square meter for a month
  • heating tariff approved for your heat supplier, i.e. how much does one Gcal cost?
  • area of ​​your apartment (we remind you that the heated area does not include the area of ​​the loggia or balcony).

The formula that describes the calculation of heating fees in the absence of an individual (apartment) and general building meter looks like this:

P i =S i x N t x T t

S i- total area i of residential or non-residential premises.

Nt— standard consumption of utility services for heating.

T t— tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

In other words, the area of ​​your apartment is taken, multiplied by the heating standard (how many gigacalories are considered necessary to heat one square meter of area) and multiplied by the heat tariff in force in your region (the cost of one gigacalorie).

It is also worth considering that if you have apartment building There is no communal heating meter, although it is technically possible to install it, then when calculating the heating fee, a multiplying factor is applied. Thus, the government encourages building management organizations and residents to install communal metering devices.

The value of this increasing coefficient for 2016 is assumed to be 1.4. And from January 1, 2017 - 1.5.

Option 2. There is a general building heat meter, but heating meters are not installed in the apartments

It is worth noting that the formula below only applies if none of the apartments in the building are equipped with an individual heat meter. If so, then the calculation is as follows:

P i = V d x S i / S about x T t

V d- volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed during the billing period, determined according to the readings of the collective (common house) thermal energy meter with which the apartment building is equipped.

S i— total area of ​​the i-th residential or non-residential premises

S O b - total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building

T t— tariffs for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To simplify, we take the total volume of heat consumed in an apartment building.

It determines the share attributable to your apartment (based on the ratio of the total area of ​​the house and the area of ​​the apartment).

The resulting amount of heat in gigacalories is multiplied by the tariff in force in your region.

Option 3. The general building meter is installed; all apartments (non-residential premises) are equipped with individual heat meters.


V i n- volume (quantity) consumed during the billing period in i-th core or non-residential premises of a communal resource, determined by the readings of an individual or general (apartment) metering device in the i-th residential or non-residential premises.

V i one

V i one = Vd - ∑ i V i n

S i

S about


The point is that the amount of heat consumed in the apartment is taken (based on the readings of the apartment meter) and the part of the general building heat consumption that passes through this apartment is added to it.

Option 4. The communal meter is installed; at least one, but not all, apartments are equipped with individual heat meters

In this case, payment for heating is carried out in the following form:

P i = (V i +S i x (V d -∑V i)/ S rev ) x T T

S i- area of ​​the apartment,

V D- volume of consumption in the house, calculated using a common house heat meter,

S about- the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building,

T T- heat tariff,

V i- heat consumption in the apartment in question. If a heat meter is installed in it, then the volume of consumption according to the meter is meant.

If we are talking about an apartment that is not equipped with a heat meter, then its consumption is calculated using a separate formula:

V i= S i x ∑V IPU /∑S iIPU,

In other words, to calculate the volume of heat, the average volume of heat consumption per square meter in apartments equipped with heat meters is taken and this average reading is multiplied by the area of ​​the apartment in question. Those. the average heat consumption, which was calculated for apartments with meters, is extrapolated to apartments without meters.

In general, Option 4 assumes that the share of heat consumption for general house needs per room is added to the heat consumption in the apartment. This volume is proportional to the ratio of the area of ​​a given apartment and the sum of the areas of all residential and non-residential premises.

As you can see, the principle is the same as when calculating heating fees in houses where all apartments are equipped with individual heat meters.

Option 5. Payment for heat in an apartment building where more than 50% of apartments are equipped with distributors

The distributor is a sensor that is installed on the heating battery (outside) and takes into account the amount of heat that the battery gives off to environment. In other words, it is an analogue of a heat meter, operating on different principles.

The rules require utility companies to take readings from distributors to calculate heating fees. It is only necessary that two conditions be met:

  • a high-rise building must be equipped with a common building (collective) heat meter
  • distributors must be installed in apartments that collectively occupy an area of ​​more than 50% of all residential and non-residential premises of the house

If these conditions are met, then once a year (and more often by decision of the meeting of residents), the payment for heating apartments with distributors is adjusted based on the readings of these devices.

The formula in this case is as follows:

P i- the amount of payment for the provided heating utility service in the i-th residential premises (apartment) equipped with distributors or non-residential premises in an apartment building for the period for which the adjustment is made,

k- the number of residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building equipped with distributors,

p— the number of distributors installed in the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building;

m qi- the share of the volume of consumption of the heating utility service attributable to the qth distributor installed in the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building, in the volume of consumption of the heating utility service in all residential premises (apartments) equipped with distributors and non-residential premises in an apartment building.

The meaning of this formula is:

  • the entire heating fee is taken, which (based on the standards, according to the formula of Option 2) was paid by the apartments where the distributors are installed
  • the share of each of your distributors in the volume of heat that was taken into account by the distributors in all apartments is calculated
  • then these shares are summed up and thus your share in heat consumption among all apartments equipped with distributors is calculated
  • We multiply the total amount of payment for heat by all apartments with distributors by your share in this consumption (judging by the readings of the distributors).
  • the resulting figure will be your payment for heat for the adjusted period.

If it turns out to be more than you have already paid, future heat payments will be counted towards you. If it is less, an additional adjustment payment will be issued.

How is the heating fee calculated if payments are received throughout the year?

In this case, heating fees are charged throughout the year in equal installments. The algorithm for calculating payments here will also depend on

presence/absence of a common house heat meter

presence/absence of individual heat meters in apartments.

At the same time, if the house has a common metering device, then the residents must make annual adjustments to the heating charges.

So let's consider possible options charging for heating.

Option 1. The house has neither common house nor individual devices heat metering

In this case, the payment for heating in the i-th room (apartment) is calculated according to the standards. The calculation formula is:

P i = S i x (N T x K) x T T

S i

N T— standard heat energy consumption for heating (Gcal/sq. m);

TO— the coefficient of frequency of payments by consumers for heating utilities, determined by dividing the number of full months of the heating period in a year by the number of calendar months in a year.

T T — tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the law Russian Federation(RUB/Gcal);

At the same time, if you do not have a common building heating meter in your apartment building, but you have the technical ability to install it, then an increasing factor will be applied when calculating the heating fee.

The coefficient does not apply if there is a House Inspection Report, during which it was recognized that it was not technically possible to install a collective (common house) heat energy meter.

Option 2. A general house heat meter is installed in the house; apartment heat meters are not installed in all apartments and non-residential premises

In this case, the heating fee is calculated using the following formula:

P i = S i x V T x T T

S i- the total area of ​​the i-th room (apartment) in an apartment building or the total area of ​​a residential building (sq. m);

V T- average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating for the previous year (Gcal/sq. m) based on the readings of the collective heat meter;

T T— tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (RUB/Gcal).

In the absence of information on the volume of heat consumption for the past year, the size of the heating payment is determined by the formula for calculating the payment for heat according to the standard.

Once a year, the amount of payment for heating in the i-th residential premises of an apartment building must be adjusted according to the formula:

P i = P x S i / S rev - P fn.i

P the amount of payment for thermal energy, determined based on the readings of collective (communal) metering devices installed in an apartment building (rub.)

S i- the total area of ​​the i-th premises (apartment, non-residential premises) in an apartment building or the total area of ​​a residential building (sq. m);

S about- the total area of ​​all premises in an apartment building or residential building (sq. m);

Pfn.i— the total amount of payment for heating in the i-th residential premises of an apartment building over the past year (rubles).

In other words, payment for heat is calculated based on the average monthly volume of consumption recorded by the general building meter for the past year.

When data on average heat consumption for the current year appears, a recalculation (adjustment) is made based on these data.

Option 3. The house has a communal heat meter; all (100%) apartments and non-residential premises are equipped with individual heat meters

The key here is to clarify that heat meters are equipped specifically "All » (100%) apartments and non-residential premises.

In this case, the following formula applies:

P i = (V i n + V i one x S i / S rev) x T T

V i n- volume (quantity) of thermal energy, determined based on the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the readings of an individual (apartment) meter for the previous year

S i— total area of ​​the i-th room of an apartment building

S about- the total area of ​​​​all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building

T T— tariff (price) for a utility resource (in this case, for thermal energy), established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

V i one- volume (quantity) of thermal energy provided during the billing period for common building needs in an apartment building equipped with a collective (common building) heat metering device.

This volume of heat for general house needs is calculated, in turn, using the following formula:

V i one = V D - ∑ i V i n

V D- the volume of thermal energy consumed in an apartment building for the billing period, determined on the basis of the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the readings of the collective (common building) metering device for the previous year.

The point is that the amount of heat that was consumed by an apartment on average per month last year (according to the apartment meter) is taken and added to it is the portion of last year’s general building heat consumption that goes to that apartment.

The resulting figure is multiplied by the current heating tariff.

In this case, the amount of payment for heating in the i-th residential or non-residential premises of an apartment building is adjusted once a year according to the formula:

P i = P k.p - P n.p. —P n.n. /S vol. x S i

P k.p- the amount of payment for thermal energy consumed over the past year in all premises, determined based on the readings of the collective (common house) metering device and the tariff for thermal energy approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (rub.);

Pn.n— the amount of payment for thermal energy consumed during the billing period in premises not equipped with metering devices, determined based on the standard for thermal energy consumption and the tariff for thermal energy approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

S about- total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building (sq. m);

S i- total area of ​​the i-th room (apartment, non-residential premises) in an apartment building (sq. m);

Pnp- the amount of payment for thermal energy consumed over the past year in an apartment building equipped with a collective (common building) heat meter, with the exception of the volumes (quantities) of thermal energy consumed over the past year in all residential and non-residential premises in the apartment building. This indicator is determined, in turn, by the formula:

V i one = V D - ∑ i V i n

V D- the volume of thermal energy consumed in an apartment building during the billing period, determined on the basis of the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the readings of the collective (common building) metering device for the previous year.

V i — the volume of thermal energy consumption in the i-th residential or non-residential premises, based on the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the meter for the previous year.

Instead of a conclusion

Having read everything written above, we believe that you could not help but ask the question - what next? Okay, the formulas are more or less clear. But how can we find out if we have a collective metering device in our house, and how can we get acquainted with its readings? What heating standards and heat tariffs apply in our region? Where can I get all this?!

These questions are legitimate and we hope that in the foreseeable future we will try to next material give them (and a number of other, no less relevant) answers.

But we hope that this article, which you have already read, will give you the opportunity to at least in general terms begin to navigate the issue. And this is already a big deal. After all, we pay the most for heat from utilities. And it would be good to understand, at least as a first approximation, where the numbers in the “heating” line of our receipts come from.

When payments for housing and communal services arrive, the question often arises as to why heat supply is so expensive. In reality, figuring out how to calculate heating in an apartment is quite difficult. To do this, you need to find out the tariffs from the management company, which are different in different regions. After this, it will become clear whether the accruals were made correctly or not.

Laws on payment for heat energy

First you need to figure out how to calculate the payment for heating according to the standard in accordance with current legislation. There is a legal act on heating in a later edit – No. 354 dated May 6, 2011. There, the calculations of heating fees in high-rise buildings are regulated in detail.

Unlike previous editions, the method of charging money for services received, the forms of agreements for contractual obligations and payment samples have changed. In order to calculate payment for heat, tenants need to contact the management company to find out the type of arrangement of the building in which they live:

  • the presence of a general building meter for the heat supply consumed; it happens that there is none in residential premises;
  • together with general building meters, there are meters in the apartments of the owners;
  • There are no heat meters in the residential building.

After finding out these details, you can move on to finding out how the payment for the heating received is calculated. In addition, in accordance with resolution 354 Heating payments are divided into two types:

  1. For a separate apartment.
  2. For general house needs.

The second type includes heat supply to entrances, attics, etc. In order to calculate the heating fee, you need to find out from the HOA the footage of these areas and the tariffs for maintaining the required degree of heat in them.

Similar information must be printed on those sent to management companies so that the consumer pays after the fact. They must contain two points reflecting the final amount of payment. In practice, the rate of contributions for heating services in common areas is higher than in apartments. But when the total amount is divided across the entire residential building, the payment amount is reduced.

Since heating receipts reflect both residential and uninhabited premises, it is necessary that information about them be included in the signed agreement, for which you need to contact the management organization.

Calculation of payment for central heating

Today there are no uniform standards according to which we pay for heating. Instead, there are only advisory price lists for heat supply for management companies that supply it to multi-storey residential buildings. Payment for heating is dependent on the heat meters installed in the apartments.

In addition, the final amount is influenced by the climate conditions in the area where the property owners live, as well as how worn out the utilities are and how the building is insulated to prevent heat loss.

If the efficiency of the heating system is low, fees for heating services will be higher all year round. In accordance with the current guidelines, heating bills in accordance with the law are calculated in the ways that are given below.

Sometimes it happens that in one residential building there can be several heating risers, so it will be very expensive to install metering devices on all of them. In such cases, it is necessary for heating to be calculated using a common house meter.

Household metering device

When a residential building has a common building meter for heat energy, the accounting department must calculate the heat supply using a special formula. Along with this, the payment procedure is carried out according to several points.

First you need to coordinate the heating of the main area and the specific living space for which the indicators are being calculated. Next you need to do the following:

  • check the indicators of the house meter at the beginning and end of the billing period. The resulting difference will show the heat consumption in a residential building. In this way, the amount for heat supply to residential or non-residential premises is correctly calculated;
  • calculate the ratio of the total footage of the apartment to the total footage of the building;
  • Find out what the management organization's tariff consists of.

The formula for calculating the heating fee is as follows:


Where R– amount of payment, V– meter readings, Tk And Td– footage of the residential premises and building where the owner of the property lives, TO- standard for room heating.

In order to show how to calculate charges for heat supply, let’s take a living space with a size of 33 square meters, which is located in a building of 6000 square meters. The reading on the individual meter was 80 Gcal. Let’s say the heating tariff is 1000 rubles per Gcal. In this case, the final payment should be:

P=80x(33/6000)x1000=440 rubles

In addition, in the absence of energy consumption devices in specific apartments, we pay according to other standards for calculating heating in the apartment. The average standard (W) for apartments consists of indicators - 0.022-0.03 gigocalories per square meter per month. In this case, the charge for heat supply is calculated using the following formula:


Let's say the W indicator is 0.025, then the payment is:

Р=33х0.025х6000=4950 rubles

Managing organizations prefer to calculate, naturally, using their own form of calculation. Therefore, when drawing up contractual obligations, it is recommended to check in which cases the management company uses such methods, although this will be difficult to do, these organizations prefer to hide such data.

Charges for heat supply with communal and personal meters

In the presence of individual counter the task of calculating the amount of payment for heating is simplified. In such a situation, you only need to multiply the indicators of the individual meter by the consumption standard for the heating utility service of the management company.

If there are possible discrepancies in the legislative acts on payment for heat supply, you should concentrate on the tariffs. Differences in prices among different companies that provide heat can be as much as thirty percent. And when calculating using metering devices, high tariff figures for housing and communal services heating will not allow you to get any benefits from installing meters.

In reality, homeowners do not choose management organizations, especially in multi-storey buildings. In this regard, when checking charges for heating services, they use current prices from management companies that are available in.

But when recalculating for heat, it is necessary to take into account the supplied heat for the entire building. It is necessary to calculate the amount of heat energy provided by suppliers. To resolve the issue of how the payment for heating in an apartment is calculated, use the following formula. It will allow you to count Gcal:


Where V– the share of the home owner to pay for home heating, N– consumption standards, S– the total footage that is included in this group, Tk And Td– footage of residential premises and buildings.

The N value is 0.016 gigocalories per square meter. For example, for a communal heating supply with non-residential premises measuring 600 square meters, the cost calculation will be as follows:

V=0.016x600(33/6000)=0.05 Gcal for heating

To reduce this calculated figure according to the current rules, you should install a common tariff heating meter. With it, heating costs in an apartment building will be reduced by 15-30%.

How to reduce heating bills

Rent rates in public utilities are growing quarterly, so the problem of how to reduce costs for thermal energy is quite pressing. This issue is complicated by the nuances of the operation of centralized communications in multi-story buildings.

It should be taken into account that with a centralized energy supply, it is not enough just to insulate the outer walls of the building, replace the windows with double-glazed windows - the total payment amount will be the same, recalculations will not be necessary. Installing individual energy metering devices will help reduce costs. But with such actions, it is possible to encounter other problematic situations:

  • many heating risers in one living space. Today, the price tag for installing metering devices varies from 18 to 25 thousand rubles, and they must be installed on each structure;
  • It is difficult to obtain consent for the installation of metering devices. To do this you need to Management Company issued technical specifications, and then, based on their indications, select a suitable device;
  • For regular payments for heating, you need to check the metering devices according to the established schedule, for which the device is dismantled, checked, and then put back in place. All this also costs money.

But even all these expenses will lead to a reduction in the cost of payments for energy consumption on the meter. If there are several risers in the apartment, you need to install a common house metering device, but with such an installation, the cost reduction will not be so significant.

When calculating payments for heat supply using a general metering device, it is not the indicators of energy receipt that are calculated, but the differences between it and in the return pipeline of the central supply. This is a more transparent way of calculating prices. In addition, when choosing this method, it is possible to improve the heating system according to the following indications:

  • you can regulate energy consumption in the house depending on weather conditions;
  • allows you to achieve the best way calculation of payments. In this case, the indicators are distributed among apartments depending on their square footage, and not the heat received.

In addition, only employees of the management organization can maintain and repair the metering device for the entire house. But residents legally sought the provision of all necessary reports for such a procedure as adjusting heating fees.

In addition to installing a common house meter, you need to install a new mixer, which will regulate the heating temperature of the coolant included in the centralized system.

Payments for the provision of thermal energy in different seasons

The ability to choose payment methods for heating in a certain season is excluded by management companies and heat suppliers. They decide this on their own, without the consent of property owners; a payment frequency coefficient has also been introduced, when they pay for heat supply evenly throughout the year. Sometimes there are exceptions; the payment schedule is agreed upon with the administration of the housing cooperative or HOA.

When choosing a heating fee in summer, there are the following features:

  • It is impossible to verify the correctness of charges for heat energy. When making calculations, the accounting department of the management company uses very complicated and cunning methods;
  • When paying for heating in the summer, owners are charged evenly. At the same time, the price for heating costs has the same indicators in summer and winter. This means that payments for the heating received will be equal in both January and July;
  • you can choose the method of seasonal payments for heat when metering devices are installed, which is why most residents of an apartment building prefer installing communal heat meters.

When comparing price tags for all year round or seasonally it is striking that the costs will be lower with the second method.

Gas and electric heating

At the first opportunity, most property owners want to switch out of the centralized heating system in order to avoid paying for heating in the summer. An alternative choice is autonomous connection of gas and electric boilers.

However, in reality, when similar methods Many problematic situations arise when obtaining thermal energy into apartments. The main one is the consent of the management company to install such units in residential premises. In cases of legal installation, the following situations occur:

  • payments for gas consumption will be collected on general conditions. Before paying for the resources received, you need to install a gas consumption meter;
  • in addition to this, you will have to pay for the heat supply to the common areas in the building; the recalculation of heating in such a case is described above;
  • It is prohibited to connect boiler equipment to a centralized heating system, having turned off the system in advance, as this will cause the house circuit to open.

Recalculation of heating fees in your favor is also possible when installing electric heating in your apartment. When installing it, preferential tariffs are obtained from companies that supply electricity. But this is only possible when there is no gas supply in the house. If it is present, then the price for electricity is charged on general terms.

It is also possible to achieve a recalculation for heating when applying for benefits and subsidies. But doing this is currently very difficult. Even if you provide the entire package of documentation, refusal is possible, and confirming requests to reduce payment amounts will require a lot of time. At the same time, the question of whether it is necessary to pay during the non-heating season is decided by management organizations only in their own favor.

Individual metering devices

Installing individual metering devices in an apartment does not mean that you have to pay only for the heat energy consumed. Some people install heated floors in their homes, which are mounted with common system heating, while others install multi-section batteries. At the same time, they pay the heating bill on a general basis. In such situations, it is beneficial to install an individual heat meter for energy consumption.

If there is a heat meter in the apartment, then the consumer pays only for the heat energy that entered this particular room. After all, the indicators are taken from the pipes that are installed at the inlet and outlet. The difference in the readings will be the amount of energy received that came to this particular room, for which you will have to pay a fee. There is also another advantageous nuance. When water supply is below standards, heating is not calculated at all.

Unauthorized installation of metering devices in residential premises is prohibited. Such work must be carried out by employees of authorized licensed organizations that are permitted to carry out such activities. For installation, it is necessary to draw up a project and approve it, which can cost much more than a meter.

In addition, there are technical problems. If there is horizontal wiring, questions usually do not arise. Meters are placed on the inlet and outlet pipes. But in reality in multi-storey buildings– vertical distribution, that is, risers are present in all rooms. In this case, installing a meter on each pipe is too expensive.

It is possible to install distributors on each battery to calculate energy at the installation site. Then, based on the readings taken, the amount of energy for each unit of indicators is calculated. Then, multiplying this number with the readings of the distributor, the final result will be obtained, according to which payment for heat is made.


However, the presence of distributors will not give the only correct indicator for the heat consumed, because whether it is installed on a small battery, or on many sections, it will determine the same figures. In this case, several sections will provide more heat energy. In addition, to calculate heat supply in this way, it is necessary that the house have a common meter, that 75 percent of the owners have distributors, and that thermostats are installed on the radiators.

When paying for heating with distributors, the question arises - how to check the correctness of the accrual? In order not to calculate the monthly cost, the management company allows preliminary rates at which property owners make payments. The administration of the management company carries out calculations in accordance with meter readings. Heating recalculation and adjustments need to be made twice a year. At the same time, the difference between payments made and actual consumption is calculated, according to which tariffs are reduced or added.

This helps reduce costs for heating services, but only when the water supplied to the apartment is below normal. In other cases it is not beneficial.