Toilet      04/21/2019

Lavatera. growing from seeds. Lavatera perennial - growing from seeds and when to plant in open ground

Planting and caring for annual lavatera is simple, so you can plant it in clay soil, where you add humus and sand. The seeds are not soaked - they can be sown immediately dry in the ground to a depth of no more than 1 cm. If you want Lavatera to bloom earlier, then it is advisable to plant it through seedlings. To make the plant grow more luxuriantly, the bushes are planted in lighted areas, watering once a week as the soil dries. By regularly feeding the plant, you can significantly improve its flowering and promote faster bud formation.

...or seedlings

To quickly get seedlings, you can plant them in a greenhouse or directly into the ground, but cover them with film. This should be done towards the end of April. The soil is prepared in advance - it is mineralized with fertilizers based on phosphates and potassium, humus or urea. Then the soil is lightly watered with warm water, and the seeds are sown to a depth of about 1 cm. The top of the planting is mulched and covered with peat. After 1.5 weeks, the first shoots appear, and already in May the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. It is noteworthy that the annual lavatera, the planting and care of which is so simple, can transform any garden in a short time.


Lavatera self-sows in the fall, so next spring you will be provided with seeds of this bright, beautiful plant. Lavatera blooms for almost a month, after which the formation of the seed capsule begins. The seeds are formed in a green box at the place where the flower dies. They can be collected after the box is completely dry - this means that the seeds are completely ready for collection. If suddenly the seeds turn out to be wet, they should be dried and stored in a paper bag until the next planting.

For bouquets and more

Many gardeners believe that lavatera is a plant for those who do not want to worry too much about the condition of their suburban area. Firstly, it grows on any soil. Secondly, the flowers do not require close attention - it is enough to water them as the soil dries. Thirdly, they can be planted on the sunny side of the site. This beautiful plant can be used to create a single planting or group compositions, especially when there are tall trees or shrubs nearby. A special effect is achieved when combining lavatera with other colors of the same palette - your flowerbed will simply sparkle with bright colors! Floral compositions based on lavatera look very interesting.

Which variety should I choose?

As we have already said, Lavatera is represented by more than 25 varieties that are equally loved by gardeners. With the right choice, plant care will be simple, they will be distinguished by lush and, most importantly, long-lasting flowering. Three varieties are considered the most popular due to their spectacular appearance: Silver Cap, Mont Blanc, and Beauty. The first plants are distinguished by bright pink flowers, the second ones are pure white, and the third ones immediately attract attention with huge inflorescences. The most beautiful, cold-resistant variety is rightfully the “Krasotka” variety, which pleases with its rapid growth, bright and lush flowering. It is better to grow it as seedlings.

Lavatera "Barnsley" is a mixture of colors and bud shapes, when buds of different sizes and shapes appear on one plant. Many people love the Khatma variety, which allows you to grow an entire bush more than a meter high, with powerful roots and branching. The beautiful leaves look like hearts, and the flowers look like funnels, sometimes up to 10 cm in diameter. Another interesting arsthenia is the Thuringian lavatera, which is also called dog rose. It is a perennial plant that can grow up to 2 m tall. The inflorescence resembles a spike, strewn with flowers 5 cm in diameter, white or dark pink.

The “Tanagra” variety allows you to grow low-growing flowers, which are relevant when decorating borders. They grow up to 0.5 m in height with a bud diameter of 5 cm. Traditionally, the plants turn out to be a rich red color. Whatever variety of lavatera you choose, you have a great opportunity to transform the landscape of your suburban area and give it an original and bright look. Lavatera is a truly resilient plant that can withstand frost and is practically unaffected by pests.

Lavatera ( wild Rose, khatma, dog rose) is a plant from the mallow family that has been cultivated by humans since the mid-seventeenth century. In the genus, consisting of 25 species, there are annual and perennial, low-growing and tall specimens, equally loved by gardeners for their decorative flower buds and long flowering period.

The plant looks great in single and group plantings, does not inhibit the growth of neighbors and does not become an aggressive invader of land if its seeds fall into the ground where the parent flower grows. The species was named in honor of the medical brothers who studied botany in their free time.

Description of Lavatera annua

When planted in a well-lit place, the annual lavatera forms a spherical bush, reaching 60-120 cm in height, with a large number of flower buds in different phases of ripening. This ensures continuous flowering of the plant from the moment the first funnel-shaped flowers open until frost. The color of the flowers, the shape of the petals and the nature of their arrangement depend on the variety.

Lavatera varieties

The most common annuals:


    Mature bushes reach 60-70 cm. Blooms profusely, bud color: deep pink, white, red. The lower old leaves are heart-shaped with noticeable smoothed projections along the outer edge. The upper young foliage resembles the shape of common ivy leaves.

    Mont Blanc.

    An adult plant reaches 60 cm in height. The buds are snow-white, funnel-shaped, the foliage is like Lavatera Beauty.

    Silver cap.

    Like other annual lavatera, with good agricultural technology it grows up to 60 cm. The color of the buds is salmon-pink with darker veins of the same color. The foliage is the same as the varieties described above.


    The maximum height of an adult plant is 50 cm. The funnel-shaped buds have a rich red tone.

Of the perennial varieties of lavater, the most popular, blooming until October, is the Thuringian variety - most representatives reach a two-meter height due to peduncles with alternately arranged buds. Hibiscus-shaped white flowers with a pinkish, lilac or cream tint. The petals of the buds are heart-shaped.

Dwarf varieties:


    An early-blooming variety, suitable for keeping in a pot, since with limited space for the root system, the height of the plant does not exceed 20 cm. The buds are pink and large in size.

    Pink beauty.

    The maximum height of the bush is 40 cm. The buds are painted in rich pink colors, the veins typical for the species are darker.

    Bayt Sherub.

    Even when grown in a flower bed, the bushes of the plant do not rise above 35 cm. The flowers are white, funnel-shaped.

How does a flower reproduce?

Annual and perennial lavatera are grown using seeds. The crop is sown in the ground in the spring, after stable warm weather has established. Wanting to achieve early flowering, seeds are sown for seedlings in indoor boxes at the end of February/March. Winter sowing is carried out if spring comes early in the region or if it is possible to add additional light to the seedlings.

The optimal time for planting lavatera in the ground:

  • end of February, March - sowing seeds for seedlings;
  • March-April - sowing seeds in the ground - in warm regions;
  • end of April-May - sowing seeds in the ground and planting seedlings.

Growing lavatera from seeds

They buy seed material in specialized stores or use their own, collected from lavatera bushes already growing on the site. High-quality fan-shaped seeds are light brown or grayish in color and have many transverse grooves.

Site selection and soil preparation

The culture is photophilous. Experienced gardeners place it in areas where future bushes are not obscured by tall nearby neighbors or building walls or fences.

Algorithm for preparing soil in a flower bed:

  1. The site is pre-fertilized with rotted manure.
  2. The earth is dug up with a shovel according to the standard pattern.
  3. Mineral fertilizer from a mixture of fertilizers is evenly distributed over the soil (1 teaspoon each of superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate, nitroammophosphate).
  4. The soil is leveled with a rake.

Planting seeds in open ground

  1. On the ground brought to the state of fluff, grooves are made no deeper than one and a half centimeters.
  2. The distance between the furrows is at least 15 cm (for a dwarf variety) and 30 cm (for other varieties).
  3. The furrows are moistened.
  4. The distance between the planted seeds should not be less than 15 cm (if there is a suspicion of poor seed germination, then sowing can be done more frequently). If the seed has sprouted thickly, the shoots are thinned out.
  5. The seeds are sprinkled with a centimeter layer of softened soil.
  6. The soil is compacted to avoid air pockets above the seeds.

Growing Lavatera seedlings

Seeds are sown in the soil in a closed greenhouse. The soil is poured into separate cups, seedling boxes or special garden cassettes with sufficient volume. The latter option is preferable if one seed is planted in each cassette. Then the sprouted plants will not have to be planted in separate containers after several pairs of leaves appear on the bushes. Thanks to this, each flower will get rid of the need to recover after transshipment. This will save the strength of the seedlings - they will grow stronger and bloom earlier.

Shoots appear in a week and a half if the soil is warmed to 15 degrees. Only the sprouts that have hatched are not watered, but carefully sprayed.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Lavatera care

Basic agrotechnical requirements:

  1. Planting seeds into the soil no deeper than 1 cm.
  2. Providing sufficient light at all stages of plant development.
  3. Timely watering.
  4. Spring fertilization of the soil where the crop will be planted.
  5. Periodic loosening.
  6. Cutting off faded buds (to stimulate the formation of new ones)

With insufficient lighting, the bushes stretch out and lose their ability to withstand gusts of wind. When growing lavatera in a region with frequent strong winds, it is advisable to tie each bush to a stable stake.

Lighting, watering and fertilizing the flower

The culture is light-loving, so it is given a well-lit area in the flowerbed. When sowing seeds in the ground and promptly sprouting, it is necessary to thin out the plants. Tall neighbors are placed so that they do not shade the lavatera. Seedlings planted early should be given extra light, otherwise the bushes will stretch out and become less stable and will not tolerate transplantation well.

Plants at all stages of development require good watering once a week. During dry summers, water once every 2-3 days. If the summer is very hot, and the plants have not yet developed enough and do not shade the soil with branches, then mulching is used to retain moisture in the soil and prevent it from overheating.

To ensure that plants grow strong and bloom well and for a long time:

  • fertilize in the spring mineral fertilizers;
  • perform foliar feeding once a month if the soil is too poor or the summer period passes with big difference between night and day temperatures.

Lavatera diseases

The main disease that sometimes affects this crop (most often perennial varieties) is rust. The disease is recognized by yellow, yellow-brown spots on the underside of the leaves. If the disease spreads slightly, the plant is removed from the affected leaves. In case of severe infection, the entire bush is removed and the plant is burned.

Plants are sometimes attacked by leaf-eating insects, aphids, and pennies. To prevent the bushes from being damaged by pests, a one-time spraying with the chemical is carried out before the buds open.

IN last years the vagaries of nature have become commonplace, so flower growers select suitable specimens for their garden. Lavatera tolerates sudden changes in temperature, violent gusts of wind, as well as dry or humid climates. Representatives of the Malvaceae family are characterized by self-seeding. Once you plant a crop and periodically take care of it, it will settle forever.

View from above

Both annual and perennial varieties were bred. Tall and dwarf (within 50 cm) annuals live up to 3 months. But the permanent inhabitants of the front garden can reach one and a half meters in height. Such a curly bush of lavatera flowers (here in the photo) captivates with its appearance. Varieties with petals of the following shades are popular:

  • white;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • red.

They differ in the type of inflorescences, which can be single or complex. The first buds appear at the turn of May and June. The plant remains in bloom until October. At the same time, it is impossible to approach the flowerbed. She is surrounded by a swarm of insects that collect nectar/honey. Although Lavatera - garden rose, it is also used in folk medicine.

Preparations obtained from lavatera roots have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and enveloping effects.

In addition to this healing effect, culture has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental state. In this regard, khama occupies not the last place in landscape design. You can watch and enjoy for hours:

  • fast-growing and highly branched bush;
  • dark green 3- or 5-lobed leaves with serrated edges;
  • funnel-shaped flowers reaching 5-10 cm in diameter.

A photo of lavatera flowers taken in a flowerbed evokes admiration and delight. Such carpet compositions look unsurpassed in the company of other varieties. Observers are especially struck by the contrasting veins on the petals, emerging from the middle and dissipating towards the edge. The unusual color creates the illusion of a corrugated surface.
A huge number of side shoots are formed on a powerful bush. They are crowned with luxurious bouquets of garden roses. Towards mid-summer, there are so many buds that they completely cover all the greenery.

The older the perennial lavatera is, the darker its foliage becomes. If it becomes lighter and paler with age, it means that the crop needs phosphorus- and fertilizing.

Cultivation taxonomy

There are two known planting methods: seeds and seedlings. In the first case, sowing is carried out immediately in open ground. The optimal period for this is May, when the sun is still low above the horizon, but frosts are not expected. In the second option, grains are sown in the same way, but only in containers and much earlier. In this regard, the question arises when to plant lavatera seedlings. After all, the plant needs time to germinate and get stronger, and then adapt to a new place.

Flower growers practice planting khama in whole families and groups. So, holes are made in a circle. The step is 20-25 cm. In a separate funnel, 5 to 7 seedlings/seeds are placed at once. As a result, voluminous bouquets of dog roses will grow.

Seedling instinct

There are several advantages of growing lavatera in this way. With the help of seedlings it is easier to create original design compositions. Practice shows that not every seed sown in a garden grows. Then you have to urgently fill the resulting “gaps” with other varieties. But in a home environment it is much easier to pay attention to an individual specimen. Moreover, the described propagation technique brings the flowering period closer by one and a half months.

How to calculate when to sow lavatera seedlings? First, the flowering date is determined - June. This means that seedlings should be planted in the front garden a month in advance - in early May. The crop will take 8 weeks to germinate. It turns out – the first days of March.

The first step is to prepare the landing containers. The containers are washed with a solution of potassium permanganate. The soil used is universal soil or peat-based substrates. A drainage layer is formed at the bottom - 5-7 cm of pebbles mixed with sand.
The sowing process is carried out using the following technology:

  1. Make furrows 1-2 cm deep.
  2. Lay out the change separately and spray with water using a spray bottle.
  3. Fill the miniature beds with a layer of 1 cm.
  4. Cover the dishes with a tray, glass or thick film.
  5. Place in a bright and warm place, preferably in the southern part of the house. LED lighting will not be superfluous.

Check the microclimate in the container several times a day. Do not allow condensation to form on the lid. When the first drops appear, remove it for 2-3 minutes.

After 14-21 days, sprouts (5-6 cm) will appear on the soil surface. In this case, it's time to remove the improvised shelter.
Now the housewife must regularly spray, but not water, her indoor vegetable garden moderate doses. The container should be rotated every 3-4 days to provide the sprouts with enough light.

Free spaces

Growing lavatera from seeds is approached very responsibly. When the first 3 full leaves appear, the sprouts are transferred to open ground. There should be no frost by then. The picking system is like this:

  • the soil in the garden bed is fluffed up;
  • make holes at a distance of 20 cm (the width is several times larger than the rhizome);
  • fertilize them with compost;
  • irrigate abundantly;
  • carefully remove the seedling from the container/pot along with the soil;
  • put in a hole and fall asleep, compacting the area a little.

Wild roses take root quickly if you water them every day. As soon as the stems begin to stretch intensively, the procedure is stopped, switching to the normal mode. It is worth considering that the robe cannot withstand overly moist soil, much less stagnant water.
Now all that remains is to weed the area and wage internecine battles with the weeds.

Select a place in the flowerbed that is open and unshaded. Away from walls and tall “neighbors”.

Seeds in open ground

For busy people, the method of growing lavatera from seeds is suitable, when the crop can be planted directly in the garden. This saves time and effort. However, you have to try at the beginning of planting and when seedlings appear. First of all, prepare the area:

  • they dig up the ground;
  • add humus/manure;
  • level the surface using a rake;
  • form beds, deepening them by 1 cm (row spacing is 30 cm);
  • pour water over it (it is recommended to warm the liquid a little);
  • seeds are mixed with sand and sown;
  • sprinkle with a thin layer of fertilized soil;
  • watered by drip;
  • make a shelter out of film.

For tall specimens, the distance is 40 cm. After 7-14 days, leaves will begin to appear. When they grow up and reach a height of 5 cm, the canopy can be accepted. At this moment, it is important to thin out the seedlings, leaving 25 cm between them. After which the young shoots are spudded.
Lavaters also make supports for flowers so that the rapidly growing stems do not break. Some build walls from mesh, others simply fix wooden slats(1 m) 5 cm from the bush.

To ensure effective germination, the furrows are scalded with boiling water. When the ground has cooled a little, sowing begins.

Even the hardiest ones need care

The soil is moistened twice a week if the summer is dry. The amount of water is calculated so that the ground is saturated to 6 cm. The next session is carried out after 1-2 weeks. By then the soil should be completely dry. It is not recommended to spray Lavatera. She successfully survives heat and drought.

In this case, you can alternate water treatments with loosening the area. The earth will not crust over, and the roots will receive the necessary supply of oxygen. Weeds are removed from the site or left to rot in the rows. They weed the flowerbed all the time until the bush rises to 1 meter above the surface. Since the roots are located too close, weeding should be done carefully so as not to damage them. Planting and caring for lavatera includes several more important components.

The optimal temperature at which the flower grows intensively varies between 20-25°C. For the winter, the bushes should be covered with leaves/grass. A wooden plank or bowl is installed under this layer.

Diet of wild rose

Fertilizing is carried out twice during the entire growing season. Before flowering begins, prepare the following solution:

  • 1 tbsp. l. nitrophosphates and;
  • diluted in 10 liters of water (standard bucket);
  • Irrigate the area evenly.

When the garden rose produces buds, the procedure is repeated. Only now the composition is replaced with sodium sulfate and potassium. Minerals are diluted in accordance with the instructions or according to the scheme indicated above.
If you dig up soil with humus, the plant does not need fertilizer before planting and during care. A photo of lavatera flowers shows how they will look after feeding. No changes are visible.


Climatic conditions, air humidity, local flora and fauna influence the flora of the dacha. Despite its resistance, khatma also suffers from some diseases and from the invasion of popular pests. This happens rarely, but it is important to know how to deal with it. Action plan:

You can get to know uninvited guests using photos. Lavatera perennial (planting and care as for annuals) quickly recovers after therapy. At the same time, do not forget to remove dried buds and leaves. Then they will not turn into ovaries. After all, when seeds ripen, the culture devotes all its energy to this process. The bush stops throwing out magnificent buds and fades.

If the gardener wants to control the shape of the wild rose, then it must be pinched. Pruning is also carried out in case of a deficiency of side shoots.

It is worth remembering that under the weight of gorgeous flowers the stems are fragile. perennial varieties often break. Therefore, they are tied to a canopy or attached with special clips to a vertical support.

Lavatera occupies a special place in the collection of every gardener. Her endurance and grace have already won the hearts of millions of owners. summer cottages. All that remains is to allow her to enter the lives of still inexperienced flower growers.

Collecting lavatera seeds - video

There are thousands of ways to decorate your garden. Flower growers are interested in such plants that require minimum costs strength, energy and finances. Plants that are beautiful and do not require special care are welcome.

These are the types that belong to lavatera flowers, that meet all the requirements can be either annual or perennial crops.

With these beautiful flowers You can monotonously landscape areas, and also use them as group cultivations along with other flowers and green crops.

These wonderful flowers can ideally decorate not only a flowerbed on personal plot, but also balconies with loggias. If to growing lavatera flower If you approach it with complete seriousness and responsibility, you can grow it in your room without any problems.

Description and features of lavater

Lavatera garden rose flower belongs to the malt varieties. For the first time, doctors named Lavatera described all the charm and beauty of this plant.

This surname belonged to two doctor brothers who, in addition to practicing traditional medicine, loved to explore and study representatives of the diverse flora of the whole earth. They also practiced traditional medicine, in particular they studied medicinal properties some plants.

It was these two brothers who first discovered this wonderful flower in Europe, near Zurich. A little later, the same flowers were discovered on the territory North America and in Australia.

After these events, breeders worked a little on Lavatera. Thanks to their work, the flower was divided into two types - perennial and annual.

Currently, perennial lavatory plants are very popular, since in the first year they grow a powerful root system that goes 1-1.5 meters deep.

This property helps the flower to easily endure the most severe tests in difficult climatic conditions. The appearance of the first flower shoots is observed within a minimally short time after the snow melts.

Lavatera begins to bloom as soon as the soil temperature rises above 10-15 degrees. So Lavatera flowers perennial delight with their beauty before the onset of frost. People also call this plant “Dog rose”, wild rose or khatma. Plant varieties are distinguished by the color of the buds and size.

Another variety of this plant is annual flowers of lavatera. This type of flower, like the previous one, can grow in height from 50 to 150 cm, has not only a strong root system, but also branches with a crown.

Mostly the leaves of Lavater are spade, with hairs on the surface. The flowers of the plant are rather large, reaching up to 10 cm in diameter. Their buds, both single and paired, create spikelet or racemose inflorescences.

The colors are dominated by pink tones. They also come in crimson, yellow, purple and white. All the charm and beauty can be seen on Lavatera photo of flowers. In real life, the colors are even brighter and the flowers more beautiful.

They also love lavatera because it has a long flowering period - it begins in early summer and ends in mid-autumn. Cut flowers retain all their charm and beauty for a week, or even more.

All excellence of this flower in that it is not picky, resistant to drought, strong winds, and not picky about the quality of the soil. Flower growers jokingly call Lavatera a flower for lazy people who have little extra time.

This is indeed true. For those people who dream of beauty in their personal plot, but do not have free time for all this, Lavatera comes to the rescue, which with its generous flowering will delight everyone around until the first frost, without requiring much effort on their part.

Planting, propagation and care of lavatera

Planting a lavatera flower It is advisable to plan after spring frosts. In warm regions this occurs at the end of April. In cooler regions, the time is delayed a month later.

In order for the flower to quickly grow, feel good and develop, it is advisable to find a warm, well-lit place for it. The soil should be loose and light. Preliminary fertilization of the soil with rotted manure is welcome. Tall lavatera need support for their stems.

The most in a simple way Growing this plant is considered to be planting using seeds. When to plant lavatera flowers? For this the most favorable time end of spring. Seeds are sown in the ground and watered with warm water.

If the soil has become compacted over the winter, it must be loosened. It is advisable to thin out plant sprouts that have sprouted too densely. The distance between them should not be less than 15 cm.

If you wish, you can get early lavateru flowers in a flowerbed. This can be done using seedlings. To do this, seeds must be sown in the soil of the container or greenhouse to a depth of approximately 1 cm.

In just a week, their first shoots will be visible. In May, seedlings can be taken out and planted in open ground. The distance between flowers should be at least 20 cm and between their rows at least 25 cm.

Collect lavatera flower seeds at the beginning of autumn. Already after dry brown boxes appeared in place of the inflorescences. In frequent cases, these boxes open on their own, and spontaneous propagation of lavatera occurs, which makes the work of flower growers easier.

During the period when the flower begins to delight with its inflorescence, it needs to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. This makes it even more beautiful and stronger. The flower is frost-resistant and can tolerate temperatures of -3 without problems.

It is important to know one thing - if a flower does not have enough lighting, it stretches and it is difficult for it to withstand the wind. The flower needs constant watering; one or two waterings per week will be enough.

You can loosen the soil around the flower until it reaches a height of 1 m. After this, there is a high risk of damaging its overgrown root system.The best option for the good development of lavatera is to remove its faded flowers or those that have deteriorated due to rain.

If they are left on the plant, they can turn into an unpleasant slimy mass, which, in addition to looking quite ugly and untidy, can also cause a burn on the flower. As seen, growing lavatera flower do not require any additional costs or effort. Everything is simple and without much hassle.

Types and varieties of lavatera

If you choose the right type and variety of lavatera, you can greatly facilitate subsequent care for them. Florists use three types of this flower:

Lavatera annual can reach up to 120 cm in height. Her entire bush is buried in bright flowers, which brings a constant feeling of celebration. You can admire this beauty from mid-summer until the first frost. The most popular varieties of this species:

    Pink Beauty have bright pink buds.

    Ruby Queen has carmine-colored flowers.

    Sun goddess, this variety has a wide palette.

Lavatera perennial is divided into the following varieties:

    Lilac Lady with orange flower colors.

    Bregon Springs has pink buds.

    Burgundy Vine is decorated with pink flowers.

    IKatcher also blooms pink.

Two year old lavatera can grow up to 2 meters.

Its varieties:

    Candy Floss is crowned with light pink flowers.

    Rosea has flowers in salmon tones.

Three more species of this plant are grown in warmer regions. beautiful flower:

    Primorsky lavatera, it has flowers of lilac colors.

    Cretan with purple or lilac flowers and stems with fluff.

    Mauritanian also has a pubescent stem and purple flowers.

Diseases and pests of Lavatera

The big advantage of lavatera is that it is less susceptible to disease. Protracted high humidity is fraught with the appearance of rust for the plant. Under the influence of this fungus, the plant begins to hurt.

It is quite easy to recognize it. In this case, usually the underside of the leaf is covered with pads. They have different area and yellow or orange.

How does rust appear on leaves?

When the pads crack, fungal spores come out and move to the rest of the flower. As a result, the flower’s photosynthesis process is disrupted and the plant’s moisture evaporates intensely, which leads to the leaves drying out and falling off.

Early stage the disease can be overcome without much effort. There are sheets for this. Those damaged by the disease must be picked and burned, and the flower itself must be treated with fungicides containing copper.

“Topaz” or “Hom” copes with this task perfectly. After treatment, you need to monitor the condition of the plant. If these measures do not help, it is better to completely remove it from the site in order to avoid infecting other plants. It is best to burn the flower.

Aphids appearing on garden plot, will definitely affect Lavatera. The aphids are washed off with a solution of water and laundry soap. There are excellent remedies for this pest: Biotlin, Aktara, Actellik, Akarin.

It is enough to treat the entire plant with preparations. You can also get rid of pennies on a flower using this method. It is advisable to process before the flowers appear.

This plant is beautiful not only for its external characteristics, but also healing properties. There are many medications that contain Lavatera that treat coughs, colds, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, problems with joints and muscles, and gynecological ailments.

In folk medicine, fresh leaves of the plant are valued. They do an excellent job of healing wounds, boils, lichens and ulcers. You can combine it and grow it on your own plot beautiful flower and an excellent doctor rolled into one called garden flower Lavatera.

The melodious romantic name “Lavatera” actually means the surname Lavater (Lavater). It was worn by a family of wonderful doctors who lived in Zurich in the 18th century. They were respected by the well-known naturalist and biologist Carl Linnaeus. He came up with the idea of ​​giving this name to the flower to immortalize the Lavatera family. Linnaeus was also not ignored - one of the species of this wonderful plant was called “Lavatera or Mallow Linnaeus”. The flower is more familiar to people as khatma or dog rose. By the way, the name of the dog rose is known to everyone rose hip, with which Lavatera has absolutely nothing in common. Photo: Lavatera - flower after the rain

ANNUAL LAVATERA - Lavatera trimestris

It is difficult to say how popular lavatera is among gardeners and flower growers; some are delighted with it, while others avoid it. The fact is that there are two main types of lavatera, annual And perennial . Although they bear the same name, they have significant differences. A one-year-old (often called three-month-old) can be safely called a beauty. It grows in lush bushes up to 1.2 meters high. Its flowers are single, quite large, up to 10 cm in diameter, “sit” in the axils of the leaves and externally resemble gramophones. The corolla consists of five petals with a clearly visible middle, which contains a fluffy pistil and many stamens. To some, the annual lavatera flower vaguely resembles a hibiscus, only in a smaller version and with a shorter pistil. The color of its petals can be white, red, lilac and all shades of pink. The annual lavatera blooms very luxuriantly, which is why it looks unusually impressive. Its leaves are also pretty, deep green, the bottom ones look like hearts, the top ones look like sharp triangles. This beauty pleases its owners with a lush, bright carpet from the beginning of June until the first frost. How can you not love her? Photo: Lavatera annual - three months

The annual lavatera, or “three-month old,” boasts an abundance of varieties. The most popular in Russia:
- "Mont Blanc" - stretches up to 1 meter in height, densely strewn with white flowers;
- “Silver Cap” - a low variety with pink and carmine-colored petals with darker, clearly visible veins, bush height up to 70 cm;
- “Pink Beauty” - the name itself says that these lavater petals have deep pink shades;
- “Tanagra” - bushes up to 50 cm tall, deep red petals;
- “Barnsley” - on one bush there can be a lot of buds of different degrees of openness, which creates the illusion of roses;
- “Parade” - grows up to 90 cm in height, flower petals are white, red and all shades of pink;
- "Twins Hot Pink" - low-growing variety, bushes up to only 40 cm high, the corolla petals are deep pink. Very spectacular flowers, ideal for borders;
- “Pretty Woman” - bushes up to 60 cm tall, petals of pink shades;
- “Novella” is one of the shortest varieties, the height of the bushes barely reaches 20 cm, the flowers, however, are large and pink in color;
- “White Sherub” is also a low-growing variety, the height of the bushes is up to 35 cm, the flowers are white.

PERENNIAL LAVATERA - Lavatera thuringiaca

Lavatera is a more modest perennial plant, with an appearance more reminiscent of mallow, to which it belongs. It is she who is known as the dog rose or Thuringian hut. Perennial lavatera can reach a height of up to 3 meters. Her flowers are not single, but collected in loose clusters. The diameter of the corolla is smaller than that of annual lavatera; in some varieties it barely reaches 1.5 cm. The color of the petals ranges from white to deep pink or purple. The perennial Lavatera is not as spectacular as its one-year-old “sister,” but it helps its owners cope with ailments. Decoctions are prepared from its roots to treat coughs, headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, stomach pain, rheumatism, colds, and scrofula. Lavatera perennial flowers are also used to treat stomach pain, and the leaves help with abscesses, rheumatism, boils, and abscesses. The medicine is prepared very simply - the leaf is torn off, washed well under running water, crushed and applied to the diseased area of ​​​​the body, and wrapped on top with cellophane and something warm. It turns out to be a kind of compress. Dry lavatera leaves can be crushed and mixed with oil. You will get a healing ointment. So it is in vain that some gardeners do not pay due attention to this flower.

Photo: Lavatera perennial - Thuringian "Barnsley Baby", landing in a container

Perennial lavatera is also favored by breeders. The Thuringian hutma is most often grown in Russia. The most popular varieties of perennial beauty:
- “Lilak Lady” - flowers of lilac shades;
- “Ai Catcher” - a plant with pink flowers;
- “Barnsley Baby” - the flowers are very delicate, barely pink;
- “Mystic Merlin” - up to 1.8 meters high, flower petals from purple to violet, a very spectacular variety.

LAVATERA TWO-YEAR - Lavatera arborea

Rarely, but in our gardens you can find two-year Lavatera, or tree-like. Its natural region of “residence” is the Mediterranean and the Macaronesian islands (Canaries, Madeira, Azores). This plant is quite powerful, which is why it got its name. The lower leaves of biennial lavatera can reach 22 cm in length. The stem stretches up to 3 meters, the flowers grow in bunches of 2-7 in one, sometimes singly. Their diameter is small, up to about 5 cm. The color of the petals is purple, pink, violet. The most famous varieties:
- “Candy Floss” - the petals of the corolla are soft pink;
- “Rosea” - flowers of a spectacular salmon hue;
- “Lavatera Linnaeus” (“Malva Linnaeus”) is a biennial, and in northern latitudes an annual. The plant is up to 3 meters tall, the flowers are solitary, located along the entire stem, the diameter of the corolla is 3-3.5 cm, the color of the petals is pink and lilac.
In its homeland, the flowering time of tree-like lavatera is April-June, but breeders have developed varieties that delight with lush flowers until September.

Photo ( Lavatera arborescens "Variegata" at the San Francisco Arboretum. Frost hardiness zone 5, grows up to 1.8 meters in height.



Each type of lavatera has its own flavor. But both annual, perennial, and tree-like varieties have a unique quality for flowers - absolute unpretentiousness and unpretentiousness. Lavatera is almost the only garden flower that suits any conditions. All she needs is soil, air and a little moisture. You can plant it as a border, in the center of a flower bed, around bushes and trees, along the walls of buildings, near fences, where other flowers have a hard time, anywhere. Lavatera will grow and bloom in any light, on any soil. It doesn’t matter if the owner was away for a long time or simply forgot to water it, plus, didn’t bother to fertilize it. Both the modest and the beautiful Lavatera will endure everything, forgive everything, and will also grow and bloom, producing seeds and waiting for attention. Nevertheless, like any living creature, lavatera enjoys care, to which it responds with more magnificent and long-lasting flowering. Caring for it is incredibly simple. Although the flower is not capricious about light, it feels more comfortable in sunny or slightly shaded areas. He also does not like any kind of soil, only light, loose, rich in organic matter and well-drained. The plant also needs watering, at least once a week. Here, in principle, are all the difficulties of care. Lavatera owners don’t even have to deal with pest control, since this flower has practically none. The only thing that can sometimes happen to it is the attack of caterpillars and rust. They get rid of pests by spraying the flower bed with an appropriate preparation. If the plant is affected by rust by more than 40-50%, it is removed from the flowerbed. It is not recommended to re-sow lavatera in an area where rust has been noticed.

How can you “pamper” your garden beauty? Firstly, feeding. Mineral mixtures are suitable for this, but the flower will not refuse organic matter. The best time to feed plants is in spring and summer, when seeds begin to form. Also, caring owners should monitor weeds. Here you need to take into account that the roots of the lavatera are located close to the surface, so weeds need to be removed with caution, and there is no need to loosen the soil near the flower bushes. And last small nuance care - it is advisable to pick fading flowers from lavatera. This is done to improve appearance flower beds and to extend flowering periods.

Planting lavatera. Growing from seeds

Are you already dreaming of having a clever lavatera in your garden? Nothing could be simpler. It reproduces well by seeds, which are freely sold in flower shops. Lavatera is sown before winter or in spring, as soon as the snow has melted and the soil has moved away from frost a little. The seeds of this flower are large enough to be placed in the ground carefully, maintaining the required distances. Most often, gardeners make shallow but wide holes at a distance of 30-40 cm. 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole, approximately 15 cm apart. With this method, the bushes turn out to be especially lush and beautiful. In general, the distance between seeds depends on the variety. For dwarf lavater this is only 7-10 cm, and for large-growing varieties, especially tree-like and perennials, the minimum distance between plants should be 40 cm.

In order for the lavatera to bloom earlier, it is planted with seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown around the end of March in boxes or in special plastic cells. You can keep them indoors on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. After about 10 days, sprouts hatch from the seeds and quickly begin to gain strength. The timing of planting in open ground is different in each region. This can be done when the air temperature is stable at +7 and above not only during the day, but also at night.

Photo (Udo Schröter, Lavatera perennial - Chatma Thuringianensis - Dog rose

Planting perennial lavatera

Perennial lavatera are also propagated by rhizomes. They are sold in flower shops in special packages with peat. Flower growers will only have to bother with planting lavatera for the first time. In the future, the smart plant saves its owners from this as well, since it reproduces well without outside help by self-seeding.

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