Toilet      04.03.2020

Wall decoration with extruded polystyrene foam boards. Wall insulation with polystyrene foam - theory and practical advice Houses made of polystyrene foam panels

Many are familiar with the process of insulating the walls of a built house. For this use different materials. The most commonly used polystyrene boards and mineral wool. These materials are inexpensive, easy to assemble, weigh little, and work very well. Even a beginner can cope with the work of warming.

Expanded polystyrene is a relatively new insulation. It is very popular, has its advantages over other materials and its disadvantages. The advantages of expanded polystyrene tiles include:

  • very light weight;
  • high strength;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • the possibility of processing with a hand tool;
  • the total weight of the wall increases after insulation by only 10-15 kg;
  • the thermal insulation properties of the material are fully preserved when moisture gets on it.

But polystyrene foam plates have their drawbacks:

  • soundproofing properties are almost completely absent;
  • they have a low coefficient of vapor permeability;
  • when the ambient temperature reaches +80˚С and above, the material may begin to break down;
  • expanded polystyrene boards are not resistant to organic solvents;
  • they can only be used for private residential buildings up to 25 m high;
  • Styrofoam may ignite.

Knowing these properties, we can conclude that polystyrene foam boards are suitable for installing home insulation.

More about some features

If we talk about the thermal conductivity of the material, then the foam (as polystyrene tiles are called) is a lot of air bubbles. Each of them is enclosed in a thin shell consisting of polystyrene. The percentage is 2% polystyrene and 98% air. This state of matter can be compared to solid foam, which is an excellent heat insulator. The denser the polystyrene tile, the higher its thermal insulation properties.

Conventional foam has zero vapor permeability. He is able to absorb water up to 4%. Dense material is made by extrusion. Under the influence of moisture, it remains almost dry, since it absorbs very little - 0.4%.

The strength of extruded polystyrene foam is much higher than conventional. The output of ordinary polystyrene tiles is decreasing. The extrusion method gives more quality material, which has excellent moisture-resistant properties and strength.

Expanded polystyrene tiles do not react at all to:

  • soda;
  • soap;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • bitumen;
  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • lime;
  • asphalt emulsions;
  • ground water.

But it dissolves in such substances:

  • turpentine;
  • acetone;
  • drying oil;
  • some varnishes;
  • some petroleum products;
  • alcohols.

Styrofoam does not like very much sun rays. Under ultraviolet irradiation, it simply decomposes.

Styrofoam tiles do not protect from external noise. But fungus and mold cannot live on it. The material is environmentally friendly and harmless to the human body. It withstands frost well without losing its qualities. But at an air temperature above +30˚С, it starts to emit harmful substances: ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, toluene, acetophenone, methyl alcohol. At temperatures above 80˚C, these emissions can be compared with a gas attack. Hydrocyanic acid, phosgene and hydrogen bromide will also be added to them.

At correct operation polystyrene foam, it must be attached to the glue and be sure to cover it with plaster or decorative coating. Under such conditions, its service life is about 30 years. To achieve this, insulation must be carried out without errors.

Typical mistakes when using insulation

Masters often make mistakes that lead to a decrease in the life of the foam. A typical mistake is the use of plates of the wrong size. A thick slab is sure to crack over time and go in waves. Which one can and should be used in each specific case?

To insulate the facade of the building (photo No. 1), it is better to take PSB-S foam plastic. It is a self-extinguishing material. The thickness of the plates should be 5-10 cm. Density - no more than 17 kg / m³. Before buying, you should try to break off a piece with your hand. Are balls visible on the break? This is a packaging material. It is not suitable for insulation. If regular polyhedra are visible, this is good material. Top Producers- This:

  • Polimeri Europa;
  • BASF;
  • Styrochem;
  • Nova Chemicals;
  • Penoplex;
  • TechnoNIKOL.

On the walls you need to fix the material in this way: apply glue to the corners and in the middle of the plate and press it to the surface. Additionally, you can strengthen them with dowels-umbrellas. From above, veneer a layer of insulation with a decorative coating.

This material is also used to insulate the roof (photo No. 2). The slabs are covered from below with a vapor barrier film, from above - with wind and moisture protection. To work on the roof you need:

  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • flooring material;
  • hydro and vapor barrier film;
  • mounting foam;
  • slats with a thickness of 4 cm.

All gaps between insulation boards and rafters are filled mounting foam. Roofing material is laid on top.

Conclusion on the topic

Polystyrene boards have long been used as insulation for houses. They are issued different sizes: 100x50 cm, 100x100 cm, 200x100 cm. The thickness of the plates ranges from 1 to 10 cm. The most popular brands are PSB S-15, PSB S-25 and PSB S-35. Tiles on the walls are attached to the adhesive composition. Glue with a spatula is superimposed on the corners and in the middle of the plate. The material is then pressed against the wall. For strength, you can additionally plant it on special dowels in the form of umbrellas. Glue is usually purchased as a powder mixture. It is diluted with ordinary drinking water. Instructions for using the adhesive are included.

Expanded polystyrene resists some aggressive environments well. These are saline solutions detergents, chlorine water, some acids, ammonia, lime, adhesive paints. Harmful microorganisms like mold, algae do not live on it. It is not eaten by birds and animals. The density of the material can be so high that it is used in the construction of runways at airfields, in the reconstruction of highways.

The material is used in slabs and for floor insulation in an apartment or house. In this case, they do not need to arrange additional waterproofing. The slabs are placed on the subfloor with or without glue. They fit well with pipes and electrical elements floor heating.

What is extruded polystyrene foam? Extruded (extruded) expanded polystyrene is a synthetic material for thermal insulation developed by an American construction company in the 1950s. It is made using foaming technology, polymer compositions are used in the composition. The material is pressed through a special mold and combined into a single piece.

Produced in the form of plates, substrates. It is found on the market as a decorative element. The standard plate size is 600x1200 or 600x2400 mm. Standard sizes set by GOSTs, but many companies change the dimensions, making plates of a different width. A common size is 580 mm. The thickness of the elements varies from 20 mm to 10 cm, depending on the manufacturer.

The material is delivered to retail outlets in packages of several elements. The number of units in one package depends on the thickness of the products. For example, if the thickness of the boards is 5 cm, the package usually contains 8 items. With a thickness of 10 cm, 4 plates are packed.

Additional Information: it is possible to produce expanded polystyrene as floor covering. The modern market offers materials for laminate, parquet, linoleum. Production on the basis of material of decorative elements is possible. They look exactly like plaster.

Like any other material, extruded polystyrene foam has advantages and some disadvantages. Before purchasing and using it is worth familiarizing yourself with them.

Advantages of extruded polystyrene foam:

  • Moisture absorption within 0.2%. This indicator means almost complete water resistance.
  • Minimum thermal conductivity. At a standard temperature of 25 ° C, it is about 0.032 W / m * K. If we compare the conductivity of heat, the following results in terms of indicators: 55 cm of brick is equal to 3 cm of polystyrene foam.
  • Good resistance to deformation. It can be used for laying under the blind area, laying after the foundation.
  • Does not react with inorganic chemicals.
  • Withstands significant temperature fluctuations, the performance does not change at air temperatures from -50 to +75 ° C.
  • According to the documentation, the material can be used for at least half a century. During this time, the characteristics will not change.
  • Environmentally friendly substance. It is used not only as a heater, but, for example, for the production of light disposable plates or other types of cheap dishes. Children's toys are made from it.
  • Has a minimum weight. A small thickness is enough for good insulation.

In addition to numerous positive characteristics, there are some disadvantages:

  • comparison with other types of heaters shows that the price of the material is high;
  • strong flammability. In the process of combustion, harmful substances, black smoke are released;
  • under the influence of infrared rays is destroyed. To maintain performance, it must be hidden from direct sunlight;
  • manufacturers assure that rodents do not start inside the insulation. Indeed, they do not live inside, but often make channels for movement;
  • solvents destroy the structure.

In addition to the above disadvantages, low vapor permeability can be added to them. Sometimes that's a plus, but if it's possible mold. As a result, it appears bad smell in the home, dampness is constantly felt.

Application area

Extruded gray polystyrene foam has a wide range of applications. Mainly used for insulation work. The scope of use is limited only by temperature indicators (not higher than 75 ° C). The material can be laid in damp places, in the ground.

Usually the scope of use is limited only by financial possibilities. The high cost makes it impractical to use in many places. In places where there is no need for high technical characteristics, instead of PPS, reviews about which are also positive are used to save money.

Used for insulation:

  • concrete or wooden;
  • indoors or outside the building. Compatible with any material;
  • . Often concrete rings covered with material for additional protection;
  • the surface of the earth. To prevent destruction of the structure, paint is applied. Even a thin layer will not allow damage to the composition.

In addition to these areas, the material is used in road construction. Included in many refrigeration units as extrusion insulation. Used in agriculture. Expanded polystyrene insulates roofs, underground floors. One of the promising areas is the production of sandwich panels.

Specifications of extruded polystyrene foam

The material has one of the highest technical characteristics on the market for insulation products. Any gas has a much lower thermal conductivity than solids. For air, the indicator is 0.026 W / m * o C. Extruded polystyrene foam is an air mixture of about 90%. It has a thermal conductivity of 0.03 W / m * o C. Almost like air, which means that heat is perfectly retained.

The material is produced with different densities. Manufacturers offer from 25 to 47 kg / m 3. The higher the number, the greater the strength. As density increases, strength increases from 20,000 to 50,000 kg/m 2 .

Water is poorly absorbed by polystyrene foam. In about a month, one tile is able to absorb about 0.4% of its own volume if it is completely immersed in water. Further, the percentage of absorbed fluid does not increase, but stops. Vapor permeability is minimal. It is 0.0128 Mg / (m * h * Pa). Often companies specializing in the execution repair work, propose not to use a vapor barrier, limiting the use of only polystyrene.

The insulation is able to withstand temperatures ranging from -50 to +75 ° C. Its use is possible in almost any climate. Flammability is high, the class varies depending on the addition of additional substances, from G1 to G4.

Some models have a special notch along the edges. Made to increase the density of the boards by insulating the seams. This innovation prevents the formation of layers of cold between the elements, ensuring complete preservation of heat.

Tests have been carried out with expanded polystyrene. Their meaning is repeated freezing, thawing of wet tiles. It was determined empirically that without changing the technical characteristics, the material can withstand 80 cycles. For users, this information is useful: for about so many years the composition can withstand operation.

Additional Information: Compared to polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam wins in terms of heat preservation by about 2 times. Increased strength, reduced thickness. Compared to other heaters, sound transmission is not very high. The lack of ease of installation is compensated. It is completely safe for health.

Material selection rules

Demand for expanded polystyrene is high, increasing annually. In order for the insulation to last as long as possible, to perform all the required functions without failures, it is necessary to make the right purchase. Each manufacturer claims that his product is the best on the market, but this is not always true.

Selection rules:

  • Polystyrene is designated by two numbers. If the marking is below index 28, you should refuse to buy. Checking is required, some brands of the product are not suitable for facade work, they will not cope with the insulation of the house. Choose a material with an index of 40 or higher. The PSB-S-40 brand, a self-extinguishing composition, has proven itself well.
  • Before buying, look at the standards on the basis of which production was carried out. Many manufacturers make plates not in accordance with GOSTs, but with their own specifications. Possibly defective product. Usually the density is reduced, thereby reducing the cost. You should not focus on the number of the brand, be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics.
  • To make sure the product is of high quality, you can break off a small piece from the edge. If small balls are visible at the fracture site, the styrofoam is probably low grade. There must be polyhedrons at the break correct form. The broken piece is flat. The test shows the production method: extrusion performed on professional equipment, or an artisanal way, like a simple foam.
  • Purchase goods from reputable manufacturers. These are Penoplex URSA, Knauf and TechnoNIKOL - Russians. Basf or Novachemicals are foreign.

Do not forget that the production of expanded polystyrene is a complex technological process. Production methods differ among many manufacturers. Some are safe, others can be harmful to human health.

Manufacturer's marks

Each brand of expanded polystyrene manufacturer differs from its competitors in some features. To understand the variety of the proposed choice, it is worth considering the products of each manufacturer in more detail.


Manufacturer from Germany. Production is represented by numerous options for expanded polystyrene.

heaters are used:

  • Knauf Therm Compact. Universal, used for any kind of household thermal insulation. It has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0.032 W / mk, high soundproofing properties. The airborne noise reduction index is 47 dB, impact noise is damped if the figure does not exceed 24 dB. Due to its performance, it is well suited for warming small rooms.

Supplied in slabs 1x0.6 m long. Thickness 5 cm. Water vapor permeability 0.033 mg/mchPa

  • Knauf Therm Roof Light. Density is low, 10–15 kg/m³. used to keep warm roof frames houses. Characteristics: heat conductivity 0.034 W / mk, steam conductivity - 0.035 W / mk.
  • Knauf Therm Wall - for wall insulation. The indicators coincide with previous designs, the increased mechanical strength is different. 60 kPa - an indicator of compressive strength. The choice of plate sizes is wide. Thermal conductivity: 0.033 W / mk, steam conductivity: 0.032 mg / mchPa. G3 - flammability class.

There are models Knauf Therm Flor, suitable for floor insulation, with a low thermal conductivity of 0.03 W / mk and Knauf Therm 5 in 1. The latter stands out for the maximum durability among all models of the company. Withstands up to 17 t/m 2 .

The manufacturer of expanded polystyrene URSA from Russia presents several product options.

Thermal conductivity0.032 W/mK0.032 W/mK0.033 W/mK
Application temperature-50 to +75-50 to +75-50 to +75
Water absorption0.3% of volume in 24 hours0.3% of volume in 24 hours0.3% of volume in 24 hours
Vapor permeability coefficient0.004 mg/MhPa0.004 mg/MhPa0.004 mg/MhPa
Compressive strength25 t/m²25 t/m²50 t/m²

Products differ from other manufacturers in increased strength indicators. The material is indispensable for professional construction. One of the most durable options that can withstand significant loads.


Domestic manufacturer of expanded polystyrene. Has a wide model range. Plates can be used for various options insulation.

There are the following types of products:

  • Penoplex Wall
  • Penoplex Foundation
  • Penoplex Roof
  • Penoplex Comfort
  • Penoplex 45

Considered a leader in the field insulation materials. Every year the volume of products produced has increased rapidly. Now heaters are a little more expensive than competitors on the market. Russian market but the quality of the goods is the highest. It specializes in the production of numerous types of various heaters. Expanded polystyrene is represented by several models.

Features/Model Technoplex Carbon Eco XPS 35-300 prof
Thermal conductivity0.032 W/m0.029 W/m0.028 W/m0.028 W/m
Densityfrom 26 to 35 kg/m³26-32 kg/m³35 kg/m³30 kg/m³
Compressive strength200 kPa250 kPa400 kPa300 kPa
Water absorption0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
fire resistanceG4G4G4G4
Temperature range-50 … +75 °С-50 … +75 °С-50 … +75 °С-50 … +75 °С
Vapor permeability0.01 mg/MhPa0.011 mg/MhPa0.01 mg/MhPa0.01 mg/MhPa


- What is better under the screed - expanded clay or expanded polystyrene?

The thermal conductivity coefficient of expanded clay is on average 0.12, and foam 0.03 W / m * C. Those. almost in order. Thus, to ensure the required thermal insulation of the floors, the kermazite backfill will be much thicker than laying foam sheets and the like. And as a result, the entire construction of expanded clay floors will be much thicker than the construction of foam floors.

- Polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene which is better?

After spending comparative analysis both heaters, we can say the following: polyurethane foam has higher characteristics in terms of sound insulation, moisture resistance, heat resistance. Has more high class fire safety. However, its thermal conductivity is much lower.

Considering that we are talking about the choice of material for insulation, polystyrene foam will be the best. Although, given the experience of users, there is no need to use a material with such high performance as polystyrene. Therefore, preference when buying should be given to polyurethane foam.

Is styrofoam harmful to human health?

No, the material when used. The only thing is that acrid smoke is released during combustion.

What surfaces cannot be insulated with polystyrene foam?

It is impossible to insulate surfaces whose temperature exceeds the specified limits: -50 ... +75 ° С. Another limitation: in wooden houses where good vapor barrier is required, it is undesirable to use the material. Perhaps the formation of mold, fungus between the wall and the insulation. Moist air will not come out of the house. There will be constant high humidity in the room.

What is extruded polystyrene foam? Universal heater. It is considered one of the modern examples of materials of this class. When using it, you must comply with the established temperature standards and other important requirements. If the EPS insulation is done correctly, manufacturers give a guarantee for the service life of polystyrene for at least 50 years.

To provide heat in the house, it is necessary to insulate not only the roof, but also the walls.

There is a wide range of materials for wall insulation on the market.

Walls can be insulated both outside and inside.

When the walls are insulated from the outside, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space is preserved, and insulation technology allows you to provide the building with warm and modern walls.

Before proceeding with the insulation of the walls, it is necessary to determine the method of insulation. Stack or - individual preference. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The features of each method of insulation must be studied at the time of the design of the building.

Warming from the inside

Internal wall insulation is characterized by the following features:

  • the cost of insulation from the inside is less than for external insulation;
  • season and weather do not affect the choice of time for work;
  • there is no need to build additional scaffolding for insulation work.

Negative factors for internal insulation are:

  • a significant reduction in living space;
  • the outer wall is isolated from the heating from the room;
  • the probability of the formation of a fungus inside the wall increases, since the dew point is formed precisely in the inner part of the structure;
  • when the heating is turned off, the walls cool down quickly due to the low inertia of the insulation;
  • the place where the ceiling adjoins the outer wall cannot be equipped with insulation, which leads to the formation of cold bridges.

The method of insulating walls from the outside is more popular despite the fact that the cost of labor and materials for performing work is much higher than the method internal insulation.

Dew point

Warming outside

The advantage of wall insulation from the outside is:

  • during winter and cold weather heat is stored in the wall for a long time;
  • the design area of ​​the premises is preserved;
  • external thermal insulation protects the internal walls from moisture.

In addition, the outer walls are additionally protected from the effects of atmospheric phenomena, which significantly increases the service life of the structure.

The main disadvantages of external thermal insulation of a structure are:

  • limiting the performance of work in accordance with weather conditions;
  • increase in the cost of materials used.

Which side of the wall should be insulated with polystyrene foam

It is advisable to insulate walls with expanded polystyrene from the outside, since the material does not allow air to pass through, which can lead to condensation inside the wall during internal insulation, and inside the room, the material can emit a specific smell.

Advantages and disadvantages of expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene material is porous air-containing raw materials, is used in most cases as a heat-insulating material.

In industry, the material can also be used as an electrical insulating and packaging material.

The material has gained wide application due to its quality indicators:

  • low level of water absorption;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease;
  • biological stability;
  • durability;
  • compressive strength;
  • not affected by temperatures;
  • ease of installation;
  • low material cost.

Comparison of heaters

Despite impressive list positive indicators, expanded polystyrene has disadvantages that must be considered during installation:

  • low sound insulation;
  • instability to solvents and many chemicals;
  • afraid of fire. When burning, it releases harmful toxic substances;
  • poor resistance to ultraviolet;
  • easily susceptible to rodents and insects, which, by making holes in the material, provoke its destruction;
  • low vapor permeability;
  • fragility.

However, the production technology of these materials is different.: expanded polystyrene is produced by extrusion, when the granules melt when combined into a single structure, polystyrene - by gluing the granules with dry steam.


Types of expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is classified according to the method of production of the material and the inclusion of various additives in it:

  • extruded polystyrene foam. Produced by pressing;
  • non-pressed polystyrene foam. Produced by removing moisture by drying, and then foamed at high temperatures;
  • Not much different from non-pressing, an extruder is additionally used in production. The best and best option for wall insulation.

There are other types of expanded polystyrene (extrusive, autoclaved), but they are not used as heaters, because they have different characteristics.

In addition to the types of polystyrene foam, there are also different kinds heaters such as:

Pie wall when using insulation - expanded polystyrene outside

A wall pie is called layers of materials that are stacked in a certain order, each of which performs its own functions to ensure a normal microclimate in the room.

When thermal insulation of brick walls with polystyrene, laid outside, pie wall looks like this:

  • internal plaster;
  • outer wall;
  • adhesive solution for gluing polystyrene foam;
  • insulation (polystyrene foam);
  • adhesive solution for gluing the next layer;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • adhesive composition;
  • primer;
  • finishing plaster.


When arranging a wall using expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to lay the layers in a strict sequence.

Internal and finishing plaster can be replaced by others finishing materials provided by design solutions.

Wall cake "wet"

Issues of vapor barrier and waterproofing

An important requirement in the construction and home improvement is the correct implementation of all work to ensure ventilation and waterproofing, since it is the incorrect installation of these components that significantly reduces the characteristics of the structure.

When insulating walls with polystyrene, waterproofing is not needed.. It should be noted that at high ground water under the building, it is imperative to waterproof the basement and foundation.

Since expanded polystyrene does not allow air and water to pass through, it is not necessary to lay a vapor barrier layer when insulating walls from the outside.

Insulation wall pie for siding

Sealing gaps and preparing the crate

Installation of polystyrene foam on the crate is the most time-consuming process among the insulation options. Most often, the crate is done in case finish coat siding.

Crack sealing

If it is planned to carry out work on the installation of siding on the wall of a house made of beams, then you must first seal the seams with high quality, clean the surface of dust and debris and seal the gaps with sealants, mounting foam or a mixture of sawdust and PVA.

If the wall is concrete, brick or foam blocks, then cracks in such houses are cleaned of sand, treated with a primer, then sealed as follows:

  • if a small gap. The prepared mixture of cement and sand with the addition of PVA closes the gap with a spatula;
  • if the gap is medium in size. At a distance of 20 cm, make holes for dowels. Using screws with washers, pull the metal mesh over the gap and seal it with plaster pressed into the mesh. Next, apply the final layer;
  • P ri big crack. Seal the gap with mounting foam, cut off irregularities and seal with plaster in two layers.

Large cracks can be repaired with anchors:

  • knock down the plaster, close up the splits with mounting foam;
  • install a channel in the opening and fix a reinforcing mesh on it;
  • you can use staples from reinforcing mesh;
  • apply plaster;
  • putty.

Crack sealing

When the wall is prepared for laying insulation, you can mount the crate.

Crate preparation

The crate for siding can be made from metal profile and from wooden beam . In humid climates, it is advisable to install metal rails.

Before proceeding with the installation of the crate, it is necessary to determine the location of the siding:

  • with horizontal siding. The beam or metal profile is installed perpendicularly;
  • with vertical siding. Frame boards or metal profiles are installed in a horizontal position.

The step of the crate is determined by the width of the expanded polystyrene sheet: in width it should fit tightly between the laths of the crate and not form a gap.

The order of work is determined by the steps:

  • treat the wall with special mastic;
  • frame boards are fixed around the entire perimeter of the walls with galvanized screws and plastic dowels;
  • if holes are formed between the beam and the wall, these gaps are sealed with pieces of polystyrene foam by gluing them to the wall.


If the crate is made of wood, the boards must first be treated with antiseptic agents.

The implementation of the crate does not require special skills, but it should be noted that the choice of materials should be made based on climate conditions.

Sheathing for siding

Wooden crate

The technology of wall insulation with polystyrene from the outside

Before proceeding with the insulation of the wall with polystyrene foam, drains should be dismantled, decorative elements, clean and prime the wall. Next, make thermal insulation of ebbs and window slopes.

Now let's talk about the thickness of polystyrene foam.


When insulating walls with extruded polystyrene, sheets are used, the thickness of which is from 80 to 100 mm and more.

You can use more thin sheets 30-40 mm thick if laid in two layers.

Let's start installing the insulation on the walls with our own hands:

  • a profile is installed at the bottom of the wall to hold the expanded polystyrene;
  • an adhesive mixture is applied to the wall over the entire area pointwise and onto the insulation sheet (abundantly on the center and edges of the sheet);
  • tightly attach the sheet for gluing to the wall;
  • fasten the panel with dowels in such a way that the dowel enters the wall by at least 50 mm. The location of the dowels is made in the center of the panel and at the joints. It is recommended to use plastic nails;
  • if gaps are formed (up to 2 cm), then they are sealed with mounting foam if the gaps are larger, then they are first sealed with pieces of insulation, and then foamed. Excess foam is cut off;
  • the heads of plastic nails are cleaned and puttied.

After installing the insulation, a reinforcing mesh is applied to the facade. Grid strips should be cut into corners and slopes and glued with an adhesive with a spatula. An adhesive composition is applied to the grid along the wall so that it penetrates through the grid onto the polystyrene foam by 0.1 cm. If an overlap forms, separate strips of the grid are superimposed on it and glued additionally.

Sectional device

Fixing plates with dowels

Applying mounting adhesive

After complete drying of the surface, it is leveled sandpaper fine granulation.

Useful video

Detailed video instruction on wall insulation with extruded polystyrene foam:

In contact with

Expanded polystyrene has been widely used in construction as a soundproof and heat-insulating material over the past 50 years. Along with excellent technical parameters it is known for its affordability. These and other advantages have contributed to the widespread popularity of expanded polystyrene.

Expanded polystyrene is used for insulation of such structures:

  • balconies;
  • facades of houses;
  • foundations;
  • gender;
  • attics;
  • walls;
  • flat and pitched roofs;
  • attic;
  • garages, etc.

Depending on the mechanical loads that the insulation will encounter during operation, its density is selected. It can be in the range of 15-35 kg/m³. The lower the index, the higher the thermal insulation parameters of the material and the lower its resistance to compression and deformation. Therefore, it is preferable to buy high-density polystyrene foam for the floor, and lower density for the roof and walls.

Benefits of Styrofoam

The favorable price of polystyrene foam is by no means the only advantage of the material. He also has other strengths. The most important of them are:

  • minimum thermal conductivity - in the composition of the material 98% is occupied by air, which is located in closed cells up to 8 mm in size. This design allows for good sound absorption and low heat transfer. Expanded polystyrene with a thickness of only 3 cm surpasses a brick wall with a thickness of 64 cm in terms of heat saving parameters;
  • ease of installation - the material is made in the form of plates, it has a low weight, so it is easy to carry and cut. Its edges can be given the required shape without any problems;
  • high strength - facade expanded polystyrene has excellent resistance to mechanical stress and shrinkage. It successfully endures high loads during the entire period of operation. This expands the scope of the material;
  • moisture resistance - polystyrene foam practically does not absorb moisture, it is ideal for insulating foundations without requiring additional waterproofing;
  • environmental Safety- expanded polystyrene does not emit into environment harmful substances, for this reason, it can be used to make packaging for children's products and food;
  • durability - even after decades, the material will not lose its soundproofing and heat-insulating parameters;
  • biological resistance - the insulation successfully resists the appearance of fungus, mold and other microorganisms.

Features of the use of expanded polystyrene

The material can be used for internal and external wall insulation. The thermal insulation of the facade is more preferable, since in this case the dew point is taken out of the room. Outside, the surface of the insulation is protected with plasters, facing bricks or siding.

Using expanded polystyrene to insulate the foundation will help protect the base of the building from freezing. This prevents the formation of microcracks and increases the life of the building. The material is also used for arranging "warm" floors. It helps to reduce energy losses and increase the comfort of living, reducing noise during their heating.

Expanded polystyrene - universal, popular thermal insulation material. It is used for warming houses - from the basement to the roof, and apartments - from the hallway to the loggia and the outer side of the walls. Here we will consider the external and internal insulation of the facade with polystyrene foam.

To give preference to any one material, to choose the right thickness of the sheets, the number of laying layers, you should know about technical specifications heaters. But in the case of polystyrene foam, it’s worth starting not even with this, but with an explanation of the terminology.

Styrofoam, extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene - the same material?

Looking at several Internet sources, you can consider that all three terms are synonymous and point to the same material. Actually in three names - two materials. This is expanded polystyrene, which in everyday life is often called polystyrene foam.

And extruded polystyrene foam - foam plastic, passed additional stage processing, extrusion.

These materials are similar in some characteristics, because they are made from the same raw material, polystyrene, but there are still differences. You can call them all foam plastic, but you need to clearly understand what kind of material we are talking about.

Comparative characteristics expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam


Expanded polystyrene (foam, PSB)

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS)

Deviation (relative to EPS)

Thermal conductivity W/(m*K)

Hygroscopicity (% by mass)

Water vapor permeability (Mg/(m*h*Pa))

Density (kg/m3)

Flammability class (no dimension)

G2-G4 (depending on the manufacturer)

G1-G4 (depending on the manufacturer)

1st class advantage

Thermal conductivity is an indicator that reflects the ability of a material to transmit heat. The lower it is, the better. According to this indicator, PSB and EPPS do not have significant deviations.

Hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture, in XPS it is lower, this is an advantage.

Vapor permeability is one of the controversial indicators. XPS has a lower vapor permeability, which means that the material passes steam worse, that is, it poorly removes residual moisture from the room. Many are frightened that the walls under the extruded polystyrene foam do not "breathe" or "breathe" worse than under the foam. But in fact for the derivation excess moisture a properly designed ventilation system is more responsible than walls. Through brick walls, for example, only 0.5-3% of all moisture comes out. If they stop coming out through the insulated walls, this will not aggravate the problem with excess moisture.

The density of XPS is noticeably higher - this also speaks in favor of a heater.

Flammability classes - the lower the number, the less the material is combustible. For wall insulation, expanded polystyrene (extruded and non-extruded) is taken only modified, with flame retardants in the composition. Therefore, it cannot be said that one of the two materials burns better or worse: if compared by class, the self-extinguishing ability will be the same, more precisely, equally useful for ensuring fire safety.

For reference: marking of self-extinguishing foam - PSB-S.

What kind of polystyrene foam is better to insulate walls?

Styrofoam is more loose and crumbly than EPS, therefore, if used for insulation, it is better only for outdoor work. The advantages of this approach:

    Saving money. 1 m2 of foam plastic 50 mm thick, density 25 kg/m3 costs about 40 hryvnias, 1 m2 EPPS 50 mm thick, density 32-34 kg/m3 costs about 70-80 hryvnias (as of autumn 2015), that is, almost 2 times more.

    Better Grip adhesive compositions with the surface of the insulation - due to the mentioned friability. With the wrong approach to laying, XPS sheets can fall; with foam, this risk is practically absent.

    The best vapor permeability, which was mentioned above. Controversial advantage. It can be taken into account in the absence of the possibility of establishing ventilation in the room.

Extruded polystyrene foam is chosen instead of polystyrene because of its good density and almost uniform structure: the sheets do not crumble or break. In laboratory conditions, it was proved that its service life is about 50 years. This is indirectly confirmed by studies of control samples of XPS taken from the enclosing structures of a building built in 1976 - the insulation was in excellent condition.

Additional advantages of both materials:

    do not require the use of special equipment to protect the skin, eyes, respiratory organs, because in a calm state they do not emit harmful compounds, do not generate dust, and do not have a sharp, specific smell;

    easily cut into pieces of any shape without the use of special equipment;

    resistant to water, alkali, mineral oil, acid;

    contact with cement, gypsum, adhesive solutions;

    resistant to compression;

    are not of interest as a source of nutrition for living organisms - rodents, fungus, mold. There are cases when colonies of bacteria settled on polystyrene, but for this several factors must coincide: high humidity, poor ventilation, initially infected or poorly treated wall. And rodents can theoretically gnaw on slabs, but they do it not out of interest in the material, but forcedly, gnawing through the exit, for example.

Calculation of the thickness of sheets for insulation of facades with expanded polystyrene

Deciding on the thickness of the sheets is the first thing to do when preparing for insulation. It is important not to buy too thick so as not to spend too much, and very thin, otherwise they will not do the job. Working with projects, specialists take into account the thermal resistance index (it is constant for a certain climate zone) and the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the insulation. By dividing these two indicators, get the thickness of the sheet. There are 4 temperature zones in Ukraine, thermal resistance external walls in them fluctuates within 2.0-2.8 m2*K/W.

For example, the Odessa region belongs to the 2nd temperature zone, the calculated thermal resistance is 2.5 m2*K/W. If we take the thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam 0.03 W / (m * K), it turns out that we need sheets with a thickness of 80 mm, if 0.04 W / (m * K), then 60 mm is enough. If there are no sheets of such sizes, laying goes in two layers.

For internal insulation of buildings, slabs with a thickness of 10-20 or 30-40 mm are preferable, which are laid in one layer - this allows you to insulate without much damage to the living space.

External insulation technology - the main stages of work

External work on facade insulation with polystyrene foam is recommended to be carried out at 5 ° C and above, but not below, always in dry weather.

The step by step process looks like this:

Heat-insulating "pie" in the context:

When warming wooden walls expanded polystyrene technology is different in that for expanded polystyrene plates, it is stuffed onto the walls wooden frame. The insulation is embedded in it, covered with a diffusion membrane on top. decorative trim made of siding, thin plaster or lining.

The technology of internal insulation of walls with expanded polystyrene

In general, the process looks the same as the insulation of brick or panel houses, but to the steps listed above are added:

    Removing the old coating from the walls and their antifungal treatment.

    Tidying up, insulating window slopes.

    Laying in niches behind radiators, on polystyrene plates, foil insulating material - for better heat transfer.

Additional fastening of plates with dowels when internal works not required.

At the finish, after laying the reinforcing mesh, you can not prime the walls for plaster, but cover them with drywall.

It is difficult to call the insulation of the facade and walls from the inside with expanded polystyrene due to the lightness and obedience of the material. Deal with it, if available minimum experience work with adhesive mixtures, different types plaster, hammer, building level, Can. The main thing is to decide on the type of material, the thickness of the sheets, stock up on the right amount of insulation, auxiliary materials, and choose the right time for the work.

Choosing the services of professional installers, you get recommendations based on the experience of successful work, and save time. When choosing a contractor, pay attention to the reviews, then follow the honest formation of the estimate, do not consider it superfluous to find out how the materials are selected and how the whole process will look like. And then, thanks to the insulation, it will really be possible to enjoy a healthy microclimate in the house, and save on heating bills.